The most criminal city. The most dangerous cities in Russia. Crime statistics

Moscow, April 25 - "Vesti.Ekonomika". The portal has published a crime index of cities around the world (Crime Index), which determines the crime level in a particular city or country.

These indices were compiled based on surveys conducted among site visitors.

Some countries keep accurate statistics based on the number of crimes per capita.

However, in some countries such statistics are not kept.

So, below we present the top 10 most criminal and dangerous cities in the world.

10. Rio de Janeiro

Country: Brazil

Crime index: 77,87

Safety index: 22,13

Rio de Janeiro is a city of contrasts. On the slopes of the surrounding mountains there are squalid dwellings. These are the poorest areas of the city - the favelas.

There are several thousand favelas in the city. Essentially, these are mini-states within a state. Federal authorities practically do not interfere in favela affairs.

In most favelas, the standard of living is very low, often there are no basic amenities, schools, hospitals, etc. and, as a consequence of all this, there is an extremely unfavorable crime situation and terrible sanitary conditions.

Rio de Janeiro is very famous high level crime, including drug trafficking, which is mainly concentrated in areas of densely populated favelas, practically uncontrolled by government authorities and the police (power in them actually belongs to the most influential drug cartels).

9. Pretoria

Country: South Africa

Crime index: 77,99

Safety index: 22,01

Pretoria is the administrative (location of executive authorities) capital of South Africa (one of the “three capitals” of South Africa along with Cape Town (legislative) and Bloemfontein (judicial), de facto national capital countries.

One of the most modern cities in Africa. Pretoria is a city of great contrasts, surrounded by belts of slums.

In Pretoria, despite the relatively rapid growth of the black middle class, the majority is still white, although in suburbs such as Sosganwane and Atteridgeville, the population is almost all black.

8. Recife

Country: Brazil

Crime index: 78,00

Safety index: 22,00

Recife is a city and municipality in Brazil, the capital of the state of Pernambuco.

The crime rate is high, which is typical for major cities Brazil.

According to official statistics here 47.89 violent deaths per 100 thousand people.

Thus, Recife is one of the most dangerous cities not only in Brazil, but also in the world.

7. Johannesburg

Country: South Africa

Crime index: 78,49

Safety index: 21,51

Johannesburg is the largest economic and financial center of South Africa, producing 16% of the country's total GDP.

The city center is built up with skyscrapers, which house the offices of the largest banks, national industrial companies, transnational corporations, the stock exchange, large hotels, etc.

And the areas of Hillbrow and Berea were included in the list of the most crime-ridden urban areas in the world.

6. Durban

Country: South Africa

Crime index: 78,58

Safety index: 21,42

Durban is the center of the third most populous agglomeration in South Africa after Johannesburg and Cape Town, located in the eThekwini urban district of the KwaZulu-Natal province.

Largest port in the region.

The most serious problem is the extremely high incidence of AIDS in the city, which reaches 25% among the black population.

The city's crime rate is high, even by South African standards, although city officials and police have made significant progress on the issue in recent years.

According to official data, there are 34.43 violent deaths per 100 thousand people in the city.

5. Selangor

Country: Malaysia

Crime index: 78,90

Safety index: 21,10

Selangor - federal state in Malaysia. One of the 13 states of the country, located in the western part of the peninsula.

Selangor has the most developed infrastructure in the country, especially the transport system.

This is the most populous state, with a high standard of living of the population and a low percentage of poverty.

4. Fortaleza

Country: Brazil

Crime index: 83,90

Safety index: 16,10

Fortaleza is a city in Brazil, the capital of the state of Ceara. The fifth largest city in Brazil.

According to official data, 44.98 violent deaths occur here per 100 thousand people.

3. Pietermaritzburg

Country: South Africa

Crime index: 84,23

Safety index: 15,77

Pietermaritzburg is a city in the Republic of South Africa, the center of the province of KwaZulu-Natal and its second most populous city.

The city is famous for being visited by Mahatma Gandhi in his youth; At Pietermaritzburg, he was forced to leave the train because he refused to move from a first class carriage to a third class carriage due to the fact that there was no seat for a European in first class (even though Gandhi had purchased a first class ticket).

This incident was one of the reasons that prompted Gandhi to begin the fight against discrimination against people from India in South Africa. Now there is a monument to Gandhi in the city center.

2. San Pedro Sula

Country: Honduras

Crime index: 85,59

Safety index: 14,41

San Pedro Sula is the second largest city in Honduras after Tegucigalpa.

The city of San Pedro Sula is considered one of the most dangerous settlements on Earth.

According to official data, 112.09 violent deaths occur here per 100 thousand people.

1. Caracas

Country: Venezuela

Crime index: 86,61

Safety index: 13,39

Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. For a long time, accurate data on violent crime in Caracas was not known, but in 2016 the government released official data.

As a result, Caracas took first place in the ranking of the most violent cities in the world.

According to official data, 130.35 violent deaths occur here per 100 thousand people.

The megacities of our day accommodate millions of people, not all of them have a good environment, in addition, there are problems with living space, the social situation can be difficult, and getting to work is a problem. However, if it takes at least 2 hours to get to the office, and there are no suitable jogging paths or green parks in the area closest to you, there is no need to be upset, because in the world there are not only inconvenient places to live, but also life-threatening ones. Today we will look at the most criminal cities on the planet, where normal life cannot exist.

Ciudad Juarez is a metropolis in Mexico, located on the coast of the Rio Grande River, which at this point forms a natural border area between the United States and Mexico. On the opposite side of the coast there is a large US population center - El Paso; Juarez, together with this city, forms a border-type agglomeration. Juarez, on the border, has become a strategic transportation hub, representing one of the main logistics points between the United States and Mexico.

The ongoing fights between drug cartels and a huge number of murders have “glorified” this city. Every year at least 3 thousand murders are committed here, about 7-8 such events occur every day. The harsh reality for this city is the constant confrontation between gangs and police officers, the heads of people lying on city streets in broad daylight, as well as the daily increase in freshly dug graves in city cemeteries.

Here you can see special forces checkpoints and police outposts everywhere, and sirens do not stop day or night. Corruption has long and firmly sprouted into the system of maintaining order; every day the number of murders and thefts is only increasing.

Most residents of Ciudad Juarez have one or another connection with the processes of crime in the city, since it is this way of life that allows them to bring the standard of living to the norm they need. During the day it is difficult to see people here; almost all doors and windows remain closed. The population is 1.3 million people, but you can hardly see even one pedestrian on the streets.

Caracas – main city Venezuela. The population of the capital exceeds 3 million people. Venezuela is one of the richest countries in the world, ranking third in terms of crude oil exports. However, the population of this state has almost never lived prosperously, since a small group of oligarchs and huge corruption in the country do not allow oil income to reach the common population.

Former President of the Republic Hugo Chavez often mentioned in his speeches that the crime level near Caracas is similar to the 5th American column of the Yankees. Crime is supported by the local rich and wealthy bandits of Colombia. However, the situation is not simple. The President himself also relied on criminal groups. In 2002, the military decided to overthrow him from office and arrest him. Criminal groups in poor areas have become a stronghold of the head of state. They took up arms, surrounded the putschists and forced them to release Chavez.

History knows many cases where crime supported coups. The social reforms created by Hugo Chavez in the republic did not escape the same trend. As a result, Caracas became the most criminal and life-threatening city on the planet in 2008. Here, per 100 thousand population, 130 murders were committed, and judging by unofficial statistics, their number reached 160 people. The number of serious crimes increased by almost 68 percent compared to 1998.

Robberies on city streets have become commonplace. The police do not recommend leaving home after 6 pm, and tourist groups are warned that if they are approached and told to give up their camera, they must immediately comply with the request. Drug trafficking has also become commonplace. Venezuela has become a transit point between the United States and Colombia. Even a child can get heroin in Caracas.

San Pedro is located 60 kilometers from the coast Caribbean Sea, it is located in the Sula Valley. The population of San Pedro is 800 thousand people. The general plan is standard, there is Town Square, park areas and a large cathedral; nearby there are a large number of residential areas, museums and hotels. Just outside the city are the tropics and all the colors picturesque nature. It may seem that everything is within the standards, what can attract foreigners, especially extreme tourists, to the city?

It's simple, San Pedro has long been at the top of the list of the most criminal cities on the planet. Do you know for what reason? Every year there are 169 murders per 100 thousand population. This figure is huge even for Honduras - the figures in other cities are 20 times less. Also because this city has become one of the most major centers transfer of drugs from South America to the territory of the United States. Perhaps the point is also that you can own weapons here on completely legal grounds, you can buy a whole arsenal of weapons. At the same time, the authorities are completely unwilling to confront the world of crime (not surprising, given the level of corruption in this city). Yes, don’t forget, more than 85% of crime in San Pedro is committed with firearms.

San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador, a small city located in Central America. About 570 thousand people live in the city. According to data, per 100 thousand people in this place there are 95 murders annually. According to the results of 2015, there are facts of more than 2,200 murders committed here. The statistics give me goosebumps.

The MS-13 and Barrio gangs take full responsibility for these statistics, because they are the ones creating tension in locality. San Salvador has become the capital of violence, and the population can die at any moment from shootings in the streets. I must say, these gangster groups have the same system as Italian mafia or Yakuza, their main specialization is assault and robbery. Here they can not only rob, but also take their life.

It is the capital of the state with the same name and has long been famous for its rebellious character. Back in the 13th century, Guatemala became the main stronghold of resistance to the colonialists from Spain. The Mexicans followed them here to develop their influence as colonizers. However, this did not work out: Mexico managed to take Guatemala for only one year.

It’s a pity, but the country was tormented not only by the encroachment of the colonialists. In 1826, a civil confrontation broke out here, and the city also did not remain indifferent. This war changed the local government, new reforms took place, and trade relations experienced serious growth. In 1839, when another confrontation occurred, Guatemala became the main city of the state. However, the discord also affects today: the criminal situation in the metropolis remains tense. The police are unable to take control of the situation; Guatemala accounts for up to 41% of all murders in the country, which equates to 90 crimes per 100 thousand citizens.

The city was founded in 1536 in the western part of Colombia. Colonizers from Spain, under the leadership of Sebastian De Belalcazar, were able to survive all the indigenous Indians who lived in the Cali Valley.

Today's Cali is the metropolis of Colombia, its population is smaller only than Bogota and Medellin. The city is being built up at a rapid pace, and skyscrapers are being built here. The tallest building not only of Cali itself, but of all of Colombia is the Cali Tower. Considering the antenna spire, the height of the building is 211 meters, which has become the main attraction of the entire city.

However, the city is also known as a place of constant clashes between drug cartels, which large quantities due to the abundance of raw materials for drugs. The divisions of gangsters lead to the fact that there are up to 80 murders per 100 thousand of the city’s population per year.

There are a huge number of different kinds of city ratings. They compete in terms of comfort, beauty, attractions, hotels, beaches, and so on. But there is an equally interesting meter - crime. We will talk about cities that have earned themselves the title of the most criminal in the world. So, if you are planning to visit this town, think carefully about whether you are ready to become an action hero, because they do not always have a good ending.

It's worth starting with a city in Mexico. Ciudad Juarez is located on the border with the United States, where mainly those involved in drugs live, because huge quantities are transported through the city to the States. Having become a transit point for all drug dealers, the city earned itself a disgusting reputation and literally became gangster. Today there are 191 murders per 100 thousand people per year, how do you like this figure? There was a case when 49 people were killed in a club in just one night.

You've probably already heard about the second city on our list; we're talking about Caracas, Venezuela. Every year, 130 people per 100 thousand people are killed here, these are the official figures, the unofficial ones are even worse - 160-190 people. So, they don’t particularly like and favor tourists here, so think a hundred times before going to Caracas, and you should also think about your luggage, don’t bring anything valuable to Venezuela.

The third city on our dark list is located in Honduras, we are talking about San Pedro Sula. This city has such disappointing statistics: 119 murders per 100 thousand people. Tourists are asked not to go out unaccompanied, on foot, or alone. This is very dangerous place, but people still come to see a culture unfamiliar to them.

Now let's move to El Salvador, here our attention is drawn to the city of San Salvador, it is here that there are 95 murders per 100 thousand people, crime is rampant throughout the country in El Salvador, everyone knows about it very well, even the local population is afraid. A large gang called Mara operates in the country; it is the most violent in El Salvador.

Next on the list is Guatemala in Guatemala, as strange as it may sound. So, here the figure is 90 murders per hundred thousand population, which is quite a lot. The city is divided into 22 zones, among them there are calm and safe ones, as the guides who accompany tourists in all directions say.

Life and vacation in the city of Cali, Colombia are no less dangerous. We are talking about 72 murders per 100 thousand population, this figure is also not small, for sure. Here the drug cartels keep everyone in fear, they have created their own state within the country and are not going to give up power to anyone.

An American city is also included in our rating, we are talking about New Orleans, there is a huge number of former prisoners, so the crime rates are quite high. One should also take into account Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed everything in its path and New Orleans became ruins. Today it is the most dangerous city in the United States, 67 murders per hundred thousand population, this is the indicator.

There is a city in South Africa called Cape Town, some call it a piece of Europe in Africa, where the murder rate reaches 62 per 100 thousand people. Complete slums and immediately beautiful new buildings, this is the contrast of the city, everything here is very confusing and incomprehensible. By the way, before the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the world did not know what problems South Africa had with ensuring the country’s security.

It is worth saying a few words about the city of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. The climate here is very dry and agriculture there are some problems, more than half of the city's population live below the poverty line, 54 murders per 100 thousand population, this is the same figure in the city.

We decided to tell you about the most criminal and dangerous corner on our planet. What region do you think is the most undesirable to visit and live in? For example, every third crime committed on the planet occurs in Latin America. This is the most high rate. Even higher than in the most disadvantaged countries of the African continent.

Latin America has two sides to the coin. On the one hand, this is beautiful beaches, almost eternal summer (if you don’t take into account the south of South America), a variety of fruits, carnivals, smiles and football. On the other hand, there is the most severe crime: robberies, murders, drugs.

Why did it happen that in such a wonderful corner there is the most criminal situation? Coca plants, which are considered traditional for the indigenous peoples of America, grow very well in this climate. From them a derivative product, cocaine, is naturally obtained. Drug trafficking amounts to billions of dollars. And where there is big money, there are big problems.

Crime capital

So, the city, which has an important strategic location in the distribution of drugs, is located in Mexico and is called. Mexico has the largest concentration of crime in any single country. The drugs themselves are produced further south, mainly in Colombia. All traffic north to the States passes through Mexico. Here lies the secret of the situation in the region - the struggle of drug cartels among themselves for influence in the cities through which drug trafficking occurs.

Video on the topic

Trip around the city

Ciudad Juarez is located in the very north of Mexico on the border with the United States and stands on one bank of the Rio Grande River. On the opposite side is the city of El Paso in Texas.

On the one hand, the location near the borders with the United States gives the city advantages, such as rapid economic development, on the other hand, a constant war between groups who want to control the flow of drugs.

In 2009-2010, the largest peak in murders was recorded, and local police were mired in corruption. Then local citizens said that if the country's authorities do not restore order in the city, then they themselves will take on this matter. Since then, the government has systematically tackled the problem in the city.

The ranks of the police were significantly cleared and a regular army of about 8 thousand soldiers was brought into the city. Since then, signs of order have slowly but surely appeared on the city streets.

In 2009, the city was 25% ahead of Caracas and New Orleans in crime (2nd and 3rd place):

The vehicle in which three men were shot by gunmen in the city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico:

Since 1993, women have been constantly being killed in the city, and according to estimates for 2012, there are already 700 such victims and up to 4 thousand more are listed as missing. The nature of the crimes is almost the same - rape and dismemberment. Alleged motives for the crimes - the so-called, developed in Mexico, machismo(aka male chauvinism) as well as criminal fights among the same groups involved in drugs.

Eight women were found murdered at this site in 1996:

In 2010, a third of all murders in Mexico occurred in Ciudad Juárez. Since 2012, statistics show that the number of murders has been falling.

Police restrain a woman who saw a murdered relative in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico:

Bienvenida A Mexico

And if you still want to get to this region and plunge into this atmosphere? Then we will tell you how to get to this city.

In order to get to Ciudad Juarez you need to do several steps:

  • 1) Get a Mexican visa;
  • 2) Buy plane tickets;
  • 3) Get around the area.

Visa to Mexico

There are three legal ways to obtain permission to enter this Latin American country.

The first and most standard is the usual obtaining of a visa at the embassy.

The second method, which in recent years has become increasingly popular in the world, is the issuance of electronic tourist visas, which can be obtained without leaving your computer. The third way is to have a valid US visa, yes you read that right, this is how Mexicans treat their northern neighbors and their guests.

The easiest way is obtaining an electronic visa. Here you don’t need to go to the embassy and collect a package of documents, proof of solvency, certificates from work, pay the consular fee, and so on.

All you need to do to obtain an e-visa is to follow this link, where you just need to fill out a form in Russian. Then wait 15 minutes and you will receive an answer by email, in 99% of cases positive. Then we print out the electronic visa that arrived in your mailbox. You will need to present it at the airport upon landing and at border control at the airport in Mexico.

Three important notes on the e-Visa:

  • Electronic visa is free;
  • The printed document must be kept until leaving the country, otherwise there may be problems at the airport;
  • With an e-visa, you can enter the country only through air points passes, entry by land from neighboring countries or by ship is prohibited.

Air ticket

To buy a plane ticket, you can use the service for searching and comparing air tickets and select the best option on dates convenient for you.

The average cost of a Moscow-Mexico City round trip flight will cost $900-1000. You can find options for 750-800 dollars, in general, use the search for air tickets and you will be happy.

Get around the area

The distance from the capital of Mexico to Ciudad Juarez in a straight line is 1542 kilometers. You can get there using the services of local airlines Aeromexico; tickets start from $130 for a round-trip flight; if you buy one way, the cost will be approximately $70. Travel time is 2 hours 35 minutes.

Accommodation in the city can be rented from $10 per night per person in a double room.