Wonderful city of Kropotkin. “My City General description of the object

Kropotkin is the middle brother of the three easternmost cities of the region; it is slightly larger in population than Tikhoretsk, but almost half the size of Armavir. Kropotkin was lucky that it became a city, because for many years it was just a Post at the Burnt Oak, yes, that’s what it was called, where a bunch of Cossacks made sure that the Circassians did not sneak into the north.

But suddenly a railway was built and a military post of three cripples suddenly turned into the Romanovsky farm, which quickly became a transport center and in 1921 received the status of a city and the name of the famous anarchist theorist, Prince Kropotkin, who in the same 1921, in his 79th year died peacefully from pneumonia.

Kropotkin began with a bus station, so dull that you want to run away from it as quickly as possible.

The station is located almost on the outskirts; to get into the city you need to go through an unexpectedly clean and neat underground passage, without a single sign.

Immediately after the crossing, something resembling a park awaits, in the middle of which there is a piece of concrete pipe, for some reason fenced off. It turned out to be a monument to those executed during the war.

I see a scary strange house.

All that's good about it are tiny signs with street names. Graceful. Even under a layer of rust and paint. But the new ones... It is the highest idiocy to make street names along with advertising - a crime against the city.

The closer to the center, the more interesting it is. Not bad street stands of the Soviet style.

A wonderful pre-revolutionary building. When houses with such intricate architectural details are painted in contrasting colors, it's great, it looks amazing.

Near the beauty there was a collective farm - three “masterpieces” in one bottle.

Nearby, in the block, is a school that caught my attention. A beautiful, old building, built in several stages.

Surrounded by old buildings and a former teachers' dormitory.

Kropotkin, after all, is small. A little less than an hour's walk from the edge and here we are at the station square - in the heart of the city. The area is good, but first there is a fly in the ointment.

There's another drop behind her

And now the “honey” is the station.

It is incomparable, one of the most beautiful train stations I have ever seen. Some elements were very reminiscent of the details of the Brest Fortress. Beauty.

Also on the square you can pay attention to the state bank building, hidden behind the trees.

And the movie MIRtheater looks good

Behind the square begins one of the best quarters of Kropotkin. At some point it may seem that you are in a city four times larger, but not in a simple regional center. The administration building, designed in a typical, pardon the tautology, administrative Soviet style.

A neat two-story residential building, I love these, but also not without an ulcer in the form of an ugly baklon.

On the same block there is another very interesting residential building with beautiful balconies.

Looks great, but they also ruined it

A minute's walk from the high-rise building and the main street is the market. The market is the same as everywhere else.

There is a church near the market. The church itself was built at the beginning of the last century, but the bell tower next to the temple was completed quite recently. A church with a pretense of beauty. The claim was accepted, but partially. Everything that is not made of brick looks too “cardboard”.

You are not allowed to park near the church.

The house, the woman on the bench said that it was built in 1846, not as big, not at all as well-kept, but just as cool as the station.

What an arch! Eye-catching

The road descends to the backwater.

Once there was a well-maintained beach here, but now it’s something like this.

Once upon a time the riverbed of the Kuban River lay here.

Now Kuban is running along a different path.

There is another monument near the river.

By the way, this is a different outskirts. Kropotkin greets guests with the skeleton of a chemical plant, once one of the city-forming enterprises. If it were not for the railroad, the closure of this enterprise could have been fatal for the city.

In general, being in Kropotkin I experienced a strange feeling. The city seems to be a province of a province, but its spirit is industrial, there is something so brutal and strict in this city, felt subconsciously. I couldn’t find an objective explanation for this, although there are still operating enterprises.

Brewery. Tasty... Sorry, handsome and the beer is delicious.

Oil extraction plant.

Near which stands grandfather Lenin.

And here is the center again. Another beautiful house.

Old clock and dialogue behind:
- What is he doing?
- Takes photographs.
- Why is he taking pictures of the watch?
- Spy.

City Park.

There are a number of outstanding heads in the park.

Beautiful fountain. New. The kind that has a chance to become a tourist attraction in 100 years.

And another Ilyich.

I looked around the center. I take the bus and go to the area behind the railway, popularly known as Filippovka. By the way, the bus stop has a great schedule, almost new, but in the best traditions of the recent past.

Filippovka is boring.

There is only Victory Park there.

Only closer to the railway and the center do you start to see something interesting again.

The crossing is being repaired.

The railway is everything for Kropotkin, thanks to it he became a city, thanks to it he lives and develops further. It’s like a backbone that permeates the city’s neighborhoods, as if it’s a backbone that holds life in this place; after all, almost half of the city works in one way or another for Russian Railways.

And before they were jailed for this. - My grandfather grumbles behind me when I take pictures of the path from the pedestrian bridge. They used to plant them, but today they don’t, and I have the opportunity to talk about the cities of the region and in particular about Kropotkin, a city that I liked. There are flaws, but where would we be without them, in our outback?

P.S. And I’ll show you the railway station again. Well, it’s wonderful!

As I promised, I’m posting a post about the wonderful city of Kropotkin.

The city of Kropotkin is located in the Krasnodar region. It is the administrative center of the Caucasus region. The city's population is over 80,000 people.

In order not to bore the reader with Google searches, I made a small selection of information from the website of the city of Kropotkin.
Kropotkin is a picturesque southern city located in the east of the Krasnodar region. On its territory there are 16 burial mounds from the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages, wartime monuments, the Holy Intercession Cathedral, a local history museum, parks and alleys. The city has two stadiums, a swimming pool with 50-meter lanes, and a cinema.
The history of the founding of the city of Kropotkin is closely connected with the activities of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov in the Kuban. The beginning of settlement on the site of the current city dates back to 1778, when, among other fortifications, the Romanovsky post was built. Suvorov A.V. established a Cossack guard post at the ford to guard the crossing of the Kuban River, strengthening it with a small redoubt. Since 1783, on military maps, post No. 1 Romanovsky began to be designated as a redoubt. At first the inscription read: “Redoubt near Sukhoi Oak in the Romanovskaya Crossing tract,” then the name became more laconic “Redoubt in the tract near Sukhoi Oak.”
In 1875, the Rostov-Vladikavkaz Railway (now the North Caucasus Railway), which was under construction, went into operation, running through the former Romanovsky post, the village of Nevinnomyssk, and the valleys of the Kuban rivers. Kuma, Terek.
According to the first census of 1894, there were 959 households and 8,147 people living in the Romanovsky farm.
In 1921, the chairman of the Glukhikh farm executive committee made a proposal to the Kuban-Black Sea Regional Executive Committee to rename the Romanovsky farm into the city of Kropotkin, in honor of the scientist, geologist and geographer, anarchist theorist P. A. Kropotkin. The Romanovsky farm was reorganized into the city of Kropotkin on 04/14/1921 (03/14/1921 there was such an option).

We went to this glorious city for a special reason (see the top of the billboard). By the way, pay attention to the masterly installation of the banner. The external unit of the split system harmoniously fits into the word “November”, thereby setting a new trend of symbiosis of advertising posters with facade elements.

The exhibition took place at the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers. A small room was allocated for the exhibition, in which there was not enough space for participants and visitors. It was cramped and stuffy. I’m not a big fan of cat shows, so after carrying things out of the car and setting up the tent, I went for a walk around the city. It was very cloudy.

The central street of the city is Krasnaya Street.

I remember that when I first saw such a tree as a child, I thought it was a bird’s nest.

This watch caused me great delight. If they also showed the time accurately, there would be no price for them.

The central street pleasantly surprised with the abundance of flower beds.

In addition to flower beds and flower beds, Kropotkin amazes with the number of benches.

Prosecutor's office building. There are not many such historical buildings. The eye rejoices when you look. I don’t like modern boring new buildings made of glass and concrete.

Building of the Cossack Army.

Police. It’s a very beautiful building, but I wouldn’t want to be there on business.

The main attraction of Kropotkin is the historical building of the railway station.
Kavkazskaya station is a junction railway station, which belongs to the Krasnodar branch of the North Caucasus Railway and is located in the city of Kropotkin. The station was built in 1874 and the first train departed at the same time. And the station building was erected in 1903 (I came across information about 1902).

The building used to look like this (1875). I found the photo on the Russian Railways website.

Somewhere I found information that during the Great Patriotic War the station was damaged and later restored. I can't find it now. Glory to the Great Google-Yandex!

Looks better from a distance. All windows must be the same. A metal-plastic door on a historical building is not cool!

The fountain on the station square was turned off, so I didn’t take pictures of it. I am sure that in working condition it is incomparable. But he rented a cinema.

State bank.

Kropotkin is a green city!

The sign of the city museum is made in a 3D version with an aging effect. Unfortunately, the museum was closed and I was not able to visit it.

Administration building. Here I turned from Krasnaya Street towards the market.

Do they sell flying night lanterns in your city?

I liked the architecture of the city. Nice, modest and tasteful, but only on the main street.

Holy Intercession Cathedral. Located opposite the gates of the central market. Why this angle? The parking lot and passing Gazelles left no other choice. Electrical wires also do not improve the composition. There are better photographs of the cathedral on the Internet.
Here's what we found on the city forum.
In 1894, a missionary monastery was established in the Romanovsky farm. The monks' first church was a church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. The Holy Intercession Cathedral was built later, in 1912. The praying Temple in honor of the Kazan Icon was destroyed in the late 30s of the last century.
The missionary monastery in the Romanovsky farm was closed in 1922, but the Holy Intercession Cathedral and the Kazan Church remained.
From 1929 to 1943 there were no services in the Cathedral. Since 1976, a major restoration has taken place. The domes were covered with copper, wall paintings were made inside, and the iconostasis was restored and gilded. The restoration of ancient icons continues to this day.
After 1991, 12 cells were returned. In 1999, a bell tower was built, and the Kazan Church, where the sacrament of Baptism is performed, was restored (in a different form).

Central Market. I wanted to buy a souvenir as a keepsake. I didn't find anything. Kropotkin is not a tourist town. People looked at the man with the camera in an unhealthy way. I even heard the following dialogue between women: “I found something to film. We have nothing to film here.”

A house is like a house. I was captivated by its color.

People love and read books here.

Kropotkin amazed me with the number of boutiques. The Italians might be jealous!

A boutique for the common people. Puddles included.

There is a love bench next to the registry office.

Naturally, sitting on the bench, you feel love.

"Police" again, but now from afar.

Well, what did I tell you? If you need to dress up, you now know where to do it.

Have you been to Italy? When I saw this, I felt a sense of nostalgia. Why not "Tabacci"?

Now let's get back to the exhibition. You watch this picture for several hours. Is it clear why I didn’t sit there?

The cats are a little tense.

Those same cute kittens. Dazzling white color, as if "washed in Tide".

We are the champions!

My son and I went to a local pizzeria for lunch. There are no photos, and there’s nothing to take there, we’re very hungry. Next came packing and the return journey.
In our region, Kropotkin is famous for its beer. To be honest, the beer is so-so and cannot be compared with German beer, but I couldn’t help but try it. I announce a week of Kropotkin beer!
Not all varieties are shown in the photo. On

Kropotkin is located in the east of the Krasnodar Territory, on the right bank of the Kuban, 136 kilometers northeast of the capital of the region. It is the capital of the Caucasus region, a significant transport hub and a dynamically developing city. The area of ​​the city is 85.2 km².

Since the end of the 18th century, on the site of Kropotkin, the military “post No. 1 at Gorely Oak” was located at the ford across the Kuban, in order to prevent Circassian raids. In 1879, the Romanovsky farm appeared here on the land of the Caucasian village. When the railway was built at the end of the 19th century, Romanovsky acquired importance as a trade and transport center. After some time, industry and trade began to develop. In 1905, a new building of the railway station was built, thanks to which it became the most beautiful on the North Caucasus Railway. Also that year, a library, a railway school, a water supply system, and so on appeared. In 1912, there were 38 industrial enterprises and 38 commercial establishments on the farm.

By 1917, a grain elevator, a fire department, a carriage depot, a locomotive depot, and so on had opened. In 1921, the farm received city status and the name Kropotkin. Three years later it became a regional center.

Population of Kropotkin for 2018 and 2019. Number of inhabitants of Kropotkin

Data on the number of city residents are taken from the Federal State Statistics Service. The official website of the Rosstat service is www.gks.ru.

The data was also taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of EMISS www.fedstat.ru.

The website publishes data on the number of residents of Kropotkin. The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of Kropotkin by year; the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Graph of population changes in Kropotkin:

In 2015, approximately 79.8 thousand people lived in Kropotkin.

In 1894, 8,147 people lived here, and in 1901 - almost 20,000.

Most of all among the Kropotkinites are Russians - 91.1% and Armenians - 4.1%.

Ethno-bury: Kropotkinets, Kropotchanka, Kropotkinites, Kropotchane.

I want to tell you about the wonderful city of Kropotkin.

// koveles.livejournal.com

The city of Kropotkin is located in the Krasnodar region. It is the administrative center of the Caucasus region. The city's population is over 80,000 people.

In order not to bore the reader with Google searches, I made a small selection of information from the website of the city of Kropotkin.

Kropotkin is a picturesque southern city located in the east of the Krasnodar region. On its territory there are 16 burial mounds from the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages, wartime monuments, the Holy Intercession Cathedral, a local history museum, parks and alleys. The city has two stadiums, a swimming pool with 50-meter lanes, and a cinema.

The history of the founding of the city of Kropotkin is closely connected with the activities of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov in the Kuban. The beginning of settlement on the site of the current city dates back to 1778, when, among other fortifications, the Romanovsky post was built. Suvorov A.V. established a Cossack guard post at the ford to guard the crossing of the Kuban River, strengthening it with a small redoubt. Since 1783, on military maps, post No. 1 Romanovsky began to be designated as a redoubt. At first the inscription read: “Redoubt near Sukhoi Oak in the Romanovskaya Crossing tract,” then the name became more laconic “Redoubt in the tract near Sukhoi Oak.”

In 1875, the Rostov-Vladikavkaz Railway (now the North Caucasus Railway), which was under construction, went into operation, running through the former Romanovsky post, the village of Nevinnomyssk, and the valleys of the Kuban rivers. Kuma, Terek. According to the first census of 1894, there were 959 households and 8,147 people living in the Romanovsky farm. In 1921, the chairman of the Glukhikh farm executive committee made a proposal to the Kuban-Black Sea Regional Executive Committee to rename the Romanovsky farm into the city of Kropotkin, in honor of the scientist, geologist and geographer, anarchist theorist P. A. Kropotkin. The Romanovsky farm was reorganized into the city of Kropotkin on 04/14/1921 (03/14/1921 there was such an option).

We went to this glorious city for a special reason (see the top of the billboard). By the way, pay attention to the masterly installation of the banner. The external unit of the split system harmoniously fits into the word “November”, thereby setting a new trend of symbiosis of advertising posters with facade elements.

// koveles.livejournal.com

The exhibition took place at the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers. A small room was allocated for the exhibition, in which there was not enough space for participants and visitors. It was cramped and stuffy. I’m not a big fan of cat shows, so after carrying things out of the car and setting up the tent, I went for a walk around the city. It was very cloudy.

// koveles.livejournal.com

The central street of the city is Krasnaya Street.

// koveles.livejournal.com

I remember that when I first saw such a tree as a child, I thought it was a bird’s nest.

// koveles.livejournal.com

This watch caused me great delight. If they also showed the time accurately, there would be no price for them.

// koveles.livejournal.com

The central street pleasantly surprised with the abundance of flower beds.

// koveles.livejournal.com

In addition to flower beds and flower beds, Kropotkin amazes with the number of benches.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Prosecutor's office building. There are not many such historical buildings. The eye rejoices when you look. I don’t like modern boring new buildings made of glass and concrete.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Building of the Cossack Army.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Police. It’s a very beautiful building, but I wouldn’t want to be there on business.

// koveles.livejournal.com

The main attraction of Kropotkin is the historical building of the railway station. Kavkazskaya station is a junction railway station, which belongs to the Krasnodar branch of the North Caucasus Railway and is located in the city of Kropotkin. The station was built in 1874 and the first train departed at the same time. And the station building was erected in 1903 (I came across information about 1902).

// koveles.livejournal.com

The building used to look like this (1875). I found the photo on the Russian Railways website.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Somewhere I found information that during the Great Patriotic War the station was damaged and later restored. I can't find it now. Glory to the Great Google-Yandex!

// koveles.livejournal.com

Looks better from a distance. All windows must be the same. A metal-plastic door on a historical building is not cool!

// koveles.livejournal.com

The fountain on the station square was turned off, so I didn’t take pictures of it. I am sure that in working condition it is incomparable. But he rented a cinema.

// koveles.livejournal.com

// koveles.livejournal.com

Kropotkin is a green city!

// koveles.livejournal.com

The sign of the city museum is made in a 3D version with an aging effect. Unfortunately, the museum was closed and I was not able to visit it.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Administration building. Here I turned from Krasnaya Street towards the market.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Do they sell flying night lanterns in your city?

// koveles.livejournal.com

I liked the architecture of the city. Nice, modest and tasteful, but only on the main street.

// koveles.livejournal.com

Holy Intercession Cathedral. Located opposite the gates of the central market. Why this angle? The parking lot and passing Gazelles left no other choice. Electrical wires also do not improve the composition. There are better photographs of the cathedral on the Internet.

Here's what we found on the city forum. In 1894, a missionary monastery was established in the Romanovsky farm. The monks' first church was a church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. The Holy Intercession Cathedral was built later, in 1912. The praying Temple in honor of the Kazan Icon was destroyed in the late 30s of the last century.

The missionary monastery in the Romanovsky farm was closed in 1922, but the Holy Intercession Cathedral and the Kazan Church remained. From 1929 to 1943 there were no services in the Cathedral. Since 1976, a major restoration has taken place. The domes were covered with copper, wall paintings were made inside, and the iconostasis was restored and gilded. The restoration of ancient icons continues to this day.

After 1991, 12 cells were returned. In 1999, a bell tower was built, and the Kazan Church, where the sacrament of Baptism is performed, was restored (in a different form).

// koveles.livejournal.com

Central Market. I wanted to buy a souvenir as a keepsake. I didn't find anything. Kropotkin is not a tourist town. People looked at the man with the camera in an unhealthy way. I even heard the following dialogue between women: “I found something to film. We have nothing to film here.”

// koveles.livejournal.com

A house is like a house. I was captivated by its color.

// koveles.livejournal.com

People love and read books here.

It is unlikely that we will surprise anyone by declaring that the city of Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory) is not included in the list of the most visited places in the Russian Federation. Such information is definitely not secret.

In fact, guests from neighboring regions do not often come here, much less from near and far abroad, but, nevertheless, there is something in this settlement that cannot fail to attract the attention of everyone, even the most experienced travelers.

This article will provide a lot of useful information about an unusual place called the city of Kropotkin in the Krasnodar Territory. Readers will find out where it is and how to get there, what attractions to see first and what to pay attention to in order to make their trip even more enjoyable and interesting.

General description of the object

The city of Kropotkin, the administrative center of the Caucasus region, is located in the Kuban-Priazovskaya lowland of the Krasnodar region in Russia.

Its exact area is 85.2 km². Taking these figures into account, we can confidently state the high density of the population living here, which today is over 80,000 people.

It can well be called an important transport hub of Kuban. The most important road and railway routes of our country intersect here.

But in general, the modern city of Kropotkin, whose sights cannot but fascinate, is a beautiful, quiet, well-maintained and actively developing city. Without meeting it personally, it is even difficult to imagine that in terms of the total area of ​​​​all green spaces it occupies an honorable second place in the region after Anapa.

It should also be noted that it has a fairly rich original history and many archaeological sites.

City `s history

The activities of A.V. Suvorov in the Kuban are inextricably linked with the history of the founding of a settlement called the city of Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory). It was on his instructions that the first Cossack guard post was established here, on the river bank, initially fortified with a small redoubt.

The settlement of the adjacent territory has been active since 1778, when the Romanov post was established.

And finally, in 1894, the first census was carried out in the Romanovsky farm, according to which there were already 959 households and 8,147 residents in this territory.

However, the mass resettlement here, of course, did not end there, and in 1905 there were already 1,619 households and about 20 thousand people.

On February 4, 1921, the Romanovsky farm was renamed the city of Kropotkin. The Krasnodar region was replenished with another territorial unit, which received its name in honor of the then famous scientist, geographer and geologist, anarchist theorist P. A. Kropotkin.

City symbols

Not long ago, on June 30, 2005, the local coat of arms was approved. It is based on the glorious history of the origin of the settlement.

The purple emblem depicts Cossack gold crossed spears with tassels and a watchtower. The color symbolizes glory, dignity and nobility. It was also once used in the form of the Don Cossacks, who were the first inhabitants and defenders of these places.

Between the golden spears there are two green stripes, also crossed with each other. They symbolize the intersection of roads, since the city of Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory), as mentioned above, is a major transport hub where many railway lines and highways intersect.

Based on the coat of arms, a flag was developed, which was approved on November 24, 2005. The banner is purple with an oblique green cross at the bottom, topped with four golden spears with tassels, and a watchtower of the same color at the top.

Local Attractions

Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory), photos of which can be found in guidebooks to Russia, is another one of the most picturesque, comfortable and famous cities in Kuban.

It is rich in its original history and has many different 16 mounds from the Bronze Age and Middle Ages, as well as ancient Meotian settlements, have been preserved to this day within the city itself and beyond.

In addition, it should be noted that one of the main architectural attractions of this locality is the railway station, which was built back in 1903.

In particular, the city of Kropotkin (Krasnodar region as a whole) is famous for its Holy Intercession Cathedral, also known as the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin. It was built in 1913.

The city of Kropotkin, which is considered far from the only frequently visited places, also boasts a large number of historical architectural monuments.

In general, the most famous attractions are the buildings of the prosecutor's office, the treasury, the State Bank, the Railway Workers' Palace of Culture, the local history museum, the Mir cinema, St. George's Church, the flower clock, the memorial complex of the Great Patriotic War, which is located in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory.

Many citizens and visitors like to relax in the city park of culture and recreation. There is a singing fountain built on the station square, which would be interesting to visit for both adults and young travelers.

And, of course, walking along the streets of Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory), it is simply impossible to ignore the churches. They are all different, belong to different faiths and movements, but they have one characteristic feature: they are quite interesting in architectural terms, which means that it is simply impossible not to pay attention to them.

Transport system

It should be noted that today the city of Kropotkin has an economically advantageous geopolitical location. It is the administrative center of several settlements and surrounding areas, as well as a major transport hub where roads and railway lines converge.

There are four quite popular railway lines. At the station, all passing trains traveling over longer distances stop and change locomotives.

In addition, there are highways of regional and federal significance (M29, P217, P251)

On the M29 “Caucasus” highway, a bus station (“Kazanskaya Gora”) serves intercity routes. Suburban commuters are mainly served by the bus station (“Central Market”).

Buses, fixed-route transport and taxis run around the city.

Economic situation of the city and region

The food industry of the settlement consists of several oil extraction factories, a dairy, canning and brewery, as well as a meat processing plant and a bakery. The household chemicals factory already belongs to the chemical industry.

Thanks to the Kropotkin plant, mechanical engineering is rapidly developing in the city. Now the plant constantly produces:

  • mandrels;
  • internal and external centralizers;
  • traction and scraper winches;
  • pipe welding bases, various machines, drying ovens;
  • trolley suspensions, soft and rope towels, traverses;
  • equipment for insulation and cleaning of pipelines;
  • many other types of special equipment designed for the construction and repair of gas and oil pipelines.

Light industry is engaged in the production of items of state and corporate symbols, such as coats of arms, flags, banners, pennants, T-shirts, baseball caps, etc.

Kropotkin of our time

Today, many industrial enterprises operate on its territory, and small businesses are also developing.

It should be noted that the city is actively improving modern infrastructure.

Many of the travelers who have visited it say that Kropotkin is a beautiful southern city, surrounded by greenery. I also like the fact that on the territory of the settlement there are 16 burial mounds from the Middle Ages and the Bronze Age, many wartime monuments, a local history museum, the Holy Intercession Cathedral, alleys and parks.

In recent years, two new stadiums, one cinema and a swimming pool have been built here. In 2008, the city was included in the project of the municipal formation of the Caucasus region in the status of the Kropotkinsk urban settlement (Law of the Krasnodar Territory No. 1553-KZ of 08.08.2008).