Schlossberg Castle. Schlossberg Castle. How to get to the castle on the Schlossberg mountain

I continue to explore the city of Graz and its castle mountain Schlossberg. Another day of traveling through not-so-touristy Austria was approaching lunchtime. In the morning I managed to miss the train here from Vienna, then took the next one along the famous Semmering road, and then walked along the central streets of Graz. The goal was to visit the local Schlossberg castle on castle hill, and then, if time permits, make a forced march in the other direction from the station to Eggenberg castle, which is also on the UNESCO list.

The steps I had the honor of climbing have their own name and history.

They are officially called Schlossbergsteig (Schlossberg Steps). They were built here during the 1st World War by Austrian pioneers and Russian prisoners of war. Therefore, they are also called “Russensteig” (Russian steps) or “Kriegssteig” (Military steps). From 1924 to 1928, an additional branch of steps was added in the middle to the western part of the castle hill.

The first spiers are already becoming visible, the city begins to open up from above.

The Kunsthaus has already appeared. From this height, it is like an outlandish alien caterpillar, always clearly distinguishable against the background of classic red tile roofs.

As I already said, Graz is the second most populous city in Austria. On an area of ​​127 sq. kilometers, according to the latest data, about 270 thousand people live.

What is noteworthy is that about a sixth of them are students. Graz has a large number of educational institutions, making it one of the most progressive educational centers in Central Europe.

I climbed to the top of the hill, from where the clock tower is visible - Uhrturm.

The tower and the surrounding fortifications date back to the 10th century, and in the 16th century the first Schlossberg fortress was built here by invited Italian craftsmen.

The tower is a symbol of Graz and its calling card. It is she who is captured in all sorts of iconic photos in these parts. I still have to do this. But it was not possible to get inside the tower. There is a barn lock on the door and there is no place nearby to purchase tickets/excursions inside.

But there is a smaller copy of the turret. The original one is 28 meters high, but this one is less than a meter.

Since 1839, the castle grounds have been turned into a public park, where it is very comfortable to walk. Which is what I did.

Signal guns. Until 1787, these 4 cannons, the Four Evangelists, warned the population of the approaching enemy. In 1809 they fell into the hands of the French when Napoleon was besieging the city and this castle hill.

The city survived Napoleon's siege and remained unconquered, which earned it special fame. Only after a peace agreement on a ceasefire was signed did the local soldiers retreat. But Napoleon beat them up pretty badly; the forces were clearly unequal.

View of the eastern part of the city. The Mur River and more modern buildings interspersed with ancient ones.

In the shade of the gazebo on the hill you can while away an hour or two and escape the midday heat.

On the observation deck at the top there is a circle indicating the direction and distance from here to various cities of the world. Suddenly...Malta.

The concert will be in the evening, but now the hall is deserted. which didn’t stop me from sticking my camera through the bars and taking a couple of shots. An impressive ancient hall and apparently good acoustics.

The next joke is the observation deck. Are you looking for the building in the photo...

Then you look up and look for this place in the live picture. At the same time, I got an idea of ​​where the Eggenberg castle is, which I planned to go to later.

The monument "Lev Hackner" was erected here in 1909, exactly 100 years after the siege of the castle by Napoleon's troops. It was named in honor of Major Franz Hackner, who commanded the local garrison and repelled French attacks more than 8 times. Moreover, the number of the garrison was less than a thousand soldiers and officers, while the French had forces exceeding four thousand people. A symbol of heroism and military valor.

The wall of Schlossberg Castle itself, overgrown with bindweed and bushes.

View of the local cathedral. It’s quite far away, I didn’t have time to go there and check it out.

Stuck near the stand with descriptions of walking routes on Castle Hill.

A memorable photo with a business card.

Then I managed to walk around the local park for another half hour, fortunately time allowed. Well, we had to wait out the midday sun somewhere.
But little by little we had to go down the mountain, because we had to have lunch and move on to Eggenberg.

Right after descending from the stairs, I sat down in one of the cafes located right on the main road. The prices here were supposed to be tourist prices and not cheap, but time was more expensive.

To begin with, I took an appetizer in the form of “Styrian tapas.” Yes, Styria also has quite a lot of tapas. True, in this place they were three types of stews according to certain national recipes. Beans, various baked and stewed meats

The bowls are small in size, but just right for tasting. For a person passing through this city and region - doubly so! I tried everything carefully, the tastes are unique.

All this was supposed to be washed down with wonderful cherry cider, which was found in large quantities in the establishment.

Well, as a main course, a large portion of good Austrian goulash with scypettes - a type of felted pasta in this region. Very tasty well stewed meat and lots of gravy. This is what real goulash should be like.

These are the gastronomic joys of life...

I paid and went to the Mur River. Stop "Convertible bus". In fact, a long minibus with an open top looks very interesting in the pictures. It's a pity I didn't meet you in person.

Once again I pass the Kunsthaus eggplant. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to stay in the city until nightfall, so we couldn’t see its night illumination. Judging by the photographs on the Internet, the spectacle is unusual.

Now I’m already on the central streets, continuing my way to the station and further to Eggenberg Castle.

The adventures around Graz should be continued...

Schlossberg (German: Schlossberg), the name translates as Castle Hill, is a popular place among tourists. The height of the mountain is 450 meters. The interest of travelers is caused by three facts: for some time it was the capital of Austria. The second fact is that the Schlossberg fortress was included in the Guinness Book of Records as a fortress that no one managed to take. And the third fact: In 1999, the Schlossberg castle mountain was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural monument.

The Schlossberg fortress has a history of more than a thousand years. It was erected in 1125 on the site of an old defensive structure.

What amazes and delights in Graz is the careful attitude towards history and the way historical places are used.

This is a historical cultural and park area. Here is the symbol of Graz (Uhr Turm).

The resting place is a beautiful park, divided into historical walking trails. Here you can take a walk and relax in the shade of the trees. You can have a snack. Admire the views of Graz from the mountain.

Performances, concerts and festivals take place on the territory of the fortress. The hall is located on the territory of the castle casemates. Before the performance, a roof is stretched over them, and a stage and auditorium are assembled below. The acoustics are good, so the venue is used for modern arts, operas, and classical music concerts.

See the program of cultural events on the official Graz website (link to it at the end of the article) or in the tourist information.

There is a funicular going up the mountain. You can climb the mountain quickly. The cabins offer beautiful views of the city.

History of the Schlossberg Fortress

Slavic tribes have lived on the territory of Graz since ancient times. The name of the city itself comes from the Slavic word gradec - fortification.

The fortress as a serious fortification structure arose in the 12th century. By this time, Graz, under the control of the ducal Babenberg dynasty, became an important trading center.

100 years later, in the 13th century, the city received special privileges from King Rudolf I.

And after another 100 years, Graz became the seat of the Habsburg dynasty.

I found this picture on the net. It is written that this is Schlossberg. I can’t believe it... But it generally creates the mood and idea of ​​life in castles.

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Construction began with the construction of the first tower - Bergfried. A fairly tall building, equipped with small windows, occupies a small area at the base. The far-sighted residents of Graz perfectly equipped the tower: it had everything needed for defense and further construction of the fortress.

The next building was the Clock Tower.

The tower is the symbol of Graz. It can be seen from different points of the old city.

The location of Graz shaped the fate of the city. For a long time the city was an important defensive point on the border of the Roman Empire.

He fought off numerous attacks by local tribes and Hungarians. The weapons used by the city's defenders can be seen in Graz.

In 1481, the city repelled an attack by the Hungarians.
Graz was the capital of Austria for a short time. Emperor Frederick III left Vienna and took refuge from the Hungarian attack in Graz.

In 1529, Graz repelled an attack by the Ottoman Turks.

In 1531, Graz defeated the Turkish army in a battle and stopped the capture of Europe by the Ottoman Turks. In connection with this event, we must pay tribute to another Austrian fortress - Regensburg with an equally heroic history.

The Turks destroyed part of the castle hill, so in 1543 large-scale work began to restore, strengthen and reconstruct the fortress.

It was difficult to carry out construction work, because... part of the fortress was located on a steep mountain, so the Italian architect Domenico Del'Alio was invited to Graz. At the same time, he was engaged in reconstruction.

It was Domenico Del'Alio who came up with an ingenious solution: he built a “freight elevator” to deliver goods upstairs.

Over time, this upward move was modified and turned into a rail funicular. I will tell you about it below.

Old buildings were demolished. Instead, more modern and reliable ones were built. Construction was completed by the beginning of the 17th century.

The next glorious page in the history of the fortress is the war with Napoleon.

In 1809, Napoleon's army occupied Vienna, but the army of thousands was unable to take Graz.

Then Bonaparte used blackmail - he promised to burn the buildings of Vienna until the Schlossberg fortress opened its gates to him. Only this forced the garrison to surrender.

After entering Graz and defeating the Habsburgs, Napoleon ordered the Schlossberg fortress to be razed to the ground.

Residents of Graz collected money and paid monetary compensation for the clock tower and bell tower. So they saved two historical monuments from destruction.

The two bastions were also well preserved (it was obviously not easy to destroy such a fortress).

Graz City Park. 1878 plan

Click on the map to enlarge it.

30 years later, in 1839, on the initiative of the famous Austrian military leader Baron Ludwig von Velden, the former fortress was transformed into a city park. The park still exists today.

In the mid-19th century, a restaurant was opened on the mountain. You can go there to relax and eat.

Attractions of the Schlossberg Fortress

Clock tower.

There is an observation deck around the tower with views of Graz. There are park paths leading from the tower. They are located on terraces.

Near the tower there is a monument to a dog. It is associated with a legend when a dog barked to warn the guards that enemies were sneaking into the fortress to kidnap the bride from the castle. The groom received a refusal the day before.

Dogs are allowed into the park. There is even a special tap with a drinking bowl. Tradition.

Turkish well

It was built in 1544-1547. The depth of the well shaft is 94 meters, reaching the waters of the Mur River. During the siege, the well provided water to the entire fortress.

Cannon Hut

There was a prison here. Now it is a military garrison museum.

Signal guns

4 cannons, which were called "Four Evangelists". Until 1787, they warned the population about the approaching enemy.

In 1809 the cannons fell into the hands of the French.

Cerrini Castle

Named after the commander of the defense against Napoleon's troops.

Height 34 meters. After destruction by the Turks, it was rebuilt in 1588. Inside the tower is a bell weighing 4632 kg. The bell has a special sound and, of course, its own name - Liesl.

It was cast in 1587 from 101 captured Turkish cannonballs. Therefore, the bell strikes 101 times per day. To be honest, we never heard a fight. Maybe he calls on some special holiday.

So that the bell could ring (and hang in the tower - it’s 5 tons after all), blacksmiths forged a special mechanism. The bell tower is very popular among tourists. It offers beautiful views of Graz.

Sculpture-monument to Major Franz Hackner. His valor, courage and duty. Under the command of a major, the fortress garrison, numbering less than 1,000 soldiers and officers, more than 8 times repelled the attacks of Napoleon's French army, whose forces exceeded 4,000 people.

The image of Major Hackner has not survived, so the city residents embodied their memory and gratitude to the defender of Schlossberg in the image of a lion.

The monument was erected on this site in 1908, 100 years after the siege of the fortress by the French.

Even if you don’t know this story, you want to stop and be silent near the lion. Unusual lion. It contains dignity, beauty, and something else that cannot be expressed in words.

Openwork tank (Great Well)

The tank capacity is 900,000 liters. It was built in 1544 - 1547. The reservoir collected rainwater that passed through a filter system. It was decorated with a beautiful openwork lattice in 1739.

Concerts are held here now.

Steps to Mount Schlossberg

The steps are also an attraction. Their official name is Schlossbergsteig (Schlossberg Steps). The steps were built during World War I by Austrian pioneers and Russian prisoners of war. Therefore, another name is “Russensteig” (Russian steps) or “Kriegssteig” (Military steps).

From 1924 to 1928 an additional branch was added to the steps leading to the western part of the castle hill.

Modern legend says that Arnold Schwarzenegger, who lived in Graz, ran up these steps every morning. But this is a legend, because... Arnold lived in a village and it would have been too far for him to run.


Another attraction is the adits inside the mountain. Previously, tunnels under the fortress connected the two castles Big and Small, and also led into the city to important buildings. Now you can take an elevator up the tunnel to the fortress territory.

When you enter the tunnel, you can see old passages, excavations and rails. During World War II, the adits served as a bomb shelter for city residents.

Here is the entrance to the castle grounds and the elevator to the mountain

We heard that there is now a fabulous underground railway running through the tunnels and you can ride along it. But we don’t have detailed information. Ask at the tourist information office. If anyone knows about this road, please tell me in the comments.

How to get to the castle on the Schlossberg mountain

Easy to get there. The castle is visible from anywhere in the old city. See map below.
There are three ways to climb the castle hill.

  1. Along the Schlossberg steps. They start at Schlossbergplatz. The steps have rest areas.
  2. Right here on the elevator.
  3. On the funicular. The funicular stop is located next to the island on the Mur River.

Schlossberg on the map

Funicular operating hours

In summer (April–September):

  • Sunday - Wednesday: from 09:00 to 24:00
  • Thursday - Saturday: from 09:00 to 02:00

In winter (October-March):

  • Sunday - Wednesday: from 10:00 to 24:00
  • Thursday - Saturday: from 10:00 to 02:00

Cost of cable car tickets

Ticket price 2 euros 10 cents

How much does it cost to enter the Schlossberg Fortress?

Since the former fortress is currently a city park, entry to the park is free for everyone.

The park is open to the public every day throughout the year. A visit to the Schlossberg Fortress is included in numerous sightseeing tours.

Official website of Graz:


Schlossberg Castle is located in Austria, in the city of Graz and is considered one of the most beloved and famous city attractions. It is located on a high hill at the end of the old city. Schlossberg literally means “Castle Hill”.

The castle itself was built back in 1125, and from that time until 1809 it was never captured until the moment when it was captured by Napoleon’s troops and partially destroyed. Since that time, the castle has not been fully restored.

Infrastructure on Castle Hill in Graz

Today, the remains of the so-called fortifications, as well as the vast, beautiful and well-kept park, are popular among local residents and tourists. On the territory of Castle Hill there are various meadows, cafes, a theater, a souvenir shop, and children's playgrounds.

Three ways to get to Schlossberg Castle

Tourists have three options to choose from to get to Castle Hill. The most difficult of them is the ascent on foot. This hike will take about 30 minutes, since the height of the mountain on which the castle is located is about 70 m, and the steps to the castle go in a zigzag, which makes the climb difficult and long.

The second way is to get to the castle by cable car, which has been simply called Schlossbergbahn since 1894.

The third way you can get here is by using the elevator (Schlossberg lift), which goes up the mountain to the castle in just a few seconds.

Attractions in the castle

The most visited and popular attraction on the territory of Schlossberg Castle is the Clock Tower, which was built back in 1265 and restored in 1569. From this bell tower you can see the enchanting surroundings, houses and red city roofs.

It is noteworthy that at first one hand was installed on the clock, which pointed only to the clock. A little later, a second hand was attached, which indicated the minutes. The uniqueness is that the first hand was thicker and longer, which now points to the hours, and the smaller one to the minutes. Therefore, it is very easy to confuse the time!

Helpful information

How to get there: Trams No. 4 and No. 5 go to Castle Hill - stop Schlossbergplatz / Murinsel.

How to get to Schlossberg Castle

1. Schlossberglift. There is an elevator at Schloßbergplatz that takes you to Schlossberg Castle in 30 seconds.

Elevator opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 00:30 (the schedule is subject to change on holidays).

Fare: for adults - 1.60 €; for children - 1.10 €.

2. Schloßbergbahn. A funicular runs to Castle Hill every 15 minutes.

Address: Kaiser Franz Josef Kai 38, Graz.

Tel.: +43 316 887-3391

Schlossbergbahn funicular operating hours:

  • April - September: Monday to Thursday (9:00 - 00:00); Friday and Saturday (9:00 - 02:00); Sunday (9:00 - 23:00).
  • October - March: Monday to Thursday (10:00 - 00:00); Friday and Saturday (10:00 - 02:00); Sunday (10:00 - 22:00).

Fare: adult - from 2.40 €; for children from up to 14 years old - from 1.20 €; for pensioners - from 1.50 €.

24 hour ticket: adult - 5.30 €; for children from up to 14 years old - from 2.70 €; preferential (students, pensioners, large families) - from 3.30 €.

3. Fairytale Train(Grazer Märchenbahn): daily from 9:00 to 17:00 (closed on the 1st Monday of the month). You can find out the cost of the attraction on the website.

In the historical district of the city, it is also worth visiting the Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand II, founded at the beginning of the 17th century.

The castle was built in 1125 and has been the residence of emperors since the 15th century. It was never captured until 1809. Three times Napoleonic troops tried to take the fortress, and only in 1809 they managed to blow it up. And in 1839, a city park was laid out here, but the castle itself was never fully restored.

For tourists

At the moment, this place has many interesting structures to visit. There are many fortifications, as well as theaters, cafes and a park located on the territory of the castle.

There are three ways to get to the castle grounds. One of them, and one of the most difficult, is climbing on foot. And since the height of the mountain is 70 meters, and the steps are located in a zigzag, which makes the climb difficult, it will take about half an hour and take a little energy. But the entire climb is equipped with rest areas, with whose help you can enjoy the views of the nearby city. Most visitors to the castle prefer to descend rather than ascend this way. The second method of ascent is a funicular, whose name since 1894 is Schlossbergbahn. And the third way is an elevator, which rises to a height of 77 meters in a matter of minutes.

Until five in the evening you can book an educational tour with a guide around the castle grounds. Here you can also have a delicious lunch in small cafes and buy traditional souvenirs in specialized shops.

You can visit the castle every day from 10:00 to 17:00. And the entrance ticket price is $4 for an adult, and free for a student or child.


The most interesting and popular place to visit is the Clock Tower, built in 1265 and restored in 1569. This chapel is interesting and unique in that initially its clock had only one hand, indicating only the hours. Over time, a minute hand was added to it, but it was smaller than the previous one. And now the long and plump hand shows the hours, and the smaller one shows the minutes, and this confuses visitors. From this place and the nearby Bell Tower there is a wonderful view of the surrounding city.

A military museum was also built on the castle grounds. It displays ancient cannons, and ancient weapons have been collected since 1551. This is the largest arsenal of weapons in the world, with 30,000 exhibits. Nearby, in the open air, there is a theater and in the warm season you can see performances there. It is also worth paying attention to the exhibition halls located in the catacombs, the beautiful Chinese pavilion, as well as the unusual Gothic entrance gate.

Helpful information


Wickenburggasse 13, 8010 Graz

How to get there

Take tram 4, 5, 12 to the stop Schlossbergbahn (Sackstraße)

Schlossberg Castle

Schlossberg Castle is one of the most famous landmarks in the city of Graz in Austria. The building stands on a high hill in the oldest part of the city and its name means “Castle Hill”.

Historical information The castle was built in 1125 and has been the residence of emperors since the 15th century. It was never captured until 1809. Three times Napoleonic troops tried to take the fortress, and only in 1809 they managed to blow it up. And in 1839, a city park was laid out here, but the castle itself was never fully restored.

One of the most interesting buildings of the castle is the Urturm Tower (German: Uhrturm), which offers a beautiful view of the city.

Information for tourists At the moment, there are many interesting structures to visit in this place. There are many fortifications, as well as theaters, cafes and a park located on the territory of the castle.

There are three ways to get to the castle grounds. One of them, and one of the most difficult, is climbing on foot. And since the height of the mountain is 70 meters, and the steps are located in a zigzag, which makes the climb difficult, it will take about half an hour and take a little energy. But the entire climb is equipped with rest areas, with whose help you can enjoy the views of the nearby city. Most visitors to the castle prefer to descend rather than ascend this way. The second method of ascent is a funicular, whose name since 1894 is Schlossbergbahn. And the third way is an elevator, which rises to a height of 77 meters in a matter of minutes.

The most interesting and popular place to visit is the Clock Tower, built in 1265 and restored in 1569. This chapel is interesting and unique in that initially its clock had only one hand, indicating only the hours. Over time, a minute hand was added to it, but it was smaller than the previous one. And now the long and plump hand shows the hours, and the smaller one shows the minutes, and this confuses visitors. From this place and the nearby Bell Tower there is a wonderful view of the surrounding city.

A military museum was also built on the castle grounds. It displays ancient cannons, and ancient weapons have been collected since 1551. This is the largest arsenal of weapons in the world, with 30,000 exhibits. Nearby, in the open air, there is a theater and in the warm season you can see performances there. It is also worth paying attention to the exhibition halls located in the catacombs, the beautiful Chinese pavilion, as well as the unusual Gothic entrance gate.

Until five in the evening you can book an educational tour with a guide around the castle grounds. Here you can also have a delicious lunch in small cafes and buy traditional souvenirs in specialized shops.
You can visit the castle every day from 10:00 to 17:00. And the entrance ticket price is $4 for an adult, and free for a student or child. You can get to your destination by tram 4, 5, 12 to the Schlossbergbahn stop (SacktraBc) or by taking a sightseeing trip around the city of Graz.

City Attractions There are many interesting sights to visit around the city of Graz. One of them is an arena built in the mid-1990s and originally named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born and raised in the Austrian village of Thal before becoming famous. But it was renamed in 2005 to SKP Arena. Also a very beautiful place to visit is the Landhaushof. This beautiful courtyard was created in the second half of the 15th century. It is famous for its surrounding Renaissance façade and dramatic arches. And also the luxurious buildings around the palace, thanks to Italian architecture. Also a historically interesting place to visit is the Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand II, located in the Old Town area. You can visit this place any day from 10:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 16:00. You can also relax and get a lot of pleasure near the Moore River and explore the artificial island “Moore Island” in the form of an open shell. And just have a nice time, swim and sunbathe on Copcabana beach. The beach and island are open daily and entry is free.