Winter holidays from to. Autumn holidays are approaching in Russian schools. Why Sweden stopped its prosecution of Assange

Many parents whose children are schoolchildren, and even students of general education institutions themselves, want to know in advance what the vacation schedule will be in the next 2017-2018 school year. Why? It's quite simple. Adults want to understand when their children will be free from school in order to calmly plan their family vacation or find ways to keep their children occupied. Whereas the students themselves are interested in when they will be able to “take a break” from the boredom of school everyday life.

What determines schoolchildren's vacation dates?

Every parent is concerned that his child is constantly at work, attends school, studies in sections and develops as correctly and comprehensively as possible. Firstly, it is so useful and interesting for the student himself. Secondly, he is constantly busy, which means that unpleasant situations that children so often find themselves in when they wander aimlessly all day long are excluded.

Therefore, often the approaching holidays for children make parents nervous and spend a lot of time planning the daily routine for their child. In such planning, the pressing question becomes: “How many days will the break from school last?” Moreover, you want to know the vacation schedule in advance, so that, for example, you can understand when it is best to coordinate your next vacation from work and spend more time with your son or daughter.

However, the bureaucratic reality is such that the Ministry of Education and Science approves the recommended schedule almost on the eve of September 1st. In rare cases - a little earlier. For example, before summer. Therefore, school holidays should be officially “dated” for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year only in the near future.

At the same time, we must not forget that the Ministry of Education only recommends a list of dates for schoolchildren, taking into account the list of workdays and weekends approved by the government, the workload, and various circumstances (the same quarantine). But the heads of educational institutions directly have the right to make adjustments to suit their needs - to shift the beginning and end of the “school vacation” by 1-2 weeks.

Advice! Active interaction with the parent council and the management of the educational institution will help you stay informed about the planned dates for the holidays.

If we talk about the main reasons for changing schoolchildren’s holiday dates, there are only two of them:

  1. The calendar itself changes every year. As a rule, the days of the week shift slightly (by 1-2 days) relative to similar calendar numbers for the previous year.
  2. Our government constantly approves a new production calendar. As a result, holidays and weekends are redistributed.

Thus, an annual change in the schedule is natural, in order, for example, to avoid overlaps.

Approximate vacation dates for 2017-2018

Currently, three main education systems are used in the Russian Federation:

  1. by quarters;
  2. by modules;
  3. by trimester.

However, we note that the calendar modular and trimester planning approaches coincide, so children will have their holidays during the same period.

These are only approximate data. The only exceptions will be the beginning and end of training. Everything here is the same as before: on September 1, 2017 we go to school, on May 31, 2018 (junior grades earlier) we finish our studies.

What can affect changes in the calendar?

Educational institutions with a quarter system of education

The very first are the autumn holidays, which are marked by the celebration of National Unity Day - 04.11. This year, the holiday falls on a Saturday, as a result of which the all-Russian day off has been moved to the next Monday - November 6, 2018. It is better to check with the school management how exactly this transfer will be assessed by your educational institution and how it will set the time frame for rest.

As for winter, the New Year holidays of 2018, as a rule, coincide with the all-Russian weekend dedicated to the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. This means that students go on vacation from approximately December 27 to 30. Therefore, January 09-10, 2018 is the beginning of the third quarter, as well as the first working day for adults throughout the country.

In the spring of the 2017-2018 academic year, no national holidays are planned, and therefore changing the period of their holding in the spring of 2018 depends only on the decision of the school management. Any unforeseen circumstances may also have an impact - for example, quarantine, during which classes are not held. As a result, it is necessary to “catch up” in order to have time to teach all the topics of the school curriculum. Because of this, the dates for the spring “vacation” of schoolchildren may be shifted.

Important! For children 6-7 years old who are going to school for the first time, there are additional winter weekends in the last week of February.

Trimester schools

Oddly enough, this education system is somewhat easier for parents, although they themselves learned differently. The fact is that the method is initially based on the following scheme: the child studies for five weeks, rests for one - and this cycle is repeated again and again. The same period lasts for modules with a different type of training.

The only exception is winter holidays, which last longer. After all, it is associated with the New Year holidays approved by the production calendar. Therefore, the number of days off during the winter break from study is always greater.

Why might deadlines be delayed?

The main reason why the final word in approving the vacation period is left to the director of the educational institution is that the palette of territorial features of each region is too large.

Thus, in a number of Siberian and northern regions, training is often canceled due to severe frosts. Another objective reason could be a severe flood or an epidemic of diseases. Therefore, you can focus on the preliminary school schedule of school days and weekends, but you should not perceive it as final and approved.

  • The official website of the school is the first source of accurate, specific information. By law, each organization carrying out educational activities is required to post an annual calendar plan of classes on its website;
  • Electronic resource: student’s diary. The information you are interested in will be posted as an announcement for parents, or you can simply scroll through the diary; if there are no classes, then you have found what you were looking for;
  • The class teacher always has information on the schedule of the educational process of his students and, of course, will tell you when the holidays begin or end;
  • A telephone call to the school principal's office. The secretary is also aware of the teaching schedule and is authorized to provide you with this information.

Ecuadorian authorities have denied Julian Assange asylum at the London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained by British police, and this has already been called the biggest betrayal in the history of Ecuador. Why are they taking revenge on Assange and what awaits him?

Australian programmer and journalist Julian Assange became widely known after the website WikiLeaks, which he founded, published secret documents from the US State Department in 2010, as well as materials related to military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But it was quite difficult to find out who the police, supporting by the arms, were leading out of the building. Assange had grown a beard and looked nothing like the energetic man he had previously appeared in photographs.

According to Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, Assange was denied asylum due to his repeated violations of international conventions.

He is expected to remain in custody at a central London police station until he appears at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

Why is the President of Ecuador accused of treason?

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa called the current government's decision the biggest betrayal in the country's history. “What he (Moreno - editor’s note) did is a crime that humanity will never forget,” Correa said.

London, on the contrary, thanked Moreno. The British Foreign Office believes that justice has triumphed. The representative of the Russian diplomatic department, Maria Zakharova, has a different opinion. “The hand of “democracy” is squeezing the throat of freedom,” she noted. The Kremlin expressed hope that the rights of the arrested person will be respected.

Ecuador sheltered Assange because the former president had left-of-center views, criticized U.S. policies and welcomed WikiLeaks' release of secret documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even before the Internet activist needed asylum, he managed to personally meet Correa: he interviewed him for the Russia Today channel.

However, in 2017, the government in Ecuador changed, and the country set a course towards rapprochement with the United States. The new president called Assange “a stone in his shoe” and immediately made it clear that his stay on the embassy premises would not be prolonged.

According to Correa, the moment of truth came at the end of June last year, when US Vice President Michael Pence arrived in Ecuador for a visit. Then everything was decided. “You have no doubt: Lenin is simply a hypocrite. He has already agreed with the Americans on the fate of Assange. And now he is trying to make us swallow the pill, saying that Ecuador is supposedly continuing the dialogue,” Correa said in an interview with the Russia Today channel.

How Assange made new enemies

The day before his arrest, WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristin Hrafnsson said that Assange was under total surveillance. “WikiLeaks uncovered a large-scale spy operation against Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy,” he noted. According to him, cameras and voice recorders were placed around Assange, and the information received was transferred to the Donald Trump administration.

Hrafnsson clarified that Assange was going to be expelled from the embassy a week earlier. This did not happen only because WikiLeaks released this information. A high-ranking source told the portal about the plans of the Ecuadorian authorities, but the head of the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, Jose Valencia, denied the rumors.

Assange's expulsion was preceded by the corruption scandal surrounding Moreno. In February, WikiLeaks published a package of INA Papers, which traced the operations of the offshore company INA Investment, founded by the brother of the Ecuadorian leader. Quito said it was a conspiracy between Assange and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and former Ecuadorian leader Rafael Correa to overthrow Moreno.

In early April, Moreno complained about Assange's behavior at Ecuador's London mission. “We must protect the life of Mr. Assange, but he has already crossed all boundaries in terms of violating the agreement that we came to with him,” the president said. “This does not mean that he cannot speak freely, but he cannot lie and hack.” ". At the same time, back in February last year it became known that Assange at the embassy was deprived of the opportunity to interact with the outside world, in particular, his Internet access was cut off.

Why Sweden stopped its prosecution of Assange

At the end of last year, Western media, citing sources, reported that Assange would be charged in the United States. This was never officially confirmed, but it was because of Washington’s position that Assange had to take refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy six years ago.

In May 2017, Sweden stopped investigating two rape cases in which the portal’s founder was accused. Assange demanded compensation from the country's government for legal costs in the amount of 900 thousand euros.

Earlier, in 2015, Swedish prosecutors also dropped three charges against him due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Where did the investigation into the rape case lead?

Assange arrived in Sweden in the summer of 2010, hoping to receive protection from American authorities. But he was investigated for rape. In November 2010, a warrant was issued for his arrest in Stockholm, and Assange was put on the international wanted list. He was detained in London, but was soon released on bail of 240 thousand pounds.

In February 2011, a British court decided to extradite Assange to Sweden, after which a number of successful appeals followed for the WikiLeaks founder.

British authorities placed him under house arrest before deciding whether to extradite him to Sweden. Breaking his promise to the authorities, Assange asked for asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy, ​​which was granted to him. Since then, the UK has had its own claims against the WikiLeaks founder.

What awaits Assange now?

The man was re-arrested on a US extradition request for publishing classified documents, police said. At the same time, Deputy Head of the British Foreign Ministry Alan Duncan said that Assange would not be sent to the United States if he faced the death penalty there.

In the UK, Assange is likely to appear in court on the afternoon of April 11. This is stated on the WikiLeaks Twitter page. British authorities are likely to seek a maximum sentence of 12 months, the man's mother said, citing his lawyer.

At the same time, Swedish prosecutors are considering reopening the rape investigation. Attorney Elizabeth Massey Fritz, who represented the victim, will seek this.

Many parents of schoolchildren are interested in the school holiday schedule in 2018-2019. This will allow you to rationally plan your child’s rest and leisure time. The date and timing of school holidays were approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

School holidays are a long-established tradition. Any child who attends a secondary educational institution is always waiting for them. The number of vacation days remains the same every year. One week is always allocated for autumn and spring holidays, and two for winter holidays.

In winter, the holidays are longer, as schoolchildren must recuperate during the cold season on vacation or at home. According to the given time frame, schools have already drawn up a rest schedule for schoolchildren.

The Ministry of Education does not make a single schedule for all schools, since educational institutions have different educational systems and the number of semesters. It only provides guidance on the time frame in which the school administration should invest.

The rest period in educational institutions is calculated according to quarters and semesters. Some schools and gymnasiums provide children with longer holidays, and for first-graders this is mandatory.

Terms and dates of school holidays in Russia in 2018-2019

Schools, gymnasiums and lyceums that study in quarters, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, must rest for 7 calendar days in spring and autumn, and in winter one week more - 14 days. The school administration may add two additional days to the fall or winter breaks.

Based on all the requirements, schoolchildren's vacation schedules will look like this:

  • in autumn – from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • in winter – from December 26 to January 8, 2019;
  • in spring – from March 23 to March 31, 2019.

For elementary school students, summer vacation will begin in May, around the 23rd-25th, and for high school students - from June 1, 2019. After passing the exams, graduates will complete the educational process.

National Unity Day in Russia will be on Sunday, so it is possible that in some schools the autumn holidays will begin on October 29, 2018, and will last 8 days, until November 5, 2018. If we take into account the weekends (October 27-28), then schoolchildren will have a rest of up to 10 days.

After December 25, 2018, winter holidays will begin in schools and last until January 9, 2019. During this period, all-Russian New Year holidays take place, so schoolchildren can spend this time with family and friends. During this period, some parents plan joint trips to ski resorts with their children. In Russia, the New Year holidays can be spent attending entertainment events or exhibitions.

Spring break will begin on March 23, 2019, and students will return to their desks on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest and therefore children especially need rest after it. Strength will be needed ahead to successfully complete the school year.

Some schools in Russia study in trimesters with the consent of the parent committee, that is, the school year for schoolchildren in such institutions is divided into trimesters. Such schools will have a different holiday schedule.

Training takes place for 5-6 weeks, and rest for 7 days. Autumn holidays in such schools usually begin from October 7 to October 13, 2018 and end on November 18 or 24, 2018. In winter - from December 29, 2018 to November 18-24, 2018. Spring break starts April 8-14, 2019.

Additional holidays for primary school will take place from February 25, 2019 to March 3, 2019. This period is given so that children have time to get used to the educational process, which is a quarter in length. An additional vacation period is also recommended for special education students.

In principle, school holidays are already an established value. The number of days has not changed for a long time. Summer holidays are three months. Autumn and spring - one week each. During the winter holidays, schoolchildren rest for two weeks.

The Ministry of Education names the approximate dates of the holidays, and the school administration finally approves them, according to the given time frame.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not set exact dates for children's holidays in all educational institutions, but is only limited to recommendations on the timing of rest periods for Russian students, taking into account their training in quarters or trimesters. There are also schools and gymnasiums that provide children with additional vacation periods, and for first-graders, in addition to general ones, a 7-day vacation in February is mandatory.

Vacation schedule for the 2018-2019 academic year

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days, at the discretion of the administration of the educational institution, can be added to the autumn or winter holidays, taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019

Summer holidays begin for junior school students on May 23-25, and for high school students (except for 9th and 11th grades) - from June 1st. Graduates will complete the educational process in accordance with the exam schedule, taking place from the end of May to the end of June.

National Unity Day in 2018 falls on a Sunday, so the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will most likely begin on October 29 and end on November 5, amounting to 8 days, and taking into account the weekends (October 27 and 28) - 9-10 days. During this time, schoolchildren will be able to have a good rest, visit museums and theaters, go to the cinema and spend time with parents and friends.

The 2019 New Year holidays begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian New Year holidays occur at this time, so the children will be able to spend them with their families. Family vacations can be spent at ski resorts and on trips to interesting places in Russia. Throughout the country at this time there are many fun activities for children that the whole family can attend.

The spring holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will begin on March 23, and schoolchildren will begin their studies on April 1, 2019. The third quarter is the longest, and after it rest is especially needed. The end of the school year is coming up, and you should be well rested to complete it without problems. If the weather permits, this time should be devoted to walks and games in the fresh air. Vacations will also allow you to improve your knowledge in those subjects that require additional preparation.

Many Russian schools, with the consent of parent committees, have switched to trimester education, which involves dividing the school period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren compared to students in quarters.

Vacations under the modular system are calculated according to the following scheme: training - 5-6 weeks, then rest - 7 days. Children take the following breaks from their studies:

  • in the fall of 2018, these days fall on October 7-13 and November 18-24;
  • in winter - from December 29, 2018 to January 8, 2019 and February 18-24;
  • in the spring of 2019 - April 8-14.
  • Summer holidays will last from June 1 to August 31.

Vacations for first grade students

Additional holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 will be held from February 25 to March 3. They were introduced in order to help young schoolchildren better adapt to school and spend the longest quarter of the school period. The same additional vacation period is recommended for students in correctional educational institutions. In some schools, holidays in February are arranged for all primary school students from 1 to 4.

The holidays are the most awaited time for Russian schoolchildren, and they are already eagerly counting down the days until the moment when they can throw away their textbooks and do the things they really enjoy. This period is especially important for children studying in high school, because they are burdened with so many worries that it is difficult to find a free minute. So, in 2018-2019, the holidays on the eve of the New Year will begin on December 26 and will last until January 8 inclusive.

Since studying for children and working for their parents takes a lot of time, the latter try to take time off during the holidays. After all, this is exactly that rare moment when you can devote time to your child and spend it with benefit for the whole family.


The decision on the start and end time of holidays in the new academic year will be made by each educational institution independently. The dates of the 2018-2019 school holidays in a particular educational institution depend on many factors:

Training by trimesters, quarters or modules;
climatic conditions of the area;
The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation sets recommended holiday dates, but the final decision still remains with the leadership of educational institutions.

Academic year 2018 2019 for students by quarter

Start of the school year: September 1, 2018
First quarter: September 1 - October 26, 2018
Autumn holidays: October 27 - November 5, 2018
Second quarter: November 6 - December 29, 2018
Winter holidays: December 26, 2018 - January 8, 2019
Third quarter: January 9 - March 22, 2019
Additional holidays for first-year students: February 16 - February 25, 2019
Spring break: March 23 - March 31, 2019
Fourth quarter: April 1 - May 31, 2019.
End of the academic year: May 31, 2019.
Summer holidays 2019: June 1 - August 31, 2019.

Academic year 2018 2019 for students by trimester

The training schedule by trimester is quite simple - students in this system spend 5 weeks studying, after which the 6th week is a vacation. The result is the following school term dates for 2018-2019:

1st trimester: September 1, 2018– October 6, 2018;
1 autumn holidays - from 7 to 14 October 2018
2nd trimester: October 14, 2018 – November 17, 2018;
2 autumn holidays - from 18 to 24 November
3rd trimester: November 25, 2018 – December 29, 2018.
Winter holidays - from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019
4th trimester: January 9, 2019 – February 15, 2019;
2 winter holidays: from February 16, 2019 to February 24, 2019
5th trimester: February 25, 2019 – April 5, 2019;
Spring break - from April 6, 2019 to April 14, 2019
6th trimester: April 15, 2019– May 31, 2019.
Summer holidays - from June 1 to August 31, 2019.


Additional holidays or rescheduling of holidays in schools and other educational institutions are possible for the following reasons:

Low air temperature - minus 25 degrees Celsius for primary school; minus 28 degrees – for high school; minus 30 degrees for students in grades 10 and 11.
Low temperature in classrooms. When the air temperature in classrooms is below +18 degrees, it is prohibited to conduct classes.
Quarantine and exceeding the morbidity threshold. Quarantine can be declared in a separate school, a separate district, city or region if the epidemic incidence threshold of 25% of the total number of students is exceeded.

Who determines the school holiday dates?

The school itself decides what schedule children will study according to. This decision is made at a meeting of the governing council, which includes not only teachers and administration, but also representatives of parents and the students themselves.
The Ministry of Education (formerly the Ministry of Education and Science) usually publishes recommended holiday schedules for different educational systems, which take into account public holidays. But the school can adjust this schedule to suit its needs - for example, the holidays can start a couple of days earlier or later.
Therefore, it is better to look for the final schedule of vacations and holidays adopted by the school on its official website - it should be published no later than September.


If parents just want to spend more time with their child on vacation and give him a better rest, then there is nothing wrong with being a day or two late for school. In the first days of classes, teachers deliberately do not give any serious workload in order to help students get ready for school and get into work mode. The main thing is to find out the homework for the missed days, so as not to start a new quarter (or semester) and fail, advises the portal

If the problem is much deeper, and parents see that the child can barely cope with the academic load, then it is worth thinking about changing the study schedule. Most often this is noticeable at the end of the third quarter when studying according to the traditional system. As luck would have it, this period includes the most difficult topics in the program, and the lack of sun and vitamin deficiency aggravate the picture. Trimesters and modules are simpler in this regard - there are no such long study periods and the time to rest comes earlier.

You can discuss the transition to a different educational system at a general meeting of parents at the school, or by directly contacting the school’s governing council. The decision is made after discussion and general voting. To properly substantiate your position, it is better to discuss this idea with other parents of students and teachers.