Is it necessary to insure luggage at the airport? Compare prices for voluntary baggage insurance during the flight and at the airport. Insurance risks covered by the policy

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When purchasing a lot of auxiliary items and services to ease the hardships of traveling and staying away from home, not every traveler remembers one of the main protections - luggage insurance.

Why is this necessary?

The only important reason to purchase luggage insurance is to protect your property interests. This is exactly how these reasons are formulated in the insurance rules that each insurance company develops for its clients.

This is an important point, since it is what determines the relationship between the insurer (IC) and policyholders or beneficiaries.

According to civil law, property interest in a baggage insurance contract means the active interest of a citizen to preserve his property during a trip.

Property interest in ensuring the safety of one’s income, health or life is not covered by the luggage insurance agreement (LIC) and is the subject of other legal relations with the insurance company.

When an insured event occurs under an insurance policy, the policyholder has the opportunity to satisfy his property interests as follows:

  • The insurance company will pay the insured amount in the event of complete loss or loss of the policyholder's property, which he declared as insured luggage;
  • will reimburse the policyholder's costs for restoring the insured luggage in the event of partial damage or partial loss;
  • will reimburse all costs of the policyholder associated with the search, rescue, repair of things specified in the security agreement, as well as other confirmed associated costs.

Receipt of the listed indemnities is a good reason to contact a reliable insurer to obtain baggage insurance.

Finding yourself far from home without things, it is much easier to find a temporary way out of the current situation if you are confident that the insurance company will soon compensate for all necessary expenses.

How to apply for a policy

In order to properly insure property that should accompany a traveler on a trip, you can adhere to the following scenario:

  • determine what will be considered luggage. Baggage is those things that a traveler carries with him on the basis of a contract of carriage;

Baggage includes items that are transferred to luggage compartment, and hand luggage that the passenger takes with him into the vehicle.

If you plan to transport items belonging to other people as part of your future baggage, especially if we are talking about expensive property, then you should discuss with them the possibility of including the owners of this property in the policy as beneficiaries under the contract.

  • items included in luggage should be assessed. As a general rule, the insurance company reimburses the value of luggage or its individual lost items that this property had on the day the insurance contract was concluded and in the place where this contract was drawn up;

Clothing, accessories (excluding jewelry), cosmetics, etc. are assessed by the policyholder independently.

If the contract is drawn up to insure expensive items, then there is a possibility that the insurance company will require a professional assessment or at least a certificate from a consignment store.

  • Having in hand a list of things that will make up the luggage, and the estimated value of these things, you can draw up an agreement with the insurance company.

In addition to the specifics of carrying out the preparatory procedure for baggage insurance, travelers planning to travel abroad may be faced with the issue of comprehensive insurance for travel services.

Many tour operators offer their clients to purchase comprehensive insurance services when traveling outside their permanent place of residence. These policies insure various risks that may occur during a trip.

To cover all risks, the insurer and the policyholder determine the insurance amount that the insurance company pays in the event of an insured event; the features of the luggage are not taken into account.

If a traveler chooses baggage insurance as part of a comprehensive travel insurance policy, he or she needs to carefully review the policy.

Insurance companies that offer luggage insurance do not always include this condition in the text of the policy. The absence of these provisions in the insurance is a guarantee that in the event of an insured event, compensation will not be paid.

Baggage insurance conditions

The main insurance conditions are:

  • determination of property that is included in the insurance;
  • listing of insured events;
  • coordination of the insured amount and insurance premium;
  • the period during which the insurance will be valid;
  • the procedure for the party to act upon the occurrence of an insured event;
  • grounds for refusal to pay the insurance amount.

These conditions must be agreed upon between the parties before the main text of the contract (policy) is prepared. The policyholder needs to ensure that all these points are taken into account. There cannot be any abbreviated wording in the contract.

During legal proceedings, the court has the right to interpret inaccuracies as a lack of agreement between the parties on the essential terms of the contract and relieve the insurance company from the obligation to fulfill it:

  • all property included in the luggage must be specified in the contract with a determination of its estimated value;
  • listing of insured events under the contract. Insurance rules may provide for an extensive list of insured events, but only those included in the policy are of decisive importance. The more insured events, the more expensive the insurance;
  • the insurance amount under the insurance policy is determined taking into account the value of the items that make up the luggage, but by agreement of the parties it may exceed this amount. A feature of payments under these contracts is a mandatory deductible of 10 to 15%, this is the part of the damage that is not reimbursed by the insurance company;

The amount of the insurance premium depends on the terms of the policy and can range from 1% to 3% of the amount to be paid upon the occurrence of an insured event.

  • SB agreements are concluded for the duration of the trip, but cannot be valid for more than one calendar year from the date of the agreement;

Moreover, during this year the policyholder can go on trips more than once and each time his luggage will be insured, but on the condition that exactly those things that are specified in the policy are included in this luggage.

  • The procedure for action by the parties and the grounds for refusal of insurance payments are most often taken by the insurance company from the insurance rules and are not subject to adjustment by the insured. To receive a refund, these rules must be carefully followed by both parties.

In some cases and for an additional fee on the part of the policyholder, the terms of the insurance policy agreements can be expanded:

  • they may include property that, under standard conditions, is not covered by insurance policies of this type (money and bank cards, jewelry, furs, antiques, cars, photo-video-audio equipment, etc.);
  • The agreement can regulate in detail the issues of storage, transportation and security of luggage, especially if expensive items are covered by the policy.

What risks might there be?

According to civil law, the risks when insuring luggage are:

  • death;
  • damage;
  • missing luggage.

However, not in all cases the insurance company undertakes to compensate for the costs of these risks.

The policyholder is reimbursed for expenses if his luggage is lost, damaged or stolen under the following circumstances:

  • during natural circumstances (the effect of such natural circumstances must be confirmed by documents from the competent authorities);
  • fire, explosion, as well as loss or damage to luggage during fire fighting;
  • malicious actions of third parties, including violent ones (theft, robbery, etc.). Fraud is not included in this list.
  • an accident that occurs to the policyholder during travel.

The validity of circumstances that are covered by insurance risks must be confirmed by certificates or other documents issued by official bodies of the state in which these circumstances occurred and were effective.

When considering issues related to insurance risks, potential policyholders often have questions about whether the insurance policy covers cases where luggage has been lost.

In this case, it is necessary to proceed from the following provisions:

  • If the carrier lost it, the insurance company will compensate for these costs;
  • if the traveler himself lost, then according to insurance standards it is considered that he did not take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the property and therefore compensation will be denied.

The conditions for the provision of a separate service - luggage insurance against loss - are not provided for in the insurance company rules, therefore companies are guided by the general rules for the implementation of insurance contracts.

How to receive monetary compensation

It is possible to receive the full amount of compensation on time for loss of luggage only if you follow the mandatory procedure specified in the contract. Almost all insurance companies adhere to the same algorithm.

If property is lost under circumstances that are insured events under the contract, the policyholder must obtain supporting documents from the competent authorities having jurisdiction over relations related to the luggage.

So, for example, if luggage was stolen from a hotel, then the hotel administration is obliged to provide a document confirming the fact of theft and the measures taken to find the stolen property.

If these organizations refuse to provide confirmation, they must formalize this refusal in writing, explaining the reasons for the refusal. To obtain these documents, the policyholder will need to make a written request for information.

Within 30 days (calendar), the policyholder submits an application for compensation to the insurance company, which is accompanied by documentary evidence of loss, damage or destruction of luggage, documents for transportation and storage of luggage, as well as an insurance policy.

The statement sets out the circumstances under which the luggage was lost. The Investigative Committee, after receiving the application and documents, conducts an inspection.

If all circumstances are confirmed during the inspection, the applicant is paid compensation.
Compensation is not always paid in full in the amount of the insured amount.

The insured amount is determined as the maximum threshold of liability of the insurance company. If an insured event occurs, then most often compensation will be paid based on the value of each lost item.

If the luggage is partially lost (there is evidence of the loss of not all items that are included in the contract), then only the cost of the loss is paid; If the items were only partially damaged, the costs of their repair and restoration are paid;

Under insurance contracts, the policyholder must return compensation to the insurance company if the luggage is returned or if the policyholder otherwise receives compensation from third parties for the cost of those things that made up the luggage.


Luggage insurance, as a separate type of service, is provided by not many Russian companies. Most often, travel companies offer travel insurers.

The largest insurers of luggage are companies such as:

For combined travel insurance, compensation is calculated based on the weight of the luggage: USD 50 per 1 kilogram. The insurance premium for comprehensive insurance is determined for the entire range of travel insurance.

The above analysis clearly demonstrates that additional specialized insurance is not such an expensive pleasure, and paperwork will not take much time, especially if you are insured in an insurance company where the policyholder is a regular customer.

Despite modern methods of transporting luggage, baggage losses are still quite common. Human factor and the constant flow of passengers do their job. That is why insurance companies offer additional risk coverage to standard policies for those traveling abroad.

If you have a good habit of considering various possible situations, then you probably insured your luggage before your trip or are planning to do so.

Why insure your luggage?

The air carrier bears full responsibility for your baggage during travel. The obvious fact is that the safety of luggage is at risk, and this is especially important if valuable items are transported in it. According to statistics, about 2% of luggage goes missing every year. The numbers are not scary, but they do not console people who have lost their belongings. The risks of losing your luggage increase if you are flying with a connecting flight.

Before going on a trip, it is better to transfer especially valuable items from your suitcase to hand luggage. But insurance is an indispensable guarantee of the safety of your luggage. Thanks to her, if lost, you will receive compensation for things.

Compensation for luggage insurance is issued not only in case of complete loss, but also if things were damaged as a result of natural disasters, were stolen or partially lost.

But it is worth remembering that insurance does not cover the risk of loss for all items.

    What items cannot be insured?

  • precious stones and metals, jewelry;
  • cash;
  • antiques;
  • documents, shares, other securities;
  • works of art;
  • vehicles and parts for them;
  • religious items;
  • animals;
  • plants;
  • medical drugs (lenses, prostheses).

In the contract, as a rule, the insurance company indicates that these items are not covered by insurance. If you would like to insure your jewelry, works of art and antiques, you can do this separately. But it will not be possible to insure the remaining items from the specified list at all.

If suddenly you did not find your suitcase on the baggage carousel or found it in a deplorable condition, you should immediately contact the airport staff and draw up a report on what happened. This must be done first, as upon returning from the trip it will be useless.

If the carrier refuses to draw up a report of damage or loss of luggage, it is necessary to obtain a written refusal from him.

After the incident is recorded at the airport, you must provide information about the incident to the service department of your insurance company, with which the contract was concluded.

    Don't forget to name:
  • own name;
  • insurance policy number;
  • your location and the scene of the incident.
    • Upon arrival home, immediately contact the insurance company with a report of the incident. If you have returned from vacation a long time ago, and the insurance contract has expired, the found luggage will be delivered to you in any case, and also free of charge.

      Don't forget that baggage insurance rules say that information about an incident must be recorded no later than within 24 hours after the incident.

      How to get compensation from an insurance company?

        After arriving home, within 30 days, you must contact representatives of your insurance company and provide them with your documents that can confirm damage or loss of luggage, namely:
      • statement of damage or loss of luggage;
      • a document that can confirm the fact of loss of luggage;
      • a baggage weight tag or baggage pass;
      • a document that can confirm receipt of compensation from the airline.
      • The insurance company will need time to make a decision, and the time that the airline needs to search for the lost luggage and establish the causes of the incident will be added to it. Until the carrier collects information, the insurance company will not consider the set of documents complete. The whole point is that the luggage can be found and the amount of damage will decrease accordingly.

        It is worth remembering that if the air carrier paid you compensation for lost luggage, then the insurance company will deduct this amount from its insurance payment.

        During the registration of insurance, a detailed inspection and description of things will not be carried out. You will have to indicate the approximate cost of the luggage. In this case, the cost should be as close as possible to the real one. The insurance company pays a certain portion of this amount.

        Payment of compensation takes into account 15% of overhead costs. If the cost of damage is no more than 15%, you will not be able to receive compensation. In case of loss of luggage, compensation is paid in the amount of 100%, if damage occurs - minus the cost of undamaged property.

        What is the sum insured?

        The insured amount is the amount that the insurance company is obliged to pay in case of loss of things.

        This amount can range from 1,000 – 5,000 euros. If the baggage costs more, the amount in any case cannot exceed the maximum sum insured. Many insurance companies use an unconditional deductible. This is money that is not compensated. Basically we are talking about 50 dollars. For damage to items estimated to be less than $50, no compensation will be paid. And if the damage is greater, then the deductible amount is deducted from the compensation.

        Baggage insurance prices

        Baggage insurance is an inexpensive service. It all depends on the value at which the items were assessed and on the insurance company. The amount varies approximately from 400 - 1000 rubles. For example, the company can receive compensation in the amount of up to $5,000, but insurance will cost up to 2,000 rubles. Therefore, indicate the real value of your luggage so as not to overpay for the policy.

        Luggage insurance may seem like a waste of money. But still, in this case, confidence and peace of mind have a much greater value. You can arrange baggage insurance together. This can be done on our website in the mode

Do airline passengers even need baggage insurance? If in the situation with medical travel insurance everything is quite clear (without insurance you will not be given a visa to Europe, and you shouldn’t risk being left without medical care abroad), then luggage insurance is a purely voluntary matter. Your things - you decide how valuable they are to you and what to do with them. But since insurance companies offer such a service, it means that someone needs it. We will figure out how to insure luggage, how much it costs and whether it is worth it.

The first thing you should know is that the carrier airline is responsible for your luggage during the flight. According to the Warsaw Convention, if your luggage is lost, the airline will pay you compensation in the amount of $15 to $25 per kilogram of weight. We carry out a simple mathematical operation and see that the maximum compensation for a standard suitcase weight of 20 kg will be $500. It’s good if your things, including your suitcase, cost about that much. What if only a suitcase costs 500 dollars? And in the suitcase there is also a dress from Chanel, which weighs 300 grams and costs about a thousand euros? And a couple more similar outfits. In this case, will compensation from the airline satisfy you? Hardly. It is for such cases that luggage insurance is issued.

How to insure luggage

As a rule, luggage is not insured separately; exception - furs, jewelry, antiques, securities - in order to insure these items, a separate contract is drawn up. Typically, baggage insurance is included as an additional option in an extended contract or is purchased along with medical travel insurance.

You can insure your luggage only for the duration of the flight or for the entire duration of the trip. Please note that if your purse is snatched from your hands, this is not considered an insured event - insurance only applies to luggage checked in at check-in at the airport or stored at the hotel, provided that you did not leave it in the corridor unattended.

When purchasing insurance, you yourself determine the total cost of your belongings and indicate this amount in the contract. The minimum amount of insurance compensation is 1000 dollars or euros (depending on the company). The maximum amount also depends on the specific insurance company, for example, Alfastrakhovanie offers insurance from 1000 to 1500 euros, Allianz - from 1000 to 2000, and the most generous Ingosstrakh - up to 5000 euros. You can insure your luggage for such amounts at the same time as online purchase medical travel insurance.

As already mentioned, insurance valuable luggage happens according to a different pattern. First, you must provide the insurance company with a list of the items you are taking with you and their value (you may be asked for receipts). Secondly, you will be required to store these valuables properly - in a safe, in a special wardrobe or a locked luggage room. If they were stolen, you will need to provide the insurance company with documents confirming they were stored correctly.

Insurance conditions

A standard luggage insurance contract usually provides for compensation for loss or damage during transportation or as a result of natural disasters, fire, robbery, road traffic accidents, terrorist attacks, strikes and military operations.

Compensation is NOT payable in the event of owner negligence and negligence; if it was recorded that he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, in case of radioactive contamination or radiation, if your things were confiscated and if the luggage was damaged by rodents.

Almost all insurance companies use an unconditional deductible when insuring luggage. What it is? This is a certain amount (fixed or percentage of the insured amount) that is NOT compensated. The most common option is an unconditional deductible of $50. This means that if the damage to your luggage was $50 or less, you will not receive compensation. If the damage was more than $50, then you will receive monetary compensation, from which the deductible amount will be deducted.

Another condition that is often not taken into account by insurance buyers: if you received compensation for damage from the airline, then this amount will also be deducted from the amount of the insurance compensation.

The insurance begins to be valid on the day specified in the contract, from the moment of crossing the border (border control) or handing over the luggage to the carrier. The insurance ceases to be valid at 24.00 on the day the contract ends. Please note at this point - if you have a late arrival and the plane is late, then in the event of missing luggage, insurance will not help you, since its validity period will expire. We recommend purchasing insurance that is valid for one day longer than the duration of the trip.

How to get compensation

If your suitcase goes missing on your way to vacation, or your belongings are hopelessly damaged, you should immediately contact assistance ( service center) your insurance company - they will tell you what you should do. In any case, you will have to contact your local service first Lost and Found, write a statement about the loss and make an inventory of things. You must submit a report within 24 hours of the loss.

Under no circumstances should you throw away or give away your baggage receipts (usually they are glued to the cover of your passport or ticket), you will need them to receive compensation.

Luggage is considered lost if it is not found within 14 days, so do not expect the insurance company to refund your money immediately. The airline can do this, but only up to a small amount with which you can buy essentials; This amount usually does not exceed $50 and is paid solely at the discretion of the airline.

To receive compensation, a tourist must write an application to the insurance company within a month of returning from a trip. The application must be accompanied by a statement of lost or damaged luggage, luggage receipts and documents confirming receipt of compensation from the airline (if any). Within 15 days from the date of submitting the application to the insurance company, the tourist will receive monetary compensation.

How much does luggage insurance cost?

The cost of insurance depends on the duration of the trip and the country of departure. To give you a rough idea, we provide a table showing the cost of insuring 1 piece of luggage when flying to the Schengen countries for a week from insurance companies that are SaleTrip partners:

As you can see from the table, you can take out luggage insurance for the duration of your flight with compensation of 1500 Euros in all insurance companies. The insurance service at the hotel is provided only by Allianz - for 1144 rubles. you can insure your luggage during the flight for 2000 euros, and at the hotel for 1000 euros, for a total of 3000 E. Well, and in case of loss you can receive the maximum compensation from Ingosstrakh - up to 5000 Euros.

We remind you that take out an insurance policy you can online directly on our website. Before you buy insurance, be sure to read the contract - remember that by purchasing insurance, you automatically agree to all the conditions.

Author of the article: Katya Kim

I travel and write about travel. I don’t use the services of travel agencies, I don’t like attractions that everyone “must visit,” and I don’t talk about “resorts with developed infrastructure.” I share my experience on how to travel independently.

Gifts for relatives, dear ski equipment, two suitcases of happiness after... Unfortunately, what is so dear to the heart and wallet of a traveler is not always so dear to the airlines. It is for this case that most insurance companies offer additional risk coverage in standard policies for traveling abroad.

Why insure your luggage?

The airline is responsible for luggage checked in during the flight.

What will be reimbursed in any case

In case of damage or loss of luggage, the carrier is required by law to reimburse the traveler a certain amount for each kilogram of weight. Majority Russian airlines reimbursed $20 (or 600 rubles) per 1 kg of weight, i.e. for a suitcase weighing 23 kg, the value of which was not announced before the flight, compensation will be $460.

What will the insurance company reimburse?

Baggage insurance does not prevent such troubles, but it protects the traveler’s wallet from significant losses. For example, for the loss of a suitcase weighing 20 kg, the contents of which are valued at $1,000, the airline will pay only $400. You can order a policy from an insurance company that would cover the cost of lost luggage in full. In addition, insurance companies by “baggage” mean not only a suitcase, but also a traveler’s carry-on luggage.

What is the sum insured

Typically, insurers offer to insure luggage for amounts of $500, $750, $1000, $1500, $2000 or $2500. This is the insured amount - the amount of compensation that the insurance company undertakes to pay in the event of an insured event. The amount for which baggage is insured is specified in the contract and in the terms of service of a particular company.

What does luggage insurance cover and in what cases?

An insured event is considered to be total loss, partial damage or loss of luggage due to:

  • natural Disasters
  • fire, explosion, lightning strike
  • theft or robbery
  • Road accident or accident
  • intentional damage to luggage by third parties

As with any other insurance, luggage insurance has a number of conditions and exclusions.

Compensation is not paid if the insured event occurs due to:

Not insured:

Alcohol or drug intoxication of a tourist

Cash and bank cards

Tourist suicides or attempted suicides

Precious metals in bullions and products made of precious metals

Exposure to a nuclear explosion or radiation


Intentional damage or loss of luggage by the traveler himself or interested third parties

Antiques and works of art, religious objects

Committing an illegal act by a tourist

Manuscripts, drawings and business papers

Military actions, riots, strikes, riots, terrorism

Dentures, contact lenses

Wear, rust, mold luggage

Animals and plants

Damage to luggage caused by insects or rodents

Auto, motorcycle, air, bicycle transport and spare parts for it

Sending luggage by mail

Failure of the owner to take measures to save the property

* Using the example of the Ingosstrakh company

Where and how to apply

The Baggage Insurance option is available when purchasing regular medical insurance when traveling abroad. You can apply for insurance online through the insurance company’s website, by phone or in the office.

How much does it cost to insure luggage

Some companies (AIG, InTouch, AlfaStrakhovanie) by default include luggage insurance in the amount of $1000-2500 in their insurance products for travelers. Other companies (Ingosstrakh, Soglasie, Allianz) offer to independently choose the insured amount (from $250 to $2000), on which the cost of the policy will depend.

* Prices for baggage insurance as an additional option for standard medical insurance (sum insured $50,000). Designed for one traveler under 65 years of age for a trip to any foreign country.

What to do if an insured event occurs and how to get compensation

If the suitcase does not appear on the baggage belt or is returned to the owner in a deplorable condition, the first step is to contact airline representatives or the airport's Lost Items Bureau. Perhaps the suitcase went to independent travel on a different route and will be back soon.

The airline is obliged to confirm in writing the fact of loss or damage to luggage, as well as pay compensation on its part. The insurance company will later deduct this amount from its premium.

To receive compensation, you must request transport organization and provide the insurance company with the following documents within 30 days after returning from the trip:

  • Application for damage or loss of luggage
  • Baggage ticket or baggage weight tag
  • Document confirming the fact of loss of luggage
  • Document confirming receipt of compensation from the transport organization


According to a survey conducted by the Trispta agency, 47% of Russians have experienced luggage loss during an air flight at least once in their lives. The Air Carrier (airline) is responsible for the passenger's baggage during air travel.

Additionally, you can enable the option “ luggage insurance» as part of a compulsory insurance policy for those traveling abroad.

Air carrier liability for baggage and hand luggage

For luggage that the passenger checked into the luggage compartment, the carrier is responsible, even if the damage to the luggage was not due to his fault (but due to the fault, for example, of airport baggage handlers).

The carrier is responsible for hand luggage only if damage occurs through his fault.

The carrier is relieved of liability for baggage if he can prove that the loss or damage to the baggage occurred due to circumstances beyond his control. And also if loss or damage to luggage occurred as a result of the actions of the passenger himself.

During what period is the airline responsible for baggage?

By law, the airline is responsible for baggage accepted for carriage. from the moment of its registration until the moment of issue. Confirmation that the airline has accepted baggage is a baggage tag (receipt), part of which is attached to bags and suitcases, and part of which is given to the passenger. At the same time, the airline is also responsible for the safety hand luggage, that is, those things that the passenger takes into the aircraft cabin.

The airline is not responsible for damage to which items

The airline is not responsible for:

1. Damage to luggage caused by objects located in the luggage itself;

2. Items that are not advisable to be checked into the luggage compartment:

  • fragile things;
  • perishable foods;
  • passports, cash, securities and business papers, various documentation;
  • jewelry,
  • precious metals,
  • computers and other electronic devices,
  • Cell phones,
  • cameras, video cameras,
  • glasses and other optical devices;
  • paintings, manuscripts, manuscripts;
  • medicines;
  • keys.

All of the above items must be under the personal supervision of the passenger in hand luggage.

Carriage with declared value

If your luggage contains valuables, it is permissible arrange transportation with declared value. This can be done during check-in for the flight, subject to filling out the declaration and paying an additional fee.

Baggage insurance with an insurance company

An air passenger who transports valuables, as well as expensive sports equipment (skis, snowboards, surfboards), is recommended to take out luggage insurance from an insurance company. Then, in the event of loss, damage, or delay of luggage, the passenger will receive insurance from the insurance company minus the amount of compensation paid by the airline (if such payment took place), or in addition to this compensation (this condition depends on the rules of the insurance company).

The rules of some insurance companies stipulate that Payment for lost luggage is made only after receiving compensation from the airline.

Depending on the insurance company, luggage can be considered either the things of the Insured, handed over under the responsibility of the Carrier, only for the period of travel (air flight, train trip), or all the things of the tourist for the entire period of travel.

In the first case The liability of the insurance company is almost no different from the liability of the carrier, only complements it financially. In the second case The insurance company's liability is more expanded and extends to cases where the traveler's luggage was stored in a locked hotel room, hotel lockers, guarded cloakrooms or in a locked car trunk in a guarded parking lot.

When purchasing insurance, most often the passenger can choose the approximate cost of his luggage. It ranges from 500 to 2000 dollars/euro. The amount specified in the insurance contract will be maximum limit liability of the Insurer. The passenger will be refunded actual value his things within this amount. You can justify the actual cost of luggage for the Insurance Company using receipts for the purchase of these items, or by indicating the specific quantity and brand of lost items and their service life (to calculate the degree of wear and tear).

In case of damage to luggage compensation will be paid only for damaged items if they cannot be restored, or the costs of their repair will be reimbursed.

If your baggage is delayed The insured will be refunded the cost of the essential items and clothing he purchased. The actual need for these things in a situation of baggage delay will need to be justified by the insurance company. Unlike air carriers, where baggage delay is considered to be at least 24 hours, for insurance companies this period may be shorter (from 4 to 24 hours).

With details of baggage insurance conditions Insurance companies can be found at the following link:
luggage insurance .

What to do if an insured event occurs

In a situation of loss, damage, or delay of luggage, the algorithm of actions of a passenger who has insurance from an insurance company will be approximately the same as that of a passenger who wants to receive compensation from the airline. That is, he should go to the Baggage Search desk(Lost&Found) and present your passport, air tickets, and a tear-off coupon for your luggage tag. After the airport staff draw up an act about loss, damage, delay, luggage, you need to write an application to the airline and insurance company.

If within 24 hours the insured person does not notify the airline that his luggage was lost, damaged, or delayed, the insurance company has the right to refuse payment.

When contacting the insurance company, in addition to your passport, airline tickets, luggage tag, certificate of loss, damage, or delay of luggage, also attach to your application an insurance policy and documents confirming receipt of compensation from the airline.

If your luggage is damaged, list what was damaged and for what amount. For example, if some electronics were damaged, name its brand and approximate price.

If your luggage was delayed on the way to the country of temporary stay, write down what essential items you had to buy there and provide receipts for them.

Not every insurance company insures luggage against delayed collection at the airport. Delay of baggage by airport customs is not considered an insured event.

Features of luggage insurance in various insurance companies

We compensate for the loss and delay of checked baggage, hand luggage and personal belongings as a result of: natural disasters; theft; fire; road accident; damage by third parties; actions of transport services; theft from a car during the daytime. Compensation for a flight is not more than the insured amount of the air carrier. Expenses for essential items if the delay is at least 6 hours.

Loss, damage and delay of checked baggage and hand luggage during a trip, as well as theft from a locked car with signs of burglary are compensated. You can insure audio and video equipment. The loss of valuables is compensated if they were transported in hand luggage and there are receipts. You can insure the loss of your passport and travel tickets.

Loss of checked baggage and hand luggage is compensated; expenses for search, storage, putting in order and forwarding in the amount of no more than 1000 rub. for 1 kg luggage weight. If there is a delay - 150 rubles per 1 kg weight. Damage to the integrity of luggage and loss of individual items from it are not insured.

Loss, damage, delay of checked-in items, hand luggage, personal belongings as a result of theft, road accidents, natural disasters, fire. Costs of searching, storing, organizing and shipping. Luggage delivery delayed by more than 6 hours. Theft from a car during the day when stopped for no more than 3 hours. Loss of audio and video equipment, laptop computers, if they were indicated in the customs declaration. Payments in addition to the Carrier's compensation upon receipt. 25 cu/20 kg luggage in economy class 50 USD/30 kg baggage in business class If baggage is delayed no more than 200 USD/person, 400 USD/family

Loss of baggage and hand luggage as a result of a natural disaster, theft, fire, road accident, damage by third parties, or errors of transport services. Repairing luggage if it is damaged. Search, rescue, storage, forwarding. Baggage delay for more than 6 hours. The payment is no more than what the Carrier must compensate. 25 USD / no more than 20 kg luggage - economy class 50 USD / no more than 30 kg luggage - business class

Loss of 1 storage space with the Carrier. Repair costs. Baggage delay more than 24 hours. Limit 25 USD/kg weight of luggage If more than 25% of the surface of a piece of luggage is damaged - compensation is 25% of the insured amount, if the handle is damaged - 5%; wheels - 10%; several parts - 15% of the sum insured