Rules of conduct when hijacking an aircraft. If there is “reliable information” about their capture by terrorists If you are in long-term captivity





d) do nothing.



b) when the assault begins, I will run out of the building towards the location of the special unit; c) I will lie down on the floor, cover my head with my hands and not get up until the end of the operation;


a) you will breathe shallowly; b) you will breathe through a wet handkerchief and blink frequently;

d) cover yourself with a jacket.





d) to receive ransom;

d) for political reasons.


1. How to behave if a plane, bus, or train is hijacked by terrorists?: 2

a) Comply with the demands of terrorists, do not create conflict situations;

b) Ask permission for all actions;

c) When storming an aircraft by a capture team, lie down on the floor and do not rise until the end of the operation.

2. What are the main signs of the presence of explosive devices?: 2

a) The presence of wires, a small antenna, electrical tape, adhesive tape on a car or any household item (bag, suitcase, box, etc.);

b) Unattended briefcases, suitcases, bags, packages, sacks, boxes, boxes;

c) The presence of noise inside the detected object (clock ticking, clicks or any other sounds).

3. What should you do if you find an object that looks like an explosive device? 1

a) take it home to better examine it and preserve it until specialists arrive;

b) call your friends and look at the subject together;

c) do not touch it, warn others, report the find to the police or any official;

d) do nothing.

4. If terrorists seize a public building in which you were with other citizens, you must follow the following rules of safe behavior. Which one is wrong?2

a) do not try to neutralize terrorists on your own, do not enter into disputes with them, fulfill all their demands;

b) try not to attract their attention to yourself, hide somewhere, do not make unnecessary, sudden and suspicious movements;

c) if some of the hostages, children and sick people are being released, try to be among them;

d) use your mobile phone to report your location.

5. What will you do if the building is stormed by a capture group? 1

a) I will try to help the capture group;

b) when the assault begins, I will run out of the building towards the location of the special unit;c) I will lie down on the floor, cover my head with my hands and not get up until the end of the operation;

d) I’ll run to another room.

6. Indicate your actions when using tear gas. 2

a) you will breathe shallowly;b) you will breathe through a wet handkerchief and blink frequently;

c) you will hold your breath;

d) cover yourself with a jacket.

7. In a vehicle seized by terrorists: 3

a) stay in your place;

b) do not move around the cabin;

c) move closer to the driver;

d) try to attract less attention from criminals;

d) enter into dialogue with criminals and express complaints.

8. In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during an assault by a special unit): 3

a) try to hide behind objects (chair, table and other pieces of furniture);

b) protect your body from bullets with improvised means;

c) hide behind other hostages by mingling with them;

d) go to a visible place so that the special forces can see you;

e) try to move away from the entrance doors, windows, hatches and take a horizontal position.

9. At the time of the assault by special forces: 2

a) give up your place to the bandits among the hostages;

b) do not pick up weapons from criminals;

c) do not allow bandits to take their place among the hostages;

d) if possible, pick up the weapon of a killed criminal and help the special forces;

e) shout loudly, pointing the special forces at the bandits to help recognize them.

10. For what purpose are people taken hostage?: 3

a) show others who is cooler;

b) for religious or national reasons;

c) to become famous in the media and make a name for yourself;

d) to receive ransom;

d) for political reasons.

The plane is always hijacked twice: first by the hijackers, then by the special forces. These actions are equally dangerous and the main commandment is to unquestioningly carry out the commands: first of the invaders, then of the counter-terrorist group.

Unless you have special training, do not try to be heroic while you can. You are dealing with a criminal who has already crossed a certain line, and the fear of another crime is unlikely to stop him.

Experience shows that hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock. This is what you should remember first of all when you find yourself on an unhappy plane.

Experts advise remembering “non-resistance to evil through violence,” which will reduce the risk to a minimum. This behavior usually dulls the vigilance of bandits and in any case helps to gain time, which is the most valuable resource for hostages. When flying, it is better to dress discreetly; men should avoid khaki-colored clothes and those with camouflage patterns; women should not overuse “minis” and jewelry. In order to pass the time during the flight, you should not stock up on publications of a political, religious, militaristic or pornographic nature. Accordingly, try to avoid talking to strangers about these topics.

When a plane is hijacked, continue calmly and don't ask questions. Don't look terrorists in the eyes, obey their orders without arguing. Try not to react to provocative or defiant behavior of bandits. Don't do anything that will attract the attention of invaders. Give up personal belongings if terrorists demand it. Keep a photo of your family and children handy - and terrorists can be sentimental. Try to keep yourself busy: reading, playing, or talking with your neighbors. Don't drink alcohol. Try not to irritate the invaders in any way; you should not cry loudly or express dissatisfaction. Remember: if negotiations with terrorists drag on, first class passengers, as the most important ones, may become the first victims of the invaders as proof that they are ready to do anything.

The attack on a hijacked plane is carried out with lightning speed. The assault team captures the aircraft in a few moments, usually using blinding and stunning hand grenades. The operation is carried out simultaneously from different points. The liberation team, advancing in the smoke, shouts at the passengers to lie down on the floor and shoots at any armed persons or anyone who remains standing.

If when communicating with criminals it is better to sit near the aisle, then when a capture group appears, it is safer to sit near a wall or porthole. When you hear strong pops outside, gather yourself - most likely the capture group's charges have gone off, after which the hatches will separate. The next pops in the cabin are tear gas bombs, flash grenades, etc.

You must close your eyes and hold your breath, bend down as low as possible. Don't rub your eyes. The safest position is to put your hands behind your head and cover your neck. Elbows - sides and stomach.

While the capture group is working, you cannot run, fall into the arms of the liberators, or stand while the command is given to passengers to fall to the floor. Of course, special forces soldiers do not necessarily shoot at everyone who runs towards them, but we must keep in mind that passengers and terrorists usually do not differ in clothing.

Do not run out of the plane until the order is given, do not fuss; When you are released, get out as quickly as possible, do not waste time looking for your things - the plane can still explode or catch fire.

Your chances of becoming a hostage when an airplane is hijacked are very small, but, by and large, no one can give complete guarantees that this will not happen to you. Thus, if you find yourself on board a hijacked plane, take some measures that will help you survive.

Many aviation companies, especially reputable and well-known ones, have armed security personnel to combat air piracy. Their responsibility is to prevent the plane from being hijacked. And, nevertheless, always be on your guard. Be prepared to fall to the floor to find cover in the first minutes of the plane being hijacked. Rise only if you are sure that the shooting has stopped. Don't be overly curious. Generally, a passenger who fusses may be killed or injured in the crossfire.

Don't let terrorists mistake you for an anti-air piracy security officer . They won't figure it out, and everything could end badly. Terrorists can act in groups, and not all of them reveal themselves at the beginning of the attack. They can occupy seats among passengers, including for the purpose of identifying security personnel, and they are ready to kill anyone who seems dangerous to them. Do not make sudden movements or take anything out of your jacket or luggage.

Explosions on board are very dangerous. So, if a bomb or explosive device explodes, the pressure in the cabin can decrease sharply. In this case, the resulting hole will suck in people and objects. Fasten your seat belt to avoid injury.

Follow the instructions of the crew members. The crew members received special training to perform their duties in an emergency situation. Do not take independent actions unless the need for them is caused by extreme reasons. Think before you take any action. A calm, balanced, sober person will reassure other passengers.

Don't draw attention to yourself by doing anything. This is the most important rule for surviving a hijacking. Do not make visual contact with terrorists. Don't complain. Make yourself invisible. Take a neutral posture; Don't show your fear or anger unnecessarily.

If you need medication or are seriously ill, let the terrorists know.. Otherwise, behave calmly. In this case, terrorists will have no reason to pay special attention to you. If you bother them, you will be subject to insults and physical abuse. Don't ask questions. Not only will you attract attention, but you will also anger the terrorists. They can take it out on you for everything.

Don't kowtow to terrorists. As a rule, they do not respect those who humiliate themselves in front of them. Feel your responsibility to other passengers. Remember, there is a high chance that you will survive, but other passengers will remember any attempt you make to find contact with terrorists and gain their favor.

Do not carry political literature with you. You will never know which terrorists of what ideological orientation will hijack an airplane. The same advice applies to pornographic literature, especially in the Middle East. Keep business papers in your luggage. However, remember that your luggage may be searched (as was the case during the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 to Beirut in 1985).

Be prepared for the worst. In many cases, terrorists are cruel and brutal. Don't try to reason with them. Never rely on their mercy. If they are reckless enough to hijack a plane, they are capable of unpredictable actions, any provocation and cruelty. They will be nervous because only a few terrorists have attempted to hijack a plane before. They will need time to get used to this environment. Do not take any action that would cause them to act thoughtlessly out of fear or anger. In addition, they may try to humiliate you or other passengers. Take their insults without complaint. If you turn them against you, they will settle accounts with you later.

Eat and drink as much as possible. Food may not be served regularly. Don't be capricious or picky. Eat and drink whatever is offered to you. You don't know how long you will remain a hostage, so maintain your strength if possible.

Carry necessary medications in your carry-on luggage. This advice will be especially useful to you because... Airlines often lose luggage. This precaution can save your life if you are held hostage for a long time. Don't forget to bring a card with your blood type and other necessary medical information. Provide medical care to people around you. Just in case, have some diapers and infant formula for infants and medicines for the elderly.

Get used to discomfort. In the summer, it is very hot in an aluminum airplane cylinder sitting on a concrete floor, and in the winter it is very cold, moreover, you may be in an uncomfortable position. The most depressing phenomenon is the stench on the plane. Initially, after the plane is hijacked, you and other passengers will not be allowed to use the toilet. You will be able to visit the restrooms very rarely. Passengers may be forced to relieve themselves in their seats. Later, toilets may become overflowing with sewage. There won't be enough toilet paper. If this is any consolation to you, the terrorists will also experience the same inconvenience, which will ultimately help resolve the conflict.

Keep in mind everything that happens on board the plane. If you are released or escape, you may be interviewed by the authorities for valuable information. You may be asked the following:

· the number of terrorists and what they are wearing;

· skin color, nationality, gender and other characteristics;

· any observations with the help of which it would be possible to determine their nationality, as well as individual characteristics, language and level of language proficiency;

· the order they proposed on board;

· location of terrorists and hostages;

· a description of the weapons and explosive devices (explosives) they placed on board, as well as their actions to repel attempts to free the aircraft.

Determine for yourself how you can leave the plane quickly. Remember the location of the exits, as well as the number of rows in front and behind you to the nearest exit. If there is a fire and there is a lot of smoke, bend down, if necessary, get down on your knees and elbows so that smoke and harmful gases do not enter your lungs, and make your way to the exit.

Be prepared for a possible attempt to free the aircraft. If you hear noises outside, do not pretend that you are looking out the window or in the direction of these sounds. Duck down in your seat and prepare to cover your head or protect your children.

If the forceful release of the aircraft begins, do not interfere with anything. The security staff are professionals and they know their job professionally. Follow their instructions. Whatever happens, do not pick up abandoned weapons. Your saviors can kill any person who has a weapon in their hands.

Watch out for the terrorists who are trying to mingle with the passengers after the shooting starts. Until the situation is under control of the security forces, you and other passengers may be treated roughly. You may even be searched. This is one of the precautions. You shouldn't be offended.

Don't be surprised if you feel some mental distress after the ordeal. This is fine. Many hostages experience mental suffering after this. Some of those released say they feel guilty for being the target of such scrutiny. Others are tormented by the fact that they did not put up worthy resistance or somehow collaborated with terrorists. It is not unusual for hostages who showed composure, restraint, and role models during the ordeal to later experience nervous stress and hysteria, when these qualities were no longer necessary. There should be no shame in seeking professional advice and help if you need it.

Rules of conduct in the event of an aircraft accident:

· lean forward in the chair, clasp your head with both hands; quickly remove all sharp objects, jewelry, watches, and hold the children close to you. Follow all instructions from the ship’s commander and crew, do not get up from your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop, and prevent in any way the occurrence of panic in the cabin and disruption of the aircraft’s alignment;

· after the aircraft stops moving, immediately, observing the order, leave it using emergency hatches (use rules are shown on them) and inflatable slides. When helping the wounded and children, move as far away from the plane as possible and lie down on the ground, covering your head with your hands so as not to be harmed by shrapnel when the plane explodes;

· provide first aid to the wounded. In a deserted area, with the help of other passengers, build shelters for children and the wounded from scrap materials; find a source of water and send several people for help.

We must remember that a plane is most often hijacked twice: first by terrorists, then by special forces. Both of these actions are dangerous, and the most important commandment is to unquestioningly carry out the commands of both one and the other side. Experience shows that hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock.

Here are some tips on how to behave if your plane is hijacked by terrorists:

1. You need to calm down yourself and, if possible, calm down your neighbor.

2. Carefully inspect the place where you are, marking places where you can hide in the event of a firefight.

3. Try not to stand out in a group of hostages and not to irritate the bandits in any way. Do not cough loudly, blow your nose, cry or express your dissatisfaction.

4. If you want to stand up, move to another seat, or open your purse, ask permission.

6. Give away personal items that the terrorists demand.

7. If shooting starts, take cover behind the seat and cover your head with your hands.

8. You may be on a hijacked plane for several days, during which time the attitude of the hijackers towards the passengers improves, so do not lose faith in a successful outcome.

Often during negotiations, bandits release children, women and the sick. If you are among this number, you should help law enforcement agencies as much as possible. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the terrorists: their number, what part of the plane they are in, how they are dressed, their behavior (aggression, exposure to drugs, alcohol), who is the leader in the group and other signs that you were able to notice and remember.

When liberating an aircraft by special forces, it is necessary to:

1. Take the safest position.

2. Do not move until the end of the operation to free the hostages.

3. Protect respiratory and vision organs from gas exposure.

4. Follow all commands and requirements of intelligence officers; do not run out of the plane until the command is given.

5. Don’t create a fuss or crush when leaving. Leave the plane calmly, but as quickly as possible.

6. Don’t waste time searching for your carry-on luggage.

Ways to counter terrorism

One of the most common ways to counter terrorism is to carry out economic and political reforms in order to raise the living standards of the population and provide the opposition with the opportunity to act in the legal political space

A more effective means can be an ideological campaign, a total information war. A country that has successfully confronted terrorism and organized crime with the help of the right ideological campaign is Italy.

A fairly common measure in the fight against terrorism is the tightening of domestic policies, the introduction of total control over the activities of citizens, and the use of particularly harsh methods of influence against terrorists.

One cannot help but focus on such a radical measure as the physical destruction of terrorist leaders and punitive measures carried out by military units. The effectiveness of this method of combating terrorism remains controversial.

Countries around the world are increasingly coming to the realization that the fight against terrorism in modern conditions must be waged together. Cooperation between intelligence services and law enforcement agencies of different countries is constantly growing. International regulations concerning this problem are being developed and adopted. In this regard, voices are increasingly heard that the key to a successful fight against international terrorism is effective and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

In October 2001, at the direction of the Secretary-General, a “Working Group on Policy Development on the Role of the United Nations in Relation to Terrorism” was established. The group included the largest functionaries of the organization, as well as external experts. The fruit of their labor was a 40-page report, released on August 6, 2002. The developers of the new UN policy acted very rationally, deciding to abandon a comprehensive approach

A tripartite strategy was proposed as the core of the new UN policy, the meaning of which is that the organization’s main efforts should be:

1) deterring dissatisfied groups from terrorist activities;

2) depriving such groups of the opportunity to commit terrorist acts;

3) maintaining international cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

International terrorism in itself causes very significant damage, claiming tens, hundreds and thousands of human lives and leading to considerable economic losses. However, as can be seen, international terrorism occupies an important place in the complex of global problems. It is closely related to such problems as the threat of a new world war, the threat of a nuclear disaster, and the problem of overcoming the consequences of scientific and technological revolution. Humanity must consolidate all its activities in the fight against international terrorism, try to find in this fight something that unites and does not divide us all, regardless of skin color, religion, or political beliefs. Only in this case can humanity withstand terrorism as a mortal threat of the 21st century.

Rules for safe behavior in the event of terrorist attacks (using an example of the student’s choice).

General rules of conduct:

Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk, try to limit any contact with criminals, do not cause aggression in them with your actions or words, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Try as much as possible to soften the hostility of criminals towards yourself by remaining flexible, calm and peaceful.

Do not resort to extreme measures to free yourself if you were unable to escape and escape immediately during capture.

From the moment of capture, control your actions. Try to record all the actions of criminals.

Assess your location and don't panic. Try to remain calm even in conditions where criminals threaten you with physical harm, and also try to limit your mobility, vision or hearing, create difficult living conditions, for example, restrict food and water.

Use every opportunity to report (transmit information) about your location, signs of criminals, and the characteristics of their behavior to your relatives or law enforcement agencies.

Do not react to the provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look them in the eyes: this may cause additional aggression towards you. Follow the terrorists' demands and ask them for permission for any of your actions.

In a vehicle seized by terrorists, stay in your place, do not move around the cabin, and try to attract the attention of criminals as little as possible.

Avoid rash actions that could endanger your life and the lives of other passengers, especially when aircraft are hijacked by terrorists.

In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during an assault by a special unit), try to hide behind objects (a chair, table and other pieces of furniture), cover your body from bullets with improvised means, with everything that can weaken the penetrating effect of bullets.

Try to move away from the entrance doors, windows, portholes, hatches and take a horizontal position. Remain in this position until you receive a command to leave the room from the commander of the assault group. In the future, unquestioningly follow all his commands.

During the assault, do not pick up the weapons of criminals, as they may mistake you for a bandit and open fire on you to kill.

Try, if possible, not to let the bandits take your place among the hostages.

The main rule is to avoid actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties;

Try to avoid hysterics and panic;

If you are injured, try not to move, this will reduce blood loss.

We must remember that a plane is most often hijacked twice: first by terrorists, then by special forces. These actions are dangerous, and the most important commandment is to unquestioningly follow commands.

As a rule, hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock.

first of all, you need to calm down yourself and, if possible, calm down your neighbor;

carefully inspect the place where you are, mark places where you can hide in the event of a firefight;

try not to stand out in a group of hostages and not irritate the bandits in any way;

do not cough loudly, blow your nose, cry or express your dissatisfaction;

if you want to stand up, move to another seat, or open your purse, ask permission;

give away personal belongings that the terrorists demand;

when shooting, take cover behind the seat and cover your head with your hands, but do not run anywhere.

The hijacking of an airplane can last for several days, during which time the attitude of the criminals towards the passengers improves, so do not lose faith in a successful outcome.

Often during negotiations, bandits release children, women and the sick. If you are among this number, you must help the remaining passengers on board the plane as much as possible. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible: the number of hijackers, what part of the plane they are in, how they are dressed, their behavior (aggression, exposure to drugs, alcohol), who is the leader in the group and other signs that you were able to notice.

Remember! If there are only terrorists and hostages on the plane, it is better to sit near the aisle. When a capture group appears, it is safer to be near a wall or porthole.

When hijacking an aircraft by special forces, you must:

close your eyes and hold your breath, as tear gas may be used;

do not rub your eyes;

cover your sides and stomach with your elbows (the safest position is with your hands behind your head on your neck);

Under no circumstances should you run or stand after the command to fall to the floor has been given;

do not run out of the plane until the command is given;

after the command “Get out!” get out as quickly as possible;

Do not waste time searching for your carry-on luggage: the plane may catch fire or explode.

41. Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies” on the goals and objectives of protecting the population and territories in emergency situations.

The goals of the unified state system for preventing and responding to emergency situations:

preventing the occurrence and development of emergency situations;

reducing damage and losses from emergency situations;

delimitation of powers in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations between federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations.

Relations related to the restoration of territories damaged as a result of emergency situations not related to the goals listed in part one of this article are not regulated by this Federal Law.

Main objectives (Article 4):

development and implementation of legal and economic standards to ensure the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, including ensuring the safety of people on water bodies;

implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergency situations and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of organizations, as well as social facilities in emergency situations;

ensuring the readiness for action of management bodies, forces and means intended and allocated for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations;

collection, processing, exchange and distribution of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations;

preparing the population for actions in emergency situations, including organizing explanatory and preventive work among the population in order to prevent the occurrence of emergencies on water bodies;

organizing timely notification and informing the population about emergency situations in crowded places;

forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of emergency situations;

creation of reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations;

implementation of state examination, supervision and control in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations;

emergency response;

implementation of measures for social protection of the population affected by emergency situations, carrying out humanitarian actions;

implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the population in the field of protection from emergency situations, as well as persons directly involved in their elimination;

international cooperation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations, including ensuring the safety of people on water bodies.

The principles of construction, the composition of forces and means, the procedure for performing tasks and the interaction of the main elements, as well as other issues of the functioning of the unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergency situations are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

42. Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS): general characteristics, goals and objectives, structure.

The unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, abbreviated as RSChS.

Emergency prevention - This is a set of measures carried out in advance and aimed at reducing the risk of an emergency as much as possible.

In accordance with Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies” There is a unified Russian state system for the prevention and response to natural disasters and emergency situations (RSChS). It has the governing bodies, forces and means to protect the population and national assets from the effects of disasters, accidents, environmental and natural disasters or to reduce their impact.

The main goal of the RSChS is

RSChS is based on several postulates:

1) recognition of the fact that it is impossible to eliminate the risk of an emergency; compliance with the principle of preventive safety;

2) reducing the likelihood of an emergency;

3) priority of preventive work;

4) an integrated approach to the formation of the system;

5) building a system on a legal basis with delimitation of the rights and responsibilities of participants.

Organizationally, RSChS consists of territorial and functional subsystems and has five levels:

1) federal (the entire territory of Russia);

2) regional (several constituent entities of the Russian Federation);

3) territorial (territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation);

4) local (district, city, region);

5) object (organization, enterprise).

The territorial subsystem of the RSChS is designed to prevent and eliminate emergencies in the controlled territory. Main governing body – Commission for Emergency Situations (CoES) for the protection of the population and territories. The working bodies of the territorial CoES are the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations and disaster management.

RSChS functional subsystems are created in ministries, departments and organizations of the Russian Federation. Their task is to monitor and control the state of the environment and the situation at potentially hazardous facilities, eliminate emergencies, and protect personnel and the population of the territories.

Main tasks of RSChS:

development and implementation of legal and economic norms related to ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergencies;

emergency response;

The RSChS system operates in three modes:

1) mode of daily activity - the functioning of the system in peacetime under normal industrial, radiation, chemical, biological, hydrometeorological and seismic conditions;

2) high alert mode - the functioning of systems when the situation worsens and a forecast is received about the possibility of an emergency or the threat of war;

3) emergency mode - the functioning of the system in the event of the occurrence and elimination of emergencies in peacetime, as well as in the case of the use of modern means of destruction.

Public management in emergency situations is defined by the “Regulations on the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS),” which unites the governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation, Federal executive authorities, local governments and emergency management bodies of organizations.

The main objectives of training in the field of protection against emergency situations:

1) training all groups of the population in the rules of behavior and basic methods of protection from emergency situations;

2) training in how to provide first aid to victims;

3) familiarization with the rules for using collective and individual protective equipment;

4) training of students of educational institutions and institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, carried out during school hours according to educational programs for protection against emergency situations.

43. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2003 No. 794 “On the unified state system for emergency prevention and response” on the goals and objectives of the RSChS.

The main goal of the RSChS is combining the efforts of central and regional bodies of representative and executive power, as well as organizations and institutions to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

The main tasks are:

a) development of proposals for the implementation of state policy in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations and ensuring fire safety;

b) coordination of the activities of governing bodies and forces of the unified system;

c) ensuring consistency of actions of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations in solving problems in the field of preventing and eliminating emergency situations and ensuring fire safety, as well as the restoration and construction of residential buildings, housing and communal services facilities , social sphere, production and engineering infrastructure damaged and destroyed as a result of emergency situations;

d) consideration of issues of involving civil defense forces and means in organizing and carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations in the manner established by federal law.

Other tasks may be assigned to the relevant commissions for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

Problems of 42 questions:

implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs to prevent emergencies and to improve the sustainability of the functioning of enterprises, organizations, and their own structures in emergency situations;

maintaining constant readiness of management bodies, forces and means to take action to eliminate the consequences of emergencies;

collection, processing and distribution of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies;

preparing the population for action in emergency situations;

forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of emergencies;

implementation of state supervision and examination in the field of emergency protection;

emergency response;

implementation of measures for social protection of the population affected by emergencies;

international cooperation in the field of protecting populations and territories from emergencies.

44. Measures and methods of protecting the population in emergency situations. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2003 “On preparing the population in the field of protection against natural and man-made emergencies.”

Emergency protection training includes:

a) for the working population - Conducting on-the-job training according to recommended programs and independent study of the procedure for action in emergency situations, followed by consolidation of the acquired knowledge and skills exercises and training;

b) for the non-working population - carrying out conversations, lectures, watching educational films, participation in exercises and training at the place of residence, as well as independent study of manuals, memos, leaflets and booklets, listening to radio broadcasts and watching television programs on issues of protection from emergency situations;

c) for students - conducting classes during school hours according to the relevant programs within the framework of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" and the discipline "Life Safety", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

d) for heads of government bodies – training at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, carrying out independent work with regulatory documents on the organization and implementation of measures to protect against emergency situations, participation in annual training camps, exercises and training carried out according to the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

e) for chairmen of emergency commissions, heads of local government bodies and organizations, authorized employees - advanced training at least once every 5 years, carrying out independent work, as well as participating in training camps, exercises and training.

For persons appointed for the first time to a position related to the performance of duties in the field of emergency protection, retraining or advanced training during the first year of work is mandatory. Advanced training can be carried out by full-time and part-time forms training, including using distance educational technologies.

Command post exercise lasting up to 3 days are carried out in federal executive authorities and in executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation once every 2 years, in local governments - once every 3 years. Command-staff exercises or staff training in organizations are held once a year for up to 1 day.

Operational groups of military districts, garrisons, formations and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and etc.

Tactical and special exercises lasting up to 8 hours are carried out with the participation of emergency rescue services and rescue organizations once every 3 years, and with the participation of permanent readiness formations - once a year.

Complex exercises lasting up to 2 days are carried out once every 3 years in municipalities and organizations with hazardous production facilities, as well as in medical institutions with more than 600 beds. In other organizations, training sessions lasting up to 8 hours are held once every 3 years.

Trainings in general education institutions and institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education are held annually.

45. Federal Law “On Civil Defense” of February 12, 1998. No. 28-FZ on the goals and objectives of civil defense.

The federal law defines the tasks, the legal basis for their implementation and the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations in the field of civil defense.

civil defense- a system of measures to prepare for the defense and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

civil defense activities- organizational and special actions carried out in the field of civil defense in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

territory assigned to the civil defense group- the territory on which a city or other populated area is located that has important defense and economic significance, with the objects located in it, posing a high degree of danger of emergency situations in war and peacetime;

civil defense requirements- special conditions (rules) for the operation of technical civil defense management systems and civil defense facilities, the use and maintenance of warning systems, personal protective equipment, other special equipment and civil defense property, established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Tasks in the field of civil defense:

Training of the population in the field of civil defense;

Warning the population about the dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

Providing the population with shelters and personal protective equipment;

Carrying out activities on light camouflage and other types of camouflage;

Carrying out emergency rescue operations in the event of dangers to the population arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as due to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

Priority provision for the population affected by military operations or as a result of these actions, including medical care, first aid, urgent provision of housing and taking other necessary measures;

Fighting fires that arose during military operations or as a result of these actions;

Detection and designation of areas exposed to radioactive, chemical, biological and other contamination;

Sanitary treatment of the population, disinfection of buildings and structures, special treatment of equipment and territories;

Restoring and maintaining order in areas damaged during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as due to natural and man-made emergencies;

Urgent restoration of the functioning of necessary public services in wartime;

Urgent burial of corpses in wartime;

Development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of civil defense forces and means.