The most mysterious plane crashes. How many planes crash per year Latest plane crashes

14:02 01/17/2017 The number of victims of the plane crash has reached 37 people;

17:13 01/16/2017 Experts have found the “black boxes” of the crashed Boeing 747. According to preliminary data, experts from Turkey, Russia and the USA will decipher them;

9:00 01/16/2017 Rescuers working at the site of a cargo plane crash report finding 32 victims;

8:42 01/16/2017 One of the crew members of the crashed Turkish Airlines plane managed to survive;

8:25 01/16/2017 At least 16 victims were found at the scene of the plane crash, and most of them were residents of the holiday village;

7:40 01/16/2017 Authorities have officially confirmed the crash of a Turkish Boeing 747 cargo plane near Bishkek. At the moment, specialists are working at the scene of the plane crash to search for victims and casualties.

On January 16, 2017, while preparing to land at Manas Airport, a Boeing 747 cargo plane belonging to Turkish Airlines crashed a few kilometers from its destination while flying from Hong Kong. The current crash was the first major plane crash since the beginning of this year, and, according to experts, it was very mysterious.

Chronicle of the events of the Boeing 747 plane crash of Turkish Airlines.

According to the news agency website, a cargo plane of the Turkish airline Turkish Airlines was flying from Hong Kong to Istanbul, with a planned stopover in Bishkek. However, early in the morning, when specialists at the Bishkek air harbor were already preparing to receive the plane, it unexpectedly disappeared from the controllers’ radars, and, as it later became known, crashed, in fact, a few minutes before its arrival at its destination.

A Boeing 747 cargo plane crashed directly into a holiday village, which led to a large number of injuries and casualties, numbering in the dozens of people, while there were only four crew members on board the aircraft itself.

There was massive destruction at the scene of the plane crash - when it fell, the plane literally rammed several buildings, which led to a large number of casualties and injuries.

Victims and injured in a plane crash near Bishkek on January 16, 2017.

As of 9 a.m., the bodies of 32 victims have already been found at the site of the cargo plane crash, including 3 crew members and 29 residents of the holiday village. However, experts note that the list of victims will definitely grow, since there are still bodies of people under the rubble.

According to preliminary data, as a result of the cargo plane crash on a holiday village, at least three dozen people were injured - most of them were hospitalized with various types of injuries.

Versions, causes and circumstances of the plane crash.

At the moment, experts are wondering why a Turkish plane crashed near Bishkek? And although the exact data of this will become known only after a thorough investigation, two main versions of the plane crash have already been put forward, including a lack of fuel and a technical malfunction.

Fuel shortage

At the moment, the version with a lack of fuel is the main one among specialists involved in the investigation of this plane crash, and although these circumstances are not officially commented on, experts believe that it was precisely because the plane’s fuel tanks were empty that the plane crashed into the holiday village. On the other hand, information emerged from unofficial sources that the pilots of the aircraft did not report an emergency on board and did not require an emergency landing.

Technical problem

The version of the technical malfunction of the Boeing 747 cargo plane is also one of the main ones, in particular, experts believe that it was likely that problems could arise with the aircraft control system, and, due to the fact that the plane was at a low altitude, the pilots were unable to report any problems they have.

Every 2-3 seconds someone lands or takes off. Some are happy about this, others are afraid. Is it worth giving in to fear? The answer will be given by statistics: how often planes crash, where it happens and how high the probability of a crash is.

About 100 thousand planes take off into the sky every day, and, oddly enough, the same number successfully land. Aircraft transport about 4.5 billion people annually, which is more than half the world's population. How many of them do you think add up to the statistics of those killed in plane crashes? No more than 1000 per year. The ratio is impressive, isn't it?

Over the entire existence of civil aviation (almost 100 years), less than 150 thousand people have died. This is less than the number of deaths per month in traffic accidents around the world.

How many planes crash per year?

According to Wikipedia, over the past 6 years, there have been 107 fatal plane crashes worldwide, killing 3,245 people. This is approximately 540 victims per year. It is important to clarify that the statistics take into account both commercial airliners and private small aircraft, and the number of victims is indicated taking into account those killed on the ground. That is, if a falling plane rammed a bus with 10 passengers, then they are also included in the statistics. Therefore, the real numbers of passenger plane crashes are much lower.

2010: 14 accidents in which 792 people died. The biggest tragedy was the unsuccessful landing of an Indian low-cost airline on a Boeing 737 (158 victims) and the crash of a Polish TU-154 near Smolensk (96 deaths).

2011 passed without any loud plane crashes. The largest number of victims (77 people) was in the Iranian Boeing 727, which could not be landed due to bad weather conditions. In total, 45 plane crashes were recorded, in which 552 people died. As is clear from the statistics, these were mainly light aircraft with no more than 10 people on board.

year 2012: 23 accidents, 315 dead. The worst case was the crash of a Pakistani Boeing 737, in which everyone on board (127 people) died.

year 2013 was relatively calm: only 5 aircraft accidents, the total number of victims was 128 people. 50 of them died in a Boeing 737 that crashed near Kazan.

year 2014 severely spoiled airline statistics: 15 accidents, with a total number of victims - 980 people. The most significant incident was the downing of a Boeing 777 over Ukraine, with 298 people on board.

2015 claimed 478 lives in just 5 plane crashes. The loudest was the Russian Airbus A321 that crashed over the terrorist attack, killing 224 people.

2016 remembered for the crash of the TU-154 of the Russian Ministry of Defense, in which 100 people died (92 passengers and 8 crew members. In total, over 12 months, air transport caused the death of 389 people.

2017 went down in history as the safest in the entire history of civil aviation. In just 12 months, 67 people died.

In which country do planes crash more often?

If we take into account exclusively passenger air transportation, then there is no clearly defined “Bermuda Triangle” in which planes most often crash. But if you take statistics on all air transport, the result will be somewhat unexpected.

Over the same 6 years, the most plane crashes occurred... in Russia - 41, the number of deaths - 559 people. During the same period, there were 11 aircraft accidents in the United States. It's interesting to note that the last one was back in 2013. Next comes Ukraine (7 disasters), Congo (6) and Germany (4, all in 2010).

Overall, the numbers are very encouraging. Having learned how often planes crash according to statistics, we hope you will feel more confident in flight.

The crash of the Saratov Airlines An-148 was the first major plane crash in the world in 2018. 71 people died as a result of the accident. This is the first such serious incident for the airline, although there have been significant incidents before. As possible causes of the crash, the investigation is considering “weather conditions, human factors, the technical condition of the aircraft and other possible scenarios.” It is known that the plane was in the air for only four minutes, and then crashed to the ground, after which it broke into pieces.

An-148 is a relatively young aircraft. It made its first flight on December 17, 2004. The crashed airliner with tail number RA-61704 was developed and produced by the design bureau named after. Antonov in 2010. The aircraft entered the Saratov Airlines fleet in February 2017. On the day of the crash, the An-148 managed to perform three flights: Penza - Moscow, Moscow - Saratov, Saratov - Moscow.

The Saratov Airlines fleet consists of 11 aircraft, including 5 AN-148–100 aircraft. The average age of the An-148 in operation is eight years, the entire fleet is 18.8 years. In 2016, Saratov Airlines carried 796 thousand 386 passengers (19th place among Russian airlines). On February 12, it became known that Saratov Airlines had temporarily suspended operation of the An-148.

Airplanes are considered the safest form of transport, and 2017 was the safest year in the history of commercial flights worldwide. According to official statistics from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (it takes into account any aviation accidents), compared to 2016, the number of plane crashes has decreased by more than 50%.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations takes into account all aviation accidents, including the crash of helicopters and private planes. And this is what the statistics of plane crash victims look like, taking into account exclusively passenger civil ships.

In most cases, the cause of plane crashes is attributed to the human factor:

According to a large study, the most fatal accidents occur during landing and approach:

The most serious aviation accidents with the An-148:

June 4, 2010 An An-148 of Rossiya Airlines, flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg, almost crashed. As a result of a short circuit in the fly-by-wire control system circuit, the plane tilted heavily and began to dive. The pilots managed to regain control and land safely in Pulkovo.

March 5, 2011 An An-148 crashed near the village of Garbuzovo, Belgorod Region, while performing a training flight. As a result of the disaster, all 6 people on board, including two foreign pilots, were killed.

February 26, 2012 An An-148 of Rossiya Airlines, flying from Berlin to St. Petersburg, had a wheel fall off. When approaching St. Petersburg, the plane ran out of fuel for about two hours, and then landed without the left main landing gear wheel. The cause of the incident was the wheel coming off the axle due to the destruction of the bearings.

August 23, 2013 An-148 lost a front landing gear tire during takeoff from Mineralnye Vody. The plane managed to fly safely and land in Pulkovo.

September 10, 2017 The An-148 of Saratov Airlines, operating a flight from Kirov to Simferopol, suffered a right engine failure due to a drop in oil pressure. The airliner landed at Saratov airport.

October 1, 2017 During the takeoff of an An-148 of Angara Airlines, operating a flight from Talakan to Irkutsk, the right engine caught fire. The plane made an emergency landing at the departure airfield.

February 11, 2018 An An-148 plane of Saratov Airlines, taking off from Domodedovo to Orsk, crashed 4 minutes after takeoff in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. 65 passengers and 6 crew members died.

TASS-DOSSIER: On November 7, 2017, an An-2R aircraft (registration number RA-02305, owner - Zodiac Group LLC, lessee - Daltransaero company), performing a cargo flight from the village. Ekimchan (Selemdzhinsky district of the Amur region) in the Khabarovsk Territory, crashed shortly after takeoff. During the flight, the engine began to operate unstably, with popping noises. The crew tried to return to the departure airfield, but 600 m from the runway the engine failed, the plane descended sharply, landed hard and burned out. One of the pilots died on the spot from his burns, the second crew member was hospitalized in serious condition.

Since the beginning of 2017, there have been 11 light aircraft crashes in the Russian Federation, in which a total of 15 people died.

May 17, 2017 near the village In Matcherka, Zemetchinsky district, Penza region, an X-32 Bekas light aircraft (registration number RA-0395A), owned by SoyuzAgro LLC, crashed. The pilot died. The plane was flying over a field to treat it with fertilizers and caught power line wires.

May 27, 2017 near the village of Gorki (Moscow region), a Yak-18T light aircraft (registration number RA-0809G) crashed. There were a pilot and two passengers on board - a man and a woman. All three died. According to eyewitnesses, the aircraft collided with the ground while making a right turn in descent.

June 10, 2017 private light aircraft OB-31 (registration number RA-0109A) collided with a birch tree and made a hard landing near the village. Nizhnyaya Chernavka in the Volsky district of the Saratov region. The pilot, a man born in 1962, was hospitalized in critical condition and died in hospital from a traumatic brain injury. The plane, commissioned by a local farmer, was supposed to carry out work on spraying fields. The accident occurred during the first test flight.

June 25, 2017 in the Urvansky district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, near the village. A Sigma-4 light-engine aircraft fell into a field and was destroyed. The pilot died.

June 26, 2017 near the DOSAAF airfield near the Grushevy farmstead (Stavropol Territory), a homemade light aircraft crashed. The pilot who was flying the aircraft, Vladimir Borzov, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, a former member of the USSR national aircraft modeling team, died.

June 30, 2017 single-seat light aircraft "Argo-02" made a hard landing near the village. Zelenovka (Stavropol district, Samara region). The pilot was hospitalized with an open head injury, from which he died in hospital the same day.

July 7, 2017 in the area of ​​the street Zarechnaya Tambov, a private light aircraft Bristell NG-5 (registration number RA-1627G) crashed. The pilot Alexander Kombarov, born in 1966, died; there were no casualties or destruction on the ground. The aircraft took part in demonstration flights dedicated to the graduation of students from Tambov State University. G. R. Derzhavin.

August 11, 2017 At the Berdsk-Tsentralny airfield (Novosibirsk region), a light-engine aircraft PZL-104 Wilga DOSAAF of Russia crashed during a training flight. Instructor pilot Sergei Dadykin, an experienced pilot who had more than 10 thousand flight hours on 30 types of aircraft, died. According to preliminary data, the cause of the disaster was a technical malfunction of the engine.

September 2, 2017 at the Chernoye airfield DOSAAF of Russia (Balashikha district of the Moscow region) during an air show dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the An-2 aircraft, a biplane of this type (registration number RA-35171) attempted to perform an element of aerobatics for which it was not intended, and dropped below a safe level altitude, while maneuvering near the ground, its wing touched the surface of the runway, collided with the ground, collapsed and completely burned out. Pilot Dmitry Sukharev and amateur photojournalist Boris Tylevich died on board. After the An-2 crash, air show flights were stopped. On September 6, 2017, representatives of the Federal Air Transport Agency reported that the pilot did not have permission to fly this type of aircraft, and the airworthiness certificate of the crashed aircraft itself expired back in 2012.

October 8, 2017 In the Predgorny district of the Stavropol Territory, a Yak-52 light aircraft (registration number RA-1765G), belonging to a resident of Essentuki, crashed. As a result, two people died - the owner of the aircraft, born in 1967, and a former military pilot, born in 1945. Mineralovodsk transport prosecutor Andrei Galushko told TASS that the owner of the plane did not receive permission to fly from the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Statistics is an impartial science. She does not belittle or embellish the details. She presents the picture as it is. The statistics of crashes in Russia are a complete disappointment in domestic aviation. When you start looking at the causes of plane crashes, you often come across the phrase “pilot error” or “crew error.”

It's right. The human factor is the leading cause in Russia and the world. What are the biggest plane crashes in Russia over the past 10 years? Unfortunately, there are many of them. And if in the USA the statistics of crashes is falling, then in Russia it is only growing. What are the main reasons for this?

So, the leader is by a clear margin - human factor. Insufficient and unqualified pilot training largely leads to such sad results.

Airbus A330-300 from Aeroflot.

Many experts note that old Soviet models are still in use, which are long overdue for decommissioning.

Another reason is the greed of airlines, which skimp on the quality of aircraft maintenance and the purchase of new parts and equipment.

As a result, the equipment wears out, parts are not replaced, and the aircraft becomes unusable. But it is not being taken out of service. There are known cases when the plane flew until it was completely worn out, even to the point of disaster!

List of the largest air disasters in Russia

Over the past few years, Russia has had its share of quite a few very sad disasters. One of the most “recent” is the crash of a TU-154 heading to Syria, December 25, 2016. This is the largest accident in 2016.

TU-154 from Utair.

The causes of the disaster have not yet been clarified due to difficulties in deciphering the black boxes. It is only known that the plane crashed into the Black Sea, taking with it the lives of all passengers and crew.

March 19 of the same year A FlyDubai plane flying to Rostov-on-Don from the UAE crashed. All the people died. The causes of the disaster are also still being clarified, but so far only interim results have been announced.

That night there were difficult weather conditions, which forced the plane to land twice. After the second time, it began to decline sharply and simply collapsed into GDP.

The biggest disaster in 2013, Boeing 737 crash near Kazan. All passengers and crew were killed. The accident also occurred during landing.

The reason is said to be negligence and failure of the crew to fulfill their duties, as well as their insufficient preparedness for flights.

Airplane TU-134.

Another terrible disaster that occurred in Karelia, death of TU-134 when landing. The plane collided with trees and crashed. One of the reasons is poor visibility in foggy conditions. 47 people died, but 5 managed to survive.

Plane crash near Yaroslavl of a Yak-42 aircraft led to the death of the entire Lokomotiv hockey team. In this disaster only 1 person survived. During takeoff, the plane crashed into a radio beacon and crashed on the river bank. The reason also turned out to be the unpreparedness of the crew.

Monday - April 2, 2012- turned out to be the last day for most passengers and crew of Utair flight 120. Only 10 managed to survive this disaster. The accident occurred after takeoff, 42 seconds later.

The reason turned out to be the PIC’s refusal to perform anti-icing treatment, which led to a deterioration in the aerodynamic capabilities of the aircraft. Plus, the crew was unable to notice the plane stalling in time.

Which Russian planes crash more often?

In the article on our website, you can see that the IL-76 is already in second place in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft in the world, and the third is the well-known TU-154. TU-134 takes sixth place.

Three models from Russian manufacturers are included in this list. This says something. However, for example, the same TU-154 was never taken out of service, as a result of which disasters continue to occur.