Enter Denmark. How to go to study in Denmark and what programs are there for Russians. High school education

Studying in Denmark is extremely practical. Even universities do not engage in pure science, but actively cooperate with entrepreneurs and government agencies. This is probably why university education in Denmark can be obtained only in 8 institutions, but the total number of career-oriented universities is much larger:

  • various creative educational institutions and maritime academies;
  • High schools or colleges awarding degrees no higher than a bachelor's degree;
  • business academies (Erhvervsakademi), combining business school programs with technical faculties.

Features include a special approach to learning. What is most valued here is our own work and conclusions. Moreover, for teachers it is not so important how correct they are. After all, the main thing is that the student does something of his own.


For Ukrainians, enrolling and studying at a university in Denmark is available only after completing 1–2 years of a higher education institution in their own or another country. Requirements differ not only among universities, but also among faculties. Therefore, you can enroll in Denmark to study at the same university both after the first and after the second year.

If there is no need to get an education in Denmark at a university, then a Ukrainian has a chance to enroll in another educational institution immediately after school on the basis of 11 grades.

Concerning entrance exams, then they are usually absent. Admission is based on a competition of certificates. The only thing required is knowledge of English, Danish or German language at a level not lower than B2. Any international certificates are suitable for confirmation. If studying in Denmark in a certain specialty has already caused difficulties for foreign students, then applicants are asked to first pass language tests.


University studies in Denmark award standard European degrees:

  • Bachelor's degree requires 3 years;
  • Master's degree – approximately 2 years;
  • Doctoral studies – 3 years, but can be extended.

Education in Denmark is free and expensive, but students and their parents love this country for its comfort and safety. If you want to study in Europe, you should consider migration options for the purpose of obtaining an education. This is beneficial because at the Technical University of Denmark the tuition fee for Danish citizens is $1,000 per year, while international students pay $19,000 for the same period.

Denmark is one of the highly developed countries in Europe. Mechanical engineering, communications, and finance and banking flourish here. And the country takes education seriously; the system is controlled by the state.

Studying here is interesting: classes are practice-oriented, joint student projects are implemented, and there is a lot of practical training.

Every year, the Ministry of Education determines quotas for the enrollment of foreigners who meet the entry requirements. Official language state - Danish; there are more than 700 study programs in English for foreign students.

Educational projects

Higher education includes five types of institutions:

  • Universities in Denmark (implement undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate curricula);
  • Colleges at universities (bachelor's degree at professional level);
  • Business academies (undergraduate courses and Academy Profession);
  • Art institutes (here they teach bachelor's, master's or graduate degrees);
  • Maritime schools (train professionals for the merchant fleet and fishing vessels).

Duration of training:

  • Studying for a bachelor's degree lasts three years;
  • For a master's degree – plus two years;
  • For a doctorate – three more years.

The ratio of Danish and Russian programs can be presented as follows:

  • A Danish classical or professional bachelor's degree corresponds to a Russian bachelor's degree;
  • The Danish master's degree is similar to the master's degree in Russia;
  • Postgraduate or PhD in Denmark they correspond to the status of a candidate of sciences.

What conditions do foreign citizens apply for?

Secondary education in the country lasts 12 years, so entering a university after 11th grade, much less 9th grade, in a Russian school is not possible. You will have to study at a Russian university for at least one year. Admission to creative professions requires passing a special exam. To enroll in a Danish university, a Russian citizen must certify his level of education with an appropriate diploma.

Thus, for admission to undergraduate programs, a certificate of secondary complete education (11 grades) is sufficient. Some educational institutions require you to study for one or two years in a similar profile at a Russian university. If the average certificate score is above 4.5 points, they can be admitted to study immediately.

All issues are regulated by the admissions committees; the deadline for submitting documents ends on March 15. Exceptions may include English-language programs. Details should be found at the university.

List of documents

The set of papers attached to the application complies with European standards:

  • Certificate or diploma of education;
  • Confirmation of language proficiency (Danish or English);
  • Motivation letter;
  • Recommendations or resume (as required by the university).

The state fee for submitting documents is 248€. In parallel, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit is underway. The university begins the process, and the applicant continues. Minor children and spouses are required to purchase separate residence permits; for each family member you will have to pay 231 €. Citizens of the CIS countries enter Danish universities according to a similar scheme.

What the cost of studying

Citizens from Russia will have to pay from 6,000 € to 16,000 € for training each year. This is quite a high price.

In addition, you will have to spend approximately 600 to 900 € per month on accommodation. In Copenhagen, the cost of living is even higher - up to 1500€. This amount includes:

  • Rental of property;
  • Nutrition;
  • Insurance;
  • Mobile connection;
  • Educational literature;
  • Fare.

Free education

Russia is not on the list of countries that intensively cooperate with Denmark, so Russian students should not count on grants and material support. It’s impossible to get an education for free, and it’s almost impossible to get a student loan.

Scholarships and grants for foreigners

Technical universities in Denmark do not issue a large number of benefits to help students from non- European countries.

Such government subsidies consist of 2 parts:

  1. Full or partial payment of tuition;
  2. Grant covering living costs in the country.

Each university determines the remaining conditions for providing scholarships independently. Therefore, it is better to look for details on the official websites of educational institutions. At the same time, applicants will have the opportunity to improve their language skills.

Exchange internship programs

The list of scholarships for students from Russia is very limited. Students wishing to master Danish language and literature can apply for a government exchange scholarship. The applicant must study at a Russian university and submit an application to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation or the Russian Academy of Sciences. These organizations send the presentation to a foreign university. The scholarship applicant must have a ready-made project, which he plans to implement in Denmark.

The subsidy amounts to approximately 870€ and is paid over the course of a year. Training is provided free of charge.

For non-Europeans in Denmark there is a student exchange program called Erasmus Mundus. Its goal is to increase student mobility and the quality of higher education through financial investments into the academic community of Europe and other countries. You can find out which Russian universities are participating in the project, as well as the conditions for applicants, here:

What are the accommodation options?

The Danes lead a leisurely, measured and very economical lifestyle. It is common practice for them to travel around the city by bicycle and dine at home. Russian citizens are surprised by the excessive punctuality of citizens. Here they strictly follow the norms and regulations; it is not customary to be late even for friendly meetings.

Nevertheless, behind the external closeness there are usually very cordial and hospitable hosts. It’s easy to verify this, because foreign students most often have to rent housing privately. Only 10% of Danish students are provided with dormitories.

Rental housing starts at €500 per month. A grocery basket will cost another 300 €. Plus payment for individual student requests. To ease the financial burden, Danish law allows students to work 15 hours a week during their studies, and full-time in the summer.

Top Danish Universities

Let's consider their advantages:

  • (Københavns Universitet) is the oldest and largest university in the country. Its history dates back to 1453. Medicine, social and humanities courses, pharmacy, theology, and law are taught here. Among the 37,000 students, about 1,750 are foreigners. The university pays 12 scholarships to postgraduate students annually. Official information: .
  • (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) is located in Lyngby Torbæk, 12 km south of Copenhagen. The educational institution lives by the motto "Technology and science for society". The leading areas of scientific activity are technical design, wind energy, biotechnology, electronics and telecommunications. Special scholarship program DTU H.C. Ørsted Fellowships annually distributes 16 scholarships to researchers from various countries. All details about the university and educational programs are on the website.
  • Aalborg University(Aalborg University) is located in the north of the country, in Northern Jutland. The strongest courses are social sciences, humanities, physical sciences, and engineering. The innovative “Aalborg model” of education was tested here. Students receive a minimum of traditional techniques, the main emphasis is on a problem-oriented approach, ways to solve problems from real life. Official information is presented on the website

What students say

Olga, Russia: For myself, I chose to study at the Danish Academy fine arts. This university is one of the best in Europe for obtaining architectural education. Tuition fees are reasonable, and student life is interesting and eventful.

Dmitry Guzhov: I’ll share my experience of studying in Denmark. First you need to translate your diploma and certificate into English language, then create a curriculum vitae. Send all documents by mail in advance, long before the deadline. Since enrollment in universities is carried out according to the “first come-first serve” principle, which translates as: “those who didn’t have time are late.

After graduation, a person has 6 months to find a job. Government agencies are willing to help promising graduates who have already adapted to local conditions find jobs. After another two years, you can obtain a permanent residence permit, and the path to citizenship will take 9 years.

Denmark is the smallest Scandinavian country by area. Despite this, it has a high standard of living. A feature of this state can be called a loyal attitude towards foreigners. They have the same rights as local residents. This applies to almost all areas of life. Education in Denmark is a separate issue. Many students dream of studying here, because the education system of this country is considered the best in the world.

Education concept

The training model was formed in 1994. Danish legislation has a provision according to which the country has a compulsory education system from the ages of 7 to 16 years. A special feature is the fact that you do not have to attend school to receive it. Parents have the right to independently make a decision about their child’s admission to this educational institution.

The education system in Denmark involves three levels: school, high school and higher education institutions. Compulsory schooling (9 years) is absolutely free. In this country, a decent level of knowledge can be acquired both at home and in private educational institutions.

Preschool education in Denmark

Until the age of three, little Danes attend a nursery. As they get older, most children spend their time in daycare centers. It should be noted that preschool institutions operate on a very convenient schedule for parents. They can take their child to kindergarten at 7 a.m. and pick them up around 6 p.m. The preschool education system in Denmark is designed in such a way that children are always busy. They spend most of their time with their peers in kindergarten.

A peculiarity of these institutions in Denmark is the predominance of men as educators. If parents do not want to take their child to kindergarten, there is an alternative. Thus, there are special groups of no more than 9 people. Children are raised there by independent people who receive money from local authorities. Attendance at preschool institutions in the country is free. And at the age of 6, each parent can send their child to a preparatory course at school, for which there is also no need to pay.


School education in Denmark involves compulsory education for 9 years. Next, the student must choose a further path. He has several options:

  • continue studying in 10th grade;
  • receive vocational education;
  • go to preparatory courses.

Attendance at public schools is free. But parents can send their child to a private educational institution. Getting an education in such institutions will cost them a pretty penny. Upon completion of high school, a certificate is issued. This is a kind of educational certificate that is needed for admission to higher education institutions. It is noteworthy that at the last level of school, a student can choose a specialty in one of three areas: general scientific, commercial or technical.

Higher education institutions

Higher education in Denmark can be obtained in one of three types of institutions:

  1. Vocational schools. Training in such institutions lasts for two years in the following programs: business and information technology. Here the main emphasis is on practice, supported by theoretical knowledge. At the end of the course, the student must submit a thesis.
  2. Colleges. In such institutions you will have to study for 3-4 years. The most popular areas of training are business and engineering. The training program includes studying theory, undergoing practical training and passing a final qualifying thesis. Upon completion of college, a bachelor's degree is awarded.
  3. Universities. Unique knowledge is provided here. Training is provided at the highest international level. Some higher education institutions of this type specialize in one area, while others offer the opportunity to study different programs. Upon completion of your studies at the university, you can obtain a master's degree and a doctorate.

Getting an education for Russian students

Foreigners willingly come to Denmark to undergo training. This is due to the high quality of education and favorable attitude towards people from other countries. Russian students can get into higher education institutions in Denmark in two ways:

  1. While studying at a Russian university, express a desire to take part in a student exchange. You can learn more about the conditions and features of this process on the websites of Danish institutions.
  2. Try to enter the university on your own. Higher education in Denmark (for Russians this is a wonderful opportunity to get a diploma and at the same time get acquainted with the culture of the country) has one peculiarity. To enroll in a Danish institution, you must have twelve years of study under your belt. In Russia, as you know, students study for 11 years. That is, you must complete the first year of any university before attempting to enroll.

When planning to study in Denmark, you should pay attention to learning your native language. This is a necessary step towards obtaining an international education. It is possible to complete the Higher Preparatory Examination course, which guarantees admission to any educational institution in the country.

Education in Denmark is free for exchange students. Another category of students will have to pay from 6 to 16 thousand euros per year of study.


There is no incentive system for foreign citizens, especially Russians. People from countries that cooperate with Denmark can count on student benefits. But it is not all that bad. Education in Denmark provides the opportunity to receive a scholarship (for Russians in particular).

Students studying for a master's degree and studying the national language and literature can apply for payments. Bachelors are also eligible for this program, but only if they have studied the basics of the language for two years previously.

The scholarship is issued for a year and amounts to approximately 900 euros per month, and the student does not pay tuition. There is also a special monetary reward given to gifted students from non-European countries. It covers expenses related to training and accommodation.

Work for students

In Denmark, students can work a maximum of 20 hours per week. This is the standard figure for most European countries. During the summer, you are allowed to work full time for three months. However, you must obtain permission to do this.

Upon graduation from a higher educational institution, the student has the right to live in the country for 6 months. This time is given to look for work. You can request an extension of your residence permit 4 months before the expiration date. In any other case, the application will be rejected. Then there is no other choice but to return to your homeland and ask for a new residence permit.

Living costs

As already noted, education in Denmark will cost foreign citizens 6-16 thousand euros per year. This is quite a large amount, even compared to other European countries. In order to live normally, a student will need about 900 euros per month. This includes housing, insurance, course materials, food, transportation and other needs.

The Danish government recommends that all students open a bank account. This is quite simple to do; you just need a positive reference from your university comrades. International students may receive government benefits such as tax credit refunds. To do this you need to register with Nemkonto.


Denmark is a fairly friendly and relatively safe country. However, one of the features can be identified as excessive adherence to rules. This may seem strange to a Russian person. In Denmark, a lot of attention is paid to punctuality. It is generally not customary to be late here, even for a regular meeting with friends.

The Danes are leisurely and tend to save money. Biking or dining at home are standard pastimes for locals. The Danes are quite polite, at first glance they seem a little closed. However, as soon as a person starts a conversation, he will immediately fall under the charm of the local residents. They don't talk without a smile on their face. The Danes love to spend time with friends; they are always fun and create a special, cozy atmosphere.

Inclusive education in Denmark

In this country, inclusion is understood as a way of establishing schools for everyone, regardless of any circumstances. Training is carried out with each student individually, external specialists are invited to solve certain problems. Inclusion is aimed at developing the educational process.

Its development in the country is taking place along the path of reducing the number of students in specialized schools. This decision was made on the basis of a study that revealed low academic performance of schoolchildren. Special education in Denmark is highly developed, and this to some extent hinders the implementation of an inclusion strategy.


It can be concluded that education in this country is at a high level. Many students want to get an education in Denmark, and this is not without reason. After all, the opportunity for free education at prestigious European universities, an international diploma and unique experience cannot but attract students from all over the world.

Studying in Denmark for foreigners, such as Russians and Ukrainians, is a good way to immigrate to one of the most developed countries in the European Union, with a friendly population, low crime rate and high salaries. Danish universities provide quality education, diplomas are recognized almost all over the world, which will allow you to find a decent job in Denmark or another EU country.

More than 700 educational programs in various universities in Denmark are presented on English language, training is also available German and, of course, Danish. The scientific and technological development of the country and outstanding innovative discoveries are largely due to the modern approach to teaching local students, including foreigners, who, after graduation, open their own business in Denmark and work for the benefit of the local economy, and many eventually receive Danish citizenship .

The Danish higher education system is built on combining traditional academic learning with the maximum involvement of students in the educational process, that is, the priority task of teachers at Danish universities is to develop young people's critical thinking and the ability to make independent decisions. Most local universities actively collaborate with various businesses, research institutes and government agencies.

In the TOP 400 annual ranking QS World University Rankings 2019 There are 5 higher education institutions in Denmark. The best position is occupied by the University of Copenhagen, 79th place. The majority of universities are financed by the state, so educational programs are constantly monitored and assessed for compliance with quality and established standards. An innovative approach to teaching guarantees the high competitiveness of graduates from Danish universities.

Types of educational institutions in Denmark

    Universities . In total there are 8 universities, which offer students three academic degrees: bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The training program includes a wide range of areas, including medicine, theology, technical, humanitarian, social and other sciences.

    University colleges (Professionshøjskoler). Located in Denmark 7 educational institutions of this type, which are focused on providing professional higher education in specific areas with an emphasis on the practical application of knowledge. Mostly bachelor's degrees are offered in areas such as information technology, business, media, engineering, and the public sector.

    Business Academies (Erhvervsakademi). Educational institutions are aimed at providing quality vocational education and training for various parts of the country. Due to this 9 Business Academies dispersed throughout Denmark, taking into account the needs for technical specialists in a particular region.

In addition to the above types of Danish universities, foreigners can enroll in Maritime Higher Education Institutions and Art Universities in Denmark.

The rules for enrolling students in Danish universities depend on the citizenship of the foreigner, the program of study and the educational institution itself. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of a particular university in advance and prepare a list of documents in accordance with the conditions of the admissions committee. Here is a link to a list of all higher education institutions in Denmark.

Basic requirements for foreigners to enter a university in Denmark

    Recognition of qualifications . A high school diploma or, if available, a diploma from a foreign university must be recognized in Denmark. You can check this on a special website - ufm.dk. For example, for Russians and Ukrainians to enroll in a Danish university, in most cases, they will need 1-2 years of study at the local university. However, for some educational institutions in Denmark, a certificate with 11 years of education will be sufficient, provided that the average score not less than 4.5 (9).

    Language . Depending on the language of instruction, English or Danish, you must provide a certificate of language proficiency at a level sufficient for study. For teaching in English, any of the following certificates are accepted - TOEFL, IELTS And Cambridge ESOL. Typically a level is required not lower than B according to the pan-European classification. Danish universities offer more than 1300 courses in English.

Sometimes, when entering a university in Denmark, you will have to undergo an interview or take additional tests, including language tests. Applications are submitted online from February 1 to March 15 through a special website - optagelse.dk. It is allowed to simultaneously register for 8 educational programs. The answer comes no later than July 30. Very often, foreigners are offered to take preparatory courses offered by the university itself.

To move to Denmark for the purpose of studying, foreigners from third countries, including Russia and Ukraine, will need to obtain a residence permit, where one of the main conditions, in addition to enrollment in a university and language skills, is confirmation of financial security.

Danes and Europeans have the right to free higher education in Denmark. Other international students should count on amount from 6 to 16 thousand euros per year, depending on the university and study program.

Many educational institutions in Denmark have bilateral agreements with foreign universities, including exchange programs, and foreign students can also count on special scholarships and grants.

For example, citizens of CIS countries have the right to receive Danish government scholarship for highly qualified students. Russian students scholarships available based on cultural agreement programs between Denmark and the Russian Federation. Read more about all types of scholarships in Denmark.

A student's daily living costs in Denmark are slightly higher than the EU average. Depending on the city, you should adjust the amount at least 1000-1200 euros per month. In Copenhagen up to 1500 euros. According to statistics, university dormitory rooms are available to no more than 10% of Danish students, so you will most likely have to rent accommodation privately. Prices start from 500 euros per month. Food costs approximately 300 euros. The remaining costs are purely individual and depend on the needs of the student.

The best universities in Denmark

University of Copenhagen

The oldest university in Denmark and one of the oldest in all of Scandinavia was founded back in 1479. Today it is the best higher education institution in the country, as evidenced by data from various international rankings.

Most study programs are presented in Danish, but some courses are available for foreigners in English and German. More than 9 thousand university employees provide education to over 40 thousand students, many of whom are foreigners.

The infrastructure of the University of Copenhagen includes 4 campuses, dozens of research institutes and centers, museums, a botanical garden and modern sports facilities. You can study at 6 faculties of the university, including the fields of medicine, theology, as well as social, legal, humanities and natural sciences. The cost of training in master's programs for foreigners from third countries is from 1 to 17 thousand euros per year.

Official website of the University of Copenhagen-ku.dk

University of Aarhus

The relatively young and second most prestigious university in Denmark was founded in 1928. It is considered the largest university in the country, employing about 11.5 thousand employees and studying over 44.5 thousand students, of which 5 thousand are foreigners.

At one time, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark visited Aarhus University, and the teachers were famous scientists, including Nobel laureates. The university actively cooperates with international organizations, government agencies And large companies countrywide.

Training is offered at 4 faculties - medicine, arts, economics and business, science and technology, each of which includes a wide selection of educational programs. The university includes research institutes, schools, departments, libraries and museums. The cost of training for foreigners ranges from 8 to 15.3 thousand euros per year, depending on the course.

Official website of Aarhus University- au.dk

Technical University of Denmark

One of the leading technical universities not only in Denmark, but also in Europe was founded in 1829. The main emphasis in the educational process is on technical and natural sciences.

Currently, over 10 thousand students are studying at the university, including foreigners of more than 100 nationalities. The teaching and administrative staff numbers about 5.8 thousand employees.

The Technical University of Denmark offers students an extensive range of study areas, the main ones in the field of biotechnology, electrical engineering, Agriculture, fisheries, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, information technology, space exploration, transport, design and other areas. The university has a modern infrastructure and includes many research institutes, centers and laboratories. The cost of training for foreign students is 15 thousand euros per year.

Official website of the Technical University of Denmark- dtu.dk

Denmark is a special country that has a lot to offer both its citizens and guests who come here to receive education from other countries. Danish higher education institutions are focused on world standards and offer a fairly large selection of academic programs in English.

Higher education in Denmark

The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.

Advantages of education in Denmark

Long-standing educational traditions allow vocational education to combine the educational process with an innovative, dynamic culture in research and unique teaching methods.
In the OECD ranking in 2011, Denmark was named one of best countries according to living and working conditions. Denmark invests huge sums in education. Costs for this industry are equal to 8% of gross domestic product. The literacy index in Denmark, according to the UN, is 0.993 - this is one of the highest high performance in the world. It is not for nothing that Denmark ranks third in the world in terms of the number of Nobel Prizes per capita. Quality of life is a characteristic feature of the Danes. It offers a profound combination of social security, an attractive business climate, a clean environment and high standards in education and research on a global scale.
Every year the number of people wishing to study in Denmark is growing - these are both exchange students and students who want to obtain an academic degree. All this proves how pleasant it is to get an education in Denmark, where every student will always find something he likes.
High standards of education and scientific research conducted in educational institutions, active use of acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, interdisciplinary studies and proactive development of research tasks by students of higher schools are the main features of education in this country. To this we can add the low cost of education, free training for all UES students, the opportunity to work after studying and stay up to 6 months in the country to look for work after graduation, etc.

English courses in Denmark

Most Danes speak English, so students coming to Denmark do not need to know Danish. About 80% of the population understands English, and some of the population speaks German, French or Spanish.
Language courses in Denmark are varied and differ in the purpose of training:
  • intensive English course (general standard);
  • English exam course (preparation for IELTS or TOEFL);
  • specialized course (tourism, business, law, etc.);
  • combined or individual lessons;
  • vacation course (for school students);
  • long-term program (one academic year);
  • preparatory course for entering universities;
  • various youth volunteer programs where students do internships in international companies.

Admission to universities in Denmark

If an applicant wishes to receive education in English, at the admission stage it is necessary to demonstrate proficiency in English (at the TOEFL level - at least 550 points or IELTS - at least 6.0 points), confirmed by relevant certificates.
For admission to higher education institutions in Denmark for undergraduate programs, foreign applicants must provide:
  • Danish certificate of complete secondary education (12–13 years old) secondary school) or equivalent documents. Certificates issued in the European Union countries are considered equivalent. If the certificate is not equivalent to the Danish one, the applicant is offered to undergo special training at the university center, which ends with the Higher Preparatory Examination, the successful completion of which gives the applicant the opportunity to enter any university in Denmark. There you can also learn the Danish language, which will be useful for quickly adapting to the country of study.
  • Applicants who have completed the International Baccalaureate and A-levels preparatory courses immediately enter the first year of the bachelor's program;
    • a diploma of professional education or an extract from the grade book (if admitted after 1-2 years of university);
    • certificate of passing the language test;
    • letters of recommendation (2-3 letters);
    • motivation letter in Danish or English.
    All copies of provided documents must be notarized and translated into Danish or English.
    For creative specialties in established fields, for example, art, music, an additional exam-competition is offered for admission, revealing the talent of the future student.

    Higher education in Denmark

    There are three types of higher education institutions in Denmark: vocational schools, colleges and universities. Higher education institutions have a large number of faculties and profiles, with a wide choice of study programs.
    Vocational schools train specialists in the field of business and technology for 2 years. After 3-4 years of study, colleges provide a bachelor's degree in business, engineering and education. Universities prepare bachelors, masters and doctors of science. Initially, a 3-year course of study is offered, after which the student receives a bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Art / Bachelor of Science). To obtain a Master's degree, you need to study for another 2 years, and after the next 3 years you need to receive a Doctor of Science degree.
    Students with higher education Scholarships or free further education are available. Universities and other educational institutions may provide personal scholarships to their students.
    The Erasmus Mundas Scholarship is available to students who are studying for a master's degree partly at a Danish and partly at another European university.
    Today there is a student exchange program between universities. If a student is studying at European universities that participate in the Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates/Erasmus programs, he can apply for the right to participate in a special exchange and grant program. Students from Scandinavian countries or other European countries that are not part of the EU can apply for grants through Tempus or Nordplus.

    If the country where the student is studying and living has a diplomatic agreement with Denmark, then there are many opportunities for international students to apply for a Danish study scholarship.

    Obtaining a student visa to Denmark

    To obtain a national long-term visa (this type of visa is issued to all students) to Denmark, the following documents are required:
    • International passport (which expires no later than 3 months after the date of departure from the territory of the Schengen countries) and photocopies of its pages.
    • Internal passport and photocopy of internal passport.
    • 2 copies of the visa application form for the Schengen countries with additions, filled out in block letters in English. The applicant must answer all questions and personally sign the application form.
    • Documents confirming the applicant’s sufficient financial solvency or income to cover travel expenses: latest bank statement, traveler’s checks, credit card along with an ATM statement or other evidence of financial status.
    • Confirmation of payment of the tuition fee.
    • Documents about the education received or a certificate from the place of study.
    • The original international health insurance policy and its copy in A4 format. Moreover, the insurance company must have an agreement on the payment of compensation with an international insurance company located in the Schengen territory.
    • 3 color passport-sized photographs (size 35×45 mm), and 2 of them must be glued to the application forms.
    If the applicant is under 18 years of age, it is necessary to provide a notarized parental consent for the trip, translated into English, as well as a birth certificate.
    There is no consular fee for those wishing to study in Denmark. However, in order to avoid paying this fee, it is necessary to provide proof that the applicant belongs to the category of students. For this, documents confirming the purpose of the trip will again be useful: the original written invitation, or letter of acceptance, or a student card issued by the host university, college or school.
    The application review period is from one month. If incomplete data is submitted, the application may not be considered.
    In addition to obtaining a visa, foreign students must apply for a residence permit, which will require a certificate of enrollment at a Danish university, good knowledge of the language (Danish or English), proof of financial viability for the duration of their studies and proof of payment for the first semester.

    Working while studying in Denmark

    Students can quite realistically earn extra money while studying - they are allowed to work 15 hours a week during the educational process, and full-time in the summer.

    Prospects after graduation in Denmark

    Higher education institutions constantly cooperate with business organizations and research institutes. Business meetings, visits to leading companies are systematically organized for students, and professional internships are provided. All this prepares future specialists for professional activities in international companies.