Perevalnoe village in Crimea. Perevalnoe (Crimea). The Mystery of the Groten Crypt

Perevalnoe (Crimea). The Mystery of the Groten Crypt

The area of ​​the present Perevalny - the military part of Yeni-Sala, Kurlyuk-bash was the property of the landowner Nestor Filippovich Groten and was called “Hangar”
Nestor Groten
The area of ​​modern Perevalny was the property of several generations of landowners Groten and was called “Hangar”, and later in memory of the owner of the land - “Groten”.

Perevalnoye (until 1945 Angara) is a village in the Simferopol region of Crimea. Perevalnoe is a village in Crimea just below the Angarsk Pass - the highest point of the Simferopol-Alushta route (752 m above sea level). Hence the name – Perevalnoe.

Judging by the brief mentions in old guidebooks, the landowner Groten owned the area from the Red Caves (Yenisala farm) in the north to the Kurlyuk-bash gully in the south, as well as some part of the Dolgorukovskaya yayla (in the literature there is its mention as “Groten yayla "). Academician Karl Kessler mentioned in 1858 that landowner N.F. Groten is deeply respected by all the surrounding Tatars and his estate was distinguished by its “excellent economic structure.” Karl Köppen also mentioned Groten in 1837.

The area of ​​the present Perevalny - the military part of Yeni-Sala, Kurlyuk-bash was the property of the landowner Nestor Filippovich Groten and was called “Hangar”, and later in memory of the owner of the land - “Groten”. Judging by the brief mentions in old guidebooks, the landowner Groten owned the area from the Red Caves in the north to the Kurlyuk-bash ravine in the south, as well as some part of the Dolgorukovskaya Yayla (in the literature there is a mention of it as the “Groten Yayla”). Groten's estate included an extensive orchard on 40 acres and vegetable gardens on 10 acres. Academician Karl Kessler mentioned in 1858 that the landowner Nestor Filippovich Groten was deeply respected by all the surrounding Tatars and his estate stood out for its “excellent economic structure.”

Maria Grothen

Nestor Filipovich Groten had the title “Honorary Hereditary Citizen”. After the death of Nestor Groten, in the case of approval of boundary signs of the “dacha of the Salgir district of the Simferopol district of the devastated village of Yeni-Sala, which is now the farm of Yeni Sala, which includes 2120 acres of 2012 fathoms of land,” the widow Sofya Kondratyevna and sons Nestor Nestorovich and Maximilian Nestorovich were named heirs Grotens.

Crypt of Countess Groten

Even now, under the steep cliffs of the Dolgorukovskaya Yayla, between the exit to the Chelbash trail and the destroyed barracks of the former military unit, you can see the remains of the family crypt of the Groten family, carved into the rocky spur of the Dolgorukovsky massif.

On the gray polished limestone, barely visible words appear, indicating that the former owners of the local area found their peace here. According to local residents, during the construction of garages in the military town, the Groten crypt was opened, where there was a zinc coffin with a coat of arms in the form of eagles and the inscription in German “Grotting”. Allegedly, the coffin was quickly taken away in an unknown direction.

Local historian Irina Fironova was researching the history of the Groten family in Crimea and kindly provided us with the following information.

The Groten family (more precisely, Grotten and even Grootten) come from the Netherlands. The eldest of the sons of the Hamburg merchant Johann Groten, Johann Philipp settled in St. Petersburg in 1773 and became the founder of a large family, including the “Crimean” Grotens. The merchant of the first guild, commerce advisor I.F. Grooten was a member of the Council of the Imperial Commercial School, where he sent his five sons to study.

The first “Crimean” Groten, the son of Johann Philipp, Nestor Filippovich, was born in St. Petersburg in 1795, died in Simferopol on December 21, 1873. Honorary citizen.

Nestor Filippovich's wife was Sophie Baum, originally from St. Petersburg. He died on 02/08/1880 in Yeni-Sala. It is she who, apparently, is buried in a crypt near the Chalbash trail.

The eldest son of Nestor Filippovich, Karl Groten, of the merchant class, was born on June 26, 1844, most likely on his father’s estate. He was baptized in Simferopol on July 8 of the same year. Died on February 16, 1869 due to a hunting accident.

More famous is Nestor’s second son, Maximilian Nestorovich Groten. He was born on May 1, 1848 in Yeni-Sala, in 1872 he graduated from the mechanical department of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology and served as manager of the Alexander Mechanical Plant, then the Russian-Baltic Carriage Plant. His wife was Olga von Klemm (1852, St. Petersburg -1926, Narva), with whom they became engaged in 1874.

The family of Crimean Grotens has not died out - the great-grandsons of Maximilian Groten still live in Russia.
After publishing on the Internet about the Groten family, I received a letter from my great-great-grandfather Nestor Filippovich Groten.

Viktor Vasilyevich Minakhin (b. 1948) turned out to be the son of Elena Georgievna Groten (1919-2002). Elena Georgievna was left an orphan at the age of 7 and was raised in the family of her mother’s sister. Therefore, she knew almost nothing about her Groten ancestors, and she did not have any documents about her Crimean ancestors. The exception was the oral history, which Victor knew from childhood, that the Grotens “had an estate in the Crimea near Simferopol.” Victor Minakhin kindly provided us with photographs for publication depicting Nestor Filippovich Groten and his wife Sofya Kondratyevna Baum.

These are the only and unique images of the Grotens, made from two 19th-century miniatures executed on ivory. Copies of these miniatures are kept in several families of the descendants of Maximilian Nestorovich Groten. Nobody knows what happened to the original miniatures
Groten Crypt
The crypt is located on the territory of the abandoned training center of the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School, which was once the pride of Crimea and Simferopol. You can get to it by taking an inconspicuous turn off the Simferopol-Yalta highway before refueling in the village of Perevalnoye. Next, a dirt road begins, which will lead you to the ruins of the training center.

Rising to the sources of a small stream, you will see the ruins of a small general’s house (a one-story building without a roof, almost cubic in shape) in the corner of a clearing near the forest. Next to it there is a path deep into the thicket, which immediately ends up against a rock. In this rock we see a memorial plaque with half-erased inscriptions and a cross.

*Question “for what services was he awarded the title of hereditary honorary citizen?”
Certificate for the title of sweat. honor gr. Rich merchants bought them for a lot of money. If three generations were hereditary honorary citizens (as I understand, they paid the appropriate fees for letters each time), then they could then register themselves as nobility. This is our case. Nestor Groten was a wealthy merchant.
In addition to merchants, children of priests who did not choose a spiritual path were considered hereditary honorary citizens.

The climate and weather in different areas of the Crimean peninsula, despite its small size, vary quite a lot. The warmest areas can be considered the southern and southeastern coasts. There are many picturesque villages in the southeast of Crimea. One of them is called Perevalnoe. If you are planning to spend your holiday here, be sure to familiarize yourself with the local climate and weather.

The village of Perevalnoye on the Crimean peninsula

The village of Perevalnoye is located in the southeast of the Crimean peninsula, on highway Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta. It is separated from Simferopol by 23 kilometers, and from the nearest railway station Simferopol-Pasazhirsky by 25 kilometers.

Perevalnoe is located at the foot of the mountainous part of Crimea, not far from the fifth highest peak of the peninsula - Chatyrdag mountains. The village is located on the Salgir River, a little higher upstream than the other village - Zarechnoye.

This area is very popular among tourists, due to the fact that the local mountain trails are easy to travel, and from them you can see a lot of beautiful excursion sites. The mountain plateau is replete with caves of various shapes and sizes.

There are also several tourist centers located here. While vacationing in this area, you can see the mountain sights of the peninsula and, of course, swim on the beautiful southeastern beaches. These are mainly sand and pebble beaches located at the mouths of fast and swift mountain streams and rivulets, separated by large capes with blocky or pebble beaches. The seashore also abounds with a huge number of cozy coves and beautiful grottoes.

Other picturesque Crimean villages with excellent fresh fruits and vegetables stretch along the river valleys, and there are also special parking lots for tourists. More than 40,000 tourists visit this region of Crimea every year.

Climate in Perevalny

The climate of this part of the Crimean peninsula is Mediterranean. It's a mild winter here. The air temperature does not drop below 1−2°C. In summer it is very warm, but not too hot. The average temperature in the summer months is 25°C. Precipitation falls around 600−800 mm per year.

On the Crimean peninsula the number of sunny days per year is greater than in Nice or Sochi! During the tourist season - from April to October, the sun shines for 1982 hours and no clouds set on it. There are very few days with heavy rains and high sea waves of more than three points, at which it is impossible to swim.

Water temperature in the summer months it steadily stays above 20 °C, and sometimes even warms up above 23 °C. In autumn, the water here remains warm the longest. In this area, unlike some other Crimean coasts, there are practically no cold wind surges, which sharply make the sea water colder. You can swim on the southeastern coast of Crimea 118 days a year.

Weather in Perevalny

If you are going to spend your holidays on the Crimean south-eastern coast, you will be able to enjoy wonderful warm beaches, surprisingly warm sea water and unforgettable mountain scenery. It’s no wonder that so many films have been filmed here. Many amazing and interesting adventures await you here!

In the southeast of the Simferopol region, 23 kilometers from the capital of Crimea along the Simferopol - Alushta highway, there is a village Perevalnoe. It lies at the confluence of the Angara River with Salgir, in a lowland at the foot of the Chatyr-Dag mountain range, which lies south of the village. To the northeast is Dolgorukovskaya Yayla. The Ayanskoe reservoir was created on the Angara River, south of Perevalny. Perevalnoe is actually the last settlement before the Angarsk Pass, which is located 10 kilometers south along the highway.


The ancient name of Perevalny is Angara. The mention of it dates back to 1864 as the Angarsky tavern. Later it was already a Russian village in the Podgorodne-Petrovskaya volost of the Simferopol district. After the revolution, the village became part of the Simferopol region. Renamed Perevalnoye in 1945.

Perevalnoe in the post-war period was a military facility. In 1958-65, the 84th Missile Regiment was located here, in 1965-80 - a training center for foreign military personnel, then until 1992 - the Simferopol United Military School and the summer camp of the Higher Military-Political Construction School of Simferopol, and now - a military unit.


The village of Perevalnoye is the starting point for many tourist routes. Many go from here to Chatyr-Dag - one of the highest massifs of the Crimean mountains, headed by the peak of Eklizi-Burun (1527 meters). The natural attractions of Chatyr-Dag include plateaus, ravines and caves, where Marble and Mamontovaya stand out. At the foot and on the slopes of the massif there are several tourist centers and parking lots.

The second direction from Perevalny is towards Dolgorukovskaya Yayla and further to Karabi Yayla. These places also abound in caves. The most famous: Kyzyl-Koba, or Red Cave - the largest in Crimea. Its studied length is 25 kilometers. Inside it is one of the largest stalactites in Europe, about 8 meters long and 8 thousand years old. The Red Cave has many lakes, galleries and halls. There is a special excursion route in the cave. The Kyzylkobinka River, flowing from the cave, below forms the Su-Uchkhan waterfall, 25 meters high.

The village of Perevalnoye is located on the Simferopol-Yalta highway, 24 km from the northern foot of the Chatyr-Dag massif.

Geographic coordinates of the village of Perevalnoye on the map of Crimea GPS N 44°50′45 E34°19′25.

The population of the village of Perevalnoye is about 3,500 people. The climate is temperate, mountainous.

The first name of the village was Angara, in 1945 it was renamed Perevalnoye. The first mention dates back to 1864 as a tavern on the Angara River, under the same name.
For many years, travelers following this route preferred this place as their last stop, hence the name Perevalnoye later appeared.

In 1915, a settlement appeared, the main activity of which was cattle breeding and agriculture; many houses from that time still remain in the village.

Sights of the village of Perevalnoye in Crimea:
The main attractions are located in the vicinity of the village, the most attractive for tourists are the Emine-Bair-Khosar caves and are located 17 km from the village.

8 km from the village of Perevalnoye is the village of Mramorny, where you can visit the bird park, which is open all year round.
One of the exciting hiking routes starts in Perevalnoye to the Su-Uchkhan waterfall, not far from the waterfall to the southeast there is a monument from the Second World War, a “radio operator’s hut” and a “partisan cannon”. During the war, a partisan movement operated in Crimea and fought the invaders with all its might. In the summer of 1942, on these slopes there was a fierce battle between the fascists and partisans, the cannon fired until the last charge, after which, so that it would not fall to the invaders, it was thrown into the gorge. In memory of these events in 1966, it was taken out and, after reconstruction, installed as a monument. This place was included in textbooks under the name “Height 1025.”

Today the village of Perevalnoye lives a peaceful and quiet life, always welcoming tourists and vacationers. The village has shops, hotels, bars and restaurants, and there is an offer for overnight accommodation in the private sector. The cleanest mountain air and picturesque places with views of mountains covered with pine needles, many mountain springs, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Perevalnoe village on the map of Crimea

Perevalnoe- a village, part of the Dobrovsky village council.
Located 6 km from.
The area of ​​the village is 184.6 hectares, the population is more than 3.6 thousand people, the courtyards are more than 1.1 thousand.Formed in the 16th century.

In the village there is an Orthodox church, the Church of the Hieromartyr Eugene, Bishop of Chersonesos.

The great geographer Semenov-Tien-Shansky, in his 14th volume of works, described the postal route from Simferopol to Yalta: “At the 22nd verst of the postal highway there is the village of Angara, where there is a decent station tavern.”
The village was formed as a result of the merger of several villages: Chavki, Angara, Kizil-Koba, Baranovka, Kurlyuk-Su.

The village is distinguished by a large presence of natural monuments and settlements, including:
- late antique settlement of the 1st-4th centuries. at the mouth of Malinovaya Balka;
- the Tyrke tract of the Perevalnenskoye forestry is a botanical reserve of local importance;
- yew grove on the southern slope of Mount Tyrke - a natural monument;
- a forest in the valley of the Burulcha River with an undergrowth of Crimean wolfberry bushes - a natural monument;
- Red Cave (Kyzyl-Koba), equipped for excursion display, which is the longest karst cavity with a length of 16 thousand m;
- the Kyzyl-Koba cave site, equipped for excursion display, which is the longest karst cavity with a length of 16 thousand m;
- cave site “Kyzyl-Koba” – Paleolithic, a monument of local significance.

The Great Patriotic War left an eternal memory of itself in the form of memorial obelisk burials.

In 1943, the village residents went into the forest and formed the 17th partisan detachment, which was stationed in the area of ​​​​the Dedov Kuren hill in the forest near the village of Perevalnoye. The commander of the partisan detachment was Oktyabr Askoldovich Kozin. The detachment, like its commander, was distinguished by heroism, fearlessness, determination and operational activity. Among the heroic operations, the operation to destroy a large warehouse of mines and 3 tola cars, which were intended by the Nazis to undermine the dam of the Ayan reservoir, which supplies water to the city of Simferopol and the Salgir Valley, stands out. At the 22nd km, in a mass grave lie the ashes of 40 soldiers, reburied from different places. Every year on Victory Day, a meeting of residents and guests of the valley is held at this monument.

At the 27th km of the highway, a monument to partisan glory “Partisan Cap” was erected, at the place where the partisans of the southern and northern formations united.

The battlefields of the partisans of the 17th, 18th, and 19th partisan detachments with the fascist invaders in the forests adjacent to the village of Perevalnoye on the Dolgorukovskaya Yayla are covered with undying glory. At an altitude of 887 m, on the top of which the Mound of Glory was built, and next to it there is a stele on which are imprinted the names of 187 partisans - residents of the villages of the valley who died in battles with the invaders.

After the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi invaders in 1944, village councils and collective farms, which then existed in every village, resumed their work.

In 1964, the collective farm was reorganized. Kalinin to the Perevalny state farm, after which the lands of the village became one of the departments of the state farm. The first manager of the department was a native resident, partisan, warrior - Vasily Petrovich Savopulo.

Vasily Petrovich worked at the state farm for about 40 years, and the department he led was always distinguished by high achievements in its work. For skillful organization of labor and high performance in the production of all types of agricultural products, he was awarded a high government award - the Order of the October Revolution.

Currently, the village has become a large public and commercial center. The restaurant “Druzhba”, the cafe “Cheburechnaya”, the cafe-bar “Kara-Koz” (“black eyes”), and a club are located here. There is a secondary school; at the school, the younger generation attends a sports club named after two-time Greco-Roman wrestling champion Rustem Kazakov.

The village is known for its longest, well-studied karst cavity in Crimea - the “Red Cave” with a length of over 16 thousand meters.

In honor of the partisans and soldiers - residents of the Salgir valley and the village. Perevalnoe, who died during the Great Patriotic War, in 2005, on the initiative of Vladimir Petrovich Lepeshko, Nikolai Nikolaevich Shvets, Vyacheslav Evgenievich Kalinin and other citizens living in the Artek gardening partnership, a chapel was built and memorial plaques were erected. One of the memorial plaques bears the names of people especially dear to the valley: Oktyabr Askoldovich Kozin - commander of the 17th partisan detachment, Stepan Mikhailovich Kapustin - the first chairman of the village council, Vasily Petrovich Savopulo - a native resident of the village, partisan, warrior.