Decoding of Aeroflot electronic air ticket. Decoding the air ticket. Class of service decoding

1. Name of passenger (Passenger's Last Name and First Name)

Entered in Latin letters (in accordance with the spelling of the surname in foreign passport). After the surname, the first letter of the name or the full name is written separated by a slash and the designation separated by a space (MR - Mr., MRS/MSS - Miss or Mrs.). According to IATA standards, this field allows up to 3 errors.

If the air ticket was issued using an age discount, this column may also indicate the passenger's date of birth (in accordance with the airline's requirements).

2. From/To (Flight route)

The English spelling of city and airport names is used throughout. Each air ticket allows you to fly between two cities, which are highlighted on this coupon in a different color (usually dark). Cities are arranged from top to bottom, that is, the first flight will be between the highest point and the one below it. If there are several different airports in a city, their three-letter codes are written after the city. If the route does not fit on one form (one form can contain no more than 4 flight coupons), the continuation of the route is drawn up on the next form, the number of which is indicated in the column "CONJUNCTION TICKETS" (8)

3. Stopover (Stopover indicator. X/O (no/yes))

If there is a stopover in a given city for more than 24 hours ("stopover"), then this field is empty or there is an "O" there. If the passenger does not stay here for more than a day, then “X” appears in this column. The use of a stopover is reflected in the total cost of the ticket at the expense of airport taxes, since in the absence of a stopover, some taxes are not paid, which makes the air ticket cheaper.

4. Carrier

The carrier's two-letter airline code. Codes are defined by IATA ( International Association Aviation Transport) For example:

  • SU - Aeroflot,
  • LH - Lufthansa,
  • AF - Air France.
5. Flight (Flight number)
6. Class (Booking class)

Latin letter, denoting membership in a particular class.

  • F, P, A - first class.
  • J, C, D, I, Z - business class.
  • W,S,Y,B,H,K,L,M,N,Q,T,V,X - economy class.
7. Date (Departure date)

May be fixed (in this case, the date is indicated on the air ticket).

It can be open - if at the time of purchasing an air ticket the passenger has not yet decided on the exact date of his flight, the code “Open” is entered in the “Date” column of the air ticket. In order to book the desired flight date and then put it on the ticket, the passenger must contact the airline ticket agency or airline.

8. Time (Departure time)

Indicated local time departure. The arrival time, as well as the start and end times of air ticket check-in and baggage check-in are not indicated on the air ticket.

9. Status

OK - guarantees you a seat in the cabin;

NS - means no seat in the cabin (for children under 2 years old);
RQ/SA - non-guaranteed booking/flight is only possible subject to availability.
Usually the status is "OK". Sometimes it is possible to issue air tickets with the status "RQ" (request for a seat at check-in). The ticket for children under 2 years old flying without a seat has the status "NS".

10. Fare basis (Tariff type)

Alphanumeric designation of the tariff code, which determines the conditions for applying this tariff.

11. NVB/NVA (Not valid before/Not Valid after)

Air ticket validity restrictions (if any). In other words, this is the date earlier and later than which, accordingly, you cannot fly using a given flight coupon (if the fare rules allow date changes). For most "hard" preferential fares, both dates coincide with the departure date for this coupon. If the columns are empty, this means that this air ticket is valid for at least a year.

12. Free baggage allowance

As a rule, this column indicates the amount in kilograms. Also, in this column of the air ticket the code “PC” may be indicated (found mainly on flights to/from/within America). This code means that a passenger can carry 2 pieces of luggage weighing 32 kg (no more!) each and, at the same time, the sum of 3 dimensions (height, width, length) of each of them should not exceed, as a rule, 158 cm Air ticket on European routes, baggage allowance is 20 kg for economy class and 30 kg for business class.

13. Fare calculation

Calculation of fares by travel segments This column provides a calculation of the cost of air transportation, indicating the amounts charged separately for each flight. The billing consists of three-letter city codes, two-character carrier codes, and fare components in NUC (neutral unit of account). The combined tax (airport taxes) is also deciphered here if all fees do not fit into columns 17. The column may contain service information: conversion rates for neutral units, currencies, various restrictive inscriptions (if the latter do not fit into columns 22 and 25).

14. Fare

Tariff amount. Indicated in the currency accepted for calculating the tariff at the place of origin of the first transportation. For example, if a ticket is issued on the route London - Kyiv, then the fare will be indicated in pounds (GBP).

Countries with non-convertible currencies (including Ukraine and Russia) publish tariffs in US dollars. The tariff may not be indicated (replaced with the “IT” or “FORFAIT” icon).

15. Total

Total cost of the air ticket. The full cost of the air ticket (fare plus airport taxes excluding sales tax) is indicated in the currency of the point of issue of the air ticket.

16. Equiv / Fare PD (fare equivalent)

Indicated, if necessary, in the currency accepted for calculating the fare at the point of sale of the ticket, in the case where the currency accepted for calculating the fare at the place of origin of the first flight differs from the currency accepted for calculating the fare at the place of sale of the ticket. The conversion rate must be reflected either in column 22 or 25 or 13.

17. Tax

Two-letter designation and amount of airport tax: take-off, landing, security, etc. If all taxes do not fit in this column, then the “total” tax (the sum of all remaining) is indicated in the last column.

18. Form of payment

Air ticket payment form.

There are the following options:

  • CASH(cash),
  • INVOICE or INV(cashless payment),
  • CC- Credit Card Number - ( credit card).
19. Origin/Destination

A three-letter designation of the departure point and, after a slash, the arrival point along the entire route. There are also designations SITI, SOTO, and so on.

20. Airline data (Booking number)

The code for this reservation in the computer system (PNR CODE).

21. Validator place

Stamp of the agency that sold the ticket. Air ticket issue date.

22. Endorsements/Restrictions

The main conditions for applying the tariff are indicated in this column. The conditions for applying these tariffs may vary. There are many different rates (annual, excursion, group, PEX special rate, APEX special rate, youth, etc.).

The most common restrictions are associated with the following operations:

  • "Rebooking" - rebooking an air ticket
  • "Refund" - refund of air ticket
  • "Endorsements" - the possibility of replacing the carrier (it is possible to indicate the use of flights of only a certain carrier - for example, if the column indicates "LH ONLY", this means that this ticket is valid on Lufthansa flights).
  • "Rerouting" - changing the route
  • The presence of the words “No/Non” before the above terms means that these operations are impossible according to the applicable tariff.
  • The presence of the word “fee” after the above terms and the indication of a certain amount indicates the amount of the fine for this operation according to the applicable tariff. For example, "REB FEE USD50" or "NON REF" means: "fine for changing a booking is $50" or "the ticket cannot be refunded."
  • The presence of the word “free” after the above terms means that these operations can be carried out free of charge according to the applicable tariff.
  • "Fare restrictions apply"- means that there are a number of special restrictions on the fare of this air ticket. These restrictions, due to their large number, are not indicated in this column. The passenger is informed of the above restrictions when booking a ticket.
23. Issued in exchange for (Issued in exchange for...)

If an air ticket is issued in exchange for another (the so-called “correspondence”), then the number of the original air ticket is entered in this column. You bought an air ticket on the route Singapore - Kyiv - Singapore, flew to Kyiv on it and decided to change the route to the route Kyiv - Bangkok. In this case, the agent will recalculate the cost of the flight on the new route (starting from Singapore, i.e. Singapore - Kyiv - Bangkok) and subtract this cost from the cost of the “old” air ticket. If new air ticket is more expensive, then you will have to pay a certain amount; if it is cheaper, then the agent will issue you a receipt (MCO - miscellaneous charge order), according to which you can receive the amount due to you at the place where you purchased the ticket. The number of the “old” ticket will be indicated in column 23 of the “new” ticket. The procedure for issuing an air ticket is similar when paying PTA ("Prepaid Ticket Advice"). Your air ticket is paid for by a certain person (sponsor) at a point other than the starting point of your trip and tells who (i.e. you) and where should come to buy the ticket. The sponsor is issued a receipt (MCO - miscellaneous collection order) and in column 23 of the ticket there will be the number of this receipt.

24. Conjunction tickets

This column indicates the number of the previous / subsequent air ticket in the event that the passenger’s route does not fit on one form (since the air ticket form can contain a maximum of 4 coupons, no more than 4 flights can be indicated on the air ticket). According to the requirements of some airlines (for example, Aeroflot airlines), this column indicates the numbers of all air tickets on a similar route.

25. Additional endorsement / Restrictions

(Additional restrictions)
For manual forms only. Contains information that does not fit into columns 13 and 22.

26. Tur code

Code used when issuing confidential and special tariffs.

27. Airline ticket number

Airline code (first 3 digits). For example, 555 - Aeroflot. And also plus 10 characters - the serial number of the air ticket.

1. Passenger's name. NAME OF PASSENGER
Indicated only in Latin transcription (as in a foreign passport). The surname is followed (through a slash) by the first letter of the name or the full name, as well as the gender (MR - Mr., MRS/MSS - Miss or Mrs.). According to international standards, this field allows up to 3 errors without sound distortion.

2. Flight route. FROM/TO
The highlighted field indicates the departure point for this flight coupon (English spelling). Below is the destination. If there are several airports in a given city, the name is followed by a three-letter airport code.

3. Stopover indicator. X/O
If at this point there is a stopover along the route for more than 24 hours ("stopover"), then this field is empty or "O". If this point is a transit point, then there is an “X” opposite this point.

4. Carrier. CARRIER
The carrier's two-letter airline code. The codes are standardized by IATA (International Air Transport Association) and can be either quite obvious: SU - Aeroflot, LH - Lufthansa, AF - Air France, BA - British Airways, or not so obvious: AY - Finnair, UN - Transaero, AZ - Alitalia.

5. Flight number. FLIGHT

6. Booking class. /CLASS
A Latin letter indicating a certain quota of seats on an airplane. Typically: R "Supersonic" (on Concord flights). F, P, A - first class. J, C, D, I, Z - business class. W, S, Y, B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, T, V, X - economy class.

7. Departure date for this coupon. DATE

8. Departure time. Always local time of departure point. TIME

9. Booking status. STATUS
Usually a ticket is issued with a confirmed status - "OK". For some fares, it is possible to issue tickets with the status "RQ" (request for a seat at check-in). The ticket for infants (up to 2 years old) flying without a seat indicates the status "NS".

10. Type of tariff. FARE BASIS
Alphanumeric designation of the tariff for this coupon.

11. Not valid before/not valid after. NOT VALID BEFORE/NOT VALID AFTER
A date earlier than and later than which, respectively, you cannot fly using a given flight coupon (if the fare rules allow date changes). For most "hard" preferential fares, both dates coincide with the departure date for this coupon. If the columns are empty, this means that this ticket is valid for at least a year.

12. Free baggage allowance.
For "weight" system 20, 23, 30 or 40 kg for different service classes. For the "place" system - "PC".

13. Tariff calculation. FARE CALCULATION.
This column provides a detailed calculation of the fare for the entire ticket. The billing consists of three-letter city codes, two-character carrier codes, and fare components in NUC (neutral unit of account). The combined tax (airport taxes) is also deciphered here if all fees do not fit into columns 17. The column may contain service information: conversion rates for neutral units, currencies, various restrictive inscriptions (if the latter do not fit into columns 22 and 25).

14. Tariff. FARE
Tariff in the currency of the start of transportation. For example, if a ticket is issued on the route London - Moscow, then the fare will be indicated in pounds (GBP). Countries with “soft” currencies (including Russia) have tariffs published in US dollars. If the ticket is issued at a confidential fare (see “All about fares”), then the fare may not be indicated in this column (replaced with the “IT” or “FORFAIT” icon).

15. Total. TOTAL
The full cost of the ticket (fare plus airport taxes) in the currency of the point where the ticket was issued. In Russia for different airlines it can be either Russian rubles or US dollars. If the ticket is issued at a confidential fare, the amount may not be indicated in this column (replaced with the “IT” or “FORFAIT” icon).

16. Tariff equivalent. EQUIV/ FARE PD.
The equivalent of the fare in the currency of the check-out point (if the currency of the check-out point differs from the currency of the point of origin of transportation). The conversion rate must be reflected either in column 22 or 25 or 13.

17. Dachshund. TAX
Two-letter designation and amount of the airport tax in the currency of the checkout point. If all airport taxes do not fit into column 7, then the “combined” tax (the sum of all remaining) is indicated in the last column, and its breakdown is given in column 13.

18. Form of payment. FORM OF PAYMENT
The form of payment used to pay for the ticket. The most common: CASH (cash), INVOICE or INV (non-cash payment), CC------------ (credit card).

19. Point of departure/destination. ORIGIN/DESTINATION
A three-letter designation of the departure point and, after a slash, the arrival point along the entire route.

20. For airline marks. AIRLINE DATA
Alphanumeric booking number (PNR CODE).

21. Validator field.
A unique "stamp" of the agency. Must contain the name of the agency, its short address, unique office number (in Russia, IATA numbers of accredited agencies must begin with 922). Alphanumeric reference of the agent who issued the ticket. Ticket issue date.

22. Endorsement/restrictions. ENDORSEMENTS/RESTRICTIONS
This column indicates various restrictions on transportation on this ticket, as well as the possibility of “transferring” (endorsement) of the passenger to another carrier. For example, if the column indicates “SU/KL ONLY”, this means that this ticket is valid on Aeroflot (SU) and “KLM” (KL) flights, and if the fare conditions allow changes to the ticket, then even to the one already issued ticket, you can “change” from one company to another. If the fare at which the ticket was issued allows any changes, then this possibility should be reflected in this column. For example, "RES CHG USD50" or "ONE INBOUND REB FREE" means: "CHANGE OF BOOKING WITH A FINE OF 50 USD" or "ONE CHANGE OF THE REVERSE DATE FOR FREE". Typically, for the most preferential (“hard”) fares, the following template is common: “XX ONLY/ NON REF/ NO CHG/ NO REROUT” - “THE TICKET IS VALID ONLY ON CARRIER XX/ THE TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE/ CHANGES OF DATES ON THE TICKET IS NOT POSSIBLE/ CHANGES OF THE ROUTE FORBIDDEN". This column can also display service information. If the information does not fit into this column, then column 25 is used (for manual forms only).

23. Issued in exchange for. ISSUED IN EXCHANGE FOR
If a ticket is issued in exchange for another (the so-called “correspondence”), then the number of the original ticket is entered in this column. The meaning of rewriting an air ticket is easier to understand with an example. You bought a ticket on the route Singapore - Moscow - Singapore, flew to Moscow on it and decided to change the route to the route Moscow - Bangkok. In this case, the agent will recalculate the cost of the flight on the new route (starting from Singapore, i.e. Singapore - Moscow - Bangkok) and subtract this cost from the cost of the “old” ticket. If the new ticket is more expensive, then you will have to pay an additional amount; if it is cheaper, the agent will issue you a receipt (MCO - miscellaneous charge order), according to which you can receive the amount due to you at the place where you purchased the ticket. The number of the “old” ticket will be indicated in column 23 of the “new” ticket. The procedure for issuing a ticket is similar when paying PTA ("Prepaid Ticket Advice"). Your air ticket is paid for by a certain person (sponsor) at a point other than the starting point of your trip and tells who (i.e. you) and where should come to buy the ticket. The sponsor is issued a receipt (MCO - miscellaneous collection order) and in column 23 of the ticket there will be the number of this receipt.

24. Additional ticket. CONJUNCTION TICKETS
If the ticket route includes a greater number of flights than the number of flight coupons in the form, then such a ticket is issued on several forms and in column 24 of each the number of the additional ticket is indicated. It should be borne in mind that these several forms represent ONE ticket, and even if you have completely flown the route on one of them, under no circumstances throw it away until the end of the entire trip.
Another common case where the additional ticket number(s) is listed is for companion (but not group) fares (several people must travel together). In this case, in each ticket, column 24 contains a “link” to the ticket numbers of all other participants in the “company”.

For manual forms only. Contains information that does not fit into columns 13 and 22.

26. Tour code. TOUR CODE
A certain symbol used for group and confidential tariffs.

20.04.2016, 19:56 221015

Airline ticket classes are primarily distinguished by seat comfort and on-board meals. Today there are three classes of air tickets: Economy, Business and First. These are the cheapest, and therefore the most popular plane tickets, with minimal amenities and comfort. Baggage in this class may not be included in the flight price at all. If the flight lasts more than 1.5 hours, passengers may be offered meals. Passengers are transported to the plane by bus. Economy class tickets are generally non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Economy class corresponds to the following letter designations:

  • W – premium;
  • S, Y – regular economy class (various levels of comfort);
  • B, H - with a discount (different types of discount);
  • K, L - cheap class (economy with discount);
  • M – tourist;
  • N, Q, T, X, O - different kinds discounts;
  • V - at a discount (youth class);
  • G - group (reservation under certain conditions).
These are mid-priced plane tickets, allowing passengers to sit in more comfortable seats, carry more luggage and hand luggage, register at a separate counter. Business class passengers have a separate waiting room. They are usually transported to the plane by special transport, and during the flight they are offered a wide range of food and free drinks (including alcoholic ones).

The following letter designations correspond to business class:
  • J – premium;
  • C – normal;
  • D, Z, I – with a discount (different systems of discounts, on which the cost of business class air tickets may depend).
This is the most expensive and prestigious class of air tickets. First class airline tickets offering VIP treatment, usually 15-20 times more expensive than tickets in economy class. Passengers flying in this class are usually offered comfortable orthopedic chair beds, expensive meals and drinks from a special restaurant menu. Each seat is usually equipped with an entertainment system. Each passenger is transported separately to the plane by special transport, often in premium cars. Baggage weight limits in first class service are much higher than for economy and business class passengers.

In some cases, airlines divide classes into subclasses (for example, Premium, Advanced and others).

In each case, before booking a ticket on the checkout page, you must read the fare rules.

First class air tickets correspond to the following letter designations:

  • P – premium;
  • F – normal;
  • A – with a discount.

Table of symbols for classes of service/booking in air tickets

Symbols for first class air tickets




premium first


first one with discount

Conventional letter designations for class air tickets




Business Class


with discount


with discount


business class with discount

Letter symbols for economy class air tickets


economic premium






economic with discount


economic with discount


cheap (economic with discount)


cheap with discount (economic with discount)


tourist (economic with discount)


economic with discount


economic with discount


economic with discount


economic with discount (youth)


economic with discount


shuttle tariff; reservations are not allowed; Places are confirmed upon registration


shuttle tariff; no reservation required; places guaranteed


group, reservation under certain conditions


economic with discount

Where is the flight number written on the ticket?

It would seem simple, but for those who fly rarely, this question will seem completely justified. So, using the example of the most common type of air tickets, we will tell you how to correctly “scan” information about all the details of the flight, route, fare calculation and restrictions imposed by a given transportation tariff.

The top field of the ticket will tell you whether you have a transfer.

1. ISSUED BY- the name of the airline whose ticket you are buying. Transfer note/restrictions / ENDORESEMMENTS / RESTRICTIONS - this column indicates restrictions on transportation on this ticket, as well as the possibility of transferring the passenger to another carrier. For example, if the column indicates SU/KL ONLY, this means that this ticket is valid on Aeroflot (SU) and KLM (KL) flights, and if the fare conditions allow, then even with an already issued ticket you can “change seats” from one company to another. If your tariff allows any changes, this should be reflected in this column. For example, RES CHG USD50 or ONE INBOUND REB FREE means: “CHANGE OF RESERVATION WITH A FINE OF 50 US DOLLARS” or “ONE CHANGE OF THE REVERSE DATE FOR FREE”.

2. Tour code/TOUR CODE - designation for group and confidential rates (most often given at the top of the ticket).

3. Point of departure/destination/ORIGIN/DESTINATION three-letter designation of the point of departure and, through a slash, the point of arrival along the entire route.

4. For airline/AIRLINE DATA marks - alphanumeric booking number (PNR CODE).

5. Issued in exchange for / ISSUED IN EXCHANGE FOR - if a ticket is issued in exchange for another, then the number of the original ticket is entered in this column.

6. Additional ticket/CONGUCTION TICKETS - If the ticket route includes more flights than the number of flight coupons in the form, then such a ticket is issued on several forms, and in column 6 of each the number of the additional ticket is indicated. These several forms are considered one ticket, and even if you have completely flown the route using one of them, under no circumstances throw it away until the end of the entire trip.

7. Date and place of issue / DATE AND PLACE OF ISSUE - a unique “stamp” of the agency. Must contain the name of the agency, its address, unique office number, alphanumeric reference of the agent who issued the ticket, and the date the ticket was issued. Medium, lined field.

8. The passenger's last name/NAME ОF PASSENGER is indicated only in Latin transcription. The surname is followed by the first letter of the name or the entire name, as well as gender (MR - Mr., MRS/MSS - Miss or Mrs.). According to international standards, this field allows up to 3 errors without sound distortion (given either in the upper or middle part of the ticket).

9. Flight route/FROM/TO - the column indicates all points of departure and arrival. If there are several airports in a given city, the name is followed by the three-letter airport code.

10. Carrier/CARRIER is the two-letter code of the carrier's airline. The codes are standardized by the International Air Carrier Association and can be either quite obvious: LH - Lufthansa, AF - Air France, BA - British Airways, or not so obvious: AY - Finnair, UN - Transaero, AZ - Alitalia.

11. Flight number/FLIGHT.

12. Booking class/CLASS - should not be confused with passenger accommodation class. First class is usually designated by the letter F or J, business class by the letter C, and other letters indicate economy class.

13. Departure date/DATE.

14. Departure time/TIME is always local.

15. Reservation status/STATUS - usually: OK/NK - reservation confirmed, PQ/NL - waiting list/for available seats (request for a seat at registration). The ticket for infants (up to 2 years old) flying without a seat indicates NS status.

16. Type of tariff/PARE BASIS - alphanumeric designation of the tariff for this coupon.

17. Not valid before/not valid after /NOT VALID BEFORE /NOT VALID AFTER - a date earlier than and, accordingly, later than which you cannot fly using a given flight coupon (if the fare rules allow date changes).

Free baggage allowance/ALLOW - set either the allowed weight in kilograms or the number of pieces. At the bottom of the ticket you can find out.

18. Tariff/FARE - tariff in the currency of the start of transportation. Countries with unstable currencies have tariffs published in US dollars

19. Equivalent tariff/EQUIV. FARE PD - the equivalent of the fare in the currency of the check-out point (if the currency of the check-out point differs from the currency of the point of origin of transportation). The conversion rate must be reflected in column 1 or 23.

20. Tax/TAX - a two-letter designation and the amount of the airport tax in the currency of the checkout point.

21. Total/TOTAL - the total cost of the ticket (fare plus airport taxes) can be in either rubles or dollars.

22. Fare calculation/FARE CALSULTATION - detailed calculation of the cost of an air ticket. Absolutely useless information for the average passenger.

23. Form of payment/FORM OF PAYMENT - form of payment for the ticket. The most common: CASH (cash), INVOCE or INV (non-cash payment), CC - (credit card).

Here are the designations on airline tickets, although charter flights sometimes they deviate from these rules... But maybe it will be useful to someone...

R- first class improved. Typically provided on Boeing 777-200 aircraft. Passengers are provided with satellite phones, individual TV monitors and sleeping accommodations.

F- first grade.

A- first class with discount. Airlines have base fares for the flights they operate, which they can reduce if it is profitable for them over a certain period of time.

J- business class improved. The passenger is provided with a seat in the cabin with more spacious seats than in regular business class, the menu has a large selection of dishes, and entertainment is provided (for example, computer games).

WITH- Business Class.

D- business class with a discount.

W- improved economy class. The distance between the rows is slightly greater than in regular economy class.

K, S- economy class with fixed fares. There are no discounts on such tickets.

B, H, L, M, Q, T, V, Y- economy class with discount. Here are all possible letter options indicating this tariff.

Airlines may impose various restrictions on ticket bookings. The most common restrictions are on order time and number of tickets. In this case, code G is used.

On supersonic aircraft Concorde airlines Air France and British Airways offer a single class of service, R - Supersonic, at fixed fares.

Some air carriers on short-haul flights provide "shuttle" service in economy class, which is designated by the letters E), no reservation is made, the seat is confirmed at check-in) or U (reservation is not required, the seat is guaranteed).

The type of food provided is indicated by letters or pictures: B or cup - breakfast; L, D or crossed fork and knife - hot lunch or dinner; S or bun, or knife and fork - cold appetizers; X - multiple meals.

If the schedule shows the letter M, then during the flight passengers will be shown a full-length film, and the letter F - a short film.

NAME OF PASSENGER- name of the passenger. Indicated only in Latin transcription (as in a foreign passport). The surname is followed (through a slash) by the first letter of the name or the full name, as well as the gender (MR - Mr., MRS/MSS - Miss or Mrs.). According to international standards, this field allows up to 3 errors without sound distortion. Therefore, there is no need to worry if you received such tickets with a package of documents for the tour.

FROM/TO- flight route. The highlighted field indicates the departure point for this flight coupon (English spelling). Below is the destination. If there are several airports in a given city, the name is followed by a three-letter airport code.

STOPOVER- Stopover indicator. X/O (no/yes). If at this point there is a stopover along the route for more than 24 hours ("stopover"), then this field is empty or "O". If this point is a transit point, then there is an “X” opposite this point. The use of a stopover is reflected in the total cost of the ticket at the expense of airport taxes, since in the absence of a stopover, some taxes are not paid, which makes the ticket cheaper.

CARRIER- Carrier. The carrier's two-letter airline code. The codes are standardized by IATA (International Air Transport Association) and can be either quite obvious: SU - Aeroflot, LH - Lufthansa, AF - Air France, BA - British Airways, or not so obvious: AY - Finnair, UN - Transaero, AZ - Alitalia.

FLIGHT- Flight number.

CLASS- Booking class. A Latin letter indicating a certain quota of seats on an airplane. Typically: R "Supersonic" (on Concord flights). F, P, A - first class. J, C, D, I, Z - business class. W, S, Y, B, H, K, L, M, N, Q, T, V, X - economy class.

DATE- Departure date for this coupon.

TIME- Departure time. Always local time of departure point.

STATUS- Booking status. Usually a ticket is issued with a confirmed status - "OK". For some fares, it is possible to issue tickets with the status "RQ" (request for a seat at check-in). The ticket for infants (up to 2 years old) flying without a seat indicates the status "NS".

FARE BASIS- Type of tariff. Alphanumeric designation of the fare for this coupon: NVB/NVA (NOT VALID BEFORE/NOT VALID AFTER) - Not valid before/not valid after. A date earlier than and later than which, respectively, you cannot fly using a given flight coupon (if the fare rules allow date changes). For most "hard" preferential fares, both dates coincide with the departure date for this coupon. If the columns are empty, this means that this ticket is valid for at least a year.

FARE CALCULATION- Tariff calculation. This column provides a detailed calculation of the fare for the entire ticket. The billing consists of three-letter city codes, two-character carrier codes, and fare components in NUC (neutral unit of account). The combined tax (airport taxes) is also deciphered here. The column may contain service information: conversion rates for neutral units, currencies, and various restrictive ones.

FARE- Tariff. Tariff in the currency of the start of transportation. For example, if a ticket is issued on the route London - Moscow, then the fare will be indicated in pounds (GBP). Countries with “soft” currencies (including Russia) have tariffs published in US dollars. If the ticket is issued at a confidential fare, the fare may not be indicated in this column (replaced with the “IT” or “FORFAIT” icon).

TOTAL- Total. The full cost of the ticket (fare plus airport taxes) in the currency of the point where the ticket was issued. In Russia, for different airlines this can be either Russian rubles or US dollars. If the ticket is issued at a confidential fare, the amount may not be indicated in this column (replaced with the “IT” or “FORFAIT” icon).

EQUIV/FARE PD- Equivalent to the tariff. The equivalent of the fare in the currency of the check-out point (if the currency of the check-out point differs from the currency of the point of origin of transportation).

TAX- Dachshund. Two-letter designation and amount of the airport tax in the currency of the checkout point.

FORM OF PAYMENT T - Form of payment. There are the following options: CASH (cash), INVOICE or INV (non-cash payment), CC - credit card number - (credit card).

ORIGIN/DESTINATION- Point of departure/destination. A three-letter designation of the departure point and, after a slash, the arrival point along the entire route. There are also designations SITI, SOTO, and so on.

AIRLINE DATA- For airline marks.

PNR CODE- Alphanumeric booking number.

ENDORSEMENTS/RESTRICTIONS- Endorsement/restrictions. This column indicates various restrictions on transportation on this ticket, as well as the possibility of “transferring” (endorsement) of the passenger to another carrier.

For example, if the column indicates “SU/KL ONLY”, this means that this ticket is valid on Aeroflot (SU) and “KLM” (KL) flights, and if the fare conditions allow changes to the ticket, then even to the one already issued ticket, you can “change” from one company to another. If the fare at which the ticket was issued allows any changes, then this possibility should be reflected in this column.

For example, "RES CHG USD50" or "ONE INBOUND REB FREE" means: "CHANGE OF BOOKING WITH A FINE OF 50 USD" or "ONE CHANGE OF THE REVERSE DATE FOR FREE". Typically, for the most preferential (“hard”) fares, the following template is common: “XX ONLY/NON REF/NO CHG/NO REROUT” - “TICKET IS VALID ONLY ON CARRIER XX/TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE/CHANGES OF DATES ON THE TICKET IS NOT POSSIBLE/CHANGES OF ROUTE FORBIDDEN". This column can also display service information.

ISSUED IN EXCHANGE FOR- Issued in exchange. If a ticket is issued in exchange for another (the so-called “correspondence”), then the number of the original ticket is entered in this column.

The meaning of rewriting an air ticket is easier to understand with an example. You bought a ticket on the route Singapore - Moscow - Singapore, flew to Moscow on it and decided to change the route to the route Moscow - Bangkok. In this case, the agent will recalculate the cost of the flight on the new route (starting from Singapore, i.e. Singapore - Moscow - Bangkok) and subtract this cost from the cost of the “old” ticket. If the new ticket is more expensive, then you will have to pay a certain amount; if it is cheaper, then the agent will issue you a receipt, according to which you can receive the amount due to you at the place where you purchased the ticket. The "old" ticket number will be indicated on this ticket.

CONJUNCTION TICKETS- Additional (connected) ticket. If the route includes more flights than there are flight coupons on the form, such a ticket is issued on several forms, and cross-references are made here to other ticket numbers. It should be borne in mind that these several forms represent ONE ticket, and even if you have completely flown the route on one of them, under no circumstances throw it away until the end of the entire trip. Another common case is when the column contains the number of an additional ticket (for group travel).

ADDITIONAL ENDORSEMENT/RESTRICTIONS- Additional restrictions. Contains information that does not fit in the ENDORSEMENT/RESTRICTIONS column.

TOUR CODE- Tour code. A symbol used when issuing confidential and special tariffs.

VALIDATOR PLACE- Validator field. Stamp of the agency that sold the ticket. Must contain the name of the agency, its short address, unique office number, that is, IATA number or Aeroflot code. Alphanumeric reference of the agent who issued the ticket. Ticket issue date.

Free baggage allowance.

All over the world there are restrictions on the weight and number of pieces of baggage that a passenger is allowed to carry. Depending on the class of service, there are different free baggage allowances. For the "weight" system:

  • In economy class - 20 kg
  • In business class - 30 kg
  • In first class - 40 kg

For the "place" system - "PC". Excess baggage is usually paid based on the following cost of 1 kg - 1-2% of the cost of the highest one-way economy class fare. Moreover, this payment is usually made in local currency.

Please note that the weight of free baggage allowance is per passenger. If you are traveling as a family and you have only one suitcase, but its weight exceeds the “weight for one person,” then this will be “excess” and you will have to pay... Explanations like: “one suitcase for two” will not work...