Goa Islands (India). Where are the Goa Islands? What excursions to visit in Goa. Open left menu Goa State of Goa in India vacation

The smallest Indian state, which has gained fame as a tourist paradise, is Goa. This name is so often used separately that inexperienced travelers look for Goa on the world map as a separate country or even an island.

What is Goa

In fact, Goa is part of India and is a reflection of the diversity of the entire peninsula. Everyone decides for themselves what Goa is.

This western state is conventionally divided into North and South. On the map, the border passes through Fort Aguada. A trip here promises an immersion into completely different worlds:

  • the respectable south, with all the joys of civilization, attracts sedate bourgeois from all over the world to Goa, striving for the tropical beauty of an oriental fairy tale;
  • The north has earned a reputation as a more lively and restless region with its rebellious spirit. The international legacy of free hippies is still alive there. If you settle here, you can experience all the delights of informal entertainment.

The location of Goa on the west coast of India at the junction of the Western Ghats mountain range and the Arabian Sea has made the resort attractive not only for international but also for domestic tourism. It's kind of a country within a country.

Goa on the map of India is located south of the state of Maharashtra and northwest of Karnataka.

The capital of Goa is Panaji, a modest but exotic and original city. Located in the northern part.

When going on holiday, you need to be prepared for eclecticism in everything: dilapidated industrial zones painted in psychedelic patterns, and majestic medieval forts. Hindu temples are close to Muslim mosques and Catholic cathedrals. Sea, mountains, fruits, sun, bad roads and good rest. A photo of a volcanic beach in the north will be very different from a vanilla photo of the southern sands.

What is the language in Goa

Despite the fact that Goa is part of India, the majority of the population, about 60%, speaks Konkani. Hindi is rare here, with no more than 2% of local residents speaking it. The Marathi language has a special status, spoken by almost 30% of the population.

When communicating with Indians, we must not forget about their colonial past. In India, the state's territories were under the protectorate of Portugal until 1974. Therefore, Goans speak Portuguese fluently.

Considering that in the 60s the coast and the islands nearby were literally taken over by hippies, English that is understandable throughout the world is not uncommon and is used freely by local residents.

Don't be surprised by the signs and menus in Russian. The flow of Russian-speaking tourists over the past 20 years has forced local residents to master the simplest phrases.

Where is Goa on the world map

Due to the isolation of the state and the rather late recognition of the sovereignty of India, where Goa was located remained a mystery for many for a long time. Apart from vague suspicions that this is a country or island in the Indian or even the Pacific Ocean, it is unlikely that the average person can immediately show its location on the world map. And searching for the Goa islands on the map will not be successful.

Therefore, first you need to look for India, a peninsula in South Asia, and then carefully examine its western coast on the map. It is the coast, not the island of Goa. Its approximately 100 km of beaches are located between the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka and are washed by the warm waves of the Arabian Sea.

The map also includes islands under the jurisdiction of the state: Grand, St. Jacintos, Bat. Their shores are favored by divers. Here are the best places for photo and video shooting of the underwater world.

How to call to Goa

To contact Goa, it is enough to know that India has its own international code and each state within the country has a telephone identifier.

Before calling Goa, you need to dial the Indian code: “+91”, and then access the state – “834”.

When dialing from mobile operator numbers, only this combination is enough: “+91 834...subscriber phone number...”. If you call from landlines, it is recommended to add international access codes. Then the dialing looks like this: “8 10 91 834...subscriber’s phone number...”.

General information about climate

When traveling to Goa, it is important to understand the weather patterns of the state. Due to its location, it has a distinct subequatorial climate, which is manifested in a clear division into dry and wet seasons.


From late spring until October, the influence of the monsoons brings humid and very hot weather to Goa. Historically, May has seen critically high temperatures. Heavy rains do not stop from July to August. It becomes cooler during the day, the nighttime drop is almost not felt. In September and October, the monsoons gradually subside, temperatures rise and humidity decreases.

With the onset of November the weather stabilizes. Dry and hot air makes Goa a comfortable and desirable holiday destination. Cool at night, hot during the day.

The transition months before and after the monsoons: March, April, November are less predictable. There are few tourists at this time, but relaxation is quite possible.

Average Temperature Data

From December to February there is an average of 301-313 hours of sunshine per month. In spring, this figure ranges from 288 to 298 hours. Goa receives the least amount of rays from July to September: 105-177.

Solar Activity

In October, the storm leaves the western coast of India, and the number of sunny hours increases from 248 to 273 in November.

Hours of sunshine, average per day

The scorching rays of the sun manifest themselves differently depending on the season. From December to the end of April you can expect them to average about 10 hours a day. In March, May and November - 9. From June to September - 4-6. In October - 8.

Length of day

A day in Goa lasts 11-12 hours. This is due to the fact that the state is located at low latitudes.


In the first three months of the calendar year, rainfall in Goa is very rare. In total, if it accumulates, it will be no more than 1.5 mm. Rain is possible in April and December. Within 12-17 mm. From May to October, almost 2.9 m falls due to the rainfall that the monsoons bring. In November they become no more than 31 mm.

Number of days with precipitation

In May and October it rains for 4-6 days. From December to April there are not even a day in 30 days. In June and July, rainfall occurs almost continuously - for 22-27 days, and in August and September they account for 13-14 days.


From September to March the wind blows at a speed of 6-7 km/h. In May, gusts reach 9 km/h, and during summer showers - 10-13 km/h.

Maximum gusts were recorded in August. Speed ​​can reach up to 93 km/h.

Water temperature

You can swim in the Indian Ocean all year round. It's just that when summer comes, it becomes unsafe. The water warms up to an average of 28-29 degrees, and in the hottest month - up to 30 degrees.

History of Goa India

The heyday of Goa began in 1510 with the arrival of Portuguese colonialists to this land. Afonso d'Albuquerque became the first governor. After him, the Portuguese part of India was ruled by Vasco da Gama. Thanks to fanatical Catholics, there are a huge number of Christian churches, real miracles of medieval architecture.

The first mention of the capital of Goa, Panaji, dates back to 1107, but the Portuguese made Goa Velha – Old Goa, built in accordance with European traditions – the administrative center. The most memorable photos of colonial temples can be taken in these two capitals - old and new.

At the end of the 18th century, when Napoleonic expansion was raging in the world, the area came under the temporary protectorate of the British. Only at the end of the 20th century did India oust the colonialists from the islands and coastal areas. Goa has become one of the states of a diverse country and is lost on its map.

The unofficial history contains the iconic hippie invasion of the 60s. Until now, echoes of their philosophy, mixed with local specifics, attract free pilgrims to Goa and nearby islands.

Everyone will find their own Goa, but for those who want to see it completely, it is not recommended to sit on a sun lounger for the whole day. If you lie on the shore, you may not feel the real taste, which goes far beyond the general ideas about India.

Goa, with its magnificent resorts, is located on the Arabian Sea coast south of Bombay. This state intricately combines Indian and Portuguese cultures. Hindus make up 60% of the local population, and descendants of the colonialists - 30%, 10% - others.

The state is conventionally divided into two parts - South and North Goa. The south is popular among Europeans who prefer a comfortable and safe holiday. There are respectable hotels here: Renaissance Goa Resort, Cidade de Goa, Holiday Inn, Goa Marriott Resort. They are surrounded by bright tropical greenery, fantastic fragrant flowers and mango groves. The beaches of South Goa are clean and quiet.

North Goa, on the contrary, is noisy and enchanting in an oriental way. Tourists with a small budget relax here, as this place is home to many inexpensive hotels, bars, entertainment venues and souvenir shops. North Goa is loved by young people from Europe and America. The days here are always fun and noisy - fairs and oriental bazaars pitch their colorful tents at this time. Colorful Old Goa is also called “Lisbon”, and its architectural monuments are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The main wealth of Goa is its magnificent spices. They are valued almost worth their weight in gold all over the world, even in the East. Cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, and coriander are grown in Goa. Coconut palms are used in plantations for shade instead of sun umbrellas.

This generous state of India is home to juicy mangoes, guava, pineapple, papaya, lime and many other exotic fruits. The local fruits are environmentally friendly, since the manure of local cows is used to fertilize the plants, and not chemicals.

Goan cuisine has a distinct Portuguese flavor and is based on fish dishes. All seafood can be found in the restaurants of this hospitable western state of India.

The smallest state in India today is its most popular destination among foreign tourists yearning for a warm sea, mild climate and clean beaches.


The state of Goa is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea, which is an open part of the Indian Ocean. Goa is the smallest, richest and cleanest Indian state. Every year this place attracts a huge number of tourists to its beaches who love the extraordinary atmosphere of this corner of nature. After all, here you can organize a very comfortable vacation that will help restore energy and mental balance. Every year, many modern young people who come from America and European countries gather on the beaches of South and North Goa. This place gives travelers unforgettable days of relaxation.

The Arabian Sea is much inferior in quality and diversity of flora and fauna to the waters of the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Sea snakes and stingrays are found in the waters of the Arabian Sea, but you should know that they are not dangerous to humans. Most often they swim far from the coastline.

In Goa you cannot find beaches with white sand, because in India they treat garbage quite calmly, even indifferently, so Indians are often reproached for uncleanliness and connivance precisely in terms of maintaining cleanliness.

In the Arabian Sea the water is not blue. Since the sea is quite often agitated, the water in it becomes cloudy. Tourists should not stock up on masks and other diving equipment. And all because in Goa you can rarely find the necessary conditions for diving or snorkeling.

Despite the fact that Panaji is the capital of the Indian state of Goa, it is only the third city in terms of population. The first mention of this settlement dates back to 1107. Tourists who have visited Panaji in Goa talk about the city as a mix of different faiths and cultures.

Panaji on the map of India and Goa

Panaji- a city with a long history. During colonial times, it was the administrative center of Portuguese India.

The city of Panaji became part of the state of India along with the state of Goa in 1961.

Where is?

How to get there?

The flight distance from Panaji is 5429 km. Travel time is 7 hours 22 minutes. The closest airport to Panaji is Dabolim Airport, located in the suburb of Vasco da Gama. The distance to it from the state capital is 35 km.

You can get to Panaji from the airport by taxi or government bus.

There is a railway station in the east of the city Karmali. Even though Panaji is the capital of Goa, not all trains stop at the railway station. The state's central railway hub, Madgaon, is 35 km from Panaji.

From the nearest cities to Panaji, people most often travel by taxi or bus. The roads in Goa are in fairly good condition. Driving distance from Panaji:

  1. before Candolimah- 10 km;
  2. up to - 28.2 km.

To travel around the state, you can rent a car, motorcycle or moped in Panaji. One of the closest resorts to Panaji, popular among foreign tourists, Calangute, is located 12 km from the state capital. There is a bus service between the cities. By taxi you can get to Calangute from Panaji in 10-15 minutes.

Photos and description of the resort

Tourists visiting Panaji can communicate in the city in English and Portuguese. You can pay in the city in Indian rupees and US dollars.

General information

The population of the city and its suburbs is slightly more than 100 thousand people. This is a small town with houses covered with red tiles. The oldest quarter of the capital - Fontaines. The area of ​​the city is 36 square meters. km. It has a European layout. The city has wide avenues and stone-paved streets.

The history of the city is closely connected with the Viceroy Manuel of Portugal. During his reign, Panaji became the capital of Goa for the first time.

Such an event happened to him three times in the history of the city. The last time this happened was in 1987.


The city is included in the zone tropical monsoon climate. It is characterized by hot summers and moderately warm winters. The high season in Goa is March, April and. The average daytime air temperature at the resort during this period is +32°C. In December-February, the thermometer drops during the day to +20-28°C.

Monsoon season at the resort lasts from July to September. This is the worst holiday period on the coast. During this time, Goa receives the highest rainfall. The best holiday period in Panaji lasts from October to March. After the rainy season preceding this period, warm, dry weather sets in at the resort for a long time.


Foreign tourists who come to Panaji do not experience problems with telephone and internet. There are international cellular providers and a city operator in the city, and there is a post office. Available internet can be used in numerous city cafes.

Public transport In the capital of Goa, it is represented by buses, taxis and rickshaws.

The biggest market The city is located in its western part. It is a two-story building. In terms of the quantity and variety of goods presented, the capital's market can be compared with the famous bazaar in Mapusa. The ground floor of the Panaji market sells fish caught from the local river. Here you can also buy fruits, vegetables and the famous Indian tea.

Prices for goods in Goa markets at night are much lower than during the day. Many tourists, knowing this, travel from Panaji to shopping V:

  • Anjuna;
  • Arpora;
  • Baku.

These resorts employ night shops and markets. Special buses run from Panaji to the market and shops. Prices for goods in the shopping district of Panaji for world brands are cheaper than in the resorts of Goa, but in Calangute there is a richer selection of products from Tibetan craftsmen.

Features of the local market are fire shows and concerts, which are periodically held on it. This helps traders attract attention to the foreign tourist market. There is a small café located in the market where you can try local cuisine.

The Panaji market is not the only place of lively trade. There are a large number of shops in the city. Wardrobe items, jewelry and much more can be purchased at stores:

  1. Fabindia;
  2. Bombay Stores;
  3. Fusion Access.

There are also shops of famous international brands in the city. The best cafes and restaurants in the city are located on the city embankment. She has an absolutely European look.


Panaji is great for family vacation. The quiet, cozy city has an attractive appearance and well-maintained beaches.


At the resort you can find accommodation that suits various financial capabilities. The service of most hotels corresponds to 2 and 3 stars.

The rooms of hotels of this level have fans; in more comfortable hotels the rooms are equipped with air conditioning.

Among the most popular among foreign tourists city ​​hotels:

  • Vivanta by Taj Panaji 5*. Modern hotel located in the city center. The hotel offers panoramic views of the Mandovi River. The hotel features a rooftop pool, spa and free parking;
  • The Crown Goa 4*. The hotel is located 20 km from Thivim Railway Station, 1 km from Panjim Bus Stop and 33 km from Dabolim Airport. The Goa Water Sports Center is located next to the hotel.

There is an opportunity to rent in the city bungalow on the coast. It is better to book holiday accommodation during the high season in advance.

You can make a hotel room reservation using this search form. Enter city, check-in and check-out dates, and number of guests.


The resort of Panaji has sandy beaches with well-developed infrastructure. Each of the beaches has its own history, which can be learned from any local resident.

Among best beaches:

  1. beach Vainguinim. It is surrounded by orchards. The beach was first used by the Jesuits in the 16th century. Near the beach is the fashionable hotel Cidade de Goa.
  2. beach Miramar. The most popular. The coastline of the beach is covered with silver sand.
  3. beach Dona Paula. Dangerous place for divers.

All beaches have cafes and bars. Tourists are offered various water activities.

Entertainment and attractions

The main entertainment at the resort is beach holiday. Casinos on ships are open for gambling lovers. The city has many cafes, restaurants and bars, there are nightclubs and a cinema.

There are a large number of places worth seeing in Panaji and its surrounding areas. You can book a tour at any travel agency in the city.

One of the most popular activities at the resort is shore fishing.

Among the most famous local attractions are Mahalakshmi temple. The small structure was erected in honor of the Indian Goddess of Strength. Tourists are interested in the architectural appearance of the building. A spire rises above the red tiled roof of the temple. On the sides of the building are iconic sculptures of monkeys. The building was erected on the site of the sanctuary at the beginning of the 19th century.

Almost all excursion routes includes visit:

  • Chorao Islands. There is a bird sanctuary on it. You can get to the island by free ferry from Ribandar or Old Goa. The island has buildings of interest to tourists - the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the architectural complex of Largo da Igreja.
  • Hindu temple Maruti. The building is painted orange and has several tiers. The temple is located on the eastern side of Altino Hill.
  • Hindu Lakshmi Temple. The most crowded place in the city. Every day people in need of help gather in the temple. They come here for food, which is distributed free of charge in the temple.

The city has museums and art galleries, where you can see the works of local artists.

Look video about the capital of Goa - Panaji:

Tours to Goa have become extremely popular among Russians over the past few years. Everyone knows that this is a fabulous place for relaxation and travel, exploring ancient monuments and attractions. Where is Goa on the world map?

What is Goa and where is it located?

Most newcomers to tourism are convinced that Goa is a tropical island in the middle of the ocean. We hasten to assure you that this is not so, and present a short geographical information about this wonderful place.

Meet: Goa is the smallest state of vast India, located on its western coast, next to the always warm. Every year it turns into a Mecca for tourists.

There is a common cliche that in India, where Goa is located, they are not too careful about observing the rules of sanitation and hygiene. We assure you that these times in the Indian tourist states have long since sunk into oblivion.

Goa on the map

The coast of Goa, more than 100 km long, is recognized as one of the most attractive for tourists from all over the world. Magnificent hotels have been built here, standing on pristine beaches, many of which have been awarded Blue Flags.

Tourists will be happy to wander through the local jungle and mangroves, preserved almost unchanged. Here, ancient Hindu temples have reached our times and continue to operate, which will tell everything about the culture of this people.

Goa is famous for its Ayurvedic medical centers, where people from all over the world come for health purposes. The local casinos are also well known, where fans of gambling spend all night long.

Interactive map of Goa with hotels and attractions

So different North and South Goa

If you look at the map of the state of Goa in India, you can clearly see its division into the northern and southern parts. The same applies to the division of the local 40 magnificent beaches and a huge number of hotels.

This has happened since the 60s of the last century, when the northern part of Goa was chosen by hippies, and couples with children began to vacation in its south. And today students prefer to relax in the north, while wealthier and more respectable people prefer to relax in the south.

The city of Panaji is the capital of the tiny state of Goa. It's a really charming town with a small river running down one side of the town. Of course, being an Indian city, Panaji has some aspects that are common to all major population centers in India, including widespread garbage, a huge number of beggars, cows and an endless number of scammers. If you visit Panaji on your first visit to India, then this city will probably seem like a real hell to you. But if you have been to some other major cities in India before, then Panaji will most likely seem like a small piece of heaven to you. Nowadays, Panaji is increasingly becoming a meeting place for cultures and peoples from all over India and the world.

Funnily enough, the name "Panaji" roughly translates to "The Land That Never Floods". Featuring red roofed houses built in Latin style, modern 21st century houses and complexes, beautiful gardens, statues and alleys lined with gulmohar, acacia and other trees, Panaji is completely different from all other cities in India. The church in the main square, baroque architecture, beautiful villas, cobbled streets and interesting buildings give Panaji the atmosphere of a Portuguese city.

On this page:
1. How to get to Panaji
2. What to see in Panaji
2.1. Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
2.2. Maruti Temple
2.3. Adil Shah's Palace or Old Secretariat
2.4. Cabo Raj Bhavan
2.5. Mahalakshmi Temple
2.6. Goa State Museum
2.7. Goa State Excise Museum
2.8. Goa Science Center
2.9. Sunset at Dona Paula
2.10. Miramar Beach
2.11. Bambolim Beach
2.12. Fontainhas
2.13. Walking route along Mandovi
2.14. Dona Paula
2.15. Kala Academy
2.16. International Center in Goa
2.18. Goa State Library
3. Festivals in Panaji
3.1. New Year's Eve at Miramar Beach
3.2. Lokotsav
3.3. Carnival Viva Goa
3.4. Shigmo
3.5.Ganesh Chaturthi
3.6. Anant Chaturdashi
3.7. IFFI - International Film Festival of India
4. Panaji markets and shopping
4.1. Panaji Municipal Market
4.2. Gandhi Bazar
5. Conclusion

How to get to Panaji

Most visitors to the city arrive here by train. Hundreds of trains from all over India come and go to Panaji every day. The city is well connected by railways with Karnataka in the south and Maharashtra and Mumbai in the north.
Also, guests from other regions often come here by bus. Hundreds of buses from different cities in Western India arrive in Panaji every day. Government-owned non-air-conditioned transport buses, most recognizable by their stripes, are obviously cheap and certainly a fun way to travel short distances. Not every tourist can travel on such a bus for more than an hour. If you want to travel from Panaji to Mumbai, Pune, Mangalore, Bangalore or Hyderabad, you can take a comfortable bus. The cost of the trip will be high by local standards, but relatively low when compared with the cost of traveling on a similar bus in Europe or, for example, Turkey. A relatively comfortable option are air-conditioned Volvo buses, which offer passengers either a bed or a comfortable seat.
If you want to travel to Panaji from other parts of Goa, you can take local buses (available from most places in North Goa), rickshaws (good for a short trip) or taxis (good for a long trip).

What to see in Panaji

Why go to Panaji at all? There are really only two reasons: to see the sights of this city and to visit the local markets and shops. For most tourists in Goa, Panaji is interesting only for its attractions. In this city, you can explore interesting Portuguese heritage, religious sites, museums, parks and several other places. What can you see in the capital of Goa? Below we present the main attractions of Panaji.

Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

This late 16th century church with a beautiful staircase is located on a hill overlooking the city of Panaji. This is the most photographed and filmed part of Panaji and perhaps the whole of Goa. It is a pleasure to sit in front of this church and admire its beautiful structure. This church is one of the popular places to visit in Panaji, especially during Christmas.

Maruti Temple

If you are interested in the religious attractions of Panaji, then visit the saffron temple dedicated to Hanuman. The temple is best viewed at dusk, when it is illuminated and sparkles like a jewel on a hill. You will need some stamina to climb the steep steps leading to the Maruti Temple.

Adil Shah's Palace or Old Secretariat

This beautiful building with a combination of yellow and white colors is the only palace in Panaji. Currently, art exhibitions are held here. There are rumors that the state museum will move here, but this has not happened yet. The road you see outside the palace was the moat around the palace.

Cabo Raj Bhavan

The official residence of the Governor of Goa is located on a cape jutting into the Arabian Sea. Tourists are usually not allowed inside, but on Sunday morning the doors are open for those who want to visit the church located in the residence.

Mahalakshmi Temple

One of the most popular temples in Panaji, dedicated to Goddess Mahalakshmi. It attracts foreign tourists more than tourists from other parts of India.

Goa State Museum

Like any other government museum, this museum aims to showcase the heritage and antiquities of Goa. While it's not the best museum you can see, it's worth a visit to see Rath's beautiful wooden chariot or the ancient Hero Stones, which honor the brave posthumously. It will take you approximately one hour to walk around the entire museum. If you are primarily interested in the historical sights of Panaji, then a visit to the state museum is a must.

Goa State Excise Museum

This lovely little museum is housed in a 400 year old blue building on the banks of the Mandovi River. Over two floors of this museum you will be guided through the entire history of smuggling. I call it a walk through the minds of smugglers through the ages. Of course, the museum also tells you about the customs and taxes that exist to transport goods across borders.

Goa Science Center

The Goa Science Center will be of interest mainly to Indian children. There is nothing for adult travelers to catch here. Kids can see magical galleries and learn a little about science at this museum, conveniently located next to Miramar Beach.

Sunset at Dona Paula

Dona Paula is famous for its sunset. I advise you to reach this place 20-30 minutes before sunset and enjoy the stunning sunset. Particularly vibrant and dramatic sunsets can be seen in October and November.

Miramar Beach

Although for tourists from Russia Miramar Beach is one of the most unexplored places in Goa, for the residents of Panaji it is the most popular beach. Therefore, there are always a lot of locals here who often come to Miramar for evening walks. It's nice to watch the sunset here.

Bambolim Beach

This is a quiet beach, which is mainly used by guests staying in the luxury hotels located next to it. Bambolim is a great place for a relaxing beach holiday, located in a small bay.


Fontainehas is the oldest part of Panaji, sometimes also called the Latin Quarters. It is known for its colorful houses and steep staircases that connect it to the hill above. This is a popular walking area in Panaji.

Walking route along Mandovi

The main road of Panaji is officially called Bhandodkar Road. This is a great place for a walk. I suggest starting from Kala Academy, watching the sunset at Daria Sangam and then going for a walk along the Mandovi River. You can stop and stroll in Forest Park or try some street food at one of the eateries along the road. By the time it gets dark, all the boats, boats and signs will already be illuminated. Therefore, you can enjoy another spectacle in Panaji.

Dona Paula

The Dona Paula area is known as one of the best places to watch the sunset. In addition, the famous statue of Dona Paula is located here. The area is nice to stroll through the alleys leading to the pier and discover some hidden treasures.

Kala Academy

This is a well designed Academy with several classrooms. It hosts all kinds of concerts, performances, and festivals. It is located near where the Mandovi River flows into the Arabian Sea. This is a good place to watch the sunset.

International Center in Goa

Located near Dona Paula, the International Center of Goa (ICG) is home to a literary festival held in December. The rest of the time, important negotiations, seminars and other events are held here.


This blue-and-white Goan palace on top of Altinho hill hosts art exhibitions and hosts films every Wednesday. The local café is ideal for you to relax and enjoy the views of the surrounding area. It should be noted that the annual Sensorium festival is held in Sunaprantha.

Goa State Library

It's not just the best public library in India - it's also home to Goa's arts and culture department.

Festivals in Panaji

Panaji attracts tourists not only with its attractions, but also with a variety of festivals and holidays. Many of the most important festivals and holidays in Goa are held in the state capital, which, in general, is quite logical.

New Year's Eve at Miramar Beach

Kick off your New Year by watching the fireworks at Miramar Beach. Here you will not only see the fireworks at Miramar, but also see a panorama of fireworks on the beaches of the entire North Goa


This is a folk festival where artists from all over the country come and perform at the Kala Academy for 10 days. It is a renowned cultural event that offers opportunities to buy products from all over India. The icing on the cake is the street food from all over India, which is not usually found in Goa.

Carnival Viva Goa

This magnificent colorful carnival takes place in February. The main street of Panaji is filled with people in colorful costumes, and everyone around them sings songs and dances. This is the time when all Goans are commanded to eat, drink and be merry.


This festival provides the best experience of Goan culture. On June 18, traditional Goan music is heard everywhere in Panaji, and there is an atmosphere of fun throughout the city. Shigmo is my favorite festival in Goa.

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in a big way in Panaji. Community pandals are being set up in different parks in the city. Particularly noteworthy are the matoli made from fruits, vegetables and local herbs.

Anant Chaturdashi

One of the largest houses in Panaji, Mamai Kamath House opens its doors to everyone to celebrate this festival. Each of those who come is offered free delicious food. This is a completely unique way to celebrate this September festival.

IFFI - International Film Festival of India

In November, Panaji hosts the largest film festival in India. Places like the Kala Academy and the INOX Theater are filled with movie lovers. The main street is decorated and the weather is perfect for walking at this time. The International Film Festival offers a good chance to see representatives of the film industry.

Panaji markets and shopping

Although Panaji is a good shopping destination, you should think carefully about whether it is worth traveling to this place for shopping. The fact is that Panaji is a purely Indian city with its characteristic features, including beggars and pickpockets. A tourist wandering around the market or leaving a store immediately becomes the object of attention of both. If you are not afraid of beggars and pickpockets, then we advise you to visit the municipal market, Gandhi Bazaar and some news shops in Panaji.

Panaji Municipal Market

This place will especially appeal to photographers who can take bright, rich photographs here. The Municipal Market is located next to the Innox Cinema. This well-organized indoor market has stalls and shops built where traders sell food, handbags, clothes and other goods. The rich aroma of the masala is very tempting, as is the tempting selection of local sweets. The municipal market is open daily from 07:30 am.

Gandhi Bazar

This bazaar was once a valuable market for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables. Here you could buy inexpensive clothes, wallets and even shoes at very low prices. The new market has now grown in size and turned into a labyrinth of shops and stalls. Gandhi Bazaar sells a variety of items including cashews and trinkets. Gandhi Bazaar is open from 10 am to 8 pm.


Panaji is certainly an interesting city that attracts self-guided sightseeing enthusiasts and shopaholics. But you must remember that this is, first of all, a typical Indian city, and not a resort area, so the atmosphere here is completely different than, for example, in Calangute or, especially, on less noisy beaches. When visiting Panaji, it is important to remain vigilant, always look around and keep an eye on your valuables.