"Spetsstroy of Russia" is building military and other facilities in the Kuril Islands. Military facilities will be built on the Kuril Islands Construction of military facilities on the Kuril Islands

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Ruslan Tsalikov / Photo: function.mil.ru

Yesterday, Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov and Director of Spetsstroy Alexander Volosov checked the progress of construction of infrastructure facilities for military camps on the islands of Iturup and Kunashir in the Kuril ridge.

During the working trip, R. Tsalikov and A. Volosov inspected the construction sites of infrastructure facilities of the machine gun and artillery division stationed on the southern islands of the Kuril ridge.

“When constructing new military camps, technological solutions are used that take into account the climatic and seismic characteristics of the region of deployment”

The construction of military and social facilities on the islands of the Kuril chain has not been carried out since the late 1960s. Currently, the forces of Spetsstroy of Russia in Kunashir and Iturup have launched large-scale construction of two base military camps according to standard designs. According to the terms of government contracts, the phased construction of residential and barracks zones, utility and warehouse zones and sectors of club and sports facilities is provided.

Next year, builders will have to complete reconstruction and new construction of more than 220 facilities, including more than 40 residential buildings and dormitories, 2 schools, 2 kindergartens, 2 universal sports complexes with a swimming pool, ice skating rinks, canteens, hospitals and clinics, shops, cafes, as well as combat training facilities and supporting infrastructure.

The commissioning of military camp infrastructure will be carried out in stages, as the launch complexes are ready. When constructing new military camps, technological solutions are used that take into account the climatic and seismic characteristics of the region of deployment.

Following the trip, R. Tsalikov instructed to increase the pace of construction work and optimize the processes associated with passing state examinations. He recalled that the construction of military infrastructure facilities on the Kuril Islands is monitored weekly by the leadership of the military department during thematic conference calls at the National Defense Management Center.

Construction of military facilities / Photo: function.mil.ru

reference Information

Currently, on the territory of the Central and Eastern Military Districts, the construction and reconstruction of more than 250 complex facilities is underway, including housing construction for 16.8 thousand apartments in Syzran, Vilyuchinsk, Engels, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Ulan-Ude and other cities.

In addition, in accordance with the plans for the development of the Armed Forces, existing and new infrastructure for the cantonment of troops is being developed in more than 20 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and active construction is underway in the Arctic zone.

The construction and arrangement of military camps is carried out according to standard designs using the technologies of prefabricated steel structures and tent-mobile shelters.

MOSCOW, Directorate of Press Service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Scope valid until 2015 Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development Kuril Islands for 2007-2015" amounts to 21 billion rubles.

The bulk of this amount is allocated from the federal budget. The Sakhalin Region also plans to attract funds from private investors for the development of the Kuril Islands. Private investment in the islands' economy now amounts to a billion rubles a year, and by 2015 it will increase to 6 billion. details about the new infrastructure of the Kuril Islands (many photos) The Kuril Islands include 30 large and many small islands. The population lives permanently only in Paramushir, Iturup, Kunashir and Shikotan. Population of the Kuril Islands - 18,735 people Kunashir Island- the southernmost island of the Great Kuril Islands. Population - approx. 8000 people. Yuzhno-Kurilsk - administrative center South Kuril District.

Social housing

In August 2012, a ceremony for presenting warrants and keys to new apartments took place in Yuzhno-Kurilsk. The 10-apartment building was built with funds from the regional and local budgets under one of the regional programs.
House of Culture (medical and educational expedition “Borders of Russia”, August 2010)
New kindergarten Port of Yuzhno-Kurilsk New deep-water berth

The commissioning of modern deep-sea berthing complexes in Kunashir and Iturup will bring the transport infrastructure in the Kuril Islands to a qualitatively new level and improve the quality of life on the islands. The motor ship "Igor Farkhutdinov" moored at the new pier for the first time (February 2011)
Construction is underway with funds from the federal program for the socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands and the budget of the Sakhalin region marine terminal on the territory of the constructed mooring complex in the South Kuril Bay. In addition to passengers, this building will house various services - a border checkpoint, a customs post, port supervision, administration and a control room. seaport. Completion of construction is planned for 2012.

Mendeleevo Airport The airfield was built by the Japanese when the island of Kunashir was still under Japanese control and has hardly been rebuilt since then. In 2006 it was closed due to complete deterioration of the infrastructure and destruction of the runway. During the reconstruction, within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands, a new passenger terminal, taxiways, a new apron, a runway (runway), a landing system and lighting equipment were put into operation. Operates on the island Mendeleevskaya GeoTPP(geothermal power plant), which provides the island with heat and electricity. Volcano energy as a source of heat and light for humans is the operating principle of this station. Commissioning of the second stage of the station in 2007 provided 100% of the heat demand in Yuzhno-Kurilsk. The planned modernization of the Mendeleevskaya Geothermal Power Plant will increase its capacity from 3.6 MW to 7.4 MW.
On about. Kunashir has two fish processing plants - LLC PKF "South Kuril Fish Processing Plant" and LLC "Delta". The Yuzhno-Kuril Fish Processing Plant has modernized its production processing lines. All fish and seafood caught by its own trawl fleet are delivered ashore without loss of quality. Integrated shift of 25 people successfully copes with large volumes of incoming raw materials.In 2011, the first kilometers of asphalt were laid on Kunashir Island.

Iturup Island-island of the southern group of the Great Ridge of the Kuril Islands, the most large island archipelago. Population - 6387 people. Kurilsk- the administrative center of the island. In recent years, a modern microdistrict “Severny” has been built in the village of Kurilsk. It is planned to build within its boundaries Grand Palace culture and sports, under the roof of which there will be a sports complex, a swimming pool, a cultural center and other institutions. In 2006, a modern fish processing complex "Reidovo" was launched on the island..
Six air freezing chambers ensure the production of 74 tons of finished frozen fish products per day.
On about. Iturup also houses the Yasny fish processing plant, equipped with a one-of-a-kind freezing tunnel for air freezing of fish, which allows the continuous freezing of 210 tons of finished fish products per day. There is a caviar workshop where 3 tons of caviar are produced per day. In addition, there is a salting shop with a capacity of 25 tons per day and a refrigerator with a capacity of 2300 tons of simultaneous storage. There are several other fishing enterprises, the largest of which are Skit, Bug, and Continent. Kurilskaya buildings have already been built on the island high school for 250 students, as well as a modern central district hospital with 50 beds and a clinic for 100 visits per shift. New hospital
Sports complex

improvement work

In February 2012, two 8-apartment buildings were put into operation
New airport“Iturup” is located on the sunny side of the island, which will allow you to easily get to the island even in bad weather. The extended 2.2 km long runway will accommodate all types of aircraft operating in the region. Near Kurilsk there is a geothermal spring with radon waters.
A few years ago, the springs consisted of two concrete vats for salting fish, in which vacationers took baths, not forgetting to litter the surrounding area with broken bottle glass. Geothermal springs were improved by the company "Gidrostoroy"
Shikotan Island- the largest island of the Malaya ridge of the Kuril Islands. Malokurilskoe- the administrative center of the island. Population - approx. 2100 people. Using funds from the federal program, a deep-water pier has already been built and is being operated in Malokurilskaya Bay on Shikotan, and in the neighboring Krabozavodskaya Bay on the same Shikotan, the construction of a pier is nearing completion on co-financing terms - the own funds of Gidrostroy JSC and the regional budget.

The Krabozavodsk fish processing complex is equipped with the most modern equipment.
The workshop's capacity allows it to receive and process up to 300 tons of raw fish every day.
New kindergarten for 70 places (2010)

Alexey Zakvasin, Svyatoslav Petrov

In the near future, Russia will begin construction of a naval base in the Kuril Islands. This was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense Franz Klintsevich. Moscow has been restoring the military infrastructure on the Kuril ridge since 2010. At the end of 2016, the “Ball” and “Bastion” complexes were located here. The strengthening of the Russian military presence in the region causes extreme concern for Japan, which lays claim to the four islands of the Kuril chain that were given to the USSR following the Second World War. Why Russia is building a naval base in the Kuril Islands and how this will affect relations between Moscow and Tokyo - in the RT material.

Russia will create a naval base (naval base) on the Kuril Islands. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Franz Klintsevich, the Russian leadership has made a fundamental decision on this matter.

"Decision is made. It is under implementation.<...>Everything is going strictly according to plan, without emergency jerks,” Klintsevich said, adding that work will begin in the near future.

The senator also clarified that as part of the construction of the naval base, the airfield network will be restored.

Window to the Pacific Ocean

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the possible location of a Pacific Fleet (PF) base in the Kuril Islands at the end of May 2016. As Colonel General Sergei Surovikin clarified, a berth for warships will be equipped on the island of Matua, which is located in the center of the Kuril ridge between the Golovin and Nadezhda straits.

Currently, the Navy infrastructure includes 23 bases and nine naval bases. Pacific Fleet Russia is located in Vladivostok, Fokino (Primorsky Territory), Bolshoy Kamen (Primorsky Territory) and Vilyuchinsk (Kamchatka).

The deployment of a naval base on Matua is intended to facilitate the exit of ships and submarines of the Pacific Fleet, including strategic ones, into Pacific Ocean. In addition, the new base will allow Russia to improve control over its eastern borders, including the sparsely populated Kuril ridge.

For the second year in a row, a joint expedition of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Geographical Society has been working on Matua. The main goal of the research project is to determine the prospects for military exploitation of the island.

  • Expedition of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Geographical Society on the island of Matua
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Russian Ministry of Defense has been consistently strengthening the military infrastructure of the Kuril Islands since 2010. According to initial plans, most of the work should be completed in 2020. The military department is restoring positions lost after the collapse of the USSR and at the same time implementing new projects.

In the 1970s, the Soviet leadership intended to build a naval base on Simushir Island in the village of Kraterny (Broughton Bay). In particular, it was planned to place there submarines, anti-submarine ships and the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Minsk". But perestroika buried this ambitious project.

Last fall, the Russian Ministry of Defense deployed the Bastion anti-ship missile system on Iturup Island, and the Bal complex on Kunashir Island.

  • Coastal missile system "Bastion"
  • RIA News
  • Vitaly Ankov

In February 2017, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the formation of a division in the Kuril Islands should be completed by the end of the year. We are talking about the 18th machine gun and artillery division, the strength of which is estimated at 3.5 thousand people.

The formation is equipped with tanks, armored vehicles, multiple launch rocket systems, towed and mortar artillery pieces. Since 2015, the division has been on combat duty with air defense units with several Tor-M2U anti-aircraft systems.

The editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine, Igor Korotchenko, believes that at the moment it is too early to talk about the timing of the creation of the naval base. However, in his opinion, the decision to build a base on Matua is justified from a strategic point of view.

“The Kuril Islands need a full-fledged military infrastructure, since we are talking about protecting the eastern borders of Russia. The basing of warships, air and anti-ship defense, a garrison within the division will be ensured - all elements of Russia’s military presence on the border of its own territory,” Korotchenko noted in an interview with RT.

Inconsistency of expectations

During World War II, the 41st Separate Mixed Regiment of the Imperial Japanese Army was located on Matua. The Japanese created many engineering structures, but never entered the battle. Before surrendering, they blew up all objects that could be of value to the Soviet army.

The strengthening of the Russian military presence in the Kuril ridge has traditionally caused concern in Japan. Tokyo does not recognize Moscow's four Kuril Islands (Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai group of islands), which, like Matua, were ceded to the USSR following the Second World War. Due to territorial claims, there is still no peace treaty between the two states.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly informed Tokyo that the strengthening of military infrastructure on the archipelago is planned. In February 2017, during a visit to Japan, Sergei Shoigu noted that the division in the Kuril Islands “has been created over the past six years, created not against anyone, but exclusively to protect the territory of the Russian Federation.”

In December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The head of the Russian state called for an end to the “historical ping-pong in these territories.” The leaders agreed to restore military contacts and entered into a number of agreements in the economic sphere.

Korotchenko believes that the construction of a base on Matua is a political signal for Tokyo: Russia is demonstrating that it has every right “to build anything and anywhere on its territory.” As the expert explained, plans to build a base had been made before, “it’s just that now all this is taking real shape.”

Senior Research Fellow at the Institute's Center for Japanese Studies Far East RAS Viktor Kuzminkov also believes that Moscow is sending an unambiguous signal to its partners from Tokyo.

The expert said that Klintsevich’s statement was made at a time when a Japanese delegation led by Assistant to the Prime Minister Eiichi Hasegawa was visiting the Kuril Islands. The purpose of the visit is to inspect the four islands before starting joint economic activities.

“We are seeing another discrepancy in expectations from mutual cooperation. Russia has high expectations from economic cooperation and hopes for big projects with Japan. Tokyo hopes for some political dividends in return, namely on the issue of the Kuril Islands,” Kuzminkov emphasized in a conversation with RT.

However, according to the expert, in reality, neither Russia is ready to transfer the islands, nor is Japan truly interested in Russia as an economic partner.

“The Japanese are still hoping to get the islands, and the construction of a base on Matua, of course, will be perceived negatively. I don’t rule out that this will cause quite serious protests in Tokyo,” concluded Kuzminkov.

The Russian authorities intend to allocate an additional 16 billion rubles for the development of the Kuril Islands.
This was announced by the Governor of the Sakhalin Region, Alexander Khoroshavin, after a working meeting held in Kurilsk with the participation of members of the Government of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the implementation Federal Target Program “Socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands for 2007-2015”.

13 billion rubles of this amount are planned to be allocated from the federal budget, the remaining 3 billion rubles from the local budget. The Sakhalin Region also plans to attract funds from private investors for the development of the Kuril Islands. They, according to Khoroshavin, will be interested in the development of such industries as marine biological resources and tourism.

The volume of the Federal Target Program for the development of the Kuril Islands, valid until 2015, is 15 billion rubles (investments from the federal budget).
The main directions of the program are the development of transport infrastructure, social sphere and energy.

details about the new infrastructure of the Kuril Islands (many photos)

Kurile Islands- include 30 large and many small islands.
The population lives permanently only in Paramushir, Iturup, Kunashir and Shikotan.
Population of the Kuril Islands - 18,735 people

Kunashir Island- the southernmost island of the Great Kuril Islands.
Population - approx. 8000 people.
Yuzhno-Kurilsk- administrative center of the South Kuril Okrug.

A Friendship Center was built to receive delegations

Free social housing

House of Culture
(medical and educational expedition “Borders of Russia”, August 2010)

Opening of a new kindergarten
Governor of the Sakhalin Region Alexander Khoroshavin (right)

Port of Yuzhno-Kurilsk

New deep-water berth

The commissioning of modern deep-sea berthing complexes in Kunashir and Iturup will bring the transport infrastructure in the Kuril Islands to a qualitatively new level and improve the quality of life on the islands.
The motor ship "Igor Farkhutdinov" moored at the new pier for the first time
(February 2011)

Airport "Mendeleevo"
The airfield was built by the Japanese when Kunashir Island was still under Japanese control and has hardly been rebuilt since then.
In 2006 it was closed due to complete deterioration of the infrastructure and destruction of the runway.
During the reconstruction, as part of the Federal Targeted Program for the socio-economic development of the Kuril Islands, a new passenger terminal, taxiways, a new apron, a runway, a landing system and lighting equipment were put into operation.

Operates on the island Mendeleevskaya GeoTPP(geothermal power plant), which provides the island with heat and electricity.
Volcano energy as a source of heat and light for humans is the operating principle of this station.
Commissioning of the second stage of the station in 2007 provided 100% of the heat demand in Yuzhno-Kurilsk.
By 2011, it is planned to modernize and introduce additional capacities, as a result of which the total capacity of the facility will almost triple - from 1.8 MW to 5 MW.

Iturup Island-an island of the southern group of the Great Ridge of the Kuril Islands, the largest island of the archipelago.
Population - 6387 people.

Kitovaya Bay

In 2006, the modern fish processing complex “Reidovo” was launched on the island..
Six air freezing chambers ensure the production of 74 tons of finished frozen fish products per day.

On about. Iturup also houses the Yasny fish processing plant, equipped with a one-of-a-kind freezing tunnel for air freezing of fish, allowing the continuous freezing of 210 tons of finished fish products per day.
There is a caviar workshop where 3 tons of caviar are produced per day. In addition, there is a salting shop with a capacity of 25 tons per day and a refrigerator with a capacity of 2300 tons of simultaneous storage.

The buildings of the Kuril Secondary School for 250 students have already been built on the island, as well as a modern central regional hospital with 50 beds and a clinic for 100 visits per shift.
New hospital

Sports complex

landscaping of a park in the city center

Governor's working trip

The construction of an airport continues in Iturup, which will be equipped with the latest technology. New air gate are located on the sunny side of the island, which will allow easy access to Iturup even in bad weather. The extended 2.2 km long runway will accommodate all types of aircraft operating in the region.

Shikotan Island- the largest island of the Malaya ridge of the Kuril Islands.
Malokurilskoe- the administrative center of the island.
Population - approx. 2100 people.
Development of mooring infrastructure on Shikotan Island

The Krabozavodsk fish processing complex is equipped with the most modern equipment.

The workshop's capacity allows it to receive and process up to 300 tons of raw fish every day.

New kindergarten for 70 places (2010)

New School (2006)

Construction of fuel supply systems is underway on all islands - Iturup, Kunashir and Shikotan

Paramushir Island- one of the islands of the Northern group of the Great Ridge of the Kuril Islands.
Population - about 2500 people.
Severo-Kurilsk- the administrative center and the only populated area of ​​the island.
The fishing port and fish processing plant are the main production facilities of Severo-Kurilsk.
In 1952, the city was almost destroyed by a tsunami, but after that it was restored and exists to this day.
Monument to those killed in 1945

Fisherman's Day is one of the main holidays on the Kuril Islands

Transportation of goods and passengers to the islands is carried out by the motor ships “Igor Farkhutdinov” and “Marina Tsvetaeva”.

Construction plans for 2011
In 2011, a kindergarten for 40 places will be commissioned in the village of Reidovo on the island. Iturup, construction of the berth complex in Yuzhno-Kurilsk has been completed. The construction of the sea terminal building will continue, in a single three-story sea terminal complex with an area of ​​more than 885 square meters. m will house all services operating both domestic and international flights.
The project “Construction and reconstruction of fuel supply systems for the island” will also be commissioned. Shikotan" in the village of Malokurilskoye.
This year the following will be built: a 6-apartment residential building in the village of Krabozavodskoye on Shikotan, a 10-apartment building and four 8-apartment buildings in Yuzhno-Kurilsk, two 8-apartment buildings on Iturup.
This year, a modular diesel generator power station will be completed and launched on the street. Nagornaya in the village of Malokurilskoye.
And as part of the regional fire safety program, a fire station in Yuzhno-Kurilsk is expected to be put into operation.

P.S. Of course, on the Kuril Islands, not everything is as rosy and positive as it looks in these photographs. I have collected here only new or renovated objects. In addition to large settlements by the standards of the Kuril Islands, there are also very small settlements, where, nevertheless, people also live.
But since the island development program was adopted until 2015 and the positive trend is obvious, there is every reason to believe that in all populated areas all 4 inhabited Kuril Islands will have decent living conditions.