Top most delicious cuisines in the world. We conducted a little research and identified the countries with the most harmful and healthiest cuisine. Saudi Arabia: Qabsa

Kuban is the Russian breadbasket. In addition, this region is also a stronghold of the Cossacks. The duty of the army was charged with “vigilance and border guard.” After that, a lot of water passed under the bridge, and, as we know from history, a lot happened. But the Cossacks still exist today, and when talking about the culinary traditions of Kuban, you need to understand that they are inextricably linked with the history of this land - with the Cossack history. ›

Udmurtia is a republic within Russia, located in the Volga Federal District. It is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the basins of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. In the north and west, Udmurtia borders on the Kirov region, in the south – on Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, in the east – on the Perm Territory. ›

Omelette is one of the simplest dishes. It exists in almost every kitchen in the world, because inventing an omelette is not so difficult if you have eggs and a frying pan. However, just as each culinary culture is unique, the methods and recipes for preparing omelettes are just as diverse. ›

Fifteen hundred years ago the first Chinese cookbook was compiled; Since ancient times, there have been many “restaurants” and tea houses in the Middle Kingdom. Cooking was considered an art in China; cooking was always taken very seriously. ›

Chuvash cuisine dates back hundreds of years. As it developed, it naturally experienced the influence of the culinary traditions of its neighbors: Russians, Tatars, Udmurts, Mari. However, culinary borrowings did not deprive Chuvash cuisine of its national flavor, but only contributed to its diversity. ›

Mari cuisine is very diverse and, most importantly, delicious. Naturally, it has many common features with the cuisines of neighboring peoples - Udmurts, Chuvash, Tatars, Russians. However, until now, Mari cuisine has not lost its originality, which is why it was decided to talk about it in the “Cooking of Russia” series of materials. ›

Georgia, Russia’s southern neighbor, has been famous for its culinary achievements since ancient times. It’s not for nothing that we associate many common Caucasian dishes with Georgian cuisine. The friendly and hospitable people of Georgia were always glad to have a kind guest, who was treated generously and certainly deliciously. ›

Moldavian cuisine in the modern world is in the position of Cinderella. She is simple and modest, rarely leaves the house, she does not have any gloss or exoticism to shine in restaurants. Some even believe that it does not exist at all. Nevertheless, Moldavian cuisine is wonderful. ›

What do you think of when you hear the words “Italian cuisine”? Most likely about pizza and pasta. However, Italian cuisine is much more varied and interesting. Italian dishes use a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, rice, legumes, fish, vegetable oils, cheeses, nuts, mushrooms, wine and spices. We have all this in Russia too. ›

Ukrainian cuisine has always been extremely practical. Food was prepared in one oven and often breakfast, lunch and dinner were prepared at once, being preserved and “finished” in a warm oven. Borscht, porridge, dumplings and potatoes are the vegetable basis of the Ukrainian table. ›

The phrase “Indian cuisine” usually evokes the association “pepper-curry-rice-tea”, and many people guess that cooking in India is very interesting, but almost everyone is sure that the food there is unsuitable for consumption by Europeans due to the ubiquity of pepper. ›

The Caucasus is a symbiosis of traditions, including culinary ones. That is why there is the concept of “Caucasian cuisine”, which includes recipes for dishes traditional to the peoples inhabiting these regions. But it would be wrong to forget that every people living in the Caucasus, of course, has many of its own culinary traditions. The people of Abkhazia also have them. It is about Abkhazian cuisine that our story will now go. ›

Before we talk about the mass passions of our time, let’s remember the Big Chef, Paul Bocuse left yesterday, January 20th.
He was called “the best chef in France”, “the chef of the century”, “the father of French gastronomy” or simply Monsieur Paul: the most famous chef in France, recipient of the Legion of Honor, remained the gastronomic face of France for half a century. Thanks to him, Lyon became the culinary capital of the country. Through his efforts, “new French cuisine” was born - lighter and healthier than it was before him. He won three Michelin stars back in 1965 and has never lost them. He founded an empire now valued at more than 50 million euros. R.I.P.

And now to the realities of humanity’s culinary preferences

From time to time, CNN compiles a traditional ranking of national delicacies through open voting. Respondents are asked to answer a simple question: what dish, in their opinion, is the most delicious in the world? Based on the results of a survey in which more than 35,000 people took part, the 50 best dishes from different parts of the world were selected. As it turns out, most gourmets prefer Asian dishes, and the main favorite for many is Indonesian cuisine. Introducing the 50 best dishes on the planet according to CNN readers.

Massaman curry, Thailand

Massaman curry opens the top ten best dishes in the world. In its homeland of Thailand, the dish can be found on the menu of any restaurant. The dish combines potatoes and beef, which are stewed in coconut milk. Their taste is complemented by massaman curry paste, as well as tamarind, peanuts, sugar and star anise.

Peking duck, China

Business card Chinese cuisine is a honey-rubbed duck with peeled skin, baked in a special oven. Before serving, the carcass is cut into 80-120 pieces. Slices of meat along with vegetables are wrapped in a pancake, greased with a specially prepared sauce, and eaten.

Ramen, Japan

One of the main dishes Japanese cuisine respondents awarded 8th place. It consists of noodles in broth. It can be accompanied by various additives in the form of pork, pickles or vegetables.

Dim sum, Hong Kong

Without tasting this dish, a trip to China cannot be considered complete. However, this best example of Cantonese cuisine has long spread beyond the country. The dish is a variation of dumplings made from dough made from rice starch. Almost anything can be used as a filling: from meat to vegetables and fruits. Steamed dim sum.

Som Tam, Thailand

This salad based on green papaya is liked by all tourists without exception. The ingredients in it are composed so that the dish combines sweet, salty, sour and spicy tastes. The salad is prepared in a mortar: first, the dressing is mixed in it, after which it is ground with vegetables.

Pad Thai, Thailand

    If there's ever a Food Hall of Fame, foodies would definitely want to see Pad Thai in it. This is a dish of rice noodles with a special sauce, the characteristic taste of which is given by tamarind. The noodles are first soaked and then stir-fryed with shrimp, onion, garlic, egg and sauce.

    Tom Yam, Thailand

    The fourth place in the rating went to the masterpiece of Thai cuisine - tom yum soup. The dish combines several flavors at once: sour, salty, spicy and sweet. The spiciness and sourness of the dish is given by its constant ingredients - chili pepper, juice and leaves of lime and lemongrass. The soup is prepared in chicken broth, to which shrimp, chicken, fish or other seafood are added.

    Sushi, Japan

    Since sushi has been tried all over the world, the combination of rice and seafood has become a gastronomic classic. Real sushi is made from white, fine-grained Japanese rice, which is cooked using Japanese technology. Once the rice reaches room temperature, other ingredients are added, the most common of which is seafood.

    Nasi Goreng, Indonesia

    This dish is often considered as a culinary symbol of Indonesia, which is why it has become popular outside the country. The dish is a mixture of pre-cooked and then fried rice with the addition of meat, chicken, seafood or vegetables. What is noteworthy is that for cooking, locals take ready-made rice left over from previous days. Additional ingredients can also be collected from leftovers. When preparing a dish from scratch, all ingredients are cooked separately.

    Rendang, Indonesia

    Readers named rendang the most delicious dish in the world. The main ingredient of the dish can be meat, poultry, fish or vegetables. They are stewed for a long time in a spicy sauce with coconut milk and a mixture of lemongrass, galangal, garlic, turmeric, ginger and chili. The most popular is meat rendang. The dish is served both hot and cold.

    11. Lasagna, Italy

    12. Kimchi, Korea

    13. Chicken with rice, Singapore

    14. Satey, Indonesia

    15. Ice cream, USA

    16. Kebab, Türkiye

    17. Ice cream, Italy

    18. Croissant, France

    19. Green curry, Thailand

    20. Pho, Vietnam

    21. Fish and chips, England

    22. Egg tartlets, Hong Kong

    23. Bulgogi, Korea

    24. Fried rice, Thailand

    25. Chocolate, Mexico

    26. Penang Assam Laksa, Malaysia

    27. Taco, Mexico

    28. Pork BBQ, Hong Kong

    29. Chilli crab, Singapore

    30. Cheeseburger, USA

    31. Fried chicken, USA

    32. Lobster (properly cooked), in any country

    33. Paella with seafood, Spain

    34. Shrimp dumplings, Hong Kong

    35. Neapolitan pizza

    36. Pork with spicy sauce Nam Tok Mu, Thailand

    37. Potato chips, USA

    38. Warm brownie with vanilla ice cream (properly prepared), in any country

    39. Masala dosa, India

    40. Bibimbap, Korea

    41. Galbi, Korea

    42. Burger, Germany

    43. Fajitas, Mexico

    44. Laksa, Singapore

    45. Roti Prata, Singapore

    46. ​​Maple syrup, Singapore

    47. Fettuccine Alfredo, Italy

    48. Parma ham, Italy

    49. Lechon, Philippines

    50. Goi Cuon, Vietnam

    (based on materials from the website

    And now that you know everything about the most delicious thing in the world, tell us!

    Which of these have you tried? Liked? What's on the must wanted list? Or even against it?!

Almost every country has its own National dishes. All of them differ significantly from each other in taste, aroma, appearance and ingredients used for their preparation. Below is a list of ten of the world's most famous cuisines and their most popular dishes.

Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colorful cuisines in the world, with regional diversity and some 5,350 traditional recipes. It is characterized by the predominance of products of plant origin, the main of which is rice. Corn, soybeans, cassava, sweet potatoes, sago, chicken, seafood, various fruits and vegetables are also actively used in dishes. Various spices play a significant role, primarily pepper. The most famous dish of Indonesian cuisine, which is often perceived as the “culinary symbol” of Indonesia, is Nasi Goreng.

Mexican cuisine - name national cuisine Mexico, which is a combination of Aztec and Spanish culinary traditions. It is based on a rich variety of products: first of all, corn (maize), and only then avocado, fresh and dried beans, sweet and regular potatoes, chili peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, duck and turkey meat, chocolate, various seasonings, and There are also many species of fish that live in the coastal waters of this country. The most famous dish of Mexican cuisine is considered to be a rather spicy tortilla soup, as well as the world famous alcoholic drink - tequila.

Eighth on the list of the most famous cuisines in the world is Chinese cuisine - one of the richest and most diverse cuisines in the world, divided into several main groups, each of which has its own differences in terms of ingredients used, spices and cooking methods. The differences between these cuisines are closely related to the traditions and culture of each individual region. However, despite these differences, rice is an integral part of most Chinese dishes. The most famous dishes of Chinese cuisine are: Peking duck, fried rice, dim sum, century egg and turtle soup.

Italian Cuisine - traditional cuisine Italy, one of the most popular European cuisines. Specializes in dishes made from flour, fish and seafood. Its characteristic feature is the relative simplicity and speed of preparation, as well as the use of fresh ingredients in dishes. It predominates in Italian dishes a large number of vegetables and spices such as oregano, basil, pepper, tarragon, thyme, rosemary and parmesan cheese. Quite often olive oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic and olives are used. Italian cuisine is very diverse and regional. Each region has its own culinary delights. The most famous Italian dishes are pizza, lasagna and spaghetti.

Spanish cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Spain, which is divided into regional ones. Each of them has its own characteristics, because they directly depend on what products are used to prepare dishes. An integral ingredient in true Spanish cooking is olive oil; Spain produces 44% of all olive oil in the world. Spanish dishes are simple. Most often they are prepared from fish, seafood, legumes and rice. They often add tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggs, garlic, onions, olives, almonds and wine. The most famous and national Spanish dish is considered to be jamon and paella.

French cuisine is the national multi-regional cuisine of France, known throughout the world as very diverse and refined. Its main feature is the use of exclusively fresh products. Despite the differences in regional culinary traditions, a characteristic feature of the national French cuisine There is an abundance of vegetables and root vegetables: potatoes, green beans, various varieties of onions, spinach and cabbage. Residents of coastal areas prefer to use seafood in their cuisine: fish, crabs, lobsters, lobsters, shrimp, etc. The most famous dishes of French cuisine are baguette, frog legs, ratatouille, croissant, truffle, etc. It is also very popular throughout the world's alcoholic drink is cognac.

Japanese cuisine is the national cuisine of Japan, characterized by seasonality of food, freshness of products, light use of seasonings, minimal processing, and preservation of the original appearance and taste of products. Much attention is paid appearance dishes. The main ingredients of Japanese cuisine are rice, various vegetables and seafood - fish, seaweed, shellfish. Compared to Americans and Europeans, the Japanese eat very little beef and pork, as well as animal fats, butter and dairy products, since Buddhism prohibits killing and eating animals. The most famous dishes of Japanese cuisine are sushi, sashimi, Japanese curry and the national alcoholic drink made from rice - sake.

Indian cuisine is one of the oldest and most diverse cuisines in the world, best known for its vegetarian dishes. This densely populated peninsula is home to so many peoples professing different religions that it is very difficult to describe typical Indian cuisine in a few sentences. But we'll try. Most of the Indian population are vegetarians, so the skillful use of seasonings has become a real art for them. Among the huge number of spices used in Indian cooking, we should highlight: cumin, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, red and green chili, cinnamon, saffron, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, anise, sesame, onion and garlic. Indian dishes are based on rice, a variety of vegetables, eggs, fish, seafood, etc. Dairy products are very popular. The most famous Indian dishes are curry, dhal, chapati, etc.

Second place in the list of the most famous cuisines in the world is occupied by the national cuisine of Turkey, which is among the best in terms of richness, variety of tastes and products used. In modern Turkish cuisine, the most important foods are meat and bread. A wide variety of spices are also used. And the most used vegetable in Turkish cooking is eggplant. The most famous Turkish dishes are kebab, börek, dolma, baklava, lokum and others.

Thai cuisine is the national cuisine of Thailand, considered one of the best, most original and famous in the world, associated primarily with the taste of bananas, citrus fruits, pineapples, coconut milk, fresh coriander, lemongrass, garlic and chili peppers. However, the basis for Thai dishes is primarily rice, and only then a variety of aromatic spices, fish and seafood. Meat is consumed relatively infrequently in Thailand; it is considered a festive dish. Thai cuisine emphasizes lightly cooked dishes with strong aromatic properties. The most common seasoning is mild fish sauce. The most famous Thai dish is a hot and sour soup based on chicken broth with shrimp, chicken, fish or other seafood, sometimes with the addition of coconut milk - Tom Yum.

Travel is different. Exotic, cultural, beach, romantic... And sometimes gastronomic! And even if you are usually on a diet, then several months before beach season you can quite afford them ;-) Going to Italy, France, Spain or, for example, mmmm... Thailand or Turkish Istanbul, you can not only relax and have fun, but also enjoy mind-blowing delicacies! Do you want to know what to please yourself and your stomach in the 7 most delicious countries in the world, where food has become a cult? Then “swallow” this article entirely. Bon appetit! ;-)

1. Italy:Neapolitan Margherita, prosciutto with melon, caciucco of 5 types of fish...

Tie me to Michelangelo's David statue! The amazing dishes of Italian cuisine make your mind go blank. Taste buds are anticipating the holiday! And so, without which Italy is not Italy... Without the real Neapolitan Margherita - the ancestor of all pizzas. The thinnest flatbread of dough with San Marzano tomatoes grown near Vesuvius is brought to a blazing heat in a wood-burning oven, and then covered with mozzarella di buffala cheese, basil and drizzled with olive oil... Oh, mamma mia! She brings me to... Although I haven't eaten the prosciutto di parma yet!

…Culinary Oscar contender #2! Transparent slices of salty ham are served in Italy with ripe, fragrant melon. A glass of sweet rose wine... Mmmm... Be-lis-si-mo! Pasta is devilishly dangerous for your figure, but Carbonara with goat cheese and bacon is divinely delicious. And in Italy they make amazing risotto! Try it with truffles, seafood... If you want soup, feel free to order thick Tuscan caciucco - from 5 varieties of fish, with the addition of red wine. You will also find Roman-style artichokes, national Italian gelato ice cream with fruits, berries, chocolate and nuts...

5. Türkiye (Istanbul): fish sandwiches, kebabs, marash-dondurma, oriental sweets...

Arriving in Istanbul, ordinary people go to the Blue Mosque or Hagia Sophia... Gastrotourists, on the other hand, head to the Eminönü pier to taste the most delicious street food in the world, accompanied by the cries of seagulls and the splash of waves - fish sandwiches balyk ekmek! The freshest mackerel is grilled in front of you, and then placed in a soft, fluffy bun, generously flavored with lettuce, onion rings and sprinkled with lemon juice. Mmm! And this delicacy is prepared on the deck of a small colorful boat rocking on the waves. Very romantic! What else should you include on your menu in Istanbul? Fried red mullet, sea bass marinated with basil, sea bream, mussels stuffed with rice...

Kufte cutlets and kebabs are very popular, and cafes and restaurants of this type are like street cats on every corner. Try minced meat on a skewer - adana kebab or shish kebab - shish kebab, always with stewed vegetables. It's incredibly delicious! You will fondly remember the hot lentil soup with mint... Well, for dessert, Istanbul has prepared incomparable marash-dondurma ice cream, with a natural thickener - orchid juice, and an incredible amount of oriental sweets! Delicate Turkish delight, sherbet, nougat and juicy, flaky baklava soaked in honey, various syrups and sprinkled with pistachios...

7. Mexico: tacos with salsa sauce, nachos with melted cheese, fajitas, burritos, tequila...

What is amazing about Mexico? Original culture, atmosphere of eternal summer, national parks, archaeological sites Aztecs and Mayans. It's incredibly interesting to be here! Oh, I wonder what Mexico offers? Different regions have completely different menus and culinary traditions. However, the basis of the cuisine is beans, corn, meat, fish, avocado and fiery chili peppers. Mexico tastes hot and spicy! Snacks with tortillas and all kinds of sauces are very popular here. Taco - corn tortilla with beef, pork, beans, clams, shredded cheese and salsa! Mmmm... You can swallow your tongue!

Try the homemade nacho chips with melted cheese and be sure to try the fajitas, a tortilla stuffed with beef marinated in a spicy sauce and grilled on the barbecue. But in the famous burrito, it turns out, they put whatever their heart desires: beans, rice, salty queso fresco cheese, tomatoes and meat, mushrooms and fish. And even tropical fruits! This is if you want dessert. Waiting for you is the meat goulash olla podrida, and tamales - meat cabbage rolls wrapped in corn cob leaves. The sopa de marisco soup is exceptionally tasty. And, having eaten your fill, go and drink tequila!

Well, your appetite for sultry Mexico has awakened! The hottest tours are waiting!

P.S. Share your own delicious impressions of the world in the comments!

Melnikova Anastasia, gastroexpert Onlinetours