Slovenia Ljubljana attractions. What is worth seeing in Ljubljana? List of important sights to see

Little Ljubljana is not yet particularly popular among tourists. Indeed, if you come here after visiting the sights of Paris or Vienna, you may get the impression that there is absolutely nothing to see in the capital of Slovenia. But this is absolutely not true. The city's residents are distinguished by their cordiality and hospitality, and the historical buildings, churches and squares are in no way inferior to the memorable places of popular European capitals.

It’s best to start exploring the city from Prešeren Square, the Old Town and Ljubljana Castle. Then you should visit local museums and enjoy the beauty of nature in Tivoli Park. A complete impression of Ljubljana will be formed after visiting the Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity and the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. Finally, you should definitely check out the city’s central market.

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What to see and where to go in Ljubljana?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The compact Old Town is located in the heart of Ljubljana and can be easily explored on foot. Here is one of the recognizable symbols of the capital of Slovenia - the Triple Bridge in the Venetian style, from which roads diverge in different directions. The streets of the Old Town are tiled in classic European traditions. There are souvenir shops in well-kept stone houses.

A small square in the center of Ljubljana, which is connected to the Old Town via the Triple Bridge. She was named after the Slovenian poet Franz Prešern. Despite its modest size, the square is quite picturesque. It is surrounded by mansions of the early 20th century; in the middle there is a romantic monument to the poet by sculptor I. Zayets. Lovers usually make dates near the monument.

A medieval fortress from the 12th century located on a hill. In the 15th century, the castle was almost completely destroyed and rebuilt. Since then, it served as a defensive fortification and protected rulers from Turkish raids and peasant uprisings. During the Napoleonic Wars, the complex again suffered significant damage. After another restoration until the beginning of the 20th century, it was used as a prison.

In 2006, a cable car was built and a funicular was launched to the top of the mountain on which Ljubljana Castle stands. Its lower station is located on Kreka Square, the upper one is on the territory of the castle. The cable car covers a distance of several tens of meters to the top of the hill in one minute. The carriage can accommodate up to 25 people. If you have time to take a place near the glass wall, you can take panoramic photographs of Ljubljana.

The Triple Bridge is a whole ensemble of three pedestrian bridges spanning the Ljubljana River. It is located in the historical center of the city. Previously, there was a wooden crossing in its place. The first stone structure appeared in the middle of the 19th century. In the 20th century, two additional wings were added to it, and the result was the Triple Bridge. Until 2007, trams and buses ran here.

A reinforced concrete bridge over the Ljubljana River, around which many urban legends are built. The structure is guarded by figures of stone dragons. The dragon is a recognizable symbol of the capital of Slovenia, which can be seen on the city coat of arms and bas-reliefs of some buildings. The Snake Bridge was built in 1901 to replace an old wooden structure. The construction was led by an engineer from Austria J. Melan.

Probably, in every city there is a special place where lovers come to leave an iron lock - a symbol of the indestructibility and strength of feelings. In Ljubljana, the Butcher Bridge became such a place. Despite the unromantic name, for some reason it attracted couples. At first, the city administration tried to get rid of numerous castles, but then the authorities finally reconciled.

The museum was founded in 1821. Thanks to the personal participation of the Austrian Emperor Franz II in financing, it quickly turned from a provincial exhibition into a full-fledged gallery. Today it is considered one of the main museums in Slovenia. Collections of archaeological artifacts, applied arts, engravings, coins, drawings and other valuable exhibits are stored here.

The main art museum of the country. It was founded in 1918 after the formation of a united kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs from the ruins of the collapsed Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1896, the collection moved to the building where it is still located. The gallery's exhibition presents works by Slovenian and European masters who worked from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century.

The collection appeared in Ljubljana in the 1960s. It is located in a former boiler house. In the museum, visitors will see vintage railway locomotives and other vehicles, as well as various devices for transmitting messages: telephones, radio stations, telegraphs. Rare steam engines are exhibited separately. The exhibition occupies a small area, but it will certainly be of interest to tourists.

The real pride of Ljubljana is the capital's opera house. The building was erected in the neo-Renaissance style according to the design of the Czech masters A. Hruby and J. Grasky. The façade is decorated with monumental Ionic columns and statues of muses. The stage received its first visitors in 1892. After a recent restoration, the acoustics of the hall were significantly improved, allowing masterpieces of classical music to be heard in full force.

The temple is located on Prešeren Square. It is impossible to pass by it, as its pink façade stands out clearly against the background of other buildings. The church was erected in the 16th-17th centuries. At first it belonged to the Augustinian monks, but then passed to the Franciscans. The building was built in a classic Baroque style. It was rebuilt several times, but the architectural appearance remained unchanged.

The cathedral in honor of the patron saint of fishermen, St. Nicholas, was erected in the 18th century according to the design of the Italian architect A. del Pozzo. Previously, a medieval basilica stood on the site of the temple. Work on the interior continued into the 20th century (in particular, J. Plečnik created a magnificent Baroque altar). The dome of the cathedral is visible from almost anywhere in Ljubljana, so finding the way to it is quite easy.

An 18th-century Catholic church considered one of the most picturesque attractions in Ljubljana. Like many other buildings in the Slovenian capital, the church was built by an Italian architect. The temple is made in the Baroque style; it is distinguished by a fancifully curved roof and a facade decorated with massive columns. Inside is an African marble altar created by F. Robb.

A tall 13-story building in the center of Ljubljana can only conditionally be called a skyscraper. It reaches a height of 70 meters. The structure was erected in the 1930s. Local architects were inspired by the rapidly growing American high-rise buildings and decided to create something similar in Ljubljana. On one of the top floors there is an observation deck that offers panoramic views of the city.

The building of the Ljubljana City Council was erected at the end of the 15th century in the Gothic style and restored in the 18th century, giving it more modern features of the Baroque style at that time. In the courtyard of the town hall there is the Narcissus Fountain by F. Robb and a monument to one of the mayors of Ljubljana, I. Hribar. Opposite the building there is another fountain called “Rivers of Carniolia”.

The market is located on the territory of the Old Town. Like all over the world, tourists come here for local delicacies in the hope of feeling the national flavor. The architect E. Plečnik worked on the design of the market building. They sell fruits, herbs, vegetables, spices and local products. The market is surrounded on all sides by attractions. Considering the small size of the historical center of Ljubljana, you won’t be able to pass by it.

The city zoo is located closer to the outskirts of Ljubljana. It occupies approximately 20 hectares of area in the forested area of ​​Tivoli - Rozhnik - Sishenski Hill. As in many European menageries, zoo animals live in comfortable conditions and do not feel like prisoners in cramped enclosures. In the summer, children can take part in interesting and educational activities organized by zoo staff.

Tivoli Park appeared in Ljubljana at the beginning of the 19th century. It was laid out according to the design of J. Blanchard. At that time, the modern territory of Slovenia was part of the French provinces. In addition to natural beauty, the park has several interesting man-made attractions: the 17th-century Tivoli Castle, the Tsekin mansion, built in the 18th century, and the modern Sports Palace with two stadiums.

The water artery flows through the territory of Slovenia. Its length is only 41 km. The capital of the country got its name thanks to the Ljubljanica River. Fishing is quite popular among local residents, as the river is home to pike, trout, perch and other commercial fish. In addition to practical functions, the river also performs decorative ones - it gives the capital of Slovenia a more picturesque appearance.

In this article I will tell you about Ljubljana, the capital of the small European country of Slovenia. So that you can appreciate the scale, I will say that the area of ​​Slovenia is 4 times smaller than the area of ​​the Leningrad region, and the population of the entire country is about two million people. The capital is home to 260 thousand people. For Slovenia, Ljubljana is of course the center of business and cultural activity, but you should not compare this city with St. Petersburg or Moscow, its scale is much smaller.

Compared to the coastal cities of Slovenia, Ljubljana is simply huge and completely different. The coastal cities we visited earlier (,) were strongly influenced by Italy and Venice in particular, but the center of the country is much more Slavic and Slovenian. We can say that only in Ljubljana we finally came close to a purely Slovenian flavor with a German accent, because Ljubljana was under Habsburg rule for about 700 years. The city even had a German name, Laibach, which is now almost forgotten.

There are strong earthquakes in Ljubljana. The most destructive earthquakes occurred in 1511 and 1895. After the first, the city was rebuilt in the Renaissance style, and after the second in the Art Nouveau style. So we can say that the Habsburgs and earthquakes largely determined the modern face of the capital of Slovenia. Slovenia became an independent state in 1991, before which it was a republic within Yugoslavia.

Our acquaintance with Ljubljana took place in mid-July, the weather suddenly deteriorated and we decided to spend time on educational tourism. During cold weather, exploring cities is much more pleasant than during sweltering heat. We left the village of Saint-Lazaretto on the Adriatic coast and in just over an hour we reached the capital of Slovenia. On the coast it was +19ºС and cloudy, but in Ljubljana it was only +16ºС. Ljubljana is located in a mountain valley, 298m above sea level, and it is cooler there than on the shore. But this is only our special case; in summer in Ljubljana it often reaches over 30ºС, if the sun comes out the heat is guaranteed.

Of course, on a sunny day the photos would look better, but the weather is not in our control. We visited the city on Saturday, because we had heard a lot about the Saturday market in Ljubljana and examined Ljubljana Castle in detail, so my article will be more about the market and Ljubljana Castle, we didn’t go to Tivoli Park and the zoo, we just didn’t have time and the weather let us down .

There are many underground parking lots in the city, the cost is about 1.7-2 € per hour, and Ljubljana is so small that we walked from Republic Square to Ljubljana Castle in 20 minutes, slowly and actively looking around.

It so happened that we began our exploration of Ljubljana from the very communist square of the city, which turned out to be Republic Square. The square contains a monument to the Uprising against the Occupiers, the Ljubljana Palace of Congresses and an extensive cultural center. All buildings are modern. Slovenians happily celebrate May 9 and interpret this date as the day of liberation from fascism, unlike some countries in Eastern Europe.

Monumental portal on the Parliament building (1954-1956) Ljubljana

The next square on our way was Congress Square; its architecture reminds me very much of Vienna. It was named after the 1821 Congress held in Ljubljana. The historical congress was attended by the Emperor of Austria-Hungary, the Russian Tsar Alexander I, the King of Naples, and Metternich, the Chancellor of Austria. The building of the University of Ljubljana was where the independence of Slovenia was declared in 1991.

University of Ljubljana building

The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1701, operates in the Philharmonic building. Among the honorary members are such names as Haydn, Paganini, Brahms, Beethoven.


The Ursuline Church, with its facade overlooking Congress Square, does not at all resemble a church, the domes, crosses are almost hidden from view, and the facade resembles an ordinary residential building or public building.

Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity

Our Sberbank operates in Slovenia; its office is located right in the building overlooking Congress Square.

Our Sberbank has a representative office in Ljubljana

Literally from Congress Square we walked out onto the Ljubljanica embankment - the main river artery of the capital of Slovenia. The spirit of Austria is much less noticeable on the embankment, it is more lively, relaxed and cozy.

Embankment of the Ljubljanica River

There are pleasure boats along the river, the cost of a river trip is 8€, the boat will take you around the city and even a little outside the city, since Ljubljana is a small city.

Ljubljanica River

There, behind the house, there is a mountain on which Ljubljana Castle stands - an ancient castle.

Ljubljanica embankment

During the period between the First and Second World Wars, Joži Plečnik breathed new life into the city's architecture; many beautiful buildings and bridges were built under his strict leadership.

And here is the famous Triple Bridge of Ljubljana. If you look from above, there are actually three bridges, it’s just that at first one bridge was built in 1842, after a while they decided that it was very narrow and needed to be widened, they didn’t want to demolish the old bridge and the famous Slovenian architect Joži Plečnik suggested building bridges on the sides existing, and this is how the most popular bridge in Ljubljana turned out.

Triple bridge

Near the Triple Bridge is Prešeren Square, named after the national poet of Slovenia Franz Prešeren (1800-1849). This is the most central place, almost like Palace Square in St. Petersburg. The Franciscan Church of the Annunciation is decorated in Baroque style and is very beautiful from the inside.

Franciscan Church of the Annunciation

There is a monument to Prešeren on Prešeren Square, it was erected in 1905, the square was then called the Square of Our Lady and the sculpture of the poet’s naked muse caused an explosion of Puritan indignation...

Monument to Prešeren

On the building of the first department store there is a banner in six languages: “Sale!”, in Cyrillic it is written: “Reduction!”, Google translation in action. The ancient Roman god of commerce, Mercury, decorates the store.

Centromerkur - the first city department store (1903)

It turns out that Ljubljana has become a locomotive of concrete construction; the famous Dragon Bridge was created from concrete in 1901. Dragons are symbols of Ljubljana; their image appears on the city’s coat of arms. Later we also visited, in this Polish city they also pay tribute to the dragon; a sculpture of a fire-breathing dragon stands on the banks of the Vistula. European countries and Russia use dragons in their coats of arms.

City symbol Ljubljana dragon on the Dragon Bridge

Palace of the Seminary

Saturday market in Ljubljana

We love visiting markets; the market can sometimes tell much more about life in the city than all the attractions. It's always interesting to find out what they sell there and how much. The Saturday market is located on two adjacent squares between the Triple Bridge and the Dragon Bridge, almost at the very foot of Ljubljana Castle. This is the very center of the city; you probably won’t be able to get around this place in Ljubljana.

Market on the square, St. Nicholas Cathedral visible

Along the Ljubljanica River there is a market building built in the mid-20th century according to the design of Jože Plečnik; inside there is a fish market and several bars. Behind this building are the market squares.

Market building in Ljubljana

The fish market is much poorer. The assortment includes trout, sea bream 21€, flounder 16€, unpeeled shrimp 21€, large octopus 8€, mussels. The prices are high, pike at 20€ per kilo surprised us. In St. Petersburg, pike is considered one of the cheapest fish. They don’t sell tuna at all on the market in Ljubljana. And the trout in Slovenia is river trout, not as large as ours.

Fish market

Upon leaving the fish pavilion, we took part in a street food festival. It looks very uncomplicated. Cafe vans arrive on the embankment, each van places tables and benches in front of itself and begins to feed those who want it. Naturally, after visiting the fish pavilion, we wanted fish. Seafood was in demand, we had to stand in line, but no one wanted to buy American hamburgers, their tables were completely empty. The most delicious thing Slovenians make is grilled squid. The fish were small sardines and were also very tasty.

Our participation in the food festival Street food festival prices

But fruits, vegetables and berries did not make any impression on us. Firstly, it is very expensive, cheaper than in Helsinki, but more expensive than at home and also more expensive than the same fruit in Slovenian supermarkets. Eco-products are very popular in Europe; these are those grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. Perhaps market traders are trying to sell eco-products?

Berries at the market

We really didn't like Slovenian cucumbers. If the cucumbers at my dacha had become so overgrown, I would have thrown them out, but they are trying to sell them for 2 €, while what we usually eat in Slovenia is called young cucumbers and costs 4 times more. Notice the top left corner of the photo. Right next to the vegetable rows there is a clothing market, they sell things made in China, almost the entire assortment can be seen, for example, at the Kondratievsky market in St. Petersburg or in any smaller village of Len. areas.

Vegetables at the market

But we really liked the milk vending machine. Instead of the lady at the barrel there is such a sophisticated box with numerical control, I wonder how economically justified such a machine is?

Milk filling and selling machine

After the market we decided to climb the castle hill. The funicular is located very close to the market.

Ljubljana Castle

Ljubljana Castle, the crown that dominates the city center, has graced the Slovenian capital for more than five centuries. This mighty fortress is not only a symbol of the city, the most visited attraction in Ljubljana and a green oasis in the city center, a place for various cultural events.

Ljubljana Castle on the mountain

You can climb to the city itself by funicular for €2.20, one-way ticket. You can also climb on foot for free. There are family tickets for 6€. The most valuable thing about this castle is the view of the city. The castle itself has been rebuilt many times and at the moment it is a symbiosis of ancient walls and modern structures made of glass and concrete, it all looks very decent.

View of Ljubljana from the walls of Ljubljana Castle

We all visited museums, but I can’t say it was worth doing. I’ll still tell you about museums so that you can evaluate for yourself whether you need it or not. All exhibitions and permanent exhibitions are located in different rooms of the city, we will have to go up and down the stairs all the time, in the end we even found ourselves spinning in the small Ljubljana Castle.

Well in Ljubljana Castle

There are several small museums and temporary exhibitions located on the castle grounds. Permanent exhibitions include the Puppet Museum, the interactive exhibition History of Slovenia, and the exhibition the history of Ljubljana Castle. Temporary exhibitions include an exhibition of photographs from National Geographic, an exhibition about bees, and a hall of contemporary art.

Ljubljana Castle - view from the tower

Exhibition "Save the Bees"

What I found most interesting was the exhibition about bees, the ones that produce honey. There we got acquainted with Slovenian folk crafts, expressed in paintings on beehives. Before visiting Slovenia, I never suspected that mobile beehives could be used to make something worthwhile and interesting. Beehives were transported on such carts, and it was customary to draw pictures on them.

At the bee museum

The posters contained photographs of people carrying such painted boxes on their backs. I didn’t find anything about these pictures in Russian; in English this painting is called Painted front boards. This folk art originated in the mid-18th century during the heyday of the Baroque in Slovenia. Now there are more than 600 motifs. Initially they depicted scenes from the Bible, then scenes from fairy tales and legends were added, then everyday scenes.

Painted front boards - Slovenian folk art

Such pictures are painted on wooden boards using oil paints made from natural dyes. On each such picture, the year is usually written, as I understand the invention of this plot. Years are written everywhere with the first letter “i” instead of “1”. Do you think this motif was invented in 1996? In the souvenir shops of Ljubljana you can buy one of these paintings for only 13.80 €.

One of the pictures

Chapel of St. George

The castle chapel of St. George (or Yuri) is one of the oldest parts of the castle. By order of the emperor, from 1489 the chapel was dedicated to St. George, St. Pancras of Rome and the Empress Helena. The chapel acquired its present appearance in 1747 and is currently enjoying fresh renovations.

Chapel of St. George (St. George)

Puppet Museum in Ljubljana Castle

The children liked the museum of puppets, those that are intended for theatrical performances. Each such doll can be pulled by the strings, while the dragon flaps its wings, moves its paws and clicks its jaw. Puppet theater performances are an important part of Slovenian cultural heritage, as stated on the official website of Ljubljana Castle.

In the Puppet Museum, Ljubljana Castle

Below is a plot almost from Pushkin’s fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”. It was interesting that the performance was based on a fairy tale by Pushkin or whether there is a similar fairy tale plot in Slovenia.

The historical exhibition largely consists of interactive screens on which you can read information about different historical periods in the development of the lands that now make up Slovenia - from the Roman Empire to the war that accompanied the collapse of Yugoslavia. Interactive stands switch to Russian.

There are not enough real exhibits. And those that exist are copies. For example, on one of the walls hangs a copy of the fresco from the Church of the Holy Trinity in Khrastovl “Dance of Death”, a very interesting subject. Or in one of the halls there is a copy of the statue “Citizen of Emona”, found on the territory of Ljubljana in 1836. The statue is 145 cm high, made of gilded bronze, and dates back to the second century AD. The original "Citizen Emona" is kept in the National Museum of Slovenia.

Citizen Emona Statue

We spent two hours exploring all the museums of Ljubljana Castle; when we went down into the city, the market had already finished its work and the city had become completely deserted, perhaps because it had started to rain.

Area after end of trade

We took a slightly different route back to the parking lot. In front of the town hall we saw the fountain of three rivers of Carniolia - Sava, Krka and Ljubljanica. The fountain was designed by Italian architect Francesco Roba in the Baroque style. The Fountain of the Three Rivers is clearly made in imitation of the famous Roman Fountain of the Four Rivers, installed in Piazza Navona in the 17th century. The Slovenian fountain is smaller than the Roman one.


Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. This cozy town is located on the banks of the Ljubljanica River in the center of the country. Ljubljana is considered the cultural, economic and political center of the state.

The appearance of modern Ljubljana is mainly formed by two styles: Italian Baroque and Art Nouveau. Their combination creates a unique and harmonious image of the city. Ljubljana has many original sculptures and monuments, elegant cafes, parks and gardens.

Ljubljana Castle

The Old Town on the right bank of the river, Ljubljana Castle, has been preserved since the Middle Ages. It was founded in the 10th-11th centuries and was used as a defensive structure. Later it housed a government residence. You can get to Grad from the city's market square by funicular (ticket price 2 euros one way). In the fortress, it is interesting to visit the well-preserved Gothic Chapel of St. George, the interiors of which are decorated with unusual paintings. In addition, there is an observation tower in Ljubljana Castle, open to tourists. The fortress itself often hosts various exhibitions and expositions.

The return descent can be made on foot along picturesque paths, from where beautiful views of the wonderful red-brown tiled roofs of Ljubljana open up.

City center

The old part of the city with ancient churches and squares adjoins the hill. This area of ​​Ljubljana is quite compact and very beautiful. Unlike other European cities, Ljubljana successfully combines cozy provincialism and metropolitan elegance. The river, which picturesquely fits into the city ensemble, gives a special flavor to the central part of the city. Along its banks there are galleries housing various restaurants and cafes. You can take a tour boat ride along the river.

On the main square of the city Prešerne there is a monument to the Slovenian poet Franz Prešeren.

Nearby is the majestic St. Nicholas Cathedral.

The central part of the city is incredibly beautiful and elegant. Both city residents and numerous tourists love to walk along it. Here is an important landmark of Ljubljana - Three bridges. These are three fan-shaped bridges spanning a river and decorated with sculptures of dragons.

Ljubljana has Old and New Squares. Interesting to see on New Square Lontovzh Palace, which now houses the Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Another famous bridge in Ljubljana is Dragon Bridge, which is within walking distance of the city center. It is guarded on both sides by four dragons, which are historically considered symbols of Ljubljana.

A very interesting attraction is St. Nicholas Cathedral. It is located near the city market. Its dome and two towers are visible from afar. The facade of the church is decorated with sculptures and unique bronze doors. The interior of the church is made in the Baroque style, most of the paintings date back to the beginning of the 18th century.

On Prešeren Square there is Franciscan Church, which houses the largest statue of Our Lady of Ljubljana. The church was founded in the 17th century and fits very well into the modern appearance of the central square of the capital. Nearby is Miklosevic Street, interesting for its nice buildings.

Another attraction that you will see in the city is the fountain Three Carniolian rivers. It is made in the Baroque style, and the figures decorating it symbolize the three rivers of Slovenia: Sava, Ljubljanica and Krka.

In addition to the churches mentioned, the city has many more cathedrals and palaces that deserve attention. These are the Church of St. Michael, the Church of St. Florian with an unusual roof, and the Gothic Church of St. James.

In the western part of Ljubljana there is a picturesque tivoli park with a castle and an art gallery.

The city at night is also very interesting, when stylish lighting turns on in the streets and squares.

City museums

On the left bank of the river there are a large number of museums - the City Museum, the State Museum, the Museum of Natural History, the State Gallery, the Gallery of Modern Art, the Architectural Museum, the Technical Museum, the Ethnographic Museum.

Museums are usually open from 10:00 to 18:00 from Tuesday to Sunday, closed on Monday. The ticket price is usually 3-5 euros. The city is convenient for traveling with children. There is no busy traffic or long distances. In addition, there is a small zoo in Ljubljana, an adult ticket to which costs 8 euros, a child ticket costs 5.5 euros.

Tourist card

You have the opportunity to purchase a Ljubljana tourist card. You can use it to get discounts to many museums, and visit some for free; use public transport free of charge; take a free cruise on a tourist boat. It happens for 1, 2 and 3 days. The cost of such a card is from 23 to 35 Euros for an adult and from 14 to 21 Euros for a child.

Is the answer helpful?

Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is hidden between the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea, on the banks of a picturesque river. A beautiful and cozy city that certainly should not be overlooked. Those who are going to Ljubljana can be advised to visit these attractions:

Modern Art Gallery

The building in which this gallery is located was built in the middle of the last century. It is impressive, first of all, with its stone blocks on the facade and nice columns... in the middle of the windows. In this museum you can admire the works of Slovenian and foreign artists of the 20th century, paintings, engravings, sculptors. Every two years, this museum hosts the International Biennale of Graphic Art.

Gruber Palace

Today, this three-story palace with yellow walls houses the National Archives of Slovenia. The palace building was erected in the second half of the 18th century according to the design of Gabriel Grubber. In fact, the building was named after him. The building with the astronomical observatory was built specifically for the Grubber School of Mechanics and Hydraulics. What a great guy! I made it everywhere! The late Baroque building impresses with its façade decorated with floral designs. However, these flowers can be seen inside. What’s also surprising is the oval staircase that “flies up” to the dome of the building. At least for her sake you can come and admire the palace. On the lower floor of the building you can see a prayer hall, the walls of which are painted with paintings with scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary. These paintings date from the second half of the 18th century. If you raise your head, you can see that the domed ceiling is also very elegantly painted, although there are paintings with scenes of trade, artisans in business, and so on. These drawings appeared there 10 years later than the paintings on the walls of the palace.

Seminary Palace

This beautiful palace stands right behind the Cathedral. It was erected on this site at the end of the 18th century. The first thing that catches your eye is the richly decorated entrance portal with stone reliefs, which are decorated with statues of Hercules on the sides. This whole structure is just wow! The statues have already darkened a little with time, but this only adds to the charm. Inside this interesting building there is a seminary library; by the way, this is the first public library in Ljubljana - it was opened in 1701. At first it was public, then it became a seminary. It is not difficult to imagine that this library stores the most valuable samples of books and documents. Pay attention to the ceilings of the building, they are very beautifully painted. And what beautiful oak furniture there is!

Ljubljana Castle

The castle is built on a high hill above the old town. It’s worth climbing there if only for the magnificent view that opens from there. It is not known for certain when this palace was built, but at least in the chronicles this building is mentioned for the first time in 1144. That is, the castle is very old, I just can’t wrap my head around it.
This building is valuable for its ancient fragments of architecture. Fragments, because in 1511 there was a terrible earthquake that destroyed the fortress exactly like that, and little remained of what it was. In the 16th century, the fortress was, of course, restored, and pieces of the old were left in it, thank God. To our delight. In the mid-19th century, another tower was added. Note the Chapel of St. George, which dates back to the 15th century. Every year on the first Sunday of January, pilgrims come to the castle to honor St. George.
This tradition has existed for many, many centuries. By the way, for some time there was a hospital in the castle, and then a military garrison and even a prison (however, this fate befell many castles in the country). We can say that this ancient castle today is a symbol of Ljubljana. Or even Slovenia.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Cathedral of St. Nicholas)

A luxurious baroque cathedral with white and yellow walls was erected on this site in the 28th century, on the foundation of an old church from the 13th century. Both externally and internally the cathedral looks very rich - frescoes, a luxurious greenish-blue dome, paintings. Pay attention to the doors of the temple with engravings of paintings related to the history of the Ljubljana diocese. These doors have been showing off here since Pope John Paul II came to Ljubljana (in 1996).

Franciscan Church

This church was built in the middle of the 17th century by Augustinian monks, and only then the building went to members of the Franciscan order. The main value of the cathedral is the Baroque altar. Very beautiful church vaults are covered with paintings from the mid-19th century. And next to the church there is a library with 60,000 valuable religious books and writings.

National Gallery

This museum is housed in a late 19th century building and offers its guests marvelous collections of art from the Middle Ages to the present day. The paintings and sculptures are mainly created by Slovenian artists.

Bishop's Palace (Archiepiscopal Palace)

The Baroque palace was built somewhere in the 18th century or a little earlier. Of course, like many buildings in the city, this palace was rebuilt a couple of times and even moved, but its original first floor and entrance can still be seen from Makova Street. The modern façade appeared in 1778. This building is part of the ensemble of the cathedral, with which it is connected by a covered gallery. At one time, this building was even the headquarters of Napoleon, and Tsar Alexander I lived here in 1821.


This church is also called the Church of Mary Helper. It is located next to the Križanka Summer Theatre. This church was built by the monks of the Teutonic Order at the beginning of the 13th century. True, what they set up then, no one will see today, because all that remains is the relief of the main entrance of the temple - it depicts the Krakow Madonna.
This relief is today in the National Gallery of the city. And the building itself was erected in the first quarter of the 18th century, and the project was led by the leading Venetian architect of that time. The church turned out to be luxurious, with painted altars, paintings (which actually burned down along with the altar in the 19th century) and other decorations. All this has already been replaced with new paintings, and the church has also been rebuilt, most recently in the 20th century. It turned out to be a kind of open-air theater. Every year the Summer Festival is held here, and in the Knight's Courtyard you can enjoy a chamber music concert.

The city of Ljubljana, the sights of which we will briefly describe, is located on the banks of the Ljubljanica River. It is the capital of Slovenia and the country's largest populated area. The city is incredibly beautiful, but it is especially beautiful in the evening, when you can watch Ljubljana’s nightlife from the windows of cozy cafes. In a two-hour walking tour of the capital you can see all the most outstanding sights. The town has managed to preserve its historical spirit and the place is so stunning that it is often called “miniature Prague.” Although the city is the largest in Slovenia, it is quite small in terms of its parameters. This did not stop him from concentrating a huge number of attractions on his territory.

For those who love theater

Ljubljana, whose attractions appeal even to people who do not like to look at architecture and various sculptures, first of all, recommends tourists to see the Slovenian National Theater. The opera building was built during 1890-1892. The construction project was developed by architects from the Czech Republic Anton Hruby and Jan Hrasky. The building is designed in the neo-Renaissance style.

The façade of the house is characterized by the presence of two niches decorated with allegorical statues that depict the Comedy and Tragedy of Aloysius Gangl. Ljubljana (we will continue to look at the sights) can safely call this object the best of those in the city. The building of the National Theater owes its unforgettable appearance to its luxuriously decorated façade. The majestic structure is supported by Ionic columns. Sculptures of Celebration and Poetry are placed in the niches of the theater. Above these monuments rises a figure with a lantern, which embodies genius.

House of the architect and his brothers

Ljubljana, whose sights cannot fail to inspire admiration, is famous for the Jerzy Plečnik House. This house was purchased by the brother of the famous architect - Andrey. An event occurred in 1915. And in 1921, Plečnik returned to Ljubljana and decided to live in this estate with his two brothers and sister. In the courtyard of the estate, the architect erected a cylindrical outbuilding. Later he created a glass veranda here. Shortly after this, Jerzy purchased a neighboring property, and transferred this into the ownership of the conservatory.

But the brothers did not live together for long: one of them, Janesh, moved out after some time. Then Plečnik remodeled the estate to suit his needs. Today Plečnik's House is part of the exhibition of the Ljubljana Architectural Museum. On the territory of the house there is a unique collection, represented by unusual objects that belonged to Mr. Jerzy. Plečnik lived in this house from 1921 to 1957. The main collection exhibits are displayed in the cylindrical wing.

20th century bridge

The Dragon Bridge was built in the northwestern part of Vodnik Square. Ljubljana (sights, photos are presented in our article) acquired this object in the last century, and today this monument is protected by the city authorities. At first, the bridge was named in honor of France Joseph I. But very soon after the bridge was opened, its name was forgotten and the structure was renamed the Dragon Bridge. The name was due to the presence of four dragon pedestals, which are located at the corners of the attraction.

Dragon Bridge was the first bridge in Slovenia to be covered with asphalt. In addition, this is the first structure of this type in Ljubljana, made of reinforced concrete. According to legend, Jason is considered the creator of Ljubljana. And these same legends say that he killed the dragon along with other Argonauts. This dragon is now located among the four statues of the object. And local residents claim that the animal begins to wag its tail at the moment when an innocent girl passes across the bridge.

List of important sights to see

Wonderful sights in the city of Ljubljana. We will now tell you what you need to see here. Ljubljana Castle should not be overlooked - it is a medieval castle dating back to the 13th century. The facility is located on a high hill in the city center.

City Square is another must-visit place. You can find it in the central part of the old city, where the ancient Town Hall of the 15th century was built. To this day, city government operates here, and the establishment is open for tours.

St. Nicholas Cathedral is also a beautiful object that deserves the attention of tourists. It belongs to the Baroque style with Gothic elements and was built in the 14th century. The church has the form All services here are accompanied by organ music.

Skyscraper of the first half of the last century

In 1933, Vladimir Shubik developed a project according to which Ljubljana (sights, photos and descriptions are given in the article) acquired another famous object - a skyscraper. At that time the rear was the tallest building in the Balkans and the ninth tallest building in Europe. The height of the high-rise building is slightly higher than 70 meters and it is equipped with high-speed elevators, central heating and air conditioning.

Travelers' stories

Many people like Ljubljana. Attractions never receive negative reviews. One of the tourists says that the city is largely underestimated by travelers. And some of them had never even heard of many of his objects. The tourist himself says that he was delighted with the Slovenian capital as soon as he got off the bus.

A girl who spends every vacation in this locality claims that there is no more beautiful city on Earth than Ljubljana. She is even ready to exchange her hometown for this one, she likes it so much.

Tivoli Park is the largest and most attractive park in Ljubljana. The park, with an area of ​​5 square kilometers, is located in the northwest of the city center. With its beauty and comfort, the park attracts many capital residents and visiting tourists.

The park was founded in 1813, when the territory of Slovenia was under French occupation, which is why the park has a French name. At the beginning of the 20th century it underwent reconstruction.

On the territory of the park is the Tivoli Palace, built in the 20th century, which is surrounded by winding paths, colorful flower beds, sculptures and fountains. The palace served as the residence of the Bishop of Ljubljana. In addition, the park has children's playgrounds.

Lake Bled

Lake Bled, whose depth reaches 31 m, length - 2 km, and width - 1 km, was formed as a result of the work of the Bohinj glacier. The lake is fed by warm springs and freezes only in winter. In summer, the water in the lake warms up to 26 degrees and remains warm until autumn. There is an equipped sandy beach on the shore, as well as opportunities for entertainment and active recreation - golf, tennis and other sports.

The resort in Bled was created in 1856, but the peak of its popularity is in modern times. Several tens of thousands of tourists vacation here every year. The picturesque island located in the center of the lake adds a special charm to the glacial lake. On the island there is an ancient chapel of the Assumption, as well as a picturesque medieval castle, built at the beginning of the 11th century. Restoration of the castle was recently completed and tours are now available.

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Lover's Bridge

Despite the small old center and the small Ljubljanica River, the number of bridges in Ljubljana is impressive. Each of the bridges has its own extraordinary history and creates an amazing atmosphere around. The modern Mesar Bridge is made of glass and concrete. Fairy-tale figures of fauns are placed on the bridge platform. According to tradition, lovers leave small padlocks along the railings as talismans of fidelity.

Bled Castle is located in a picturesque location on top of a 130-meter cliff, next to Lake Bled. The castle is one of the oldest in Slovenia; the first mention of it dates back to 1004, when the castle was still called Feldes.

The oldest part of the castle's buildings is the tower, built in the Romanesque style. Throughout history, the tower was used for housing, defense and surveillance of the surrounding area of ​​the castle. Over time, new buildings were added to the tower, defensive walls and towers appeared.

At various times, the castle served as the residence of monarchs and even the headquarters of German troops. Nowadays, together with the drawbridge and the 16th-century chapel, it is a popular attraction and an excellent viewing platform overlooking the lake and surrounding area.

Triple bridge

The Triple Bridge is the most beautiful architectural feature of Ljubljana. It is a group of three bridges over the Ljubljanica River.

The building consists of an old stone bridge, built in 1842, and two side bridges, which were completed already in 1931 under the direction of the architect Jose Plečnik. Together they provide an elegant entrance to the so-called Old Town.

The main bridge is partially built of limestone and clay. The two remaining bridges are made of concrete.

In 1992, the Triple Bridge was repaired, and since 2007, all three bridges have become part of the pedestrian area of ​​Ljubljana.

Republic Square

Republic Square is the largest square in Ljubljana, created in 1960-1981. It was designed by the architect Edward Ravnikar.

This square has a huge, almost sacred significance for local residents, because it was here that the country’s independence was proclaimed, the national parliament is located here, and it is here that all state events are always held.

Skyscrapers have “grown” on the square, the parliament building with numerous sculptures and monuments flaunts here, restaurants, a stone labyrinth, monuments, office buildings of the Ljubljana bank, the Maximarket department store have been built...

The largest and most significant monument located in the square is the Monument to the Revolution, built by Drago Tršar in 1975.

Town Hall Square

Ljubljana is the capital and largest city of Slovenia. There are many architectural, historical and cultural attractions here. One of them is the beautiful town hall and the adjacent square. All the most remarkable city buildings are located here, most of which were built in the classical Baroque style. The square is especially beautiful in the evening, when the lanterns on each building are lit, creating a delightful atmosphere here. Town Hall Square is the cultural center of the city, where various special events and folk festivals, such as Maslenitsa, are often held.

After an exciting trip to local attractions, you can relax in the local park, equipped with comfortable benches. In 1999, the entire area of ​​the Town Hall Square was covered with decorative tiles, so it looks neat and expressive.

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University of Ljubljana

The University of Ljubljana is the oldest university in Slovenia, with over 65 thousand students.

It is also one of the largest universities in Europe, with 22 faculties, 3 art academies and a college. In addition, the university has an astronomical geophysical observatory.

Today the university employs 3,500 professors and researchers, as well as 900 assistants and technical staff.

The university building was built and put into operation in 1919 and has remained in excellent condition to this day.

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