The largest airplane cemetery in the USA. Airplane cemetery in the Moscow region Aviation Museum in the village of Monino

No one planned to build an airplane cemetery almost in the center of Moscow.
The intentions were the best - in 1989 they decided to create Aviation and Space Museum. In 1991, the first aircraft appeared here. But, probably, in the 90s, everyone had no time for museums and the planes were very quickly stolen, dented and covered with ugly graffiti. And what remained turned into “toilets” and shelters.

2. For a very long time, the fate of the aircraft could not be decided since they were in the department of the Ministry of Defense. Even after it became obvious to everyone that no museum would ever appear on Khodynka, it was easier to turn a blind eye to the problem than to find a solution.

3. This weekend I learned from the “museum” security guard that all planes will be removed from Khodynka this month. Fortunately, not to a landfill or scrap metal.

4. The exhibits will be transferred for storage to the private museum of technology of Vadim Zadorozhny. Although it will not be possible to see the restored aircraft any time soon, they say the restoration may take several years.

5. I advise you to use the last opportunity to visit the Khodynskoye field. Makes you think about our Motherland in particular.

6. Looking at what was left of the planes, it was difficult for me to believe that at one time they all arrived at the last parking lot under their own power.

7. Most likely, everything that was of any value had already been stolen, but nevertheless, I saw a couple of young guys with a screwdriver who were trying to open the locked cabins of the planes.



10. MiG-21. I don’t know the rest of the models, if anyone knows, please sign up.



13. Su-15? Among the exhibits is a Su-15, which in 1983 shot down a South Korean Boeing along with its passengers.


15. The IL-14 burned down in 2009 due to a homeless person who unsuccessfully lit a fire in it.


17. I asked the guys what they were filming. They said that it was a photo session for some magazine and that they didn’t know what would happen yet, but definitely something awesome.

18. "MAX"

19. Planes are rotting behind a sagging fence. on the wings, a photographer is taking pictures of guys in high heels; someone nearby is giving a test drive of his brand new Porsche 911. Khodynskoe field is a kind of illustration of our country.

Every plane someday lands and then fails to take off. The age of winged machines is relatively short, and their end is all the sadder: created to fly, they, even dilapidated, yearn for the sky. IT.TUT.BY has selected seven of the most interesting aircraft graveyards.

Chernobyl, Ukraine.

Almost 30 years ago, life left this city. Abandoned houses and empty hospitals indicate that civilization, alas, is not omnipotent. Most of the equipment used to eliminate the disaster itself became a source of radiation and was left here. These helicopters will never fly again, and their remains contain deadly radiation.

Khodynka, Frunze Central Airfield, Moscow.

Built over 100 years ago, this airfield is now abandoned. The last aircraft, the anti-submarine Il-28SD for the Indian Navy, took off from this airfield on July 3, 2003, after which the facility was closed. The remains of the runway were littered with decommissioned planes and helicopters. Initially, it was planned to organize the “Museum of Aviation on Khodynskoye Field,” but something did not work out, and the unguarded exhibition eventually turned into an aircraft cemetery.

California aviation warehouse

Why this particular place? It's simple: dilapidated planes located here are often used as sets for filming various films and TV series. This place has become a cult not only for aviation enthusiasts, who are allowed into the territory for a reasonable fee, but also for film buffs.

Davis-Monthan Air Base, the world's most expensive aircraft graveyard

The world's most expensive aircraft cemetery is located in Arizona, its area reaches 6,500 hectares. There are 40 spacecraft and more than 4,000 military and civilian aircraft deteriorating here. However, not all aircraft are permanently parked here; there are also those who stayed for a while: the aircraft cemetery is still used as a free parking lot. According to experts, the total price of all objects located here is about $35 billion. The film "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was filmed here.

Aircraft Graveyard in the Mojave Desert

One of the largest collections of aircraft scrap metal is located southeast of the intersection of US Highways 14 and 58, in the Mojave Desert region. Most of the planes here are in poor condition: they have no engines, no wings, most just look like piles of twisted metal.

Pinal Airpark Airport, Marana, Arizona, USA

The main reason for the existence of this place is to store abandoned commercial airliners. As locals say, if Boeing retired, this is where it will end up. About 840 hectares of area are allocated for parking.

Private collection of Walter Soplat

American Walter Soplata bought about 50 engines and 30 aircraft from World War II during his life. After his death in 2010, his relatives decided to keep the expensive collection a secret so that it would not be looted. About an unusual abandoned aviation museum located in the woods near the town of Newbury, Ohio, it became known relatively recently.

Denis Aldokhin/photo, IT.TUT.BY

Stores a large number of very interesting things on its territory. For example, 5,000 abandoned airplanes, which are parked neatly and in a row between cacti and among the sand.

This place is the largest cemetery in the world. Shall we go for a walk?

Although the planes were abandoned a long time ago and do not fly, they are located on the territory of the American Air Force base called Davis-Monthan, which is located in the Arizona town of Tucson. It is very difficult to get inside - all the planes are surrounded by a fence.

In this place, only military aircraft live out their term and rot. Since the end of the Second World War, decommissioned, but not destroyed, aircraft have been concentrated in this area, in the desert, at an Air Force base. That's why such a large number has accumulated.

The base itself was founded in 1925, and the name of this base is in honor of military pilots who served in the First World War - Oscar Monten and Samuel Davis.

The base was expanded by 1940, while another world war was raging in Europe. In this place they began to train crews intended for bombers. When the war ended, in 1945, the training base was closed, and it was used as a cemetery for combat aircraft that were no longer needed today. The local dry climate and hard soil make it possible to preserve aircraft well over time.

And very soon the training center had to be formed again. The Cold War ensued, and the military had to declare a stable military readiness that lasted for almost forty years.

In this place, combat units for strategic aviation were formed, as well as special groups of technicians ready to put old aircraft into action.

End of the Cold War

In the fifties, two Boeing B-29Superfortress aviation groups were based in this place, and in the sixty-third - LookheedU-2 spy planes. In addition, not far from this area there are 18 missile silos.

When the Cold War was over, stable combat readiness for such a number of aircraft again became unnecessary. The planes rusted and grew old.

Some wanted to repaint it, re-equip it again and use it specifically for the needs of civilian aviation, but something didn’t work out.

With the advent of the Internet, people began to learn about the base beyond the borders of Arizona, as well as America. Besides. Russian aviation enthusiasts were also able to get to the Google images, and they declassified most of the interesting aircraft models that no one had even heard of at one time.

Even though all this is a huge number of planes that are standing in the desert and creating a cemetery, they cannot be called completely abandoned. The Americans managed to create a good business out of this.

The Davis-Monthan base is home to the 309th DoD Group, which employs approximately 500,000 people to repair aircraft.

Every year approximately 400 new technical units appear at the base. To prevent the cemetery from expanding to fill half the state, approximately the same number of aircraft are sold to friendly but poor states or destroyed.

According to the Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement (START), which was signed between America and Russia, 365 Boeing B-2Stratofortress bombers were destroyed at this location.

All aircraft that arrive for preservation at the Davis-Monthan base are subject to a scrupulous inspection, weapons are dismantled from there, as well as all sensitive equipment, and the fuel systems are drained and pumped with oil.

Sales of aircraft

The entire fleet of equipment is divided into 4 groups: short-term and long-term conservation (combat-capable equipment is acceptable), equipment intended for sale and donor aircraft. Sometimes non-flying military equipment is included in the sales category. For example, last year, combat Hummers, which were not used but had been decommissioned according to their age, were brought to this place.

The management of the base decided to sell them on the Internet, but they bought only a few units - this car is completely unsuitable for civilian life and therefore they die in captivity: the fuel consumption is very high, the interior is uncomfortable, the gearbox is manual.

In addition, this site is today considered a tourist site.

The aircraft cemetery, according to official data, is called the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group. Currently, there are more than 40 spacecraft and 4,200 aircraft located here.

For 80% of aircraft, this area is their final resting place, a giant steel graveyard containing more than 350,000 units that could be claimed by the government at any time.

In 2005, Group 309 specialists were able to recycle more than 19,000 parts with a total value of $568 million. The American government provides the opportunity for other countries to buy both spare parts and entire aircraft directly from the aircraft cemetery.

It should be noted that aircraft are also repaired in this place, and after that the part can be returned to service. That's why every American taxpayer dollar invested in AMARG will return $11 to America's government treasury! According to experts, over the past 25 years, every 5th aircraft located on the territory of this cemetery was returned to service.

This cemetery is not considered to be the owner of these aircraft. All of them, as before, belong to the property of the American army, as well as government agencies. In addition, it is interesting to note that in this cemetery there are both working aircraft and non-working aircraft.

After the end of their service life, most of the aircraft find their final refuge in the so-called aircraft cemetery (photos are presented below). The fact is that storing aircraft in hangars is almost impossible due to the fact that this requires a lot of money and space. It is much more profitable to leave it on a specially equipped site. Such landfills exist in almost all countries. This article will talk about the largest “burial ground” on the planet for decommissioned aircraft.


The largest airplane cemetery in the United States and on the planet is located near the city of Tucson in Arizona. It is organized at the Davis Montand Air Force Base. The repair and technical group for servicing aviation and space equipment No. 309 is also stationed here. The total area of ​​the territory occupied by the storage facility is 10.5 square kilometers. People driving past on the nearby highway are treated to a breathtaking and at the same time gloomy spectacle created by the huge number of ships lined up in a row.

Storage objects

The world's largest aircraft cemetery contains approximately 4,400 pieces of decommissioned aircraft. Here you can see jet fighter-interceptors, bombers, cargo liners, military transport ships and many other types. Some of them have already been almost completely disassembled for spare parts, and when you look at some other specimens, you get the impression that they have recently returned from another voyage. A significant proportion of aircraft are generally covered with covers that protect them from the harmful external influences of dust and sand. It should be emphasized that many of the local units can be quickly returned to service if the need arises.


The place where this aircraft cemetery was created was not chosen by chance. The fact is that in this area there is dry, hot weather almost all year round. The humidity here is quite low and there is little precipitation. All this contributes to the long-term storage of aviation equipment, because it is not so susceptible to the destructive effects of rust. It should also be noted that at a depth of about fifteen centimeters under the soil lies a thick layer consisting of clay nitrate. It serves as a kind of hard lining, which makes it possible to leave aircraft directly on it. In other words, there is no need to build special platforms, the construction of which requires significant capital investments.


Since aircraft must be quickly returned to service if necessary, their maintenance requires considerable effort. That is why this aircraft cemetery is maintained by employees of the 309th maintenance and repair group, who jokingly call it a “dump of bones.” All military equipment previously in service on aircraft carriers is cleaned of sea salt, which can cause corrosion. To ensure that all moving parts of aircraft remain lubricated, fuel lines and tanks are first emptied and then washed with viscous light oil. It is mandatory that base employees remove absolutely all explosive devices, including charges that ensure ejection of the pilot. After this, the channels and inlets are sealed with a special aluminum tape. At the last stage, all cars entering the Davis Montan aircraft cemetery are painted with paint that can be easily removed. This is done in two layers. The bottom one is black and the top one is white, which allows you to reflect the bright rays of the sun and prevent overheating.

In total, the base uses approximately 400 thousand units of various equipment for routine maintenance of decommissioned aircraft and the production of new spare parts. This also includes assembly lines mothballed many years ago. At the same time, the equipment removed from these vessels is used not only in the USA, but also in many other countries. There is also a melting furnace on the territory of Davis Montan, through which devices and parts that are not suitable for anything are completely recycled.

The most famous airplane cemetery in Russia is located a hundred kilometers from Vladivostok. During the Cold War, the secret air base "Vozdvizhenka" was stationed here, which was armed with supersonic bombers. After the collapse of the USSR, they turned out to be of no use to anyone and remained in their original place. Currently, the base is abandoned, and many military aircraft located here are no longer destined to take off. The only people who are interested in it are photographers who sometimes sneak here for a spectacular shot.

Another interesting “burial ground” is located on the territory of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Here, not far from the village of Rassokha, a lot of equipment is stored that took part in eliminating the consequences caused by the 1986 disaster. Despite the danger of radiation contamination, for the purpose of their own profit, people are gradually removing elements that are still usable.

Moscow storage

The airplane cemetery in Moscow is located on the territory of Khodynskoye Field. In 1910, the Frunze airfield was built here, which operated for almost a century. However, it was closed in 2003. Now you can see abandoned aircraft on its runway and taxiways. Some time ago, the city authorities planned to create a museum on the basis of the former airfield, but this idea was never translated into reality. Thus, this place became the last refuge for fifty aircraft, including MiG-21, Su-15 aircraft and helicopters. The territory of the landfill is closed to the public, but for a certain fee the guards still manage to get in here and take photographs as a souvenir. However, many aircraft were damaged by vandals - the fuselages were covered with graffiti and inscriptions, the instrument panels were looted, and the windows were broken.

Nothing on earth lasts forever. And, of course, this applies to aviation technology. “Airplane cemeteries” are the name given to places where obsolete aviation equipment is located. In Russia, such “cemeteries” are located mainly in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The most popular are Khodynskoe Field, Domodedovo Airport and the Museum of the Air Force of the Russian Federation in the village of Monino, Moscow Region, as well as the largest museum in Ulyanovsk, in the Middle Volga region. Photos of these attractions filled the Internet. And despite the fact that these photos cause a slight sadness, they also make you want to look at these planes with your own eyes and visit a little bit of the past.

Khodynskoe field

The first such “aircraft cemetery” in Russia was Khodynskoe Field. It is located in the north-west of Moscow, near the Airport metro station. At the beginning of the last century, an airfield was built there, which later received the name Central Airfield. Frunze. It was Khodynskoye Field that witnessed the first international flights in Russia. The airfield on Khodynskoye Field existed from 1910 to 2003. After the closure, it was decided to open an aviation museum there, but these plans were not destined to come true.

To date, some of the exhibits have been cut into scrap metal, and those that are better preserved are now displayed in the Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology. After the closure of the airfield, the Khodynskoye field began to quickly be built up, and the fact that there was once an airfield on Khodynskoye is reminiscent of that same “aircraft cemetery” where forgotten planes and helicopters rot. In 2008, not far from the field, the reconstruction of the Aviators Park was completed, in which monuments were erected to the pilots who died on the Khodynskoye field in various historical battles.

Memory Corner in Domodedovo

Domodedovo Airport, located in the Moscow region, also boasts disused equipment. Departing planes sat right on the field, opposite the Domodedovo terminal, awaiting their fate. Passengers can clearly see them during takeoffs. They are also clearly visible from the Domodedovo terminal itself.


Mostly Domodedovo Airlines planes are parked there, but there are also imported aircraft. Many of them have already donated parts to their newer brothers. No one knows about their future fate yet; maybe they will go to waste, or maybe they will remain a delight to the eyes of guests of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the meantime, everyone can come to Domodedovo at any time and take a photo against the backdrop of the “air giants”, taking a camera with them, or maybe even sit at the controls of a real plane.

Aviation Museum in the village of Monino

Not far from the capital, in the village of Monino, Moscow Region, is located the Museum of the Air Force of the Russian Federation, which several years ago received the status of a federal state cultural institution. It would be hard to call this place a cemetery.

Once upon a time there was one of the first airfields in the country, but when technology stepped far forward, the conditions at the airfield no longer met the standards. And gradually the airfield in the Moscow region began to turn into an aviation museum.

The museum houses a huge collection of domestic aircraft. There are also photographic materials and documents confirming the authenticity of the collection. It is probably difficult to find a place in Russia where such a number of different aircraft could be assembled. By studying the exhibits on display, you can trace the history of the development of domestic aircraft. Models of military and civil aircraft, helicopters, and gliders from the last hundred years are collected here. The museum has existed since 1958 and has hosted more than 3 million people from almost all over the world.

The largest “plane graveyard” in Russia

About 9,000 exhibits are located in the open air in the city of Ulyanovsk. Most of these aircraft flew under their own power to Ulyanovsk to remain here forever, and one very heroic exhibit, TB-1, was brought in parts and assembled on the spot. These military and civilian aircraft are all that remains of a bygone era. It is believed that the planes that ended up in this museum were very lucky.


The museum is still young; it opened in 1983. The best time of year to visit is summer or late spring. During this period, the most colorful and lively photos are obtained. The museum staff, as well as cadets of the civil aviation school, which owns the museum, are doing their best to maintain the beauty and mystery of their exhibits.