Fill out the application form for a foreign passport yourself. Application for a new international passport. step - confirmation

For getting foreign passport you need to submit a number of documents: a receipt for payment of the state fee, a previously issued passport and military ID (if any, see), a photograph, a Russian passport, as well as an application for the issuance of a biometric passport. How to correctly fill out the application form for a new international passport in 2020 is written in our instructions.

Sample filling:


The application form for a new international passport is provided in PDF format. To fill out the form, Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher must be installed on your computer.

What you need to fill out

To fill out the application form for a foreign passport in 2020, you will need:

  • Russian passport;
  • old passport (if you have one);
  • marriage certificate (if you changed your last name);
  • postal code of the place of registration;
  • home and mobile phones;
  • work book with information for the last 10 years;
  • addresses of organizations where you worked or studied in the last 10 years.

Rules for filling out the form

The application form for a new generation international passport must be filled out strictly in CAPITAL LETTERS. Therefore, for convenience, immediately press the “Caps Lock” key.

  1. Last name First name Patronymic - must be written as in the passport, without declension:


  2. Gender – check the appropriate box.
  3. Date of birth – write the day, month and year in the format DD.MM.YYYY:
  4. Place of birth – as in the passport:


  5. Information about changes in the first name, last name, patronymic or gender - put a mark in the appropriate box, then, if changed, indicate what and when.

    If you have changed your name more than once, please indicate the last change. All previous changes are indicated in Appendix 2 to the questionnaire ().

    Don’t forget to check the “No” box if you haven’t changed anything.

  6. Residence address – information from the registration stamp in your passport is indicated.
  7. Address – indicate information about your actual place of residence.

    If you have temporary registration, check the box next to “place of residence”; if not, check the box next to “actual residence”.

    Fill out all the points only if you are applying for a foreign passport at a location other than your place of registration. If you live in the same place where you are registered, you do not need to fill out anything.

  8. Telephone – a number where you can be contacted.
  9. Email address – filled in as you wish.
  10. Basic identification document of a citizen Russian Federation(passport) – fill out all the points in accordance with your existing passport:


  11. Security clearance - indicate “No” if you have never been cleared to sensitive or top secret information.

    If you had such a clearance, check “Yes” and indicate its form, as well as the issuing organization and the date of issue.

  12. Please note whether you have contractual or contractual obligations that prevent you from traveling abroad. Check “Yes” or “No”. If so, please indicate the organization and the year the contract was signed.
  13. Information about previously issued passports – check the appropriate box.

    Fill in the fields with information about your latest passport. If you have lost your passport, it is still advisable to provide its details. You can copy this information from the stamp in your general passport, which is placed on pages 18-19 in the information about previously issued documents.

  14. Provide information about your work activity over the past 10 years. Write not only information about work, but also about places of study and military service.

    Please provide all information on the application form honestly. Although when submitting documents a certificate from the place of study and a work record book are now not required, incorrectly specified information may raise additional questions and refusal to issue a passport.

    If you had breaks from study/work for more than one month, be sure to indicate “TEMPORARILY NOT WORKING” and write your registration address at that time.

    If you were transferred to a new position, you should indicate the latest one. If your organization has changed its name, it is worth indicating the latest name.

    The address must be written without an index. Recording format – region, city, street, house. You can indicate your actual or legal address.

  15. If all the information does not fit into the table, write it down in Appendix 2a to the passport application form ().

We print the application form on one sheet (appendices, if any, are printed separately), using double-sided printing. Then we sign. It should not extend beyond the boundaries of the specified rectangle. Your application will not be accepted if your signature goes beyond the specified limits.

There is no need to paste a photo or put a date at the bottom of the form. The FMS employees will do all this for you.

New generation passport for a child

There are separate rules and requirements for obtaining a foreign passport for minor citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition to the main package of documents that is required to obtain a foreign passport, you will need a child’s birth certificate to confirm the rights of the legal representative and, in the case of adopted children, an act on the appointment of a guardian or trustee from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The application form for a foreign passport for a child is slightly different from the application form for an adult citizen of Russia. For example, there are no clauses on education and work. On the reverse side of the form, fill out the personal information of the child’s legal representative.

In general, the rules for filling out remain the same as when filling out an application for a foreign passport for an adult.

Traveling abroad for travel and work involves resolving a number of formal bureaucratic issues. The main one is obtaining a foreign passport and visa(if necessary). An application is required to obtain this ID.

List of documents for registration

Previously, classical documents were used. But over time, they were replaced by biometric passports. They differ from the previous version in the absence of a chip. Therefore, to draw up a new sample of papers, you will need to fill out a different form and pay a different amount of state duty. Now parents cannot include their children in the document, and its validity period is 10 years versus 5.

To obtain a passport with biometrics for the average adult citizen, you need to ensure submission to the passport office following papers:

  • application form in two copies;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state fee equal to 5,000 rubles;
  • general civil passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in original format;
  • photo 35*45 mm in quantities from one to three pieces;
  • previous passport for the purpose of its cancellation;
  • military ticket;
  • permission document received from the command within the established form;
  • application for a second foreign identity card.

This set of papers is regulated within the framework of the Order of the Federal Migration Service dated March 26, 2014 No. 211. To obtain a passport for a child, you need to present it to the appropriate authority following papers:

  • questionnaire in the amount of one piece;
  • birth certificate containing data on citizenship;
  • passport of the official guardian (biological parent or legal guardian);
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state fee;
  • previous foreign passport, if available.

To obtain a passport, a person aged 14-18 years must provide the following list of papers:

  • questionnaire;
  • identification;
  • passport of a representative by law;
  • a document evidencing his rights;
  • check receipt;
  • previous valid passport.

The state fee for a new document is 5,000 rubles. For children, this amount is reduced to 2,500 rubles.

Application form for a new generation passport

Filling out the questionnaire can be done electronically or manually. You need to use black or blue ink. The form assumes the absence of any corrections (crossed out letters, use of a proofreader). Currently, information is entered in accordance with ICAO standards. This is an international authority civil aviation. So the registration of first and last names may occur according to other transliteration standards.

This aspect can provoke problems among citizens who have issued tickets in advance, received a residence permit, or bank cards. Therefore, if it is necessary to preserve the last name and first name in accordance with the old regulations, it is necessary to start writing a corresponding application and sending it to the appropriate government service. The rules for filling out the paper are as follows::

  • it indicates any area of ​​activity over the past 10 years, and this can be not only work, but also repayment of debt to the homeland, training, a period of temporary disability;
  • the next step is to formalize the place of residence, birth, personal passport data, as well as materials from the work book;
  • the questionnaire must be printed in A4 format and must have a scale of 100%;
  • a special rectangle is intended for signing, and this is done in the presence of a specialist from the Federal Migration Service;
  • if there are not enough lines in the application document, an auxiliary application with a continuation is required;
  • on the part of the employee, all records must be checked and certified by signature;
  • all documentation must be reliable, and the data in the application form must be truthful and complete;
  • Each field must be completed.

In 2014, certain changes occurred in the procedure for filling out the questionnaire. However, until December 1 of this year, the relevant services accepted papers in two versions. Filling out the form intended for a minor is carried out by a legal representative.

Payment of state duty

The cost of document preparation includes as a main item payment of state duty. This contribution guarantees the citizen’s solvency and confirms the seriousness of his intentions, as well as the level of responsibility. After review, the applicant will receive notification of the possibility of paying a fee, as well as a receipt.

You can deposit the required amount within your personal account on the virtual “territory” of the public services portal. In this situation, a citizen has the right to count on a discount of 30%. If participation in this promotion is not necessary, you can act in another way, for example, personally through a bank. After this, the applicant will be invited to the unit of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Methods for submitting documents

Eat four options Submitting documents for obtaining a new format foreign passport:

  1. Personal appeal to the Federal Migration Service. This option is the simplest and most proven, but requires a long wait in line.
  2. Submitting an application through the government services portal. The user will be given the optimal appointment time, which will avoid queuing. To fully complete the transaction, you will have to obtain information about the TIN and SNILS numbers.
  3. Visit to the multifunctional center (MFC). The advantages of this method are the possibility of pre-registration through the website. There are also disadvantages: this option helps you obtain an old-style passport. To receive the new format, you will have to wait a long time in line at the Federal Migration Service.
  4. Completing a collective application. When recruiting more than 35 employees, you can get registered in this way; a separate place will be allocated for the corporation.

Which method to choose is up to each citizen to decide independently.

Nuances and procedures for registration

In practice, it is most advisable to follow the following procedure:

  1. To make a photo. It must be produced in digital format. Attached to the submitted application.
  2. Submit an application document within the government services portal. This requires prior registration and authorization. A list of personal data is entered into a special form and the notification settings are checked.
  3. Wait until you receive a notification that your application has been accepted. It will come from the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Pay the state fee. After reviewing the application, you should wait for notification that a state fee may be paid. A receipt will also be received. You can deposit the required amount in your personal account on the portal with a 30% discount or in any other way without a discount.
  5. Receive an invitation to the territorial division of the organization. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are currently issuing foreign passports at the “My Documents” centers. You can make an appointment in advance.
  6. Appear at the MFC with the required set of documentation. Specialists working in law enforcement agencies will check the originals with electronic data. Then a fingerprinting procedure will be performed.
  7. Wait for a notification from the portal that your passport is ready. You can also provide verification in virtual mode, if the document was prepared in Moscow. To perform this action, you will need to enter your passport information.
  8. Get the document. The application must be made to the same place where the documentation was submitted. You should make an appointment in advance using “My Documents”.

After this, the citizen will receive a foreign identity card and will be able to use it.

In 2019, the state fee for the production of a passport for an adult is 3,500 rubles, in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 221 of July 21, 2014. Similarly, from January 1, applicants submit fingerprints (the law is the same).

How long does it take to get a foreign passport?

The classic time period for producing a document, if a package of papers was submitted at the place of residence, is 1 month. If a person had access to classified data, for example, state secrets, the duration of document issuance increases to 3 months. If the documentation is submitted outside the place of residence, the time interval is “stretched” even further and amounts to 4 months.

In a number of exceptional situations (treatment, death of relatives), urgent creation of a document is acceptable. The deadline in this case is 3 days. However, the causative factors of haste must be supported by documentary evidence. During the urgent procedure, a document of the previous type is issued, i.e. it does not contain biometrics, and the validity period is 5 years.

Additional documents presented the following list:

  1. A letter issued by a health authority confirming the need for emergency treatment.
  2. A letter from a foreign clinic confirming the fact of urgent treatment (+ medical report).
  3. A telegram from abroad that has undergone the notarization procedure (it must confirm the serious illness or death of a relative).

In other situations, the preparation of this document is carried out within the framework of the general procedure.

Sample questionnaire and application and requirements for filling them out

Conventionally, the structure of the application consists of several parts:

  • “header” - name of the recipient authority, date, place of preparation, title of the document;
  • the petition part containing the contents of the request for a passport;
  • final part (indication of the presence of the required set of documents, signature).

As for the questionnaire, it contains following data:

  • personal information about the applicant from the passport;
  • information about the place of work;
  • custom materials.

Thus, obtaining a foreign passport is a standard and simple procedure (subject to compliance with ordinary standards for filling out documents and presenting a full list of papers). A competent approach to preparation will allow you to avoid refusal and receive a document for traveling abroad in the near future.

Overview of the Public Services service for quick registration International passports are presented below.

To obtain a new generation foreign passport (a new type, another name is a biometric passport), it is necessary to prepare an application in the established form and documents that will be needed when filling out the application and when submitting the said application to the migration department.

An application (also called a questionnaire) is one of the documents that will need to be provided.

WITH full list You can familiarize yourself with the documents required to obtain a new type of foreign passport.

The general rules for filling out an application for issuing a foreign passport are established by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic storage medium, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 27 .2017 No. 889.

The requirements of this Regulation must be followed by employees of migration departments when accepting documents for the issuance of the specified international passport, including those received via the Internet using the Unified Portal.

You can learn about obtaining a new international passport via the Internet from.

Please note that the slightest mistake or omission you make in the application may result in the documents being returned to you and having to fill out everything again.

To prevent this from happening, we have prepared this guide for you, which describes step by step how to fill out an application for a foreign passport.

In addition, the article includes forms and samples for filling them out, which can be downloaded and used as a template when filling out an application with your data.

What documents will be needed when filling out the application?

To correctly fill out an application for a foreign passport, the applicant will need the following documents:

    internal Russian passport;

    foreign passport, if its validity has not expired;

    documents indicating changes in the applicant’s personal data;

    a copy of his work record;

    documents confirming graduation from educational institutions, if during the specified period the applicant studied at educational institutions;

    military ID, if the applicant has served in the military within the last 10 years.

When filling out the application form, all information in it must be indicated in accordance with the entries made in the above documents.

General requirements for filling out an application for a foreign passport

In accordance with clause 37.1.1 of the above Regulations, in order to obtain a new generation passport, the applicant submits an application, which is filled out on the established form in one copy. The application form is established by the Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2017 No. 864.

Previously, different application forms were used to obtain new and old sample international passports; in accordance with the new Regulations, a single application form is used.

Front side

Reverse side

Please note that there are various forms of application forms for adults (Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations) and minors (Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations) citizens.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for filling out an application for issuing a child’s international passport.

When filling out the application form, you must enter information in accordance with the entries available in the documents, the list of which we have given above.

The application can be filled out using electronic computer technology; it is also possible to fill it out by hand in legible block letters in black or blue ink.

However, due to the lack of strict criteria for the concept of “legible”, we recommend using technical means when filling out the form.

It may happen that you are sure that the application is filled out legibly, but the official who will accept your documents will think that the application is not filled out legibly. His subjective opinion may serve as a reason for refusing to accept documents.

Correction of errors by crossing out or using corrective means is not permitted.

All parts of the application must be completed. The exception is paragraphs 8 and 9.

All fields of the application must be filled in capital letters.

The application is filled out in one copy and printed using a double-sided printing method, that is, both pages are located on both sides of one sheet.

The procedure for filling out the application items

When filling out the application, you must strictly follow the established rules.

Otherwise, all documents for obtaining a passport may be refused. The application contains 16 items to be completed by the applicant.

The application form is provided for applying for a foreign passport, both old and new (containing an electronic storage medium). In this regard, the required mark must be placed in the provided place in the title.

Let us consider step by step the rules for filling out each item of the application form.

Front side of the application.

1. The last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen for whom a passport is issued in Russian are indicated. Entries are made, as noted above, in accordance with the entries in the citizen’s internal passport.


2. The applicant's gender entry is selected from the two options indicated on the form by checking the selected option.

3. The date of birth is indicated in full: day, month and year.

For example: 08/07/1964.

4. Place of birth is indicated in full.


5. This paragraph indicates the applicant’s previous last name, first name and patronymic, indicating the date and place of their change.

The most common reason for changing a surname is a woman getting married and, as a result, changing her surname.

Another reason, which in practice is much less common, is a change of name, which includes not only a change in the first name, but also the last name and patronymic.

For example:

    surname: LOSEVA

    date of modification: 07.25.1990

    place of change: city registry office of Vidnoye, Moscow region

If the last name, first name, patronymic and gender have not changed, then the corresponding records are not made.

If the last name, first name, patronymic or date of birth is changed more than once, in addition to the application for a passport, information about the change in personal data is filled out (Appendix No. 1 to the application).

If additional information is provided about the previous last name, first name, patronymic in Appendix No. 1 to the application, you must indicate the number of sheets of the Appendix.

If the applicant has not changed his last name, first name, patronymic, then this item is not filled in.

6. Residence address: information is located in the order in which it is listed in the application.

For example:

Country Russia


District: RAMENSKY

Locality: DAVYDOVO

Street: CHERRY


Apartment: 55

Registration date: 06/15/2011

7. If an application for a foreign passport is submitted by the applicant at the place of residence (temporary registration), the registration address at the place of stay is indicated, if at the place of actual residence (in the absence of registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay in this locality) - the address of the applicant’s actual residence is indicated.

This paragraph is completed in the same way as paragraph 6 of the application.

In case of registration at the place of stay, its duration is indicated.

For example: from 12/17/2016 to 12/17/2018.

8. This paragraph indicates the applicant’s telephone number.

For example: +7 111 123 45 67 (specified at the request of the applicant).

9. The email address is indicated at the request of the applicant.

If the applicant does not wish to indicate this information, then these paragraphs remain blank.

10. Information about the main identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport) of the applicant is indicated.

For example:

Series: 46 09

Number: 548961

Date of issue: 08/25/2009


11. In this paragraph, a check mark is placed in the selected option for obtaining a passport: primary, in addition to the current one, to replace the current one, to replace the lost one, to replace the used/damaged one.

12. It is indicated whether there are circumstances under which your right to leave the Russian Federation may be limited. If such circumstances exist, a check mark is placed in the selected option.

This item is filled out by citizens who have restrictions on traveling abroad.

13. In the selected option, a mark is placed on the presence or absence of a valid foreign passport. If there is a passport, then the series, number, date of issue and the authority that issued the document are indicated.

For example:

Number: 5379812

Date of issue: 12/11/2011

Authority that issued the passport: FMS 61014

If you have two valid international passports, please provide information about both passports.

Reverse side of the statement.

14. This paragraph contains information about the applicant’s work activity over the last 10 years (including studies in educational institutions and military service, if any took place during the specified period).

In this case, the following shall be indicated: month and year of admission and dismissal, position and place of work, study, number of the military unit, address of the organization, educational institution or military unit. All information is provided in chronological order.

For example:

Month and year of admission: 08.2008

Month and year of dismissal: 12.2016

Position and place of work: CHIEF DOCTOR OF CITY CLINICAL HOSPITAL No. 1

Organization address: 140100 RUSSIA, MOSCOW REGION, RAMENSKOYE, ST. MIRA, HOUSE 17.

Month and year of admission: 12.2016

Month and year of dismissal: PO N.V. (present - present)



If you worked at the same place of work, but in different positions, then the positions should be listed separated by commas.

If there was a break in the applicant’s work activity for more than a month, then this period of time must be noted, indicating the dates and address of residence during this period of time.


If the applicant has served in the military during the last 10 years preceding the submission of the application for a foreign passport, then information about military service must be indicated in the same way, indicating the number of the military unit and its location.

Similarly, information about studies in educational institutions is indicated.

If additional information about the applicant’s work activity is presented in Appendix No. 2 to the application, then it is necessary to indicate the number of sheets of the Appendix.

The procedure for filling out information about work activity is discussed in more detail.

When applying for a new type of foreign passport, paragraph 15 of the application is not filled out, since information about children is not included in this foreign passport.

In paragraph 16, the number of sheets of the application is indicated if the application is filled out by a legal representative in relation to an incapacitated person. Appendix No. 4 to the application provides information about the legal representative of the person in respect of whom the application for a foreign passport is being submitted.

After filling out all the items, you need to check that they are filled out correctly.

The date of application and the signature of the applicant (the citizen in respect of whom the application was submitted) are affixed in the presence of an employee of the migration department who accepts the documents.

You cannot put a date or signature in advance.

After the application has been completed and printed, it must be carefully checked again, after which, attaching Required documents Having paid the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport, you can contact the migration department.

At present, it is no longer necessary to certify the application form at the place of work.

The current Regulations also do not require the mandatory submission of a state duty receipt, however, in any case, it must be paid at the time of submitting documents.

Lack of information about payment of the state fee may be grounds for refusal to issue a new passport.

How to issue a receipt for a foreign passport online using the service of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as pay the state fee for a foreign passport through Sberbank Online is discussed in detail in this article..

Attachments to the application for a foreign passport

The current Administrative Regulations provide for 4 annexes to the application for a foreign passport, which are filled out if necessary:

    Appendix No. 1 to the application - Information about changes in personal data.

    This application is completed if there has been more than one change in personal data.

    Appendix No. 2 to the application - Information on labor activity over the past 10 years.

    If in column 14 of the application there is not enough space to enter information about work activity over the last 10 years, then this information is entered in the specified application.

    Appendix No. 3 to the application - Information about children - citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14 years, for inclusion in the old-style foreign passport. The following information about the child is entered: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth and place of birth of the child.

    Information about children is not included in the new passport.

    Appendix No. 4 to the application - Data of the legal representative.

    This application is intended for entering the data of the legal representative of a citizen declared incompetent by the court, in whose name a foreign passport is issued.

    The application indicates the personal data of the legal representative: last name, first name, patronymic; floor; Date of Birth; Place of Birth; place of residence (place of stay or place of actual residence); Identity card of the legal representative; a document confirming the rights of the legal representative.

Download for free and without registration
form2018-08-27 13:23
sample2018-08-27 13:24

In 2016, the form of application forms for new generation international passports, the so-called “biometric” ones, changed slightly. This happened due to the fact that it is now possible to process submitted applications automatically. Will it be more convenient and faster? Let's hope so. You can download the application form for a new international passport, current in 2018, completely free directly from our website.

Very important information!!! All fields in the application form for a new generation foreign passport must be filled out in capital letters only. Therefore, put “caps”. Be extremely careful, as errors and blots when filling out the form are unacceptable. The form for a new international passport is printed on one sheet on both sides and in 2 copies.

We invite you to watch a short video with visual tips on the topic “Foreign passport - how to correctly fill out the new form.” Even though the video itself is from 2015, everything is well presented in it and shows what to enter where.

You can download a sample application form for a new international passport, valid since 2016, in different formats, completely free of charge and without any registration or SMS, using the links at the very bottom of this page.

How should you fill out the application form for a new international passport? Without errors and extremely carefully. You can fill out the finished form manually, but it is much easier to do it electronically and print it out.

List of required documents for obtaining a new international passport

To fill out the new sample application form for an international passport in 2019, we need to prepare the following documents or copies thereof:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • if you have one, you need to take your old passport with you;
  • if you changed your last name, you need a marriage certificate;
  • you need to know the index of the place of registration;
  • home and mobile phone numbers;
  • take a work book to verify information about places of work over the past ten years. Although this is not necessary, we still recommend taking it with you;
  • need to know completely legal addresses organizations you have worked or studied for in the last ten years.

You can download the application form for a new international passport in Word format by following this link. Here you will find an application and a questionnaire with attachments (for an adult):

You can download the application form for a new international passport in Word format by following this link. Here will be an application and questionnaire (for a child under 18 years of age):

Download the application form for abroad. You can obtain a new sample passport in “PDF” format by following this link. To work in this format, you must have the program “ “.

Filling out the questionnaire with our help will cost you 1000 rubles.
Payment by phone, webmoney, qiwi or cash. Call and check.

As well as payment, it is possible to fill out the form online. You will be required to send copies of pages of your Russian passport, international passport and work book to the post office [email protected] . In a letter with copies of documents, provide answers to the following questions:
1. Have you ever had to change your full name? If yes, then from which to which, in what year and where it was done.
2. Do you have a second citizenship?
3. During your work, were you granted access to information of special importance or particularly classified information? If so, where, when and by whom.
4. Have you been convicted of committing a crime or brought in as an accused?
5. Are you avoiding fulfilling obligations imposed by the court?

IMPORTANT: when filling out an application for a foreign passport, both old and new, any errors in the data about the future owner of the document are strictly prohibited. It is important to correctly indicate your full name, date of birth, place of birth, date of issue of the document and who issued it, etc. Full compliance of the information in the application form with the citizen’s documents is mandatory. If any errors or inaccuracies are identified, the inspector at the Federal Migration Service may refuse to accept documents or issue you a foreign passport.


Instructions for filling out the application form for a biometric passport (for 10 years):
Paragraph 1. Please indicate your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name.
Point 2. Mark your gender.
Point 3. In this paragraph, indicate your date of birth XX.XX.XXXX.
Point 4. Open your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation and see what is written in the “place of birth” column. Copy this entry exactly to point 4.

Point 5. If you have not had to change your Last Name, First Name or Patronymic, then just click “no”. If you had to change your name, please provide the required information. If there have been several changes to your full name, download an additional form to enter information about changes in personal data.

Point 6. Permanent registration address. Residents of Moscow may not fill out the “Subject” and “District” columns.

Point 7. If the documents are not submitted at the place of permanent residence, then indicate the address of your temporary registration or the address of actual residence at the time of submitting the documents.

Clause 10. The main identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport).

Clause 11. When working, studying, or serving in some organizations that have the first department, a citizen of the Russian Federation can even without knowing it receive. If you know that you have clearance, be sure to indicate this in this paragraph. The time, place and organization that issued your security clearance are indicated. If you provide false information, you may be refused a foreign passport. If you know that you do not have permission, write “NO”

Clause 12. In 99.9% of cases we put “no” at this point. If you have contractual obligations that prevent you from traveling abroad, please indicate this.

Clause 13. Information about your previous passport.

Clause 14. Indicate data on work and educational activities over the past ten years. The work activity is filled out in accordance with the work book. Reorganizations are considered as new work. Intervals of more than a month between work activities are indicated. last record about work - write the date of employment and N.V.R. (to date) in the termination clause. Examples of filling out questionnaires with this item can be found in the section.

Don’t forget to like the page if this guide on filling out the application form for a new international passport (biometric) helped you.

Filling out an application form for a foreign passport is a procedure that requires special attention and accuracy to the information provided. If any discrepancies between the application form and passport data, data from the work book, or other errors are detected, the applicant may be refused acceptance of his documents or the issuance of a foreign passport. Be careful.