Star Mountain in Mexico. Mountains of Mexico The highest mountains of Asia

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The highest mountain peaks in the world by mountain systems. Table.

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Mountain peak

Mountain system



Jomo-lungma (Everest) Himalayas Eurasia 8848 m
Peak of Communism Pamir Eurasia 7495 m
Pobeda Peak Tien Shan Eurasia 7439 m
Aconcagua Andes South America 6962 m
McKinley Cordilleras North America 6168 m
Kilimand-jaro Kilimand-jaro massif Africa 5891.8 m
Elbrus B. Caucasus Eurasia 5642 m
B. Ararat Armenian Highlands Eurasia 5165 m
Vinson Massif Ellsworth Antarctica 4892 m
Kazbek B. Caucasus Eurasia 5033.8 m
Mont Blanc Western Alps Eurasia 4810 m
Belukha Altai Eurasia 4509 m

However, if we take as a basis the height not above sea level, but from the base of the mountain, then the recognized leader among the highest mountains in the world becomes Mount Mauna Kea is a shield volcano located in the Hawaiian Islands.

The height of Mauna Kea from base to peak is 10,203 meters, which is 1,355 meters higher than Chomolungma. Most of the mountain is hidden under water, and Mauna Kea rises 4,205 meters above sea level.

The Mauna Kea volcano is about a million years old. The volcano's peak activity occurred during the shield stage around 500,000 years ago. Currently, the volcano is considered inactive - according to scientists, the last eruption was 4-6 thousand years ago.

The highest mountains in the world by continent. Descriptions of the seven highest peaks of the world by part of the world.

“Seven Summits” is a mountaineering project that includes the highest peaks of the world in parts of the world. North and South America, as well as Europe and Asia are considered separately. Climbers who conquer all seven peaks become members of the “7 Peaks Club”

List of "seven peaks":

  • Chomolungma (Everest) (Asia)
  • Aconcagua (South America)
  • McKinley (North America)
  • Kilimanjaro (Africa)
  • Elbrus or Mont Blanc (Europe)
  • Vinson Massif (Antarctica)
  • Kosciuszko (Australia) or Carstens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) (Australia and Oceania)

The seven highest mountain peaks by part of the world. Map.

Chomolungma (Everest) – the first of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in Asia and the highest peak in the world.

Chomolungma belongs to the Himalaya mountain system, the Mahalangur Himal ridge. The southern peak (8760 m) lies on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region (China), the Northern (main) peak (8848 m) is located in China.

Geographic coordinates of Mount Chomolungma - 27°59′17″ N. w. 86°55′31″ E d.

The fact that Qomolungma (Everest) is the highest mountain in the world was determined by the Indian mathematician and topographer Radhanath Sikdar in 1852 on the basis of trigonometric calculations, when he was in India 240 km from Qomolungma.

The highest mountain in the world and Asia has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The southern slope is steeper; snow and firn are not retained on it, so it is bare. Many glaciers descend from the top of the mountain range, ending at an altitude of 5000 meters.

The first ascent of the world's largest mountain was made on May 29, 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary through the South Col.

The climate of the highest peak of the world, Chomolungma, is extremely harsh. The wind speed there reaches 55 m/sec, and the air temperature drops to −60 °C. As a result, climbing the highest mountain in the world is fraught with many difficulties. Despite the modern equipment and equipment used by climbers, for every twentieth of them, conquering the highest peak of the world turns out to be the last thing in life. From 1953 to 2014, about 200 climbers died on the slopes of Everest.

Aconcagua- the second of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in South America and the highest peak in the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth.

Mount Aconcagua is located in the central Andes region of Argentina. The absolute height is 6962 m. The highest peak of South America was formed by the collision of the Nazca and South American lithospheric plates. The mountain has many glaciers, the largest of which are the northeastern (Polish glacier) and eastern.

Geographic coordinates of Mount Aconcagua 32°39′ S. w. 70°00′ W d.

Climbing the highest peak in the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth is technically considered easy if carried out along the northern slope. From the south or southwest it is much more difficult to conquer the top of Aconcagua. The first ascent of the highest mountain in South America was recorded in 1897 by the expedition of Englishman Edward Fitzgerald.

McKinley– the third of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in North America. Height – 6168 meters.

The geographic coordinates of Mount McKinley are 63°04′10″ N. w. 151°00′26″ W. d.

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska, in the center of Denali National Park. Until 1867, it was considered the highest peak of the Russian Empire, until Alaska was sold to the United States. The first explorer of Mount McKinley is considered to be the Russian leader of the expedition, Lavrentiy Alekseevich Zagoskin, who first saw it from both sides.

North America's tallest mountain was first conquered by American climbers under the command of Reverend Hudson Stack, who reached the mountain's summit on March 17, 1913.

Mount McKinley used to be called something else. The Athabascan Indians - the indigenous people - called it Denali, which means "great." While Alaska belonged to the Russian Empire, the mountain was simply called “Big Mountain.” In 1896, the tallest mountain in North America received its modern name in honor of the 25th American president.

Kilimanjaro– the fourth of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in Africa. Height - 5,891.8 m.

The geographic coordinates of Mount Kilimanjaro are 3°04′00″ S. w. 37°21′33″ E. d.

Kilimanjaro is a potentially active stratovolcano in northeastern Tanzania. Africa's highest peak consists of three main peaks, which are also extinct volcanoes: Shira in the west with 3,962 m above sea level, Kibo with 5,891.8 meters in height in the center and Mawenzi with 5,149 meters in height in the east.

The top of the Kibo volcano is covered with an ice cap. Once upon a time this cap was clearly visible from afar, but currently the glacier is actively melting. Over the past 100 years, the glacier covering the top of Africa's tallest mountain has shrunk by more than 80%. The melting of the glacier is associated with a decrease in precipitation associated with deforestation in the area adjacent to the mountain. According to some scientists, the Kilimanjaro ice cap will disappear by 2020.

The first ascent of Africa's highest peak was made in 1889 by Hans Meyer. The climb to Kilimanjaro is not considered difficult from a technical point of view, although it is incredibly spectacular. Due to its proximity to the equator, the mountain presents all types of altitudinal zones, which the climber sequentially passes one after another. Thus, during the ascent you can see all the main climate zones of the Earth in a few hours.

Elbrus- the fifth of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in Europe and the highest peak in Russia.

Geographic coordinates of Mount Elbrus - 43°20′45″ N. w. 42°26′55″ E. d.

The border between Asia and Europe is ambiguous, as a result of which there is debate whether Elbrus belongs to Europe. If yes, then this mountain is the highest point in Europe. If not, then the palm goes to Mont Blanc, which is discussed below.

Elbrus is located in the Greater Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. It is the highest mountain in Russia. The highest peak in Europe is a double-peaked saddle-shaped volcanic cone. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, the eastern one - 5621 m. The last eruption was in the 50s AD.

The largest mountain in Europe is covered with glaciers with a total area of ​​134.5 km²; the most famous of them: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.

The first documented ascent of Mount Elbrus dates back to 1829 and was made during an expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. Climbing Mount Elrus according to the mountaineering classification is not technically difficult. Although there are routes of increased difficulty.

Vinson Massif– the sixth of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in Antarctica. Height – 4897 meters.

The geographic coordinates of Vinson Massif are 78°31′31″ S. w. 85°37′01″ W d.

The Vinson Massif is located 1,200 km from the South Pole and is part of the Ellsworth Mountains. The massif extends 21 km in length and 13 km in width. The highest peak of the Vinson massif is Vinson Peak.

The highest mountain in Antarctica was discovered by American pilots in 1957. The first ascent of the highest peak of the southern continent was made on December 18, 1966 by Nicholas Clinch.

Mont Blanc- the highest mountain in Europe, the fifth of the “seven peaks”, if Elbrus belongs to Asia. Height – 4810 meters.

The geographic coordinates of Mont Blanc are 45°49′58″ N. w. 6°51′53″ E. d.

The highest peak in Europe is located in the Alps mountain system on the border of France and Italy. Mont Blanc is part of the Mont Blanc crystalline massif, which is about 50 km long. The ice cover of the massif covers an area of ​​200 km², the largest glacier is the Mer de Glace.

The first ascent of the highest point in Europe, Mont Blanc, was made by Jacques Balmat and Dr. Michel Paccard on August 8, 1786. In 1886, during his honeymoon, the highest mountain in Europe was conquered by the future President of the United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt.

Kosciuszko– the seventh of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in mainland Australia. Height – 2228 meters.

The geographical coordinates of Mount Kosciuszko are 36°27′ S. w. 148°16′ E. d.

The highest peak of the Australian continent is located in the Australian Alps in the south of the state of New South Wales in the territory of the national park of the same name. Mount Kosciuszko was discovered in 1840.

The first ascent of Australia's highest mountain in 1840 was made by the Polish traveler, geographer and geologist Pavel Edmund Strzelecki. He named the mountain in honor of the military and political figure Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Pyramid of Carstens (Puncak Jaya)- the seventh of the “seven peaks”, the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania.

There are disagreements about which mountain should be considered the last, seventh peak. If you consider only the Australian continent, then this would be Kosciuszko Peak. If we consider the whole of Australia and Oceania, then it will be the Carstens Pyramid with a height of 4884 m. In this regard, there are currently two “Seven Summits” programs, including the first and second option. But the main option is still recognized as the program with the Carstens Pyramid.

The geographic coordinates of Mount Puncak Jaya are 4°05′ S. w. 137°11′ E. d.

Mount Puncak Jaya is located in the western part of the island of New Guinea and is part of the Maoke massif. The highest peak in Oceania is also the highest mountain located on the island. The mountain was discovered in 1623 by Dutch explorer Jan Carstens. In honor of him, Mount Puncak Jaya is sometimes called the Carstens Pyramid.

The first ascent of the mountain was made in 1962 by a group of four Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer.

The highest mountains in the world by continent and country. The highest peaks on Earth.

Note: there is still debate among scientists whether or not to classify the Caucasus Mountains as Europe. If so, then Elbrus will be the highest peak in Europe; if not, then Mont Blanc. Until unanimity has been reached on this issue, we have classified the Caucasus as part of Europe, and therefore the Caucasus Mountains (Russia) are included in the list of the highest mountains in Europe.

Mountain peak A country Height, m

The highest mountains in Europe

Elbrus Russia 5642
Dykhtau Russia 5203
Koshtantau Russia 5152
Pushkin Peak Russia 5100
Dzhangitau Russia 5085
Shkhara Russia 5068
Kazbek Russia - Georgia 5033,8
Mizhirgi Russia 5025
Katyn-Tau Russia 4970
Shota Rustaveli Russia 4860
Gestola Russia 4860
Mont Blanc France 4810
Jimara Russia 4780
Ushba Georgia 4695
Wilpata Russia 4646
Sauhokh Russia 4636
Dufour Switzerland - Italy 4634
Kukurtli-Kolbashi Russia 4624
Maylihoh Russia 4597,8
Sallynngantau Russia 4507
Weisshorn Switzerland 4506
Tebulosmta Russia 4492
Sugan Russia 4489
Matterhorn Switzerland 4478
Bazarduzu Russia - Azerbaijan 4466

The highest mountains in North America

McKinley Alaska 6168
Logan Canada 5959
Orizaba Mexico 5610
St. Elijah Alaska - Canada 5489
Popocatepetl Mexico 5452
Foraker Alaska 5304
Iztaccihuatl Mexico 5286
Lukeinia Canada 5226
Bona Alaska 5005
Blackburn Alaska 4996
Sanford Alaska 4949
Wood Canada 4842
Vancouver Alaska 4785
Churchill Alaska 4766
Fairweather Alaska 4663
Bare Alaska 4520
Hunter Alaska 4444
Whitney California 4418
Elbert Colorado 4399
Array Colorado 4396
Harvard Colorado 4395
Rainier Washington 4392
Nevado de Toluca Mexico 4392
Williamson California 4381
Blanca Peak Colorado 4372
La Plata Colorado 4370
Uncompahgre Peak Colorado 4361
Creston Peak Colorado 4357
Lincoln Colorado 4354
Grays Peak Colorado 4349
Antero Colorado 4349
Evans Colorado 4348
Longs Peak Colorado 4345
White Mountain Peak California 4342
North Palisade California 4341
Wrangel Alaska 4317
Shasta California 4317
Sill California 4317
Pikes Peak Colorado 4301
Russell California 4293
Split Mountain California 4285
Middle Palisade California 4279

The highest mountains in Asia

Chomolungma (Everest) China - Nepal 8848
Chogori (K-2, Godwin-Austen) Kashmir - China 8614
Kanchenjunga Nepal - India 8586
Lhotse Nepal - China 8516
Makalu China - Nepal 8485
Cho Oyu China - Nepal 8201
Dhaulagiri Nepal 8167
Manaslu Nepal 8156
Nangaparbat Pakistan 8126
Annapurna Nepal 8091
Gasherbrum Kashmir - China 8080
Broad Peak Kashmir - China 8051
Gasherbrum II Kashmir - China 8035
Shishabangma China 8027
Gyachung Kang Nepal - Tibet (China) 7952
Gasherbrum III Kashmir - China 7946
Annapurna II Nepal 7937
Gasherbrum IV Kashmir - China 7932
Himalchuli Nepal 7893
Dastoghil Pakistan 7884
Ngadi Chuli Nepal 7871
Nuptse Nepal 7864
Kuniang Kish Pakistan 7823
Masherbrum Kashmir - China 7821
Nandadevi India 7816
Chomolonzo Tibet (China) 7804
Batura-Shar Pakistan 7795
Kanjut Shar Pakistan 7790
Rakaposhi Kashmir (Pakistan) 7788
Namjagbarwa Tibet (China) 7782
Kamet Kashmir (Pakistan) 7756
Dhaulagiri II Nepal 7751
Saltoro Kangri India 7742
Ulugmuztag China 7723
Jeanne Nepal 7711
Tirichmir Pakistan 7708
Molamenking Tibet (China) 7703
Gurla Mandhata Tibet (China) 7694
Kongur China 7649
Gungashan (Minyak-Gankar) China 7556
Muztagata China 7546
Kula Kangri China - Bhutan 7538
Ismoil Somoni Peak (formerly Communism Peak) Tajikistan 7495
Victory Peak Kyrgyzstan - China 7439
Jomolhari Butane 7314
Pumori Nepal-Tibet 7161
Peak named after Abu Ali ibn Sino (formerly Lenin Peak) Tajikistan 7134
Korzhenevsky peak Tajikistan 7105
Khan Tengri Peak Kyrgyzstan 6995
Ama Dablam (Ama Dablan or Amu Dablan) Nepal 6814
Kangrinboche (Kailas) China 6714
Khakaborazi Myanmar 5881
Damavand Iran 5604
Bogdo-Ula China 5445
Ararat Türkiye 5165
Jaya Indonesia 5030
Mandala Indonesia 4760
Klyuchevskaya Sopka Russia 4750
Trikora Indonesia 4750
Belukha Russia 4509
Munhe-Khairkhan-Uul Mongolia 4362

The highest mountains in South America

Aconcagua Argentina 6962
Ojos del Salado Argentina 6893
Bonete Argentina 6872
Bonete Chico Argentina 6850
Mercedario Argentina 6770
Huascaran Peru 6746
Llullaillaco Argentina - Chile 6739
Erupakha Peru 6634
Galan Argentina 6600
Tupungato Argentina - Chile 6570
Sahama Bolivia 6542
Coropuna Peru 6425
Ilyampu Bolivia 6421
Ilyimani Bolivia 6322
Las Tortolas Argentina - Chile 6320
Chimborazo Ecuador 6310
Belgrano Argentina 6250
Toroni Bolivia 5982
Tutupaka Chile 5980
San Pedro Chile 5974

The highest mountains in Africa

Kilimanjaro Tanzania 5891,8
Kenya Kenya 5199
Rwenzori Congo (DRC) - Uganda 5109
Ras Dasheng Ethiopia 4620
Elgon Kenya - Uganda 4321
Toubkal Morocco 4165
Cameroon Cameroon 4100

The highest mountains of Australia and Oceania

William Papua New Guinea 4509
Giluwe Papua New Guinea 4368
Mauna Kea O. Hawaii 4205
Mauna Loa O. Hawaii 4169
Victoria Papua New Guinea 4035
Chapel Papua New Guinea 3993
Albert-Edouard Papua New Guinea 3990
Kosciuszko Australia 2228

The highest mountains of Antarctica

Vinson array 4892
Kirkpatrick 4528
Markham 4351
Jackson 4191
Sidley 4181
Minto 4163
Verterkaka 3630
Menzies 3313

This article was dedicated to the highest mountains and highest peaks in the world.

The extinct Iztaccihuatl volcano is located 70 km south of the capital Mexico City, in the high mountain state of Puebla, in the Central Highlands of Mexico between the Sierra Nevada and Sierra Madre Oriental Cordillera ranges. Belongs to the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt, or Transverse Volcanic Sierra. This is one of the most significant volcanic belts on Earth.


This is how the name of this cooled volcano is translated from the Indian Nahuatl language, from the words “istac” - “white” and “cihuatl” - “woman”.

More often this mountain is called in short - Ista. There is also a Spanish version of the name, which translates as “sleeping woman,” or more precisely, “sleeping mother.” From the east and west, the line of the main four snow-capped peaks of Iztaccihuatl resembles a reclining figure, the “head”, “chest” (El Pecho is the main peak of the mountain), “knees” and “feet” are visible when viewed from the east or west. By its geological origin, Iztaccihuatl is an extinct (or dormant) volcano, the third highest in Mexico and the seventh in North America and belongs to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt - part of the Pacific volcanic Ring of Fire. This belt was formed in the Holocene at the junction of two tectonic plates - here the eastern edge of the Cocos tectonic plate moves under the southwestern edge of the North American plate. The last eruption occurred about 5 thousand years ago.

Depending on the altitude, Iztaccihuatl is divided into three climatic zones: hot (up to an average altitude of 1400 m) - Tierra Calida, moderate (up to an average altitude of 3000 m) - Tierra Templada, and above - cold, Tierra Fria. The snow line begins at an altitude of about 4500 m. At the top of Iztaccihuatl the snow does not melt, which is why people say that the “white woman” lies in a shroud. The path to the top of Iztaccihuatl starts from the tourist station at Paso de Cortes and passes through the village of La Jolla.

Each mountain has its own chronicle of mountaineering ascents. The first such ascent to the peak of Pecho Iztaccihuatl in 1889 was made by a certain James de Salie, but subsequent expeditions, when the climbers were no longer thinking only about sports results, allowed them to make many unexpected finds proving that the Aztecs visited the mountain many times, and even in ancient times.


There are no mountains in the world that are not associated with some legends. Most often - about love. As a rule, tragic. And with Mount Iztaccihuatl, as far as legends are concerned, everything is as befits a decent peak.

Once upon a time there lived two young people - Ista and Popo. She was the daughter of the Aztec emperor, he was a simple warrior. And they fell in love with each other, passionately wanting to never part, to get married, despite all class barriers. But the girl’s father was not at all happy with such a candidate for son-in-law. And the king sent him to war so that the young man with his valor would prove that he was worthy of the hand of his royal daughter. And while the princess's lover fought heroically, she was convinced of his death, at the same time offering another groom, unlike Popo, noble and rich. The girl’s tender heart stopped from hopeless sadness. When Popo, returning from the battlefield, saw the lifeless body of his beautiful betrothed, he took her in his arms and carried her to the mountains to mourn his loss there. But his heart was also broken by grief. The gods, moved by this story, gave the lovers eternal life and turned them into volcano mountains standing nearby. Ista sleeps quietly, and Popo is still angry, spewing smoke, ash, and chunks of lava from time to time. In another version of the legend, a false message about the death of Popo was sent by his envious people. In the third, he ordered his soldiers to make two mounds, placed Iztaccihuatl on one, and sat on the other with a torch in his hands, and this torch still smokes as a sign of his grief.

These stories became the subjects of songs and poetic works. But let's return to the real world. The name of the volcano Popocatepetl - "smoking hill" - comes from two words in the Nahuatl language: "popoca" - "smoking" and "tepetl" - "hill". That is, the name of the volcano was primary. And the legend was born, apparently, because between the peaks there is a saddle-shaped bridge connecting them, Paso de Cortes. It is not at all impossible that something similar to the plots of the legends could happen in reality. True, without magical transformations into volcanoes.


  • Iztaccihuatl National Park.
  • Beautiful views of the smoking Popocatepetl volcano and the mountainous surroundings of Iztaccihuatl.
  • City of Puebla: historical center (UNESCO World Heritage Site), Cathedral (1649), the second largest cathedral in the country, Church of Santo Domingo and its chapel Capilla del Rosario (Mexican Baroque, 17th century) and others churches, Palafoxiana Library (founded in 1646, included in the UNESCO Memory of the World program for the protection of the World Documentary Heritage), Sugar House (XVIII century), Doll House (XVIII century), Museum of Pre-Columbian Art " Amparo", factory-museum of talavera (majolica tiles), Coscomate, the smallest volcano in the world with a height of 13 m and a diameter of 23 m.


The bridge between the volcanoes Iztacciu-atl and Popocatépetl is called Paso de Cortes (Way of Cortes) because the soldiers of the famous conquistador mined sulfur on the slopes of Popocatepetl to make gunpowder. Following their example, local residents also did this for some time.

According to Aztec beliefs, Tlaloc, the god of snow, rain and thunder, the ruler of all edible plants, lives on the top of Iztacci-huatl.


The third highest peak in Mexico of volcanic origin (after the volcanoes Orizaba (5636 m) and Popocate Loop (5426 m).
Type: stratovolcano.
Time of formation: Holocene.
Language: Spanish.
Ethnic composition of the local population: Spanish-Indian mestizos.
Religion: Catholicism - 90%; atheists - 10%.
The monetary unit of Mexico is the Mexican peso.
Nearest major city: Puebla (full name Heroic Puebla de Zaragoza).
Nearest airports: im. Benito Juarez in Mexico City, named after. Cerdan brothers in Puebla (international).


Absolute height (above sea level): 5230 m.
Height of the cone relative to the Puebla Valley (Quetzalcoapan): 1560 m.


Subtropical alpine.
The Puebla Valley belongs to the temperate climate zone; at higher elevations, the air temperature drops and the air becomes thinner.
In the Puebla Valley:
Average temperature in January: +13 9°С.
Average July temperature: +18.4°C.
Average annual precipitation: 960 mm. The dry season is from November to April, the rainy season is from May to October.

Orizaba is the largest and highest volcano in Mexico. It is the third largest crater in North America. The height of this volcano is 5636 meters. Little is known about him in the countries of the Old World, but in America he is very popular.

Currently a volcano Orizaba doesn't bother people. The last eruptions were here in 1687. The period from the 16th to the 17th centuries is a restless time for the inhabitants and an active time for Orizaba. From 1537 to 1687 the volcano erupted seven times. It turns out that the eruptions followed one after another. After such riots, the volcano calmed down. As it turned out - for a long time. But he is not considered completely asleep.

Restlessness of character allowed the Orizaba volcano to reach such heights. In Aztec culture Mount Orizaba occupied a significant place. They nicknamed the volcano Citlatepetl, which means star mountain.
But not only the heavenly bodies can be seen from Mount Orizabe. From the top of this volcano there is a view of the wonderful Orizaba Valley, from which the volcano gets its name.

The volcano is located right in the middle of the valley. It appeared as if on its own. Now it stands in splendid isolation in the middle of the plain. Orizaba is the largest peak in the area from Colombia to Yukon. Although the volcano has a rival - the Sierra Negra. This mountain is somewhat similar to Oribas, only a little short of the height of the largest volcano Mexico(4640 m).

6-06-2014, 18:43


  • Iztaccihuatl
    The third highest peak in Mexico (after the volcanoes Orizaba, 5,636 m, and Popocatepetl, 5,426 m). In everyday life the mountain is simply called Ista. The volcano has four peaks, the highest of which Pecho rises to 5,230 m above sea level. From the west and east, the silhouettes of these peaks resemble the head, chest, knees and feet of a sleeping female figure. Iztaccihuatl is located 70 km southeast of Mexico City, and its snow-capped peak can be seen from the city. Due to its proximity to the capital (first of the Aztec empire, and now of modern Mexico), the image of the volcano is reflected in many literary and artistic works.
  • Colima
    A volcano in western Mexico, located in the state of Jalisco, in the Volcanic Sierra, 80 km from the Pacific coast. Mexico's most active volcano, it has erupted more than 40 times since 1576. Consists of 2 conical peaks; the highest of them (Nevado de Colima, 4,625 m) is an extinct volcano, covered with snow most of the year. Another peak is the active Colima Volcano, or Volcán de Fuego de Colima (“Fire Volcano”), 3,846 m high, called the Mexican Vesuvius. The lavas are close in composition to basalts.
  • Coronado
    Active volcano in the Gulf of California (Baja California, Mexico). Active stratovolcano. It consists mainly of basalt and andesite. The summit crater, 200 meters in diameter and 600 meters deep, is covered at the edges with stone birch and wild apple trees. The height of the volcano is 440 meters, and the relative height is 3450 meters. The last eruption was in 1539.
  • Nevado de Toluca
    Stratovolcano in Mexico. It has a height of 4680 m, considered the fourth highest peak in the country (after the volcanoes Orizaba, Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl). Elevation – 2210 m. Rising above the valley of the city of Toluca, 80 km west of Mexico City. The crater has a diameter of about 1.5 km and is open to the east. A volcanic dome divides the crater into two parts, in which two bodies of water are located - Lake of the Sun and Lake of the Moon. At least three major volcanic cone collapses during the Pleistocene resulted in the formation of large landslide and lahar deposits over large areas at the base of the volcano.
  • Orizaba
    Volcano in Mexico, the highest peak in the country. Third highest elevation in North America (4922 m). Its height is 5636 m.
  • Paricutin
    The youngest Mexican volcano, located in the central part of the country in the state of Michoacan, is part of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. The eruptions occurred of the Strombolian type. The erupted material contained sublimate.
  • Popocatepetl
    Active volcano in Mexico. The name comes from two words in the Nahuatl language: popo - “smoking” and tepetl - “hill”, that is, Smoking Hill. Popocatépetl is the second highest mountain in Mexico after Peak Orizaba (5675 m). Popocatepetl is located next to the extinct volcano Iztaccihuatl. The names of these two mountains are the names of the heroes of the legend of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl. The most important conurbation of the state capitals of Puebla (on the eastern side of the volcano), Tlaxcala in the northeast and in the northwest is the city of Mexico, with a total population of more than 20 million people.
  • Takana
    Volcano in Central America, located on the border of Guatemala and Mexico. Tacana is an active stratovolcano, with a summit height of 4093 m, being the 10th highest in Mexico and the 2nd highest in Guatemala. It is located 15 km north of the city of Cacaoatan in the state of Chiapas in Mexico, and on the Guatemala side in the department of San Marcos.
  • Tseboruko
    A dacite stratovolcano located in Nayarit, northwest of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. A major eruption, the Hala Plinian eruption, occurred in 930 AD. e. (6 points on the volcanic eruption scale), expanded the area of ​​the volcano to 11 km³ thanks to tephra. The largest documented eruption of Tseboruko is the 1870–1875 eruption. The fumarole eruption from this eruption is one of the largest eruptions to occur before the beginning of the 20th century. On the mountain one could observe the formation of a huge caldera, the first in 775 years. In addition to the formation of calderas, local residents observed several huge explosions, including the ejection of scoria, the formation of volcanic domes, pyroclastic domes and large fumes.
  • Aguajito
    Ancient volcano. Located on the California Peninsula, Mexico. Also known as Santa Ana. Aguajito is a caldera with a height of 1300 meters. Stretches along the Gulf of California for 10 km. Forms a volcanic arc of volcanic domes consisting of andesites and rhyolites. The eruptions were associated with the release of ignimbrites to the surface approximately 600-700 thousand years ago. Rhyolite domes were formed about 400-500 thousand years ago. The dacite domes that are located at the southern end of the caldera are older. There are hot springs in the south of the caldera. Seismicity and volcanic activity have not been recorded in this area.
  • Azufres
    Volcano. Located in the state of Michoacan, Mexico. Azufres is a caldera, the height of the surrounding mountains reaches 3400 meters. Located 200 km northwest of Mexico City. The diameter of the caldera is 18x20 km. Forms a volcanic center with geothermal springs, which is located north of the Mexican volcanic arc. Initially a caldera formed, subsequently volcanic domes formed consisting of izdacite and rhyolite. In the period between 1.4 million and 800 thousand years ago, 2 emissions of magmatic mass occurred. Each period of active volcanic activity lasted 200 thousand years. The first ejection of volcanic mass consisted mainly of silicon compounds, the second of basalt. After powerful volcanic eruptions that occurred 600 thousand years ago, modern volcanic domes arose. Analysis of ignimbrites showed that the last volcanic activity occurred in the period 38-26 thousand years ago. There are active fumaroles in the caldera.
  • Atlikskos
    Volcano. Located in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Atlikskos is a shield volcano, 800 meters high. Located near the Gulf Coast, 80 km northwest of the city of Veracruz. It consists of two cinder cones, which are equidistant from each other by 2 km. Frozen pyroclastic flows, which at one time traveled their way to the north and east, consist of basalts and reach the coast. The age of the volcano is modern. The remaining volcanic formations, which are located to the north and south, are older and date back to the Pleistocene era. Volcanic activity has not been observed in historical times.
  • Bárcena
    Active volcano on San Benedicto Island, Mexico. This is the southern part of the island which was formed in 1952. Before this, there was an underwater caldera in the Pacific Ocean. The nearby volcano is called Benedicto. The crater resembles a small caldera. In 2003 and 2004, there was an increase in fumarole activity.
  • San Martin
    A potentially active volcano in Mexico, located in the municipality of Santiago Tuxtla on the Yucatan Peninsula. A complex shield volcano with a caldera at the top. Consists of basalt and ignimbrite with sandy inserts. The last eruption occurred in 1792 from a lava dome at the edge of the caldera. Currently, fumarole activity is being recorded in the central crater.
  • Socorro
    Volcanic island in the eastern Pacific Ocean, located approximately 440 km south of the southern tip of Baja California. Politically, the island belongs to Colima, from whose coast it is located at a distance of 700 km.
  • Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
    One of the largest volcanic belts on Earth. Located in south central Mexico from the west to east coasts between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Length 900 km, width 50–100 km. Some of the highest peaks have year-round snow cover. The belt runs from west to east through the state of Jalisco, northern Michoacan, southern Queretaro, the state of Mexico, southern Hidalgo, northern Morelos, the states of Puebla and Tlaxcala and central Veracruz. To the north of the belt is the Mexican Highlands, bounded by the Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental ranges. The Cofre de Perote and Peak Orizaba volcanoes are located in the states of Puebla and Veracruz at the junction of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt with the Sierra Madre Oriental system. To the south lies the Balsas River, separating the Transverse Volcanic Sierra and the Sierra Madre Sur.
  • El Chichon
    An active volcano located in Mexico, Chiapas. Its age is about 220,000 years. The eruption of the El Chichon volcano occurred in two stages: March 29 and April 3-4, 1982. Initially, volcanic ash filled the atmosphere to a height of approximately 30 km. Then what appeared to be in the stratosphere (approximately 10 Mt) began to be transferred to the west. The tropospheric part of the cloud (3-7 Mt) moved in the opposite direction and settled quite quickly on the Earth's surface. The stratospheric cloud, expanding horizontally, made several distinct revolutions around the Earth. Observations on the Hawaiian Islands showed that by December (compared to June), due to dispersal, the concentration of ash at an altitude of 20 km decreased by 6 times. In temperate latitudes, volcanic ash appeared in November 1982. Signs of increasing turbidity in the Arctic stratosphere appeared only in March 1983. Thus, it took about a year for the pollution to be evenly distributed in the stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. Subsequently, it gradually decreased over the year by about 3 times. The eruption caused a 10% drop in ozone levels in the Northern Hemisphere.

Mountain ranges

  • Sierra Madre Oriental
    A mountain system in northeastern Mexico, located on the eastern edge of the Mexican Highlands. It is a system of parallel ridges about 1000 km long. In the northern part, it is represented by several ridges with heights from 1000 to 3000 m. In the center and in the south, the ridges are divided into separate massifs up to 4000 m high. In the east, the mountains drop steeply to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico, and in places spurs extend to the west to the inner parts of the highlands. They are composed of Upper Mesozoic sedimentary rocks.
  • Sierra Madre Occidental
    The mountain system in Mexico, located on the western edge of the Mexican Highlands, is considered an extension of the Cordillera. The length of the ridges is about 1300 km, width 80–200 km, the ridges are separated by river canyons up to 200 m deep. The average height of the mountains is 1500–2000 m, the maximum is 3150 m (Chorreras). The mountains are composed of Precambrian metamorphic rocks with a cover of younger sedimentary and granite intrusions, overlain by thick covers of Neogene lavas. The Sierra Madre Occidental mountain ranges begin in the southeast of the US state of Arizona (southeast of Tucson), pass through the Mexican states of Sonora (eastern part), Chihuahua (western part), Durango, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato, where it connects with Trans-Mexican volcanic belt and Sierra Madre Oriental.
  • North American Cordillera
    Part of the Cordillera mountain system, stretching along the western edge of North America (including Central America). Length more than 9000 km, width 800–1600 km. The glaciation area is 67 thousand km². Many large rivers originate in the Cordillera of North America - the Yukon, Mackenzie, Peace, Missouri, Columbia, Colorado, Rio Grande. Tourism and mining are developed in the mountains.
  • Sierra Madre de Chiapas
    A mountain range located in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas and also in western Guatemala. The ridge stretches along the coast from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to the southeast, its length is about 350 km, the highest point is 4220 m above sea level. It is composed mainly of volcanic rocks. The area is seismically active and earthquakes occur frequently. To the south of the ridge lies a narrow plain of the Pacific Ocean coast. To the north are the Grijalva River Valley and the Central Chiapas Valley, separating the range from the Chiapas Plateau and the highlands of Guatemala and Honduras. To the west of the ridge is the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. East of Guatemala, the ridge forms the natural border between El Salvador and Honduras.
  • Southern Sierra Madre
    An ancient mountain system in southern Mexico, stretching for 1000 km along the Pacific coast, runs from the southern part of the state of Michoacan through the state of Guerrero to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the east of the state of Oaxaca. In the north of Oaxaca, the Sierra Madre Sur connects with the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, but to the west they are separated by the valley of the Balsas River and its tributary Tepalcatepec. The width of the ridge is up to 300 km. Despite the fact that only a few peaks exceed 3,000 m, the system is difficult to access and serves as a serious obstacle to transport links between the Pacific coast and the interior of the country. The highest point is Mount Teotepec (3703 m), located in the central part of the state of Guerrero. The mountain peaks, located in the southern part of the state of Michoacan (in the municipality of Coalcoman), are separated from the Sierra Madre Sur by the deep canyon of the Balsas River, but are generally considered an integral part of the range.


  • Cordillera
    The longest mountain system on the globe, stretching along the western edges of North and South America, from 66° N. w. (Alaska) to 56° S. w. (Terra del Fuego). The cordillera formed at the junction of two lithospheric plates, in a compression zone of the earth's crust. This strip is crossed here by many faults that start from the ocean floor and end on land. The mountain-building process here is not yet complete, as evidenced by strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (for example, Orizaba and Popocatepetl in the Mexican Highlands). The entire Cordillera system is divided into 2 parts - the Cordillera of North America and the Cordillera of South America, or the Andes. Length - more than 18 thousand km, width - up to 1600 km in North America and up to 900 km in South America. Located on the territory