Tourist shelter overlooking the White Sea, Russia. Tourist shelter overlooking the white sea, Russia Legendary Thirty, route

There are two houses here, in one of which the caretaker of the shelter, San Sanych, lives with his wife. He keeps order at the shelter and also checks tickets to the reserve for tourists who come here. Yes, by the way, when going towards Fisht, do not forget to purchase tickets and register with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The second house is for guests. Theoretically, you can stay here for the night, if, of course, there are free places.

But there is no connection at the shelter; the closest places from where you can reach friends and relatives are the top of Fisht and the Belorechensky Pass.


This huge stone once fell off the massif of Mount Fisht. Now it lies on the edge of the shelter, and anyone can climb on it for fun. This is a favorite pastime for children - while parents go to Fisht, the children make their own little climb - to Fishten.

Night at the Fisht shelter

Monument to fallen climbers

Shelter "Fisht" on the map

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Fisht tourist shelter 43.959088 , 39.930153 Perhaps the tourist shelter "Fisht" is the most popular mountain shelter for tourists in Adygea. And, perhaps, the most popular shelter in the entire Caucasus. Description (Calculate route)

How to get there?

Most popular route to the Fisht shelter begins at Yavorovaya Polyana (tickets to the reserve are sold at the reserve cordon in the nearest locality, village of Guzeripl, Republic of Adygea). From here you have to walk about 10 km. The most difficult thing is to overcome two passes: the Armenian one.

Coordinates: (43.959088, 39.930153).

Thu, 08/18/2011 - 13:10

Route thread: Checkpoint "Lago-Naki" - Inzhenernaya gap - shelter "Fisht" - Lake Psenodakh - shelter "Nezhny" - checkpoint "Lago-Naki".

Duration of the hike: two days, one night.

Total walking time: 15 hours.

We are beginner amateur tourists. We can say that this is the first hike for us, the most serious and high-mountain one. During the journey, we encountered various difficulties, but our lack of experience did not stop us from enjoying the beauty of our native land.

Fisht (Adyghe. Fysht) - a peak in the western part of the Main Caucasus Range, height 2867 m.

Fisht, together with the peaks of Oshten and Pshekho-Su, forms the so-called Fisht-Oshten massif. The peaks of the massif are the first (moving from west to east) peaks of the alpine type in the Caucasus, that is, rising significantly above the upper boundary of the forest, having a wide belt of subalpine and alpine mountain meadows. In addition, the city of Fisht is the westernmost peak of the Caucasus, which has glaciers on its slopes (Big and Small Fishtin glaciers) and significant rock faults.

Structurally, Fisht is a blocky uplift composed of layers of reef limestone. Thick limestone strata contribute to the development of numerous and varied karst forms (sinkholes, caves...). Of the famous ones, the Soaring Bird Cave is located on the mountainside. Since 1994, the White Star cave system, which is one of the deepest in Russia, has been explored on Fisht.

Classic climbing route along the Bolshoy Fishtinsky glacier, difficulty category - 1B

It is believed that the mountain was once an island in the ancient Tethys Ocean, which explains its coral structure.

The Pshekha River originates from the slopes of Fisht; at the peaks of Fisht and Oshten the source of the Belaya River is located (downstream of the receiving water of the Pshekha River) flowing into the Kuban. Shahe also originates on Fisht, but flows into the Black Sea. The Fisht waterfall, about 200 m high, flows out of the western wall of the mountain.

Our hike starts at the Lago-Naki checkpoint on Saturday morning (at approximately 6.00).

To perform early, we arrived early - on Friday evening. We spent the night in a tent next to the car. Before reaching the checkpoint, there are several parking lots with fire pits where you can sit very comfortably. The car was left at a cafe near the checkpoint. I’ll say right away that upon arrival, the owner of the establishment warned that you shouldn’t do this, and if you decide to leave your car, it’s better to park it right at the entrance to the reserve.

As expected, they charged us 300 rubles per person for two days of stay in the protected area. The weather was not encouraging with sunshine, but there was no rain either.

Since the path was completely unfamiliar and unexplored for us, the final goal of the current day was a tourist shelter. Walking to the shelter is not difficult at all - there are markers along the way. The height gains gradually, and you can move while enjoying the opening views of the plateau, the Oshten massif, etc. Along the way we came across a couple of springs from which we could get water, as well as wash ourselves and do all the necessary morning exercise.

Since there were no sharp changes in altitude on the way to the shelter, we walked quite easily. Fortunately, the weather was cloudy and the sun was not blazing mercilessly. After passing through the Inzhenernaya gap, tourists go straight to the Armenian Pass. It offers a view of the shelter territory. We descended from the Armenian Pass in a little over an hour. We were lucky, we managed to get there on dry ground. Otherwise, the descent might take longer.

In total, it is about 22 km to the tourist shelter and 7 hours of walking at an average pace, with several 20-minute stops. If you wish, by speeding up your pace a little and neglecting photo sessions and snacks, you can run there in 6 hours. We met some tourist who, with his five-year-old and eight-year-old sons, walked this route in 5. I don’t know whether to believe him or not, but in 6-7 hours it’s quite possible.

So, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon we were already there. Before we could settle down in the gazebo by the fire, a heavy downpour started pouring down.

The rain made it impossible to pitch tents or continue the journey. Therefore, we slowly prepared lunch and were probably finishing our third mug of tea when the administrator of this very shelter approached us. He said that we were staying too long in the gazebo and that they should receive the so-called planners, and that we should be grateful to these same planners for the existence of this very shelter. In general, we were culturally expelled from what had become such a dear gazebo. The rain stopped; We still had enough strength, passion and audacity, and we decided to continue along our route.

So, it’s 19.00, Saturday, and we are standing face to face to the Fisht-Oshten pass. As experienced people told us, in light and dry conditions the ascent takes about three hours. And we set off, as we decided to spend the night on Lake Psenodakh. During the ascent, we lost our way a little, turning towards Fisht, and lost about half an hour, returning back to the original trail through the pass. The last 40 minutes to the top we walked in the dark, with flashlights. A strong wind was blowing, steam was coming from the mouth, but it was not cold, since the climb makes you sweat. Finally, we rose, and ahead of us lay an equally serious descent from the pass.

The next task was not to pass by the lake in the dark. Since none of us had ever been here, we had to constantly peer into the darkness and go down to the lowlands to check for the presence of a reservoir. We had a hard time descending from the pass. Here, 2000 meters above sea level, there is snow in the lowlands, the wind is blowing with might and main, piercing to the bones, and feet stepping in the mud are tempting to slip and drag you down.

Finally, the lake was found, and we hurried down and quickly set up camp. For your information, you cannot set up camp on the lake and stop overnight: the fine is 1000 rubles. In fact, you cannot stand anywhere in the reserve except in the shelter areas. But in principle, it is unusual for our company to cluster together, so on the semi-desert lake (only 4 tents besides ours) we felt at ease. Again, due to the lack of experience in mountain trekking, we did not plan on warm clothing. It was so cold on the lake that it was impossible to stay outside the sleeping bag. It felt like 8-9 degrees. Having quickly had dinner, we settled down for the night. In total, the journey from the Fisht tourist shelter to Lake Psenodakh took us 3.5 hours. In kilometers, this is approximately 8-12 (different people gave different numbers). At night it began to rain seriously, with lightning and thunder rolling across the gorge. But we didn’t care anymore in reliable tents and warm sleeping bags.

On the first day, Saturday, we walked about 30 kilometers. Total travel time: 10.5 hours.

The next morning we were in no hurry, since most of the path had been covered. After breakfast, we left the lake at about 11.20 in the afternoon. The journey to the Tender shelter took two hours.

At the shelter we took a break, drank tea, rested, and without stopping we walked to the Lago-Naki checkpoint. We reached the checkpoint from Nezhny in about 2.5 hours. In total, it is approximately 16 km from the lake to the checkpoint.

The hike turned out to be very exciting for us, although quite difficult. For myself, I understood several points that I will definitely take into account when planning the next routes in this area, incl. when going to the sea:

· It can be very cold in the mountains even in summer! Taking with me not the warmest sweater, I regretted it. You need either a very warm sweater or jacket.

· In the mountains the weather changes instantly! A raincoat is required, although we were very lucky and did not get caught in the rain while walking.

· Trekking shoes are not show-offs. My favorite sneakers, which came from Crimea and had seen roads that were not the most convenient for movement, turned out to be so helpless in the mountains! I will definitely splurge and buy special trekking boots.

· Excess food. A correct and clear distribution of the amount of provisions for each of the participants in the campaign is necessary. We always end up with too much food and end up carrying extra weight. In principle, this may not be critical on a weekend trip, but it is worth paying more attention to this issue when planning larger outings. And don’t forget, there are fewer people in the mountains than in the city.

· Nuts with dried fruits are like manna from heaven. At a critical moment, a handful of the mixture can give you strength, increase your tone and allow you to forget about the inhuman rises of J at least for a certain period of time. For example, it helped me a lot!

“Through the mountains to the Black Sea, through the Fisht shelter”

! Closed on sections of the route from 2nd observation deck to the Belyi river checkpoint!

Rationale for organizing routes and their significance:
Excursion ecological and tourist routes on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve are an effective tool for the implementation of environmental education, cognitive, educational, health, scientific research, historical and cultural, aesthetic activities that have a positive effect on the general condition of people who are on a walk or on a hiking trip. The territory of the Caucasian Nature Reserve has traditionally, since the beginning of its formation, been used for excursion, environmental, educational and tourist activities.

Regulatory and legal basis for the functioning of the route:
The routes are approved in the List of ecological-tourist routes and recreational facilities of the Caucasus State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Routes and facilities operate on the basis of Appendix No. 11 to the Regulations on the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Caucasian State Reserve" and Protocol No. 3 dated May 12, 2016 of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Caucasian State Reserve".

General information:
Length – 50 km.
Duration of stay on the route: 3-5 days.
Method of transportation – on foot, on horseback (through the territory of the Lagonaki biosphere site)

Route operation mode
The time frame for attendance of the route is limited by the period of clearing the passes along the route from continuous snow cover, covering the period from May 1 to October 31.

Recommendations for the recreational capacity of the route:
The route involves visiting in organized groups, accompanied by qualified guides or individually from 3 people.
The recreational capacity of the route is up to 1000 people per month.

Method of access to the starting point of the route: They independently get to the beginning of the route at the Lagonaki checkpoint, as well as after its end from the Bely Stream checkpoint.

Brief description of the route(route thread):
Checkpoint Lagonaki - Guzeriplsky pass - Armenian pass - Fisht shelter - Belorechensky pass - Cherkessky pass - Babuk-Aul cordon - Babuk-Aul shelter - Bely Stream checkpoint.

Transition diagram
Day 1: Lagonaki checkpoint – Fisht shelter (20 km)
Day 2: day at the Fisht shelter (radial trek)
Day 3: Fisht shelter – Babuk Aul shelter (23 km)
Day 4: Babuk-Aul shelter – Bely Stream checkpoint (7 km)

Parking places(overnight) – Uzurub (Instructor’s gap) - Fisht shelter, Babuk Aul shelter, Cherkessky pass

Radial output:
‐ Fisht-Oshtensky pass (2100 m.) to the monument to the “Defenders of the Caucasus”
- peak of Oshten (2804 m.)

Brief description of the route:
The route is linear. It starts from the Lagonaki checkpoint and runs mainly through the Fisht-Oshtensky massif. Further, on the southern macroslope of the Main Caucasus Range, from the Cherkessky pass it descends to the Shakhe River and stretches along it to the Bely Stream checkpoint. Having gone down the road that turns into a marked trail from the Azishsky pass, tourists begin the ascent to the Abadzesh pass (2056 m above sea level), connecting the
with a bridge, the Kamenny More ridge and the southern tip of Murzikal - Abadzesh peak. Further, the path goes along the valley between the Stone Sea and the Murzikal ridge to the Instructor Gap tract, then down the right bank of the source of the Armyanka River to the foot of the city of Oshten in the area of ​​the Blyam tract. Then, traversing the slope of Mount Oshten in a direction to the southwest past Lake Zmeinoye, it rises to Guzeriplsky (1975m) and Armenian
(1833 m) passes. From here you can clearly see the upper and lower glaciers of Mount Fisht, the Fisht shelter and the upper reaches of the Belaya River. The trail, descending from the pass, through a high-mountain beech forest comes out to a clearing where the Fisht shelter is located on the right bank of the Belaya River. It is located at an altitude of 1600 m above sea level. Above the shelter rise the peaks of the mountains - Fisht (2867 m), Pshekha-Su (2743 m), Oshten (2804 m). The shelter is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, for several days - a tent city, dining rooms with tables and benches, fire pits and toilets. While staying at the shelter, tourists can make several radial trips. From the Fisht shelter, the route passes through the crossing point of the Main Caucasus Range - Belorechensky Pass (1788 m above sea level) and descends to its southern macroslope. Then it leads to the Circassian Pass (1830 m above sea level), where shepherds’ booths are located. Descending from the pass, tourists find themselves at the Babuk-aul shelter, then the route continues along the Shakhe River along the road until it ends.

Brief information about the visiting area
The Lagonaki Highlands, including the Fisht-Oshten massif, is a unique natural complex, characterized by extremely high landscape and biological diversity and in many respects has no analogues in Russia. This is the westernmost high-mountainous part of the Main Caucasus Range, which is an orographically isolated mountain system, located in the interfluve of the Belaya, Pshekha and Shakhe rivers. The uniqueness of the landscapes is due to the powerful development of surface and underground forms of karst. There are about 130 caves here, many of which are unique to Russia (“Soaring Bird”, “Absolute”, “Cross of Friends”, a record for the depth of Russia, etc.). The Lagonaki Highlands are one of the wettest regions of the Caucasus, with up to 3 thousand mm of precipitation per year. This, along with existing karst lakes, including underground ones, creates the conditions for the formation of river sources, which are a source of drinking water for the entire region. The Fisht-Oshten massif contains the westernmost glaciers of the Greater Caucasus, as well as one of the lowest glaciers in Europe.
Botanically, this area is unique - it is one of the centers of formation of species and form diversity of the Caucasus. The vegetation of the highlands is characterized by high endemism and rich flora, which is explained by natural isolation, a peculiar calcareous substrate, widespread karst phenomena and geobotanical position. More than 700 species of vascular plants have been recorded here, of which about 25% are endemic, with 22 species being narrowly regional and 4 local endemics. The massif is also one of the refugia of relics of the Tertiary period. The species richness of the alpine phytocenoses of the highlands exceeds the richness of the communities described in similar habitats in other areas of the reserve.

Improvements along the route:
The parking areas at the shelters are equipped with everything necessary for organizing overnight stays.
The route is water-supplied along its entire length.

Safety on the route: No special technical or physical training is required to complete the route. The route runs along a prepared, marked path. Mobile communications are partially available along the route; for stable communications, the use of satellite communications is recommended.

Requirements for staying on the routes: Determined in accordance with section VI. "Reserve regime" REGULATIONS ON THE FEDERAL STATE INSTITUTION "CAUCASIAN STATE NATURAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE named after Kh. G. SHAPOSHNIKOV" taking into account the changes approved by order of the Ministry natural resources Russian Federation dated March 17, 2005 No. 66; by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2009 No. 48 and in accordance with the rules for being on the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Caucasian State Reserve".

Route map No. 3 “Through the mountains to the sea, through the Fisht shelter”

located on the Fishtin meadow at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level in the subalpine zone on the slopes of the Fisht mountain range. Tourists on route 30 are accommodated in 2- and 3-person tents, which are kept at the shelter all summer; tourists set up the tents themselves under the guidance of an instructor. If the shelter buildings are re-opened, accommodation will be possible in buildings and tents. In any case, tourists along the route can use the shelter’s infrastructure - covered fire pits, indoor dining area, toilets, service communications in case of emergency, etc.

On-site amenities, sun showers (open July through end of season), indoor fire pits and dining area. The shelter has a walkie-talkie. Food is prepared by employees base camp from SV-Astur, tourists wash their dishes themselves. There is no electricity. Fisht shelter, one of the few tourist shelters in Russia where there is no highway, everything needed is dropped in by helicopter and horses.

Shelter Babuk-aul located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level in the subtropical zone, in a picturesque clearing in a Kalkhide-type beech forest, on the banks of the Shahe River. The shelter consists of 6-person permanent tents with three 2-person compartments with wooden flooring and mattresses. Facilities on site, there is a shower (powered by imported gas), a dining area under a canopy, a walkie-talkie, a fire pit and a volleyball court. The food is prepared by the shelter staff, and the tourists wash the dishes themselves. Electricity in the evening for two hours.

Photos of the Fisht shelter

Photo of the Babuk-aul shelter

Legendary Thirty, route

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant natural monuments of Russia, the closest to Moscow high mountains. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.

Trekking in Crimea - route 22

From Bakhchisarai to Yalta - there is no such density of tourist sites as in the Bakhchisarai region anywhere in the world! Mountains and sea, rare landscapes and cave cities, lakes and waterfalls, secrets of nature and mysteries of history, discoveries and the spirit of adventure... Mountain tourism here is not at all difficult, but any trail surprises.

Tourist shelter “Fisht” on the map:

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Shelter "Fisht"

The Fisht shelter is located on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve, between the Belorechensky and Armenian passes. The Fisht tourist shelter is located in a picturesque clearing, near which a river called Belaya flows, and a little to the north are the peaks of Oshten and Fisht.

Shelter \"Fisht\" 43.959059, 39.930239 The Fisht shelter is located on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve, between the Belorechensky and Armenian passes. The Fisht tourist shelter is located in a picturesque clearing, near which a river called Belaya flows, and a little to the north are the peaks of Oshten and Fisht. Shelter \"Fisht\"

The Fisht shelter is located on the territory of the Caucasus Nature Reserve, between the Belorechensky and Armenian passes. The Fisht tourist shelter is located in a picturesque clearing, near which a river called Belaya flows, and a little to the north there are peaks and. There are special places for vacationers where you can stay either in a tent or under the roof of a shelter. Most tourists come here with their tents. In addition to tent sites, the shelter has a shower, kiosk and equipped fire pits. The staff cleans up after tourists.

Vacationers often stay for several days to get acquainted with the picturesque area, as well as climb the peaks of the Fisht and Oshten mountains.

You can stay under the roof of the tourist shelter for money; you can pitch your tent for free, but the tourist must have a ticket to the reserve, since the shelter is located on the territory of the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve. Since there are only 2 houses in this area, there are not enough places for everyone, keep this in mind, it is almost impossible to book a house in advance, because you cannot reach the shelter by phone.

Having arrived at this place, forget about such concepts as five-star hotels, forget about stars altogether - this is a tourist haven, therefore, there will not be many amenities here. There is no electricity in this area, but a diesel generator is turned on for several hours in the evening.

But don't worry about convenience. There is everything you need here: a toilet, which is located in a neighboring building, as well as a bathhouse, but it must be booked in advance.

In order to prepare something to eat, a special place was allocated. But there is not so much firewood, and tourists a large number of and therefore, before coming here, take gas burners or primus stoves with you.

The territory of the Fisht tourist shelter is surrounded by fir forests, and Mount Fisht stands very close. There are beautiful flowers growing in the forests, but there are also bears roaming the forests. Tourists even talk about a bear that scavenges for the leftovers of people’s meals right here at the shelter. Sometimes shelter employees warn about this. They add that the bear is not dangerous if you do not get close to it or tease it.

Telephone service does not work here. But at the Fisht tourist shelter there is a small shop. But don’t forget: there are a lot of tourists, but the store is small and only one. So it is better to bring all the necessary products with you.

From the Fisht shelter they make radial trips to such attractions as the mountain, the Small and Big Fishtinsky glaciers, and other picturesque places.

How to get there:

You can get to this place in two ways. The first path starts in Maykop, then you will need to get to the Lago-Naki plateau or to the barrier of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. There are no buses here, so you can only negotiate with taxi drivers. Remember: taxi drivers only take you to the Big Azish Cave, and you still have to walk 3 km to the Azish-Tau hotel, and even more to the desired reserve. This is due to the fact that the roads are in a “dead” condition, but they can only agree for a good surcharge. You can also get to Yavorovaya Polyana, which is located not far from Guzeripl, and exit from here.

You can get to the shelter another way - through Sochi. From the station in Sochi you need to get to the bus station in Dagomys. Once you get there, you need to transfer to a bus that goes to Solokh-Aul. After you arrive, you will need to walk along the banks of the Shakhe rivers to the Babuk-Aul shelter, and from there on foot to the desired shelter. But this path is much more difficult.


Latitude: 43.959059
Longitude: 39.930239