Special train ticket 5 letters. Baggage transportation. Do not make your own bed linen

Every person, going on a train trip, takes luggage with him. This could be a small travel bag that is considered carry-on luggage, or several suitcases or boxes. If you are going to take a lot of things with you, then it will be useful for you to know information about how to carry luggage in accordance with current rules approved by the Ministry of Transport.

Hand luggage

This category includes baggage whose weight does not exceed thirty-six kilograms for regular class carriages, and fifty kilograms for CB class carriages. If the weight of baggage does not exceed the specified limit and its total volume is not more than one hundred and eighty centimeters, then it is carried free of charge.

If the weight of the luggage is higher, then you will need to pay extra for it separately. Paid transportation of cargo weighing up to fifty kilograms over the specified limit per person is allowed.

Items that are necessary for passenger mobility (wheelchairs, strollers, etc.) are also carried free of charge.

Placement of hand luggage is allowed in specially equipped areas of the carriage - shelves located in the upper part, as well as in boxes under the lower shelves.

Rules for transporting equipment (sports and tourism)

If you are going on a tourist trip, hunting or to a sporting event and are carrying the appropriate equipment with you, then you do not need to put it in the luggage compartment, but can be placed in the carriage, in places specially designated for these purposes.

The only requirement that you must comply with is that the equipment placed should not interfere with the movement of passengers around the car. In this case, the volume of inventory should not be more than one hundred and eighty centimeters.

Attention: to transport a hunting weapon, you must have permission to carry it, completely empty it of cartridges before boarding the train, place it in a case and transport it in the carriage, in specially designated areas. Transportation of weapons is paid separately. The payment amount is equivalent to the cost of transporting ten kilograms of hand luggage.

Carrying luggage with you

In accordance with the new rules, baggage whose size and weight exceeds the established carry-on baggage limits must be transported in specially designated compartments. In modern trains, luggage compartments are equipped with all the necessary equipment to ensure the safety and security of the items being transported.

Any transported cargo must be registered in accordance with the rules approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. You need to go to the ticket office at the railway station, pay for your luggage and receive a payment receipt. Next, you need to contact the conductor, who will explain how to get to the headquarters car and check in your luggage. After your luggage has been accepted for storage, you go to your carriage and enjoy the trip. You can pay for baggage allowance both when purchasing a ticket and after that.

Please note: before placing your cargo in the luggage compartment, you must ensure that it is in proper condition. It is your responsibility to ensure that your luggage is carefully packed and equipped with special handles for carrying. In particular, this applies to expensive household appliances, as well as breakable and easily broken things. This requirement does not apply to baby strollers, wheelchairs and other devices necessary to ensure passenger mobility or his rehabilitation.

What do you need to send luggage by train unaccompanied?

If you need to send a parcel (luggage, cargo), but you cannot accompany it, then you need to register it as cargo luggage. The baggage transportation rules provide for the possibility of sending cargo of any size and volume, including in an international direction. To do this, you need to carefully pack the cargo, fill out the necessary documents and hand over the cargo luggage to a special train carriage.

Items prohibited for transportation on trains

In accordance with the rules approved by the Ministry of Transport, only cargo that does not pose a threat to the life and health of passengers, and does not pollute the carriage or damage the belongings of other passengers is allowed for transportation. It is not allowed to transport items that emit foul odors, are flammable or explosive.

We go on business trips, on vacation at the seaside or to visit our parents - one way or another, each of us uses the services of Russian Railways from time to time. However, even the most experienced passengers often have no idea what they are entitled to while on the road. Here are fifteen secrets on how to make your train trips more profitable and easier.

1. Buy a train ticket 90 days before the trip or on your birthday

It is 90 days before your departure date that the ticket price is minimal. Moreover, as the day of departure approaches, it will increase: in 90 days, the price of a ticket can double.

The trip will be more profitable for those who buy tickets a week before and within the next seven days after their birthday. The birthday discount is 35% and applies to trains traveling to European cities. And if at this time you purchase a ticket for Sapsan Moscow - St. Petersburg - Moscow at the Russian Railways ticket office, then the discount will be already 50%.

2. Return your ticket at least 8 hours before departure

Let's say something went wrong and you realized that you couldn't go anywhere. So, if you return your ticket 8 hours before your intended trip or even earlier, you will lose only 192 rubles 70 kopecks. - this is the amount of the mandatory fee. But if you are late and come to the ticket office half an hour before departure, you will have to pay the cost of a ticket for a reserved seat carriage.

3. Buy a ticket with points

If you haven’t heard about the Russian Railways bonus program, then know: for every 3 rubles 34 kopecks. The cost of any ticket will give you one point. The price of tickets in points depends on the length of the route. So, a trip from Moscow to the northern capital will cost 7,000 points.

4. Use the machines at the station

If you want to buy a ticket directly at the station, it is better to do it not at the ticket office - most likely, there will be a line there - but through a special machine.

5. Interrupt your trip for up to 10 days

If during your trip you suddenly have urgent matters, you can interrupt it. The passenger has the right to get off at any station, contact the station administrator within the next four hours and continue the journey in the next ten days. However, before you board the train again, you will need to pay for a reserved seat ticket.

6. Get a free ride to the next station if you are behind the train.

For example, if you did not manage to board the train before it left the station, you can get to the next stop for free. Find the head of the station where the train went under your nose - he should contact the conductors. They will collect your things and transfer them to the nearest station, where you will arrive on the next train absolutely free of charge. But to continue your journey, you will have to pay for a reserved seat.

7. Disassemble the bike before taking it on the train

If you are traveling with a bicycle, you will need to disassemble it first. And he should not weigh more than 36 kg. You can put it on the third shelf. But to travel on a commuter train, your bike will need a separate ticket.

8. Transport a car by train

No later than three days before the train's departure, you must fill out the appropriate application. Then you can transport your car by train, but only from Moscow to the following cities: St. Petersburg, Kazan, Rostov, Adler, Petrozavodsk and Helsinki and back. Of course, this service is not free, and the cost of transporting a car will depend on the chosen direction and the weight of the car.

9. Use the toilet at the station for free

If you are the holder of a ticket for a long-distance train or electric train, you have the right to use the toilet at the station absolutely free. Just present it at the entrance to the toilet.

10. Do not buy tickets for seats 37 and 38

Seats 37 and 38 in the reserved seat are located next to the toilet. If you are against such a neighborhood, keep this in mind.

11. Do not make your own bed linen

The conductor is obliged to prepare a sleeping place for elderly passengers, people with disabilities, pregnant women and citizens with children. You also don’t have to change your laundry before getting off the train - this applies to everyone without exception.

12. Ask the conductor for a first aid kit

The train conductor must have a first aid kit, and, of course, you can use it for free. You can also borrow a glass, spoon, sewing kit and board games from the train employee.

13. Transport animals for a fee

There are special seats for your pets on long-distance trains, and they cost more than “human” ones. If you book tickets on the website, they will be marked with a special paw icon. On commuter trains, a ticket for your pet will cost a quarter of the regular price. But there are also animals that have the right to free travel - these are guide dogs that accompany owners with poor eyesight.

14. Take a tee with you on a trip

Of course, there are sockets on trains, but there are not many of them, and your turn may simply not reach you. But if you have a tee with you, then not only you, but also your neighbors will be able to use electricity.

15. Declare your rights to your upstairs neighbor

If you have a ticket to the bottom shelf, then the neighbor above cannot sit in your place without your consent. A ticket is also a document, and by buying a ticket for the top bunk, the passenger agrees that he has the right to a seat on top and nothing else.

  • Based on materials from sravni.ru
  • Photo: rzd.ru

The SV-class carriage is a premium offer (the abbreviation stands for “Sleeping Car”). It differs from reserved seat and compartment seats in that one compartment isolated by doors is shared by only two people. Also, speaking about CB train tickets, what they are, one cannot fail to mention additional services.

Some routes also offer meals and a robe and slippers to make you feel almost at home. On some branded trains, passengers have access to the latest press and are provided with free access to the Wi-Fi network, which can simply be called an invaluable “plus” - communication on the road, as we know, constantly disappears, and having access to the Internet makes it possible to work, solve business problems, watch movies and read while traveling and, of course, communicate in the usual ways.

How much does a SV train ticket cost?

As follows from what we talked about above, the price of the trip will differ significantly from others. The cost of train tickets is significantly higher than in second-class and compartment carriages. In some cases it varies by 20%. Also, the fare naturally varies depending on the distance. For example, tickets for the Moscow-Vladivostok train to SV will cost about 27,000 rubles.

But a special type of CB tickets is the “luxury” class. The service here is even more exclusive: some carriages (depending on the date of assembly) are equipped with a shower, and the price includes drinks, incl. and alcoholic drinks, which can be delivered from the dining car throughout the journey. Not every ordinary tourist can afford to buy a “luxury”: such a trip can cost more than a plane flight. Therefore, the most pressing question before purchasing a carriage in SV or luxury: is the cost of the ticket justified or is it better to fly?

How can I purchase train tickets for the SV carriage?

There are two options: you can go to the train station and purchase a paper boarding pass there, or you can book your trip online. You can buy train tickets for the SV-car on the website. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, this is easy to do in just a few clicks. At the same time, the price of a train ticket for the SV carriage includes a small site commission for service.

To complete the process, you will not need anything other than your passport data. At the same time, after a ticket is booked, there is an opportunity not to pay for it for some time: the client is given time to think. The service also gives you the opportunity to get your money back if your plans change.