An unforgettable vacation with children in Alushta. How to arrange the best holiday for children in Alushta? Alushta what's interesting

On the southern coast of Crimea there is a small and very cozy resort town of Alushta, which for many years has been in demand among vacationers from Russia and the former CIS countries. This city is popular among lovers of not only beach but also active recreation. In addition, Alushta has a lot of interesting sights, and the pride of the resort is its picturesque nature and unique climate, which has a beneficial effect on health.

The population of Alushta is about 30,000 people, but at the height of the holiday season this number increases significantly. It is worth noting that Alushta hotels are in demand for holidays with small children, because the beaches here are well-maintained, the descent into the water is gentle, many Alushta hotels are located near the sea, which is important, and there is also all kinds of entertainment for children, so they will never be bored. There is no less entertainment for young people in Alushta - cozy cafes and bars, numerous restaurants and pubs are always waiting for their guests.

Alushta, like the entire coast of the southern coast of Crimea, is famous for its rich excursion program. Once you have had enough of the calm and measured hours spent on the beach, it’s time to go on excursions, because there are more than enough natural and architectural attractions here. Please note that Big Alushta includes, in addition to the city itself, several more resort villages:

  • Privetnoye is a place where there is everything you need for a comfortable holiday - well-maintained beaches, warm sea and stunningly beautiful landscapes;
  • Rybachye is an ideal place for all those who prefer relaxing in the lap of nature;
  • Malorechenskoye - there is not a lot of entertainment here, the pride of this resort village is the clear Black Sea, picturesque mountains and inexpensive hotels;
  • Solnechnogorskoye is distinguished by a developed resort infrastructure, the beaches here are small-pebble, there are hotels of various categories, and the nature is pleasing to the eye;
  • Maly Mayak - attracts with its natural attractions, as well as luxurious palaces and ancient parks, there is a clear sea and picturesque beaches;
  • Utes is a modern village with a developed tourist infrastructure, known as “Santa Barbara”; here, just a few steps from the Black Sea coast, there is a huge number of upscale hotels and more;
  • Partenit is a famous resort that has been popular for many years. Stunning ancient parks, landscaped and “wild” beaches, hotels for every taste and all this surrounded by beautiful landscapes.

The pride of Big Alushta is its long pebble and sandy beaches, which stretch for 80 km along the Black Sea coast. Please note that in the center of Alushta there are a large number of departmental beaches that belong to boarding houses and sanatoriums. They are separated by fences and entry to their territory is free only for residents, while others can get here for 100-150 rubles, and the price already includes the use of showers and changing cabins, as well as sun loungers. In the city of Alushta there are more than a dozen free beaches that are available to all tourists without exception. Most of them are located in the Professor's Corner next to the lively embankment with numerous shops, cafes and bars where you can order soft drinks and light snacks, as well as set lunches.

For many, the purpose of a visit to Alushta is not only relaxation, but also health improvement. A favorable climate, a mixture of sea and mountain air, already has a positive effect on the health of children and adults. If you add to this the treatment methods used in sanatoriums and boarding houses of the resort, including thalasso-, climatic-, helio- and aromatherapy, you will be convinced that the natural factors available in Alushta are mainly used in treatment. Treatment in the resort's sanatoriums is aimed at the respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, as well as gastrointestinal tract and skin diseases.

Holiday season in Alushta

Alushta is known as the gateway to the southern coast of Crimea. Although the peak season is in the summer months, you can find interesting activities at any other time of the year. You can find out more detailed information about the features of holidays in a given period and weather conditions at this resort below.

Holidays in Alushta in summer

The high season at the resort begins in mid-June, when the water in the Black Sea warms up and becomes comfortable for swimming, children's health camps are declared open, of which there are about 20, and thousands of people get out of stuffy cities just to have a good rest and gain strength.. At this time, prices for housing and other services increase significantly; during the day there are a lot of people on the beaches; in the evening, a similar situation is observed in cafes, bars and nightclubs.

As for the air temperature, in summer it is quite hot here; in the daytime the thermometer reaches +30°C and this is not the limit, but such hot weather is tolerated normally thanks to the fresh breezes blowing from the sea. Still, during the daytime it is better not to be on the beaches, it is better to relax or take a walk somewhere and come back again after 16-00, when the heat subsides a little. If we talk about the water temperature, in early June it is +21°C, while in mid-summer it reaches +24-+25°C.

Velvet season in Alushta

September fully corresponds to each of us’s idea of ​​the velvet season: there are many times fewer people at the resort, the water and air temperatures drop slightly, but still remain comfortable for swimming and sunbathing. The first half of October can also quite often be considered a velvet season, and one should not forget about the pleasant “bonus” in the form of lower housing prices.

Holidays in Alushta in spring and autumn

Spring is an amazing time for a holiday in Crimea, and if March is still unstable in terms of weather, then from mid-April the warm sun shines almost every day, the trees bloom, everything turns green and becomes incredibly beautiful. Daytime air temperatures in Alushta in April and May are +13 and +18°C, respectively.

If we talk about autumn, the velvet season is gradually replaced by a noticeable cooling, the air temperature drops to +13°C during the day, and to +4°C at night. Nature begins to play with bright colors, resulting in simply stunningly beautiful landscapes that serve as inspiration for many, especially representatives of creative professions.

Holidays in Alushta in winter

Winter in the traditional sense of the word is not typical for Alushta; here it rather resembles late autumn. If snow falls, it remains for no more than one day, while on the yayla of Alushta the snow cover lasts up to 70 days. Sub-zero temperatures for Alushta are an anomalous phenomenon, since during the day the thermometer at this resort varies from +6 to +8°C during the day and from 0 to +1°C at night. Please note that during the New Year and Christmas holidays, Alushta comes to life; vacationers come here to change the scenery and enjoy the warm Crimean winter.

10 things to do in Alushta:

  • Take a swim or at least put your hand under the Jur-Dzhur waterfall.
  • Attend a tasting from the Alushta winery.
  • Take a memorable photo against the backdrop of the famous Alushta rotunda.
  • Visit the dolphinarium and aquarium.
  • Bring juniper souvenirs and essential oils to your loved ones as gifts.
  • Spend the evening in one of the cozy cafes on the embankment, enjoying the stunning views.
  • Go to the places where episodes of “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and other cinematic masterpieces were filmed.
  • Give children joy by visiting the aquarium and dinosaur exhibition.
  • Take a walk in the park located on the territory of the Aivazovsky sanatorium.
  • See the Valley of Ghosts with your own eyes.

Where to stay - hotels and inns in Alushta

On the territory of Alushta and adjacent resort villages you can find accommodation for tourists with different incomes. Not only expensive hotels in the city center in the Professor's Corner, but also budget guest houses and mini-hotels located near or at some distance from the sea are always at your service. Often Alushta hotels have their own swimming pools and sports grounds, and, of course, clean and well-maintained beaches. It is worth noting that prices for accommodation in Alushta vary widely: here you can rent a room for either 2,000 or 15,000 rubles per day.

On the one hand, Alushta is not a world-famous resort where everyone dreams of coming, on the other hand, you need to relax every year. Children need this almost more than adults; if the family budget does not allow taking children to generally recognized resorts, it is worth bringing them at least to Alushta in the summer.

Crimean city

The description of Alushta should begin with the fact that this small city (with a population of up to 30 thousand people) is located on the southern coast of Crimea, some 30 kilometers from the more famous Yalta - the generally recognized pearl of this tourist region. Here, vacationers will find a convenient location between the sea and the mountains, and the local authorities, understanding the attractiveness of the city for visitors, have done a lot over the past few decades to create the appropriate tourist infrastructure.

The local climate should be called transitional: from temperate, steppe to subtropical. The mountains that protect the sea coast southwest of Alushta have two passes at once, ensuring constant mixing of air masses from the central regions of Crimea with those coming from the sea. As a result, conditions are created that are quite pleasant for relaxation, since the summers here are hot and dry (with dry air, the heat is more easily perceived), and the bulk of precipitation occurs in the winter.

The swimming season here is considered to be from May to October, but for vacationers with children it is better to limit it to the period from June to September, because children, as we know, are more prone to colds.

Of course, Alushta would not have become so famous due to its beaches alone. Numerous attractions located in the surrounding area help it attract tourists. First of all, we are talking about numerous picturesque places in the surrounding mountains, which attract guests almost more than the sea.

The Chatyr-Dag, Demerdzhi and Kastel mountains, as well as the famous Valley of Ghosts, will surely appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Footage of some of these places can be seen, for example, in the well-known “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”

Alushta is an ancient city, on the territory of which representatives of the Byzantine Empire and the Khazar Khaganate, the Genoese and Turks with the Tatars intersected. It is not surprising that there are a huge number of historical attractions left here that may be of interest to teenagers who are interested in the history of conquests. For those who love to explore culture, Christian and Muslim religious sites will be interesting.

Alushta also has a lot of museums of various types, some of which might be of interest to teenagers, for example, the Museum of Water Disasters. The Alushta Aquarium, Dolphinarium and Crimea in Miniature Park could be an excellent place for a family visit.

The intercity trolleybus, which can be used to get to Yalta, can also be called a unique attraction. It is not often possible to find places where the “horned one” would go out into the countryside and travel tens of kilometers through dense mountain forests. Yalta itself, by the way, can help out quite well if Alushta’s attractions for some reason do not arouse the proper interest.

Where to stay: options

The best hotels with meals, a private pool and a beach are located in the very center of the resort, next to the Embankment, which is also a very beautiful place for walking. If you are already inspired and decide to settle in Alushta, you should make an important clarification: you should not settle here at all with children under 3 years old, and in principle, children may not feel comfortable in this city. The fact is that this part of the city, as the most popular place, is characterized by a fairly high level of constant noise, so it should appeal more to young people than to couples with children.

A significant part of these tourists come to Alushta to stay in a sanatorium or boarding house. Local conditions make it possible to consider this city a climatic resort, since Botkin wrote that the climate here is significantly healthier than in Yalta. This is facilitated by the constant circulation of air masses. You need to choose a sanatorium in such a way that it best suits living with children, because the specifics of such institutions presuppose the creation of all the necessary conditions for family living.

At the same time, not all sanatoriums are designed for the arrival of children, so when choosing, you need to familiarize yourself with all the conditions in advance, and if something is not clear, then call the boarding house to ask your question.

Traditionally, rented housing is considered the cheapest, and in Alushta there are more than enough offers to stay with locals. In this case, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, for example, the significant cheapness of housing may automatically mean the need to prepare food yourself, which also saves money, but cannot be considered a complete vacation.

You should also choose your housing carefully - it should be located in a quiet area, from where it would be easy to get to the sea. The center and the so-called Professor's Corner are the best places to stay with children.

The outskirts and suburbs offer completely affordable prices, but it can be too quiet and boring there, so you need to either have your own car or stock up on money for public transport.

Children's camps

If it is not possible to go to the sea with your children, you can send them to a health camp on your own, unaccompanied by their parents. Alushta is perfect as a place for children's holidays. It is replete with numerous camps, and at least some of them deserve a more detailed consideration.

  • "Shore". This children's camp is located in the so-called Big Alushta. It is located far from the city center, so it offers greater privacy. It’s stupid to complain about the location, because, on the one hand, the territory has direct access to small pebble beaches, and on the other hand, the above-mentioned Mount Kastel begins. In addition to the standard set of camp activities and interesting hikes in the mountains, children are also offered catamaran rides.

The administration very carefully monitors safety - the camp staff includes not only swimming instructors, but also rescue sailors.

  • "Cypress". The main feature of this children's camp is its unique location on a sandy cape slightly protruding into the sea, surrounded on all sides by mountains and pine forests. The result is a unique atmosphere of sea, mountain and forest air at the same time, which has a very positive effect on the health of vacationing children. Moreover, the recreation center is located within Alushta proper, so getting to it is not difficult.

  • "Gull". This children's boarding house was considered an impressive camp back in Soviet times. Then the project, developed and implemented specifically for children's recreation, even received the State Prize for Architecture. The creators of the boarding house placed the buildings right in a subtropical park, so you still need to look for such a beautiful camp as this one.

Recreation involves the all-round development of the child - sports grounds for team sports and a library have been built. Creative kids will also not be left without a stage for performances, because the territory has its own cultural center for 450 spectators, so that all other vacationers can also enjoy art.

Excursions and entertainment

Relaxing on the beach, as a rule, is of more interest to parents than to their children, especially those who have not yet reached adolescence. It is not surprising that visiting tourists have a natural need to recharge themselves with additional emotions by going on an excursion. Since Alushta is a rather small city, and all of its described attractions can be seen during hiking, excursions usually involve traveling a considerable distance from the city and visiting other cities on the southern coast of Crimea. There are quite a few such routes, so a trip to each city should be considered separately.

  • Yalta. If the kids are bored, you can bring them here to ride on a real cable car high up Mount Ai-Petri, from where a beautiful view of the city opens. The smallest children will not be allowed here, but children aged 7 years and older will have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy tea and sweets upstairs, but adults will not be disappointed.

You should not expect that the procedure will go quickly - first you will have to stand in line for a long time, since the attraction is very popular.

Every year, many families make a trip to the sea to relax and gain strength. If there are children in the family, then, of course, they are taken with them. But at the same time, every parent wants their vacation to be interesting; this requires the presence of children's entertainment. Krymskaya provides the opportunity to spend a comfortable holiday with a child in 2019, offering various accommodation options and a range of entertainment.

Alushta on the map:

In order to properly plan your vacation, everyone is interested in knowing what the prices for accommodation in the chosen location will be. The cost of a vacation most often depends on the month, since during the influx of tourists they rise. The majority of vacationers want their housing to be located right next to the sea, as it is comfortable, and there is no need to get there by transport. Let's try to choose just such options.

If you turn to recreation centers, it is easy to understand that their territory is often equipped with playgrounds. Thanks to entertainment, children are occupied, and their parents have the opportunity to calmly enjoy nature and get a tan. The following are often found on such sites:

  • Slides and swings;
  • Horizontal bars and ladders;
  • Various exercise machines and interesting labyrinths.

All these playgrounds are intended for children in the age group from three years to fourteen.

In addition, at the base it is easy to meet animators who will entertain any child. So that parents vacationing with children can attend evening events, a special menu and games are provided for the little ones. In addition, the organizers develop special competitions in which everyone can take part and present pleasant gifts.

All parents should understand that various changes are constantly taking place here, and 2019 is preparing many surprises for both adults and children. To choose a boarding house where a family can live for the entire vacation, you can easily visit the website, which has all the required information. Holidays in Crimea have always been considered the best and most interesting. Because there are more than enough advantages.

The best places to relax with children


In the village of Solnechnogorskoye there is a Solnechnaya recreation center, which includes 14 one-story buildings with 20 rooms. It will be an excellent option for those who plan to relax, despite a modest budget. Price category per person at the height of the season in a detached house for two people from 700 rubles per day. A cottage for the same number of people will cost 1,600 rubles. If desired, you can order meals for an additional fee. There is a shared kitchen where it is convenient to prepare your own food. The base is located in the city center, five minutes to the beach. By agreement, pets can be accommodated. The rooms have cable TV.

How to get there

You need to get to the place by route Simferopol - Rybachye to Solnechnogorsk. Next you need to get out before the turn to Generalskoye. If agreed upon, a transfer will be provided from this location.

Recreation center in the center of the resort

When planning to go on vacation to Alushta with the whole family, you should pay attention to the Nathan recreation center. This is a great option for couples with children.

Among the advantages of the base, its convenient location should be highlighted. It is located in the very center of the resort. Here you can enjoy a quiet, secluded holiday. Nearby is Primorsky Park. By staying here, you won't have to get to the sea by public transport. Just a couple of minutes and you can have a great time on the free beach with small pebbles. A quiet, calm environment is provided here, where you can truly take a break from the drabness of everyday life.

Guests of the city have the opportunity to stay in separate cottages, which have two living rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. For those who come to relax with their own car, there is a parking lot. Free high-speed Internet is available to guests of the base. There are souvenir shops, shops and cafes nearby.

But the main advantage of this place can be considered reasonable prices, which is especially important for a family vacation with small children. At the same time, the cost does not affect comfortable living conditions. Here you can stay in excellent conditions and save money.

At the height of the season, you will have to pay 1,200 rubles per person. For a family of 3 people - from 700 rubles. per person. Children under 6 years of age are provided with free accommodation. Children from 6 to 10 years old are given a 20 percent discount.

You can have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafe. There is also the opportunity to cook your own food in the well-equipped kitchen. A washing machine and ironing board are available for a small fee. If desired, the base organizes excursions to interesting places in the city.

Guest House

In the very center of Alushta you can stay in the Aquamarine guest house, which is ideal for families with children. It is located away from the roadway in a quiet place. A distinctive feature is that a bus takes guests to the sea for free. Married couples with children will find it comfortable to stay in a closed courtyard, from where children have no access to the territory of the base.

The cost of accommodation includes meals, which will be affordable even for vacationers with modest financial resources. Lunch or dinner costs 300 rubles. To make it convenient for guests to relax with their children, you can take a stroller. In good weather, kids can play on the equipped playground. Excursions are available upon request.

Unique water park

When visiting Alushta, you can’t help but visit the Almond Grove water park. This place will give unforgettable emotions to both children and adults.

The water park is located on an area of ​​2 hectares. All the details here are thought out to the smallest detail. There are 14 slides and 6 swimming pools on the territory.

For the youngest visitors there are pools in the shape of bowls that are combined into one. And their depth is no more than 30 cm. In the same sector there are slides for kids and a pirate “schooner”.

Children over 12 years old will have a great time on the adult slides.

Thrill-seekers will enjoy spending time in the wave pool, where there is the opportunity to swim under a waterfall.

On the territory there is a cafe where you can sit in the shade and have a snack, showers, storage rooms, and a first-aid post.

How to get there

By public transport go to the stop. "Professor's Corner", then walk north along the Embankment.

Unity with nature

City guests with children who like to visit zoos and enjoy the beauty of nature can visit the Dendrozoo, which is under the protection of the Crimean nature reserve. Here you can truly take a break from the drabness of everyday life, breathe in clean air, as the territory contains many plants and trees typical of this area.

Walking along the paths of the park, you have a unique opportunity to hand-feed squirrels. Children will be delighted with this fun. In addition to squirrels, you can feed deer, wild boars and even rabbits. This should be done very carefully, slowly, so as not to frighten the animal.

There is a museum located on the territory of the park. It will fully reveal the picture of the flora and fauna of Crimea. Here guests will see collections of insects, unique herbariums and much more.

How to get there

The park has one big drawback - you can only get here by personal transport or taxi. The price category for an adult ticket is from 50 rubles, a child ticket will cost 30 rubles.

Underwater world of Alushta

Another opportunity where you can touch nature and help children learn new things is the aquarium. Its discovery occurred in 2003. Since that time, the collection of its inhabitants has been constantly growing. Today it has about 250 species of fish.

For visitors, four halls are equipped in the style of underwater caves, where you can get acquainted with the Black Sea fauna and freshwater fish from rivers around the world. Children's special attention is drawn to the electric stingray, seahorse, sawfish, flounder, bloodthirsty piranhas and others. There is a small crocodile in the aquarium that you can feed for a little extra. The halls feature exhibitions of corals and shells.


All children love animals, and if your vacation is in Alushta, you can take your children to the Nemo Dolphinarium. Children will be delighted with this idea. Often the performance takes place at lunch and at 15:00. Sea animals perform before the audience, surprising them with complex tricks and ball games. Animals often play the role of an artist, painting extraordinary pictures. If you wish, you can even take a photo with the main artists. Such a photograph will evoke positive impressions not only in children, but also in adults, and will be remembered for a long time.

It's no secret that dolphins are used by humans for health treatments. Dolphin therapy is becoming more and more popular every year. Nemo Dolphinarium offers sessions for an additional fee.


The cost of the daytime performance, for children under the age of five, you can watch the show for free. A photo with dolphins will cost 500 rubles. Taking into account shooting with your own equipment. A photo in the water with sea animals will cost 1,200 rubles. Swimming with dolphins for no more than 10 minutes will cost 6,000 rubles.

How to get there

The dolphinarium is located in the city center on Revkomovskaya lane 10. It is better to get to it from Perekopskaya or Lenin streets. Between the streets there is a turn to the desired lane.

Horse Club

For those who prefer to enjoy clean mountain air, they have the opportunity to have a great rest at the Golden Horseshoe equestrian club. This place is located near Mount Demirci. Here you can relax in a comfortable hotel with amenities, which is important for couples with children. The club is located in the private sector, peace and quiet.

Those who love hiking can pitch tents in the club area specially designed for this. Amenities include a shower with hot water.

An excellent addition to your holiday at the club is a sauna, a summer gazebo, a parking lot and a swimming pool. Delicious food can be cooked on the grill.

But the main feature of the equestrian club is horseback riding. Excursion routes to the mountains are being developed for guests, from which visitors will learn various legends and stories of the peaks. You can also order an ethnographic route. Horseback riding to the top of the mountain and tours of several days are especially in demand. A holiday at the base will be remembered for the positive emotions received from contemplating picturesque landscapes and horseback riding. The body will be filled with health, thanks to the clean mountain air and the aroma of herbs.

You can eat at the equestrian club in the cafe-bar. The cook prepares delicious dishes over an open fire. The highlight of the cuisine is teas made from mountain herbs, which will fill the body with the life-giving energy of plants that have absorbed the spirit of wild nature on the mountain slopes.

You can relax here both in summer and winter.


  • The cost of a walk at the foot of the mountain, lasting at least an hour, will cost 1000 rubles per person;
  • If you walk a little further, to the lake through the forest, you will have to shell out about 1,500 rubles. In this case, the walk will last about two hours;
  • The ascent to the Southern Plateau, which takes 5-6 hours of travel, will cost 3,500 rubles;
  • Accommodation on holidays will cost 2,500 rubles per person. On weekdays, vacations will cost a little less.

How to get there

The Simferopol-Yalta highway leads to the base, from where you need to get to the village of Luchistoye. Here they turn onto the mountain road leading to the mountain itself. Along the way you can see a special sign that indicates the direction of further movement.

Transport issue

To make your vacation successful, it is important to decide in advance how to get to Alushta. The distance between the airport and the city is 50 km.


From the airport you can take a trolleybus that runs every 30 minutes. Suitable for routes 54 and 55. It is important not to forget to purchase tickets at the box office there. The price is about 66 rubles.


This type of transport can be boarded at the airport square. Buy a ticket at the box office (84 rubles).


As in most resort towns, here you can use a taxi service, which is ready to take the client to the specified address for a decent amount. Locals recommend bargaining and reducing the price.


By agreement, if you are planning a holiday at a hotel or recreation center, you can order a transfer directly from the airport. Thus, this option will be the most optimal for couples with children.

A little more about the sights of Alushta in the video:

It is Alushta that has recently become increasingly in demand among couples with children, as comfortable conditions have been created here for a good rest. The city's infrastructure continues to develop, providing guests with an excellent vacation at reasonable prices. Having been here once, the unforgettable sensations and positive emotions received during your vacation will attract you to return here again and again.

The best vacation, as all residents of the CIS countries know, is a vacation in Crimea. In Crimea there are luxurious places for those who want a quiet and soulful holiday and those who need entertainment and many attractions. For those looking for a relaxing holiday, Alushta is the place to be. There is a very favorable climate and wonderful natural attractions.

The main attractions of Alushta are created by nature. The most beautiful landscapes fascinate everyone who visits this city.

Below are the main natural attractions of this beautiful city.

Alushta attractions and entertainment

Valley of Ghosts

This place is located near Alushta on Mount Demerdzhi. Nature has created an unusually beautiful collection of stone sculptures here. The Valley of Ghosts got its name due to the fact that anyone who looks at these sculptures at different times of the day can see the figures of various creatures in them. By the way, the well-known film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was filmed in this valley.

Waterfall Jur – Jur

No less picturesque and interesting sight of Alushta. This waterfall the deepest of all Crimean waterfalls. The peculiarity of Crimean waterfalls is that the main volume of their water is formed due to the melting of snow in the mountains. Due to this summer, many waterfalls simply dry up or water flows through them in a thin stream. The Jur-Jur waterfall is famous because it will surprise tourists with its beauty even in summer.

Mount Castel

According to tourists, this mountain takes pride of place among the main attractions of Alushta. Translated from English, the name of the mountain is translated as a fortress. This name is associated with the previously located fortress on this mountain. Now only small fragments remain of it. There is an air defense system at the top of this mountain., so it is impossible to get there. The height of the mountain is 439 meters above sea level. From here you can look at the gorgeous views of Alushta. It's definitely worth a visit.

Aluston Fortress

This fortress is located in the city, which took its name from this ancient structure. This is a Byzantine fortress, of which only the tower remains today. Most residents of Alushta answer the tourist’s question: Where to go in Alushta? They will answer that you definitely need to visit this tower with a tour.

Bottomless Cave

This cave is considered one of the deepest in Crimea. Its length is more than four hundred meters. It is also the most dangerous because many climbers have died in it before. There is a legend about this cave that tells about a fakir who fell into this cave while carrying a lot of jewelry for his beloved. When he realized that he could not get out of this cave, he decided to hide his treasures. Those who believed in this legend carried out excavations in the cave for many years, but until today the treasures have not been found.

Museums of Alushta

  • Stakheev's House

Stakheev was a merchant who built one of the most beautiful buildings in the city in the nineteenth century. Stakheev did a lot to improve the city, including the construction of an embankment. There is a beautiful park around the house. But you can’t get inside the house, since now the House of Creativity is located there.

  • Museum of History and Local Lore

This museum has collected a large collection of documents, photographs of people who contributed to science or culture, and also took part in events that created the history of not only Alushta, but also its surroundings. The collection of archaeological finds from all over Crimea is very valuable. It will be very interesting there.

  • Museum of Nature

A small number of animals living in Crimea are collected here. Here you can see eagle, deer, roe deer and many other animals.

  • Museum of Maritime Disasters

If you look at the map, this museum is located in the vicinity of Alushta in the village of Malorechenskoye. This museum is dedicated to the sailors and travelers who died on the water. Already from the entrance to the museum, the decoration is made in the style of a sinking ship. From videos and descriptions of various documents and exhibits, you can learn about the most terrible tragedies that occurred in the oceans and seas.

At the end of the excursion, tourists are invited to admire the sea from the observation deck. There is also a gazebo on the edge of the cliff.

Entertainment in Alushta

  • Dolphinarium

The most popular entertainment in Alushta is the dolphinarium. There are three of them in the city. The very first dolphinarium in Crimea is considered to be the dolphinarium in Partenit. Dolphin shows are enjoyed by both adults and children. During the performance, dolphins demonstrate acrobatic sketches, jump and dance.

Since 2004, this dolphinarium has been providing dolphin therapy, which helps children with cerebral palsy and nervous diseases. This is a fairly popular therapy during the off-season.

  • Embankment

One of the most popular tourist places in Alushta is, of course, the embankment. It is located along the entire coast of Alushta. There are cafes and recreation areas along the entire embankment, where artists paint their portraits, sell cotton candy and ice cream, and street musicians give concerts.

Here is the visiting card of the city - the Rotunda. Next to the rotunda there is a large park where you can enjoy clean air and the beauty of the scenery.

Thrill-seekers are offered all kinds of attractions. In general, this is the central vacation spot for any tourist in Alushta.

  • Aquarium

A huge variety of fish, both freshwater and marine, are collected here. In four halls you can watch the inhabitants of the Black and Azov Seas, and even crocodiles. In this aquarium lives an octopus that predicts the future.

The guides will tell you about each inhabitant of the aquarium and this excursion will be remembered by both adults and children.

  • Waterpark "Almond Grove"

In general, the Almond Grove is a whole complex that includes hotels, a bathhouse, a sauna, massage rooms, and a gym. The complex also hosts corporate events. There is a water park on the territory of this complex.

Lovers of active recreation will have a great time here. All kinds of slides and high-speed tunnels will not leave anyone indifferent. For children there is a separate shallow pool, children's slides and small waterfalls.

Miniature Park

A very interesting place. Here you can see all the sights of Crimea in one place. It is best to come to this park in the evening, when all the figures and exhibits are illuminated in different colors. Both children and adults will love this park.


While paragliding at the Paraplanix experience club, you can see the mountains of Crimea, the Valley of Ghosts and even Koktebel. Both group and individual flights are arranged here.

Features you need to know when vacationing in Alushta:


This is a small part of all the attractions of Alushta and its surroundings. It will take several weeks to see everything. Don’t forget about the sea, because you can swim in it until the end of October, and the velvet season is a fairly popular time for relaxation in these places.

Alushta is an amazingly beautiful city with a historical atmosphere and incredible landscapes. Thousands of tourists come here every year to enjoy the clean air and wonderful mild climate on the Black Sea coast.

Sights of Alushta