Skyrim how to make Lydia a manager. A guide for the beginning landowner. West Wing - Enchanter's Tower

Probably, you, like most others, have always dreamed of starting your own farm and building your own house. But where to start? Don't worry, you have a guide in your hands that contains everything you need to know. Very little time will pass, and, going out onto the porch of your beautiful home, you will look with satisfaction at your well-groomed lands.


Two essential pieces of equipment that every home builder needs: a drafting table and a carpenter's workbench.

A drafting table will help you plan every step of the construction process. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake - you can always change your mind, and no one will demand money for drawing up a new plan. Remember the rule: measure twice, cut once.

A carpenter's workbench is necessary for the actual construction. Once you decide on a plan and draw a drawing, begin construction using a carpenter's workbench. Avoid the mistake that many beginners make - don't try to install the roof before you lay the foundation!

A place for a family

If you are married or have children, then, of course, you will want to get your home into a livable condition as quickly as possible. They say that with a sweetheart there is heaven in the hut, but think about the children! Don't worry: all they need is a bed and a chest or cabinet where they can put their treasures and the little ones will be completely happy.

Construction Materials

To build a house, you will need a lot of materials, but you don’t have to stock up on everything right away. Unless you're in a hurry, you can build gradually as you get the materials you need. This way you will prolong the pleasure and enjoy how the dream turns into reality.

The materials you can't do without are sawn timber, cut stone and clay. Fortunately, there are plenty of them in Skyrim - in fact, you don’t have to go far; usually, near a construction site you can find both clay deposits and stone quarries. Don't worry about the timber - any sawmill owner will be happy to sell and deliver it to you in the right quantity.

You will need a lot of nails, but even a novice blacksmith can easily learn how to forge them from iron.

When it comes to furnishing a home that's already built, you'll need a wider variety of materials. Some of them, such as straw or glass, can be purchased in shops that sell general goods. And others - well, here all of Skyrim becomes one big store.

Hiring a manager

Once you've built your estate, you should consider hiring a manager to help you manage things. A good steward is invaluable, whether it comes to hiring a driver, buying a cow, or procuring building materials. The main thing is that you can safely enjoy the fruits of your labors.

Before hiring a steward, it is wise to invite a candidate to the estate and make sure he or she is a good fit. Remember, you are putting all your property into the hands of a manager - you need a person whom you can completely trust.

Building your own home

In the last part of the manual we will look at plans for the construction of specific premises.

Small house

Start by building a modest cottage. This is a great home for a beginner, and that's about it. Your work will not be wasted if you decide to continue construction - a small house can easily be turned into a vestibule that serves as the entrance to the rest of the premises.

main hall

We may decide that a small house is not enough. Perhaps you need additional space for a growing family? The next step is the construction of the main hall, which will transform the modest cottage into an impressive estate: on two floors there is space for two small bedrooms, a back room and a large dining area.


Once the main hall is built, truly inexhaustible possibilities open up before you - now you can add three additional wings if you still don't have enough space.

There are three design options for each wing, giving a total of nine options to choose from! But remember, out of these nine you will only have to choose three, so think carefully.

West Wing - Bedrooms

The sleeping wing is ideal if your family needs more comfort than the main room can provide. In such a wing there is room for a master bedroom and two cribs, many closets, chests of drawers and everything else. This addition also includes a spacious external terrace.

West Wing - Orangery

Perhaps you have dreamed of becoming a gardener? If so, you can put boxes in the greenhouse and grow almost anything you want without worrying about the cold climate of Skyrim. Take care of plants and harvest without leaving your home!

West Wing - Enchanter's Tower

If you are interested in magic, the tower is what you need. Here nothing will stop you from quietly doing your experiments. There is enough space to store any collections and relics. The view from the tower is breathtaking.

North Wing - Pantry

If you simply need more space to store your belongings and miscellaneous collections, build a storage room. The included terrace can be connected to the east or west wing terraces if you have built bedrooms or an armory.

North Wing - Trophy Room

Or maybe you are a hunter and want to brag about your exploits? The trophy room can display up to seven stunning taxidermied specimens of your choice to delight and impress your guests.

North Wing - Alchemy Laboratory

This tower addition is perfect for the alchemist and gives him the opportunity to hone his skills in a comfortable environment. When you want to take a break from brewing potions, you can go out onto the roof and enjoy the magnificent view.

East Wing - Armory

If you think there's nothing better than spending the day at an anvil, or you just collect weapons and armor, the armory is just the place for you. There is a place for blacksmithing, and for a collection of means of defense and attack.

East Wing - Kitchen

The kitchen provides every opportunity to achieve mastery in the culinary arts. Tired of cooking in a pot? Install a newfangled stove!

East Wing - Library

The library tower will delight those who love reading. There's room for plenty of shelves so you can fully enjoy your book collection. You might want to go out onto the roof of the tower and treat your reading-weary eyes to the view of your estate.


Every adventurer dreams of his own warm home! Where else can we so freely throw our things into chests, hang up weapons and armor, and train in magic?! Before the release of Hearthfire - the second official plugin - in September 2012, we could buy five houses, and could also get properties for sleeping and storing things after completing various quest chains - the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, the Companions and the College of Winterhold. The addition expanded the hero's social capabilities, in particular, it became possible to build his own house outside the city.


1. Helyarken Hall.

A piece of property in the White Beach domain, north of Lorey House and south of Fort Dunstad. Nearby is the giant dwelling “House of Burans”.

To acquire this plot of land as your own, you first need to complete the obligatory quest “The Walking Nightmare” (“Free the people of Dawnstar from the curse of Vaermina”, quest giver: Erandur, location: Dawnstar, Nightcallers Temple) and a number of other small assignments from the residents of Dawnstar and White Beach. After completing them, talk to the Earl of the White Coast Skald or Brina Merilis if the property comes under control Imperial Legion. As a reward, the jarl will give you the title of Thane of the White Coast.

The next condition is the “Kill the Giant” quest; it will be offered to you the next time you visit the White Hall. After completing this quest, in the dialogue with the jarl you will have an item asking you to buy a house. The jarl will say that there are no free houses for sale in Dawnstar, but there is land! In exchange for 5k zloty, the jarl will give you a “Deed of Sale for the Heljarchen Hall estate”, where it will be written that you become the owner of a small plot of land in the possession of the White Coast.

Additional condition: the hero must be at least level 22.

Unlike other houses, Heljarchen Hall allows for the construction of a grain mill along the western wall of the house. You can grind wheat flour in it. Wheat, in turn, can be grown in the vegetable garden (“Front Garden”) along the eastern wall. Flour is needed for baking buns. Perhaps it makes sense to build a kitchen in the Heljarchen Hall estate?..

If you have an oven in your kitchen, you can create your own baked goods.

Apple Dumpling - you will need flour, green or red apples.

Braided Bread - you will need flour and salt.

Chicken Dumpling - you will need chicken breast, garlic, leeks and salt.

Garlic Bread - you will need garlic, butter, bread.

Grape crostata (Jazbay Crostata) - you will need flour, and jazzbey grapes and oil.

Juniper Berry Crostata - you will need oil, juniper berries and flour.

Lavender Dumpling - You will need moon sugar, flour, snow berries and lavender.

Potato Bread - you will need salt, a jug of milk, flour, potatoes and a chicken egg.

Snowberry Crostata - you will need snowberries, flour and butter.

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Baking menu

By the way, on the roof of Helyarken Hall after the construction of the Main Hall you can find a hawk's nest. Unlike similar nests throughout Skyrim, you can find a hawk egg here! It has the same alchemical properties as chicken. You can also find hawk feathers there.

After completing the first part of the construction (“Small House”), your housecarl Gregor will move to the site and will patrol it. With its help, you can hire a carriage driven by Mark and the bard Oriella, as well as buy a horse and other animals.

The house is located in a snowy area, which will affect the dialogues of your household members.

From your site, two landmarks of Skyrim are always visible - the palace in Whiterun "Dragon's Reach" and the most high mountain in Skyrim "Throat of the World". It is also interesting that Heljarchen Hall is located almost directly above the central part of the underground Dwemer ruins of Blackreach. However, this does not affect living in it in any way. I hope someone will think of creating a mod to build an elevator to the Black Reach? :)

The dialogue about purchasing a plot of land may not appear when talking to the jarl.

You may be very unlucky if the autosave restarts when you enter the house - then your existence in the house will turn into a nightmare of brakes, missing textures and freezing. Theoretically, in this case, you should remove all workbenches from the house, move to any other location, restart the game and not move to the house for at least three days in game time.

In case of conflicts with other mods, you should delete them, restart the game, launch a “clean save” and wait at least three days in some non-glitchy location (I don’t know why, but that’s what they say on the Skyrim wiki).

Most of the bugs can be removed using unofficial patches for Hearthfire.

2. Lakeview Manor.

A plot of property owned by Falkreath. Located near the lake, on a direct line between Falkreath and Riverwood. Nearby there are deposits of clay, quarry stone, and iron ore (see map, 1). In the north in the middle of the lake on the island there is a deposit of corundum and clay (2). Not far to the west is a rich deposit of silver (3).

Unfortunately, the location of the house does not in any way affect its design, so we will not consider it in detail - everything must be stated above.

But the estate has its own individual characteristics. For example, unlike other houses, the Ozernoye estate allows you to build a Bee Farm, which produces bees and honey. There are two hawks constantly circling over the estate, ready to hunt. One day, a hawk was shot down by a dragon that was attacking a house. Deer constantly run around the area, and wild animals can attack livestock even if the owner is not at home. And from the towers there are wonderful views of the lake! The family, judging by their remarks, likes this estate more than the other two, but still less than the house in Solitude.

To purchase this plot of land as your own, you first need to complete the quest (if Siddgeir is the jarl) “Rare Gifts”, bringing the usual black-briar honey. The next quest is “Kill the Bandit Leader” from the jarl. The hero will be sent to deal with the next gang and its leader (Cracked Tusk Fortress, Knife's Edge Ridge, Bile Mine or Torch Mine).

If Dengeir Stunsky became the jarl of the domain thanks to the support of the Storm Brothers, then the first mandatory quest will be “Fort Neugrad - saving comrades”, and then again “Kill the Bandit Leader”.

The title of thana has nothing to do with obtaining the right to purchase a plot - you can buy land without yet being a thane. However, upon becoming Thane of Falkreath, you will receive a housecarl named Raya, who you can appoint as the estate manager after building a small house.

With Raya's help, you can hire the bard Llewellyn Nightingale and the driver Gunyar.

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

After building a tower, you can climb onto the roof and get an egg and hawk feathers

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

The towers offer beautiful views of the lake and mountains around.

Noticed bugs under spoiler

The line about the purchase may not appear in the dialogue with the jarl.

For PC: use the console command SetStage BYOHHouseFalkreath 100. To get a housecarl, enter prid XX005216 in the console, then enable, then moveto player. In this case, it is necessary for Dovahkiin to be in Falkreath, outside the premises.

If you place an item that is too large in a display case, it may later fall to the floor or even disappear completely.

As with most mannequins in the game, Estate mannequins will respawn equipment that was previously removed from them, which can be useful. However, with the same success, enchantments made by you personally may disappear from the armor - this is possible for some non-standard and rare clothing in the game, for example, “Vermina’s Robe”

Workbenches that have been removed as unnecessary may reappear (for example, in the basement).

When approaching the estate, the game may crash.

PC solution: It's worth checking if the Scenic Carriages mod is available and enabled, as it conflicts with this addon.

A freeze occurs when trying to load an autosave made while entering the house.

Possible flight due to opening/closing doors inside the house.

A crash is possible if any of the non-player characters use a workbench/anvil/grindstone and other objects inside the house.

The kitchen, pantry and other rooms may suddenly become disorganized. If you change the position of the viewpoint, it will appear on the screen again.

Departures are possible upon entering the house.

Solution: as a radical solution to the problem, you can try to remove all the workbenches in the house and wait three days in a neutral location.

Some furniture (benches, tables) do not appear in the weapons room - both when created from a workbench, and when purchasing furniture through the manager.

Many Hearthfire houses do not allow crafting a bed.

A bug is possible in which part of the mannequin falls under the sideboard, or simply comes out of the pedestal, as if it came to life without you and was walking somewhere.

When purchasing furniture through a manager, it may not appear. A bug with hallway furniture was also noticed. If you buy it from the manager the first time, then the second time he will say: “Sorry, you can’t afford it.”

3. Windstad Manor

A piece of property owned by Hjaalmark. Located on the edge of the frozen marshes of Morthal, near the site of the Ice Runner shipwreck. Deposits of clay and quarry stone are located just north of the site, under the rocky overhang of the shore. One clay right next to a stack of logs. On small islands near the wrecked ship there are deposits of iron and gold.

You can purchase the right to it in the High Moon Hall in Morthal.

If the jarl is Idgrod the Black, then you need to complete the mandatory Laid to Rest quest “Investigate the cause of the fire and uncover an insidious plot against the townspeople of Morthal,” and this is enough to acquire the plot.

If Sorley the Builder becomes the jarl, then the quest that gives the right to purchase land will be “The Battle for Fort Snowhawk.”

If you are Thane of the Domain, you will be assigned a Housecarl named Valdimar. With its help you can hire the driver Engar and the bard Sonir.

As I already said, the location of the house does not affect its appearance, but the estate has its own individual characteristics. For example, unlike other houses, Windstad Estate allows you to build a Fish Hatchery. It can be populated with aquatic life, including dragonflies, one of each species. You can also collect killer fish caviar and oyster meat here. Salmon in the hatchery will give caviar if you use the first word of Scream on it! True, in this case all the killer fish will die. Also, next to the fish nursery, a trio of non-aggressive horkers (three individuals) will settle, which, in the event of an attack on the estate, will join the banquet on your side!

But mostly it is an inhospitable and gloomy coast. You need to be very tired of people and adventures to settle here. The estate is occasionally attacked by giants, draugr and robbers.

By the way, if you build a house before the start of the quest “Lights Out!”, you can admire the landscape before the stranded ship appears.

Noticed bugs under spoiler

Let me remind you that most of the bugs can be removed using unofficial patches for Hearthfire.

After selecting a drawing on the drafting table, the quest marker may remain on the table, the quest will not proceed to the next stage. The construction of an estate does not occur from a workbench. Disabling conflicting mods during construction solves the problem (for example, “Birds and Flocks”, “Real Wildlife Skyrim”).

The hero may not be able to buy furniture for the hallway after creating it. Also, furniture purchased for other rooms may not appear.

When remodeling a small home into a hallway, some old hallway furnishings may not disappear (for example, a nightstand will remain with a bench sticking out of it).

Weapon racks in the basement may not be accessible.

Displays may not be available.

Armor from mannequins soon disappears or appears again, after removing it from the mannequin, an unlimited number of times.

When purchasing a basement, it may happen that one of the walls is generated directly in the doorway, causing the room to become inaccessible.

Bandits or a giant may appear in the textures of the house, in this case you just need to go inside and go back out.

After purchasing a horse, the point in the conversation with the housecarl about hiring a bard disappears. In this case, you need to kill the cow and talk to the housecarl again - the item will appear, and the cow can be bought again for 200 coins.

The workbench in the basement may not disappear even if you select this item on the drafting table.


Your housecarl, which you will receive after purchasing a plot of land, will move to your plot after the construction of the “Little House”. When there are unoccupied beds in the house, he will sleep on one of them, but in general, most often he patrols your possessions, protecting them from wolves and robbers. Scripts for attacking your property are most often launched when you quickly move to your home. You are guaranteed wild animals, giants, bandits and vampires! This is good, we are always happy to receive free alchemical ingredients directly to our home, aren’t we?

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Bring your money... to me!

If you are tired of purchasing all the materials yourself, rushing around Skyrim in search of lumber or goat horns, forging fittings and barrels yourself, then you can make a knight’s move - namely, invite your housecarl to become a manager.

Not: The wiki writes>> that the position of manager “can be offered to some of your companions” and provides a table of all the NPCs who can be your companions and at the same time manage the estate. The rest of your companions, no matter who you bring, have nothing new in their dialogue.

Not: Be careful! If a housecarl is appointed manager, your other companion will leave you (except for Serana until the end of the “vampire lord” quest chain). (For example, my companion was the Khajiit Karadzho from the trade caravan, and he instantly disappeared from the site, so finding him after finishing the construction of the house was not such an easy matter).

However, without hiring a manager, you will spend a lot of time searching and purchasing building materials, and most importantly, you will not be able to settle a cow, chickens, a cart and a bard on your land yourself.

If you have a woolly Skyrim cow chewing in your stall, and chickens running around the yard, then jugs of milk and butter in a churn, necessary for baking buns, will periodically respawn in the kitchen, and chicken eggs in the nest.

Of course, food in Skyrim does not have any useful load, except at the first levels (either in the absence of pumped-up alchemy or when installing harshly realistic mods), but many may like the ambiance of the kitchen and personal farmstead.

You can also ask your personal manager to purchase several furnishing options for your home. By the way, this does not happen instantly immediately after the money is issued, but furniture options will be updated over time.

Not: If your blacksmithing is still not 100%, then remember that creating a lot of nails, fittings and locks is very helpful in leveling up.

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

Hearthfire: How to build a house in Skyrim (guide)

I forge nail locks, sharpen scissor knives!...

Regarding the cost of furnishing each section of the house, it is worth noting that it will be the same for each room, regardless of whether you built any of the furniture yourself or not.

Once you have your home completely finished and there are beds for you and your children, you can reach out to your spouse and adopted children and invite them to move into your new home. Try this and see if it makes a difference everyday life your family compared to the city.

What Dovahkiin doesn’t dream of his own corner in one of the picturesque places in the province of Skyrim? With the release of the add-on The Elder Scrolls: Hearthfire developers have given the player the opportunity to build their own Lake Estate. “Skyrim” is rich in picturesque places, one of which will be discussed in the article.

Shall we sit down by the fire?

The advent of the Heathfire add-on introduced elements of the “life simulator” genre into the game. The idea of ​​​​the possibility of building your own estate with a dozen or two lustful Argonian maidens as servants and Serana as a wife (as well as with drunken fights of Dovahkiins on weekends along with preference and courtesans) is better to put off right away.

Factors limiting the player's wild imagination are found at every step, but in quite moderate quantities.

The very possibility of having a plot of land brings a lot of variety to the Skyrim game. Expansion of the Ozernoye estate can be done both with the help of mods and without them.

How to get an estate

Where can you find Lake Estate? Skyrim is famous beautiful places, but this time we are talking about the territory northeast of Falkreath.

During the game, Dovahkiin may be met by a messenger from the jarl of the above-mentioned town, who will hand over a letter with an offer to purchase for 5,000 septims.

Or the protagonist can independently visit the aforementioned ruler and get the opportunity to build an estate after completing several quests.

The jarl or his steward will certainly explain how to get to the already acquired land plot (after paying 5,000 septims), but, in principle, there is no need to listen to the route to the end, because there is already a mark on the map.

About the area

Briefly about the site itself: it is located in a thicket of forest, therefore predatory animals can wander onto the estate, which do not care whether the owner is at home or not. Wolves can attack livestock at any time of the day. Not far to the south is a table for ritual sacrifices. The place for raising children, which the hero can also have, is almost ideal, except that nearby (just south of the already mentioned altar) there is a robber outpost, from where forays are made to attack and rob Khajiit caravans.

Called the Sosnovaya Zastava, the inconspicuous structure looks more like a forester's dwelling. But if you subject it to a thorough search, you can find a secret passage to the bandits' lair.

Start of construction

It is no coincidence that the place where the Lake Estate will be built was chosen; Skyrim is rich in all kinds of building materials (as well as surprises). The land plot is located in the forest. When approaching the construction site of the future estate, you can find a chest with building materials, a workbench, an anvil and a drafting table. Apparently, the jarl made sure in advance that Dovahkiin would not deny himself anything.

First of all, you need to clean out the existing chest. Then use the drawing table to draw up a plan for a small house, because there are not enough resources for a larger one.

Laying the foundation

You need to use an anvil to make nails, of which you will need thirty pieces. Next, use a workbench to pour the foundation of the future structure. Periodically running from workbench to anvil, the frames of the walls, the walls themselves, the floor, the roof and, of course, the front door are created.

Then you need to go inside. There you can find a small workbench for constructing furniture and interior decoration, as well as a chest.

To do this, you need to select a section with furniture on the workbench and create the required piece of furniture. Each of them has its own place in the house, which cannot be changed.

In such a simple structure there is neither a pentagram of souls nor an alchemist's laboratory. And in general, this house is far from the Dovahkiin’s habitat imagined by the average player, imbued with the spirit of battles, great feats and shot knees.

This is what it looks like a budget option estate, referred to as Lake Estate. Skyrim is a world with a lot of resources. Next, you need to start mining them in order to significantly improve the protagonist’s home.

"Skyrim". Estate "Ozernoe". How to hire a manager and servants

In order to appoint any partner to the above position, you must first bring him to the estate. A corresponding dialogue thread will appear, which serves to logically link the character to the estate as a housekeeper.

In the game Skyrim, the manager of the Ozernoye estate is called upon to look after the property of the main character in his absence.

Main functions:

  • assistance in purchasing building materials such as wood, clay and stone;
  • through it you can buy livestock (chickens and cows);
  • can appoint servants to the house like a bard and a cab driver;
  • when someone attacks the estate, he resists in all possible ways.

main hall

Upgrading the Ozernoye estate (Skyrim) to a more impressive structure follows the same rules as building a small house - using a drafting table. After such an action, the initially erected house turns into a hallway - the bed is removed, but a display case and weapon racks appear.

The main hall is significantly larger; it is divided into sections: the first floor, consisting of a dining area and a lounge, and the second floor.

It is located immediately at the transition from the hallway - here you can set up an alchemist’s laboratory. In the rest room, install an anvil, a buffet (in which all the stolen sweet rolls and more are stored), and there is also an entrance to the basement. You can enter this room through the dining room.

The workbench, located in the eating area, also allows you to design a pentagram of souls, which is installed on the second floor, in addition to single beds (for children) and a double bed (for a spouse and the protagonist of the game “Skyrim”).

The mod for improving the Ozernoye estate can add a room where the main character’s companions will live, adjusts the lighting of the entire estate, and also places three guards at the entrance to the estate.

Garden plot

Further improvement of the Ozyornoe estate (Skyrim) occurs in the form of arrangement of the surrounding areas using a workbench. Everything that can be built in the yard is in the “Miscellaneous” section.

It is possible to construct such elements as:

  • Front garden. The properties are intuitive from the name: you can grow vegetables and components for use on the alchemist's table.
  • Stable. There is a horse stall here. The horse can be purchased through the manager for the modest price of 1000 septims.
  • Corral. The housekeeper brings a cow and three chickens here. The cow produces milk, which appears in the kitchen cupboard, and the chickens lay eggs. The responsibilities are, in principle, intuitive.
  • Apiary, containing honeycombs and, in fact, the inhabitants - bees.
  • Installation possible tanning machine in the yard, as well smelters, blacksmith's workbench And whetstone. The purpose is no different from the same elements of any forge in the vastness of the province of Skyrim.

Improve the Ozernoye estate further? Easily!

A rich Dovahkiin will always find how to decorate his home with taste. And if there is no more space, you can build more. Three wings are attached to the main hall: northern, eastern and western. There are three types of construction for each of them - a total of nine variations.

The mod for the Ozernoye estate in Skyrim will also add fencing around the perimeter, adjust the lighting and color scheme of the environment, place an innkeeper on the estate, and also add mines for the extraction of corundum, iron, silver and gold.

East wing

  • Library. Used exclusively for Accordingly, only shelves for all kinds of tomes can be built here.
  • Kitchen. Includes a cooking pot. A lot of recipes for complex dishes can be found in the vastness of Skyrim or purchased from merchants.
  • Armory. When built, it provides the Dovahkiin with a number of weapon racks, mannequins and display cases.

North wing

  • Lumber room. There are safes and chests where you can put anything you want. Dovahkiin very often suffers from a mania for collecting and drags into his backpack what is poorly laid out, hoping that someday it will be useful. And if not, you can put everything in the pantry.
  • Alchemy laboratory. An expanded version of the small alchemy stand that is based in the dining room. It differs only in appearance, the functions are the same.
  • Trophy room. The most interesting option of the proposed ones. Of course, the interest is purely aesthetic - during breaks you can admire the stuffed dead creatures.

West wing

  • Enchanting laboratory. A similar story as with the alchemist's corner. Larger, aesthetically pleasing and atmospheric. Functionally, it is no different from the existing pentagram of souls.
  • Greenhouse. Another analogue. But this time it is an analogue of the front garden and functionally more advanced - fireflies, butterflies, bee nests and honeycombs appear here. And also many containers for storing anything.
  • Bedroom. The importance of this building is to make it convenient and comfortable for everyone to live in the estate. There should be as many beds as there are residents. Otherwise, someone will have to take turns sleeping.


The final touch is the arrangement of the dungeon. As a rule, the protagonist places here a forge with all the necessary components, as well as altars of nine deities, the images of which are found in the vastness of the province of Skyrim. The Ozernoye estate expansion mod also allows you to build a dungeon with prisoners or build a mycelium.

If the character is a vampire (TES: Dawnguard add-on), a coffin is installed in the basement.


Some features of the estate should be noted. For example, buildings such as the alchemist's and enchanter's laboratories and the library have the shape of turrets on both sides of the estate. Co observation deck It offers a gorgeous view of the surrounding area, and it’s also very convenient to fight off bandits attacking the estate using a bow or magic.

Anyone can attack: from skeevers who have taken a fancy to the basement, to wolves who can show up at any time of the day and slaughter all the livestock.

Bandits also periodically visit the estate. They steal or kill livestock, kidnap a spouse, leaving behind a ransom letter. However, to return your beloved is simple - kill everyone. Sometimes draugr, giants and even dragons attack.

In the event of a vampire invasion in the absence of the owner, all residents will turn into these bloodthirsty creatures.

Separately, it is worth noting that it is planned to erect not one estate, but three in the vastness of the Skyrim province. The Ozyornoe Estate house is just one of them. Dovahkiin can buy the Winstad estate, a place not far from Hjaalmarch. It is right next to the burial places of the ancient Nords, so draugr periodically running in to see the light is quite a common occurrence here. The Heljarken Hall estate is located on the border area between Whiterun and the White Coast. From here you can clearly see the Throat of the World and Dragon's Reach. There are no draugr here, but there are giants, famous for their ability to send the player into orbit around Tamriel with a single blow of their club.

Each estate has its own peculiarity. You can build an apiary in Lake Manor, a fish nursery in Winstad, and a grain mill in Heljarken Hall.

For some reason, among the children of Skyrim, Lake Estate enjoys greater sympathy. Apparently, they still prefer bees to fish and flour dust.

As already mentioned, there are nine options for building the north, east and west wings, but you can only choose three. If you want to build all nine, you will have to purchase all three plots of land.

It is better to appoint the most powerful and tenacious companion who can withstand attacks as a manager. Especially when it comes to vampires. Leaving Serana as a housekeeper (with the help of mods) is a little illogical, since this girl is most useful in battle as a companion.

There are also a lot of mods that allow you not only to improve the estate, but also to hire special managers who can also perform functions to protect Dovahkiin’s estate.

Despite the many limitations that were mentioned at the beginning, a personal estate remains a very useful addition to the game. Everyone will find something of their own here. For some, it is a source of raw materials for forging armor or alchemical ingredients. And for some it is a source of unique screenshots a la “Dovahkiin on a chair” or “at the stove”, and if you try with mods, then in the arms of Serana.


Let's start with the question - do you need it? To build a house you need a minimum of 5000 gold (this is just the plot). If you have enough money earned by honest labor, do you know how to use the console? or simply have nothing to do, then welcome!

P.S. You can get 5 achievements (see the "Achievements" section)
P.P.S. Required dlc "Hearthfire"

Search for a site

Before construction itself, you need to choose the location of the future “masterpiece”:

1) Ozernoe estate in the possession of Falkreath

2) Windstad Estate in Hjaalmark

3) “Helyarken Hall” in the possession of Bely Bereg

Before purchasing a plot, you must “earn the trust” of the ruler of this domain (in Falkreath this is Siddgeir, in Hjaalmarch this is Idgrod the Black, and in the White Coast this is Skald).

After the ruler says that he allows the purchase of plots, go to the manager (he is usually next to the jarl) and buy land from him.

An icon for the purchased plot will appear on the map. You can immediately go to him, simultaneously clearing out the bandit camps (because it will be calmer).

Construction of a Small House

Now we have reached the site. What do we see? They have already helped us by placing a drafting table, a chest, a carpenter's workbench, an anvil and a regular workbench. First, we take the resources from the chest, then using the drawing table we select the “small house plan”.

Then, using a carpenter's workbench, we build the house itself (foundation, wall beams, walls, floor, rafters, roof and of course the door). Note that some resources will be missing, in particular nails and a lock. They need to be created on the anvil on the right. If you think about it, you can even live in such a house. You can go into a small house, there will be a chest in the far left corner, and a workbench on the right. You can use it to create home decor.

The resources in the chest are only enough for a small house. See the "Resources" section for ways to obtain additional resources.

Construction of the Main Hall

The main hall is the main part of the house, thanks to which 3 wings can be added. The construction order is the same: drawing, foundation, etc. The only thing that is added is a second level of walls and a basement.

After building the Main Hall, you can add 3 additional wings. There are 3 options for each to choose from, “according to your taste and preferences”:

  • The West Wing could be the Enchanter's Tower, the Greenhouse, or the Bedroom.
  • North Wing - Pantry, Trophy Room or Alchemy Lab.
  • East Wing - Armory, Kitchen or Library.

Possible residents of the house

  • Manager is a character who can help the main character with the construction and protection of the estate. During the construction of the estate, you need to build a small house. Immediately after this, you can hire a manager. You need to choose him wisely, since after hiring a manager, he cannot be fired, only transferred to another estate. To hire a manager, you need to bring the companion chosen for this role to the estate (housecarls of the corresponding lands come on their own) and enter into dialogue with him - a new branch of the conversation will appear. If a companion can become a manager and happens to be in close proximity to the estate, he himself will notice that such a beautiful house simply needs a manager and will propose his candidacy.
  • Teamster- is part of the Skyrim transport system. It can take you to the capital of any of the nine provinces: Whiterun, Windhelm, Winterhold, Dawnstar, Markarth, Morthal, Riften, Solitude and Falkreath.
    In addition, with Hearthfire installed, carters that can be hired for estates can also deliver free of charge to minor settlements: Ivarstead, Dragonbridge, Black Ford, Karthwasten, Kyn Grove, Old Hroldan Tavern, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Shor's Stone and Stone hills.
  • Bard- is also hired through the manager. Has the same list of songs as bards in taverns + you can ask him to play one of 3 musical instruments.
  • Children.
  • Children's pets- one per child. These could be: a mud crab, a skeever, a fox or a rabbit, which children bring. You can also bring them a pet yourself, from among your companions - any dogs (including death hounds), if you do not want the child to be offended that he is not allowed to leave a rat at home.

With the Hearthfire add-on, new types of resources appear that are used to build a house:

  • Clay- you can order it from the manager or get it yourself using a pickaxe in deposits near your home, as well as in other places in Skyrim.
  • Glass- can be bought from merchants of all sorts of things (for example, at the Gray Pines warehouse of Falkreath), from merchants of Khajiit caravans, or found by chance while traveling around Skyrim.
  • Goat horns- can be bought from merchants (for example, in Whiterun, in the Belethor Goods store) or obtained by goat hunting.
  • Quarry stone- you can order from the manager or get it yourself using a pickaxe in deposits near your home, as well as in other places in Skyrim.
  • Sawn log- You can buy it from the manager or at any sawmill in batches of 20 pieces. Logs are not added to inventory, but appear next to the construction site in the form of a “stack of logs.”
  • Straw- Can be purchased from merchants (for example, in Whiterun, in the Belethor Goods store) and Khajiit caravans.

Each site has its own advantages. Here are some of them:

  • Estate "Ozernoe" It is located in the forest, which is why wild animals often wander into the area. Wolves and bears can attack livestock even when the owner of the estate is absent. Dragons often fly over the house. A little to the north, below the ledge, there is a table for ceremonial sacrifice with an unfriendly necromancer next to it, and to the south is the Pine Outpost robbers' hideout. There have been cases of attacks by giants.
    A distinctive feature from other houses is an apiary from one hive with the ability to collect honeycombs and bees. If you build a greenhouse, you can catch bees and butterflies throughout the house. Quarry stone to the left of the workbench ten steps on the rock. Clay deposit, five steps from the workbench to the right. The corundum vein is on the hill to the right of the workbench, 50 meters away. To the west of the estate there is a location not marked on the map with a destroyed cart and a chest locked with a Novice level lock. Guarded by three wolves.
  • Windstad Estate- the place is relatively calm, not counting the draugr, giants and robbers who look at the light. A wonderful place overlooking the bay and Solitude visible in the distance. Points of interest: An abandoned hut in the west (almost all books in the interior will be called "Abandoned Hut"), ancient Nordic ruins (Ustengrev, High Gate Ruins) in the north and south, as well as the stranded ship "Ice Runner" (at certain conditions). Morthal, the capital of Hjaalmarch, lies far to the southwest. There is an Imperial camp not far to the east. The only closest neighbors are the Horkers in the north.
    The main difference from other houses is the opportunity to build a fish nursery and populate marine life, one of each type. You can also collect killer fish caviar and oyster meat here. A nice family of horkers (three individuals), neutral to the owner, will settle next to the fish nursery, which, in the event of an attack, will provide support in repelling the attack of the adversaries. Gourmets will not have to bother searching for fresh horker meat, and horker fangs will be useful in decorating the interiors of the estate.
  • "Helyarken Hall" is located on the border between the wastelands of Whiterun and the snowy territories, which is why wild animals often wander into the area. Wolves and bears can attack livestock even when the owner of the estate is absent. Gangs of robbers attack quite often. If you build a tower, you can get a great place for hunting deer. From here you have an excellent view of the Dragon's Reach and the Throat of the World. Literally two steps to the east there is an inhabited site of giants with mammoths.
    A distinctive feature from other houses is that here you can build a mill and grind wheat flour. Stone deposit: eight steps forward from the drawing table. After going two more steps, you can find one of the clay deposits.

Hello! In the harsh game world, each traveler should have his own home, where he can hide from adversity. In Skyrim, players have two options at once: they can either buy a house, choosing from standard ones or downloading a mod, or start building their home according to the drawings. Today we will talk about the opportunity to get your own warm corner where you can sit by a cozy fire.

What is a house in Skyrim and how to get it

The player's house is a small dwelling where Dovahkiin can live. Inside there is a bed, several decorative rooms, display cases, and a rack for armor and weapons. He can return to this home at any time and take a break from the constant attacks of dragons. We can’t get it for free; we can only buy the building.

We'll talk about how to do this in the next subheading.

Where and how to buy a house in Skyrim, land for construction

Buying your own home will be available only after you have gained authority in a certain city. You need to complete several tasks from the jarl, and then he will begin to trust you. The cost of a home varies from 5 to 25 thousand gold.

You can buy a ready-made house in the following settlements:

  • Whiterun.
  • Markart.
  • Riften.
  • Windhelm.
  • Solitude.
  • Falkreath.
  • Dawnstar.
  • Morphal.
  • Raven Rock.

With the hearthfire add-on, players have another opportunity - to build their own corner from scratch. The algorithm remains the same, only you can purchase an empty plot from the jarls of the White Coast, Hjaalmarch and Falkreath.

How and where to build a house in Skyrim, id of items for construction, construction plan

You can build your own home from scratch on one of the three sites listed above. Of course, construction here is quite simple. Standing at the workbench, the player selects the construction plan he needs. It determines what kind of room you will build.

First, the foundation is built, then the walls, and finally the roof. After this, the dragonborn goes inside the empty room and begins to build the furnishings using a similar principle.

Construction is similar to the crafting system. The player selects one of the items he needs, and if he has the necessary materials in his inventory, a nightstand appears in a predetermined place.

Items for construction are crafted at a forge or purchased.

You will need:

  • Clay (003043). It is mined in a quarry near the house. You can order from the manager.
  • Glass (005A69). Found in various shops.
  • Goat horns (00303F). Sold in small shops.
  • Quarry stone (00306C). You can order or get it.
  • Logs (00300E). Ordered with the help of the manager or at sawmills.
  • Straw (005A68). Traders have a wide selection of all sorts of things.
  • Loop (003011). Created at a forge. One iron - two items.
  • Accessories (003035). Also crafted from iron ingots.
  • Locks (003012). You need iron and corundum.
  • Nails (00300F). One ingot – ten materials.

House in Solitude in Skyrim, its arrangement

In the Solitude location, Dovahkiin can purchase his own mansion. The huge three-story building is significantly different from the rest of the proposed house options. However, you will have to pay 25,000 for it, and 11,000 for various improvements.

The Vysoky Spire estate has everything you need for living. If necessary, you can purchase and furnish a living room, kitchen, bedroom, enchanter’s and alchemist’s rooms, as well as a small but cozy balcony.

Houses in Skyrim: Hrodulf, horrors, in Riften, Mercer, warm winds, world eater, in Dawnstar, on a tree

Now let's talk about various beautiful homes for the whole Dovahkiin family.

The room where Hrodulf used to live is located in Solchsteim. The player can get there through a quest with the appropriate name. After completing the task, the rooms will be empty. If desired, you can arrange a temporary overnight stay here.

“House of Horrors” is an unusual quest for a Daedric prince. It begins in Markarth, where a Stendarr Watcher asks you to explore a strange place with him.

Honeydew is a beautiful estate in Riften. Costs around 8000. Cozy, small, but roomy. One entrance is located in the city, the other outside it. You can enter the property without going through the guards.

"Riftweald" is a house owned by Mercer, the head of the Thieves Guild. During the mission “Pursuit” we have to penetrate there.

Warm Winds is located in Whiterun. Available for purchase immediately after the Windy Peak quest. The starting price is 5000, you will have to pay another 1800 for the furnishings. The estate is spacious, has two floors.

“House of the World Eater” is another non-standard task. While completing this quest, we will be able to get to Sovngarde for Alduin.

Helyarken Hall is an estate that can be built in Dawnstar. But in order to own the plot, you will have to kill the giant. Dovahkiin must be leveled up to level 22.

Tanners Ridge Treehouse is a mod that adds a cozy tree house. Located near Riften.

Houses in Skyrim: drelasa, in markarth, abandoned, in folkreath, winterhold, morphal

Drelas' hut is located next to Morthal. This is a small building with useful loot. An aggressive battle mage is always reborn here, so it won’t be possible to settle.

Vlindrel Hall is a spacious premises purchased in Markarth. Decorated in a cozy rustic style. Available only after level 20. Costs 8000 without furnishings.

An abandoned dwelling has also been erected in Markarth. It is used in the quest “House of Horrors”, which we already talked about.

Ozernoye is an estate that can be built near Falkreath. The most affordable way to get your own home.

"Mage home in Winterhold" adds a home in Winterhold designed for an experienced mage. True, you can only live in it alone or with your manager.

"Windstad" is a building plot that can be purchased in Morthal. One of the main advantages: the ability to breed rare killer fish.

Houses in Skyrim: Collector, Honey House, Solstheim, Lakeside, Archer, Blessing, Riverwood, Kjerim

We have already talked about the Medovik estate - it is located in Riften. Let's mention others too.

“Collector’s Vault” is a modern space that can be accessed from any home. There are many chests, mannequins, weapon racks and display cases. Spacious and beautiful.

The Severin estate is located in Solstheim. A very comfortable place with all the necessary furniture.

“By the Lake” is the second name of the “Ozernoye” dwelling, which we already mentioned a little higher.

We have also already talked about the Tanners Ridge Treehouse fashion. small house on a tree is great for an archer.

"Now with custom home support for children and spouse" adds the Blessing spell. It allows you to visit not two, but as many as 6 orphans - and everyone will have a place to sleep.

"Cabin in Riverwood" adds a very small dwelling in the village of Riverwood. A good choice, if you haven’t leveled up yet and haven’t gotten back on your feet.

"Hjerim" is a huge house in Windhelm. To receive it, you will first have to choose one of the sides in the civil war.

House mods in Skyrim - full review

If the vanilla options do not suit you, you can download several interesting modifications.

"Harborside - Solitude Bridge Home" is an interactive home in Solitude. You can get there only after completing the corresponding quest.

"Aevon-Tor Reloaded" adds a beautiful dwelling from the third Witcher. The author even tried to fit the presence of this tower into the local lore.

The Silver Eagle residence is a huge room. There are rooms for the collector and for his children, wife, and manager.

How to hire a house manager in Skyrim and what he is needed for

A manager is a free employee who will monitor the well-being of your home. You can order additional materials from him, such as clay or wood.

You just need to obtain the status of thane in any of the possessions in order for you to be given a housecarl. After this, ask the NPC to become a manager. He himself will be able to enter one of your houses.

The best house in Skyrim, where to get it

Many users ask: which houses are included in the TOP and how to get them? Many people love the estate in Solitude - that same three-story building. But you will have to pay a lot for it.

The second popular place is a dwelling in Windhelm. Spacious place with lots of furniture.


There are many beneficial benefits to having a home. Here you can settle your companions, bring your wife and children. Besides, it’s nice to be back not in empty city, but to your own home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of houses:

  • You can live here.
  • Lives with companions, wife and children.
  • You can furnish it comfortably.
  • There is a place to store collectibles.

Cons of houses:

  • All this requires money.
  • My wife can be kidnapped.
  • Houses are sometimes attacked.

Shall we sit down by the fire?

The advent of the Heathfire add-on introduced elements of the “life simulator” genre into the game. The idea of ​​​​the possibility of building your own estate with a dozen or two lustful Argonian maidens as servants and Serana as a wife (as well as with drunken fights of Dovahkiins on weekends along with preference and courtesans) is better to put off right away.

Factors limiting the player's wild imagination are found at every step, but in quite moderate quantities.

The very possibility of having a plot of land brings a lot of variety to the Skyrim game. Expansion of the Ozernoye estate can be done both with the help of mods and without them.

How to get an estate

Where can you find Lake Estate? Skyrim is famous for its beautiful places, but this time we are talking about the territory northeast of Falkreath.

During the game, Dovahkiin may be met by a messenger from the jarl of the above-mentioned town, who will present a letter with an offer to purchase land shares for 5,000 septims.

Or the protagonist can independently visit the aforementioned ruler and get the opportunity to build an estate after completing several quests.

The jarl or his steward will certainly explain how to get to the already acquired land plot (after paying 5,000 septims), but, in principle, there is no need to listen to the route to the end, because there is already a mark on the map.

About the area

Briefly about the site itself: it is located in a thicket of forest, therefore predatory animals can wander onto the estate, which do not care whether the owner is at home or not. Wolves can attack livestock at any time of the day. Not far to the south is a table for ritual sacrifices. The place for raising children, which the hero can also have, is almost ideal, except that nearby (just south of the already mentioned altar) there is a robber outpost, from where forays are made to attack and rob Khajiit caravans.

Called the Sosnovaya Zastava, the inconspicuous structure looks more like a forester's dwelling. But if you subject it to a thorough search, you can find a secret passage to the bandits' lair.

Start of construction

It is no coincidence that the place where the Lake Estate will be built was chosen; Skyrim is rich in all kinds of building materials (as well as surprises). The land plot is located in the forest. When approaching the construction site of the future estate, you can find a chest with building materials, a workbench, an anvil and a drafting table. Apparently, the jarl made sure in advance that Dovahkiin would not deny himself anything.

First of all, you need to clean out the existing chest. Then use the drawing table to draw up a plan for a small house, because there are not enough resources for a larger one.

Laying the foundation

You need to use an anvil to make nails, of which you will need thirty pieces. Next, use a workbench to pour the foundation of the future structure. Periodically running from workbench to anvil, the frames of the walls, the walls themselves, the floor, the roof and, of course, the front door are created.

Then you need to go inside. There you can find a small workbench for constructing furniture and interior decoration, as well as a chest.

To do this, you need to select a section with furniture on the workbench and create the required piece of furniture. Each of them has its own place in the house, which cannot be changed.

In such a simple structure there is neither a pentagram of souls nor an alchemist's laboratory. And in general, this house is far from the Dovahkiin’s habitat imagined by the average player, imbued with the spirit of battles, great feats and shot knees.

This is what a budget version of the estate, called Lake Estate, looks like. Skyrim is a world with a lot of resources. Next, you need to start mining them in order to significantly improve the protagonist’s home.

"Skyrim". Estate "Ozernoe". How to hire a manager and servants

In order to appoint any partner to the above position, you must first bring him to the estate. A corresponding dialogue thread will appear, which serves to logically link the character to the estate as a housekeeper.

In the game Skyrim, the manager of the Ozernoye estate is called upon to look after the property of the main character in his absence.

Main functions:

  • assistance in purchasing building materials such as wood, clay and stone;
  • through it you can buy livestock (chickens and cows);
  • can appoint servants to the house like a bard and a cab driver;
  • when someone attacks the estate, he resists in all possible ways.

main hall

Upgrading the Ozernoye estate (Skyrim) to a more impressive structure follows the same rules as building a small house - using a drafting table. After such an action, the initially erected house turns into a hallway - the bed is removed, but a display case and weapon racks appear.

The main hall is significantly larger; it is divided into sections: the first floor, consisting of a dining area and a lounge, and the second floor.

The dining area is located immediately after the transition from the hallway - here you can set up an alchemist's laboratory. In the rest room, install an anvil, a buffet (in which all the stolen sweet rolls and more are stored), and there is also an entrance to the basement. You can enter this room through the dining room.

The workbench, located in the eating area, also allows you to design a pentagram of souls, which is installed on the second floor, in addition to single beds (for children) and a double bed (for a spouse and the protagonist of the game “Skyrim”).

The mod for improving the Ozernoye estate can add a room where the main character’s companions will live, adjusts the lighting of the entire estate, and also places three guards at the entrance to the estate.

Garden plot

Further improvement of the Ozyornoe estate (Skyrim) occurs in the form of arrangement of the surrounding areas using a workbench. Everything that can be built in the yard is in the “Miscellaneous” section.

It is possible to construct such elements as:

  • Front garden. The properties are intuitive from the name: you can grow vegetables and components for use on the alchemist's table.
  • Stable. There is a horse stall here. The horse can be purchased through the manager for the modest price of 1000 septims.
  • Corral. The housekeeper brings a cow and three chickens here. The cow produces milk, which appears in the kitchen cupboard, and the chickens lay eggs. The responsibilities are, in principle, intuitive.
  • Apiary, containing honeycombs and, in fact, the inhabitants - bees.
  • Installation possible tanning machine in the yard, as well smelters, blacksmith's workbench And whetstone. The purpose is no different from the same elements of any forge in the vastness of the province of Skyrim.

Improve the Ozernoye estate further? Easily!

A rich Dovahkiin will always find how to decorate his home with taste. And if there is no more space, you can build more. Three wings are attached to the main hall: northern, eastern and western. There are three types of construction for each of them - a total of nine variations.

The mod for the Ozernoye estate in Skyrim will also add fencing around the perimeter, adjust the lighting and color scheme of the environment, place an innkeeper on the estate, and also add mines for the extraction of corundum, iron, silver and gold.

East wing

  • Library. Used exclusively for storing books. Accordingly, only shelves for all kinds of tomes can be built here.
  • Kitchen. Includes a cooking pot. A lot of recipes for complex dishes can be found in the vastness of Skyrim or purchased from merchants.
  • Armory. When built, it provides the Dovahkiin with a number of weapon racks, mannequins and display cases.

North wing

  • Lumber room. There are safes and chests where you can put anything you want. Dovahkiin very often suffers from a mania for collecting and drags into his backpack what is poorly laid out, hoping that someday it will be useful. And if not, you can put everything in the pantry.
  • Alchemy laboratory. An expanded version of the small alchemy stand that is based in the dining room. It differs only in appearance, the functions are the same.
  • Trophy room. The most interesting option of the proposed ones. Of course, the interest is purely aesthetic - during breaks you can admire the stuffed dead creatures.

West wing

  • Enchanting laboratory. A similar story as with the alchemist's corner. Larger, aesthetically pleasing and atmospheric. Functionally, it is no different from the existing pentagram of souls.
  • Greenhouse. Another analogue. But this time it is an analogue of the front garden and functionally more advanced - fireflies, butterflies, bee nests and honeycombs appear here. And also many containers for storing anything.
  • Bedroom. The importance of this building is to make it convenient and comfortable for everyone to live in the estate. There should be as many beds as there are residents. Otherwise, someone will have to take turns sleeping.


The final touch is the arrangement of the dungeon. As a rule, the protagonist places here a forge with all the necessary components, as well as altars of nine deities, the images of which are found in the vastness of the province of Skyrim. The Ozernoye estate expansion mod also allows you to build a dungeon with prisoners or build a mycelium.

If the character is a vampire (TES: Dawnguard add-on), a coffin is installed in the basement.


Some features of the estate should be noted. For example, buildings such as the alchemist's and enchanter's laboratories and the library have the shape of turrets on both sides of the estate. The observation deck offers a gorgeous view of the area, and it is also very convenient to fight off bandits attacking the estate using a bow or magic.

Anyone can attack: from skeevers who have taken a fancy to the basement, to wolves who can show up at any time of the day and slaughter all the livestock.

Bandits also periodically visit the estate. They steal or kill livestock, kidnap a spouse, leaving behind a ransom letter. However, getting your beloved back is simple—killing everyone. Sometimes draugr, giants and even dragons attack.

In the event of a vampire invasion in the absence of the owner, all residents will turn into these bloodthirsty creatures.

Separately, it is worth noting that it is planned to erect not one estate, but three in the vastness of the Skyrim province. The Ozyornoe Estate house is just one of them. Dovahkiin can buy the Winstad estate, a place not far from Hjaalmarch. It is right next to the burial places of the ancient Nords, so draugr periodically running in to see the light is quite a common occurrence here. The Heljarken Hall estate is located on the border area between Whiterun and the White Coast. From here you can clearly see the Throat of the World and Dragon's Reach. There are no draugr here, but there are giants, famous for their ability to send the player into orbit around Tamriel with a single blow of their club.

Each estate has its own peculiarity. You can build an apiary in Lake Manor, a fish nursery in Winstad, and a grain mill in Heljarken Hall.

For some reason, among the children of Skyrim, Lake Estate enjoys greater sympathy. Apparently, they still prefer bees to fish and flour dust.

As already mentioned, there are nine options for building the north, east and west wings, but you can only choose three. If you want to build all nine, you will have to purchase all three plots of land.

It is better to appoint the most powerful and tenacious companion who can withstand attacks as a manager. Especially when it comes to vampires. Leaving Serana as a housekeeper (with the help of mods) is a little illogical, since this girl is most useful in battle as a companion.

There are also a lot of mods that allow you not only to improve the estate, but also to hire special managers who can also perform functions to protect Dovahkiin’s estate.

Despite the many limitations that were mentioned at the beginning, a personal estate remains a very useful addition to the game. Everyone will find something of their own here. For some, it is a source of raw materials for forging armor or a cornucopia of alchemical ingredients. And for some, it’s a source of unique screenshots a la “Dovahkiin on a chair” or “at the stove”, and if you try with mods, then in the arms of Serana.