Santa Maria salute. Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. What to see in the cathedral

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice is an architectural monument that preserves the memory of the Venetians who died from the plague. It was erected after the disease epidemic had passed Venice in 1681 and personified thanksgiving to Our Lady for salvation from this deadly disease. The word “salute” is translated from Italian as “health, salvation.”
The Church of Santa Maria della Salute is located on the banks of the Grand Canal. The Dorsoduro district, where the church is located, is the southernmost part of Venice. From the Dorsoduro area, you can cross the Grand Canal via the Accademia Bridge to the San Marco area. The area is crossed by the Giudecca Canal. You can cross it to the opposite side - Giudecca Island - by vaporetto.


The building of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice is made in the Baroque style. It has an octagonal shape, topped with a huge dome supported by powerful columns. The dome lies on a drum, each side of which has two windows framed by arches.
Two small bell towers adorn another, smaller dome that crowns the presbytery and altar of the church. There are chapels along the perimeter of the Church. There are six of them in total. One chapel is dedicated to Anthony of Padua, who is considered the patron saint of the poor and travelers. The chapel is decorated with works by Titian. The remaining chapels of the church are dedicated to the Virgin Mary and decorated with works by Luca Giordano and Pietro Liberi. Inside, the church building is decorated with works of art by Tintoretto and Titian, as well as marble sculptures by Giusto La Corte depicting the Virgin Mary and the miracle of healing the city from illness. The central altar is decorated with an image of the Virgin Mary and Child.
The building of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute is the creation of the architect Baldassare Longhena. The architect possessed the secret knowledge of the Cabal, which is why in the church a large number of various cabalistic signs and symbols.

Tourist on note.

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice is open to the public daily from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00. Services are held on Sundays and holidays at 11:00, and from Monday to Friday at 16:00.
Get to the Church from railway station Venice can be reached by vaporetto number 1, which runs along the Grand Canal. Or vaporetto number 82 from Piazzale Roma in Venice. There are several small parking lots on this square for tourists traveling by private vehicle.
To pay for vaporetto services, the most convenient way is to purchase a special travel ticket, which gives you the opportunity to use both vaporetto and ACTV buses. This ticket also gives you free access to ten museums in Venice.


In the evening and at night, from the Venice embankment, not far from which the Church of Santa Maria della Salute is located, you can admire the view of the Church of the Holy Savior. And the annual holiday, which is held here at the end of July in honor of the Savior, captivates with its colors and fireworks. In the western part of the Dorsoduro district there is an art gallery - the Academy (Galleriadell'Accademia). Unique examples of Venetian painting from the 13th to 18th centuries are collected here. The gallery and the Accademia Bridge can be reached by vaporetto. Two blocks from the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice is the Peggy Guggenheim Gallery with a huge collection of works of art. Not far from the church is the Bridge of Sighs, connecting the Doge's Palace and the prison. In the Middle Ages, convicts were driven along it, whose sighs gave the name to the bridge. In the area of ​​the church there are also Palazzo Dario and Palazzo Corner.

Of all the churches in Venice, it is Santa Maria della Salute that is considered the most romantic and the most iconic for the townspeople. The incredible beauty of the temple, located opposite the Doge's Palace, owes its appearance to the plague epidemic that broke out in the middle of the 17th century.

History of construction

The middle of the 17th century became a dark period in the history of the city for Venice: at that time the plague was raging in the city (and throughout Italy), claiming dozens and hundreds of lives every day. Almost a third of the entire population of Venice fell victim to a terrible disease. And then representatives of the city council called on the townspeople to pray to the Holy Virgin Mary, while publicly promising to build a church in her honor if the outcome was successful.

Whether the miracle happened or not, the epidemic subsided, the disease retreated from the city, and life gradually began to return to its previous course.

The authorities kept their promise. A competition was announced among architects for the most best project churches. The winner was the project of the little-known 26-year-old master Balthasar Longen. The whole of Venice collected money for the construction of the church - there was not a single family in the city that was not affected by the Black Death at that time.

Construction of the temple began in 1631 and lasted a little over 50 years. Balthasar's idea was that the main building stood on a platform of wooden piles driven into the bottom of the Grand Canal. For the platform alone, more than 100 thousand of them were required, since subsiding soil interfered with the normal flow of construction.

As a result, the construction of the platform took much longer than originally expected. Total used in construction over a million wooden beams.

The church building itself is built of brick, and marble dust is applied on top. The temple has an octagonal shape; this octagon is topped with a dome in the shape of a hemisphere. A slightly smaller dome is located above the altar. The facade of the church is decorated with columns, bas-reliefs, pilasters and sculptures of archangels. The entrance to the cathedral resembles a triumphal arch, as if being a symbol of victory over the plague.

The creator of this splendor did not live long enough to see the completion of construction, and the consecration ceremony took place without him. The name given to the church is Santa Maria della Salute. "Salute" translated from Italian means "health, salvation", thereby indicating that it was named in honor of the great deliverance from the plague that invaded the city.

Every year, namely November 21, Venice hosts the Festa della Salute, which is held in honor of the city’s deliverance from the “Black Death”, and a solemn mass is celebrated in the cathedral. All the gondolas gather in front of the church, forming a kind of crossing. A temporary pontoon bridge is being built between the Doge's Palace and the cathedral, along which everyone can cross to the cathedral.

In front of the steps at the central entrance to the cathedral there is a small platform, and if you turn your back to the cathedral, you will have a wonderful panoramic view of the Doge's Palace ().

Interior decoration

The inside of the temple is not as lavishly decorated as the outside. This is the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute different from many churches of that era built in the Baroque style.

The first thing that catches your eye when entering the room is the huge interior space. The central octagon (octagon) is surrounded by arches and columns that turn into pilasters. There are 6 chapels along the perimeter. The height of the dome is about 60 meters. The floor also deserves attention - it is made of marble in the shape of concentric circles.

The central altar contains an image of the Virgin Mary and Child, and this image is the creation of the first architect, Balthasar Longen. Above the altar is an icon in the Greek-Byzantine style, specially brought from the Church of St. Titus on the island of Crete, "Madonna della Salute" (mother healer).

To the right of the central altar, the place of honor took sculptural group depicting the Virgin Mary expelling the Black Death from the city. The plague is depicted as a dirty old woman.

Cathedral decorated with paintings by great Italian masters– Tintoretto (“Marriage at Cana”), Giordano (“Ascension”, “Introduction of the Virgin Mary into the Temple”), Pietro Liberi, Titian “David and Goliath”), Rembrandt (“Sacrifice of Abraham”).

In 2010, there was a fire in the church, resulting in The painting "David and Goliath" was damaged— it turned out to be flooded with water during the extinguishing process. Restoration work is currently underway, and soon the painting will be restored to its rightful place above the altar.

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In Venice, on the Grand Canal in the Dorsoduro district, the Cathedral of Santa Maria rises. It is located opposite the Doge's Palace, which stands on the Promenade of the Incurables.

The construction of the basilica was carried out in honor of the fact that the city managed to get rid of the plague that was observed in this territory in the period 1630-1631. At that time, approximately 100,000 people died from the plague - more than a third of the city's population.

Construction of the basilica began in 1631. It was led by a young architect named Balthasar Longena. He began construction only after the approval of the Grand Council, as well as Doge Nicolo Contarini. Construction went on for fifty years. It ended only in 1681. The consecration of the building took place after the architect died.

Based on the data that has been preserved, more than a million wooden beams were needed to build the foundation of the structure. Approximately 100,000 of them were driven into the seabed as piles.

In the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute, a mass is held every year to mark the end of the plague. In November, on the 21st, the Catholic Church celebrates a holiday called “Introduction into the Temple.” Holy Mother of God" On this night, the Festa della Salute is celebrated, and for the convenience of people, a pontoon bridge is built from the Doge's Palace to the cathedral itself.

The basilica was erected in the shape of an octagon, which is topped with a hemispherical dome. Later, a second dome appeared above the altar, but it was somewhat smaller. The main dome is placed on a drum, which has fifteen ribs. Each of them, in turn, housed paired windows framed by arches.

To get inside the cathedral, you need to go through the triumphal arch. The facade is decorated with numerous sculptures of the Archangel Michael, who beats Satan. There are also sculptures of John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary (located above the central pediment).

As for the interior of the building, it forms a spacious central octagon, which is surrounded by an arcade. Its columns intelligently turn into pilasters, and the dome rests on them. Its height is 60 meters. The floor of the building is made of marble, which is laid out in concentric circles. Along the perimeter of the basilica - outside the central octagon - you can see six chapels.

On the central altar of the basilica there are marble statues that show the scene of the Virgin Mary ridding the city of the plague. The central part of the altar became the location of the revered icon of the Madonna della Salute - this is Our Lady of Healing. The icon was once brought from the island of Crete.

The side chapels of the basilica are also dedicated to the Virgin Mary (with the exception of one - Anthony of Padua). They are decorated with amazing altarpieces by Titian, Luca Giordano, and Pietro Liberi. The basilica became the location for Tintoretto's painting, The Marriage at Cana. It was written in 1561.

In 2010, the church was damaged by fire. On this day, a painting by Titian called “David and Goliath” was flooded with water. She decorated the ceiling of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute. Two more paintings were also damaged.

Opening hours: 10:00-12:00 and 15:00-17:00.

Address, opening hours, how to get there

  • Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute
  • Address: Fondamenta Salute, 30123 Venezia, Italy
  • 123 4567
  • Coordinates: 45.430679 , 12.334752
  • http://site/crop_t/200/150/images/sights/1872.jpg


What is the famous church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice (photo) and why the Festa della Salute is held on November 21. Santa Maria della Salute on the map of Venice.

Venice has never been the religious center of Italy, it is rather the capital of beauty, romance, and love. But there was also a place for beautiful churches on which Venetian architects honed their skills. The most beautiful, bright and extraordinary church can be called the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute. It is also considered the largest domed temple in the city on the water.

In Santa Maria della Salute you can see paintings by Titian, as well as David Killing Goliath, The Sacrifice of Abraham, The Descent of the Holy Spirit, and Cain and Abel.

Plague epidemic

For more than three and a half centuries, the original building of the Church of Santa Maria della Salute has graced the southeastern part of the Grand Canal. AND who would have thought that this ideal of architectural beauty would be brought to the city by a plague epidemic. Yes, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.

So at the beginning of the 17th century, Venice was struck by this terrible disease - a ferocious and merciless plague. People died one after another, and then the members of the city Senate made a vow to the Holy Virgin Mary that if the deadly disease subsided, they would build a large luxurious church in honor of the Mother of God.

The epidemic actually left the city, taking with it about one hundred thousand lives, which amounted to more than a third of the city’s population. And the Senate began to fulfill the promise.

Construction of Santa Maria della Salute

Santa Maria della Salute - the main decoration of the Grand Canal

Photo: Santa Maria della Salute

A competition was announced for the best project; during a heated creative competition, the young architect Baldassare Longhena won. Construction began in 1631, but the Church of Santa Maria della Salute took on its finished form only in 1682.

Construction work was hampered either by settling soil or by walls that were not prepared to bear the weight of the huge central dome. We had to resort to various architectural tricks and adjust the project on the fly. Only needed for one foundation more than a million wooden beams, most of them went into the construction and installation of piles. As a result, by the time the church was finally opened and consecrated, its creator was no longer alive. But his name forever remained in the memory of the Venetians, grateful for the truly grandiose work.

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute turned out to be extremely elegant, in the classical traditions of Venice, where every building is like a toy.

The elegant octagonal structure in the Baroque style with a huge white dome was decorated with small towers, six chapels and two small campaniles. A second dome, smaller in size, complemented the architectural composition. The main façade and seven secondary ones are decorated with tympanums and pilasters.

Interior and painting

In Santa Maria della Salute you can see frescoes and paintings by great masters

The interior of Santa Maria della Salute is headed by a central altar by the same Longhena, which depicts the Madonna and Child. To the left of it is an allegorical figure of Venice, and to the right is an image of the very plague that the Virgin Mary expelled from the city. Above the altar is an icon of the Mother of God in the Byzantine style, which migrated here from the Basilica of St. Titus on the island of Crete.

Altarpieces painted by Luca Giordano are also kept here. These are the paintings “The Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple,” “The Nativity” and “The Ascension.”

Painting is generally the central theme in the decoration of Santa Maria della Salute. The walls of the church are also decorated with paintings by Titian, in which the artist depicted the evangelists. But the most famous of the paintings exhibited here are works on biblical subjects. These are the paintings “David Killing Goliath”, “The Sacrifice of Abraham”, “The Descent of the Holy Spirit”, and “Cain and Abel”.

The great Tintoretto also made his mark in the church interior with his work “Marriage at Cannes”.Among the sculptures, the church houses statues created by Giusto La Corte.

Festa della Salute

Grand Canal at sunset

The name of the church reflected the gratitude of the Venetians for the miraculous salvation - “salute” means “salvation”, another meaning of this word is “health”.

Good afternoon, dear readers! The snow-white Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice was built in the 17th century as a thank you to Heaven for the miraculous deliverance from the plague. Everyone who comes to the city on the water is sure to come here. Some are attracted by the unique style of Baroque architecture, others by the desire to sit on the steps of the cathedral near the water of the Grand Canal.

There are also true art connoisseurs who dream of seeing the precious collection of sculptures, famous paintings and frescoes of Santa Maria della Salute. It seems that all the masters of the Renaissance left their “messages” here for their descendants.

The masters of the Venetian Renaissance left an invaluable gift for us. Going to Venice and not visiting Dorsoduro Island is a big miss. We will take a virtual tour around the church and go inside. You might want to see her live.

Temple of the Virgin Mary on Dorsoduro Island

Located on the island of Dorsoduro famous temple Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute. Which translates as “Cathedral of St. Mary of Health.” A beautiful Baroque building with two domes can be seen from afar. Tourists include it in their route around the Venetian Lagoon not only for the sake of photographs and souvenirs. The church has a centuries-old history associated with one of the most terrible tragedies XVII century.

Although, few people think about the sad things when this snow-white cathedral on the shore rises in front of them. You can look at the building for hours, because it is decorated with many small architectural details. Statues of saints, columns, porticoes and skillful stone carvings...

How to escape from the plague

It was not the first time that the plague came to the Venetian Lagoon in 1630. One miraculous cure for this disease was already known to citizens. This happened in 1576. Then the epidemic lasted 1 year and claimed 50 thousand lives.

A new wave of illness and fear lasted another year. The plague decimated human lives until 1631. This time the losses amounted to 100 thousand people.

The devout Catholics “knew very well” what to do. The city authorities, eminent persons and nobles offered the higher powers a “lucrative deal.” They promised the Virgin Mary to build a church in her honor, and she would once again save the inhabitants of Venice from the Black Death.

Prayers helped or a coincidence of circumstances helped, but the plague went away. As soon as the healers officially announced this, construction began. The rulers did not skimp on the construction of a truly beautiful temple.

We are waiting for the vaporetto in front of the church entrance

Snow White Temple

Santa Maria della Salute is the largest domed church in Venice. It was built in 50 years (1631-1681). The architect was Baldazar Longhena. So that you understand who we are talking about: this is the favorite student of the great master Vincenzo Scamozzi.

Longena proposed building a temple that would have the shape of a crown inside. The idea was realized. The architect created a beautiful, majestic baroque temple, but did not see the opening. He died several years before construction was completed.

100 thousand wooden piles support the church. The number of pillars is symbolic: approximately the same number of people died from the plague in a year.

Due to the fact that the basilica is based on an octagon, the architect managed to achieve the effect of a “crown”. The architectural technique is difficult to see with the naked eye.

The main entrance to the cathedral is richly decorated and designed like an arch. On the facade there is a sculpture of the Archangel Michael who defeats and overthrows Satan. Above the pediment are sculptures of John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary (in the center).

Inside the cathedral

The inside of the church is spacious and bright. The architect managed to achieve this effect thanks to a little trick. The dome is installed on a “stand”. We don't see it, but there are 15 rectangular windows at its base. The light always falls on the main altar.

Just above are paired baroque windows. The Venetian sky can be seen through them.

Of particular interest is the central altar of the temple. It is decorated with scenes of the Virgin Mary ridding the city of disease. There is also an icon of the Madonna della Salute, brought from Crete.

The temple has 6 side chapels. 5 of them are dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The sixth is decorated with images of St. Anthony of Padua.

Thanks to the octagonal base, in the center of the temple you can see a fancy base framed by columns on which the pilasters “lie” supporting the dome.

The octagon is an octagonal base that resembles a star.

The temple has a crypt (crypt), which can also be visited.

The floor is paved with marble slabs. The pattern on the marble is concentric circles. Here, under the crown dome, on an octagonal pedestal, you can feel the joy of thousands of people through the centuries. Prayers have been answered. The Virgin Mary the healer cleansed Venice of the plague.

Valuable collection

The main altar is decorated with Titian's icon of the Apostle Mark Enthroned. There are also works by masters Luca Giordano and Pietro Liberi.

Probably the greatest treasure is Tintoretto’s painting “The Marriage at Cana” (mid-16th century).

The temple is decorated with several sculptures by Giusto La Corte, which are worth paying attention to.

The altar icon of the Mother of God was brought from the Church of St. Titus (Cyprus). She came here at the beginning of the 17th century. The ancient icon is painted in the Greco-Byzantine style. It is believed to be one of the earliest images of the Virgin Mary.

The ceiling of the church was painted by Titian on the biblical story of David and Goliath. In 2010, there was a fire in the cathedral, and during the extinguishing, the painting was damaged and flooded with water. Its partial restoration is still underway.

An unforgettable holiday

Those who are eager to see the local flavor and strive for special sensations should visit Venice in November, when in the very center of the city, near the Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute, you can watch an amazing spectacle.

On November 21, the entire Catholic world, including Italy, celebrates the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple.

This holiday coincides with another holiday - Festa della Salute, taking place in Venice. On this day, a traditional thanksgiving mass is held in the cathedral in honor of deliverance from the plague.

Once upon a time, boats were lined up across the Grand Canal from one bank to the other, with a bridge laid on top of them. For hundreds of years, believers have been going to church for mass along it.

Now the tradition of the procession to the temple remains, but the pontoon bridge, which was erected especially for the holiday, looks very modern.

As usual, the procession starts from the Doge's Palace and all residents participate in it.

The church, and the whole island, is decorated with garlands, candles, and flowers. Tourists can join and become part of the traditional celebration.

Working hours

The cathedral is active and services are held there.

  • Open daily from 9:00 to 17:30
  • Please note: there is a break from 12 to 15 hours.
  • On Sunday it works without a break.

According to a special schedule, classical music concerts are held in the cathedral.

What is the price

  • Visiting the church is free.
  • Visit to the crypt 1.5 euros for everyone.

How to get there

Take route No. 1 to the Salute stop.

Other routes are also suitable. The main thing is to get to the right bank, and from there you can walk to the cathedral.

Address: Campo della Salute, Dorsoduro

Where to stay in Venice

Now many housing options in Venice have appeared on the service AirBnb. We have written how to use this service. If you do not find a free hotel room, then look for accommodation through this booking site.

We offer good hotel options in Venice

Santa Maria della Salute on the map

Venice is home to a huge number of famous art collections. Near the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute there are three excellent museums:

  • The Accademia Museum or Venice is an art museum that houses the largest collection of Venetian painting from the 14th to 18th centuries.
  • Punta della Dogana is a former customs building that now displays 2,500 works of contemporary art from the collection of billionaire François Pinault.
  • Peggy Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art, where you can see works by V. Kandinsky, M. Chagall, Picasso, Braque, Dali, Miro.

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