Largest cities by population. Largest cities by population List of largest cities in the world


10th place - Wuhan

People settled in the area more than 3,000 years ago. During the Han Dynasty, Hanyang, located at the confluence of the Han and Yangtze rivers, became an important port. About 300 years ago, Hankou became one of the country's four leading trading cities. As a result of the Second Opium War, Hankou was opened to international trade. Foreign concessions were created in the city - British, French, German, Japanese and Russian.

The territory of the metropolis consists of 3 parts- Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang, which together are called the “Wuhan Tricity”. These three parts stand opposite each other on different banks of the rivers, they are connected by bridges, one of which is considered the first modern bridge in China and is simply called the “First Bridge”. The city center is flat, while the southern part is hilly.

The city is surrounded by lakes and swamps, formed partly from the remains of the old bed of the Yangtze River; access through the lake zone is carried out by dams. Outside the lake area, the city is surrounded by a traffic ring.


9th place - Kinshasa

The first Europeans to appear on the territory of modern Kinshasa were Portuguese in the 15th century. However, the Belgians were the most successful in colonizing the Congo, helped by civil strife in the local feudal states. The city on the site of modern Kinshasa was founded in 1881 by the famous African explorer Henry Morton Stanley and was created as a trading point. The city was originally named Leopoldville in honor of the Belgian King Leopold II, who owned vast territories that are now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kinshasa - a city of sharp contrasts, where rich areas, shopping areas and three universities coexist with the poorest slums. The city is located along the southern bank of the Congo River opposite Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. This is the only place in the world where two capitals directly face each other on opposite banks of the river.

The Congo River is the second longest river in Africa after the Nile, while at the same time being the deepest on the continent (in the world, in this indicator, it is second only to the Amazon).


8th place - Melbourne

The area adjacent to the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay, which is now Melbourne, was inhabited by the Wurundjeri Aboriginal tribe of Australia before the arrival of Europeans. It is generally accepted that Aboriginal people have lived in this area for at least 40 thousand years. The first attempt to establish a European colony here was made by the British in 1803. In May and June 1835, the area that is now the central and northern parts of the city was surveyed by John Batman, one of the founders of the Port Phillip Association, who entered into an agreement with 8 Wurundjeri chiefs for the sale of 600,000 acres of surrounding land.

Thanks to the gold rush in this state, the city quickly turned into a metropolis and by 1865 became the largest and most important city in Australia, but already at the beginning of the 20th century it lost the palm to Sydney. Between 1901, when the Federation of Australia was formed, and 1927, when Canberra became the capital of the state, Australian government offices were located in Melbourne.

Melbourne is ranked in the world's top 50 financial centers by MasterCard's World Business Centers Index and second place in Australia, second only to Sydney.


7th place - Tianjin

Before the Song Empire, the Haihe Valley was sparsely populated. In the 12th century, warehouses for grain and other products of central and southern China appeared here, which were distributed from here to the northern regions of the country. Under the Yuan Empire, saltworks were established in the Tianjin region. The transfer of the capital from Nanjing to Beijing led to the rapid growth of the settlement, which was fortified and received the name “protection of the heavenly ford” (Tianjinwei) in 1368. The city has become the gateway to Beijing for the entire population of southern and central China. Europeans were fascinated by the newly built temples of the city and the 7.6 m high wall that surrounded it.

In the 20th century, Tianjin became the locomotive of Chinese industrialization, the largest center of heavy and light industry. Is part of the project "Bohai Ring Economy". The city is experiencing a construction boom. The tallest building is the 75-story Tianjin International Financial Center skyscraper, and the 117-story Goldin Finance 117 skyscraper is under construction.

Tianjin is home to the National Supercomputing Center, home to the supercomputer, Tianhe-1A, the fastest in the world from October 2010 to June 2011.


6th place - Sydney

Modern research based on radioisotope analysis indicates that the indigenous people of Australia, the Aborigines, first came to the area in which Sydney is now located approximately 30,000 years ago.

Sydney is an extraordinary metropolis, where the tallest skyscrapers in the center blend harmoniously with the vast private sector around the city. New South Wales regulation 1829 required that new private houses be built at least 14 feet from the street to provide sufficient space in front of each house for a front garden. By the beginning of the 20th century, Australians adopted American style front yards without fences, to create park-like streets, encourage good neighborly relations, and prevent anti-social behavior and crime.

Sydney's most important economic sectors, based on the number of workers employed, are services, retail, manufacturing, healthcare and public services. Since the 1980s, the general situation in the labor market has changed in such a way that an increasing number of jobs are moving from the manufacturing sector to the service sector and the information technology sector. Sydney's economy is approximately 25 % from the entire Australian economy.


5th place - Chengdu

Chengdu originated in the 4th century BC. e. When people came to these places during the founding of the kingdom of Shu, they were told: “The first year became a gathering area, the second became a city, the third year became a capital.”; From the words “to establish a city” the name “Chengdu” appeared. In the ancient kingdom of Shu, Chengdu, Xindu and Guangdu (modern Shuangliu), together called the “three Dus,” were famous, but later it was Chengdu that rose to prominence, and Xindu and Guangdu have now become its constituent parts.

Chengdu is a major center of economics, trade, finance, science and technology, as well as an important center of transport and communications. According to the World Bank's 2007 report on the global investment climate, Chengdu was declared the benchmark for the investment climate in China. Also, according to a study conducted by Nobel laureate in economics Robert Mundell and famous Chinese economist Li Yining, published by the State Information Center in 2010, Chengdu has become the engine of the Western development program and benchmark for China's investment climate, and also the main center of new urbanization.

The city is one of the country's most important automotive and auto parts production centers. The city produces several hundred thousand cars a year and plans to increase production to 1.25 million in 2020. The following automakers are represented in Chengdu: Volvo, FAW Volkswagen, FAW Toyota and Sinotruk Wangpai. There are also about 200 major manufacturers of car components from German, Japanese and other lines.


4th place - Brisbane

The territory of modern Brisbane has been inhabited by Aborigines since ancient times. In 1823, an exploring party led by John Oxley traveled down the Brisbane River to what is now known as Brisbane Business Centre. In 1824, a colony for exiles was established here, and in 1842, when this colony was abolished, the city began to develop rapidly.

Brisbane ranks highest in population growth rate 1st place in Australia. According to official data, between 1999 and 2004 the city's population grew by 11.5%.

An interesting fact is that if the northern coast of the river in the city is called Brisbane City Center and contains numerous “business outlets”, including clothing stores, household and digital equipment stores, car services, etc., then the south coast is called South Bank and includes numerous recreational facilities, including: South Bank Parkland, City Beach, and others.


3rd place - Beijing

Cities in the Beijing area have existed since the first millennium BC. On the territory of the modern capital of China there was a city Ji - the capital of the Yan Kingdom, one of the states of the Warring States period (473-221 BC). After the fall of Yan, the subsequent states of Han and Jin included this area in various districts. During the Tang Empire, this area became the headquarters of Jiedushi Fanyang, the military governor of the northern part of modern Hebei Province. In 755, the An Lushan Rebellion began here, which is often seen as the starting point of the fall of the Tang Empire.

Recently, Beijing has become increasingly famous as a center for innovative entrepreneurship and successful venture capital. This growth is enhanced by a large number of Chinese and foreign venture capital firms, such as Sequoia Capital, headquartered in the Chaoyang region. Despite the fact that Shanghai is considered the economic center of China, this is largely due to the fact that a large number of large companies are located there, however entrepreneurship center in China called Beijing. In addition, Beijing is a world leader in the production of melamine and melamine compounds (ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid).

Beijing hosts many significant forums every year, for example, the Russian-Chinese Economic Forum, in which not only politicians, but also businessmen are invited to participate. Economic forums stimulate the signing of contracts between Russian and Chinese companies, which leads to the achievement of an important task - increasing foreign trade turnover between China and Russia.


2nd place - Hangzhou

Hangzhou, formerly called Lin'an, served as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty in the pre-Mongol era and was the most populous city in the world at that time. And now the city is famous for its tea plantations and natural beauty, the most famous of which is Lake Xihu (“West Lake”).

The city has preserved its historical past. Every weekend, thousands of Chinese from all over China, Hong Kong, Macau come here to visit the famous parks and monuments. Hangzhou is also a major industrial center, home to thousands of Chinese corporations. Here many goods are produced, starting with refrigerators, cars, equipment, thermoses and much more. The city has a modern airport from which you can fly to almost any major city in Southeast Asia.

There is a saying in China: "There is heaven in heaven, Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth".


1st place - Chongqing

It appeared about 3 thousand years ago. In ancient times, the city was the capital of the Ba kingdom and was called Jiangzhou. The name "Chongqing" ("double triumph") arose in 1189, when the third son of Emperor Xiaozong became the head of the Gongzhou region, receiving the title "Prince Gong", and in the same year, after his father's abdication, became emperor under the name Guangzong.

Chongqing is one of the largest commercial centers in China. Industry plays a leading role in the city's economy. The main industries are: chemical, mechanical engineering and metallurgical. Chongqing, together with the cities of Shanghai, Changchun and Shiyan, is China's largest automobile manufacturing base. The city has 5 factories for the production of complete cars and more than 400 factories for the production of automobile parts. Possibility of annual production - 200 thousand cars and 3 million motorcycles. It is also home to a large air conditioning factory.

Chongqing is known as "hail in the mountains", the central part of the urban area, located between the beds of the Yangtze and Jialingjiang rivers, has a hilly topography, houses here are clinging to mountain spurs, and the streets slope steeply to the shore. Chongqing has a particularly beautiful view at night, when the hills are colored with numerous lights of residential buildings, and the dark sky overturns above them, the twinkling stars of which seem to compete with the earthly illumination.

Travel is opening, this is meeting new people and a new culture, this is communication and knowledge - knowledge of the world and oneself. Some people value peace and solitude when going to protected areas of wild nature, while others like the bustle of big cities, the pulse of highways and the lights of big cities.

The largest cities in the world

When it comes to the largest city, we can highlight several settlements. If one city can be considered the largest in terms of population, then another can be considered the largest in terms of its extent.

Cities with a population of over a million

Currently, there are almost millionaire cities in every country. But there are countries that include 10 or more such cities, for example, China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Japan, Nigeria, South Korea.

  1. Largest city by population - Tokyo- the capital of Japan, a city of historical monuments and skyscrapers. The population is 37.5 million people.
  2. Shanghai- “eastern capital”. Shanghai had to endure the Opium Wars, British and Japanese occupations, brutal battles during the years of revolution and the rule of the triads.

    The city passed all the tests with honor, turning into a huge modern metropolis.

    The first settlements on the site of Shanghai arose at the beginning of the 8th century, but it received city status only in 1553 and remained in the shadows until the 19th century, which is associated with a relatively small number of historical attractions in modern Shanghai. However, it has something to surprise visitors - being actually the largest city in the world (more 24.2 million inhabitants), it plays the role of the most important economic, transport, industrial and cultural center of China and the world.

    Karachi- the heart of the East. An amazing tropical climate, the crystal waters of the Arabian Sea, ancient forts, the ruins of medieval settlements and, at the same time, modern financial corporations, the largest industrial enterprises and the best education system in the Islamic world - all this is the city of Karachi, located in the south of Pakistan.

    The city's population exceeds 23.5 million people. The city is replete with historical, cultural and religious monuments, there are many parks, beaches and hotels. Thanks to this, Karachi is one of the most attractive tourist centers in the East.

    Beijing- the modern capital of the People's Republic of China (21.7 million inhabitants) - one of the oldest cities.

    The legendary city of Ji, once located on the site of modern Beijing, was founded early 1st millennium BC, and in 473 BC. became the capital of the Yan Kingdom. That is why Beijing is now not only a political, but also an educational, scientific and cultural center of China, annually attracting millions of tourists and thousands of foreign students.

    The top four are followed by:

  • Delhi– capital, population 16.5 million people;
  • Lagos– the largest city in Nigeria and Africa, more than 16 million inhabitants;
  • Tianjin– the third largest city in China, population – 15.2 million;
  • – capital, largest industrial and cultural center of Turkey, 14.2 million people;
  • Guangzhou– a metropolis in southern China, the population reaches 13.1 million people;
  • – the capital and largest city of Russia, the 1st most populous city in Europe and the 10th most populous city in the world, more than 12.3 million inhabitants.

Largest by area

A less common way to compare the size of cities is by their land area.

Among all the cities in the world, the championship in terms of territory belongs to the Chinese city Chongqing– 82.4 thousand sq. km.

It is followed by two more Chinese metropolises: Hangzhou And Beijing. Their areas are 16.8 and 16.4 thousand square meters, respectively. km.

After them come:

  1. Brisbane, Australia – 15.8 thousand sq. km;
  2. Asmara, Eritrea – 15.1 thousand sq. km;
  3. Chengdu, China – 12.4 thousand sq. km;
  4. , Australia – 12.3 thousand sq. km;
  5. Tianjin, China – 11.9 thousand sq. km;
  6. Melbourne, Australia – 10.0 thousand sq. km;
  7. Kinshasa, Congo – 10.0 thousand sq. km.

The longest

Classification of cities by length, or by the greatest geometric distance from one edge to the other, is used extremely rarely and indicates not so much the size of the city as the features of its layout. Usually extended cities are located near the coastline, in mountainous or hilly areas, in areas of natural resource deposits.

The longest city in the world is the capital. The city is surrounded on all sides by mountains. With an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. km, the length from the northern to the southern edge is 200 km.

The second place is occupied by the longest city in Russia, located along the Black Sea coast - - the length of the city from the Shepsi River to the border with is 148 km.

Receives "Bronze" Krivoy Rog, located in the south of Ukraine. With an average width of 20 km, its length is 126 km.

They can also boast of great length:

  • Beijing, China – 107 km;
  • Tokyo, Japan – 92 km;
  • Volgograd, – 90 km;
  • Canberra, – 90 km.

Major tourist centers

Today, tourism occupies one of the leading positions in the world economy.

More popular

According to official statistics, most often it becomes the object of tourist visits. The capital receives up to 20 million foreign tourists annually, and the city's income from tourism exceeds 15 billion US dollars.

They come to London for historical, architectural and religious attractions, and mass cultural events.

The second place is occupied by the capital and largest city - Bangkok, which is visited annually by up to 19 million tourists. Bangkok is one of the fastest growing cities in the world, both geographically and economically.

Visitors to Bangkok are drawn to the city's rich historical and religious heritage, museums and Buddhist temples. In addition, the developed entertainment industry, restaurant and hotel businesses are supported by the authorities the highest level, which also has a positive effect on the influx of foreign tourists.

“City of Love” - located in, took third place in this ranking with an attendance of 16 million people. Paris is famous for its architectural masterpieces from various historical periods, museums and art galleries, gardens and parks.

Modern megacities

We can safely call the most technologically developed city in the world Seoul, the capital. The city of skyscrapers, a city that brings together dozens of the largest industrial corporations working in the field of modern technologies and thousands of small firms. And at the same time, it managed to remain environmentally friendly and comfortable for its residents.

Future technologies are integrated not only in business and industrial centers, but also in educational institutions, residential areas, even on city streets. These are free wireless technologies implemented everywhere, intelligent lighting and video surveillance systems, entertainment technologies and much more.

In second place - Tokyo, a city where ancient traditions and futuristic ambitions of the Japanese people miraculously coexist. Odaibo, the scientific and technological center of Tokyo, is a completely man-made island with multi-tiered bridges, huge ultra-modern buildings and a unique street lighting system.

In Tokyo, high-speed trains run, fully robotic factory workshops operate, and the latest electronic devices and software are developed.

Third place belongs to Dubai- a city in, which has become a real oasis in the sun-scorched Arabian desert. famous not only for its huge skyscrapers, this city has its own special harmony, unity with nature, people here are not a consumer, but a creator. The city has excelled in the use of renewable energy resources, robotic buildings and vehicles.

The world's only driverless passenger bus route operates in Dubai.

Where is it warmest?

    We awarded first place to the resort in the “warmest cities in the world” ranking Alanya in, located on the Mediterranean coast surrounded by the Taurus Mountains. The mountains protect Alanya from northern winds, which, combined with the subtropical climate, keeps the average temperature within +37...+42 degrees in summer and 23-26 degrees in winter.

    The ancient history of the city, its fortresses and towers will appeal to lovers of antiquity, and Alanya offers holidaymakers developed industry services and entertainment.

  • In second place - Puerto del Rosario, "Port of Roses", which is located on the island of Fuerteventura as part of. This is a small resort town that is perfect for lovers of a quiet, measured beach holiday. Summer temperatures in Puerto del Rosario are +32...+39 degrees, in winter they drop to +17...+25.
  • Third place rightfully belongs to the resort Safaga, located on the Egyptian coast. Safaga is the most important sea passenger port, a famous center for surfing and windsurfing. The city has many beaches, hotels, health centers, and Safaga restaurants offering exquisite delicacies from rare seafood attract gourmets from all over the world. The temperature ranges from +30...+44 degrees in summer and +16...+23 in winter.

Less popular places

And small towns are popular among tourists. Lovers of a relaxing holiday travel to small towns, but filled with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Small towns

    According to the Guinness Book of Records, the status of the smallest city in the world belongs to fortified city of Hum, located in . The town was built on the top of a hill back in the 11th century and in its best times could accommodate 400-450 inhabitants, but now only 23 people live in it.

    Despite the tiny size of the city, it has retained rich cultural heritage. Tourists are attracted by temples with ancient frescoes, a museum and fortifications of Khuma. You can stay in a small city hotel.

    Particularly interesting is the famous restaurant, where they serve a strong homemade tincture of medicinal herbs, the recipe of which, according to local residents, is more than two thousand years old.

  1. Second place belongs to a Czech city with an unpronounceable name - Rabštejn nad Strzelou, built in 1337 in. Surrounded by picturesque forests, the town houses the ruins of a medieval fortress, an ancient stone bridge, a mill and a Baroque mill, which, according to legend, is haunted. The population of the city is 25 people.
  2. In third place is a small town Melnik, located in the southwest. The city was built on the slopes of chalk cliffs, there are more than 100 cultural and architectural monuments of the Middle Ages: monasteries, fortresses, churches, bridges, residential buildings and baths. Melnik was founded in the 12th century, and little has changed since then. Thanks to this, the city has become home to many ethnic festivals that attract tourists from all over the world. 390 people live in Melnik.

Northern points

The title of the northernmost city belongs to Longyearbyen, which is located in the Spitsbergen archipelago. The population of this city, located just 1,300 km from the North Pole, is 2,040 people. Longyearbyen was founded in 1905 as a coal mining center, but over time it lost importance as a source of coal.

Now the city attracts researchers and tourists with its harsh arctic climate and beautiful scenery - it is surrounded by mountains, hills and fjords.

Barrow, a small city in the very north of Alaska, comes in second on this list. The distance to the North Pole is 2100 km, and the average annual temperature in the city is -11.3 degrees, rising to +2...+8 in summer. Barrow has a population of 4,212. The city is an important scientific center in the United States, where the nature of the tundra and the Arctic Ocean is studied.

Third place is occupied by another northern Norwegian city - Honningsvåg, its population is 2436 people, and the distance to the pole is 2110 km. The town has a museum and an old stave church, and is often home to cruise ships due to its stunning scenery.

Where is it cheaper?

Tourists who want to save a significant amount of money choose the cheapest cities for their holidays:

  • Experts named the cheapest city in the world Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The city is surrounded by mountains and forests, there are many gardens, parks, boulevards, historical and religious attractions;
  • Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, ranked second among the cheapest cities. It is famous for its architectural monuments in the neo-Gothic style, preserved from the times of German rule, as well as modern economic, cultural and educational institutions, which equate the city in terms of development to many European cities;
  • City Karachi, which we wrote about as the second most populous city in the world, ranks third among the cheapest cities. It is partly the cheapness that explains why Karachi is so popular among tourists.

Whatever you expect from travel, it will always be will surprise you, always brings something new and unusual.

Look video about the largest city in the world by population:

What does a big city mean to you? A million inhabitants, two, or maybe ten or even thirty? See a photo gallery of the 20 largest cities in the world by population.

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is in 20th place in terms of population.

Buenos Aires ranks 19th, with 14.3 million people living in the capital of Argentina.

18th: Kolkata is the largest city in India with a population of 15.7 million.

17th place: Cairo - the capital of Egypt - the number of inhabitants is 17.3 million.

Beijing is home to 16.4 million inhabitants, which places the Chinese capital in 15th place in the ranking.

Los Angeles is the 13th most populous city with 17 million residents.

The capital of the Philippines, Manila, is the 12th largest city in the world with 20.7 million inhabitants.

The Indian city of Bombay, home to 20.8 million people, ranks 11th in the ranking.

9th place: Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, home to 21.1 million people.

7th place: Indian Delhi - 23 million inhabitants.

The Mexican capital, Mexico City, ranks 6th in terms of population with 23.2 million inhabitants.

The 5th most populous city in the world is Shanghai. This largest Chinese city is home to 25.3 million inhabitants.

In 2nd place: Guangzhou is the largest Chinese city, home to 25.8 million people.

The largest city in the world by population is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is home to 34.5 million people. Tokyo is the undisputed leader in our ranking and will remain so for a long time.

The size of a city is determined by its population. This is why there are many cities that are large in size and yet are called small because of the lack of inhabitants. Although it is not always good that the size of a city is estimated only by the number of people per capita. Here are the ten largest cities in the world based on population.

1. Tokyo, Japan - 37 million people

As the richest city in the entire world, there is no doubt that the Japanese city may be the largest city in the world. Tokyo has grown quite a lot from its very humble beginnings in both economy and population. The population is over 37 million people.

2. Jakarta, Indonesia - 26 million people

As the largest political and financial center in the country, Jakarta is undoubtedly the second largest city in the world with a population of approximately 26 million people.

3. Seoul, South Korea - 22.5 million people

It is not surprising that Seoul has been growing rapidly recently, and its development is not only limited in the economic sphere, but also in population and technology. The population is 22.5 million.

4. Delhi, India - 22.2 million people

Delhi comes in fourth and is almost equal in population to Seoul with 22.2 million.

5. Shanghai, China - 20.8 million people

China is known for its vast territory and dense population. Shanghai has the fifth largest population with 20.8 million people.

6. Manila, Philippines - 22.7 million people

Manila ranks sixth in the list of largest cities in the world.

7. Karachi, Pakistan - 20.7 million people

Being the cultural center of Pakistan, Karachi makes it the seventh largest city in the world, with a population of 20.7 million.

8. New York, USA -20.46 million people

Who hasn't heard of New York? Yes, it is the most populous city in the US at 20.46 million people. New York City largely stands out in terms of cultural diversity as it is home to many people from different parts of the world.