Yakubovicha 10 cat museum. Museum “Republic of Cats. Events and charity activities

“Republic of Cats” is a branch of the Cat Museum, its representative office in the center of St. Petersburg. The main building of the Museum itself is located outside the city, in Vsevolozhsk. The Republic of Cats does not duplicate the Museum's exhibitions; it is an independent, original place that combines several functions: exhibition space, club, Art Cafe, library and a whole room with cats.

At the “entry” to the “Republic of Cats”, each guest is asked to obtain an entry visa so that all subsequent visits will be cheaper. Visitors are introduced to the sights of the Republic: Schrödinger's cat, a special KOTOtheque, a souvenir shop with original works of artists, sculptors and masters of St. Petersburg and temporary exhibitions.

Here you can measure your height and weight “in cats” using a special stadiometer and scales, take part in the creation of your own Kotokomix, chat in a cozy creative atmosphere over a cup of tea or coffee with sweets, use Wi-Fi, and buy designer souvenirs as souvenirs.

But the main surprise awaits all visitors behind the magic closet - this is the second room, where guests are greeted by the “Republicans”: charming cats of all kinds of breeds and colors. Each one has its own character, its own habits, tastes, way of life, the cat guardians will tell you about this.

After the story you can chat with the residents of this amazing country: some will play happily, others will sit comfortably on your lap, others will proudly pose in front of the camera lenses.

You must make an appointment by phone: (812) 312–04–87, (921) 945–19–51.

Operating mode:

  • daily from 10.00 to 22.00.

Ticket prices:

  • the first hour is 400 rubles, the next hour of visiting is 200 rubles per hour.

Children under three years old are free.

In St. Petersburg, since the time of Peter the Great, cats have been given special importance: they protected the city from cholera. There is more than one monument to these animals in the city, and there is even its own “World Day of St. Petersburg Cats and Kittens.” The opening of the Art Cafe and Museum of the Republic of Cats was timed to coincide with this significant date, June 8, 2011.

Unusual format

The peculiarity of the idea of ​​the ″Republic of Cats″ was embodied in an unusual format: to combine into one whole a museum, an art cafe, an exhibition space, a club, a library and the cats themselves. In the hall there is a souvenir shop where original works related to cats are presented: keychains, talismans, soft toys, figurines, earrings, bracelets, ceramics.

Book lovers will certainly enjoy the library's collection: specially selected literature about cats, breeds, and peculiarities of their behavior. Some copies of books are unique, they were donated and signed by the authors. In the art cafe you can relax with a cup of coffee, and in the cat shop you can choose a thematic film to watch.

But the most important thing is communication with live cats. They are all different breeds, with their own complex fate and history, which the guide will definitely tell you about. Comfortable living conditions have been created for pets. Two rooms are furnished with special furniture: scratching posts, houses, shelves with baskets. A throne chair was brought from the Hermitage, on which cats sleep with pleasure.

Traditions of the “Republic”

Like anything independent state“The Republic of Cats” has its own rules, traditions and customs. Each newly arrived guest is issued a “Visa”, regular or multiple, allowing entry into the country and giving some privileges on subsequent visits. It has its own currency - “Koteyki”. You can use them to take an instant photo, order coffee, or simply leave them as a souvenir.

The door leading to pets is not easy. It is designed in the form of a cabinet door, which adds a fairy-tale feel to the entire image of the museum. To get into the room where the cats live, you need to meow at the entrance three times. From the outside it may not look quite usual. But! This is a tradition, and there is no way without it. You will also need to follow basic hygiene rules: wash your hands before visiting and put on shoe covers. Anyone who wants to measure the height of cats can use a special stadiometer.

In the art cafe, guests will find an unusual menu: each dish has an original name translated into “cat language”: KOTuchino, AmeriKATO, Cat cried (espresso), cherry MURdel, TiraMYOW and KIScake. During the visit and communication with the pets of the Republic, there is a traditional tea party with bagels and sweets.

Events and charity activities

Cultural events are constantly held on the territory of the cafe: photo exhibitions, book presentations, master classes, meetings with zoologists and veterinarians, exhibitions of paintings by St. Petersburg artists. Here you can also organize a child’s birthday party and develop exciting program entertainment, including master classes, communication with cats, and sweet treats in the cafe.

One of the important areas of activity of the ″Republic of Cats″ is charity. Every month cats are brought here from the shelter to find caring homes. The cafe often hosts events to raise funds for the treatment of children. Also, Respublika employees travel with pets to children's hospitals, where they conduct cat therapy sessions.

Once upon a time I went to our wonderful cat cafe “Republic of Cats”. First, you could sit at a table, order yourself some sweets or buy souvenirs, and then buy a ticket (I think it cost 350 rubles back then and was a real cat visa) for a half-hour (!) visit to the cats in separate rooms. The entrance to them was equipped like a magic closet, in a few moments - and you find yourself in a room filled with cats and all sorts of toys for the furry inhabitants of the republic. As far as I remember, some of the seals were from the Hermitage, others were imported. It was possible to pet either an ordinary cat or a terribly thoroughbred one, because Bengal cats, Sphynx cats, and bobtails lived in the republic.
But that was then.

And during the Night of Museums, I learned about their recently created branch - the Republic of Cats.
It is located on Liteiny Prospekt, 60. In terms of location, it is even more convenient than the first cat cafe (Yakubovicha Street).

But the advantages of this branch do not end there.
What I especially liked was the donation system at the entrance. That is, we do not need to pay a fixed price - we pay as much as we can and want. Of course, showing respect to the cat cafe. If you throw away change in front of the employees, I doubt that you will be welcome next time. But in general, the recommended fee for one person is 300 rubles. I paid less because I was not ready to spend cash, but the Republic of Cats did not officially participate in the Night of Museums, but became active only to help its main Republic relieve itself from the influx of visitors.
In addition, a huge advantage is that there is no time limit for visiting.

For paying for your visit you get a cute sticker:

They came in several colors, I chose red.

Then my companion and I went into the cat elevator!
They closed us, we pressed the “up” button to make a special elevator sound, then the “open doors” button, pushed the door - and we were in the world of cats!
At the entrance, we were immediately sprayed with a special product on our hands so as not to transfer any infection from the street to the local furry inhabitants.

The first room was dedicated to shelter cats:

They were sad in their own way, but affectionate.
And, of course, they are waiting for their kind owners!
After all, the main goal of the Republic of Cats is to find a home for your pets.

All cats are clean and have undergone all necessary procedures.
Those who have lived in the Republic for quite a long time look completely well-groomed:

The next room introduces us to the Hermitage cats.
They have even more interesting toys, houses and all sorts of leisure accessories:

Cats have all sorts of places to rest:

The inhabitants of the Republic are affectionate and kind:

Don’t be alarmed by the sight of wool on clothes - there are special Velcro that solve this problem in a few minutes)

Overall, I am very pleased with my trip to the Republic of Cats.
Perhaps even more than in the “Republic of Cats” a couple of years ago.
At least because there are 20 cats there, and here there are 40. The difference is noticeable)
But, of course, the “Republic of Cats” also has its advantages. There are a lot of purebred cats there, which the branch cannot boast of, but it is very interesting to watch them. Moreover, stroking the sphinx is an indescribable feeling)
Yes, I liked the idea of ​​a cat visa. I still have it on my shelf, and there’s a postcard to boot - you were given a cat bonus that could be exchanged for something (a photo with a cat, a postcard and something else). After going to the branch Republic, all I had left was a sticker, the photographs I took and, of course, pleasant impressions.

I advise all cat lovers to take a look at this cozy cat world.
Interacting with furry friends is truly a warming experience.

In honor of the coming spring and the universal love for cats, we have compiled a list of places where you can spend time in their company.

Everyone knows that life is not the same without a cat. And in the spring, when you especially want affection and hugs, even more so. Where to go for all this? If you don’t have your own cat or your relationship with him has cooled, and your friend’s cat is not so eager to communicate with you, don’t despair: especially for you, we have found 10 restaurants and cafes where charming extroverted cats live who are ready to listen to you and cheer up, purr on your lap or even play. Of course, if they like you.

Publication from GastroAtelier "In the Kitchen" (@atelienakuhne) Dec 27, 2016 at 4:37 PST

Laitusha, as he is called here, has been living in the gastronomic studio “In the Kitchen” almost since the opening, which is more than two years. The establishment operates not only as a cafe, but also as a platform for culinary master classes, including children's. The cat especially loves to take part in the latter, since young masters often share products with him. In addition, the establishment has an original menu with European dishes, Light knows them by heart - among his favorite items are tuna: tartare and steak.

Posted by Aksinya Litz (@djdivaj) Mar 7, 2017 at 7:22 PST

This Chekhov-style restaurant on the shores of the Gulf of Finland invites relaxation and tranquility: imposing wicker chairs, yellow lampshades with lush tassels, small flowers on the wallpaper. The cuisine is built at the intersection of home and designer: marinades, nostalgic Soviet and modern European dishes... A cat curled up in a chair in such an environment looks like an indispensable element and complements this entire dacha format with a special coziness.

Who: Murka and Chernyshka
How to communicate: whatever you want, but the main thing is not to take them with you, even if you are very drunk (there have been cases)

The former owner of the establishment, Nikolai Petrov, brought the black cat Chernyshka and the fluffy Murka to live in the glass shop from a village in the Pskov region. The animals appreciated the creative atmosphere of the fashionable tavern and firmly settled here. The cats have become great connoisseurs of local concerts and poetry readings, and they are also not averse to posing for the camera and sampling the company's red burgers.

Who: two fat red cats
How to communicate: if you want to catch them, come early while it's not crowded

The legendary donut shop near DLT has long become a city landmark. It has been open since 1958 and still retains the flavor of the Soviet era: coffee and tea are poured here directly from a bucket, instead of napkins there is cut paper on the tables. Early in the morning, before the line has yet lined up along Konyushennaya, the local red-haired inhabitants can be found here lounging on a chair or making circles at the cash register. Of course, they don’t eat donuts - workers and guests feed them with their own supplies. But, if they sit down on the next chair, you can get great shots for Instagram - spiritual and very St. Petersburg.

Last Friday evening we attended the grand opening of the "Republic of Cats", a branch of "Republic of Cats".
A new “Respublika” has opened on Liteiny Prospekt, building 60.

And soon 60 (!!!) cats and cats will live there and... and another furry pet, about which further.
It's easy to get there - go into the arch and there is a door leading to the Cat World.

Let's take a look there

Of course, the Cat Republic starts from the roof.
And you can get to it using this elevator.

Anyone can leave an inscription there as a keepsake.
Vladimir Rumyantsev (who has been drawing cats for many years), for example, left it in the upper right corner.
Vladimir has been friends with the “Republic of Cats” for a long time, of course, he came here too.

Well, ours is a little lower, naturally meow, with a cat’s paw and ^..^

So, the cats are given two spacious rooms to live in.
But, really, not when there are a lot of visitors and people.
Then cats have one secret passage that will always help.

Founder of the "Republic" and the "Museum" - Anna Kondratieva, who talked about how mustachioed pets are found and how they are placed in good hands. Of course, for those who love cats. To do this you will need a passport and a carrier.

One of the walls that is very convenient for cats to walk on and sleep on.

Marquis cat, shy

Akhmatova's cat, in honor of the poetess and her famous poem about cats

Paris cat, cheerful and curious

cat wheel

Sleeping cat Weasel

Tiffany cat, odd-eyed

Amy the cat

Petting a cat and hugging it - so little is needed for happiness! :)

And now about those secret passages!

Tisha's cat in one of these moves + another mustachioed tabby behind him (only his ears stick out)

And one more cat and move

When cats want, they can go into them and sit there, like in a house.
Or even go to your back room, where ordinary human visitors cannot go, and sit there and relax, or sleep and eat. Well, there's also a cat litter box there. Since the room is small, it is arranged in the form of cage houses, but they are more likely to protect the cats, so they feel comfortable there.

View from the other side

Anna Kondratyeva, Timofey Chernov and others with Mikhail Piotrovsky, after presenting diplomas for cat work.

Anna Kondratyeva and Timofey Chernov at the opening of the "Republic of Cats".
Award "Five Cats" for the best quality.
(c) Photo courtesy of Timofey Chernov.

Cats eat Royal Canin.
However, the most observant ones noticed that there was a dog on one of the packages -
her shaggy head is barely visible.
Yes, this is the same mysterious pet that was mentioned above. Soon the dog will join the cats and live with them.

Toilet filler, wood. It is presented to “Respublika” by the “Pretty Cat” company and Timofey Chernov, the company is the official supplier State Museum Hermitage Museum.

Last preparations. Artist at work.

Souvenirs, toys, magnets, calendars, mugs, postcards - and much more.
With cats, of course)

There is no entrance fee.
And all you need to do is buy a cup of delicious Koto-Latte, Kotokoffee, Meow-Morse, tea, or some postcards and souvenirs. And yes, the cost for all this is the same as everywhere else, or even lower, i.e. you only pay for a drink, a card, a toy, or a souvenir.

"Republic of Kotov" welcomes guests from 10:00 before 22:00 .
And a variety of events will soon be held there - from cat concerts to master classes.
Paradise for the soul))

Address: Liteiny Prospekt, building 60.

For the opportunity to purr with cats, many thanks to Anna Kondratyeva, Timofey Chernov and others for an interesting conversation, and also to all the cats and cats, and, of course,