School encyclopedia. The island state of Samoa. Photo of Samoa Where is the island of Samoa

The islands are of volcanic origin, mostly mountainous (up to 1858 m high). The climate is tropical, hot and humid, with frequent hurricane winds. The average annual temperature is 26°C, and precipitation averages 3000 mm per year. The slopes of the mountains are covered with tropical rainforests, among which there are valuable species with very hard wood, large-leaved myrtles with fragrant flowers, gigantic banyans, the crown of which reaches 100 m in diameter. On the tops of the highest mountains, lush forests give way to so-called misty small forests and mountain shrubs, and on the flat coasts, cultural landscapes with plantations of coconut palms, bananas, cocoa and other crops predominate.

Most of the islanders live in traditional huts called fale, which have an oval shape. There are no walls and the roof, made from coconut palm leaves or a ramp, rests on wooden pillars. The only city and main port of Western Samoa is the capital of the state of Apia (33 thousand inhabitants), located on the island of Upolu. The center of Apia is built up with one-story and two-story houses of the European type, over which church bell towers rise powerfully. The city has an observatory, three hotels, small businesses, offices of foreign companies, as well as government offices. On the outskirts of Apia is the estate of the famous English writer R. L. Stevenson.

Nature and climate

The islands of Western Samoa are the peaks of an underwater ridge of volcanic origin. On the island of Savaii there is an active volcano Matawanu, the last eruptions of which occurred in 1902 (strong) and 1911. The relief of the islands is mountainous. The most high peaks– Mount Silisili (1858 m) on Savaii Island and Fito (1100 m) on Upolu Island. The surface of these islands decreases from the central, most elevated areas to the periphery and in some places turns into coastal lowlands. The islands have many fast mountain rivers with significant hydroelectric potential. The shores are mostly rocky and rugged. The total length of the coastline is approx. 400 km. Coral reefs fringe Savaii Island from the northeast and east, and Upolu on all sides except the northeastern part.

The climate is tropical, hot and humid. Average daily temperature approx. 26°C, temperature fluctuations are small (average temperature in summer – 27°C, in winter – 25°C). Average annual precipitation ranges from 2500–3000 mm in the northwest of both large islands up to 5000–7000 mm in the central mountainous regions. The dry season lasts from May to October, and the rainy season from November to April. Tropical hurricanes often recur.

Volcanic soils are very fertile, especially on Upolu Island. Soil and climatic conditions are favorable for the development of agriculture, however, due to the dissected relief, only a quarter of the territory is used.

The flora of Samoa includes ca. 600 species, about a quarter of which are endemic. Forests cover 47% of the country's territory. A strip of mangrove forests stretches along the coasts. In many places they have been replaced by coconut palm plantations. The mountain slopes are covered with tropical rain forest. The lower parts of the slopes are dominated by trees up to 20 m high, in the ground layer there are ferns, the trees are entwined with vines and various epiphytes. On absolute altitude At 500–600 m, the tree layer reaches 25–29 m; tree ferns appear even higher in the mountains. In the central part of the islands the forests are wetter. Western Samoa has many valuable tree species, the wood of which is used by the population to build houses and boats. Banyan, nutmeg, bamboo, pandanus, and orchids are very common.

The fauna is extremely poor in mammals. The most common rats were brought by Europeans on ships. Chiropterans are characteristic. The avifauna includes 53 species, of which 16 are very rare (including the endemic Tooth-billed Pigeon). Reptiles include snakes and turtles. There are centipedes, scorpions and spiders. The insect fauna is richest, and the eastern part of the range of three groups of insects (mayflies, caddis flies and termites), widespread in Australia and New Guinea, is confined to these islands. The adjacent water area abounds in fish, crabs, octopuses; in deeper waters there are sharks, tuna, bonito, mackerel, etc.


Western Samoa is a beautiful corner of the Earth that has not yet been greatly affected by civilization. For this reason, the country's main treasures are its mountains, forests, beaches and picturesque villages. If we talk about man-made attractions, then the largest number of them are concentrated in the capital of Apia on the island of Upolu. For example, in its western part there is the old ceremonial capital Mulinuu. The most interesting buildings in this area are the old observatory and the House of Parliament. In the central part of Apia, the most interesting is the memorial Clock Tower. There are also old colonial buildings scattered throughout the city, among which the most colorful is the courthouse, within the walls of which the Historical Museum is located. In addition, many churches were built in the capital and its suburbs: the Catholic Church, the Apia Samoa Temple complex, the Congregationalist Church, etc. Just 4 km from the center of the capital, on the outskirts of Vailima, is the estate of the writer R.L. Stevenson, and next to her is his tombstone.

There are others on the island of Upolu interesting places. Thus, in its northern part there are the picturesque Falefa waterfalls, the Uafato forest reserve and Lake Lanotoo, next to which stands the Bahai Temple. On the southeast coast, the most interesting cascade of five-meter waterfalls is Papassea Sliding Rock. Well, the main attractions of the south coast are the O-Le-Pupu-Pue National Park and Paradise Beach.

The island of Savaii is a virtually untouched place. Its main attractions are the Peapea and Paia Dwarfs lava caves, the ritual mound near Cape Mulinuu, the Alofaaga volcanic cavern, the Tia Seu mound, the ancient village of Fagaloa, the Falealupo lava tubes and Satiuatua beach with a colorful church. Also worth mentioning is Manono Island, the main historical monuments of which are the “Star Mound” and the “Tomb of 99 Stones” mound.


The national cuisine of Samoa is distinguished by not too spicy dishes, consisting of individual components, which are served separately and mixed directly during the meal. Here you can also try dishes that are cooked in umu earthen ovens. Some of the most important components of the local menu are coconut, sweet potato, vegetables and root vegetables, grains, fresh fruits and seafood. Among fish dishes, the main place is occupied by oka, which is finely chopped and specially marinated fish, which is then heat-treated or eaten raw. Similar recipes are used to prepare faiai-eleni (herring in coconut milk), faiai-fee (octopus in coconut milk) and other seafood (clams, shark meat, crustaceans, sea snakes, etc.).

In restaurants, some of the most popular dishes include palusami (pickled taro leaves used to wrap fillings), taisi-moa (fried chicken in banana leaves), supoesi (coconut milk and papaya soup), fia-fia (a mixture of meat and vegetables , umu-roasted), lupe-tunuwiliwili (roasted pigeon) and puaa-tunuwiliwili (umu-roasted pork). All dishes are served with soy sauce, tapa and breadfruit.

For dessert, local restaurants offer fruits, fausi (a dish made from coconut milk and baked pumpkin), coco arasa (cocoa with rice) and a variety of flour products.

The most common drinks include nui (the juice of the green coconut fruit), kawa (an unusual drink made from the yangona root) and strong cocoa, as well as local sodas. Alcoholic drinks in the country are mainly imported, and Vailima beer is the most popular among locals.


Today, tourism in Western Samoa is just developing, so the choice of hotels here is not yet very large. At the same time, Samoa is one of the cheapest countries in the South Pacific region. For this reason, the cost of hotel stays high level here it starts from $130–150 per night. In mid-price establishments you can count on $50 per day, and in motels and small private boarding houses - $35–40. In addition, many rural communities offer home rentals with full meals. In case of such accommodation, the cost of living will be only $20 per day.

Most of the hotels are located on the island of Upolu; on the island of Savaii their choice is much lower.

Entertainment and relaxation

Samoa's rich nature makes it a great place to active rest and traveling on foot. The best way to explore the islands is by boat or canoe. Bicycle rides are also quite popular among tourists, especially around the picturesque island of Savaii. The islands also have many beautiful beaches that are suitable for both a simple beach holiday and snorkeling, and in some places even for exploring the underwater world. Best places dive sites are located near the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve and Maninoa Beach (Upolu Island).

Surfing in Samoa is quite a difficult task, since many suitable places are replete with unstable currents and reefs. However, there are now resorts on the islands that specialize in wave play (Maninoa Beach, Ananoa Beach, Salouafata Harbor and Samoana). Fishing in Samoa is quite accessible, but expensive. The fact is that local residents often view sports fishermen as their direct competitors. For this reason, tribal leaders charge tourists quite large sums for harmless fishing.

An interesting way to spend time could be to participate in one of the local holidays and festivals. Among them, the largest is the week-long Teuila festival, which takes place in early September. The event includes competitions of dance groups and choirs, traditional dances, kirikiti competitions, fautasi boat races and a Flower Parade. Among other events, the most interesting are:

  • International fishing tournament
  • Argungu Fishing and Cultural Festival,
  • South Pacific Games (rowing),
  • Birthday of Tanumafili II Malietoa,
  • International rugby competitions and a celebration in honor of the Palolo turtles.


Samoa's largest shopping establishments are located in Apia - this is the large Flea Market and two supermarkets (Frankie and Farmer Joe). You can find almost any product on the market - from cheap electronics to jewelry. In supermarkets, the choice of goods is slightly smaller, but their quality is better. In general, almost every city and town in the country has its own market, where you can find very interesting souvenirs and simply make useful purchases. The most common items tourists purchase are bags and baskets made from ramp fibers, exquisite fabrics made from paper mulberry bark, wooden weapons, model canoes, wooden bowls, avocado oil and local honey. Local crafts, such as wicker fans, small figurines, vases, etc., are in particular demand. Women are advised to pay attention to original jewelry made from coconut shells, as well as amazing precious shells. The rugs woven by local craftsmen are also amazing. Their amazing pictures and bizarre ornaments conceal a piece of Samoan culture.

Most retail establishments are open from 08:00 to 16:30, and on Saturdays until 12:30, although many private shops have their own opening hours. On Sundays all shops are closed.


Apia is home to the country's largest port, through which Samoa maintains regular maritime connections with New Zealand, Great Britain and Fiji. Less significant ports are located at Asau, Saleologa and Mulifanua. There are regular ferry services between the islands of Savai'i and Upolu, as well as with the island of Pago Pago, which belongs to American Samoa. The international airport is located in Faleolo, 34 km from the capital.

Samoa has more than two thousand kilometers of roads, mostly rural. The main mode of intercity and urban transport is old buses with wooden seats. In addition, they run extremely irregularly. For example, if the driver feels tired or decides to play rugby with friends, then the bus will no longer operate. There are no stopping points. In order for the driver to stop, you need to vote. Well, in order to get out, it is customary here to knock loudly on the roof. It must be borne in mind that Samoan buses have their own seating order for passengers. According to it, unmarried girls must sit together, and foreigners and elderly people must sit at the front of the bus. If the bus is full, locals sit on each other's laps.

Taxis are available in the capital and major towns; car rental is only available to people over 25 years of age.


The islands have a completely modern telephone system, which is developing rapidly. Pay phones are installed in all major settlements. They work using prepaid cards, which are sold in stores, post offices and kiosks. You can also make a call from most hotels, although the cost will be 15–20% more expensive.

Mobile communications in Samoa have an analogue system (TDMA): only phones that support this standard can be used here. If necessary, such a phone can be rented at the offices of cellular companies. The coverage area mainly covers the capital, as well as nearby areas. At the moment, a system of repeaters is being built, which allows for high-quality communication between all points of the country.

Network services on the islands are developing rapidly, so there are Internet cafes in the capital and other localities of the country. Local mobile operators support WAP and GPRS.


Samoa is considered one of the most tranquil places in the region. The crime rate on these islands is extremely low, so there will be no problems with personal safety here. Still, it is not recommended to neglect simple precautions. Women traveling alone should be prepared for increased attention from local men. As a rule, it is expressed in various verbal comments, but some caution obviously does not hurt.

Tap water in populated areas is chlorinated and therefore safe for consumption. Although during the first week of your stay, we recommend using bottled or boiled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

Before traveling to Samoa, vaccination against hepatitis B, cholera, typhoid, polio and Japanese encephalitis is recommended. In addition, outbreaks of tropical fever, carried by mosquitoes, sometimes occur on the islands. For this reason, it is worth bringing insect repellents with you.

Business climate

Samoa's financial system is almost completely integrated into the world economy, and the country's stable financial, economic and political structure attracts investors here, and their activities are encouraged by the government. In general, government policy is aimed at turning Samoa into a powerful offshore center in the Pacific region. Today, light industry is very developed here. A promising industry, of course, is the hotel business and the tourism sector in general.

On the islands, most of the land, including the coast, is communal property, the rights to which belong to families or villages. Rural communities view their shores as a protected area and therefore monitor them very jealously. This means that you will need to pay $1–3 for swimming on a stretch of coastline you like. There is no point in bargaining and sparing this money, as it goes towards the needs of medicine or community education. Additionally, some communities prohibit sailing on Sundays and charge surfers and windsurfers a small daily fee ($1-$1.50). The money goes to support the local school education program.

Visa information

A Samoan visa is issued directly upon crossing the border. To obtain it, you will need tickets and a passport, which is valid for 6 months after departure from Samoa. Sometimes customs officials ask you to show evidence of sufficient finances for the duration of your stay in a given country.

A visa is issued at the border for 30 days, but if necessary it can be extended for 60 days. To do this, you must contact the Immigration Office in Apia and present your passport, tickets, proof of sufficient financial resources, reasons for extending your stay, hotel reservation or confirmation of another method of accommodation, and pay a fee (about $45).


The traditional Samoan way of life (called faa Samoa) remains an important component of Samoan life and politics. Having been exposed to European influence for centuries, the Samoans nevertheless maintained their historical traditions, preserved social and political structure, your own language.

Samoan culture is based on the principle of walealoai - a specific system of relationships between people. This relationship is based on respect (faaaloalo). When Christianity was brought to Samoa by missionaries, most of the population accepted it. Currently, 98% of the population identifies as Christian. The remaining 2% either identify themselves as non-religious or belong to other faiths.

Most Samoans live in traditional oval huts (fales). The roof is made from pandanus or coconut palm leaves and rests on wooden pillars. There are no walls, but at night and in bad weather, the openings between the pillars are covered with mats, which are rolled up and stored under the roof (along its perimeter). The floor is laid out with smooth large pebbles. Nowadays there are fales with an iron roof.

The main socio-economic unit of Samoan society is the community (ainga), which consists of three to four generations of immediate male relatives, women who came into the community by marriage, and persons included in it as a result of adoption. Members of the aingi (on average 40-50 people) jointly own the land and jointly perform all labor-intensive work.

Like many other Polynesian islands, Samoans have two types of tattoos for different genders. Tattoos for men are called tatau and consist of complex geometric designs placed from the knees to the ribs. A man with such a tattoo is called a sogaimichi. Samoan girls (teine) are given a mala that extends from just below the knees to the top of the thighs.

Traditional female Samoan dance - siwa. This dance is similar to the Hawaiian hula - the dancers “tell” their “story” with smooth movements of their arms and legs to the beat of the music. Male Samoan dances are more aggressive and energetic. Sasa is a male Samoan dance in which rows of dancers perform quick synchronized movements to the beat of drums or rolled mats. Its name is translated from Samoan as “slap” because it involves slapping different parts of the body.


According to archaeological data, the settlement of Samoa occurred more than 2,500 years ago. The first European to visit Samoa Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeveen in 1722. In 1768, the expedition of the French navigator L.A. Bougainville visited the coast of Samoa, and in 1787 - the expedition of J.F. La Perouse, who determined the coordinates of many islands of the archipelago. Close connections with the outside world were established with the arrival of English missionaries on the islands in 1830. In 1839, an American expedition led by Charles Wilkes worked in Samoa, which included detailed description flora and fauna of the islands. From the second half of the 19th century. The confrontation between the USA, Germany and Great Britain for dominance over Samoa intensified. The contradictions were resolved in 1900, when at the conference of the three powers in Berlin the archipelago was divided along 171° W. into two parts. The US annexed Eastern Samoa, and Germany annexed Western Samoa. On August 29, 1914, New Zealand occupied German possessions, and on May 1, 1929 received a League of Nations mandate to administer them.

The activities of the New Zealand administration were aimed at developing export sectors of the economy, improving healthcare and education systems. After World War II, Western Samoa became first a mandate territory of New Zealand, and from 1946 a UN trust territory under the administration of New Zealand. The Legislative Assembly was established in 1947, and a draft constitution was adopted in 1959. At the same time, a government (cabinet of ministers) was created, headed by a Samoan. On January 1, 1962, Western Samoa became the first independent state in Oceania.

Since July 1997, the country received a new name - Independent state Samoa. Samoa is part of the Commonwealth, led by Great Britain.

The last parliamentary elections took place on March 4, 2001. 23 deputies from the Human Rights Party, 13 from the National Development Party of Samoa, and 13 independent deputies were elected to the Legislative Assembly.

The country has a national Broadcasting Service and a Television Corporation. The monthly government publication Savali (founded in 1904) and the Samoa Observer newspaper are published in Samoan and English, as well as in English language– the daily newspaper Samoa News and the weekly Samoa Weekly.


The country has a constitution that came into force on January 1, 1962 (when the independence of Western Samoa was proclaimed), as amended in July 1997. Initially, the country was led by two leaders - representatives of large family communities, who had previously held supreme power on the islands for a long time. After the death of one of them, Tupua Tumasese, Malietoa Tanumafili II became head of state for life from April 5, 1963 (according to the updated constitution, after his death the head of state will be elected by the Legislative Assembly for a term of five years). Executive power in the country is exercised by the government headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the head of state and approved by the Legislative Assembly (Fono). It consists of 49 deputies, who have been elected by universal suffrage since 1991. All residents of the country who have reached the age of 21 have the right to vote.

The judicial system consists of magistrates' courts, which hear civil and criminal cases, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. These courts operate in accordance with British law and taking into account Samoan customs. Minor offenses are under the jurisdiction of chiefs and family communities based on customary law.

In 1970 Western Samoa joined the Commonwealth, led by Great Britain. Since 1976 – member of the UN. Traditionally, close ties are maintained with New Zealand. Since July 1997 the country has been called Samoa.


Samoa's economy has traditionally depended on humanitarian aid, private remittances from foreign countries and agricultural exports. IN agriculture employing two-thirds of the country's workforce, the industry produces 90% of the country's exports, including cream of coconut, coconut oil, noni (noni fruit juice), bananas, copra, etc.

The country's gross domestic product (GDP) (at purchasing power parity) in 2006 was US$1.218 billion. According to 2004 data, the manufacturing sector is the main component of GDP (58.4%), followed by the services sector (30.2%), agriculture (11.4%). Samoa's working population is estimated at 90,000.

65% of the amateur population is employed in agriculture, 30% in the service sector, and 5% in industry. The main crops are coconut palm, cocoa tree, taro, yam, breadfruit tree and bananas. Livestock farming plays a supporting role. Cattle, pigs and poultry are raised to meet domestic needs. Most crops are grown on communal lands, but some produce (especially copra and cocoa beans) is supplied by large plantation farms.

Industrial production is reduced mainly to the processing of agricultural raw materials and fish, the production of clothing, shoes, souvenirs, tobacco products, food products, and beer. There is a wood processing plant and a soap factory. Hydroelectric power plants and diesel power plants produce approx. 65 million kW of electricity, which meets internal needs.

The value of imports significantly exceeds exports. Samoa imports mainly cotton clothing, cars, equipment, and food. In the structure of exports, agricultural products account for approx. 90%. The main exports - copra, coconut oil, cocoa beans, bananas, fish - are sent mainly to New Zealand, Australia, USA and Germany. Imports come from New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Fiji and the USA.

Tourism is developing in the country. In 1996, it was visited by more than 70 thousand foreign tourists.

Regular maritime connections are maintained between Apia ( largest port countries) and New Zealand, Fiji and the UK. Less significant port facilities were built in Asau, Mulifanua, Saleologa. The total length of roads is 790 km, of which paved roads are approx. 330 km. In the vicinity of Apia there is a international Airport Faleolo, there are two airports for domestic traffic.

Since 1967, the official currency is the tala (Samoan dollar), equal to 100 sene.

Where is Samoa located on the world map. Detailed map of Samoa in Russian online. Satellite map Samoa with cities and resorts. Samoa on the world map is a state located in the Pacific Ocean, in its southwestern part on the archipelago of the same name between New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands.

The country is characterized by exotic virgin nature, beautiful landscapes and lush vegetation. The capital is the city of Apia. The official languages ​​are English and Samoan.

Map of Samoa in Russian:

Samoa - Wikipedia:

Population of Samoa- 190,372 people (2013)
Capital of Samoa- Apia
Samoa dialing code - 685
Internet domains Samoa- .ws
Languages ​​used in Samoa- Samoan language, English language

Climate in a country depends on the region. Thus, in western Samoa, a tropical humid climate zone prevails, where on average the air temperature remains within +25...+27 C. In other regions, it is at most a little cooler, due to more precipitation and strong winds. There are two seasons - wet (rainy season) and hot dry.

Although Samoa– is considered an exotic country and more suitable for relaxation; there is something to see here. First of all, tourists will be interested in the island of Upolu, where the center of Polynesian art is located, Paradise Beach, the Stevenson Museum and the Samoan Village Museum, where you can get acquainted with the national culture of the Samoans, as well as Papasea Rock, which is a five-meter descent leading to a forest lake. There are also many other interesting structures in Samoa. For example, churches that are located near the capital. The largest of the churches is Catholic, located on the coast.

Tourism in Samoa is actively developing. Samoa Islands considered one of the best places for diving and beach holidays. The best beaches and resort are located on the southern coast of Upolu: Aganoa, Matareva, Salamuma and others. Diving enthusiasts also come here, as southern shores There are beautiful coral reefs. The western coast of the state is an excellent place for active recreation. Tourists have the opportunity to go boating or canoeing, cycling and much more.

General information

Official name - Independent State of Samoa. An island state in the South Pacific Ocean, occupying the western part of the archipelago of the same name. The area is 2,832 km2. Population - 188,540 people. (as of 2008). Official language- English, Samoan. The capital is Apia. The monetary unit is tala.

The state consists of two large islands - Savaii and Upolu, two small ones - Manono and Apolima and several other small islands.

Samoa has a humid tropical climate. The average annual temperature is +26°C, its fluctuations do not exceed 2°C. The year can be divided into two seasons: a wet one, from November to April, and a drier one, from May to October, during which time the southeast trade winds are present on the islands. On the plains the average annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm, at altitude - 5000-7000 mm. The country is often affected by tropical cyclones.


Residents of the Samoan islands celebrate the New Year among the last on our planet: near the borders of the state there is a conventional line of changing calendar dates, numbers, days of the week, months, years...

This line on the globe runs along the meridian of longitude 180° from Greenwich, between Asia and America along the Pacific Ocean, bypassing the land. Samoans are proud of their role as guardians of the “gates of time,” albeit conditional ones. But they also have grounds for unconditionally high self-esteem. Most ethnographers in the world believe that it is this small archipelago, the very core around which the entire Polynesian culture grew: myths, customs, traditions, way of life, ideas about beauty.

Archaeologists date traces of the first human settlements on the islands of Upolu, Apolima, Savaii and Manono to two to two and a half thousand years. However, other scientists believe that these were not the ancestors of the current Samoans, but some other Austronesian tribes. Their real ancestors came in the 5th century. from the Bismarck Islands in Western Melanesia, and these were representatives of the Lapita culture. However, there is very little reliable information about the life of the Samoan archipelago before the arrival of Europeans; archaeological excavations here were carried out only sporadically and not widely. But if we take the legends and traditions of Samoa as the source of information, and (with reservations, of course), then according to them it turns out, and here all the legends agree with each other, that it was the Samoans who were distinguished among all Polynesians by their special belligerence. As many historical examples confirm, it is on the shoulders of victorious warriors that customs and traditions often come to the lands they conquered, in this case to the nearby Pacific islands and atolls. In this regard, linguistic versions of the origin of the name Samoa are also interesting. According to one of them, “Samoa” is an abbreviation of Sa-ia-Moa (“sacred to Moa”), and Moa was the son of the god of the universe Tagaloa. According to another version, more common among the islanders themselves, Samoa is something other than the “sacred center of the universe.” In fact, in the Samoan language one of the meanings of the word "moa" is "center". It is also translated as... “chicken” (more precisely, one of the local species of this poultry on some islands). But what does chicken have to do with it? And besides, the Samoans answer that where there is a chicken, there is a house. It is truth too.

XVII century provides more accurate evidence regarding the role of Samoa in Polynesia. By this time, the archipelago, the geographical center of Polynesia, became a busy crossroads of trade and commodity exchange in the region. From time to time, merchant seafarers from more distant countries began to drop by the port of Apia. The discoverer of the islands among Europeans, however, is not a merchant, but a Dutch traveler, Jacob Roggeveen (1722). The Frenchman Louis Antoine de Bougainville, who arrived here in 1768, dubbed the archipelago the Islands of the Seafarers. His more famous compatriot, Jean-François La Perouse (1741-1788), also visited here. They were all surprised by how the seemingly wild islanders lived: they were clean, practical, and their handicrafts were simply excellent - both beautiful and durable.

In 1830, English missionary preachers John Williams and James Harris landed in Samoa. The Samoans greeted the reverend fathers friendly and were baptized willingly and in large groups. This was unexpected: the missionaries met with a completely different reception on other islands of the Pacific Ocean; let us clarify that both of them were eaten by cannibals in 1839 on the island of Eromanga in the New Hebrides archipelago (). It is believed that the Samoans were so loyal because in myths their gods always told them: the day will come when a new faith will come to you, which must be accepted with humility. And so it happened. And Samoa began to be called the “Bible Belt of the Pacific” in the world.

And they looked at Samoa not at all as an outpost of Christianity in Oceania, but as a stronghold for their future influence in the region. On March 16, 1899, ships from all three countries entered Apia harbor almost simultaneously. And here you can’t imagine it on purpose - the elements intervened in the plans of the colonialists: under the blows of an unexpectedly powerful typhoon, only the British frigate Calliope survived. Well, the Americans and Germans said cynically but quickly: you, gentlemen, have no losses, therefore you do not need any compensation. For some reason the British did not object. Thus, the Samoan islands were divided between Germany and the United States. Their western part, now the Independent State of Samoa, went to Germany, and the eastern part, now American Samoa, to the USA (an unorganized territory not part of the country). With the outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918), Germany had no time for Samoa, and in 1914 it occupied former German Samoa, then, in 1920, with the sanction of the League of Nations, it made Western Samoa its protectorate. In 1961, the UN, being the legal successor of the League of Nations, terminated this mandate. On January 1, 1962, Western Samoa became an independent state; since 1997, this is not only the status, but also the name - the Independent State of Samoa. And not a kingdom at all, despite the fact that its first person is the monarch. This is where the uniqueness of the state and social system of Samoa begins, which at first glance is quite chaotic. But this is not at all the case; on the contrary, it is very slender, because it is based on local unshakable traditions.

Sights of Samoa

Apia - beautiful city, which is the capital of Samoa. One of the most famous attractions of Apia is old catholic church, which was built in the western area of ​​the capital of Samoa. This church is a truly majestic building, it makes people come to it, look at it, admire it. The height of the church is approximately ninety meters. Tourists are also attracted by its cladding - Gothic columns and vaults, as well as stucco, which during the entire existence of the church was restored only five or six times! Tourists also like the large windows of this church, the dimensions of which are so large that two adults can stand there at full height if they are placed on top of each other.

Another attraction is Christian church, in which rests the relics of John Williams, a reverend and missionary who was one of the first to come to the islands. The Christian church is also very beautiful, but, alas, photography is prohibited both outside and inside. But you can buy photographs with her image in any store that sells souvenirs.

On the main island of the archipelago - Upolu, you can visit the Stevenson Museum, the Center for Traditional Polynesian Art, the Samoan Village Museum, Paradise Beach, scuba diving, take part in ocean fishing or get to know the nature of the interior of the island.

On the outskirts of Apia - Wallima(4 km along Beach Road) is the estate of the famous English writer R. L. Stevenson. Lying at the rear of the estate, the tombstone of the famous writer seems to look out over the town, the snow-white edge of the reef and the distant horizon. After the writer's death, the islanders worked 24 hours non-stop to cut a path to the top of the hill so that the body of their beloved "tusital" ("storyteller", as they respectfully called Stevenson) could be buried the next day with full ceremonial honors. Stevenson's elegy is engraved on the tombstone, his favorite two lines: "The sailor's home is in the sea. And the hunter's home is in the hills."

Papassea Sliding Rock(“Papassea Moving the Rock”) - five-meter waterfalls cascading directly into a common reservoir, lost along the banks in the intricacy of the jungle.

Savai'i Island- one of the largest islands in Polynesia, but also one of the least populated. It is an unspoiled and ancient island that has undergone few Western influences, and the people of Savai'i have maintained a way of life that is even more traditional than that of Upolu. There are a huge number of first-class beaches that are good for swimming and are considered the most perfect for snorkeling and other underwater sports.

Reserve " Tafua Rainforest" - one of the most beautiful and accessible reserves tropical forest, located on a stretch of coastline with lava fields, caves and grottoes. The local lava fields, Matawanu, were formed when the volcano erupted lava almost continuously for nearly six years in the early 1900s. Now they represent an impressive lunar landscape, and a walk around the volcano's crater is one of the most attractive excursions on the islands, and here you can take a couple of lava souvenirs with you as a souvenir.

Another tropical forest reserve on Savai'i - Falealupo, has a unique natural object - a green canopy over a gallery passage between majestic banyan trees, woven from thousands of tree branches.

Samoan cuisine

In the national cuisine of Samoa, seafood is mainly used, and very often raw, with the addition of salt and spices. The main place is occupied by "oka" - a collective image of the method of preparing raw fish, during which it is finely chopped, marinated in a mixture of lemon juice, coconut milk, salt and onions, and only then subjected to further processing or simply consumed almost raw ("oka- ia"). Other seafood is prepared in the same way - various shellfish, crustaceans, sea snakes, shark meat and even, perhaps, the most exotic delicacy of the islands - “si”, which is a specially processed sea cucumber.

Many dishes are prepared in "umu" - earthen ovens.

A special place in the dishes is occupied by coconuts, taro, sweet potatoes, vegetables, rice, millet, and fruits. Popular seafood items include shellfish, crustaceans, sea snakes, sharks, and sea cucumber.

Meat was traditionally considered a purely festive dish, and the daily diet of the islanders included only pork and various poultry products, although recently this picture has noticeably changed towards an increase in the range of various meat dishes.

The dishes are served with soy sauce, coconut milk and onion sauce, breadfruit, and herbs.

Among the famous local dishes, it is worth noting “luau”, or “palusami” (colocasia leaves processed like “oka”, in which various fillings are wrapped and then simmered in “umu”), “taisi-moa” (chicken fried in banana leaves), "moa-tunupau" (charcoal-grilled chicken), "supoesi" (papaya and coconut milk soup), "supasui" (the Samoan version of "suey", which is beef marinated in soy sauce with ginger, garlic and onions, then boiled with vermicelli and a lot of soy sauce), traditional “fia-fia” (a mixture of various meat products and vegetables fried in “umu”), “sua-arasa” (rice soup), “povi-masima” (regular corned beef) , “lupe-tunuwilivili” (fried wild pigeon), and, of course, the traditional island dish “puaa-tunuwilivili” (fried pork, a type of “puaa-tuna” - a whole pig fried in “umu”).

Drinks they prefer are coconut juice, cocoa, and kava. “Kava” is a non-alcoholic drink, rich in flavonoids, previously prepared according to a special recipe from the root of yangona (kava) - a shrubby plant from the pepper genus (botanical name - piper methysticum): simply chewed the roots of kava and left them in water to infuse

Samoa on the map

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» » Samoa - capital Apia

Apia! Capital of Western Samoa crossword puzzle city of 4 letters!

Lonely Planet guides know about 25 synonyms marvelous, but when describing capitals they use only one word: vibrant.

In Apia, the country's only city and capital, the country's only real McDonald's is advertised in tourist brochures with the slogan Taste a bit of home in paradise. In the background: outdoor advertising of Polynesian Blue, an airline of one aircraft, one of the companies of the group Virgin Branson, demonstrates a metaphor for serious power: “tattooed” engines.

Compare with the tattooed shoulders of the bad guys:

Readers of my blog think that the bad guy has a “forearm” tattoo, when in fact, this part of the arm is called, naturally, shoulder, A forearm- part of the arm between the elbow and wrist:







Apia mon amour!

There is even constructivism in Apia:

When you read about Oceania while sitting in Moscow, it seems that a typical oceanic capital is a cool, cheerful city with a lot of colonial architecture. The reality of what is in Apia is disappointing: little has been preserved from the best times.

Apia, like Moscow, grew, absorbing the surrounding villages. Districts of the city are still called by the names of these villages, and, most importantly, they have retained village self-government and communal ownership of land with everyone phono, matai, aliyah, pulenuu And tulafale(). However, Apia is unique in that part of the land here is traded on the free market, so Apia is a kind of Samoan Skolkovo, where Western-style businesses are developed.

This - main square Apia. In a six-story building with a symbolic fale on the roof is the government house.

Samoa is a rare example of a Polynesian country where there are TWO mobile operators (Digicel, Gomobile). Digicel, the only one with which Beeline roams, according to the ancient Polynesian tradition, does not know how to transfer data.

Landline telephone numbers - 5-digit:

The cars, as in Moscow, are decorated with hair and plush gambling dice:

Samoa is a rare example of a country these days (2009) that has switched from driving on the right (like ours) to driving on the left (like in England): to make it more convenient to use used cars from New Zealand. Therefore, all lanes are neatly marked with arrows in the direction of travel, and the drivers themselves still seem to be a little confused: at least outside the city, it is customary to drive not in your own lane, but in the center lane. They write that the innovation caused popular unrest: and not surprisingly, the ratio of right-hand drive and left-hand drive cars in the country is exactly 1:1.

Another reform is being prepared in Samoa: on December 31, 2011, the country will move the clock forward one day, and from GMT-11 will become GMT+13 (or GMT+14?), in order to move from yesterday, where, to tomorrow, where.

Speed ​​limits are written directly in mph and km/h: so that if a used car is imported from the USA, it will also be convenient to drive.

There are so many children, classes and schools in Apia that the color combinations of shirts and skirts are no longer enough to identify parallels and special stripes have to be invented:

What this country needs most is

Have you decided to organize a holiday in Samoa? Looking for the best Samoa hotels, last minute tours, resorts and last minute deals? Interested in the weather in Samoa, prices, cost of travel, is a visa needed for Samoa and would it be useful? detailed map? Would you like to see what Samoa looks like in photos and videos? What excursions and attractions are there in Samoa? What are the stars and reviews of hotels in Samoa?

The Independent State of Samoa is an island state in the South Pacific Ocean, occupying the western part of the archipelago of the same name. It consists of two large islands - Savaii and Upolu, two small ones - Manono and Apolima and five uninhabited islets.

The islands of the archipelago are the peaks of an underwater ridge of volcanic origin. The relief of the islands is mountainous. On about. Savaii has an active volcano, Matawanu. The highest peaks are Mount Silisili (1858 m) on the island. Savaii and Fito (1100 m) on the island. Upolu. The surface of these islands decreases from the central, most elevated areas to the periphery and in some places turns into coastal lowlands. There are many fast mountain rivers on the islands. The shores are mostly rocky and rugged.

Samoa Airport

Apia Faleolo International Airport

Hotels Samoa 1 - 5 stars

Samoa weather

The climate is tropical, hot and humid. Average daily temperature approx. 26°C, temperature fluctuations are small (average temperature in summer - 27°C, in winter - 25°C).

Average annual precipitation ranges from 2500–3000 mm in the northwest of both major islands to 5000–7000 mm in the central highlands. The dry season lasts from May to October, and the rainy season from November to April. Tropical hurricanes often recur.

Samoan language

Official language: Samoan, English

Samoan belongs to the Eastern Austronesian group of the Austronesian language family. Samoan writing is based on the Latin script.

Currency of Samoa

International name: WST

Tala consists of 100 sene. In circulation there are coins in denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 sen and 1 tala, banknotes in denominations: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 tala.

You can exchange currency at any branch of ANZ Bank Samoa Ltd, National Bank of Samoa, Samoa Commercial Bank or Westpac, as well as at specialized exchange offices and hotels.

Most hotels accept payment credit cards the world's leading payment systems, in other places it is somewhat difficult to use them - everywhere outside the capital, preference is given to cash. There are very few ATMs. Travel checks can be cashed at most major hotels, banks and travel agencies.

Customs restrictions

Transit of currency is free. Jewelry is declared.

It is not allowed to import products made from coral, sea turtle shell, feathers and skins of tropical birds and animals, objects found at the bottom of the sea, artistic and culturally valuable items, not canned meat products - without special permission. It is prohibited to import and export: drugs and drug-containing medicines, weapons and toxic chemicals.

Mains voltage


Tipping is not accepted and is not particularly encouraged, and bargaining will not be understood either. According to Polynesian tradition, tips are a gift and must be given, so almost all establishments do not have them at all.


Normal store opening hours are from Monday to Friday, from 08.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 16.30, on Saturdays - from 08.00 to 12.30, however, many private shops operate according to their own schedule.

Flat government tax (VAGST, 12.5%) is applied to the price hotel rooms, many types of food or drink and is usually included in the price of the product or service.

Office hours

Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 09.00 to 15.00, some banks are open on Saturdays, from 09.00 to 12.00, and even a little longer (although they usually do not work with private clients at this time).


Women traveling alone should expect increased attention from local men. This is usually expressed in various verbal comments and rarely turns into threatening forms.

Code of the country: +685

Geographical Domain name first


Vaccination against cholera, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, typhus and polio is recommended, as well as special precautions against filariasis and elephantiasis. There are no carriers of malaria on the islands, but there are irregular outbreaks of tropical fever, carried by mosquitoes.

Emergency numbers

Unified rescue service (fire service, police and ambulance) - 999.
Ambulance - 996.
Fire service - 994.
Police - 995.
Motootua Hospital (Apia, Upolu) - (+685) 21-212.
District Hospital (Tuasivi, Savaii) - (+685) 53-511.