Rainbow River Cano Cristales, Colombia. Sierra de la Macarena National Park

Do you know where the most beautiful river in the world flows? Let's say right away that a river called Caño Cristales is located in Colombia in the Sierra de la Macarena National Park.

The river originates in the southern part of the park and flows through a rather narrow canyon into which sunlight hardly reaches. But sometimes, this happens once a year between September and November, the river changes dramatically. Moreover, very significant changes are taking place in the river. At this time, the river begins to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The explanation for this phenomenon is that it is at this time of year that warm air contributes to the rapid growth of various colorful algae at the bottom of the river.

Caño Cristales is called the river of five colors, although in Spanish it is translated as “crystal river”. To be fair, it should be noted that both names reflect the real state of affairs, because the river has crystal clear water and becomes multicolored in the autumn. It should also be added that the water is not only very clean, it also does not contain any minerals or salts, i.e. almost identical to distilled.

Among local residents there is another name for the river - “The River that Fled to Paradise” and looking at the photographs below there is no doubt that this is not so.

Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 1
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 2
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 3

Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 4
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 5
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 6
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 7
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 8
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 9
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 10
Sierra de la Macarena - the most beautiful river in the world - 11

On the territory of which a great many national parks are based, it can boast of many outstanding attractions. It’s not easy to navigate them, and making a choice about where to go first is even more difficult. We offer those who plan tours to Colombia, start from the national park Serrania de la Macarena- to see the flowing here Caño Cristales. This river is the only one of its kind on our planet - it is painted in incredible colors, among which red predominates.

Caño Cristales - “river of five colors”

Caño Cristales begins its journey in the mountains and continues into the Amazonian forests of the Colombian center. Its waters are both colored and transparent. Hence, by the way, the name, which is translated from Spanish as “crystal stream”. The water of Caño Cristales is not just transparent - it is so pure that there are no minerals or salts in it, therefore fish (which is unique in itself!) do not live here.

But there is no optical illusion, or even more so Indian witchcraft here - special algae and water mosses have simply grown at the bottom of this river. Both of them belong to the so-called. endemic plants, that is, those that are found only in one specific area. Among them there are many bright red algae Macarenia clavígera, which does not grow anywhere else in the world, there are blue, green and yellow ones. It’s not for nothing that locals call this stream “the river of five colors”! Thanks to the special transparency of the local water, all the splendor of the colors can be seen from afar with the naked eye and Caño Cristales is one of the wonders not only Colombia, but also our planet.

Rules for visiting Serrania de la Macarena - how to get to Caño Cristales?

Department in which it is located Serrania de la Macarena National Park– Meta – has been the scene of hostilities for quite some time between FARC guerrilla rebels and the Colombian army. Therefore, tourists were not allowed here. When the fighting in Meta finally stopped, specialists from Comarca, an organization dedicated to the protection of the environment and natural monuments, took over. They restored excursions to the national park and the “five-color river”, but not immediately, having first carried out a series of scientific studies, due to which travelers’ access to the national park and to the banks Caño Cristales was at one time limited.

Now you can visit here from July to December: the beauty of Caño Cristales has its own “schedule”, and the colors of the river are available strictly depending on the season.

What does the expedition look like?

Expeditions to Caño Cristales and the national park usually gather in the capital Colombia G. Bogota, are completed in groups of 10-12 people and delivered to the place by plane. The trek usually takes four days. It is better not to enter the park without the accompaniment of a professional guide: the tropical forest is unsafe for an unprepared person. At night, travelers return either to the village or to the campsite.

Safety in the National Park

Firstly, in the tropical Amazon forests, which includes this area, it is necessary to have a repellent that protects against insect bites. At the same time, ecologists who control the work of the national park insist that it must be applied before you enter the protected forest, where you should not spray “chemicals” and disturb the lives of local inhabitants. Secondly, it is very humid here and all gadgets, documents and watches should be packed in cases made of waterproof material. Thirdly, to get to the bed of Caño Cristales, you will have to walk over rocks, so you need to choose appropriate shoes - durable, with good soles and comfortable enough for a long walk. Fourthly, the hot local sun encourages you to wear light-colored linen and cotton clothing, and in no case leather, denim or camouflage. Finally, travelers who make tours to Colombia, on the eve of a visit to the tropics of Serrania de la Macarena, you must be vaccinated against yellow fever, and also, if not, against tetanus.

What to eat along the way?

It is better to take a packed lunch with you, since there are no restaurants or cafes in the surrounding area. It should be noted that you can get hot food scattered around the national park in Colombian villages and campsites organized here - it is mainly prepared on the basis of rice.

Power for gadgets

For those who are planning tours to Colombia, you must also correctly distribute energy consumption across all devices that need to be charged. The fact is that the Serrania de la Macarena National Park receives electricity on a schedule, from three o’clock in the afternoon to eleven in the evening local time, and even when you reach a village or tent camp, you can’t always recharge.

Sierra Macarena National Park (Colombia) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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Sierra Macarena National Park is located 150 km from Bogota, the capital of Colombia, and is considered one of the richest reserves in the country in terms of flora and fauna. This national park in Colombia covers an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares. Most of the territory of the Sierra Macarena National Park consists of mountain ranges, the average height of which is about 3000 m above sea level. The reserve is home to hundreds of species of animals, birds, insects and fish. The flora of the Sierra Macarena National Park is also not inferior in diversity. About 50 species of orchids alone can be found here! By the way, many plants of the reserve are recognized as endemic, in other words, they grow only in this territory and are not found anywhere else.

Many tourists come to the Sierra Macarena National Park to look at the Caño Cristales River. The uniqueness of this reservoir is that its waters constantly change color, not just once, but as many as 5 times!

The Sierra Macarena National Park received the status of National Park in 1948, and remains under the constant protection of the Colombian authorities today. However, the reserve is always open to tourists. Moreover, ecotourism is actively developing in the Sierra Macarena National Park. Although difficult to reach, this Colombian nature reserve is visited by a large number of travelers every year. Fans of outdoor activities are attracted not only by the pristine flora and fauna.

Many tourists are attracted here by an amazing natural phenomenon called Caño Cristales. This is a river, and it is unique in that its waters constantly change color, not just once, but up to 5 times! The reservoir has the properties of a chameleon thanks to the colorful algae that cover the bottom of Caño Cristales. By the way, the name of this miracle of nature is translated as “crystal river”. The water here is not just clear, you can drink it without fear for your health.

Sierra Macarena National Park in Colombia

And now about how to get to the Sierra Macarena National Park. As mentioned above, the journey is long, but it is worth it! First you need to get from Bogota to Villavicencio. This city is located 70 km from the Colombian capital; tourists are transported here by intercity buses. Despite the short distance by the standards of modern travelers, the travel time will take 3-4 hours.

The next route is Villavicencio - La Macarena, and it can only be overcome by air. Note that there are many private companies at Villavicencio Airport that provide passenger transportation. On small planes they take tourists to the village of La Macarena. The flight over the savannas of Colombia will take about 1.5 hours, and believe me, it will be unforgettable!

In La Macarena you can spend the night (every second resident in the village rents out rooms and guest houses to tourists), and the next day, first renting a canoe (to cross the Guayabero River) and then a jeep, go on a tour of the Sierra Macarena National Park.

Be prepared for the fact that on the way to the Caño Cristales River you will have to leave your car and walk several kilometers in the heat. And finally, no matter how brave and experienced a traveler you are, it is better to enlist the help of local guides and not go alone into the wild wilds of Colombia and the Sierra Macarena National Park itself.

Chikake is a natural park with a unique mountain landscape and magnificent tropical forest at an altitude of approximately 2100-2300 meters above sea level. Due to this altitude, the air temperature here ranges from 11 to 17 degrees Celsius and fog is very common.

You can observe here a large number of plant species, more than 200 species of birds, rabbits, monkeys and mountain cats - all of them live in the wild. An ideal place for ecotourism.

Also in Chikak you can camp, ride horses and go on a mountain hike.

Girardeau Locomotive Park

Exhibits at the museum park demonstrate the history of railroad development in Colombia.

The museum is located on the territory of the station and was reconstructed from an old railway station.

You can see here majestic steam engines from the early 20th century, maps of the railway network, and details of train rolling stock.

But the main attraction of the park is an impressive locomotive that was produced in the mid-19th century in Britain and later used on the railroads of Columbia. Now this locomotive is exhibited in the museum in the form of a huge monument.

Jaime Duque Park

Jaime Duque is an amusement park designed for family fun. The park, opened on February 27, 1983, is named after the Colombian pilot Jaime Duque Grisales.

The park has a zoo, opened in 1992. He rehabilitates animals and releases healthy and strengthened creatures into their natural habitat. Currently, the zoo contains about 200 species of animals, including a huge variety of birds, monkeys, snakes and cats.

The park has several architectural monuments, among which a copy of the Taj Mahal Palace, built in India, stands out. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, impressive with its architectural beauty and abundance of precious stones. The palace now houses works of art by Colombian artists.

Many celebrities gave concerts in the park: Jamiroquai, Kylie Minogue, The Killers, Tiësto, Moby, Guns N "Roses and others.

Puras National Park

Puras National Park is one of the natural parks of Colombia.

The park is located in the Andean region, 44 kilometers from the city of Popayan.

The park was formed in 1968.

There are many volcanoes in the park, but the active ones are Puras, whose height is 4758 meters, and Sotara.

Puras Park is famous for its hiking trails, steep canyons, picturesque lakes and waterfalls, and hot sulfur springs.

The park's vegetation is varied and abundant - wax palms, manzano, candela, more than 200 species of orchids and others. Large areas are occupied by vineyards.

The park is home to 150 species of birds and many animals.

The park is home to the Coconuco ethnic group, whose members are involved in protecting the nature of the park and developing tourism here.

Thanks to the work of the group, hotels and restaurants were built in the park.

Native American theme park

The Indian theme park is a project that is once again intended to convey to all inhabitants of the planet about the need to preserve it. With its natural features, this place conveys to everyone the idea of ​​how rich our planet is, how valuable its resources are and that only by respecting each other can people make a strong attempt to preserve everything that surrounds them.

The park has a large number of exhibitions that tell about the cultural customs of the Indians who massively inhabited South America before the arrival of colonizers from European countries.

The centerpiece of the Mapis theme park is a 30 m high pyramid. You can climb up it and get inside, where a kind of museum of human development is equipped.

Following the pyramid, another structure attracts attention - a sculpture about 15 meters high, representing the map of Colombia. A heart is depicted in the center of the card, and spears are pointed at it on all sides, on which the names of Indian tribes are indicated. The creators of this monument included the idea of ​​the unity of all people living in Colombia, regardless of nationality.

In addition, in the park you can “stay” in real Indian huts. Each represents a separate tribe.

Chikake Park

Chikake Park, or "Cloud Forest", is a beautiful place for walking and relaxing. The park is located 18 kilometers from Bogota.

There are 7 species of trees, more than 1,100 species of plants, and about 310 species of birds.

The park offers panoramic views of the Magdalena River valley, waterfalls, and snowy peaks of the Central Andes mountains. It is an attractive destination for Colombians and tourists. Fresh mountain air and beautiful surrounding nature will make your walk healthy and unforgettable.

Sierra de la Macarena National Park

The Sierra de la Macarena occupies the central regions of Colombia and can be found slightly south of the country's capital, Bogota.

The Sierra de la Macarena conservation area was created in the area of ​​the upper left tributary of the Orinoco River Guaviare. In 1948, it was decided to create a national park here.

The Sierra de la Macarena is an isolated mountain range whose height reaches up to 3 km above sea level.

Here you will see three biological communities at once: Orinoco, Andean and Amazonian. Of the plant communities here, the most common areas are tropical and subtropical forests.

They are home to a wide variety of Colombian animal species: spectacled bears, jaguars, howler monkeys, anteaters, giant otters, peccaries, capybaras, sloths and others.

Among them live spectacled caimans, Orinoco crocodiles, shield-footed turtles, as well as a huge number of snakes.

It is worth mentioning the abundance of birds in the park; about 300 species of birds are noted to live here permanently, including harpy eagle, hummingbird, parrot, hummingbird and other birds.

Simon Bolivar Central Park

Parque Central Simon Bolivar is the largest and main park complex in Bogota. The park was founded in 1966. The complex consists of five small parks.

Everything in the park is carefully thought out for complete relaxation for adults and children. Artificial lakes have been dug in different parts of the complex, bicycle and pedestrian paths have been installed, and green areas have been landscaped.

A favorite vacation spot is the water park located on the territory of Central Park. The water park covers an area of ​​14,000 square meters and offers a large selection of water activities.

Park 93

Parque 93 is located on 93rd street in the northern part of Bogota. This is a commercial park of culture and recreation. The creation of the park is the result of the enormous growth and expansion of Bogotá towards the Northern Municipality.

The park is most popular among young people due to its vibrant nightlife. The park and its surroundings are also called Zona Rosa. In the surrounding parks there are restaurants and nightclubs where young people relax until the morning. Even in winter, the park is bustling with life, as a huge New Year tree is installed here.

Chicamocha National Park

Chicamocha National Park was opened quite recently, in 2006, its area is 264 hectares and it is located along the Chicamocha Canyon.

In the park you can see exotic birds, goats, ride paragliders and buggies, and also go canoeing down the river.

The park's most visited attraction is the cable car that crosses the canyon. The length of the cable car is 6.4 kilometers and you can travel along it by funicular - from the height there is a stunning view.

Also in Chicamocha National Park there are various kinds of attractions.

In the park you can also ride horses, mountain bike and go fishing.

Mundo Aventura Park

The Mundo Aventura amusement park is recognized as a national treasure of Colombian Bogota. You won't be bored here, either for adults or especially for children. The park is located in the vicinity of the capital of Colombia in an area of ​​plantings. In terms of its performance, this place is in no way inferior to the famous Disneyland.

The enormous Ferris wheel deserves special attention; it offers stunning views of the entire panorama of Bogota. Visitors can also ride steam locomotives, “crazy” buses, electric cars, take a mini-safari, try themselves in bungee jumping, and a catapult.

The park has water attractions with mandatory steep slides.

Children are delighted not only by the numerous attractions, but also by the educational programs provided by the Mundo Aventura park. There is a botanical garden and a small zoo. In addition, children can learn how to obtain energy using various methods. An entire factory has been opened in the park to produce energy.