The most beautiful small cities in Europe. The most beautiful small medieval cities in Europe Milan Cathedral. Milan. Italy

Situated on a hill and protected by ancient walls, Clermont-Ferrand is one of the most beautiful medieval cities in France, the capital of the Auvergne region. Clermont-Ferrand is a picturesque city with quaint old quarters anda fascinating story related to the medieval crusaders.The idea of ​​the Crusades was first voiced in this city.The First Crusade was proclaimed by Pen Urban II in 1095 and developed into a fervent ideology for the conquest of the Holy Lands.

On On the city's skyline you can count 50 towers that represent the churches of the medieval city.The main attraction is the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Assompice, which is considered one of the great Gothic cathedrals of central France.Built in the 13th and 14th centuries, this magnificent cathedral was built from dark volcanic stone.The cathedral is famous for its beautiful stained glass windows, especially in the choir chapels and the rose windows in the transepts.The crypt is from an earlier century church and contains a remarkable 4th century sarcophagus.

2. Carcassonne

Inside the amazingly beautiful and fabulous battlements of French Carcassonne you will find a completely enclosed world of narrow cobblestone streets that transport travelers to the real Middle Ages. All buildings, squares and alleys have retained their medieval character. There are amazing historical sites such as the former Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, built between the 11th and 14th centuries, unique for its 14th-century Gothic choir with 22 statues, picturesque stained glass from the 15th century and a number of important tombs, including Simon de Montfort.

3. Perpignan

A charming melange of densely packed red-tiled roofed buildings and shaded squares, sunny Perpignan is a vibrant Mediterranean city located about five kilometers from the sea. Historically, it was the main city of the province of Roussillon.Due to its proximity to the Pyrenees Mountains, which border the Spanish region Catalonia has a strong Spanish influence.

In the center of the old town is Republic Square, dominated by the Theater Museum.On the north side of the old town is Castille, a 14th-century fortified tower resembling a castle that is Perpignan's main landmark.From the top of the Castille Tower you have stunning views of the city and surrounding area. Another interesting place in the city is the Saint-Jean Cathedral14th century with stunning interior.The most notable feature is the 16th-century white marble altar.South of the old town, in a massive star-shaped citadel, lies the Palace of the Kings of Mallorca, an excellent example of medieval architecture, built in 1276 as the residence of King Jaime I.

4. Uzes

The historic town of Uzès is located outside Provence, about 40 kilometers west of Avignon. The city is located in the wooded Alzon Valley. Travelers will appreciate the medieval atmosphere of Uzès with its narrow streets, quiet alleys and shaded boulevards. The main square of the city is surrounded by medieval houses and trees with an old fountain in the center. On Saturdays, a wonderful provincial market opens on the square. The city's main attractions are the Château, which was built at various times from the 11th to the 17th centuries, the former bishop's palace and the Uze Museum, a fine art museum.

5. Beziers

In ancient times, Béziers was a Roman military colony, which left its mark on the city's architecture. Beziers is locatedon a hillside overlooking the Canal du Midi.Béziers has two interesting historical churches: the Church of the Madeleine, originally Romanesque, but later rebuilt in the Gothic style and the church of Saint-Aphrodise is a landmarksarcophagus of the 3rd century.In the center of the old town is18th century town hall. Former Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, standing on a hill, is a fortified church from the 12th to 14th centuries with massive towers and a large rose window on the western front.The Museum is located not far from itfine arts, towhich is famous for its paintings and antique Greek vases.

6. Moulins

The town of Moulins takes its name from the many mills that once stood along the Allier River.Founded in the 10th century, Moulins became the main city of the Duchy of Bourbonnais in the 14th century.In the center of the quaint old part of the city is the Place de Villewith a wonderful Jacquemard, a charming watch with moving figures.At the Folklore Museumantique craft tools, a model of a medieval peasant house, furniture and traditional costumes are on display. Another important monument in Moulins is the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation, whose history dates back to the 15th century.The cathedral was designed in the Flamboyant Gothic style with stunning stained glass windows.In the sacristy you can see the famous triptych of the Master of the Moulins. Against cathedral locatedancient ducal palace of Moulins.

7. Saint-Gilles

The medieval town of Saint-Gilles is located near the western border of Provence, about 16 kilometers fromArle. The highlight of the city tour is the 12th century church, Elisa Saint-Gilles, one of the most impressive Romanesque buildings in the south of France. Church landmark,an elaborate façade with many decorative figures, including the first detailed depiction of the Passion in Western sculpture.In front of the church, on Republic Square, a narrow lane leads to a beautiful city ​​square, de Lolme. The most notable building on the square is Ran Omani house that has capitals decorated with detailed drawings.Inside there is a museum with a Christian sarcophagus with a beautiful bas-relief.From the hall on the second floor there is an amazing view of Saint-Gilles and the surrounding area.Saint-Gilles is also a good starting point for trips to the nearby Camargue nature reserve.

8. Villefranche-de-Conflent

At the crossroads of the Kadi and Teth rivers there is a historical Villefranche-de-Conflents, this one withThe medieval fortified city was once an important stop on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Within the fortress wallsThere are atmospheric narrow streets with elegant houses from the 15th to 17th centuries. ANDThe highlight of the city is the Church of Saint-Jacques, built between the 12th and 13th centuries.The church has an exquisite sanctuary with wonderful paintings of Saint Pierre and Saint Antoine.

9. Salers

The small medieval town of Salers, with a population of less than 1,000 people, is considered one of the most beautiful medieval towns in France.Picturesquely located at an altitude of over 914 meters, Saler is still surrounded by ancient fortress walls.The historic city is distinguished by its turreted houses and elegant Renaissance mansions.Many of the houses are built from dark lava stone, giving the town an austere appearance.The central square of the city, Grand Place,considered one of the most charming squares in France.A must-see place in Salers is the Church of Saint-Mathieu15th century. This church was built in the typical Romanesque style of the region and is decorated with old Aubusson tapestries.Another notable feature is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher from 1495.

10. Saint-Flour

Situated on a volcanic promontory, the ancient fortified city of Saint-Murs has unique character and charm. Saint-Flourhas earned the title "Pays d'Art & d'Histoire" (Land of Art and History) due to its rich cultural heritage.The history of the city began in the 4th century, when Bishop Flous arrived on an evangelical mission.During the Middle Ages, the city of Saint-Flour flourished as the religious capital of the region.The medieval walls are still visible, surrounded by volcanic rocks.Due to its location, the views of the surrounding landscape are impressive.Saint-Flour has the majestic Gothic Saint-Pierre Cathedral,which was built from black basalt.

Another notable attraction in Saint-Flour is the Musée de la Haute-Auvergne, located in the old bishop's palace.The museum displays archaeological collections, folk art and furniture, and traditional crafts.

When we think of Europe, beautiful cities like Paris, Rome and London come to mind. For many, these capitals are synonymous with a trip to Europe. In fact, the journey doesn't have to end here - there are many beautiful cities that are less known, but no less attractive. Here you can always explore something new - East, West, Center of Europe, Baltic, Balkans... The list goes on and on. Here is a list of the most beautiful cities in Europe according to tourist ratings.


It may seem cliché, but Paris will always be the most beautiful city in Europe. No matter how many other cities we visit, we still come back to the City of Lights and look at it with wonder and awe. Walking the city streets at night is like no other European capital.


Many people don't like Venice, but that's because they never stayed long enough. Cruise ships and the buses come and go much faster than their passengers have a chance to really explore Venice. Try to spend at least a week here, get lost in its back alleys, take a gondola ride along the canals and quietly enjoy a glass of wine on the bistro terrace.


Budapest is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, as well as the most beautiful city by the water. Stroll across the Chain Bridge to experience the beauty of Buda and Pest as they look across the Danube.


If you decide to take a trip to this beautiful city, you will not be disappointed. It is always crowded with tourists, but if you get off the main tourist paths, you can always find a quiet and cozy place. Just wake up early in the morning and walk around the city and see the real Prague. Tourists rarely start their excursions before 9:00, allowing plenty of time to explore the stunning architecture in privacy.


Florence is truly a city of art. Literally on every corner you will come across sculptures and masterpiece architecture. This is a city where you can walk slowly and enjoy every building you look at. The Duomo Cathedral stands proudly in the center of the city, and the endless cobblestone streets intertwine with each other, making it easy to get lost. Florence is without a doubt the most beautiful city in Europe.

San Marino

San Marino - city and independent republic in the middle of Italy. He was located high on a hill overlooking the most beautiful view that you can only see. It overlooks the Italian Apennines, revealing the beauty of Tuscany. San Marino is the oldest surviving sovereign state in the world, known as the Serene Republic.


Bern in Switzerland - object World Heritage UNESCO and the political center of Switzerland. In fact, this beautiful European city does not look like a political center at all, but rather created for a serene life, walking and shopping. Even just looking at his photo, it becomes clear why he was on this list.


The more you visit Barcelona, ​​the more you fall in love with it. Many people aren't fans of Gaudí's work at first, but once they get to know him a little more, they fall in love with his innovative, colorful and playful architecture. With a beautiful coastline, quiet parks and a bustling center, Barcelona is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.


Bologna should definitely be included in your a tourist route in Europe. The city is as beautiful as Rome and Florence, but much more calm and cozy. There is a more local energy and atmosphere here that is easy to feel and appreciate. Bologna even has the tallest leaning tower in all of Italy, surpassing even the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


Istanbul is a city with two faces, one part of it is in the east and the other in the west. It is this exotic combination that makes it so special. Mosque spiers dot the Istanbul skyline as far as the eye can see. This huge city is easy to explore on foot and the best views open from the Galata Tower. Here you will understand why Istanbul is called one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.


Brussels Square is one of the most beautiful in all of Europe, and the city itself is filled with history and charm. Having been here once, it is impossible to forget all this beauty, and you want to come back again and again.


It will hardly surprise anyone that London is included in the list of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Its history, culture, traditions and attractions are unique in their essence, which attracts millions of tourists from different parts of the world.


Rome is a city whose sights preserve the great Roman history. Ancient ruins here are intertwined with modern architecture, adding some special aura to the city. This is one of the most beautiful cities not only in Europe, but throughout the world.

Czech krumlov

This is one of the most beautiful cities you can visit in Europe. Located a few hours' drive from Prague, Krumlov is famous for its historical center, which seems to have stepped out of the pages of a bright fairy-tale book.

Of course, it is difficult to choose the most beautiful from hundreds of European cities, since they are all beautiful in their own way. This time we limited ourselves to 14 cities, but soon we will continue this list separately for each European country. In the meantime, you can admire the most beautiful cities in the world in a separate article.

The most beautiful cities in Europe are of interest to all tourists who are going to see something new, enjoy a pleasant holiday and just good impressions.

It’s not every day that you get to travel to Europe, so you need to know the top 10 amazing cities that are worth visiting.

If you decide to live in a beautiful place for some time or go for permanent residence, we still recommend paying attention to the very beautiful and quite cozy cities from our rating.

The top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe are revealed by two cities in Italy. Rome is in the first position, but Venice is not far behind, its place is in second.

1 place

Rome is considered The Eternal City, it connects centuries-old history, culture and modernity. Probably the first thing every tourist in Rome will rush to see:

  1. Coliseum. Indeed, this place has become a real symbol of the city and the most famous archaeological site of Rome.
  2. Center for public life Ancient Rome consider the Roman Forum and the Palatine. Here were the most important buildings of the city, which now attract many tourists with their picturesqueness. The Roman Forum is simply mesmerizing when viewed during sunset.
  3. Piazza Venezia is considered the most important intersection of the Italian capital; there are always a lot of travelers here, and the main attraction is the impressive Vittoriano monument.
  4. You can see the grandeur of the Christian building dedicated to the pagan Gods if you visit the Pantheon temple. The dome of the structure is considered the largest in the world, in addition, it gives an amazing lighting effect. Tombs are kept in the Pantheon famous people, for example, there is the tomb of the world famous artist Raphael.

On a note! The Colosseum is the name of the ancient Roman amphitheater, which at one time saw gladiator fights.

By the way, those who want to return to Rome again should definitely look at the Trevi Fountain and throw a coin into it. The size of the fountain is surprising; it is considered one of the examples of Roman Baroque.

2nd place

Venice is not just a pleasant city, but a whole country of love, romance and kisses. You only need to come here with your significant other to plunge into this atmosphere. The fact that the city is located on the water already makes it special, unlike any other. In addition, there is also something to see and enjoy here.

You should examine San Marco very carefully - main square Venice. All the buildings on it are unique, so if you have time, you should try to examine this place as carefully as possible and record it not only in your memory, but also in photographs.

St. Mark's Cathedral captivates with its charm and grace - it is simply impossible to take your eyes off it. It is a place of pilgrimage and a Christian shrine.

The Doge's Palace will surprise you with its unrealism and grandeur, and the Church of Santa Maria del Rosario will enchant you with the splendor of its facades. The Bridge of Sighs is considered the place where you can see all lovers; there is even a legend that says that a couple who kissed here will be together until the end of their days.

Beautiful Athens and magical Amsterdam

Places 3 and 4 in the top 10 beautiful European cities belong to Athens and Amsterdam.

3rd place

Most travelers come to Athens solely for the sea, but there is a lot to see here. The first thing that will attract the attention of guests of this wonderful city is the Acropolis. This architectural monument is known all over the world; moreover, all of Greece is proud of this historical complex.

An interesting place is the ancient market, which is located at the foot of the Acropolis; it once existed not only as a place of trade, but also as the cultural heart of the city.

Fans of historical sights will be surprised by Keramikos ( ancient city), as well as an archaeological museum and the port of Piraeus, which welcomed merchant ships for more than 2000 years.

To those who love panoramic views, you will love the beauty of Philopappou Hill, and lovers of something original should visit the Monastiraki market. This is where you can buy amazing souvenirs and gifts for your family.

4th place

To enjoy the beauty of Amsterdam, you must first see the flower market. Just for this place you can fall in love with the city, because here you can find different flowers, the existence of which is difficult to even imagine in your head.

There are other attractions thanks to which Amsterdam attracts tourists. We are talking about Dame Square, where the Royal Palace is located, considered the most famous building in the city.

It’s hard to imagine Amsterdam without a walk through the Red Light District and a tour of the Van Gogh Museum.

Stylish Prague, incomparable Warsaw and Hallstatt

The middle of the top 10 beautiful cities in Europe is Prague, followed by Warsaw and Hallstatt.

5th place

Prague is truly a very beautiful city, it has a lot of incomparable architecture, interesting places and attractions.

You can fall in love with Prague at first sight, regardless of the weather and time of year. Its Old Town Square will convey the atmosphere of medieval architecture and allow you to travel back in time for several hours.

The Old Town Hall will attract special attention. You can enjoy the beauty of the old town with the Charles Bridge, which is considered the most romantic place in Prague. If you make a wish while on this bridge, it will definitely come true. Picturesque views open here in the evening.

6th place

The beauty of Warsaw opens with Palace Square, next to which is the beautiful St. John's Cathedral, and if you look at the ancient streets, you can feel the flavor of the old city, feel the atmosphere and spirit of the history of Warsaw.

Every tourist will be enchanted by the Market Square, where there are a lot of museums. You can just take a walk and see the outskirts of Warsaw in the Royal Lazienki Park, there are many castles, pavilions and interesting landscape compositions.

7th place

7th place in our TOP 10 belongs to Hallstatt, although this city is not very advertised travel companies, but it will give real beauty.

This small town is considered a piece of paradise, because its nature will not leave anyone indifferent. There are beautiful views from the lake, Hallstatt combines amazing architecture, mountain nature and the stunning beauty of the lake.

Strict Madrid, charming Geneva and Helsinki

8th place

Madrid is eighth in the top 10. The beauty of this city lies in its abundance amazing places, which are not found anywhere else. There are a huge number of museums here that present paintings by world artists.

Madrid will surprise with its pomp Royal Palace, the Cibeles fountain, and a large number of theaters and parks. You can truly “get imbued” with the spirit of this city at a bullfight.

9th place

The ninth line belongs to Geneva, the calling card of which is considered to be the Jet Deaux fountain.

You can explore the surroundings of Geneva by walking along the embankment, visiting the historical center of the city, admiring the flower clock, and also enjoying the beauty of St. Peter's Cathedral.

10th place

The last place in the top 10 is occupied by Helsinki. Modernity and lightness are combined here; each street surprises with its elegance, memorable buildings and museums.

Incomparable views open up to Senate Square in the capital of Finland, in Esplanade Park, on the Old Market and Trade Square. The ensemble of copper pipes located near the monument to the composer Sibelius will also charm tourists.

Each city from the TOP 10 will attract and surprise tourists with something of its own, and will be able to give extraordinary emotions and a sea of ​​impressions.

Also, before visiting cities, we recommend watching video blogs about the first two Italian cities in a rather interesting, funny, but no less educational format, which was filmed by bloggers Ruslan Usachev and Mikhail Kshishtovsky in their program “It’s time to get out!”:

From the same guys you can watch another fun video with an overview of the standard and not so attractions of Venice:

But here is a more serious video, filmed for television, about number 3 from our ranking - Athens:

Europe is famous for its abundance of beautiful medieval cities, usually well preserved. Many of them, in particular European capitals, are well known to tourists. However, in the Old World there are also a large number of small ancient towns, less “promoted”, but no less interesting. They may seem especially attractive to tourist photographers, for example, to those who are mastering the art of shooting with quadcopters. A large assortment of high-quality and variously priced drones is presented on the website:

The most famous medieval town in Belgium is undoubtedly Bruges, often called the “Venice of the North” due to its abundance of canals. The history of Bruges dates back to 1128, and today its old center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition to meeting the locals architectural monuments and boating along the canals, tourists have fun tasting a variety of beers and chocolates.

The small Belgian town of Dinan is less famous, but no less picturesque. In a city with only 14,000 inhabitants, tourists will be interested in medieval architecture, as well as landscapes - the Mosa River embankment and the surrounding cliffs framing the town.

The city of Bled in Slovenia is one of the most picturesque parts of this country. It is located on the shores of Lake Bled of the same name and is famous for its castles and temples. The best panoramas of the area are obtained when shooting from quadcopters.

There are many interesting places in Germany that have preserved their medieval architecture. Thus, Regensburg, founded almost two thousand years ago, is one of the oldest cities in the country. The main attraction is the perfectly preserved medieval center with a cathedral, bridge and Gothic-style buildings.

The real kingdom of half-timbered wood is called german city Freudenberg, located in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the old center there are many black and white half-timbered houses standing in orderly rows, this view is business card Freudenberg.

Swiss Gruyère is not only the name of one of the most famous varieties of cheese, but also historical city in the canton of Fribourg. Here you can see remarkable ancient buildings and medieval castle. Another small Swiss town recommended for visiting by anyone interested in beautiful medieval buildings is Murren in the canton of Bern. It is located at an altitude of 1650 m in the Lauterbrunnen Valley, surrounded by three of the most famous Swiss peaks - Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau. There are always a lot of tourists here, the number of which exceeds the number of local residents (450 people) by several times.

In the UK it is very difficult to single out the most interesting medieval towns, but it is worth mentioning Bibury - “the most beautiful village in England”, sung by the poet William Morris, and famous for its 14th century buildings, as well as the small village of Castle Combe in Wiltshire, named one of the most attractive British settlements by The Times.

France is also rich in small medieval towns, among which a special place is occupied by Collioure with a picturesque castle, the ancient church of Notre Dame des Anges and an ancient lighthouse, as well as Josselin - a fabulous town in the Brittany region, with an equally impressive castle built in 1008.

San Gimignano in Tuscany (Italy) is a medieval walled city. Here tourists will be interested in the old center with a cathedral and many ancient towers, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990. The town of Funes in the Italian Tyrol is not spoiled by tourists, so it is suitable for those who are looking for not only beautiful scenery in Europe, but also privacy. Local views will delight even experienced landscape photographers.

In northern Europe, Reine is worth a visit - a village in Norway, which has more than once occupied the top positions in the rankings of the most beautiful places in this country. Reine, founded in 1793 as a port, is located on the Lofoten Islands, surrounded by picturesque mountains.

When planning a trip to Europe, the first destinations that come to mind are Paris in France, London in England, or Berlin in Germany. Each of these capitals is incredible, but that's not all that Europe has to offer. By exploring some of the small towns on the continent, you can see a more authentic, traditional side of these places. Are you planning an exciting vacation? I invite you to take a photo walk through several of the most beautiful places in Europe. Be sure to pick a few small towns to add to your itinerary. This way you can soak up the best of what Europe has in store for tourists.


Off the coast of Scotland is a chain of Inner Hebrides islands, one of which is known as Skye. The capital of Skye is Portree, remote but a nice place overlooking the lake of the same name. You can get here by ferry from the mainland, which is interesting in itself. Portree is also famous for its brightly colored buildings just steps from the cozy beach and calm waters of the harbour.


On the island of Malta there is a small but picturesque village called Marsaxlokk. This traditional fishing village on the south-eastern side of the island has a fascinating ancient history. Once there was an ancient Roman temple in honor of the goddess Juno, and today it is a place of pilgrimage for lovers of the clear blue sea, fresh seafood and diving. Popular activities include a day on a fishing boat, or upscale sailboat cruises along the coast.


On Sweden's west coast, the small town of Smogen is a popular coastal destination with scenic views. When visiting Smogen by car, you will pass over a beautiful bridge with panoramic views of the bay below. Once you reach Smogen, immediately head to the harbor. Small buildings painted in bright colors lined up right next to the water. Some of the houses are perched on the very top of the cliffs throughout this charming and quaint Swedish village.


In central England, the popular Cotswold region is home to rolling hills, wide fields and forests. In the center of the Cotswolds there is a small village called Bilbury, where time seems to stand still. The most iconic landmark in Bilbury is the Arlington Row line of thatched cottages. This architectural style is still popular among local homeowners. The famous American entrepreneur Henry Ford called Bilbury and its townhouses the best part of England, and you will certainly agree with his assessment.


The city of Giethoorn is one of the oldest in the Netherlands. Its history dates back to the 13th century, when the first canals for irrigation and Agriculture. Most of Giethoorn's houses were built overlooking the water. Lush vegetation, manicured lawns and traditional architecture only enhance the beauty of the city. Make the most of your time in Giethoorn by booking a canal tour by motorboat. This way you can take photos of many beautiful bridges and other landmarks in the city.

Czech krumlov

When visiting Cesky Krumlov you will find yourself in a real medieval fairy tale. The city itself is divided by the waters of the Vltava River, and an incredible 13th-century Gothic castle stands majestically in the center of Cesky Krumlov. Baroque buildings from the 18th century line both sides of the streets leading directly to the castle. The city not only has outstanding architecture, but also natural scenic beauty. You will never forget these stunning views and will want to come back here again and again. Krumlov is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.


The city of Husavik in northern Iceland is not as popular with tourists as Reykjavik, but it is definitely worth a visit. The small town is rightfully considered the whale watching capital of Europe. During summer season any sea excursion guarantees you a meeting with whales. Another popular pastime in this incredibly picturesque city is horse riding. Icelandic horse breeds are ideal for coastal rides, which are the best way to explore the amazing scenery of Húsavík.


Slovenia may not be the first European country, which you will remember when planning your trip. However, in terms of natural beauty, it is one of Europe's most underrated destinations, with some of the most remarkable scenery on the continent. An example of this is the city of Bled on the shores of the lake of the same name with the Julian Alps in the background. In the center of the lake itself is a small island with a charming white church. The city of Bled looks like it came straight out of a romantic medieval fairy tale.


The city of Ronda in Spain is surrounded largest resorts, like Malaga and Marbella. Ronda, however, allows guests to step back in time and explore a stunning collection of historic architecture. One of the most iconic ruins of the city is the Arab Baths, built in the 14th century. The Puente Nuevo Bridge over the El Tajo Canyon is considered the symbol of the city and its most recognizable landmark. Don't miss the chance to stroll through the intricate, narrow streets of this old city.


In the heart of the Swiss Alps lies the city of Zermatt - one of the most... scenic spots in Switzerland. In the background of the village rises the Matterhorn, one of the highest peaks in the Alps. Zermatt is completely car-free, which helps preserve its traditional atmosphere. Whether it's skiing in winter or rowing on the Vispa River in summer, Zermatt is a unique holiday destination. The city is on the list of popular ski resorts in Switzerland.

Rothenburg am Tower

The medieval center of Rothenburg on the Tower is one of the most iconic and attractive places in all of Europe. The small German city gained its city walls in the 14th century, as did much of the architecture in the Old Town. Untouched by time, Rothenburg am Tower offers tourists medieval palaces, administrative buildings and traditional Bavarian half-timbered houses. Walking tours - The best way get to know this small European city.


The French city of Eguisheim is located next to the Rhine River on the border with Germany. It is widely known as one of the main wine producing areas in Europe, with green hills interspersed with countless vineyards. Centuries-old houses line the cobbled streets of Eguisheim, and restaurants offer a wide selection of excellent local wines.


Montenegro's coastal resorts are beautiful, but often filled with high-rise hotels and shopping malls. For contrast, it is worth visiting Perast - a small village with several hundred inhabitants. Perast, with its concrete fishing piers and pebble beaches, has a special splendor. All this is complemented by iconic sights, including the historic cathedral.


One of the most beautiful cities in Austria - Hallstatt is located on the shores of Lake Hallstatt. For thousands of years, people have flocked to the city for its salt mines. Today, the main reason for visiting is the scenery. Mountain peaks rise above the surface of a calm lake, where you can find everything from caves to waterfalls. All these beauties are concentrated not far from the picturesque historical center city ​​of Hallstatt.


In the northernmost part of Norway are the Lofoten Islands - the most picturesque part of the country. There are no major capitals here, but you will find the small town of Reine. The Reine is a prime location for admiring and observing wildlife in its natural habitat Northern Lights. Without leaving the city, you can see the transparent blue water, lush green landscapes and striking mountain peaks. Almost all the houses here are traditional, with a characteristic bright red hue.


The coastal town of Positano is on the Amalfi Coast of Italy, but most of its visitors are sightseers from neighboring places like Sorrento. As a result, there are far fewer tourists in the evening and you can enjoy world-class beaches in relative privacy. The city's harbor offers a variety of restaurants, hotels and shops for a great time. The beautiful harbor really comes to life at sunset. For an unforgettable adventure, rent a boat to see the coastline of the most beautiful city in the Mediterranean from the water side and appreciate all its beauty.

Oia city

On the famous Greek island of Santorini is located the most attractive small town in Europe - Oia. This is an ideal destination for those who enjoy breathtaking scenery. The miles of winding roads throughout the village offer a wide variety of spectacular views. Sunset is the most interesting time of day in Oia, as this Greek destination is known for its world-class sunsets, pink skies and the sun setting below the Aegean horizon.