How much does a bear weigh on average? Which bear is the biggest? Who is bigger - a brown bear or a polar bear? The largest bears The largest bear in the world body length

A US Forest Service employee shot and killed a giant man-eating bear in Alaska. The young man was hunting deer when a huge grizzly bear appeared fifty meters away and rushed at him. Having managed to raise his 7mm semi-automatic rifle, the hunter emptied his entire magazine into the attacking bear. The grizzly fell a few steps away from the man, but was still alive.

After reloading the rifle, the guy shot the bear in the head several times, and only this stopped his heart. An Alaska Department of Wildlife and Fisheries commission later determined that it was the largest grizzly bear ever taken in the world.

His weight was more than 726 kg, and his height, if he stood on his hind legs, was about 4.3 meters. Having examined the contents of the grizzly bear's stomach, scientists found fragments of human bodies in it. The commission found that the grizzly bear has killed at least two people in the last 72 hours alone.

An investigation was immediately organized. Forest Service personnel followed the grizzly bear's trail and soon discovered a .38-caliber pistol with an empty clip. Not far from the gun, the remains of a tourist were found, who became the giant bear's last meal. In defense, the man managed to shoot six times, and he hit the grizzly four times before this monstrous animal killed him. The encounter occurred about two days before the grizzly bear was shot and killed by a Forest Service employee. The body of the second victim was never found. In total, Forest Service personnel found four .38 caliber bullets and 12 bullets from a 7 mm semi-automatic rifle in the bear's body.

In order to more clearly imagine the size of this monster, we can make the following comparison: if you are a person of average height, you would only reach his lower abdomen when the bear stood on its hind legs. His height was such that he could look through the roof of a one-story house or look into the windows of the second floor. And when the bear stood on four legs, then his eyes and yours would be at the same level.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Published 10/22/2019

There are 8 different types of bears on our planet. Today we will talk about the largest bears in the world. Some of them are very large representatives of their species. The sheer size of these large animals can scare anyone and put them to flight!

Polar bear

Polar bears have a body length of 2.5 meters and weigh 800 kg and are one of the largest animals in the world. The polar bear spends most of its life in the icy waters of the Arctic. They can swim continuously for up to 65 km and dive deep underwater in search of prey.

Seals are the polar bear's favorite prey. To survive, they need to catch one or two seals a week. Therefore, bears constantly wander and search for their favorite delicacy throughout the year. Polar bears never hibernate. Today, between 22,000 and 31,000 polar bears live in the wild.

Scientists believe that the ancestors of polar bears are brown bears, which lived 200,000 years ago in the forests of Siberia and ate plants and fish. However, during the Ice Age, their homeland was covered in snow, so they were forced to travel to the polar regions, where they focused on seals.

Gradually, their muzzles and necks stretched out, making it easier to hunt in the icy expanses. The dark fur took on a white color for perfect camouflage, and the paws became longer and thicker. Their hair is hollow inside. These cavities provide excellent insulation to prevent the bear from losing body heat. In addition, it has a 10 cm thick layer of fat.

Crouched on the edge of an ice floe, he can wait for hours until his prey appears above the surface. The force of its bite or blow can be so great that it literally crushes the animal’s skull. It can eat up to 70 kg of meat.

Kodiak Bear

This is the largest subspecies of brown bear. Together with the polar bear, this is one of the two largest species of bears in history. Kodiak hair can range in color from light orange to dark brown. The cubs have a white collar around their necks during their first years of life.

However, brown grizzly bears are very similar in color, so to distinguish a Kodiak from a “regular” grizzly bear, knowledge of other characteristics of these animals is necessary. Although the term "Kodiak bear" is commonly used for all brown bears found in Alaska, they actually only exist in the Kodiak Archipelago of the same name, off the southeast coast of Alaska.

In 2005, the number of these giant predators was estimated at approximately 3,500 individuals, and this figure has increased slightly over the past decade. Another distinctive feature of Kodiaks is their size, which is difficult to determine under normal conditions. However, from available data it is known that females weigh 225–315 kg, while males reach 360–700 kg.

Grizzly bear

This subspecies of brown bear, in addition to eating various plants, also hunts large mammals such as elk, deer, sheep, bison or polar reindeer. He also likes to eat salmon, trout or perch. They also devour carcasses left behind by other predators.

This formidable beast comes from the Ussuri bear, which migrated to Alaska about 100,000 years ago. Most adult grizzly bears weigh between 130 and 200 kg, and sometimes reach weights between 180 and 360 kg. The average length of an adult bear is about two meters, in a position on four legs. Like the Kodiak, the Grizzly is a subspecies of the brown bear.

Some experts consider grizzlies to be the most aggressive bears. Unlike black bears, which also live in North America, grizzlies are too large. Females protecting their cubs are the most aggressive, and in 70% of cases, they are the ones who attack humans. Typically, grizzlies avoid communicating with people, and they almost never see people as prey.

Its diet consists of 85% vegetation, roots and tubers. They also enjoy eating nuts and honey. If the hive is too deep in the tree trunk, a piece of the trunk may be bitten off.

They do not disdain bees, wasps, ants and larvae. At night they hunt for salmon. Other black bear food includes bald eagle eggs, whose nests they like to raid.

Although these bears live in North America, the species is not closely related to the brown or polar bear. Also, its closest relative is the black bear, living in Central and East Asia.

Baribal is not an endangered species. Its distribution is large, and the number of individuals is twice as large as all other bear species combined.


The largest bear on the planet is known as the Kodiak. It is one of the subspecies of brown bears and is under government protection in most countries. In terms of its size, this animal surpasses not only its relatives, but even the “king of beasts”. The average male weighs more than 700 kilograms, and the female weighs about 300 kilograms. At the same time, it should be noted that there were Kodiak individuals whose weight exceeded the one ton mark. When answering the question about which bear is the largest, you need to take into account the nuance that in the summer these animals weigh about a third more than after hibernation. Be that as it may, there is no other land predator with such dimensions.

The animal has a compact and at the same time strong, muscular body with a short tail. His head is large and his legs are long. The largest bear on the planet has dark brown fur, which in some individuals is almost black. Despite the fact that the Kodiak is considered a predator, it feeds on a variety of foods. Most often it becomes fish that come to spawn in local shallow rivers. In addition, the animal often eats nuts, berries and various roots. As for hunting other animals, this happens only in exceptional cases.

According to their lifestyle, these animals are solitary and never form herds. Only during the breeding season, which falls in the summer, do pairs form. A female Kodiak usually gives birth to one to three cubs every four years, usually in winter. They stay with her until she is four years old. The largest brown bear is considered adult when it is six years old. After being weaned from their mother, small males try to move away from her, while females, on the contrary, try to stay as close as possible. She, in turn, always comes to the rescue when danger arises. In this regard, the survival rate for cubs is 56 and 80 percent, respectively.

The predator's habitat is the islands of the Kodiak archipelago on the southern coast of Alaska. The largest bear is the main local attraction and attracts a large number of tourists every year. Currently, there are approximately three thousand individuals of this animal on the planet, so hunting for it is strictly limited by law. The allowed shooting of Kodiaks is a maximum of 160 individuals per year.

In terms of size, Kodiaks are almost equal only to polar bears. They differ from their brown relatives only in their place of residence and fur color. Moreover, this variety tolerates severe frosts better, and the structure of their paws allows them to run faster on ice. The animal lives on the islands of the Arctic. Often the title of “largest bear” is given to him. The predator feeds mainly on ringed fish and fish, which it can detect with its sense of smell at a distance of up to six hundred meters. The animal is an excellent swimmer and can cover a distance of five hundred kilometers in a few days. Currently, there are approximately 27 thousand individuals of this animal left on the planet, and hunting for it is strictly limited.

Bears are the largest among predatory animals. For example, an adult lion can weigh about 230 kilograms, a tiger - 270 kilograms, but the weight of a large polar bear and grizzly bear reaches 450 kilograms. And yet the largest bear in the world is rightfully called the Alaskan brown bear. The weight of some males of this species was more than 680 kilograms with a height of about three meters. I wouldn't want to meet such a giant somewhere on the trail. But these are average statistical indicators, but in real life there are specimens of bears whose parameters are much higher than the above. There is still a debate among people about which bears are the biggest, this is expressed in hunting stories and legends.

The Guinness Book of Records names the white polar bear as the largest bear on the planet. The average weight of these predators is in the range of 400-600 kg, length - 240-260 cm, height 1.6 m. The largest polar bear that was measured weighed, according to one version, 1002 kg, according to another - 900 kg. The length of this polar bear was 3.5 m. The polar bear's menu includes mainly walruses and seals. A male polar bear gains full physical fitness at the age of 9-10 years.

Among Alaskan brown bears there is an interesting subspecies, which scientists call Kodiak. So, among these Kodiaks, the heaviest bear measured was a giant, whose weight was 1134 kg. If he stood on his hind legs, then his height would be 4 m. Kodiaks are distinguished by long strong limbs, a muscular body and a massive head. These bears live alone and sleep in the winter, just like brown bears. The Kodiak diet includes fish and a variety of plant foods in the form of nuts, roots, berries and grass. Kodiaks very rarely hunt other species of animals. The Kodiak is not afraid of water, so it usually settles along the river bank. These bears live on the southern coast of Alaska. There is even an island called Kodiak.

The closest relatives of Kodiak bears are grizzly bears, which also reach enormous sizes. Currently, the Kodiak population is constantly increasing. Most of them live in the Kodiak National Forest, which is protected by law.

Among fossil animals, bears were also large predators. According to scientists, the largest of them is called the prehistoric South American short-nosed bear. His height was 3.4 m, weight - 1.6 tons. The bones of this giant were found in 1935 in Argentina at the La Plata construction site. According to scientists, this bear was the largest predator on the planet about 2 million years ago. The weight of individual representatives of this species, according to scientists, could reach up to 2 tons.

Recently, a giant man-eating bear was shot and killed by a US Forest Service employee in Alaska. A special commission, after measuring the parameters of the killed bear, found that the prey turned out to be the largest grizzly bear in the world. Such a bear could stand on its hind legs and look at the second floor window. His weight was 726 kg, and his height on his hind legs was 4.3 m.

This fall, a US Forest Service employee shot and killed a giant man-eating bear in Alaska. The young man was hunting deer when a huge grizzly bear appeared fifty meters away and rushed at him. Having managed to raise his 7mm semi-automatic rifle, the hunter emptied his entire magazine into the attacking bear. The grizzly fell a few steps away from the man, but was still alive.

After reloading the rifle, the guy shot the bear in the head several times, and only this stopped his heart. An Alaska Department of Wildlife and Fisheries commission later determined that it was the largest grizzly bear ever taken in the world.

His weight was more than 726 kg, and his height, if he stood on his hind legs, was about 4.3 meters. Having examined the contents of the grizzly bear's stomach, scientists found fragments of human bodies in it. The commission found that the grizzly bear has killed at least two people in the last 72 hours alone.

An investigation was immediately organized. Forest Service personnel followed the grizzly bear's trail and soon discovered a .38-caliber pistol with an empty clip. Not far from the gun, the remains of a tourist were found, who became the giant bear's last meal. In defense, the man managed to shoot six times, and he hit the grizzly four times before this monstrous animal killed him. The encounter occurred about two days before the grizzly bear was shot and killed by a Forest Service employee. The body of the second victim was never found. In total, Forest Service personnel found four .38 caliber bullets and 12 bullets from a 7 mm semi-automatic rifle in the bear's body.

In order to more clearly imagine the size of this monster, we can make the following comparison: if you are a person of average height, you would only reach his lower abdomen when the bear stood on its hind legs. His height was such that he could look through the roof of a one-story house or look into the windows of the second floor. And when the bear stood on four legs, then his eyes and yours would be at the same level.

The world's largest bear

Many animals that live in the vastness of North America are listed as endangered species. But there are also those who successfully continue to exist. This is a representative of the subspecies of brown bears. Kodiak is the largest bear in the world. It lives off the southern coast of Alaska on the islands of the archipelago of the same name. It is also considered one of the largest predators living on land.


Kodiak bears are the closest relative of grizzly bears. More than twelve thousand years ago, he moved to the islands of the archipelago from Alaska. In the context of global warming and rising sea levels, animals now live only on the islands of the archipelago. The population is constantly growing and today is at its peak. There are three and a half thousand individuals in total, most of them live in the protected areas of the National Wildlife Refuge.

On average, the length of Kodiaks is three meters, and their weight is 400 kilograms for males and 250 for females. However, among males there are also individuals weighing more than a ton. These animals have strong and long limbs, a muscular body and an impressive head.

Kodiaks live alone and sleep in winter. These animals are omnivores. Their diet is not only fish, but also plant foods - roots, nuts, grass, berries. They rarely waste energy and time hunting other animals. An exciting part of the tourist program on the islands of the archipelago is watching brown bears. The optimal period for this is from July to September.

Largest bears

In 2008, a US Forest Service employee killed an impressive grizzly bear. It was subsequently discovered that he was a cannibal, which was confirmed by the contents of his stomach. The beast turned out to be the largest photographed bear ever killed by a human. Its weight reached 750 kilograms, and its length was 3.5 meters. The remains of a traveler were discovered not far from the place where the animal was killed.

In 1983, two researchers from America caught, euthanized and weighed a bear weighing eight hundred and seventy kilograms. All actions took place in a hurry, since the scientists did not have the required amount of drugs for a full examination. And it’s quite difficult to euthanize an animal weighing a ton.

A grizzly or Kodiak bear can weigh over a thousand kilograms when living in a zoo. Measurement is carried out in late autumn. Characteristically, a polar bear does not change its weight throughout the year. If a male weighs 600 kilograms in winter, his weight is the same in autumn. Therefore, the polar bear holds the leadership position in the “largest predator” category.

The largest bear in history may have been the short-faced cave bear. Its weight reached two tons. He ate not only huge elk and deer, but also lions, wolves, and tigers. Since these animals are extinct, they cannot be considered gigantic.

While not pronounced predators, bears nevertheless command fearful respect for their enormous size, and the largest bears in the world - white and Kodiak - live in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe.

The body length of a polar bear reaches 3 meters, and the height at the withers is from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. The largest individuals can weigh up to a ton, but the average weight of the largest bears in the world is between 400-450 kilograms. Female bears are much smaller than males and weigh on average 100-150 kilograms less.

The polar bear is sometimes called a polar bear because it lives on the icy shell of the Arctic Ocean and its coastal zones. Swims well, eats fish and other inhabitants of the northern seas. In winter, males go into hibernation for a short time, and not every year, but only pregnant females are subject to a full winter bear sleep, lasting from 50 to 80 days.

The largest bear in the world does not freeze in the severe frost thanks to its dense thick fur and a ten-centimeter layer of subcutaneous fat.

Kodiak bears live on the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean, just south of Alaska. They are even slightly larger in size than white ones - the length of large individuals reaches 3.5 meters, and the height at the withers is as much as 1.8 meters.

The maximum weight of Kodiaks, like polar bears, reaches a ton, but in the spring they weigh much less, while their polar bears remain “in the body” all year round. Therefore, many consider the white bear to be the largest bear in the world.

The Kodiak looks like a bear should look in the eyes of a European - a brown, massive and muscular animal. It feeds on the fish that are plentiful in those parts, and if you’re lucky, meat, as well as plant products from the forest. The closest neighbor of the Kodiak in habitat is another brown bear - the grizzly, which is also one of the largest in the world.

Kodiak is the largest bear in the world

Kodiak is the largest bear in the world. This species mainly lives on Kodiak Island, as well as on the islands near Alaska. There are about 3 thousand individuals in the world. All of them are under the protection of the American government.

Some individuals of this huge bear can weigh more than a ton, the height can reach up to 2 meters, and the length can reach 3 meters. The average weight of a young male is approximately 500 kilograms. Like other types of bears, Kodiaks are omnivores, that is, they can eat fish and meat, as well as berries, nuts, and so on.

However, the largest bear in the world has a worthy competitor in nature: the polar bear. This large predator weighs on average 700 kilograms, but particularly large individuals can reach a weight of up to a ton and a length of up to 3 meters. Unlike other big bears, the polar bear has a flat head and a long neck.

The polar bear has been known since ancient times, it was known in the Roman Empire, and its skin began to appear in Japan in the 7th century AD. The first scientific work devoted to this predator was published in 1774 by zoologist Constantine Phipps.

The largest bear in the world was on the verge of extinction in the first half of the 20th century due to hunting. Therefore, back in 1941, the American government decided to protect it.
