Serbia winter holidays thermal springs. Thermal resorts of Serbia. Food and wine tours

The Vrnjacka Banja resort is focused on the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, gall bladder, pancreas, diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, as well as post-hepatitis conditions. The resort has both warm and cold mineral springs.

The resort is located 200 km from Belgrade. In addition to its healing baths, this area is locally famous for its medieval monuments. For example, the first palace of the Serbian archdiocese of Zica (XIII century) and the monasteries of Studenica and Sopocani (XII century).


The comfortable water resort Prolom Banya is located in the southeast of Serbia near the town of Kuršumlija. Prolom Banya is known for its bottled water of the same name, which cleanses the kidneys.

Prolom Banya is located on the slopes volcanic mountain Radan away from highways. In the east and in the center of the village there are two warm thermal springs. The water in them is characterized by low mineralization and high alkalinity.

The mud around the spring is used to treat skin diseases.


Soko Banja is located in the basin of the same name among low mountains - in the central part of southeastern Serbia. Local springs treat asthma, psychoneurosis and radiculitis. Besides large quantity thermomineral springs Soko Banya is known for its specific microclimate, favorable for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

The resort is located 230 km from Belgrade. On the site of the current Turkish bath (hamam), the remains of Roman baths were discovered, the first mention of which dates back to 1663.

Many valuable cultural and historical monuments have been preserved in Soko Ban: medieval fortress Soko-Grad, Turkish bath (hamam) of the 15th century, Ethno-corner, “Grudonskie mills”, churches of the Holy Transfiguration, Birth of the Holy Virgin, Assumption of the Holy Virgin, St. Elijah, Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel...


Matarushka Banya is a famous balneological resort 8 km from Kraljevo, in the mountain valley of the Ibar River. The resort practices treatment of the consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system; chronic female diseases; metabolic disorders; chronic intoxication with heavy metals.

In addition to balneotherapy, the resort practices mud therapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massages, and diet therapy.

The water in the local springs, which opened in 1898, is of the type of low-mineralized hydrocarbonate-chloride-magnesium-sodium siliceous thermal springs. Used for drinking, bathing and other balneological procedures.

The climate is mild, with moderately hot summers and warm winter. There are baths and a good beach on the river.


Lukovska Banja is one of the most powerful health resorts Serbia. The main profile is the treatment of inflammatory rheumatism, degenerative rheumatism, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, dyscarthrosis, lumbosacral radiculitis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis of small joints of the hand and feet, osteoporosis, gout, gynecological diseases.

The resort is located in the south of Serbia, on the eastern slopes of Mount Kopaonik.


Vranjska Banja is a famous balneological resort in the south of Serbia, near the city of Vranja. The resort specializes in treating the consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system; chronic female diseases; diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract; secondary anemia and convalescent states.

Vranjska Banja is located in a beautiful foothill area on the banks of the Banishtitsa river. Local mineral springs are siliceous, weakly mineralized alkaline thermal springs of the hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium type. Some of them contain small amounts of hydrogen sulfide and iron.

The water temperature in all sources exceeds 50°C, and in some reaches 92°C.

The sources of Vranskaya-Bani are analogues of the Tashkent and Annen ones mineral waters and are very similar to the hyperthermal springs of Kuldur.

The mineral waters of Vranjska Banja are used for bathing, drinking and all kinds of procedures.


Bukovichka Banya specializes in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, musculoskeletal system and stomach. The resort complex includes a clinic that treats internal diseases and diabetes using mineral water and clay.

Even two hundred years ago, healing mineral water from Bukovička Banja was supplied to the court in Belgrade by personal order of Prince Obrenović. And manual bottling of Prince Milos water began more than a hundred years ago.

The resort is located 75 km from Belgrade and will occupy an area of ​​25 hectares, which is considered one of the most beautiful parks in Serbia.

Thermal resorts of Serbia are often associated with balneological or simply “baths”, therefore in the names of some major resorts This word is often used, for example, Vrnjacka Banya, Soko Banya, Prolom Banya and others. In the 19th century, the waters in the springs were studied, during the study it turned out that in terms of their composition and therapeutic effect on the human body, they are superior to the popular resorts of Europe.

There are more than a thousand thermal baths in Serbia. The most famous hospital today is Vranjska Banja, where the water temperature is equal to the temperature of the human body. It is worth noting the location of thermal baths in the country. They are usually located at the foot of the mountains in picturesque valleys, where peace and tranquility reign. Clean air and the presence of mineral waters also have a healing effect.

For those who want to relax with health benefits, there are sanatoriums and health resorts where highly qualified medical personnel offer their services. A holiday at one of the resorts with thermal springs in Serbia always leaves only positive impressions and emotions among tourists.

Vrnjacka Banja

Vrnjacka Banja is considered practically the most popular resort in Serbia. His thermal springs With medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. To this day, thousands of people come here to improve their health, cure chronic diseases, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and solve the problem of excess weight.

Local hotels and motels offer unique health programs. Here you can also visit historical sights, enjoy the beauty of nature, and taste delicious dishes in catering establishments national cuisine. The complex, aptly named “Paradise,” has football fields, a gym, volleyball and basketball courts, a solarium and a beauty center.


The resort "Banja Vrdnik" has been popular among lovers of wellness holidays for many years. Its main focus is the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including: various lesions of muscles and bones, posture correction. There is also an excellent rehabilitation program after herbs and surgeries. A wide variety of treatment methods are used here.

A walk around the surrounding area will allow you to enjoy the beauty of nature, take a break from the noisy city and gain strength.

You can diversify your leisure time with excursions to local attractions, and catering establishments will certainly delight you with a wide range of excellent dishes and drinks.

Even during the Roman era, at least 50 thermal resort areas were developed in Serbia, in which balneotherapy is currently developing at an active pace.

Serbia has almost 30 balneological resorts, in particular with thermal waters, in the sanatoriums of which potential patients are offered to take advantage of effective methods of healing and treatment. Serbian hot waters treat a wide variety of ailments - from skin diseases to metabolic disorders.


One of the main healing factors is thermomineral water, temperature +28-45˚C. It is used in the Banitsa sanatorium and health center“Ozren” for the treatment of hypertension, stress syndrome, emphysema, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Atomska Banya

In Atomska Banya, +29.8-degree water, which contains strontium, chlorine, calcium, barium, sulfur, radon and other elements, is used in the treatment of gout, varicose veins, enteritis and neurology, in particular cerebral palsy and Parkinson's disease.


Thermal water (+32.5˚C) is enriched with magnesium, sodium, and hydrocarbons. It is used in a local sanatorium, equipped with 2 indoor (operational all year round) and 2 outdoor swimming pools (operational in summer), and each of them has 1 pool intended for small guests.

Lukovska Banya

Situated at an altitude of 680 meters from sea level and having springs on its territory, the air is humidified and saturated with phytoncides and negative ions (thanks to this, allergens and dust particles are forced out of the atmosphere).

The temperature of thermal water in the Lukovska Banya springs varies between +28-68˚C. It effectively “copes” with rheumatism, gout, anemia, osteoporosis, post-traumatic bone problems, and ailments in the female sphere. Those prescribed hydrotherapy treatments will be treated to both public and bubble baths.

Guests of Lukovska Banya should pay attention to the local baths, in particular “Shpivak” (it is “fed” by a +40-42-degree spring, the water of which contains hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide).


Thermal +27-degree water (extracted from a depth of almost 300 meters) is chemically analyzed daily and “prescribed” to people diagnosed with diabetes, extra-articular rheumatism, urological and gastrointestinal diseases. Thermal water also helps remove toxins from the body.

Bathhouse Zhdrelo

Thermal +38-degree mineral water (knocked to the surface from a 200-meter depth) treats rheumatism, psoriasis, and when taken orally (the water is pre-cooled) – gastritis and other ailments of the digestive tract.

Bathhouse Zhdrelo provides guests with the Ruts Zhdrelo complex. It is equipped with an ethno-restaurant (the national cuisine restaurant can accommodate 50 visitors); Wellness&Spa center (equipped with a fitness center, solarium, sauna, steam bath, music and massage rooms); water park (there are 6 swimming pools with +30-38-degree thermal water, 15-meter toboggans, a summer pool into which salty cold water is poured); sports grounds (designed for playing volleyball and small football).

Vrnjacka Banya

In addition to the wonderful microclimate, it attracts vacationers with 7 springs, 4 of them are healing (the water in the “Slatina” spring has a temperature of +24˚C, “Jezero” +27˚C, “Warm Water” +36.6˚C). They are actively used for procedures at the Merkur center, where they treat the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, calculosis of the urethra, infections of the bladder and renal pelvis, and other ailments.

Nishka Banya

The temperature of the local waters is “warmed up” to a maximum of +39 degrees (“Main Key”), and is used in the treatment of neuralgia, various forms of paralysis, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The institute of the same name has an inhalation room and 20 sections for mud procedures, 11 classic baths, 2 swimming pools, a circular shower, rooms where visitors perform various exercises, as well as 4 hospital departments (orthopedics, cardiology, physiotherapy, rheumatology).

Vrujtsi Bath

It is famous for its 6 springs, the water in which is maintained at a level of +26-27 degrees and is suitable for the treatment of anemia, neurasthenia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, skin and kidneys. You can stay at the resort at the “Vrijci” hotel: it is equipped with indoor and 3 outdoor swimming pools with slides, a spa center, streams with healing water, a gym, a tennis court and grounds for playing football and volleyball.

Vranska Banja

The water of the Vranska Banja springs has a temperature of +94 degrees and contains 1.9 mg of hydrogen sulfide per liter. It treats the consequences of fractures and bone injuries, spondylosis, myositis, tendonitis, psoriasis, infertility, menstrual irregularities, polyneuritis and other ailments.

Every year, many tourists from all over the globe come to Serbia. The quality of holidays at the resorts of Serbia is beyond praise.

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Every year, many tourists from all over the globe come to Serbia. This can easily be explained by the fact that there really is something to see in Serbia: all kinds of exciting excursions will take your breath away.

If you think that there is nothing else to do in Serbia besides visiting the sights, then you are mistaken. Serbia offers a lot of entertainment: lovers active rest will be able to enjoy the ski slopes, and those who want to improve their health and at the same time relax will receive unforgettable pleasure from the Serbian medical and health centers.


Buyanovacka Banya is one of the most famous European resorts, where you can not only relax, but also improve your health. This resort is located 360 km from Belgrade. Doctors recommend coming here for those people who have rheumatic and gynecological diseases. They treat here with the help of mineral waters, as well as the cleanest air and natural mud.

In addition to Bujanovačka Banja, any tourist can go to Vrnjacka Banja. Vrnjacka Banja is located 200 km from Belgrade, and this health resort is located at the foot of the mountains. People who have problems with metabolism are advised to come here. One of the undoubted advantages of this resort is that there are a lot of park areas: Vrnjacka Banja is literally surrounded by greenery.

Zlatibor is also a Serbian health resort. This health resort is named after the mountain range on whose territory it is located. It must be said that Zlatibor has a unique climate - a mixture of Alpine and Mediterranean. Thanks to this, it is easy to breathe and sleep well in Zlatibor: the resort is recommended for those who have problems sleeping. There is also no time to be bored in Zlatibor: vacationers are offered various types of recreation. Including active ones: sled racing, ice skating, and skiing. Tourists who come to Zlatibor will be able to admire the Gostile waterfall, railway, an ethnic village and the mysterious Stopic cave, which stretches for 2 km.

Ivanica is one of the most popular Serbian holiday centers. It is located 224 km from Belgrade and is located in a forest that is under UNESCO protection, as it is considered one of the most unique and beautiful forests in the world. First of all, those people who have diseases associated with the respiratory system come here. This is not at all surprising, because in such air, enriched with oxygen, breathing is very easy. There is a lot to see in Ivanica: the Church of St. King Constantine and St. Queen Helena, built back in 1836, the Racsani Cave, which has a shorter length than the Stopić Cave in Zlatibor - it stretches only 400 m, but it has less beauty. Opposite this cave, tourists can see the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, which was restored after destruction. In addition, one of the local attractions is the bridge spanning the Moravica. It was built in 1906, and during its construction a special wedge method was used, in which craftsmen do without binding materials.

Banja Koviljaca is also one of the best and most prestigious Serbian resorts. It is the closest to Belgrade - at a distance of 134 km. There is a wonderful microclimate and ideal air humidity here. This is due to the fact that Banya Kovilyacha stands on the slope of Mount Guchevo, and the Drina River flows nearby. The mountains protect the territory of Banya Koviljachi from the cold wind. On the territory of this health resort there is a beautiful fountain that fascinates. Here you can look at such a miracle as the Tronasha Monastery. It is surprising that on the wall of this monastery there is a sundial that people used in the Middle Ages. It is also here, in Banja Koviljac, that the place where many people come to attend the “gathering at Vuk” is located. This place is called Trčiš and has a unique park of ethnic culture.

If you want to spend your holiday more actively, then you should definitely visit Kopaonik. Kopaonik is a place where you want to return again and again. People come to Kopaonik to go skiing, receiving an extraordinary boost of energy and their dose of adrenaline. Due to the fact that it is located at an altitude of 1770 m, the air here is clean. Kopaonik is also national museum, which once again confirms its beauty. It was popular back in Soviet times, but now it is a favorite vacation spot for European tourists. Here you can choose a route of any difficulty, so Kopaonik is ideal for both beginners and avid skiers.

Holidays in Serbia are becoming prestigious. In addition, when you come to Serbia, you can not only have plenty of fun, but also improve your health.

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Serbian resorts are certainly not Vichy or La Baule, or even Karlovy Vary. But the country has relied on serious development medical tourism, focusing on successful examples neighboring countries. Undoubted advantages - we do not need a visa, a wide choice of procedures. The absolute disadvantages are that there are no great sights and it takes quite a long time to get to the resorts. The fact that the quality of service is average was expected in advance, but the price corresponds to the quality.

About country " "

Until recently, few people considered Serbia as a tourist country. This is justified by the fact that such amazingly beautiful countries as Hungary, Austria, Italy, and Slovenia are located nearby or relatively close to it. But the market situation has changed and the geography of tourism has changed. So, unexpectedly for myself, Serbia was discovered. There are no special beauties here, and there is no sea, which helps out Bulgaria, which is very similar to Serbia, but there are excellent thermal resorts where you can treat all known diseases, undergo rehabilitation, take a break from civilization and its destructive consequences, lose weight and look younger. The capital of the country, Belgrade, is a small city, its historical Center you can walk, there is good hotels. Provided that the transfer to the resorts is distant, it is perfect to stay for 1 night so that the road does not bother you. What else makes me happy is here beautiful nature, if you love the eastern Mediterranean, low mountains, forested hills, mild climate and clean air. There is no need to hope that they speak Russian in Serbia. Our languages ​​are very similar, but the population focuses on English, followed by German. If the flow Russian tourists increases, then Russian-speaking personnel will appear everywhere. There are more than 20 thermal resorts in Serbia, but so far people from Russia travel to only 5, maximum 10. At the resorts, people are treated with drinking courses of mineral waters, bathing in local thermal waters and mud, combining natural factors with procedures such as massages, gymnastics and others. All or almost all resorts in Serbia are called Banya - this is a thermal resort. Many baths are concentrated in the south of the country, among them Lukovska Banja. It is separated from Belgrade by 260 km, the nearest Big City and Nis Airport (130 km) is one of tourist centers Serbia, from there the transfer to the resort takes 2 hours. Lukovska Banja is the highest mountain resort in Serbia, rich in thermal springs. The surrounding mountains, rising to a height of more than 1000 m, create a very pleasant microclimate in the valley, and also complement the treatment with ski slopes. In the near future, it will be not only a medical resort, but also a full-fledged international ski resort. There is a lot of hydrogen sulfide in local water. Treatment at the resort is indicated for those suffering various types rheumatism, osteoporosis, gout, gynecological diseases. Lukovskaya Banya is excellent for recovery from injuries, fractures, and prosthetics. Numerous thermal springs saturate the air with healing moisture rich in its chemical composition, so even a simple walk along the local trails is a natural inhalation for those who suffer from allergies, ENT diseases, bronchitis and asthma. And, of course, the wealth of thermal waters is used for wellness programs. Water is the basis for the preparation of local mud, which even includes local soil, which is unusually rich in minerals and elements. Treatment procedures can be “diluted” not only with walks through picturesque life-giving surroundings or alpine skiing in winter, but also on excursions. In the surrounding area, several interesting churches have been preserved, as well as a unique natural wonder called the Devil's City, which in Serbian sounds like Diavolja Varoš. In this geological reserve there are stone pillars - the remains of rocks, which seem to be covered with stone “hats”; something similar can be seen in Turkey. The spectacle is mesmerizing, unforgettable and a little unearthly. You can stay in Lukovskaya Banya in several hotels. The Jelak Hotel 3* is distinguished by its excellent location and quality service. The hotel has an outdoor thermal pool with warm water, where you can swim even in the middle of winter. very friendly staff, including a Russian-speaking employee. For those staying for treatment, this is very important, because even good knowledge in English does not guarantee understanding of medical vocabulary. Second interesting hotel named after the surrounding Kopaonik mountains. The hotel has its own medical center, two swimming pools, one of which has thermal water, as well as a gym, tennis court, bathhouse and sauna. Here you can take equipment for skiing on the mountain slopes: skis, snowboards, sleds, mountain bikes. The hotel offers full board meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner. Hotel restaurants serve European and dietary cuisine. You can try local cuisine, good pastries.