Underwater hunting in Crimea: when, where and for what types of fish? Diving in Crimea - the underwater world with your own eyes Where is it better to dive without scuba gear in Crimea

A regional interdepartmental team presented a project for the development of yacht tourism and extreme sports in the Republic of Crimea. The document provides for the construction of seven yacht marinas with almost four thousand places.

Seven by five

Russia ranks second in the world in terms of yacht purchases after the United States (demand in 2017 increased by 37 percent), says Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea Tatyana Maliy. - At the same time, their repair, storage, parking, and operation are carried out mainly outside of Russia. Russians spend about 200 million euros annually on the parking and maintenance of yachts. For example, the cost of wintering in Europe ranges from 4,500 to 30 thousand euros per year (up to 200 euros per day). This money is now going to other countries: Poland, Germany, Holland, Croatia, China, Taiwan and Turkey. While Crimea has great potential for the development of yacht tourism and related infrastructure.

The length of the coastline of the Crimean Peninsula is 2500 kilometers. This is more than in the Krasnodar Territory, where there are already yacht marinas. In Crimea, there is only one like this so far, in Balaklava (Sevastopol). There are only six thousand small vessels registered in the two regions. For comparison: in St. Petersburg there are about 50 thousand of them.

The project developed by the interdepartmental group provides for the creation of seven yacht marinas with 3,850 places on the peninsula: in Yalta, Yevpatoria, Koktebel, Feodosia and two in Kerch. They are planned to accommodate both small and cruise ships. They also intend to organize ship escort, border and customs services and hotel services.

For example, in the Genoese Pier marina in Kerch, on an area of ​​6.6 hectares, it is planned to accommodate from 350 to 450 parking spaces, a hotel with 170 rooms, an Olympic swimming pool, a hangar for storing small boats, a gas station and a parking lot. Marina "Arshintseva Spit" in Kerch will combine the production and maintenance of small boats and comfortable hotels and beaches. Koktebel will allocate three hectares for the marina, where 55 yachts can simultaneously anchor. In Yalta, the area will accommodate 270 small vessels, and in Yevpatoria it is planned to create year-round parking for 700 watercraft.

The geographical location of Crimea and climatic conditions make it possible to make transitions to the internal waters of Russia, to Europe via the Danube, and to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic through the Bosphorus Strait, continues Maliy. - Favorable conditions for sailing - 7 - 8 months a year, which is comparable to Italy.

There will be more tourists

The initiative was developed in accordance with the socio-economic development strategy of the Republic of Crimea. Projects for the construction of yacht marinas are planned to be linked to the Federal Target Program, within the framework of which the necessary infrastructure will be created. The implementation of the plan will give a synergistic effect with the involvement of related industries, in particular, it will help to load the enterprises of the ship repair and shipbuilding cluster with additional orders for the repair and maintenance of small vessels.

In addition, the construction of marinas will give impetus to the development of trade and the tourism industry, because in addition to yachting, the interdepartmental team proposes to actively develop extreme sports and open four mountain sports and 12 water sports centers, which partially coincide with the location of the marinas. The sites for them have already been agreed upon with the Republican Ministry of Resorts.

Twenty percent of the peninsula’s territory is occupied by mountains, and there are more than a thousand climbing routes along them, says Dmitry Nadtochaev, a member of the interdepartmental team, Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of Crimea. - In addition, there are more than 250 hiking trails, more than 300 caves accessible to tourists, many interesting diving sites: shipwrecks, aircraft and underwater caves. Plus, we have a favorable wind rose not only for yachtsmen and windsurfers, but also for fans of air sports.

A positive effect of the development of yacht tourism in the republic will be an increase in the duration of the active holiday season by at least 50 percent, which means that there will be one and a half to two times more vacationers, says Tatyana Maliy. - Potential growth in tax revenues and an increase in the share of tourism services in the structure of the domestic regional product by no less than doubling are predicted.

The project is planned to be implemented in several stages at the expense of private investors and the federal budget. The total investment is about 50 billion rubles, including 20 billion from budget funds.

According to preliminary calculations, additional tax deductions will begin approximately in 2024 and will amount to 1.5 - 3 billion rubles annually, from 2024 to 2017 - 3 - 7 billion rubles, until 2030 - 7 - 12 billion.

The numbers are large, but these are not direct budget revenues from the implementation of the project, but the total amount, taking into account the synergistic effect that it will give in other sectors of the economy, says Dmitry Nadtochaev.

Sanctions will not last forever

There are many obstacles to the implementation of this project, says Dmitry Nadtochaev. - Firstly, the lack of necessary infrastructure or its deterioration and imperfection of urban planning documentation. Secondly, administrative barriers. Thirdly, border and visa regimes will significantly complicate the implementation of projects. To achieve this, it is proposed to exempt the two-mile sea zone from the Crimean Bridge to Donuzlav from border control so that yachts can make night crossings.

Another limiting factor is the lack of qualified personnel, because the project envisages the creation of at least 1.5 thousand new jobs. To prepare them, it is necessary that at least seven training centers be opened on the peninsula, which will train specialists to work in yacht marinas.

In addition, the government does not rule out that shadow business will oppose the project, because now entertainment services on the water are mainly provided illegally.

“Undoubtedly, there will be tough competition with neighboring countries, primarily with Turkey and Croatia, which have already created a developed infrastructure, and they do not need competitors such as Crimea,” he continues. - Therefore, we must create a product that will be fundamentally different from what our neighbors offer. But we have good prospects: yachtsmen should be comfortable moving from the Sevastopol marina to the Crimean marina, and then to the Krasnodar region.

The most important risk, according to officials, is sanctions that affect all sectors of the Crimean economy. But sanctions do not last forever, and marinas are built to last. .

The main advantage of snorkeling is its accessibility. You don't need expensive equipment: breathing systems, cylinders.

All you need is a mask and snorkel. Fins won't hurt, but you can do without them. Without fins, however, you will have to mostly stay on the surface of the water. It's difficult to dive without them. A wetsuit for cold water is also not the most important piece of equipment, especially if you make your first timid strokes in snorkeling at a water temperature of twenty-five degrees, which is not uncommon even in Crimea, not to mention the more southern seas.

If you enjoy swimming through underwater landscapes and chasing fish, then over time you will be able to master freediving. If you want, of course.

The best places for snorkeling are: the Red Sea with its rich flora and fauna, and the southern oceans. But does this mean that you must go to the ends of the world? Not at all. Crimea also has a lot of beautiful beaches with interesting bottom topography.

1. Sevastopol, open-air museum Chersonese Tauride

The beautiful bottom topography formed by fallen boulders, the large abundance of small colorful animals and, most importantly, the accessibility of the beach - this is what served to put it in the first place.

In fact, this is the only beach where the Sevastopol city bus goes.

The disadvantages include sharp stones on the beach. To make it less painful to go into the water, I used neoprene socks.

2. Wild beaches of Cape Sarych, Laspi Bay

The water is amazingly clean and these places are rarely visited - these are their main advantages. And in the water near the cape there is a lot of fish, even commercial fish. The most ideal option for combining snorkeling with a “savage” holiday.

3. Cape Tarkhankut, a diving paradise

The fact that it is the ships that diving schools come to train says a lot.

By the way, it was on Tarkhankut that I first saw what a “thermocline” is and what it looks like. It’s as if there’s another sea right under the water, only colder. A moving silver lens sways under you.

There are millions of rapans here, they were simply carried around in bags in front of us. Potatoes.

Accommodation is exclusively in tents. There are no people, no water. Yes Yes. Unlike Cape Sarych, the nearest civilization is about ten kilometers away, no sources have been found. And the landscape is ascetic, steppe, practically without a single bush. So if you want the sea, the mountains, and the shade at the same time, then this is Sarych. If you want to gorge yourself on fantastic underwater landscapes and rapana for the rest of your life - Tarkhankut.

Experienced divers have identified the most interesting diving spots in Crimea in the Black Sea. Diving in Crimea is especially interesting from a historical point of view. In Crimea there is not such an abundance of colorful fish or coral reefs as in Turkey or Egypt, but there are many interesting objects that amaze with their uniqueness.

What is at the bottom of the Black Sea?

The underwater kingdom of Crimea is a real Kolondike for archeology lovers. The unusual history of the peninsula has left a significant mark on the depths of the sea. The hydrogen sulfide layer, which begins at a depth of several tens of meters, practically preserves all objects that fall to the bottom.

Scientists claim that near the coast you can find many ancient ships that are several hundred and thousands of years old. Serious scientific research has never been carried out here before. Considering how many military battles took place here and trade routes that operated for thousands of years, one can imagine what sensational finds can be found.

In ancient times, ships of the Colchis kingdom sailed along the Crimean coast, after which Greek sailors actively explored it. The Greeks built entire cities in Crimea, each of which had its own fleet. The most developed fleet here was created by the Bosporan state. After this, thousands of Roman and Byzantine galleys plied the Black Sea for many years.

In the Middle Ages, ships of the Tmutarakan principality began to ply the coast. There were also Genoese, Venetian and Pisan traders here. After them came Turkish ships, which left traces here for many centuries. The Crimean and Great Patriotic Wars left their mark.

According to some reports, 1,588 warships, civilian vessels and aircraft rest at the bottom of the Black Sea.

Among them are the 66-gun battleship "St. Alexander", the auxiliary mine cruiser "Bug", which sank in 1922 in the Kerkinitsky Bay, and the transport "Jean-Zhores", which sank in Feodosia Bay in 1942.

The English sailing ship Agnes Blakey from the Crimean War, the motor ship Lenin, which sank near Cape Sarych in 1941, the submarine Skat from the times of Tsarist Russia, which was sunk off the coast of Sevastopol in 1919, found refuge on the seabed, and This is by no means a complete list.

Cape Tarkhankut in Crimea is the most beautiful place for diving. This place has many interesting underwater objects and a unique bottom topography. Many underwater canyons with numerous underwater grottoes and caves begin here. If you have experience in swimming to great depths, you will be able to appreciate the most interesting underwater places in Crimea.

Dive site No. 1 - “Volga-Don”

It is located on Cape Tarkhankut at a depth of 30 m. The transport ship, captured by the Germans in 1941, was heading for Sevastopol with military cargo in 1943, but was torpedoed by the Soviet submarine L-6. The Volga-Don is considered one of the largest and most intact wrecks in the Black Sea.

Dive site No. 2 - “Tsarevich Alexei”

It is located on Cape Tarkhankut at a depth of 52 m. In 1916, the ship “Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich” sank from an explosion. In Soviet times, there was an attempt to raise the ship, but it did not work, and it sank again. Only divers who have good experience in diving to great depths can inspect it.

Dive site No. 3 – Underwater Museum “Alley of Leaders”

It is located near the village of Olenevka, at a depth of 13 m. Here you can see an underwater gallery of busts of party leaders of the Soviet Union and various artists. At the very bottom there is a sign with an inscription that it was discovered on August 25, 1992 by Donetsk diver Vladimir Borumensky.

The idea of ​​​​creating the “Alley of Leaders” over time was embodied in the idea of ​​​​creating an underwater museum - there appeared a sculpture of the Eiffel Tower, the Twin Towers, the Dinosaur and many other underwater embodiments of the imagination of divers. Currently, the museum has more than 60 exhibits. If you wish, you can present your own exhibit at the exhibition, leaving your mark on the underwater history of the peninsula.

Dive site No. 4 – Bottle Grotto

It is located to the west of the “Turtle” rock under one of the islands at a depth of 10 m. The grotto in its outline resembles a giant bottle, the neck of which is crowned with a small “puddle” on the island; the underwater entrance to the grotto is located at a depth of 10 m. The “Bottle” itself represents It is a hall about 10 m in diameter, in the middle of which stands a large flat stone - a table.

It is traditional here to present certificates to divers, marking this event with an unforgettable ritual with champagne underwater. At this time, the neck of the “Bottle” on the island is literally boiling from rising air bubbles. Even if you have been a happy owner of a certificate for a long time, no one forbids you to celebrate the happy event again! Tradition is tradition.

Dive site No. 5 – “Bowl of Love” Grotto

This is perhaps the most romantic place under water. Accessible even for beginners! 8 km from the village of Olenevka at a depth of 14 km there is a small natural pool, fenced from the sea by stone blocks, shaped like a heart. At a depth of about 3 m there is a tunnel leading to the sea (it was through this hole that Ichthyander swam in the film “Amphibian Man”).

There is a belief that by jumping into the “Cup of Love” holding hands, you can check whether it is worth getting married.

If a couple does not release their hands after jumping into the bowl, then the union will be strong, love and mutual understanding will reign in the family. If the couple opens their hands, then it is better to refrain from getting married. Over time, the legend was slightly modified. Now it is believed that for a strong relationship it is enough to simply bathe together in the “Cup of Love”. This place has become a favorite for couples in love.

Even if you have never tried diving to greater depths, you always have the opportunity to fix it. After completing a short training course, you will get to know Crimea from one of its most interesting sides.

Just think that you will have the opportunity not only to feed the fish by hand, but also to explore mysterious caves and swim through the rusty corridors of a sunken ship.

You will find yourself in a completely different, mysterious and unique underwater world.

Diving is not a sport at all, as they sometimes say. Diving is a feeling of complete freedom. Freedom of thought, freedom of body, freedom of soul. Only when you find yourself underwater, where there are no shackles of gravity and civilization, where everything is completely different from on earth, among the abyss of the blue sea, can you understand what diving is like.

You will find yourself in the world from which all life on the planet originated. Once in the underwater world, you will definitely want to return to it again and again.

Fans of active recreation often choose Crimea, and this is no coincidence: there are all the conditions for diving, which is popular among young people. Of course, the Black Sea of ​​Crimea cannot be compared with the Red Sea of ​​Egypt, where the underwater world is much richer and more diverse. However, the peninsula has many interesting dive sites, as well as dive training centers and dive equipment stores. The top diving spots are located in Sudak, Olenevka, Balaklava, Novy Svet and Sevastopol.

Exploring the underwater world of Crimea is an exciting activity for lovers of archaeological excavations. At a depth of several tens of meters there is a layer of hydrogen sulfide, under which all the most interesting natural objects at the bottom are hidden. In addition to unique marine animals, plants and fish, you can find unique historical exhibits here: the history of Crimea is connected with different peoples, their culture and customs. Divers often find various household items, weapons, ancient coins and other artifacts at depth.

If you do not have experience diving to great depths, do not be afraid or embarrassed by this fact: experienced instructors will teach you the basics of diving, explain safety precautions when diving, and you will be able to discover the Crimean peninsula from the most unusual side.

Diving will allow you to do what is impossible to do on land: feed fish by hand, explore ancient caves, swim through the rusty walls of a sunken ship.

Many people think that diving is a sport. However, diving is actually about more than just an emotional experience. Only at a depth of several tens of meters can you experience true freedom of body and soul. It is the underwater world that will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the place where all life on earth originates.

Where can you go diving in Crimea?

Cape Aya

The site was initially closed to diving. But as soon as the bay opened for recreation, divers from all over Crimea, as well as guests of the peninsula, began to gather here. The highlight of this place is a large number of anchors scattered at a depth of approximately 15 meters, they are located one after another in the form of a chain so that tourists can capture this beautiful composition. This place was called Anchor Alley. Many divers strive to dive here to get a closer look at the ancient anchors.

Cape Fiolent

Initially, this place was nicknamed “Tigor's Cape” because of the cliffs of gray and yellow limestone. The coastal strip of Fiolent is replete with picturesque harbors, fjords, mysterious grottoes and mysterious dark caves. One of these intriguing places is the 12 m deep Diana’s Grotto. The bases of Mount Orestes and Pilate are no less interesting for tourists. In the crystal clear water you can spot pretty pearlescent fish, as well as crabs and hermit crabs in the crevices between the rocks. Divers who decide to dive deep in this place must observe safety precautions: this area is characterized by strong underwater currents.

New World Bay

The sea in the bays of Sudak and Novy Svet is recognized as one of the cleanest and most transparent. You will get to these bays by passing the “Heaven and Hell” mountain range along the road. New World offers tourists three bays for diving: Blue, Green and Blue. The names are not related to the color of the water and are conditional. Immersed in clear waters, you can truly relax, contemplating picturesque boulders, algae and watching colorful fish. The bay is suitable for diving for both professional and beginner divers.


Tarkhankut attracts divers interested in history and artifacts of distant eras. It was on Tarkhankut that shipwrecks most often occurred, so here you can always find ancient coins, vessels, weapons and household items from sunken ships. Thanks to the clearest water here, you can always see the bottom, even if the sea is choppy. Tarkhankut is safe: here professional divers can improve their skills and beginners can gain experience.

Quite famous Cape Khersones

This cape is also of interest to history buffs: when diving here you can find antique vessels from Ancient Greece, as well as the remains of combat aircraft from the Second World War. Diving near Cape Chersonesus requires experience; diving here is quite difficult for beginners.

Cape Meganom

The dive sites in the area of ​​Cape Meganom are distinguished by a depth of 20 m, a diverse underwater world, as well as grottoes and caves of volcanic origin. The high transparency of the water allows spearfishing competitions to be held here. There are many legends and fascinating stories associated with this cape that are passed down from generation to generation.

Where to learn diving in Crimea

Crimea has a huge number of dive clubs where you can learn diving and receive a certificate upon completion of the courses. The most prestigious dive clubs on the peninsula are Black Sea Divers, Team Nikolaev, White Griffin and Atoll. These clubs offer different training programs for beginners and professional divers. Beginners take a dive here with a professional instructor, which lasts 30 minutes. The pricing policies of different diving clubs vary: prices for diving with an instructor can cost from 2,000 rubles and more. Training to obtain a certificate will cost you 12,000 rubles. The courses include theoretical and practical parts. During the classes you will receive detailed information about diving equipment and its operation, practice diving techniques and learn diving safety techniques. The courses are conducted by qualified and experienced instructors - true fans of their craft, who guarantee the results of the lessons and further interest in diving.

If you wanted to learn diving, but didn’t dare, throw away all your fears and doubts and sign up for courses in Crimea! Trust our professional instructors, and you will definitely succeed!

First dive (VIDEO)

Let's conclude

Diving in Crimea is available for both experienced divers and beginners (and the prices are not too bad). Guests trying their hand at diving for the first time can take an introductory dive with an instructor. Professional divers can undergo training and improve their skills by diving to different depths in different places on the peninsula. Vivid emotions and rich impressions contribute to the fact that tourists who have once tried diving want to experience these sensations again and again, gaining experience in different bays of Crimea.