A message on the topic of the highest mountains of different types. Where is the highest point on our planet? Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the world or the highest

The formation of the largest mountain ranges on our planet lasts for millions of years. They are the result of the collision of tectonic plates. These processes do not stop now. world exceeds eight thousand meters above sea level. There are fourteen such peaks on Earth. It should be noted that the ten highest peaks of the planet are located in the Himalayas, which are located in Eurasia and stretch for several thousand kilometers. Their ranking in ascending order is described in more detail below. In addition, the article presents the highest points of each continent.


This peak closes the list of “The highest and the world”. Translated from Sanskrit, its name means “goddess of fertility.” Its height is 8091 meters. The summit was first conquered in 1950 by French climbers Louis Lachenal and Maurice Herzog. The peak is considered one of the most dangerous on Earth in terms of ascent, a clear indication of which is the statistics. To date, there have been 150 successful ascents of it, while the fatality rate is 40%. The most common cause of death is avalanches.


In ninth place in the ranking of “The highest mountains on the planet” is Nanga Parbat, or “mountain of the gods,” with a height of 8126 meters. The first attempt to climb it was made in 1859, but it ended in failure. Climbers subsequently failed to conquer the peak for almost a hundred years. It was not until 1953 that Hermann Buhl from Austria independently made the historic ascent.


The height of this mountain is 8163 meters. The first person to reach its peak was a Japanese climber named Toshio Imanishi, and this happened in 1956. An interesting feature of the peak is that due to its close proximity to Tibet, for a long period of time it, along with its surroundings, was a zone closed to visits by foreigners.


The highest point of Dhaulagiri is located at a mark that is only four meters higher than that of the previous representative of the “Highest Mountains on Earth” rating. In 1960, a group of Europeans climbed the peak, which is one of the most difficult to climb. It should be noted that no one has yet conquered it along the southern route.

Cho Oyu

This mountain has a height of 8188 meters. It is located on the border of Nepal and China. The first people who managed to conquer it were the Austrians Joseph Jächler and Herbert Tichy. They made their ascent in 1954.



Essentially, Lhotse consists of three separate peaks. The largest of them has a height of 8516 meters. It was first climbed in 1956 by two Swiss - Fritz Luchsinger and Ernst Reiss. It should be noted that only three routes to the summit are currently known.


Mount Kanchenjunga rises 8586 meters above sea level. It is located on the Nepal-India border and was first conquered in 1955 by a group of British climbers led by Charles Evans. For a long time, in disputes regarding which mountain is the highest on the planet, the prevailing opinion was that it was Kanchenjunga. However, after lengthy research, it moved to third position in the ranking.


On the border between China and Nepal there is a mountain with a height of 8611 meters. It ranks second in the list of the highest peaks in the world and is called Chogori. In 1954, Italians Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli became the first people to climb it. The peak is very difficult to climb. The mortality rate among climbers who dare to climb is about 25%.


Every high school senior knows the answer to the question of which mountain is the tallest in the world. This is Everest, also known as Chomolungma. This 8848 meter high peak is located between Nepal and China. On average, 500 climbers attempt to conquer it every year. The first person to do this was from New Zealand in 1953, accompanied by a Sherpa named Tenzing Norgay.

The highest mountains of the continents

The highest point in North America is Mount McKinley at 6,194 meters. It is named after one of the American presidents and is located in Alaska. The first ascent to the summit dates back to June 7, 1913.

The highest and longest mountain range in the world is the Andes. It is in this ridge on the territory of Argentina that the highest point of the continent and both American continents is located - Aconcagua (6962 m). It should be noted that this peak is the largest extinct volcano on the planet. It is considered a technically easy mountaineering object in terms of climbing. The first of them was documented in 1897.

At 5895 meters high, Kilimanjaro is the largest mountain in Africa, located in the northeastern part of Tanzania. The first ascent of it was made in 1889 by a traveler from Germany, Hans Meyer. It should be noted that Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano. According to some data, its last activity was observed about 200 years ago.

Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. Externally, it is a two-headed dormant volcano that last erupted in 50 BC. The height of the eastern peak is 5621 meters, and the western peak is 5642 meters. The first successful human ascent to one of them dates back to 1829.

The highest mountains in Eurasia and the whole world are concentrated in the Himalayas. They were discussed in more detail earlier.

The highest point in Australia and Oceania is known as Mount Puncak Jaya. It is located on the island of New Guinea and has an altitude of 4884 meters. Literally translated from Indonesian, the name means “peak of victory.” Dutch traveler Jan Carstens discovered it in 1623, and the first ascent dates back to 1962.

The highest mountains of Antarctica are its existence. Its existence became known only in 1957. Due to the fact that American pilots managed to discover them, they were named after one of the most famous politicians of this country - Carl Vinson. The highest point of the massif is at 4892 meters above sea level.

There are 14 mountain peaks in the world that are over 8,000 meters high. Climbing such mountains is not for cowards. Currently, only 30 experienced climbers have managed to climb all 14 peaks. Why do people dream of conquering these mountains if such an ascent can be fatal? Probably to prove something to themselves... No one can argue with the fact that these giants cannot help but fascinate. And today we have prepared for you a selection of the most incredible mountains in the world in terms of height.

Located in Nepal

Height: 8848 meters

It has 2 peaks: southern (8760 meters) and northern (8848 meters).

The mountain is very beautiful, shaped like a triangular pyramid.

Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world, part of the Mahalangur Himal mountain range.

More than 250 people have died while attempting to climb Everest. Most deaths were associated with falls from heights, avalanches, ice collapses, and various health problems due to exposure to high altitude environments. Today, climbing along the main route no longer presents such problems as in the last century. However, at high altitudes, climbers face a lack of oxygen, strong winds and low temperatures (below 60 degrees). In order to conquer Everest, you need to be not only brave and resilient, but also a wealthy person. You need to spend at least $8,000 on this matter.

Located in the Himalayas, on the border of China and Pakistan

Height: 8614 meters

The second highest mountain in the world. Chogori is considered one of the most difficult mountain peaks to climb; it was first conquered in 1954. The mortality rate is 25%.

Located in the Himalayas, on the border between China and Nepal, 3 km from Everest

Height: 8516 meters

They were able to conquer this mountain in 1956.

Lhotse has 3 peaks, each of them reaches a height of over 8 kilometers.

Located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China, 12 kilometers from Everest

Height: 8485 meters

The second name is the Black Giant.

This mountain is very difficult to climb; its slopes are too steep. Only a third of the expeditions were usually successful. Several dozen people died.

Located on the border of Nepal and China

Height: 8201 meters

It is considered not the most difficult to climb, but, nevertheless, 39 climbers died.

Located in the Nepalese part of the Himalayas

Height: 8167 meters

Dhaulagiri is translated from the local language as “white mountain”.

Almost its entire area is covered with glaciers and snow. It is considered one of the most difficult mountain peaks to climb.

They were able to conquer it for the first time in 1960. More than 60 climbers died on it.

Located in Nepal, part of the Mansiri Himal mountain range

Height: 8156 meters

It was first conquered by a Japanese expedition in 1956.

Located in Pakistan

Height: 8125 meters

Second name: Nanga Parbata - Diamir (translated as “Mountain of the Gods”).

It was first conquered in 1953.

In terms of mortality among climbers, it ranks third after Everest and K-2. This mountain is also called the “killer”.

Located in Nepal

Height: 8091 meters

The first Himalayan eight-thousander, which was conquered in 1950.

The mountain has 9 peaks, one of which is “Machapuchare”. No one has yet managed to climb it.

Local residents consider this peak to be the abode of Lord Shiva. Therefore, climbing it is prohibited.

The highest of the 9 peaks is called Annapurna. About 40% of climbers who tried to climb it remain lying on its slopes.

Height: 8080 meters

First ascent: 1958.

The highest peak of the Gasherbrum mountain range, the second highest in the Karakoram and the eleventh highest among the world's eight-thousanders.

On July 5, 1958, members of the American expedition Peter Schöning and Andrew Kaufman made the first ascent to the summit along the southeastern ridge.

Located in Kashmir, Pakistan-controlled Northern Territories bordering China, Baltoro Muztagh, Karakoram, 8 km from Mount Chogori

Height: 8051 meters

The peak belongs to the Baltoro Muztag mountain range and the multi-peak Gasherbrum mountain range. It includes 2 peaks whose height exceeds 8 km.

In 1957, an Austrian expedition made its first ascent.

Located in Pakistan-controlled Northern Territories on the border with China, Baltoro Muztagh, Karakoram

Height: 8035 meters

The elegantly contoured peak, with sheer cliffs and eternal snow, belongs to the Baltoro Muztagh mountain range. It is part of the Gasherbrum mountain range. The first ascent was made by Australians in 1956.

Located in China, Langtang, Himalayas

Height: 8027 meters

Part of the Langtang mountain range. It consists of three peaks, two of which are more than 8 km. The first ascent occurred in 1964. Over 50 years, 21 people have died while attempting to climb, although it is considered the easiest among eight-thousanders.

The power of nature frightens and delights at the same time. Evidence of her strength is found in the deep crevices and highest peaks of the planet. Everest is called the top of the world, and it really is. However, not everyone knows what the highest mountain in the world is. Yes, there are giants that exceed the size of the famous Chomolungma. But what they are and where they are - read on.

The largest and highest mountain on the planet is the shield volcano Mauna Kea. It is located on an island in the Hawaiian archipelago. Its size is shocking. If you put this natural colossus next to Everest, the latter will seem like a small hill.

For comparison: the height of Mauna Kea from the base to the top is 10,203 m, and Everest is 3550 m. Do you feel the difference?! So why is the Himalayan peak given the palm?

The thing is that Mauna Kea originates underwater, where most of the volcano is hidden. The peak of the mountain above sea level is at an altitude of 4205 m, while Chomolungma rises to 8848 m.

The Hawaiian giant is about a million years old. Active “youth” helped the volcano grow to such dimensions. From the moment of its birth, Mauna Kea erupted regularly for 500 thousand years, then activity began to decline. The volcano is now considered extinct. According to rough estimates, the last eruption occurred 4-6 thousand years ago.

Such an amount of volcanic rock concentrated at one point exerts enormous pressure on the earth's crust. Its total volume is about 3200 km3. It's hard to imagine how much it weighs, but this mass is enough to push the Pacific Plate six kilometers.

"Mauna Kea" translates to 'White Mountain'. The indigenous people could not call it anything else, because this is the only place on the Hawaiian Islands where snow falls in winter. Local tribes consider the mountain sacred, and only leaders have the right to climb it. Unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, this does not stop the Europeans.

On the one hand, in the lower part of the volcano, for the sake of the development of the sugar industry, wild forests were practically destroyed; on the other hand, the top of Mauna Kea is an excellent place for space exploration. Since 1964, 13 observatories have been built here. The question of whether it was worth doing this, given the holiness of the mountain, still causes heated debate.

The highest mountains in the world: list

The dream of every climber is to conquer the main peaks of the world. There are seven in total on the list, one for each continent and region of the Earth. Let's talk briefly about each of them:

  1. His Majesty is Everest.

Has several other names. In Tibet, the mountain is called Qomolungma (Divine Mother) or Jomo Gang Kar (Holy Mother, White as Snow). The Nepalese call the highest peak Sagarmatha.

This is one of the most violent places on the planet. Not everyone will be able to reach at least the base camp, which is located at an altitude of about 5,000 m. Let alone the summit.

The air temperature on the mountain in the warm season does not rise above zero degrees, and in winter it varies from -36 during the day to -60 degrees at night. Add to this the violent winds, the speed of which sometimes reaches 200 km/h, and you will understand that the slightest problem here can turn into a disaster.

In the off season, few people will challenge grief, because it is akin to suicide. Since its first ascent in 1953, Everest has claimed the lives of more than 250 people, whose bodies are still there. To pick them up, you need to equip an expedition, and this is very expensive. The fees for the lift alone reach up to 25 thousand dollars. No matter how cynical it may sound, many corpses serve as landmarks for climbers.

  1. The second highest height in the world is Aconcagua.

Located in Argentina and part of the Andes - the longest mountain system in the world, stretching for 11,000 km. Translated from the Quechua language, “Aconcagua” means “Stone Guardian”. Looking at the mountain, you understand that it was not given this name in vain.

Massive and majestic, Aconcagua truly resembles a stone giant. The height of the mountain above sea level reaches 6961 m. Technically, it is not considered too difficult to conquer. The record for ascent and descent belongs to Karl Egloff: his time is 11 hours 52 minutes. Even children came up here. The youngest climber was only nine years old.

The weather is relatively mild. The average temperature at the top is 20 degrees below zero, much colder at night. There is low humidity here, but strong winds will not allow a person to forget where he is.

  1. Presidential Mount McKinley.

Located in Alaska, 210 km north of Anchorage. It occupies the third position in height above sea level - 6190 m. In fact, it is a huge granite block that came out of the ground as a result of tectonic activity. This happened about 60 million years ago.

The mountain was often renamed. It was originally called Denali, which means “great” in the Athabascan Indian language. When the Russians came to Alaska, the granite giant was simply called Big Mountain. In 1896, when Alaska ceded to the United States, the mountain was named after President William McKinley. However, in 2015, the first name was returned to it.

Based on climbing statistics, this peak is not for everyone. Only 58% of attempts are successful. Since 1913, the mountain has claimed the lives of more than 100 people. Weather conditions and lack of oxygen do not stop people, even if they have to walk alone in winter. This is what Loni Dupre did, who successfully climbed Denali and came down unharmed on January 11, 2015.

  1. Kilimanjaro.

The highest point in Africa - 5892 m. It is located in Tanzania and is a potentially active volcano. Presumably the last eruption took place 200 thousand years ago, but the lava did not go anywhere. It is located under the crater at a depth of 400 m.

Kilimanjaro has three peaks that are separate volcanoes:

  • Shira - 3962 m;
  • Mawenzi - 5149 m;
  • Kobo - 5892 m.

A distinctive feature of the mountain is the ice cap, which has not left the top for 11 thousand years, since the last ice age. However, over the last hundred years, due to deforestation and decreased rainfall, the glacier has shrunk by 80%.

One of the easiest peaks to climb. The first documented assault took place in 1889. It was accomplished by a group of climbers led by Hans Meyer. Trained climbers can climb to the top and descend back in 10 hours. For beginners, due to the need for acclimatization, this requires 5 days.

  1. The highest mountain in Europe is Elbrus.

It belongs to the same type of mountains as Kilimanjaro - a stratovolcano. The last eruption occurred around 50 AD. e. It has a saddle shape with two peaks: eastern - 5621 m; western - 5642 m.

The mountain is shrouded in many glaciers with a total area of ​​134.5 km2. Melt water flowing down the slopes of Elbrus feeds several large rivers: Kuban, Baksan and Malka. The weather here changes from bad to good every 5–7 days. In summer it can be hot - 25–35 degrees, in winter at an altitude of 3,000 m the temperature drops to –12–20 degrees.

From a mountaineering point of view, Elbrus is not particularly difficult to climb, but there are several extreme routes. The peak was even stormed on a motorcycle in 1963 and a car in 1997.

  1. Vinson Peak is the highest point on the sixth continent.

The mountain is part of the massif of the same name, which is located 1200 km from the South Pole and extends 21 km in length and 13 km in width. The highest point is at 4897 m above sea level.

American pilots discovered Vinson Peak in 1957, and 9 years later its peak was conquered by climber Nicholas Clinch. Despite the aggressive conditions of Antarctica, summer is relatively comfortable here. In the tents of the assault camp, the temperature is in the range of 0–10 degrees Celsius. During ascent, the thermometer often drops below thirty-five degrees.

  1. Pyramid of Carstens, or Puncak Jaya.

Located on the island of New Guinea. Its peak is considered the highest point in Oceania and Australia - 4884 m, and according to some sources - 5030 meters. Jaya Peak was discovered by European explorer Jan Carstens in 1623.

Arriving in Holland, he spoke about the glacier he saw, for which he was ridiculed. Like, where does the glacier come from in the tropics?! However, they laughed at him in vain. What he saw was one of the highest mountains in the world.

Despite such an early discovery, the first ascent occurred only 339 years later. A group of climbers led by Heinrich Harrer stormed the mountain in 1962.

The highest mountain in Kazakhstan

On the border with Kyrgyzstan and China, on the Tien Shan ridge, the majestic and cold Khan Tengri rises. This is the highest point in Kazakhstan - 7010 m above sea level. The name of the mountain is Turkic and is translated as ‘Lord of the Heavens’.

Externally, Khan Tengri is a natural pyramid with regular edges. The top of the mountain is covered with a layer of ice 15 meters thick. In pagan times, people believed that the supreme God lived there and ruled the whole world from there.

The first mentions of the mountain are found in the writings of ancient explorers and adventurers. As for modern study, it began in the middle of the 19th century, when the geographer P. Semenov made a detailed description of the mountain.

The first successful assault on Khan Tengri took place on September 11, 1931. The climbers from the Ukrainian expedition became heroes. It was led by Mikhail Pogrebetsky, Boris Tyurin and Franz Sauber. The athletes spent a long time and meticulously thinking through and working out the route of the ascent. As a result, it was decided to go along the southern and southwestern side of the mountain.

Khan Tengri is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its regular accidents. Every season the mountain takes several people. 2004 was especially dark. Then a Polish climber died during the ascent, and a month later an avalanche at an altitude of 5,000 m trapped a group of 50 people. While the rescue operation was underway, 11 climbers from Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic died.

The highest mountains in the world annually attract hundreds of daredevils who risk their lives for the indescribable feeling of unity with nature. They can be understood, because those who once climbed to the top want to repeat it again and again. Vysotsky also wrote: “The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent and only slightly envy those others whose peak is still ahead.”

The vast majority of the peaks included in the list of the highest mountains in Russia on the map belong to one mountain system - the Greater Caucasus. This huge mountain range is located between the Black and Caspian Seas. The southerners are barely catching up with three Kamchatka hills - Klyuchevskaya, Kamen and Ploskaya Blizhnaya (13th, 18th and 70th places) and two peaks of the Altai Mountains - Belukha and Tavan-Bogdo-Uul (19th and 67th place).

To prevent Russian climbers from getting bored with the monotony, the Mountaineering Federation decided to include in the conditions for receiving the most honorable mountaineering title the conquest of not only the eight highest mountains on the list, but also the assault on Belukha and Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

10. Shota Rustaveli, height – 4860 m

Shota Rustaveli Peak is one of the peaks that make up the so-called Bezengi Wall - a giant mountain range stretching for 13 km. In addition to the Shota Rustaveli peak, the wall is formed by Dzhangitau (fifth place in the ranking), Katyntau (ninth) and Shkhara (sixth).

9. Katyn-Tau – 4970 m

The Kabardino-Balkarians have a sad legend associated with the name of this mountain. The mountain peak Tetnuld (“white”), one of the most beautiful, invariably arousing the admiration of tourists for its whiteness, decided to leave his old wife, Katyn (“wife”), for the sake of his young one, Dzhanga (“new”, “young”). Perhaps Tetnuld was a climber - the height of Katyn does not reach 5 km, but Dzhangy, or Dzhangitau, ranks fifth in the list of the highest mountains in Russia.

8. Mizhirgi – 5025 m

The list of Russian “five thousand meters” begins with Mizhirga - the highest and most dangerous mountains in Russia, which every climber dreams of climbing. Mizhirgi, despite the modest eighth place in height, the mountain is very capricious and surpasses higher peaks in terms of difficulty.

7. Kazbek – 5034 m

This is one of the most beautiful peaks of the Greater Caucasus Range. Her image appears on many covers of travel magazines, photographs, postcards and stamps. A lonely white peak of a regular conical shape (Kazbek was once a volcano) stands out sharply against the background of green foothills. Unfortunately, due to the difficult geopolitical situation, ascents to Kazbek are no longer as frequent as they once were.

6. Shkhara – 5068 m

One of the most beloved peaks by climbers, and the highest mountain in the central part of the Caucasus range. You can climb it via a wide variety of routes, and several peaks will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding places from new points of view.

According to the results of recent measurements, Shkhara can move from sixth place to third - according to the latest data, its height is 5193.2 m. However, there is no doubt about which is the highest mountain in Russia - first place is ahead of all the others with a margin of almost half a kilometer.

5. Dzhangitau – 5085 m

Like Mizhirgi, Dzhangitau is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous peaks. Just three years ago, an experienced climber fell from its slopes (with fatal results), and a couple of years before that, a climbing group had to be rescued by helicopter.

4. Pushkin Peak – 5100 m

Most often they prefer to climb Pushkin Peak from the south side. However, experienced rock climbers prefer the northern side - in addition to a slightly more difficult route, you can admire the enchanting beauty of the surrounding nature.

3. Koshtantau – 5152 m

Koshtantau opens the top three among the highest mountains in Russia. Sometimes she is merciful to climbers and gives them beautiful weather, making the ascent easy and enjoyable. However, this rarely happens; Most often, the capricious beauty prefers to dress up in an icy robe, which makes the ascent much more difficult.

The conquest of Costantau began with a tragedy - two English climbers and their Swiss guides died while trying to climb it. Since then, several routes have been laid up the mountain, but they all have increased difficulty - from 4B to 6A (for comparison: the lowest category is 1B, the highest is 6B, and category 6A is in second place, up to 6B).

2. Dykhtau – 5204 m

The poetic genius of the Balkar people decided to rest on the name Dykhtau. Translated from this language, the name simply means “steep mountain.” It's almost like a nickname.

The mountain looks harsh - the granite-gneiss rocks that make up Dykhtau are dark in color. And in contrast to the white snow and clouds (located at a lower altitude than the peak), they look especially gloomy.

The difficulty of climbing the mountain corresponds to its serious appearance - there are more than ten routes to the double peaks of Dykhtau, but even the easiest of them belongs to category 4A, above average.

1. The highest mountain in Russia – Elbrus, 5642 m

On the border between the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia is the Side Range of the Caucasus Mountains, where Elbrus, the highest mountain in Russia, is located. Elbrus has two peaks - western and eastern; the difference between them is 21 m.

This is not an easy mountain; it is a legacy of those times when the young Caucasus Mountains were still fire-breathing. Elbrus is a huge volcano, fortunately, extinct a long time ago. Over the past tens of thousands of years, Elbrus has been covered with a shell of ice of enormous thickness - in some places it reaches 250 m, which is equal to the height of an eighty-story building.

Despite its terrifying height (Elbrus is considered the highest mountain not only in Russia, but also in Europe, and is also among the top ten), the mountain’s character is not evil and the path to the top has long been found. The first ascent of Elbrus took place in the first third of the 19th century. Since then, whoever has been there! People climbed not only on foot, but also on horses, motorcycles and cars. They carried ATVs and even 75-kilogram barbells. And since the early 1990s, regular competitions have been taking place in high-speed climbing of the snow giant. From the foot to the top of Elbrus the journey takes exactly 3 hours 28 minutes 41 seconds.

List of 80 highest mountain peaks in Russia

The table shows mountain peaks with a height of at least 4000 meters and located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

PlaceVertexHeight, mThe subject of the Russian FederationMountain system
1 5642 Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-CherkessiaGreater Caucasus
2 5204 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
3 5152 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
4 5100 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
5 5085 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
6 5068 Kabardino-Balkaria (Russia), Svaneti (Georgia)Greater Caucasus
7 5034 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
8 5025 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
9 4970 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
10 4860 Kabardino-Balkaria, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
11 Gestola4860 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
12 Jimara4780 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
13 Klyuchevskaya Sopka4750 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
14 Wilpata4646 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
15 Sauhokh4636 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
16 Kukurtli-Kolbashi4624 Karachay-CherkessiaGreater Caucasus
17 Maylihoh4598 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
18 Stone4575 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
19 Belukha4509 AltaiAltai Mountains
20 Sallynngantau4507 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
21 Tebulosmta4492 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
22 Sugan4489 North Ossetia, Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
23 Bazarduzu4466 DagestanGreater Caucasus
24 Chanchakhi4461 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
25 Donguzorun-Cheget-Karabashi4454 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
26 Shan4452 Ingushetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
27 Warmth4431 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
28 Chatyntau4411 Karachay-Cherkessia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
29 Adai-Khokh4408 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
30 Songuti4405 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
31 Tyutyubashi4404 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
32 Vologata4396 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
33 Karaug4364 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
34 Adyrsubashi4349
35 Laboda4313 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
36 Bachakhi4291
37 Diklosmta4285 Greater Caucasus
38 Caucasus Peak4280 Greater Caucasus
39 Jorashti4278
40 Bzhedukh4271
41 Comito4261 ChechnyaGreater Caucasus
42 Sullukolbashi4251
43 Kayaartybashi4250
44 Bashiltau4248
45 Zeygalankhoh4244 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
46 Zaromag4203 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
47 Donchentykhoh4192 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
48 Kalota4182 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
49 Denunciation4179 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
50 Addala-Schuchgelmeer4151 DagestanGreater Caucasus
51 Chkalov Peak (Anchobala-anda)4150 DagestanGreater Caucasus
52 Pukhgarty-Kom4149
53 Syrkhibarzond4148 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
54 Shalbuzdag4142 DagestanGreater Caucasus
55 Tseyakhoh4140 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
56 Fitnargin4134 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
57 Dyultydag4127 DagestanGreater Caucasus
58 Tsmiakomhokh4117 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
59 Barrels4116 DagestanGreater Caucasus
60 Musostau4110 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
61 Baidukov Peak (Kasaraku-meer)4104 DagestanGreater Caucasus
62 Bishnei Jenolshob4104 DagestanGreater Caucasus
63 Belyakov Peak (Belengi)4100 DagestanGreater Caucasus
64 Chimismeer4099 DagestanGreater Caucasus
65 Chachkhokh4098 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
66 Tsunklyata4084 DagestanGreater Caucasus
67 Tavan-Bogdo-Ula4082 AltaiAltai Mountains
68 Maistismta4081 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
69 Charundag4080 Dagestan, AzerbaijanGreater Caucasus
70 Flat Middle4057 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
71 Taklik4049 DagestanGreater Caucasus
72 Dombay-Ulgen4046 Karachay-Cherkessia, Republic of AbkhaziaGreater Caucasus
73 Gockley4046 DagestanGreater Caucasus
74 Kurmutau4045 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
75 Archon4040 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
76 Izhenameer4025 DagestanGreater Caucasus
77 Dougie4020 Dagestan, AzerbaijanGreater Caucasus
78 Deavgay4016 DagestanGreater Caucasus
79 Kezgenbashi4013 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
80 Balial4007 DagestanGreater Caucasus

It’s not for nothing that the famous song says, “Only mountains can be better than mountains.” Snow-capped peaks attract people like a magnet, forcing them to climb upward, overcoming all difficulties and hardships. Climbers are especially attracted to the highest mountains in the world, which only the most prepared, brave, desperate and lucky can climb. Meet the ten highest mountain peaks in the world, whose height exceeds eight thousand meters. All of them are located in the Himalayas in a small area on the borders of China, Nepal, India and Pakistan.

10. Annapurna I, 8,091 meters

The Annapurna I peak, which in Russian from Sanskrit means “Goddess of Fertility,” rises up to 8,091 meters and is part of the Annapurna mountain range of the same name in the Himalayas. For the first time, two French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal were able to climb the mountain in 1950. Today this is one of the most dangerous mountain peaks in the world, where preparation and experience mean nothing, everything depends only on a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Travelers are faced with climbing difficulties even before approaching the base camp and most of the way they have to climb slopes with a slope of 40%, constantly risking being caught in an avalanche. To this day, only about 150 successful ascents of Annapurna have been made, and the mortality rate is about 40% of the total number of people who tried to climb to the top.

9. Nangaparbat, 8.126 meters

The ninth highest mountain peak on Earth, Nanga Parbat, also known as the “Mountain of the Gods,” in the western Himalayas, rises to a height of 8,126 meters. Travelers have tried to climb this peak many times since 1859, but they managed to conquer Nanga Parbat only in 1953. This feat was accomplished by the Austrian Hermann Buhl, who for the first time in history conquered an eight-thousander alone. Nanga Parbat is one of the three most dangerous mountain peaks for climbing, where the death rate of climbers is more than 22%.

8. Manaslu, 8.163 meters

Mount Manaslu, in the Himalayas, has a height of 8,163 meters. It was first climbed by Japanese Toshio Imanishi and Sherpa Gyalzen Norbu in 1956. For a long time, the mountain and its surroundings were a closed area for foreigners due to its proximity to Tibet.

7. Dhaulagiri, 8.167 meters

Dhaulagiri is a multi-peaked mountain range in the Himalayas, the highest point of which rises above sea level to a height of 8,167 meters. The peak was first conquered in 1960 by a team of European climbers and Sherpa porters. This mountain is considered one of the most difficult to climb, and its southern route, known as the Dhaulagiri Wall, has never been climbed to this day.

6. Cho Oyu, 8,188 meters

The peak of Cho Oyu is located in the Himalayas, on the border of China and Nepal and has a height of 8,188 meters. The mountain was first conquered in 1954 by an Austrian expedition consisting of Herbert Tichy, Joseph Joechler and Pasang Dawa Lama Sherpa. This is one of the easiest peaks over eight thousand to climb, which has turned into a real Mecca for amateur climbers.

5. Makalu, 8.485 meters

The fifth highest mountain peak in the world is Makalu, also known as the "Black Rider" located in the central Himalayas, rising to an altitude of 8,485 meters above sea level. For the first time, a French expedition was able to climb the mountain in 1955, in three groups of three people. This peak is considered one of the most difficult to climb in the world, with only about 30% of expeditions to the summit being successful.

4. Lhotse, 8.516 meters

By and large, the fourth highest mountain in the world, Lhotse in the Himalayas, has three peaks over eight thousand meters high, where the highest peak has a height of 8,516 meters. The first ascent of the mountain was made by a team of Swiss climbers Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger in 1956. Among other eight-thousanders, Lhotse has the fewest routes to the top, there are only three of them, where one at a time, climbers were able to reach the peak only once in the 90s

3. Kanchenjunga, 8.586 meters

Mount Kanchenjunga, 8,586 meters high, is located in the Himalayas on the border of India and Nepal. The peak was first climbed by a British expedition consisting of Joe Brown, George Bend, and Charles Evans (leader) in 1955. For some time Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after precise measurements it ended up in third place.

2. Chogori, 8.611 meters

The second highest mountain in the world, Chogori in the Himalayas on the border of Pakistan and China has a height of 8,611 meters. The peak was first conquered by a team of Italian climbers Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni in 1954. Chogori is one of the most difficult peaks to climb in the world, where the death rate of people who dare to climb is 25%. For climbers, it is much more honorable to climb Chogori Peak than the highest peak in the world, Chomolungma.

1. Chomolungma/Everest, 8.848 meters

The highest peak on earth, Chomolungma, 8,848 meters high, is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China. The summit was conquered in 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. More than 500 people attempt to climb the peak each year and it takes approximately two months. At the beginning of the year, 4042 climbers climbed Chomolungma, of which 2829 people climbed the mountain twice.