Alfa Future People: everything you need to know about the most fashionable electronic music festival in Russia. You will return completely different Afp venue

We are all very different, but we are happy when we are together.
Music makes us free, fearless, and inspires us to dream.
Your dream, your summer, your freedom, your music, your road to the future.
Alfa Future People. You will come back completely different!

Where to live?

  • Recreation area Alpha
  • Recreation area Beta
  • Recreation area Gamma
  • Motorhome
  • Hotels

A package of services with access to the Alpha recreation area gives the right to a place for a tent in a fenced and guarded area with infrastructure. The Alpha recreation area is located as close as possible to the entrance to the festival.

The recreation area is equipped with toilets and food and drink outlets. Also in the Alpha recreation area you will be able to use showers with hot water for free. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the Alpha recreation area.

One package of services gives you the right to set up your own tent with a size of no more than 4.5 x 3 m and a capacity of no more than 4 people. The bearer of the service coupon receives bracelets to enter the recreation area in accordance with the number of seats in his tent.

2 guest visits are possible to the Alpha recreation area. To receive wristbands for guests, the bearer of the coupon for the accommodation service in the recreation area must go to the reception.

Entrance service to the territory

If you arrive by car, you will need to purchase a package with access to the festival site.

Since our event is outdoors, we recommend bringing mosquito repellent with you.

Consider protection from unexpected rain - rubber boots, umbrellas, raincoats, etc. But let's hope that all this is not required.

Vice versa tip: if you don’t plan to stay in a tent or hotel room during the day, take sunscreen with SPF

Our festival is more of a hike than a club party, so choose the look accordingly. Designer items or expensive jewelry are best left at home

Are you 100% sure that you are going to the festival? Then buy your train tickets in advance.

Try to find travel companions in advance who will go to the festival from your city. This can be done in AFP groups on social networks.

Many music lovers are eagerly waiting and asking: where will the 2018 AFP be held? Naturally, guests are interested in the question of cost entrance tickets and the composition of the performance participants.

We will try to answer the questions that have arisen in a detailed form, and also consider options for accommodation and travel to the venue of the music festival. But first, a little history. Let's remember how the previous event took place.

The festival of electronic music and technology has already been held four times. Last time in 2017 from July 7 to 9. The venue was an airfield on the banks of the Volga, not far from Nizhny Novgorod: Bolshoye Kozino.

Rainy weather and other natural disasters could not spoil the festive mood of the performers and guests of the musical event. 130 performers performed on five stages, and the audience was entertained by DJs from the world's top twenty. The show was enjoyed by 50 thousand visitors from 20 countries.

Apparently, listening to musical works, the listeners had a serious appetite. Then how to explain that the guests and participants “swallowed” 12 tons of food and drank more than 60 thousand tons of different drinks. One can only imagine how much the amount of drinking would increase in good weather?

Remembering the bright moments of the previous musical event, we are mentally preparing for the new, fifth holiday, which should take place in Nizhny Novgorod. The festival is expected to open immediately after the World Football Championship matches.

Festival location in 2018

Question: Where will the fifth Alfa Future People be held in 2018? Most likely, the venue for the music show will be Nizhny Novgorod. More precisely, Bolshoye Kozino. The event is scheduled for July 20th.

This is due to the successful holding of the holiday in 2017 and a number of issues related to the accommodation and accommodation of participants. Last year's experience showed that the organizers, in principle, coped with the task.

Entrance fees

On last festival guests had to pay an amount from 5.5 to 18 thousand rubles. It is still difficult to say a clearly established rate for 2018. After all, there are still almost 11 months until the new musical event. As practice has shown, it will be necessary to worry about tickets in advance.

And also think about where to stay on the days of the music show. After all, approximately more than 50 thousand people can attend the next musical event!

Guest accommodation: where to stay

It is not easy to accommodate such a mass of people. You can find your temporary shelter on the territory of Alpha Camping. Just like last year. It is proposed to allocate a separate zone for open air for visitors in the Caravan tent hotel. This:

  1. Fully equipped tents.
  2. 24-hour reception for arriving participants and guests.
  3. Luggage storage for personal belongings.
  4. Washbasins and showers with hot water supply.

If you choose a hotel or hostel in Nizhny Novgorod, then you can get to the venue of the musical event by train. Transfer to AFP is provided.

Organized trips are available to attend events from many major cities Russia. Follow information on social networks and city news, and also take an interest in the material on the official festival website.

Who will entertain the guests?

Like last year, much will depend on the desires of our active listeners. We are talking about discussing desirable performers on social networks.

It is expected that the previous performers will perform and serve the festival of electronic music and technology:

  • Arabmuzic.
  • A-Track.
  • Mike Skinner & Murkage Presents Tonga.

Other performers may perform. World stars are expected to perform:

  1. Apashe.
  2. Borgore.
  3. Gunz for Hire.
  4. GUS GUS.

Expected arrival:

  • Tchami;
  • GusGus Live;

Viktor Strogonov promises to give unforgettable moments and experience amazing emotions with him.

Traditionally, various sporting events are expected to be held for visitors. There are recreation areas with all kinds of attractions and fun.


We recommend that music gourmets and connoisseurs of modern rock purchase tickets in advance. For the 2018 Alpha Future People celebration, tickets will cost no less than last year.

But that's not the main thing. The important thing is that they can sell out like hotcakes!

Stay tuned for upcoming information! See you at the festival of rock and new technologies!

Look video Alfa Future People 2017:

For a person!

Alfa Future People or Alpha Future People or simply AFP- a music and technology festival taking place near the village of Bolshoye Kozino, Balakhninsky district, on the territory of a former airfield. The main organizer of the event is the Alpha group of companies, which determined the name of the festival.

The festival is attended by world-famous stars such as Paul Oakenfold, Deadmau5, Paul van Dyk, Steve Angello, the Knife Party project, Sander van Doorn, Fedde Le Grand, Nero, Infected Mushroom, Borgore, Netsky, as well as Russian DJs: Arty, Swanky Tunes, Matisse&Sadko, Bobina and DJ Smash.

In 2018, the festival will be held at the same location in August.

Future technologies

The festival has an exposition where the latest modern technology is demonstrated: incredible scooters, non-standard technological fashion, “manual” robots and amazing cars, as well as interactive attractions and an exhibition of gadgets and much more!


Alpha Future is held off the banks of the Volga, on the territory of floodplain meadows near the former Bolshoye Kozino airfield. total area festival - over 50 hectares.

What awaits guests at the festival:

  • Scenes with the best DJs
  • Technology Zone
  • Sports area
  • Parking
  • Campings
  • Food courts
  • Souvenir products
  • Luggage storage/lockers

Time spending

Time: warm season - summer.

The dates for Alfa Future are set by the festival organizers for each year.

Camping accommodation

During the festival, camping is organized nearby.

For a small fee you can set up your own or rented tent in the campground. On the territory you can use showers, toilets, and food outlets. It is prohibited to use open fire on the territory of the town, including barbecues and gas stoves.

Criticism of the festival

Local residents and Nizhny Novgorod residents criticize AFP for mountains of garbage, constant traffic jams and noise, and a breeding ground for alcoholism and drug addiction. However, the organizers of Alfa Future will strive to minimize all inconveniences and consequences for local residents.

Where can I buy tickets for AFP?

Tickets for Alfa Future can be purchased on the festival website

How to drive Alfa Future?

During the days of Alpha Future, a lot of people come to the festival, so we ask you to be patient and understand possible inconveniences such as traffic jams and crowds of people in transport.

By public transport

The most convenient way to get to the festival site is by train Zavolzhsky direction from the central station of Nizhny Novgorod to Kozino station. On the days of the event, the Volga-Vyatka Suburban Company assigns additional trains to Art. Kozino.

By personal car

Festival organizers and local authorities recommend visiting AFP public transport: due to the abundance of cars around the village and on adjacent highways, many kilometers of traffic jams form despite traffic restrictions and paid entry of cars into the territory of the village.

This weekend the fourth AFP festival took place. The most peripheral of the large ones, the largest of the Russian ones, the loudest in Europe (according to the results of several international awards). Every year it attracts tens of thousands of people, millions of photos and videos fly online in two days, so even those who have never been to AFP have an idea about it. Therefore, this time the editors of the portal site, which regularly attends the fest, decided to dispel the most common myths about Alfa Future People. Perhaps it is malicious prejudice that is preventing someone from going to AFP next year?

There's only electronic music

Overall, yes, this is a festival of the world's best DJs. This year's headliners included Hardwell, Oliver Heldens, Don Diablo, Dyro, NERVO and more. But if we compare it with the first years, there is now a tendency to diversify the musical menu. It’s not for nothing that this year’s festival had five stages; at the Casa Musica venue one could hear a more “live” sound. The organizers even admitted that they would not mind seeing both Coldplay and Adele at the festival (however, they made a reservation that the ticket price may change).

In general, now AFP is not even entirely about music. If other initially music festivals introduce additional activities into the program, it is only so that there is something to do before the start of the main action. Here the technology platform begins to attract attention; this time TED lectures from especially valuable speakers attracted up to 400 listeners.

The sports side of the festival is represented by not the most banal activities; here you can try SUP surfing, ems simulators, power acrobatics on the pole and aerial platforms, as well as play streetball, baseball, and football. The last sport at the festival was commentated by Viktor Gusev, which caused considerable excitement. The festival strives to become attractive to those who do not like loud music. The organizers are confident that next year people will come who will find the daytime program more interesting than the nighttime program. AFP is gradually turning into a lifestyle festival.

AFP is a wild field

Where there is no civilization, everyone lives in tents, in general, they enjoy all the paraphernalia of a bard festival in the outback of Russia. If you think so, then you are not thinking about AFP.

The festival takes place on the site of a former airfield, the territory of which borders on the village of Bolshoye Kozino, so for access there is an asphalt road leading to the campsite itself.

The AFP infrastructure would be amazing if anyone noticed it, but we get used to good things so quickly that we consider this state of affairs to be proper. Everywhere, absolutely everywhere, you can pay with a card or an entrance bracelet (in fact, this is the only way to pay; cash is not used on the field). Two main technology partners, Alfa-Bank and Beeline, took care of this, setting up a contactless payment system at the first festival, when it seemed like a curiosity.

Communication in this “wild field” is also excellent. 4G Internet and wi-fi on all 400 square meters of the festival - Beeline once again broke the record and created the largest coverage area in the open air.

The infrastructure is well thought out; the organizers understand that even the biggest festival consists of little things. Therefore, there are enough food trucks so that there are no queues, you don’t have to look for a long time for a toilet, a shower is a lifesaver not only in the heat, but also in a dirty summer is not superfluous, as practice has shown.

This is a festival for young people

No, this is a festival of progressive people leading an active lifestyle. For a minute, the beginning of the heyday of electronic music was found by those who are now out of frenzied age, but do not mind plunging into the atmosphere of a rave. True, if at the last festival there were enough people of the conventional age “40+/-”, this year there were noticeably fewer, apparently they preferred home acoustic systems to mud baths.

There will be a lot of people there who are drunk or high on other substances.

This is what parents will say, arguing for a ban on a teenage child going to the festival. We won’t say “no, no, everyone is purely positive,” because we will be lying. There will always be isolated cases at a festival of 50,000 people. But these are really just a few; dancing under doping is not a mass phenomenon, as it was at the raves of the 90s or in the glamorous clubs of the 2000s. Still a concept modern holiday has changed. Millennials are the people who make up the majority at the festival and are interested in their health (this can be seen from the demand for innovative medicine stands in the technology zone) and sports (the number of sports activities is growing every year). So next year, you can send your adventurous electronic music lover to this festival with a pure heart.

Text, photo: A. Fedorova
IA "". When using the material, a hyperlink is required.

ALFA FUTURE PEOPLE is a festival of electronic music and technology, which will be held for the 6th time with the support of Alfa-Bank.

  • Where and when will the Alfa Future People festival take place in 2019?

    This year the festival will take place on August 16-18 near the village. B. Kozino, Nizhny Novgorod region. On the website in the "About the festival" section there is detailed description and directions.

  • What can guests expect at the festival?

    • best djs
    • 6 scenes
    • lecture hall
    • sports area
    • recreation areas
    • food courts
    • souvenir products
    • storage rooms/lockers
    • campings
  • Please tell us about the Standard Light ticket

    A Standard Light ticket is a ticket that is valid for all days of the festival with any number of entrances and exits from the territory from 12.00 on August 17, 2019. The price is expected to increase as we get closer to the festival dates.

  • How to purchase a ticket to the festival?

    On the official website of the festival you need to click on the “Buy a ticket” button and select the appropriate service package

  • What package categories are there?

    • Standard Light
    • Standard
    • Package with access to the festival site
    • Package with the possibility of accommodation in the Alpha recreation area
    • Package with the possibility of accommodation in the Beta recreation area
    • Package with the possibility of accommodation in the Gamma recreation area
    • Package with the possibility of accommodation in the Caravan recreation area
  • Please tell us about the Standard category ticket

    A Standard category ticket is a ticket that is valid for all days of the festival with any number of entrances and exits from the territory. Prices are expected to increase as we get closer to the festival dates.

  • Please tell us about the VIP ticket

    A VIP ticket is a ticket that is valid for all days of the festival with any number of entrances and exits from the territory. The ticket entitles you to stay in the festival's VIP area with separate bars and a dance floor located on an elevated platform near the main stage. Prices are expected to increase as we get closer to the festival dates. The ticket price does not include drinks or food.

  • Please tell us about the service of access to the territory

    The access service to the territory gives the right to an unlimited number of entries and exits with a one-time registration of one vehicle. Prices are expected to increase as we get closer to the festival dates.
    Please note that to visit the festival itself, the package with access to the territory is not enough. Each guest must also purchase a Standard or VIP ticket to enter the festival.
    Without a pre-purchased package with access to the festival site, entry into the village of Bolshoye Kozino will not be possible on the days of the festival.

  • Are there any restrictions on the number of packages with drive-up service to the festival site?

  • Please tell us about the accommodation service in the recreation area "Alpha"

    The accommodation service in the Alpha recreation area gives you the right to place your own tent in a separate protected area as close as possible to the entrance to the festival. Guests of the Alpha recreation area will have a separate entrance to the festival.

    By purchasing the accommodation service in the Alpha recreation area, you get the right to set up your own tent in a fenced area with free showers, toilets, food and drink outlets, free access to the WI-FI network, free lockers for recharging mobile devices and lockers for valuables things and documents at the camping reception.

    One package with the accommodation service in the Alpha recreation area gives the right to install one tent with a size of no more than 4.5 x 3 m and a capacity of no more than 4 people. The bearer of the package receives bracelets to enter the recreation area in accordance with the number of places in his tent.

    Please note that to visit the festival itself, a package with accommodation in the "Alpha" recreation area is not enough; each guest must also purchase a "Standard" or "VIP" ticket to enter the festival.

  • Please tell us about the accommodation service in the Beta recreation area

    The accommodation service in the Beta recreation area gives you the right to place your own tent in a separate protected area located in close proximity to the entrance to the festival.

    By purchasing an accommodation service in the Beta recreation area, you get the right to set up your own tent in a fenced area with free showers, toilets, and food and drink outlets.

    One ticket gives you the right to set up one tent with a size of no more than 4.5 x 3 m and a capacity of no more than 4 people. The bearer of the package receives bracelets to enter the recreation area in accordance with the number of places in his tent. Entrance to the recreation area is strictly with bracelets.

  • Please tell us about the accommodation service in the Gamma recreation area

    The accommodation service in the Gamma recreation area gives you the right to place your own tent in a separate protected area located 300 meters from the entrance to the festival.

    One package with the accommodation service in the Gamma recreation area gives the right to install one tent with a size of no more than 4.5 x 3 m and a capacity of no more than 4 people. The bearer of the package receives bracelets to enter the recreation area in accordance with the number of places in his tent.

    Entrance to the recreation area is strictly with bracelets.

    Please note that to visit the festival itself, a package with accommodation in the Beta recreation area is not enough; each guest must also purchase a “Standard” or “VIP” ticket to enter the festival itself.

  • Please tell us about the "Caravan" recreation area, which will be located inside the "Alpha" recreation area

    A separate area with a tent hotel "Caravan" will be created on the territory of the Alpha recreation area.

    The tent hotel offers several accommodation options, each of which includes a fully equipped tent with mattresses, pillows and blankets, access to a 24-hour reception, luggage delivery services to the tent, luggage storage, washbasins and showers with hot water.

    For questions regarding accommodation in the "Caravan" tent hotel, as well as if you need an extra bed in the "Premium" category, please write to [email protected].

  • Will the territory of recreation areas be protected?

    The entire territory of the recreation areas will be fenced, and security will not allow anyone other than residents of the recreation areas to enter this territory. The area is also under video surveillance. The organizers are not responsible for personal and valuable belongings of residents. We recommend using a storage room to store valuables.

  • Is it possible to bring your own tent without purchasing a package to any of the recreation areas and pitch your tent somewhere in the field?

    Guests can also pitch their own tents outside the festival grounds. But, please note that you can stay as “savages” quite far from the festival, where no amenities are provided. We do not recommend creating such tent camps by “savages”, because according to local regional law, police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations have the right to prohibit the placement of tents and living in them. This is due to the fire hazard situation in Nizhny Novgorod region. We also cannot guarantee your personal safety when staying outside the festival security zone.

    Accommodation at one of the organized campsites will be a more convenient and safer option for you.

  • What restrictions apply on the festival grounds?

    The event has an age category of 18+. It is not possible to enter the territory with children, even accompanied by adults.

    It is prohibited to bring piercing, cutting objects, firearms, any self-defense weapons, gas cartridges, glass and plastic bottles, food and drinks, drugs and alcohol into the festival territory. Animals are prohibited from entering the festival. It is prohibited to enter the festival area under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

    If you want to bring medications into the festival area, you must have a prescription in hand.

    Persons violating the rules will be removed from the festival grounds without compensation for the cost of the ticket.

  • How will the age of festival visitors be verified?

    The age of spectators is controlled by special security officers at the entrance to the festival territory. Security officers have the right to ask to see the original document proving identity and age (passport, driver's license) to verify age in case of doubt whether the guest has reached 18 years of age.

  • I don’t know yet whether I’ll go or not and on what day. Will it be possible to buy a ticket on the spot?

    Ticket offices will be open at the entrance to the festival. But given the great interest in our festival, we cannot guarantee 100% availability of tickets of any categories on site, so we recommend purchasing tickets in advance. In addition, the ticket price on the day of the festival will be higher than in pre-sale on the website.

  • If I bought an e-ticket for a festival and forgot the printed ticket at home, will it be possible to print the ticket on the spot?

    If you bought a ticket on the official festival website, then you can present your ticket directly from your smartphone screen to scan the barcode.

    Remember that the organizers are not responsible for festival tickets purchased in unspecified places or for tickets purchased second-hand.
    Also remember that if you have passed the ticket control area and the barcode of your ticket has already been read by scanners, it is impossible to transfer the same ticket or print the same one for re-entry; a spectator with such a ticket will not be allowed into the control area.

  • If it was not me who bought the tickets on the site, but my friends/relatives at my request and their details/full name are indicated on the tickets, will I be able to use these tickets or do they need to be replaced?

    You can. In fact, the tickets are non-personal. But we ask you to indicate your full name when purchasing so that in case of disputes, we can quickly resolve issues. For example, if several people want to use one ticket and when you present the ticket it turns out that someone has already used it, we will ask you to show documents. This way we will understand that the name on the ticket and the bearer are the same person. You must at least know the information that was provided when purchasing the ticket, this will give you the opportunity to prove that it was you who bought this ticket.

  • Which card can I use to get a discount on festival tickets this year?

    If suddenly the discount on your card did not work, write to Olga Litvinova by email

  • Do I need/can I take food and drinks with me if I’m going to spend all 3 days at the festival or can I buy everything on the spot?

    Entry to the festival grounds with any drinks in any container, including plastic bottles, is prohibited. You can bring any amount of food and drinks (except glass containers and alcohol) with you if you want to stay in the Alpha, Beta or Gamma seating area. But everything you bring with you will need to be left in the recreation areas in the tent or in the car, because passage from the tent camp/parking lot to the festival site with your own drinks and food (in any container) is prohibited.

  • Does the festival provide storage space for valuables and documents and how much does it cost?

    At the festival, a luggage storage facility is provided before the ticket control and security area. Lockers for storing valuables and racks for large bags. Luggage storage is paid. The rental cost is 500 rubles. For the loss of a key to a locker or a number for a place on a rack, a fee of 1000 rubles will be charged.

  • What is the locker size?

    30 cm – width, 45 cm – height, 50 cm – depth.
    In addition, there will be space on the racks to accommodate large bags.

  • Will it be possible to get a free ticket to the festival by participating in the competition?

  • Is it possible to cook food on the territory of recreation areas on an open fire or on a gas burner?

    No. This is prohibited by law, because In the summer, a special fire regime is introduced in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

  • Where can I purchase products with the festival logo?

    A lot of things will be sold directly at the festival during the festival (caps, T-shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, phone cases, magnets, glasses, etc.). Some products can be purchased on the website:

  • Can tickets be returned?

    Yes, you can return your ticket. The conditions for returning tickets are specified in the offer when purchasing tickets. For refunds, you can also contact festival employee Olga Litvinova by mail

  • How can I collaborate, namely, place cafes, shops, etc. at the festival?

    You need to send your application for placing a retail outlet in the “Contacts” section.

  • Will food outlets be located in recreation areas?

    Yes. A variety of cuisine and essential hygiene products will be presented.

  • What is a lecture hall?

    The lecture hall is a space on the festival grounds where you can listen to a variety of lectures from famous speakers. Lecture topics and schedule of presentations will be added to the website in the “Lecture Hall” section.

  • Is it free to take part in various recreational activities or does it have to be paid for separately?

    Most attractions will be free. Some you will have to pay separately, but their cost will be relatively low. Information will be clarified and supplemented closer to the festival dates.

  • I am organizing a bus tour from my city. Do you provide a discount for purchasing a large number of tickets? What are the conditions for purchasing tickets for travel agencies?

    Yes, we give a discount when purchasing a wholesale batch of tickets and enter into an official contract. You can check the terms of cooperation with Olga Litvinova by email

  • How can you become a festival sponsor?

    Please check the conditions with partner manager Daria Kirbina by email

  • With whom can I discuss issues related to the festival's advertising campaign?

  • Who should I contact if I lose/find something at the festival?

    An information center with a lost and found office is located on the festival grounds. Representatives of the festival organizers will also work at the information center to answer all your questions.

  • Will there be Wi-Fi on the festival grounds?

    Yes. The organizers plan to provide free wi-fi without a password for all guests.

  • What should I do if I feel unwell/injured?

    There are several first aid stations on the festival grounds and ambulances are on duty. There will also be a pharmacy at the festival.

  • How to get from the Kozino platform directly to the festival if I arrived by train? How to get from the festival site to the Kozino station platform?

    Walking distance 10-15 minutes walking route or on special shuttles that will be organized from the station to the festival site. You can get to Kozino station by train from Moskovsky Station in Nizhny Novgorod.

  • I'm a photographer. How can I work at the festival?

  • Who should I contact with questions related to festival social networks/festival social media pages?

  • Who should I contact regarding questions related to the accreditation of journalists to work at the festival?

    Information on the procedure for accreditation of media and journalists for the event is posted in the “Media Accreditation” section in the menu on the left.

  • Who should I contact for questions related to the festival’s PR campaign / information partnership issues?

  • Will the dance floor be covered like last year? Will the coverage amount remain the same?

    Yes, there will definitely be coverage. Its dimensions will correspond to last year’s: 6000 m2.

  • Will there be an online broadcast of the festival?

    There will be no 24-hour broadcast

  • Is it possible to park your car near the rest areas?

    No. Parking is permitted only for owners of a service package with access to the territory.

  • When will the festival map be available?

  • Will there be single showers, separated by partitions or separate individual cubicles?

    Showers will be separate for men and women with partitions.

  • What time does the festival close?

    On Sunday from 13.00 the festival is closed for entry.

  • What time will guests have to leave the recreation areas on the last day of the festival?

    Spectators must leave all seating areas on Sunday by 6:00 p.m.

  • Until what time on Sunday is the drive-thru package valid?

    It is advisable to leave before 18.00.

  • Do I need to buy a separate package with access to the festival site if I arrive by bicycle?

    No. Bicycles do not require a separate service package.

  • Is it possible to enter the festival area by bicycle? Where should/can I leave my bike?

    Biking is possible. The organizers plan to make a separate parking lot for bicycles. Information about this will appear in June.

  • What should I do if I lose my wristband that was given to me upon entering the festival?

    You will need to go to the information center and present your e-ticket to get a new bracelet.