Sanya, China is the main city of Hainan Island. All about Hainan! Where is Hainan Island located?

Hainan Island is washed on all sides by the South China Sea, which, as you know, is located in the Pacific Ocean. The three largest bays of the island are Sanya Bay, Dadonghai and Yalongwan. I'll tell you about the beaches in these bays.

I would like to note right away that all the beaches on the island are public, so there is no division into types or species here. That is, for example, the beach of Yalong Bay is one very long beach several kilometers long.

Sanya Bay Beach

Mostly Chinese and Europeans vacation in this bay; there are very few Russians.

Sanya Bay has the longest beach on the island, its length is about 11 kilometers. It starts from the World's End park, runs near the airport, along residential buildings and hotels, ending near the artificial Phoenix Island.

The beach is sandy, as is the entrance to the sea. The sand is light gray, almost white, very dense, which especially pleases children, because such sand makes excellent castles! You can also ride bikes and auto-rickshaws along it, and the wheels won’t even get stuck. There are a lot of small crabs on the beach that run along the sand, making burrows in it.

The coastline is very wide. There is enough space for lovers of active games, for those who prefer to lie on the warm sand, and for those who want to walk along the sea at sunset.

There are free showers and toilets on the beach. Sometimes you may be asked to pay for umbrellas and sunbeds that do not belong to your hotel (the price is about 3-4 dollars or 20-30 yuan), sometimes you are allowed to relax on them for free. Apparently, it depends on the mood of the person on duty at the beach.

Lifeguards are always watching over vacationers.

It cannot be said that the sea here is transparent, because there is always fine sand hanging in the water. The color of the water is dark blue, even closer to gray. The water in this bay resembles the Black Sea.

Palm trees and other trees grow along the entire coast. Under them there are benches and tables so that locals can relax, for example during lunch, or simply hide from the bright sun.

In the morning, on the beach you can see those doing yoga; in the afternoon, old people gather here and learn all sorts of dances; at sunset, wedding ceremonies and photo sessions are often held. In the evening, a lot of young people gather in numerous cafes located right on the sand. They are similar to our “summer cafes” in parks, only much larger and in addition to the “bar” they also have a “kitchen”. During the day, the “eating stations” are usually closed, but at sunset, literally ten to twenty steps from the water, plastic tables with chairs are placed on the sand and the cafe begins its work. The food is only Chinese; instead of a menu there is a huge poster with pictures of the finished dish and its price. For example, a serving of glass shrimp noodles costs about $4 (RMB 35).

All beaches in this bay are located across the road from the hotels. But there is nothing scary or dangerous in this, because near each hotel there is an above-ground pedestrian crossing, that is, you can safely cross the road. Some hotels have an underground passage, such as the Pullman Hotel.

From Yalongwan and Dadonghai bays you can get to the beach by buses No. 25, 26. Travel from one bay to another costs about 1 dollar (from 5 to 10 yuan depending on the distance). You can arrive by taxi, then payment will be according to the meter. From Dadonghai to Sanya Bay it takes 10-15 minutes, and from Yalongwan about 40-50 minutes. These buses travel along the sea, so you can get off anywhere you like. To get to the beach you only need to cross the road.

Dadonghai Bay Beach

This bay is loved by Russian tourists.

The beach in Dadonghai is only 4 kilometers long. It is located between two mountains, so it seems to me that in winter the water here should be a little warmer than in Sanya and Yalong Bays.

The sand is fine, light, crumbly, and not dense, like in Sanya Bay, you can’t ride on it in an auto-rickshaw or bicycle.

The entrance to the sea is sandy and flat almost everywhere. But in some places the coastal bottom was washed away by waves, and quite deep holes formed near the shore. The water is blue, transparent, with a suspension of sand near the shore. Sometimes, during strong waves, it brings small pebbles and shells from the sea to the shore.

The beach has free sun loungers, umbrellas, showers and toilets. There are lifeguards near the main entrance to the beach (next to the Intime Hotel).

But there are no palm trees on the shore, so you won’t be able to hide in their shade. There are a lot of cafes near the beach, mostly with Russian names: “Kievan Rus”, “At Lena’s”, “USSR” and others. The cuisine is primarily Russian and European, and only then Chinese. The prices are quite affordable: borscht (by the way, very similar to the real thing) costs about 1.5-2 dollars (10-12 yuan).

During the day, the beach in Dadonghai is lively and noisy, with merchants selling pearls, souvenirs and fruits walking along it, crowds of noisy Chinese who love to talk loudly, build sand castles and take photographs.

A violinist plays on the beach near the Resort Intime hotel; his music makes it very pleasant to relax and lie on the warm sand. But in the evening the beach is quiet, because the cafes are not located directly on the sand, but a little further away, so the noise of visitors’ conversations is not heard, and you can walk along the shore in silence.

Hotels located on the first coastline have their own territory on the beach, but it is not fenced in any way. Since all the beaches are owned by the state, no one will ever kick you out of your sunbeds, even if they belong to a hotel where you don’t live. So you can freely move around the entire beach and settle down in any places you like.

You can get to Dadonghai Bay Beach from Sanya Bay by bus No. 2, 4, 8; drive about 10-20 minutes. From Yalongwan – No. 15, 25, 29, 24; the journey will take 40-50 minutes. The fare will cost 1 dollar (5-10 yuan); if by taxi, then pay according to the meter. Stop "Dadonghai Bay" or "Summer Mall". From any stop to the beach it takes 5-10 minutes to walk, you can walk through the territory of any first line hotel.

Yalong Bay Beach

This is the most expensive and luxurious bay on the island. People who prefer a quiet and serene beach holiday relax here.

The sea in the bay is very calm, so the water is clean and clear. In some places the bottom is visible at a depth of 7-10 meters.

The length of the beach is about 7 kilometers, the width of the coastline is 50 meters. The sand is light, soft and warm.

On the beach, everything is conducive to complete relaxation: there are no noisy merchants, cafes, bustle and screams. Local residents practically don’t come here. For me, it’s just too quiet and deserted here.

It’s a little busier near the Lan Resort, because there you can rent diving equipment, ride a banana boat and other beach attractions:

  1. the dive will cost from 65 to 140 dollars (450 to 900 yuan). The programs are different: sunken ship, coral reefs, professional diving;
  2. scooter riding (only with an instructor) - 23 dollars (150 yuan) for 15 minutes;
  3. ride on a banana - 15 dollars or 150 yuan;
  4. fishing on a boat - 60 dollars or 400 yuan, on a specially equipped boat - 153 dollars (1000 yuan);
  5. sea ​​trip on a boat with a transparent bottom (for viewing the seabed) - $33 (220 yuan).

On the first coastline there are five-star chain hotels that have their own beach. It is equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers and always has its own rescue station. But, as I already said, these are just conventions; of course, there is no territorial division. Relax and swim wherever you want.

For sun loungers you will have to pay from 4 to 7 dollars (30 to 50 yuan); the cost depends on the proximity to the water: the closer to the sea, the more expensive. Showers and toilets are free.

If you live in another bay, then you can get to Yalong Beach for 5-10 yuan by bus No. 15, 25, 29 (they go from Sanya via) or by taxi - pay by meter. The price of a bus and taxi depends on the distance of the trip. From Sanya Bay it takes about 40-50 minutes, from Dadonghai 20-30. It’s better to get off at the Central Square, it’s easiest to get to the beach from here.

The favorite place for beachgoers traveling to China is Hainan. The vacation, reviews of which we will analyze in this article, on this paradise island is unforgettable. Hainan is already a well-trodden path for Russian tourists. Every year, many Siberians and residents of the Far East warm their bones under the tropical sun and treat ailments in healing springs.

The name "Hainan" is translated from Chinese as "an island lying south of the sea." The name is more than accurate. Hainan lies in the far south of the country. It is also the second largest island in China (after Taiwan). It was once part of Eurasia. And even now it is separated from mainland China only by a narrow strait. The area of ​​the island is thirty-four thousand square kilometers. About eight thousand years ago, numerous volcanoes erupted in Hainan. Now they have gone out, but they have left behind a memory - healing thermal springs. And this circumstance makes a holiday in Hainan not only enjoyable, but also healthy.

Arriving on the bucolic island, it is hard to believe that in the Middle Ages this was a place of exile for nobles disliked by the emperor. Now it has turned into a resort. True, this only happened in 1988, when Hainan was separated into a separate province and the rapid development of the tourism industry began. You can come here either on a tour or on your own. Guests are always welcome here.

Nature and climate. When to go on vacation?

The only truly tropical island, if we talk about China, is Hainan. Holidays, reviews of which make you want to come here, are not recommended here only in winter. But more than three hundred days a year the sky over Hainan is clear. This island is deservedly called East Hawaii. Here you can find all the surroundings that are typical of tropical resorts: lush green palm trees, coconuts, bananas, turquoise warm sea, white sand beaches. The average annual air temperature here is +24 degrees, and the water is twenty-six. Corals grow there with their colorful life of reef inhabitants, so holidays on Hainan Island are also attractive for divers.

Russian tourists from the eastern part of the country also come here in the winter months, especially to celebrate the New Year and Christmas. The climate at this time is similar to the Red Sea resorts of Egypt: +24 degrees during the day, and cool evenings.

Tourists consider the best time to visit Hainan to be from November to April. Below we will give a summary of what is good about the tropical island of China in spring and summer. But what you should avoid is coming to Hainan during the holiday period (late January or early February). Prices during this period soar to unprecedented heights, and the level of service drops due to the influx of domestic tourists.

How to get to Hainan Island

Russian cities are connected to eastern Hawaii only by charters during the tourist season. You can fly to Almaty on a regular flight, and from there to Hainan, with a transfer in the city of Urumqi. Tourists also travel to the tropical island by domestic airlines via Hong Kong, as well as Beijing and Shanghai (mainland China).

Hainan has two international airports. The first - "Camellia" - is located in the capital of the island, Haikou. This city is in the north, while the main resorts of eastern Hawaii are in the south. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to choose, then choose Phoenix Airport in Sanya as your point of arrival. This city is the center of the entire resort Riviera of Hainan. In principle, a visa can be issued directly upon arrival at Sanya airport, but experienced tourists strongly do not recommend doing this if you are traveling on your own and are not included in the group list.

Free buses run from Camellia to the center of Haikou. Travel time is half an hour. A taxi ride will cost about one hundred yuan. Regular buses run from Phoenix Airport to various resorts on the southern tip of the island. A trip to Sanya will cost ten yuan, to Dadonghai - 20, to Yalong Bay - 30.

Transport connections on Hainan Island

Excellent roads connect all key settlements. A highway runs along the tip of the island. You can get around East Hawaii not only by buses and taxis, but also by motorcycle and pedicabs. However, the fare in this case also depends on the weight of the passenger. You should negotiate the price with the rickshaw driver in advance.

There is also a railway on the island. The trains are fast and very comfortable, unlike those in mainland China. Tourists are warned that the ticket, which costs an average of eighty-five yuan, should be kept until the end of the journey. You will need it to exit the station at your point of arrival.

Holidays in Hainan are impossible without visiting Monkey Island. It can be reached by cable car. Interestingly, regular buses in Hainan travel not only between populated areas. There are many routes going to tourist places. Bus No. 102 goes to Sanyawan Bay, and No. 2 and 4 go to Dudonghai. Minibuses also run to Dragon of Asia Bay, World's End Park, and Nanshan Temple.

Sanya is connected to the capital of the island, Haikou, by regular (every twenty minutes) bus service. The main station is located on Jie Fan Avenue. Taxis on the island are only official - with a meter and even a terminal for bank cards. Tariffs are indicated on the windshield or rear door of the car.

Popular resorts

Holidays in China, on the island of Hainan, will appeal to all types of tourists. Surfers are attracted by the ideal winds that blow here, creating the right wave. All hotels in this resort are located on the first line from the sea. But the municipal beaches of Dadonghai are often crowded, since local vacationers also come to the beach along with European tourists. The Chinese love not so much to sunbathe and swim, but to gather in large groups and discuss something vigorously and loudly. You need to get used to this specificity... or avoid their gathering places.

The most expensive and fashionable hotels are concentrated in the Yalongwan resort, which is twenty-five kilometers from Sanya (south of Hainan Island). Holidays with children will be ideal anywhere if the time is chosen for it well. However, you should avoid Dadonghai with its fresh breeze and sporty resort style. Sanyavan (near Phoenix Airport) may experience turbid seas. However, the beauty of the surrounding nature completely compensates for this. It’s good to settle down with a small child in quiet and respectable Yalunwan. A teenager will find a lot of fun in Sanya. But in this center of the Hainan Riviera, almost all the hotels are located across the road from the beaches.

By the way, about the coasts. They are all sandy, free and very well maintained. There are lifeguards on duty everywhere, there is a shower, toilet, umbrellas, sun loungers and sun loungers.

Hainan: holidays in March, April and May

Is it worth coming to a tropical island in the first month of spring? When frosts are still severe in Russia (and especially in Siberia), visiting Hainan is like visiting paradise. Reviews claim that in the first month of spring, the weather on the island is very comfortable for a northerner. Even in early March, the air warms up to +26 degrees during the day, and the South China Sea gives warmth. The nights also cease to be cool. In the southern bays, where all the sea disturbances are concentrated, the sea gradually fades away.

Holidays in Hainan in April cannot be called budget. This is peak season. There is no rain in mid-spring, the sea is calm, and the thermometer does not show any extreme temperatures. During the day +29, at night +21 degrees. This fertile time continues until the end of April and the first rains - the harbingers of the “wet season”. In the last month of spring, the monsoon begins to blow in the tropical climate zone, bringing heavy rainfall. But a holiday in Hainan in May cannot be called “stained”. Reviews claim that it rains only in the evening and at night, and by morning everything dries out and shines with washed freshness. In addition, as reviews say, the southern resorts are slightly protected from rain by the mountains that divide the island almost in half. When it rains in Haikou, Sanya can be dry. The sun is already scorching with might and main, and the temperature during the day reaches more than thirty degrees in the shade.

Holidays in Hainan in June, July and August

There is no need to pretend: in the summer months (and in the autumn too, until the beginning of November) a humid monsoon blows over the island. It cannot be said that it cools the air. The thermometer in June stays at the same level as in May (about thirty degrees). But even if it doesn’t rain, the air is filled with moisture. Therefore, heart patients, hypertensive patients, and asthmatics should avoid traveling to Hainan in the summer months. The sea begins to get very stormy. The so-called typhoon corridor runs north of the island, but gusty winds and high storm waves can ruin a holiday in Hainan in July.

But tourists can take full advantage of the benefits of the “low season”. Hoteliers are offering unprecedented discounts to lure customers. Tourists warn that, despite the high clouds, they should not neglect sunscreen. The luminary in tropical latitudes will burn through the white skin even behind a curtain of dense clouds.

As a bonus for dedication, Hainan provides summer tourists with plenty of exciting experiences. The Duan Wu-Jie (Dragon Boat Festival) festival has been celebrated annually in June for two thousand years. It is impossible to name the exact date of this colorful event. The holiday is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, on the fifth day of the fifth month. Would you like to celebrate Valentine's Day for the second time a year? It is the seventh day of the seventh month (late July or August). The same romantic fever that sweeps Europe and America around the date of February 14th is observed in Hainan, only with Chinese characteristics.

Therapeutic holiday

The violent volcanic activity that shook the island many thousands of years ago left behind many thermal springs and mineral waters. When combined with traditional Chinese medicine, Hainan's spa resorts work wonders. Staying on the island will heal the organs of the gastrointestinal tract; swimming in radon and mineral pools of different temperatures will banish pulmonary diseases, skin, gynecological and urological ailments. Blood pressure is optimized, you will forget about osteochondrosis and rheumatism for a long time.

Therapeutic holidays in Hainan use only traditional Chinese methods of therapy in combination with medicinal herbs and other natural preparations. The most famous such healing center is the Garden of Longevity. It is located in Dadonghai District and is located in the Pearl River Garden Hotel. If you are on vacation in Sanya, you can buy a health course at the San Yi Tang center. At the Yalongwan resort at the Cactus Resort hotel, a branch of this medical institution opened not long ago. Here you can undergo not only a course of procedures, but also conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the body. Experienced doctors will develop an individual program.

The island's indigenous population is now the Li and Miao national minorities, living in the dense tropical forests of the Limulingshan Mountains in the center of the island. The coastal areas of the island are inhabited by Han - ethnic Chinese.
Today the population of Hainan is more than five million people, of which 700 thousand are Li, 40 thousand are Miao. They live quite compactly, and therefore the island seems deserted, especially when you arrive on it from mainland China or from neighboring Hong Kong
For comparison: the island of Taiwan, which has a similar sized territory, is home to more than 20 million people.
The indigenous population of Hainan - the Li people - lived here even before the first attempts to conquer the island made by the famous Khan Emperor Wu Di (140-87 BC). In the 6th-10th centuries, when the island was intensively settled by the Chinese, the aborigines were pushed south, into inaccessible mountainous areas.
The appearance of Li's ancestors is shrouded in many legends. One of the legends says that a young man who swam across the South Sea found an egg in the mountains of Hainan. The egg hatched into a girl who became his wife. From this couple descended the Li people. Since then, the main ridge of the island has been called Lishanmu, that is, “mountain mother Li.”
According to another legend, the ancestor Li arrived on the island by sea on a boat and copulated with a dog in the mountains. By the way, a similar legend exists among the aborigines of Japan - the Ainu.
The Li speak the language of the Thai group and are culturally similar to these peoples. This confirms the hypothesis that in ancient times they actually moved to Hainan not from the mainland, but from the islands of Southeast Asia.
Their housing, food, clothing, wedding ceremonies and holidays reflect their unique culture. In ancient times, the Li built houses from grass, mud and bamboo. Traditionally, rice is eaten by cooking it in bamboo. Vodka is made from glutinous rice. Clothes are made from homespun fabric. During the traditional "Third of March" holiday, Li performs folk dances.
Li women wear clothes made of black homespun fabric and cover their heads with embroidered scarves. Some representatives of the fair sex have tattoos on their faces and bodies. There is a legend that once a tribe leader violated a beautiful girl, covering her family with shame. Since then, all Lee girls began to disfigure their bodies with tattoos in order to avoid a similar fate.
Now the custom of tattooing is gradually becoming a thing of the past.
The Miao are the descendants of the Miao from Guangxi Province, they began to migrate during the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th centuries). The Miao tribes settled in mountainous, inaccessible areas; they led a nomadic lifestyle, engaged in hunting, fishing, and were famous for their witchcraft. They were feared and called "mountain dragons." The Miao still maintain the old traditions; the village is headed by an elder called "Shan Jia". The Miao wear traditional clothes, they have their own dances, songs, and wedding ceremonies. During the Third March Festival, the Miao perform folk dances, the Sisters' Festival, etc.
The official language is Chinese. The dialects spoken by the locals are also common.
The most common religions on the island are Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.

Since most tourists go to Hainan mainly to relax on the beach, they are often interested in what the sea is like in Hainan. Some even believe that Hainan is washed by the ocean. Overall, it's time to look at this issue.
Hainan is a large island in the province of the same name in southern China. Its name means "south of the sea". It would seem that everything is very clear regarding this island - it is washed on all sides by the South China Sea. But in reality, everything is not quite like that. In the north, near the city of Haikou, it is also washed by the Qiongzhou Strait, which, in fact, is also part of the South China Sea. In the West, Hainan Island is washed by the Gulf of Tonkin.

Of course, during your stay in Hainan you can say that you are relaxing on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. This will not be a serious mistake, since the South China Sea really belongs to this ocean, but still, from a geographical point of view, it is more correct to say that you are relaxing on the seashore (if you are in Sanya or a neighboring resort).

Sea conditions in Hainan

We figured out the name of the sea, bay and strait that washes the island. Now it's time to look at the condition of these reservoirs. The Gulf of Tonkin and the Qiongzhou Strait are unlikely to be of interest to you, since most tourists vacation in the Sanya area, which is washed only by the South China Sea. The sea in this area is quite clean, since the Chinese government takes care of the cleanliness of the local waters, but it is still not worth swimming in the port area.
In general, the entrance to the sea is good in all the bays around Sanya, but we like the beaches in Yalong Bay and Haitang Bay the most. In turn, Dadonghai Bay offers calmer water, which will be appreciated by less prepared swimmers and families with children. By the way, Hainan is one of the most famous surfing spots in Asia, although the conditions here are not as great as in Bali or Sri Lanka.

Hainan is a small island washed by the South China Sea, belonging to China and being one of its full-fledged provinces. This island is a real tropical paradise, snow-white beaches, gentle sea, palm trees with coconuts, coral reefs, everything you need for a stunning, carefree holiday.

On about. Hainan has introduced a visa-free regime for Russian tourists (entry according to lists), that is, tourists who flew to the island on direct non-stop flights, purchased a tour through a tour operator and plan to vacation on the island for up to 21 days do not require any visa. But if you decide to get to Hainan through some other city (for example, fly to Beijing, and from there go to Hainan by train, or from the island you decide to visit another city in China, for example Guangzhou), then you will need to obtain a Chinese tourist visa.

My acquaintance with Fr. Hainan began with the capital city of Haikou, a tropical city with active construction, and is a transportation hub, from which you can conveniently reach the northern cities of Hainan, as well as fly to many cities and sail to nearby cities on the mainland such as Beihai and Zhangjiang. Haikou attracts with a huge variety of parks and nature reserves. The world famous hot spring resort Mission Hills Haikou is a 20-minute drive away. This hotel is loved by many famous guests who come to play golf, as there are a huge number of golf courses of varying difficulty, as well as a unique Spa complex with thermal springs. Its uniqueness is represented by thematic zones, and these zones are divided into countries, for example, you can find yourself in Egypt among the pyramids or in Africa, where you will be surrounded by tropical forests and African animals.

A 5-minute drive from the Mission Hills Haikou hotel there is the Mission Hills Town entertainment complex, an interesting place because you can see houses, streets, and shops as they looked in pre-war China.

The next bay is Nantian Bay, it is famous for its thermal springs; tourists often visit it on a combined tour or simply come to spend the whole day in the thermal complex. We stayed at the Sanya Yiyang Nantian Hotspring Resort Hotel, about 3-5 minutes walk from it and you are in the thermal complex. The complex is a huge area surrounded by greenery, among which there are baths with thermal water, the water in each bath is of different temperatures and with various additions, there is a bath with wine, rose petals, coconut milk, lime, etc. Also on the territory there is a small water park for children, a swimming pool for adults and with a children's area with regular water and a relaxation area with sun loungers and umbrellas around. There is a restaurant and cafe on site where you can have a snack, as well as get a massage, Chinese, with herbs, stones, etc. the cost of a Chinese massage for 60 minutes is 90 yuan, that is, 900 rubles.

Next we went to Haitangbay Bay, located 50 minutes from Phoenix Airport and 27 km from Sanya. In this bay, almost all the hotels are located on the first coastline; a holiday in this bay is secluded and calm. Haitang Bay is planned to become a tourist mecca for luxury holidays on Hai'an Island. This bay is home to luxury hotels of world brands: Hyatt, Westin, Sofitel, Double Tree, Sheraton. And Haitang Bay Bay is in an advantageous position for visiting the thermal springs of Nan Tian Hot Spring, just a 15-minute drive, Monkey Island, Water Entertainment Center on Wuzhizhou Island. Yanoda Tropical Park is a 30-minute drive away. This bay is very popular with tourists from Hong Kong. And our compatriots on vacation during the high season are only 3%.

Yalong Bay is located 28 km from Sanya. Yalongwan Resort is one of the most comfortable and prestigious resorts in Hainan. The hotels are mostly high class: Palace Resort 5*, MGM 5*, HuaYu 5*, Marriot 5*, Universal 5*, each with an English and Russian speaking representative. Most of the hotels in this resort have their own beaches, which, of course, is an undoubted advantage of this resort. The beaches are distinguished by clean, white sand, the sea has a gentle entrance, a great place for a family holiday with children. The tropical forests descending from the mountains make the Yalongwan resort even more attractive. The resort infrastructure is located separately from the hotels, that is, no discomfort is caused to vacationers. In Yalong Bay, all cafes, restaurants, supermarkets are located in food cords, the so-called “restaurant streets”, where you can also find bars, restaurants with Chinese cuisine, Starbucks cafes, various souvenir and grocery stores. The prices and menus of some restaurants are presented below.

The most popular bay among tourists is Dadonghai. In the resort area of ​​Dadonghai Bay there is simply a sea of ​​entertainment for every taste, diving, fishing, many restaurants, bars and cafes, including Russian cuisine, shopping centers "Anans", "Winter" and "Summer", fruit stalls, in the evening the city comes to life. The cost in cafes and restaurants is significantly lower than in other bays of the island. Beaches in Dadonghai are municipal, umbrellas and sunbeds are available for an additional fee, approximately 100 rubles. But there are also hotels with their own area on the beach. Hotels are mostly with a small territory, there are no Russian-speaking staff, and English is not spoken everywhere.

China is famous for its medical centers, in Dadonghai there are two of the most famous, the center of traditional Chinese medicine “Garden of Longevity” is located next to the Pearl River Garden 4* hotel, a free transfer from the hotel where you are staying is organized to this center, then an initial examination is carried out accompanied by Russian-speaking staff and, based on the results of the examination, a number of procedures are prescribed (acupuncture, massage sessions, individual herbal collection). Another sanatorium of traditional Chinese medicine, which is often visited by tourists, is “Taiji”; it is also a large international diagnostic and treatment center in the city.

Next we visited Sanyabey Bay, it is located closest to the city of Sanya, and closest to Phoenix International Airport, where all flights from Russian regions arrive. Hotels in Sanyabey Bay are of different star categories, but they are all located across the road from the sea, regardless of whether the hotel is 5* or 3*. The beach is municipal, but some hotels have their own area on the beach. The infrastructure is some distance from the hotels, that is, to cafes or restaurants you need to walk about 10-15 minutes or drive 4-5 minutes. But you can use local rickshaws; the Chinese drive along the embankment and offer tourists to take you to a street with a cafe or to a specific place for 5 yuan. From Sanyibey to the city of Sanya itself it takes from 15 to 50 minutes, it depends on the location of the hotel. For example, from the Palm Beach 5* hotel it takes about 50 minutes by bus, and 40-35 minutes by taxi. The bay and the city of Sanya are connected by excellent transport links, there are bus stops every 200 meters; you can get to the city by bus No. 4, No. 2 or by taxi.

At the end of our trip to Hainan Island, we visited Shenzou Bay. A beautiful bay, with stunning scenery, a wide beach line and a beautiful sea. In this bay there are the Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula 5* hotels and next to it the Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort 5*. Holidays in this bay are supposed to be calm, for those who want to take a break from the bustle of the city. Around the hotels there are rice fields and a small block where there are about 4 restaurants, cafes, a supermarket and a pharmacy. From the Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula 5* hotel, a free shuttle to the city of Waning is provided 3 times a day, where you can buy fruit, there is a cafe and a small shopping center.

And next to Shenzou Bay, just 10 minutes away is Shimei Bay. In this bay there is a beautiful hotel with an atmosphere of calm and complete relaxation, Le Meridien 5*, all guests are greeted with live music performed by Filipino musicians. The main feature of the hotel is the open-air cinema! Everything about this hotel is unique! Relaxing here is a pleasure!

A few nuances to consider when visiting Hainan Island:

  • Our Russian telephone operators do not work on the island, but the Internet works great and you can communicate via Viber or Whatsapp.
  • All hotels on Hainan Island require a deposit of $100 upon check-in.
  • Throughout China, including on the island of Hainan, only yuan are accepted in circulation (today 1 yuan = 8.89 rubles), when arriving on the island you need to exchange dollars for yuan at the hotel reception or at a China bank.
  • The difference with Krasnoyarsk is +1 hour.

The most popular excursions on Hainan Island:

Ethnographic village of Li and Miao. The village area is a beautiful park area with many tropical trees and flowers. Among the thickets there are many houses traditional for the Li and Miao peoples, but in fact this village is not residential, it was created to acquaint tourists with the culture of the peoples who inhabited these lands.

Nanshan Buddhism Center is the largest Asian Center of Buddhism. Its territory is a huge park in the form of a temple complex; above the temple there is a 108-meter statue of the goddess, significantly exceeding in height even the well-known American Statue of Liberty in New York. The sculpture of the goddess Guanyin in Hainan is listed in the Guinness Book and is considered the greatest Buddhist shrine, since it contains particles of the ashes of Buddha Shakya Muni, the founder of the religion, who lived in this world two and a half thousand years ago.

Monkey Island, is considered the largest reserve in the Celestial Empire, where monkeys are bred. In total, about 2,000 individuals live on its territory, and the reserve itself covers an area of ​​1,000 hectares. Throughout the Hainan Monkey Sanctuary there are direction signs in different languages, and Russian is one of them, so despite the huge area, it is unlikely that you will get lost here. When entering the reserve, tourists must be given instructions according to which the macaques must not be frightened, teased or fed. Even attempts to touch them can lead to unpredictable consequences. However, not all monkeys living on the Island are in the wild. The reserve has its own theater and circus with trained individuals performing complex tricks and acts. While walking through the park, you will also have the opportunity to take unusual photos with trained macaques who will pose for you.

Romantic Park, the show “Back to the Past” before the start of the show you can walk around the stylized ancient city, on the streets there is real life of past centuries. Towards evening, the “Romantic Park” show itself begins; in terms of entertainment, it ranks second in the world, in first place is the Cirque Du Soleil, unrivaled in scale and acrobatics. Several dozen acrobats, dancers and stuntmen take part in the performance. The show itself tells about the history of the city of Sanya - everything is in Chinese, but it’s not at all annoying, since everything is staged theatrically, and the number of artists, acrobats, costumes and changes of scenery are simply impressive!

Yalongwan Rainforest- this is one of the best places in Hainan to explore the local nature, more than 1,500 hectares of tropical forests! Here you will have the opportunity to walk along the 160-meter suspension bridge (Lover's Bridge), admire the Orchid Valley, see the Buddha Stone, visit Dragon Square and climb to the very top of the mountain (450 meters), enjoy the magnificent views of the coast of Hainan Island.

There are still a lot of interesting places on Hainan Island and there is a lot more that can be told; it is best to see everything with your own eyes.

O. Hainan is a wonderful place worth visiting, like many other parts of our planet. I will happily return to Hainan again and I know for sure that I will discover something new.