Pegasus tourist in Belarus. Departure city. Climate and holiday season

Pegas Touristik is a large tourism operator that has become one of the favorites in the domestic and international tourism market. The company was founded in 1994. Its main office is located in Moscow, and there are branches and representative offices in most major cities Russia, as well as beyond its borders, in particular in Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine.
Over the years of activity, the company has developed many routes that cover almost all continents. With this tour operator you can go to both neighboring countries and exotic states located hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.
Despite the wide variety of tours available, the company is constantly developing new ones interesting routes. To be the first to see information about them, you should periodically visit the Pegasus Touristik official website.

This tour operator can organize trips to all the most popular resorts in the world. These can be group or individual tours, beach, sightseeing holidays, shopping tours and other recreation options. The company also specializes in organizing corporate and VIP tours. Customers are provided with more than 2,500 hotels around the world, as well as services from leading airlines and other transport companies.
For budget holiday Last minute tours from Pegasus Touristik are perfect. They appear regularly and provide the opportunity to travel while spending a minimum of money. The company also has a convenient system for booking tours and tickets.
Clients have the opportunity to quickly familiarize themselves with all available destinations and vacation options. To do this, use the convenient “Pegas Touristik” tour search system.
Employees Pegas Touristik are fully aware that the comfort and safety of travel, especially to exotic countries, is largely determined by the quality of their work. Having appreciated such a professional approach to activities, the travel company Belturist has long established constant cooperation with this tour operator.
The motto of Pegas Touristik (Moscow) is “Guest comes first.” And for this world-famous tour operator, these are not empty words.

Belarus as tourist destination is attractive primarily for lovers of eco-tourism and those who want to improve their health. To visit Belarus you do not need a visa, which means you do not need to spend additional money and time before your trip. In addition, the absence of a language barrier and the close flight make it very convenient for Russian travelers. Belarus is a combination beautiful nature, ancient churches and castles, European-level health facilities and low prices for services.

How to get to Belarus

Flight time from Moscow to Minsk is about 1 hour 20 minutes. Flights operate daily several times a day. You can fly to Minsk by plane from a number of large Russian cities. In addition to air transport, dozens of trains and buses go to Belarus every day. The journey from Moscow by train takes 10 hours, a little over 7 hours by high-speed train “Slavic Express”. Most a budget option travel - travel by bus. They are carried out from a number of regions of Russia. The distance along the highway from Moscow to Minsk is 690 kilometers. To enter the country you only need a general passport. The border between Russia and Belarus exists almost formally. However, when traveling in a personal car at the border, you will have to register vehicle. Since 2011, only weight control of vehicles is required. When traveling with a child, you must have his birth certificate with you. If a child is traveling with one of the parents or accompanied by another person, at the border it is required to present a power of attorney from the remaining parent for the child’s trip.


When entering the country, you can carry: personal luggage (50 kg), if its value does not exceed 1,500 euros, up to 3 liters of strong alcohol or beer, 200 cigarettes or tobacco products weighing no more than 250 grams. The import of foreign currency is not limited, but amounts over $10,000 must be declared. To transport animals across the country's border, a veterinary control permit is required. It is prohibited to import or export ammunition and weapons, narcotic, psychotropic, poisonous, explosive, and radioactive substances into or out of Belarus.

Money exchange

Currency exchange can be done at any bank or exchange office. ATMs are available in all Belarusian cities. Banks are open from 9 am to 6 pm, except Sundays. In hotels, restaurants, shops you can pay with Master card or Visa. It is not recommended to change money from private individuals, as this is a violation of the law and is punishable by a fine. In addition, you can often fall for scammers and receive counterfeit bills.

Hotels and resorts in Belarus

It is difficult to find a 5* hotel in Belarus, but many 4* and 3* hotels in Minsk can be quite nice, clean hotels with polite staff, whose attentive attitude is quite capable of compensating for the lack of some services. In cities, many hotels occupy the first floor of an ordinary panel house.

In Belarusian sanatoriums people are treated with mineral waters, healing mud, and climate. Muds are divided into silt, peat and sapropel. All of them are rich in beneficial microelements, cellulose and acids, and are used to treat diseases of the skin, muscles and joints. Mineral waters treat diseases of the biliary tract, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems, and metabolic disorders.

Most sanatoriums are located far outside the city, in remote corners, among parks and forests, on the banks of rivers and lakes. All sanatoriums have modern facilities and equipment for heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, aerotherapy and provide services at the European level. The list of medical procedures provided is very large: therapeutic massage, magnetic therapy, physical therapy, inhalation and others. Some sanatoriums specialize in specific diseases and disorders, offering modern effective methods of their treatment and prevention. The Pridneprovsky sanatorium, located on the banks of the Dnieper, 12 km from the city of Rogachev, offers treatment for diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, female and male infertility, and inflammatory diseases of the genital area. Located 320 km from Minsk in a pine forest, the Bug sanatorium specializes in the treatment of the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The medical profile of the Krivitsa sanatorium, located near Minsk, in an ecologically clean coniferous and pine forest, is diseases of the endocrine system, gastroenterology. In the Lettsy sanatorium you can improve the condition of the respiratory organs and digestive system. In the Grodno region, 200 km from Minsk, there is the Radon sanatorium. Here they treat with unique radon waters, which are obtained at a depth of 300 meters, and the mud of Lake Dikoe. On the shore of Lake Naroch, in a coniferous forest, there is another sanatorium - “Narochansky Shore”. It treats diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs.

Climate of Belarus

Belarus has a temperate continental climate, with warm summers and mild snowy winters. The average January temperature ranges from -4 to +4 degrees. Thaws often occur in winter. The average temperature in summer is +19 degrees. Midsummer is the warmest time, midwinter is the coldest.

Sights of Belarus

You need to start getting acquainted with Belarus from its capital - Minsk. This city is a recognized cultural and architectural center of the country; here you can visit the Belarusian National Museum history and culture, the Y. Kupala Literary Museum, the Museum of Ancient Art, the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War and others. During the Soviet era, Minsk was one of the leading cities of the Soviet Union in terms of the number of parks, squares and green boulevards. The most colorful green areas are Central children's park them. M. Gorky, Yanka Kupala Park, Victory Park, central Botanical Garden, park of culture and recreation named after. Chelyuskintsev. The main historical attractions of Minsk are: Trinity Estate, Calvary Church, Jesuit College and Church of Mary Magdalene, Memorial Church of Alexander Nevsky, Cathedral Holy Spirit, House of Masons, Pishchalovsky Castle. There are many interesting places outside the city: the largest body of water in Belarus - Lake Naroch, the Logoisk ski complex, the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in Strochitsy, the Blue Lakes Nature Reserve.

Not far from Minsk is one of the oldest cities in Belarus, Zaslavl. The history of its foundation goes back to the 10th century. The main attraction is Zaslavl Castle, the first bastion fortress in Belarus, of which now only ditches and ramparts remain. In the Logoisk region in 1969, in memory of hundreds of villages burned by the Nazis during the war, the Khatyn memorial complex was opened. Today it is a must-see destination on many tourist routes.

The Brest region is considered the most anciently populated part of Eastern Europe; Neolithic sites dating back to 5-3 thousand years BC were discovered here. There are more than two thousand architectural monuments here. This is ancient Kamenets, Baltic Ishkold, Motol and Bezdezh and, of course, the hero city of Brest itself. There are more than fifty hotels, holiday homes and sanatoriums in the region.

Another ancient city, dating back to the times of Kievan Rus - Polotsk. Tourists should see the St. Sophia Cathedral, built in 1066. The cathedral was destroyed, but then rebuilt in the Baroque style. The buildings of the Spaso-Efrosyne Monastery, dating back to 1125, have been preserved on the territory of the city. On its territory is the Church of the Transfiguration (12th century). The Red Bridge over the Polota River is also a local attraction. It got its name in honor of the battle that took place here in 1812. In Polotsk there are: the Museum of Belarusian Book Printing, the Museum of Local Lore, the Museum of Military Glory, and the Natural Ecological Museum.

Nature lovers should visit the famous national park- Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In 1992, this natural reserve was included by UNESCO in the list of World Heritage Sites. natural heritage. It is located within the Brest and Grodno regions, and is distinguished by a variety of animal species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, and rich vegetation. Guests from many countries come to see the bison living here. Comfortable luxury hotels are open for tourists on the territory of the park, small houses, a restaurant with local cuisine. The most interesting place in the park - Museum of Nature. It consists of seven thematic halls, in which all the local inhabitants of flora and fauna are represented. Not far from the museum there are enclosures with lynxes, bison, wild boars, wolves, and foxes. In 2003, the estate of Father Frost was built in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It is open throughout the year; meeting fairy-tale characters and Santa Claus himself will be a real gift for any little traveler. The park's programs include excursions, educational and recreational walking routes. On the territory of the reserve there are playgrounds, a tennis court, a sauna, and a billiards complex. Here you can ride a rented bicycle or fish on Lake Lyadskoe.

Restaurants and local cuisine

The main dishes of Belarus are prepared from potatoes, pork and mushrooms (real ones, collected in an ecologically clean forest, and not artificially grown). Belarusians love to cook thin pancakes called pancakes, pea pancakes, pancakes made from different types of flour, and dumplings with different fillings. For alcohol, guests are recommended to try the spicy tincture “krambambulya”, a mixture of alcohol, honey and medicinal herbs “krupnik”. Light drinks include kvass made from birch sap. Tipping in Belarus is optional, but no one will refuse it. In restaurants or cafes, they amount, as elsewhere, to 10% of the bill.


Shops in Belarus are open from 9 am to 9 pm, grocery supermarkets - until 11 pm. Stalls and small shops are open around the clock. Prices for food products are slightly higher than in Moscow. But lovers of Milavitsa brand underwear will be pleasantly surprised; they will buy so much of it that they won’t fit in their bag, and they will also regret that they didn’t borrow a thousand or two from a friend.

The main souvenirs that are brought from Belarus are sculptures carved from wood, Belarusian flax, straw figurines, embroidery, balms, clay vases, pots made by local potters.


Belarus has always been famous for its picturesque nature and attractions. Until recently, the resorts of Belarus were focused on improving the health of the nation and tourism, as an industry, in its full understanding, began to develop relatively recently.

Facts about Belarus

The proximity of Belarus to Russia attracts many tourists to the country. The country has a wide range of climatic and balneological resorts aimed at family holiday and health improvement, and recently ski resorts have been rapidly developing and gaining popularity in Belarus.

Popular resort towns

The tourism infrastructure of Belarus includes more than 700 health complexes, the most popular of which are sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers in Minsk, Vitebsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest, Grodno, Polotsk. The best ski resorts are located in the mountainous regions of the country (in Mozyr, Logoisk, Silichi, Yakut Mountains).


The excursion component of tourism is widely developed in Belarus - excursion routes operate year-round for residents and guests of the country, multi-day tours are held around historical places.

The most popular tours are those that allow you to see the sights and historical architectural monuments Belarus, which include:

  • Brest Fortress (Brest),
  • memorial complex "Khatyn"
  • Nature Reserve "Belovezhskaya Pushcha"
  • Braslav Gate National Park,
  • ethnographic villages in Dudutki and Strochitsy,
  • unique architectural monuments - ancient castles Mirsky, Lida, Novogrudok.

National mentality

The mentality of Belarusians is very similar to the common Slavic and Russian mentality, which greatly simplifies the communication of tourists from Russia with carriers of culture. However, there is still one peculiarity in the mentality of Belarusians. This is a complete lack of a sense of national exclusivity, superiority over other nationalities, and high moralism. Belarusians are not aggressive, but at the same time they are a freedom-loving and courageous nation that highly respects morals, traditions and customs.

Price level

Prices in Belarus are relatively low, and differ from Russian ones for basic food products by more than 20-25%. Average check:

  • for food for one person in a cafe - from 300 to 325 rubles;
  • in restaurants - from 330 to 380 rubles;
  • taxi rides - 320 rubles;
  • travel on public transport - 18 rubles,
  • drinks: coffee - 70 - 90 rub., mineral water - 50 rub./0.5 l.

National currency of Belarus - Belarusian ruble. Payment for services is provided in national currency, but banking structures freely accept the currencies of almost all countries of the world.

Belarusian cuisine

Belarusian cuisine contains basic dishes of Slavic cuisine, and practically do not differ from those familiar to Russian tourists Slavic and Eastern European.

The dishes are dominated by vegetables and animal products, and their taste is characterized by maximum naturalness and minimal use of various spices.

Climate and holiday season

In Belarus, as in the European part of Russia, a temperate continental climate prevails.

Holiday season on balneological and climatic health resorts- year-round. On ski resorts the season begins in the second half of November and continues until the end of March.

Which vacation to choose?

Tourism in Belarus is represented in various clusters, but mainly it is eco-tourism.

  1. for family holidays:
  • you can choose tourist complexes on the Braslav Lakes (Braslav), visit the resorts of Vitebsk, Polotsk, Gomel, Mogilev, where, in addition to health procedures, tourists have access to
    • amusement and attraction parks, water parks on artificial reservoirs;
  • elderly people and pensioners:
    • health resorts in all resort cities of the country - in Minsk, Vitebsk, Brest, Braslav, etc., where after treatment you can visit
      • excursions to historical sites and places of military glory, museums and exhibitions;
  • for lovers of active recreation:
    • there are tourist bases in Silichi, Mozyr, Logoisk, in the Yakut Mountains, where you can do
      • diving on lakes, kiting, fishing, such types of extreme tourism as trekking, skiing, snowboarding.

    Visa to Spain for flights from Minsk

    Visa documents are accepted in full package only after making an advance payment / payment for the tour according to the terms of the contract(at least 50%, 100% payment depending on the period before the start of the tour). At the time of submitting documents for a visa, the full details of the tourist must be included in the application.

    If an incorrect package of documents is provided by the agent (the copy of a valid/invalid foreign passport, a copy of an internal passport is incorrectly made, there are not enough copies of financial documents from the sponsored ones, etc.), the tour operator may introduce an additional payment for additional processing of the package of documents, in case of possible additional costs arising. .

    Documents for visa application

    Attention! If tourists have a tour to another country before traveling to Spain, they must provide this information when submitting documents to the visa department and attach a voucher and tickets.
    • Valid international passport

      Passport validity: at least 3 months longer than the validity period of the requested visa.
      It is mandatory to have two blank pages in your passport marked “visa”.
      The passport must have been issued within the last 10 years.

    • 2 color photographs

      Format: 35x45 mm, with a white background, the size of the face should occupy 70-80% of the photo.
      Statute of limitations: no older than 6 months.
      The photo must not be repeated on previous visas.

    • Questionnaire
    • Confirmation of availability of funds

      Confirmation of the availability of financial resources is:
      — certificate of salary for the last 3 months or income from business;
      - statement of account;
      — a letter from the sponsor and proof that the sponsor has sufficient financial resources (for example, a certificate from the place of employment indicating wages, bank statements, etc.);
      - certificate of the amount of pension received for the last 3 months.

      Financial guarantees: €64.53 per person for each day of stay (minimum €580.77 per trip per person). Proof may include a bank account statement on bank letterhead, a certificate of currency purchase, credit card, accompanied summary bank account. These documents are valid for 1 month from the date of issue. If the trip is sponsored, it is provided sponsorship letter in printed form and financial guarantees of the sponsor (bank account statement or certificate of currency purchase).

    • For minor children

      For minors, you must provide an original and a copy of your birth certificate.

      For minors traveling unaccompanied by both parents/guardians, it is necessary to provide notarized consent to travel from both parents. For minors traveling accompanied by only one parent/guardian, it is necessary to provide notarized consent to travel from the second parent/guardian. If a child is traveling with parents/one of the parents/another person accompanying the child on the trip, and the parents/one of the parents/accompanying person already have visas/visas, then it is necessary to provide a copy of them and ticket reservations confirming accompanying a child on a trip. Consent for the child’s departure is also provided in the following cases:

      • Parents or one of the parents reside temporarily or permanently in Spain;
      • The child and parents/one parent/accompanying person return from a trip on different dates;
      • The child and parents/one of the parents/accompanying person go on a trip and return together, but the parents/one of the parents/accompanying person during the child’s stay in Spain plan/plan to leave the territory of Spain for some time;
      • The child and parents/one parent/accompanying person are traveling on different flights.

    Visa cost

    For citizens of the Republic of Belarus - 85 €
    For children from 6 years to 12 years - 60 €
    For children under 6 years old - for free

    Visa is being considered 15 working days.
    Attention! If a visa is refused or there is an error in the visa, the consular and visa fees are not refunded. A visa to Spain is issued through the Spanish CC in Minsk.