The crash of Boeing 777. Why the Boeing that disappeared over the Indian Ocean will never be found. Crew and passengers

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 passenger flight MH17 from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) crashed on July 17, 2014 in eastern Ukraine. There were 298 people on board the liner (including 15 crew members), among them 85 children. Citizens of 10 countries died, including 43 Malaysians. Most of the dead - 193 people - .

The plane, following the established international transit corridor, passed Donetsk, at 17.20 Moscow time at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, it began to sharply lose speed and from the radar screens at 17.23 Moscow time. The wreckage of the airliner was discovered near the city of Torez, Donetsk region, in territory controlled by the self-proclaimed Donetsk militia. people's republic(DPR).

On the evening of July 17, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko announced that the aircraft (SAM) was a Buk. Kyiv blamed the crash of the airliner on militias, which the West believes are supported by Russia. The militia stated that they do not have the means to...

In December 2014, Malaysia was included in the international criminal investigation team into the causes of the Boeing MH17 crash. Before that they .

By the end of April 2015, the international mission of experts completed its work, and in early July, a draft version of the final report on the causes of the Malaysian plane crash was sent to the countries participating in the investigation. From the point of view of the Federal Air Transport Agency, the document contains “more questions than answers.” The Russian department reported that they were interested in argumentation and technical information and expressed the hope that the additions and comments of the Russian Federation will be reflected in the final version of the report.

On July 29, the UN Security Council considered the initiative of a number of countries to establish an international tribunal for the plane crash in Ukraine. Russia blocked the draft resolution. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated, the crash of the airliner was the result of a criminal offense, and not a threat to international peace and security, as the draft resolution implied. According to the minister, the UN Security Council will never be involved in a situation with airliner crashes, and the very idea of ​​its creation is intended to ensure the guilt of those whom Washington considers responsible.

After the draft resolution on the establishment of an international tribunal was not adopted by the UN Security Council, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that Malaysia would pursue various legal options regarding the Boeing crash in eastern Ukraine.

In mid-September 2015, the DPR Prosecutor General's Office received 2.5 thousand fragments of a Malaysian Boeing, which were found by local residents. She appealed to the Prosecutor General of the Netherlands with a request to take away the debris collected in Donbass.

On September 28, Dutch experts together with the OSCE mission visited the village of Grabovo, Donetsk region. They also explored the area.

On October 13, 2015, the Dutch Safety Council presented the results of the investigation into the plane crash. The report noted that the airliner crashed on the left side of a 9N314M warhead mounted on a 9M38 series missile fired from the Buk system. However, the document does not provide information about from which territory the aircraft was shot down and who is to blame. Chairman of the Dutch Security Council that further investigation will be required to establish the exact location of the missile launch on the Malaysian airliner.

The Russian concern Almaz-Antey (manufacturer of the Buk anti-aircraft missile system), in turn, is responsible for the MH17 plane crash. According to his data, Boeing was shot down by a 9M38 missile of the Buk complex, launched from the area of ​​​​the village of Zaroshchenskoye. It was this area that the Russian Ministry of Defense mentioned.

In January 2016, after Russian experts studied the Netherlands, Deputy Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Oleg Storchevoy sent a letter to the Security Council of the Netherlands, in which he indicated that the research and field experiments carried out Russian specialists, they say that the conclusions of the Dutch side are unreliable.

In June 2016, a joint international team of investigators investigating the crash of a Malaysian airliner in Ukraine acknowledged the difficulties associated with the lack of experience in investigating disasters of this scale and knowledge of special terms.

In the summer of 2016, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, together with the National Prosecutor's Office of the Netherlands, as part of the investigation into the crash, requested the competent Russian departments, including the Almaz-Antey concern, to provide materials that could contribute to the progress of the investigation. In particular, Holland also requested raw primary radar images of the Ukrainian airspace of the Lugansk-Donetsk region for the period when the airliner crashed.

The Almaz-Antey concern managed to obtain from one of its factories - the Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant - from the head processors of the Rostov route radar. He provided these materials to the competent authorities of the Russian Federation for study.

On September 26, 2016, the head of the radio technical troops of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Major General Andrei Koban, said that the analysis of primary radar information refutes the assertion of the Ukrainian side and the conclusions of the technical Dutch investigation that the missile that shot down the Malaysian Boeing could have been launched from eastern regions Donbass, . According to him, the technical capabilities of Russian means of objective control do not allow us to conclude whether the missile was launched from territories located to the south or west of the point disasters. Koban noted that space images, “the existence of which was announced by the American and Ukrainian sides, but no one has seen,” could clarify the situation with the missile launch from territories controlled by the Ukrainian security forces.

On September 28, an international investigative team presented a preliminary report on the investigation into the MH17 crash near Donetsk. It claimed that the Boeing was shot down from the area of ​​the village of Pervomaiskoye, south of the village of Snezhnoye, which on the day of the tragedy were under the control of the militia. It also follows from the report that the Buk anti-aircraft missile system that shot down the airliner, which allegedly arrived from Russia on the territory of Ukraine, returned to the Russian Federation in the morning.

The Almaz-Antey concern said that it had already conducted three experiments that confirm the version of the missile being launched from another location - from the area of ​​​​the village of Zaroshchenskoye, which is under the control of the Ukrainian army. The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed disappointment with the situation surrounding the investigation into the MH17 crash and that the group's findings confirm the bias of the investigation.

In October 2016, Russia transferred radar data on the Malaysian Boeing to the Netherlands in the most detailed form, unprocessed, which indicates their authenticity. At the end of January 2017, the media reported that the Dutch prosecutor's office could not decipher the radar data transmitted by Russia, and Dutch investigators were sent to Moscow. The Russian side stated that it was ready at any time to provide international investigators with the assistance of specialist developers, who and that no one had come to the Russian Federation for help in decrypting the data during this time.

Russia has repeatedly stated that Holland is trying to delay the investigation and that the investigation was provided by the Russian side.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Yes friends! The crash of the Malaysian airliner flying MN-17 was faked!!!

This terrible VIDEO was filmed by a female eyewitness who found herself at the site of the so-called plane crash within 20 minutes. This is the main thing proof of falsification of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777.

Judge for yourself! Almost 300 dead - that's one and a half tons of human blood! And there were no traces of it anywhere, only a bird’s trace, from dead birds.

It was found at the scene of the tragedy a large number of phones and tablets, upon checking which it turned out that absolutely all of them had the last information recorded in their memory dated back to 2013!

At the scene of the tragedy, a large number of suitcases were found, in which there were not summer clothes, but winter ones, while the plane crash happened on July 17, 2014, and these people were not flying to the North Pole.

At the site of the tragedy, according to many eyewitnesses, already in the first hours and even minutes there was a terrible smell of the morgue, and among all the smells the smell of formaldehyde predominated.
There are great doubts that it was crash Boeing 777-200.

The fact is that the Boeing 777 200ER series jet engines have turbines whose outer diameter significantly exceeds the average height of a person. And those broken engines that all the world’s media showed us from the supposed site of the Boeing 777 crash are smaller than a person’s height. The diameter of the engine turbines of the airliner that crashed in Ukraine can be judged from this image.

The Boeing 777 200 LR series engines are generally the largest in the world. Their diameter exceeds 3 meters!

But even this is not what initially confuses many people the most.

The heavy, multi-ton engines of a plane that fell from the sky lie on the ground as if they had been carefully placed there.

This is what Boeing 777 engines usually look like on the ground when the plane crashes. This is footage from foreign chronicles of plane crashes. We see that the engines of the planes that crashed almost went underground.

We all studied physics at school and must remember the formula:

(The energy of a body is equal to the mass divided by two and multiplied by the square of the speed).

Boeing 777 engines have large mass, concentrated in a small volume. Due to this, when falling vertically to the ground (or when an airplane crashes at a large angle), they tend to make holes in any soil with their large mass and make depressions in it.

Below is our case, Ukraine. When viewing this picture, there is a strong feeling of deception.

As eyewitnesses say, this scrap metal lies on the surface of the earth as if it had been poured out of the back of a dump truck! This picture is possible in the event of a plane crash, when the plane crashes during landing - horizontal movement along the surface of the earth.

In our case, there was uncontrollable vertical drop a plane destroyed in the sky, and craters-indentations from the heaviest fragments of the plane were bound to form in the ground.

However, they are not there!

They add even more to this gloomy “picture” falsehood those corpses smelling of formaldehyde without a single drop of blood, which a female eyewitness filmed on her tablet.

Having such obvious facts in hand, I would like to say that the world community is faced with an unprecedented political scam!

The leadership of the USA and Ukraine tried to deceive the whole world in the most brazen way!

Personally, after understanding all the facts, only one question arises in my head: how moral monster one must be in order to conceive and implement this multi-step monstrous scam?!

Much has already been written on the Internet about the Boeing 777 shot down over Ukraine. Entire “sheets” are covered in writing by the blogger gorojanin-iz-b and writer Yuri Mukhin. I considered it correct for myself to apply “Occam’s razor” in this publication - a methodological principle that sounds like this: “new entities should not be attracted unless absolutely necessary”. In other words, if a lie can be exposed by one or two obvious facts, then there is no need to provide dozens more facts or hypotheses. If the result has already been achieved, why bother the reader with unnecessary information.

I am sure that after reading this article there will be a stupor and a lot of questions in the minds of many people. The main one is: “is it possible to falsify this???”

Friends! I assure you, it is possible! And not like that!

After the half-fake Boston terrorist attack that happened on April 15, 2013 in the United States, I already look at the world with different eyes.

This photo spread around the world then!

Do you think it shows a person injured in a terrorist attack?

No! This is a legless actor who took part in a grandiose scam! Details in the above article.

In 2013, a performance with a legless actor was needed so that this “sufferer” would then point out the “perpetrators of the terrorist attack”—the Chechen brothers Tsarnaev.

The US administration really wanted to play the “Muslim card” at that time.

In 2014, the same US administration needed the spectacle of the downing of a Malaysian Boeing 777 to point the finger at Russia and call it an aggressor. Which was done immediately.

American hawks need a big war for the sake of another redivision of the world, their minds are “sharpened” for this.

Our task is to prevent their plans from coming true.

The plane Moscow - Phuket was forced to land in Tashkent due to rowdy behavior ... representative of Tashkent airport. According to him, we are talking about an airplane Boeing 777 Nordwind Airlines. The passenger's aggressive behavior posed a threat to flight safety...

Politics, 06 Sep, 18:57

Poroshenko considered the request to release Tsemakh as an admission of guilt by Russia for MH17 ... was confirmed. Demand to release Vladimir Tsemakh, a witness in the death case Boeing 777 , shot down in the sky over Donbass in 2014, means that..., Poroshenko noted, we are also talking about those killed in the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. “Can you imagine that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin... on television” that he knew nothing about the alleged exchange. Passenger Boeing MH17, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down over...

Society, 05 Sep, 20:46

At Sheremetyevo, a ramp damaged the door of a plane arriving from Beijing Plane to Sheremetyevo Boeing 777 , traveling along the route Beijing - Moscow, received damage to the door from a telescopic bridge. About... Boeing flying from the USA to China returned to the airport due to the loss of a part Airplane Boeing 777 , operating a flight from New York to Shanghai, returned to the airport..., said it had arranged an additional plane to China. Early July Boeing 777 -200 airlines Air Canada, flying from Vancouver to Sydney, on... Passengers reported a crush during smoke on the Moscow-Yerevan plane On board Boeing 737 of Nordwind Airlines (“North Wind”), a stampede began during the evacuation... the airport, “they were fed and watered,” and after a while they were given another plane. Boeing 737 of North Wind Airlines aborted its flight due to an alarm... Vancouver-Sydney flight aborted after injuries due to turbulence ...CBC TV channel. We are talking about flight AC33, operated by Boeing 777 -200. In total there were 269 passengers and 15 members on board... The Netherlands explained the use of data from social networks in the MH17 case ... called the information received from social networks an important part of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 . He stated this at a press conference, broadcast by... . Representatives of the International Investigation Team (JIT) presented the results of the investigation into the plane crash Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines in Donbass in 2014. The suspects were named as the former... DPR denies involvement in MH17 crash in Donbass ... that the forces of the region could not have been involved in the collapse of the Malaysian Boeing 777 . This was reported by the Donetsk News Agency (DAN). “In service with the this day. Therefore, the militia could not have been involved in the crash Boeing in Donbass,” the department said. The department added that in... of a similar class. The international investigation team has summed up the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 which happened in 2014 in Donbass. Attorney General Fred Westerbeke... The investigation has announced the date for the consideration of the MH17 case in court in The Hague Trial of suspects involved in the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in the skies over Donbass in 2014 at the Hague International... The International Investigation Team (JIT) presented a second report on the causes of the crash Boeing. The main conclusion of the investigation is that the Buk from which... The Kremlin commented on the Dutch TV channel's story about the MH17 crash ..., in which the names of the alleged defendants in the case of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in the skies over Donbass in 2014. This is reported... by the report. It was also claimed that they have a “pronounced anti-Russian orientation.” Passenger Boeing-777 Malaysian Prime Minister doubts results of investigation into MH17 crash ... the Russian side. Russia and Holland will continue dialogue on the investigation of the crash Boeing-777 The Prime Minister added that Malaysia should also join the review..., he said about the politicization of the investigation: “This is not a neutral examination.” Passenger Boeing-777 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur suffered... Boeing 777 returns urgently to Singapore after cabin pressure drops ... salon. This was reported by The Straits Times newspaper. When the plane Boeing 777 reached a height of 7.3 thousand m and was already above... suffered. In September, due to a drop in pressure in the aircraft cabin Boeing Jet Airways 737 flight Mumbai - Jaipur injured more than 30...

Society, 25 Sep 2018, 10:46

National Geographic simulated the final minutes of the missing MH370 flight ... how the last minutes of the Malaysian flight could have passed Boeing 777 , which has been searched since 2014 Polet Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines ended with the plane entering... it disappeared from radar, but continued to communicate with the satellite. Boeing confirmed the establishment of communication seven times, and this indicates that... Jeong. In its film, National Geographic relies on the calculations of engineers Boeing, who established what happened to the plane in the last minutes of the flight...

Politics, 17 Sep 2018, 15:47

Russia will transfer new data on the missile that shot down Boeing to the Netherlands ... New information in the case of the crash Boeing-777 over Donbass, provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense, was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for transfer... Ministry of Defense about the downed Boeing missile Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the missile that shot down in 2014 in the sky over Donbass Boeing-777 , was carried out... in operations in eastern Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense spoke about the origin of the downed Boeing missiles over Donbass Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine... The Dutch Foreign Ministry commented on the findings of the investigation into MH17 ... of the joint investigation team that the Buk that was shot down in the Donbass Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, arrived from Russia, indicates its involvement in... a meeting of the Dutch government regarding the conclusions of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. The investigation in the Netherlands spoke about the Buk from Russia that shot down MH17... the missile on board the Buk complex is untenable. Crash Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines near Donetsk Airplane Boeing 777 -200ER of Malaysia Airlines was shot down over Donetsk... Experts suspect the commander of deliberately crashing a Malaysian Boeing ... the group would take responsibility for what happened,” Dolan said. Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, which was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared... Australia reports on search for missing Malaysian Boeing ... Missing in March 2014 over Indian Ocean Malaysian Boeing 777 -200 (MH370) has still not been found, the reasons for its disappearance... to the Malaysian authorities so that they establish the reason for the disappearance of the aircraft. Airplane Boeing 777 -200, traveling on flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared... from the USA, where the plane was manufactured, it was recognized as part of the aileron Boeing 777 . A door believed to belong to the plane was then discovered. However, other traces... The airliner flying from Kamchatka to Moscow urgently landed in Novosibirsk ... Airplane Boeing-777 Aeroflot airline, which was flying from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Moscow, made... “Russia” commented on the “tail landing” of its plane in Vnukovo ...mode Rossiya Airlines denied the information that the plane Boeing, flying on the flight Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Moscow, landing at the airport... the tail part of the runway (runway). "During the landing of the plane Boeing-777 , traveling on flight FV6486 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Moscow, in conditions of wind shear... no. The representative of Rossiya Airlines also emphasized that we are talking about Boeing-777 , not about Boeing-737. Maria Bondarenko Ekaterina Kostina The media reported an emergency landing of a Boeing 777 from China to Domodedovo ...A plane made an emergency landing at Domodedovo airport Boeing777 airline "VIM-Avia", flying from China. This was reported by Interfax ... source, the plane had problems with the engine. “The crew managed to land Boeing-777 in Domodedovo, despite a failed engine,” said the emergency services... . Earlier, on June 28, a plane made an emergency landing at Domodedovo airport Boeing AzurAir 767, heading to Cuba. The reason for the landing was the activation... Bellingcat has proven the Russian origin of the Buk that shot down MH17 ...denied. Dutch Safety Council in its final report on the circumstances of the crash Boeing 777 named the cause of the disaster as a surface-to-air missile hitting the airliner... specialists from the military concern Almaz-Antey published the results of their own investigation into the disaster Boeing 777 . It follows from it that the airliner was shot down by a missile that was no longer used...

Politics, 06 Mar 2017, 21:59

What Ukraine demanded from Russia at the International Court of Justice ...or indirectly responsible for a number of terrorist attacks on the territory of Ukraine (crash Boeing-777 flight MH17 in July 2014, shelling of civilians in...

Politics, 06 Mar 2017, 15:24

Hearings on Ukraine's claim against Russia over Donbass and Crimea have begun in The Hague. ... claims, Kyiv demands full compensation from the Russian government for the death Boeing-777 flight MH17, for “shelling of civilians” in Volnovakha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk... Japanese Boeing crash lands in Krasnoyarsk due to engine failure ... . At the time of writing this material there was no official confirmation. "Airplane Boeing-777 Japan Airlines requested an emergency landing in Krasnoyarsk due to a refusal... there was no response. TASS reports that the plane made an emergency landing Boeing 777 . "Boeing airplane 777 Flight NH204 landed safely at Yemelyanovo airport,” they reported... Boeing makes an emergency landing due to a passenger trying to break into the cockpit ... Passenger Boeing 777 , on a flight from Chicago to Hong Kong, made an emergency landing in... Boeing that took off from Vnukovo returned to the airport due to problems with the landing gear ...Passenger plane Boeing-777 , who had problems with the landing gear during the flight, safely... the technical services of the capital's airport will begin to find out the reasons for what happened. Long-haul airliner Boeing-777 made a flight Moscow - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. After departure, the crew commander said... Dutch prosecutors received in Moscow in the case of the death of Boeing MH17 ...with the Netherlands in order to clarify the circumstances of this terrible tragedy. Airplane Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in eastern Ukraine 17 ... (OVV) presented the final report of the technical commission on the causes of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. During the investigation, experts came to the conclusion that the plane crash occurred... sq. km. The head of the Security Council of the Netherlands, Tibbe Jaustra, said later that Boeing in Donbass was shot down from territory controlled by militias.​ “The borders of the territory... An unknown plane approached European airliners flying from Japan ... dispatchers decided to change the flight level of a passenger in that area Boeing-777 airline KLM, which operated a flight from Japan to Holland. IN... The Foreign Ministry called the authors of the BBC film about MH17 anti-Russian ... The authors of the BBC film about the crash Boeing 777 in Donbass are obviously opposed to Russia. This was stated by the official... and the militia. This is a very dangerous trend,” the Foreign Ministry concluded. Crash Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines near Donetsk BBC at the end of April... took place on May 3, Open Russia translated it into Russian. Boeing 777 , flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed in eastern Ukraine... Hungarian Air Force fighters raised alert after losing contact with Boeing ... Hungarian Air Force fighters escorted the passenger flight Boeing 777 British Airways after the aircraft failed to establish... two Gripens fighters were scrambled. They accompanied for some time Boeing, until the plane was identified and the Hungarian side received... they had already returned to base. A British Airways spokesman said that Boeing promptly restored contact with dispatchers and landed safely in London... Kyiv reported an attempt on the life of the main expert in the case of the downed Boeing ... about the assassination attempt on the main expert in the case of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in Donbass. The killer has been detained, the expert’s condition is unknown. On... the country is interfering with the search for the truth”: how the world reacted to the veto on Boeing On February 24, 2016, researchers from the international group Bellingcat published on... the Netherlands. The investigators' official report has not yet been released. Passenger Boeing 777 "Malaysia Airlines crashed near Donetsk on the territory of Ukraine...

Boeing ...challenged the Ministry of Justice's restriction on the publication of materials related to the investigation into the Malaysian disaster Boeing 777 , crashed in 2014 in Donbass, writes Volkskrant. In February... the elimination of its consequences,” said Volkskrant editor Philippe Remarque. Passenger airliner Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed...

China sent a sonar reconnaissance vessel to search for Boeing ... China sent a sonar reconnaissance vessel to help search for the Malaysian Boeing 777 , who disappeared in 2014, reports the BBC. The ship is moving... a fragment of an unidentified aircraft was discovered, which was later identified as a fragment of the missing Boeing. It turned out to be part of the aileron flap - the control surface of the wing. Later, in... . At the same time, there were suggestions that the fragment could be a part of the missing one. Boeing. However, experts have indicated that Indian Ocean currents are unlikely... Experts doubt whether the wing fragment belongs to the missing Boeing ...last Saturday off the coast of Thailand, are unlikely to belong to the Malaysian Boeing 777 , who disappeared in March 2014. Aviation aircraft are inclined to this conclusion... 3 m in length. Thai media suggested that the fragment belongs to Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (flight... Russia told the Netherlands "new facts" about the investigation into the MH17 crash ... the density of holes in the wreckage and the nature of the destruction of the strength structure of the hull Boeing 777 . The report of the international commission did not name the exact location of the missile launch... Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.” Back in October, Storchevoy named the main cause of the plane crash Boeing 777 over Donbass, the fact that Ukraine did not close its airspace... would indicate that the plane was shot down from a Buk. Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was...

This report was received from a representative of a group of aviation specialists, in different time who took part in the investigation of many plane crashes. With extensive experience in these matters and deep knowledge of aircraft manufacturing, they conducted their own research into the causes of the Malaysian airliner crash. The source is reliable, but I will not disclose the names of the authors yet; if they want, they themselves will acknowledge the authorship.

Based on available photographs of fragments of the Boeing, experts calculated the possible point of detonation of the missile, as well as the number and mass of destructive elements.

Victim of the 07/17/2014 DISASTER

July 2015


Photo and video materials of fragments of the Malaysian passenger plane Boeing 777-200 9M-MRD, which crashed on July 17, 2014 during flight MH-17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur obtained from open sources.


On July 17, 2014, a Boeing 777-200 state and registration number 9M-MRD, Malaysia Airlines, operated scheduled passenger flight MH17 on the route Amsterdam (Schiphol airfield, the Netherlands) - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). There were 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board the aircraft.

The plane was found destroyed in the area of ​​the settlement of Grabovo (Donetsk region, Ukraine); individual large fragments were also found in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Rassypnoye and Petropavlovka (Donetsk region, Ukraine). The main wreckage area was 8.5 km east of the aircraft's last known position in flight. total area the scatter of debris was approximately 50 km 2


The purpose of the study was to establish the fact that the aircraft was hit by a weapon, the circumstances of this defeat and the characteristics of the weapon.


The study solves three interrelated and sequential problems:

  • identification of combat damage;

  • determination of conditions for the formation of combat damage;

  • identification of the type of the affected weapon.


Photo and video materials of fragments of the aircraft were obtained in the public domain on the Internet.

As a result of the evaluation of photographic materials, it was found that the appearance of the fragments corresponds to destruction from the action of loads exceeding their static strength. At the same time, fragments of the pilot's cabin have specific damage in the form of local holes and dents, which are characteristic of a high-speed impact with compact hard objects.

Similar damage is present on fragments of the interior of the cockpit.

Roughly similar damage, but slightly bigger size and with a lower density of arrangement, are located on the toe of the air intake of the left engine.

All of the listed damage (mostly holes) are identified as damage caused by high-velocity objects.

Indeed, most of these damages have signs of wave phenomena accompanying the process of high-speed penetration of metal barriers.

In particular, in areas of the skin reinforced from the inside with a force set, deformation of the edges of the holes in the direction opposite to the direction of impact is observed (Fig. 1a, arrows 1). Such deformation is characteristic of the action of a shock wave reflected from a force set. In addition, on the surface of the casing in the area of ​​some relatively large holes, a rash of microcraters is observed (Fig. 1a, arrows 2), which, as a rule, are formed from the action of high-speed “dust” (particles of unburnt explosive, small particles of warhead design parts and damaging elements ), accompanying the blast wave at a short distance from the explosion site.

On aircraft fragments that have a relatively thick layer of paint coating (LPC), on the front surface around the holes, zones of spallation of this coating are observed (Fig. 1b, arrow 3), which is also a sign of wave phenomena characteristic of a high-speed impact.

No similar damage was found on the remaining fragments of the aircraft. It is not possible to identify the existing single holes on the surface of the left wing (with the exception of a fragment of the slat toe) as high-speed ones only by appearance.

The combat damage on the studied fragments is, in appearance, characteristic of the action of a high-explosive fragmentation warhead of a remote weapon, the explosion of which occurred at a short distance from the surface of the aircraft. Implicit
The regularity in the location of the damage allows us to conclude that, most likely, the warhead was equipped with ready-made submunitions, which is typical for high-explosive fragmentation warheads of the vast majority of modern weapons
hitting air targets.

At the same time, the initial speed of the striking elements of modern remote weapons against air targets, as a rule, is in the range of 1500...2500 m/s.

Figure 1 - Characteristic appearance of holes on aircraft fragments.

Arrows 1 - deformation of the edges of the holes due to the action of the reflected wave in the direction opposite to the direction of impact. Arrows 2 - traces of high-speed “dust” accompanying the blast wave at close distances from the explosion site. Arrow 3 - area of ​​chipping of the paint coating around the holes, characteristic of the action of a reflected wave.

Thus, the damage on the fragments of the aircraft in the area of ​​the cockpit is combat damage, i.e. formed by high-speed compact destructive elements, most likely of a ready-made type, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead of a remote weapon, the explosion of which occurred at a short distance from the cockpit of the aircraft.


In this case, the spatial conditions for hitting an aircraft mean the position of the warhead of the weapon (the point of explosion) relative to the aircraft at the moment of the explosion.

A coordinate system OcXcYcZc was adopted, connected to the aircraft in such a way that the origin of coordinates coincides with the end of the nose cone of the aircraft, the OcYc axis is directed forward along the flight and coincides with the horizontal plane of the aircraft, the OcXc axis is directed to the right along the flight, and the OcZc axis is directed upward (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - The coordinate system associated with the aircraft, adopted when determining the spatial conditions of the destruction.

Based on the obtained photo and video materials, a diagram was made to link the aircraft fragments to the structural diagram of the Boeing 777-200 type aircraft (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Scheme of linking fragments of the front part of the fuselage to the structural diagram of a Boeing 777-200 type aircraft

Then, using photographs of the fragments taken from different angles, the location of these damages in relation to each other and to consistently identifiable structural units (joints, connections) on these fragments was assessed. Based on the assessment performed, the damage coordinates were calculated in the adopted coordinate system.

A total of 230 damages were counted on the outer contour of fragments A, B, C, D and E, which, together with the contours of the fragments, were plotted on a three-dimensional model of a Boeing 777-200 type aircraft (Fig. 5).

Figure 4 - Appearance of sections of fragments A (a, b), B (c), D (d, e), C (f) and D (g) with numbered combat damage.

Figure 5 - External view of the model of the front fuselage of a Boeing 777-200 type aircraft with contours of fragments A, B, D, C, D and combat damage.

4.2.1. Determination of the position of the warhead of the weapon relative to the aircraft at the moment of explosion

An analysis of the relative position of combat damage on the surface of the aircraft fragments and the model as a whole showed that, despite the absence of photographs of a significant part of the external contour of the cockpit, quite obvious boundaries of the covering field are observed (Fig. 6). This circumstance makes it possible to fairly accurately assess the spatial conditions of the aircraft being hit.

Figure 6 - Alignment of the contours of the fragments (dotted line) and the locations of combat damage on them (red areas) with the surface of the analogue aircraft.

In particular, in fragment B, combat damage located near the boundary of the coverage field are elongated, clearly oriented rectilinear traces-segments formed as a result of contact with damaging elements, the trajectories of which were oriented tangent to the outer contour of the fuselage in this area (Fig. 7a ). These rectilinear tangent traces, in fact, are preserved and visible sections of the trajectories of the striking elements, which makes it possible to quite accurately determine the position of these trajectories in three-dimensional space in a given coordinate system.

Figure 7 - Appearance of the surface of fragment B in various areas.

For this purpose, the direction of elongation of the tangent mark on the surface of the fragment was assessed (angles were measured) in relation to visible structural units (Fig. 7b, c), and then, taking into account the orientation of this section of the surface of the fragment in the coordinate system O c X c Y c Z c (Fig. 8), the direction cosines of the trajectories were determined, which, in combination with the measured coordinates of a given damage, unambiguously determine the position of the trajectories in space. In turn, the coordinates of the points of intersection (crossing) of the trajectories of the striking elements reconstructed in this way in space make it possible to estimate the position of the explosion point.

Figure 8 - Location of the studied fragments in a given coordinate system.

The measurement results showed that on a small area of ​​the surface of fragment B, at a distance of 1 m along the boundary of the covering field, there is a very significant change in the orientation of the tracks from 45º to 20º (see Fig. 7a).

Analysis of damage near the boundary of the covering field on the remaining fragments made it possible to identify several more similar marks on fragments E (Fig. 9), B (Fig. 10) and D (Fig. 11).

Figure 9 - Appearance of the surface of fragment D in the area of ​​the border of the covering field.

Figure 10 - Appearance of the surface of fragment B in the area of ​​the boundary of the covering field.

Figure 11 - External view of the surface of fragment G in the area of ​​the border of the covering field on the left side.

A total of 6 tangential damages were selected, from the location and orientation of which it was possible to quantitatively determine the position of the corresponding trajectories of the striking elements in the selected coordinate system. The calculation results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Results of determining the position of tangent trajectories of striking elements in the coordinate system O c X c Y c Z c

As a result of calculations using the method of intersection (crossing) trajectories based on the data given in Table 1, it was found that the point of the explosion was in the area limited by the coordinates:

x 0 = -1.5…-1.9 m;
y 0 = -0.8…-1.3 m;
z 0 = 1.8…2.2 m.

The results obtained allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  • a fairly compact area of ​​the possible location of the explosion point, despite the fact that it was obtained from four of the five studied fragments of the aircraft, indicates that, most likely, the covering field is formed by one weapon;

  • the explosion of the warhead of this weapon occurred very close to the aircraft,namely, at a distance of approximately 0.8...1.6 m from the cockpit glazing (oppositecrew commander's windows).

In Fig. Figure 12 shows a three-dimensional interpretation of the calculated area of ​​the explosion point.

Figure 12 - The relative position of the reconstructed trajectories of the striking elements that formed the tangential damage.


4.3.1. Determination of characteristics of damaging elements

By the nature and size of the holes, one can estimate the size, and sometimes the shape, of the damaging elements.

In general, the size and shape of the hole formed on the aircraft skin from the impact of a striking element depend not only on the shape and size of the damaging element itself, but also on the angle of its approach to the skin. Therefore, to estimate the size of the damaging element, it is customary to measure the transverse size of the hole, i.e. its size in the direction perpendicular to the velocity vector of the striking element.

After the position of the explosion point relative to the aircraft has been determined, for each hole in its fragments it is possible to estimate the direction of approach of the striking element, i.e. the direction of projection of its velocity vector onto the affected surface.

In this study, 186 holes were studied to estimate the dimensions from available photographs (Fig. 13) in relation to the known dimensions of structural elements (diameter of rivets, screws).

The results obtained showed that on the outer contour of the fragments, the transverse size of the overwhelming majority of holes (86%) is in the range of 6...13 mm with a pronounced maximum of about 8 mm (Fig. 14). This circumstance allows us to assume that all damage is formed by the same type of damaging elements (single-fraction). If the warhead contained two or more types of lethal weapons
elements, then two or more maxima would be observed on the graph.

Figure 13 - Illustration of the method for measuring the transverse size of combat damage (holes) from compact submunitions. Vpr is the direction collinear to the projections of the velocity vectors of the striking elements on a given section of the surface of the fragment.

Figure 14 - Histogram of the distribution of holes on the outer contour of aircraft fragments by transverse size.

The results of assessing the size of the holes available in the photographs suggest that the damaging elements had the shape of a parallelepiped with sides 8x8x6 with a tolerance of ± 0.5 mm (Fig. 15a).

A simulation of the process of breaking through an obstacle with a striking element measuring 8x8x6 (with tolerances on the sides ± 0.5 mm) with its differentorientation in space (Fig. 15b), which showed sufficient convergenceresults with the actual size and shape of the holes.

The mass of this destructive element, most likely made of steel, will be 2.4...3.7 g.

Figure 15 - Estimated shape of the striking element (a) and modeling of the shape and size of the hole resulting from it (b).

As follows from the report presented by the Almaz-Antey concern (developer of the Buk-type air defense system), fragments of a complex shape resembling an “I-beam” were extracted from fragments of the aircraft. Based on analysis appearance These fragments led to the conclusion that the plane was shot down by a missile from a Buk-type air defense system (the warhead of one of its modifications is equipped with steel striking elements in the form of an “I-beam”).

However, according to the developer, the initial mass of the I-beam type submunition is 8.1 g, which is more than twice the maximum calculated mass. Therefore, the statement that the recovered fragments are the striking elements of a missile from a Buk-type air defense system is most likely incorrect.

4.3.2. Determination of the mass of the warhead by the number of striking elements

The number of submunitions in the warhead is determined based on the results of assessing the angular density of their flux in the meridional expansion sector and is calculated using the formula:

where ɸ max is the angle of the meridional sector of dispersion of damaging elements.

Due to the fact that the angular density of the flow of destructive elements was calculated from the location of damage in the coverage field at a given position of the explosion point, it is obvious that when the position of this point changes, the density estimate will change. Accordingly, the angle of the meridional sector of dispersion of the striking elements will change.

Therefore, to determine the number of damaging elements, calculations of the angular density were performed at different distances of the explosion point from the surface of the aircraft (within the calculated area), i.e. at a distance of 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 m, respectively. The maximum calculated value of the number of submunitions in the warhead was 3650 pieces. (Fig. 16).

If we assume that the number of striking elements in the warhead was in the range of 2000...4000 pieces, then, taking into account the results of assessing the characteristics of the striking elements, their total mass in the warhead should be 4.88...14.80 kg.

An analysis of the mass characteristics of high-explosive fragmentation warheads of modern domestic and foreign means of destroying air targets showed that there is a fairly stable statistical relationship between the mass of the warhead and the total mass of the striking elements:

with a correlation coefficient of 0.97.

Figure 16 - Results of calculating the number of striking elements in the warhead at different distances of the explosion point from the aircraft and different orientations of the warhead relative to the covering field.

This circumstance makes it possible to estimate the mass of the warhead, the explosion of which formed the studied covering field on the fragments of the aircraft. If we round the boundaries of the range of the total mass of the striking elements within 5...15 kg, then with a 95% confidence probability the mass of the warhead should be 10...40 kg.


As a result of the study of combat damage, it was established that the aircraft was hit by a remote weapon having a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing from 10 to 40 kg, most likely equipped with ready-made steel submunitions with an average weight of about 3 g with an estimated shape in the form of a parallelepiped with sides 8x8x6 mm (with tolerance ± 0.5 mm) in quantities of 2000…4000 pcs. At the same time, the explosion of the warhead occurred at a distance of 0.8...1.6 m from the crew commander’s window.

In order to identify the type of weapon based on these characteristics of the warhead, an analysis of publicly available reference materials on known domestic and foreign weapons for destroying air targets was carried out.

As a result of the analysis, it was found that air-to-air missiles of domestic (including Soviet) design and manufacture are, as a rule, equipped with rod-type or combined-type warheads.

An analysis of the characteristics of domestic anti-aircraft weapons showed that among them there are enough complexes whose missiles can hit an air target at an altitude of 10 km. However, they all have a high-explosive fragmentation warhead mass that significantly exceeds 40 kg.

Thus, not a single controlled weapon of the domestically developed and manufactured air-to-air and surface-to-air classes, capable of hitting an aircraft at an altitude of about 10 km, meets the set of established characteristics.

An analysis of the available information on the characteristics of foreign-developed air-to-air missiles showed that, unlike domestic missiles of this class, most of them are equipped with high-explosive fragmentation warheads with ready-made submunitions. Moreover, a fairly large number of missiles have a warhead mass within the established range. However, the lack of sufficient information on the characteristics of their damaging elements does not allow the identification procedure to be fully completed.

Therefore, due to the lack of sufficient information on foreign weapons, including weapons of domestic design, but foreign manufacture (modernization), it is not possible to establish its specific type.


As a result of the study, it was established that the aircraft could not have been hit by a weapon of domestic design and manufacture. As for foreign weapons, it is not possible to identify the type of weapon using them, despite a fairly wide range of established characteristics of the warhead, due to the lack of necessary background information.

However, the circumstances and conditions of the aircraft's destruction allow us to make some assumptions.

In particular:

The affected aircraft has a surveillance radar installed in front of the cockpit under a radio-transparent radome, which operates in active mode throughout the flight. Therefore, if the missile had a passive radar homing head, then it should have been aimed at the radiation of this station. In this case, it is quite possible to assume that the missile will approach the forward part of the fuselage.

It should be noted that missiles with a passive radar head are aimed at the side lobe of the radiation pattern of the aircraft's operating radar station. This can explain not only the missile’s approach to the forward part of the fuselage, but also the position of the explosion point - to the side of this station.

Some modern missiles, mainly of the air-to-air class, are equipped with thermal imaging homing heads, the so-called matrix type. These heads allow, based on the image recognition algorithms implemented on board the rocket, to form a geometric image of the target in the near zone. This, in turn, ensures that the missile is aimed at any, as a rule, the most vulnerable area of ​​the target. Obviously, from the standpoint of the effectiveness of defeating large aircraft, the most vulnerable area is the cockpit.

Thus, aiming a weapon at an aircraft could be either radar or thermal. For radar guidance, the weapon was equipped with a homing head, most likely of a passive type, and for thermal guidance, a thermal imaging matrix type.

During the study, a simulation of the process of hitting an aircraft during an attack from the front (Fig. 17) and rear (Fig. 18) hemispheres was performed.

The simulation results (taking into account the functioning of the proximity fuse) showed that, based on the nature of the location of combat damage, the most likely attack is an aircraft from the front hemisphere.

According to the “warhead mass” criterion, four foreign air-to-air missiles fall into the field of consideration:

  • French short-range missile "Magic-2";

  • Israeli short-range missile of the Shafrir type;

  • American short-range missile of the AIM-9 type;

  • Israeli short-range missile of the Python type.

Figure 17 - Results of modeling the process of hitting an aircraft when the missile approaches the aircraft during an attack from the front hemisphere (a), when the fuse is triggered (b), when the warhead is triggered (c) and when the covering field is formed (d).

Figure 18 - Results of modeling the process of hitting an aircraft when a missile approaches the aircraft during an attack from the rear hemisphere (a), when the fuse is triggered (b), when the warhead is triggered (c) and when the covering field is formed (d).

The first three missiles from this list are excluded for different reasons (by type of warhead and guidance system), but the fourth deserves separate consideration.

Information and analysis on the Python short-range missile:

Firstly, starting from the fourth modification, this missile is equipped with a matrix-type thermal imaging homing head, which allows it, having a relatively small warhead mass (about 11 kg), to effectively hit even large-sized air targets.

Secondly, the high-explosive fragmentation warhead of this missile is assembled with ready-made submunitions.

And finally, thirdly, judging by some open sources, in the early 2000s, the Su-25 type aircraft was modernized in Georgia, during which it was modified to use the fourth Python type air-to-air missile and fifth modifications.

Externally, the modified aircraft is no different from other modifications of Su-25 type aircraft, the presence of which in the zone of armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine is beyond doubt.

Typically, aircraft of this type are equipped with R-60 type air-to-air missiles with a rod warhead to engage air targets.

The Python type missile is slightly larger in size than the R-60 type missile, but in appearance they are very similar to each other (Fig. 19). Therefore, it can be assumed that the presence in the airspace in the zone of armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine of a modernized Su-25 aircraft with a Python missile on the suspension could go unnoticed.

Consequently, of the entire range of known foreign guided weapons, the set of established characteristics is most consistent (taking into account the likely possibility of use) with the Israeli air-to-air missile of the Python type.

Figure 19 - Appearance of the Python type (a) and R-60 type (b) missiles on the external sling. From the appearance of the photographs, we can conclude that the missiles are similar in appearance.


Thus, as a result of the study, it was established that fragments of the Malaysian passenger aircraft Boeing 777-200 9M-MRD, which crashed on July 17, 2014 during flight MH-17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, have damage characteristic of the action of a weapon (battle damage).

The nature of the combat damage and their relative position indicate that the aircraft was damaged in the air, most likely by one remote weapon equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with ready-made submunitions.

The explosion of the weapon's warhead occurred outside the aircraft at a distance of approximately 0.8...1.6 m from the cockpit glazing (opposite the crew commander's window).

The mass of the warhead of the weapon was no more than 40 kg, and the warhead itself was equipped with striking elements with an average mass of about 3 g in an amount of approximately 2000...4000 pieces. The estimated shape of the striking elements is a parallelepiped with sides 8x8x6 mm.

Pointing the weapon at the aircraft could be either radar or thermal. For radar guidance, the weapon was equipped with a homing head, most likely of a passive type, and for thermal guidance, a thermal imaging matrix type.

The complex of established characteristics does not correspond to a single controlled weapon of destruction of air targets of domestic design and manufacture of the “air-to-air” and “surface-to-air” classes, capable of hitting an aircraft at an altitude of about 10 km.

Due to the lack of sufficient information on foreign weapons, including weapons of domestic design, but foreign manufacture (modernization), it is not possible to establish its specific type.

Of the entire range of known foreign guided weapons, the set of established characteristics is most consistent (taking into account the likely possibility of use) with the Israeli air-to-air missile of the Python type.