Names of elven cities. Stone cities of elves. Minas Tirith on Tol Sirion

The ancient settlement of giants was destroyed as a result of a global war

In the Phrygian Valley in Turkey, in the Yazılıkaya region, there is an unusual archaeological site - the “Tomb of Midas” monument, discovered in the 19th century. This is a huge rock, dotted with passages, rooms, strange bas-reliefs and partially destroyed by an unknown force. On the walls there are still undeciphered Phrygian inscriptions. Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Alexander Koltypin suggests that this complex could be inhabited by giants.

Alexander Koltypin: We have been planning to go to Phrygian Valley to Turkey, moreover, this place was indicated by one of my pen pals Case Rabotan who lives in Izmir, he is of English origin, but he is already quite an elderly man, he himself is not able to travel, but he strongly recommended that I visit the area, he called “Big Izylikaya”, which is located near the village of Izylykaya, several other places around it, so to the other, to Malaya Izylikaya near Hatushishe, this is no longer the Phrygian, but the Hittite Empire. Well, one is located, the Phrygian Izylykaya Valley is about 200 kilometers west of Ankara, and Hatusis 200 kilometers east of Ankara, and a total of 400 kilometers between them. But at the moment I will probably touch more on the Phrygian Valley, the so-called region Big Izylykaya. The task before us was to see rock, underground megalithic cities and complexes, inverted huge megalithic blocks, with sculptures of bas-reliefs of a lion, which were upside down, broken, broken, inverted, rooms that also lay along the slope, stone rooms, carved in stone, here , numerous tunnels going down, thrones carved in stones and some bas-reliefs and sculptures of animals, quite weathered ones.

It’s no coincidence that this area is called a plateau Marcaguasi, and its other name is city Midas, because it is believed that the legendary king of the Phrygians, Midas, lived there at one time, but another, third name, which is probably the most interesting, is Turkish Marcaguasi. Marcahuasi is a plateau in Peru, north of Cusco there are the remains of stone animals, people, of different races, as they believe, and they have been sufficiently weathered. Not everyone agrees that they are of artificial origin; some believe that they are a natural play of stone. And so it turned out that at this point, when we arrived here already in this Marcaguasi plateau, we went into the Midas plateau, climbed it and saw that indeed on this plateau there are such outcrops, and, moreover, two, for example, elephants, one located on half-bent knees, the other in a standing position, with clearly visible trunks, already touched, greatly affected by weathering, nevertheless, clearly legible. And in the photographs there were some fabulous birds, camels, really thrones, and we saw on the top of these plateaus, which really spoke of its incredible antiquity, that is, in order for such forms of weathering to occur, to form, they had to pass many millions of years.

That is, this, of course, is not the result of two or three thousand years of water, wind, or some kind of erosion, even if it is pink, in general, atmospheric erosion. On this plateau, as well as in the vicinity of this plateau, there are a large number of staircases carved into the rocks, some kind of baths, sarcophagi directly carved in stone, wells going down, tunnels, blocks were torn from the surfaces of the plateau, which were lying along the slopes, many of them they were in an upside-down position when we drove all over Phrygian Valley, well, not throughout, but throughout a significant part of the Phrygian Valley, we visited such places, a region of villages Ipeldak, village area Chukurka, village area Aizini, we saw our rock complexes there, with tunnels going into the mountain. In these land premises there were such dome-shaped structures that outwardly, for example, in Aizin, were no different from Christian churches; bas-reliefs of a cross were carved on the walls, bas-reliefs of other solar symbols, which are very widely developed in ancient Slavic culture, such as the Kolovrat, all this was combined with domed temples, on the basis of which many archaeologists attributed them to the Christian period and dated them to either the early Christian faith 2nd-3rd century AD, or even sometimes Byzantine period, right up until 15th century AD.

But this is right away; during my other trips, both to Israel and Turkey, I ruled out such a possibility, because all these rooms had a crust inside them up to 1 millimeter secondary minerals, they were broken by faults, there was a thick crust of soot on them, that is, everything showed that these rooms underwent powerful tectonomagmatic activity, due to which hydrothermal solutions were introduced along the faults, which were deposited on the walls, after which fires occurred, when These traces of fires have been preserved in almost all such underground structures, such global fires. Then, apparently, it was all still covered by the waters of the flood, because in most of these structures we see on the surface a layer of several centimeters, sometimes up to a meter or more in depth, of some clay-lime deposits, often very cross-layered by wave activity, that is, I clearly have all these structures multimillion-year-old age.

Here, one of our most interesting discoveries is what I called “elven cities” or “elven fortresses”, they are developed on the same Midas plateau, they are also developed in the area of ​​four hundred kilometers from Izylikai of the Hittite Empire in the Hatushisha region on separate mountains , they are widely developed in the region of the Phrygian Plain, this is a fortress Pishmish, fortress, fortress Doganli and a whole series of such fortresses. These are, in fact, mountains with steep rocky slopes, sometimes 100 , Sometimes 200 meters, and with a fairly flat surface. And it’s almost impossible to climb these mountains there. And when you go around, there is only one well-hidden entrance, and this is a staircase carved into the rocks, very ancient, destroyed by erosion, often near it there are megalithic blocks quite large near this staircase.

You go up, you see at the top rooms carved right inside this rock, and the rooms are often designed for a person of normal height, that’s what’s most interesting. That is, these are, for the most part, not traces of some giants or dwarfs here, but creatures of normal height. The tunnels going deep into the mountain, no one knows where, because they are mostly filled up, and some have a trapezoidal shape, some are triangular, many are round wells, but, most importantly, along the periphery of all these rocks, apparently, they used to stand in large quantities huge megalithic blocks, many of them have been preserved, but they are in the form of a saw like this, in some places on some surfaces for 20, there, 30 meters such blocks have been preserved, sometimes 100 meters. Often they fell down, sometimes entire hexagonal columns up to 15-20 meters in size fell down, which, apparently, were decorated. Sometimes entire rooms, located in an inverted position on the slopes, fell down. Blocks with bas-reliefs of a lion, and the lion lies upside down on a slope. That is, all this suggests that this rock used to exist, representing some kind of single city or fortress, which doesn’t remind me of anything else, like, for example, those shown in the film "The Lord of the Rings", "Konon", "The Chronicles of Narnia", "The Hobbit" . Whoever showed these films was apparently very savvy in ancient knowledge and knew that such cities existed and that they could actually be seen in Turkey.

And as my recent trips have shown, I went to Bulgaria, in the Eastern Rhodopes there are many such formations, there is already the Thracian Valley, which is a continuation of the Phrygian. This is, for example, Perperikon, which, if mainly in Turkey they are cut out in tuffs, in volcanic rocks, then Perperikon is mostly limestone, although there are also volcanics there. Tattoo, Deaf Stones and many other cities, that is, these are the rocky cities on the tops of the mountains that were located on the very beautiful places, with fantastic views throughout the area, very much. Moreover, at first I somehow thought that this was the result of all this weathering, that over the past time, 10-15 million years since the construction of these complexes, just river erosion and weathering destroyed these structures. Well, not exactly like that, there really was a lot of destruction, but the thing is that over the past 15 million years old territory of Turkey, as well as Bulgaria, in total The Mediterranean rises. 10-11 million years ago the uplift became especially strong. Almost the same relief that existed in those distant times, it could remain practically unchanged, the same river valleys, the same rivers, but only they became deeper, the same mountains, only they became more destroyed, and blocks were torn off from them . That is, we see such an ancient relief.

Kolomna is unexpectedly large and strangely entwined with rivers and temples.

The old city or Kremlin is very similar to Moscow, with birds or ticks of red brick battlements, differing only in simple rounded towers instead of the openwork Moscow ones. Unfortunately, the Kremlin wall of Kolomna collapsed in some places to the ground.

This trip was not entirely ordinary for us - we went by bus, not by car, got up at an incredibly early hour for us and “pilgrimaged” to the monasteries on foot, watching in surprise as other travelers opened the doors of their cars.
We unexpectedly liked being pilgrims - feeling the dust of the country road with our heels through our soles, being baked by the sun and listening to the silence of the fields.
We walked to the Bobrenev Monastery for a long time, and it slowly and majestically grew in front of us like a snow-white, unprecedented field stalactite, decorated with blue and black. In the thick blue sky, the black gracefully outlined domes and the bell tower tent looked unusual and luxurious.

The aroma of color, I would say.

And when we turned back, we realized that behind us there was an equally impressive picture - across the river we could see the elven country - temples and carved airy bell towers of the Kremlin.

Sharp reflections on the water, lush greenery, bell towers illuminated by the sun and above all this - a completely bottomless and amazing sky.
Isn’t it happiness to see, feel, feel like a note woven into the general symphony of the beauty of the world?
Have you felt this way? :)))

The city of elves is very small and quite compact. It is hidden in a forested area south of Peak 588 on a slight rise between two ravines. It’s clear where else to live for elves if not in the forest. From the east, from the side where gloomy Mordor rises through a ravine completely littered with dead forest, the city of the elves is closed by a powerful fortress wall. The evil fiery breath extends to the very walls of the fortress, dead trees lie everywhere. But the walls and the warriors on the walls can withstand the blow. And further beyond the wall is a peaceful and kind town, where there are no tall buildings, more like a stone village than a city. But the elves don’t need much, the main thing is the forest.

1. Fortress wall.

2. View of Mordor from the fortress wall.

3. Detachments of warriors are always on guard at the fortress wall.

4. This expressive character stands right behind the wall if you go around it to the left. He doesn’t have a name yet, but someday Tolkien fans will come and call everything here. But here you can clearly see the separation characteristic of granites, which is sometimes called mattress-like. During weathering, the rock is divided into these separate, somewhat rounded blocks.

Let's walk through the city of elves.




8. The fortress wall from a different angle.

9. Quarters and streets of the city of Elves.





14. Even the animals of forest dwellers are not very timid.

City of elves on the map.

The city of elves in a space photograph.

General information about Perperikon (according to published sources)

Perperikon is located in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains, 20 km northeast of the city of Kardzhali. The rock city rises on a rocky peak at an altitude of 470 m. At its foot is the village of Gorna-Krepost (Upper Fortress), and the Perpereshka River flows nearby. The convenient river valley created favorable conditions for life in ancient times and now it is dotted with dozens of archaeological sites different eras, the central one being Perperikon.

Perperikon (6 )

The archaeological medieval complex of Perperikon is one of the oldest monumental megalithicmonuments carved into the rocks. This is one of the most popular tourist sites in Bulgaria.
Cultural life on the rocky peak began in the 5th millennium BC.
she was associated with the cult of the Sun God, which was worshiped by people of the Stone and Bronze Ages. The first sanctuary was created here, to which they brought vessels with gifts for their gods. These rituals continued throughout the Bronze Age (III2nd millennium BC).
With the development of metal tools, it became possible to carve stone structures from solid rock. Then an oval hall with a huge round altar in the center was cut into the rock. There the priests performed sacred rituals with wine and fire. These rituals were characteristic of the temple of Dionysus, which had been sought for a long time in the Rhodope Mountains.
Recent archaeological research clearly indicates that the temple was located on Perperikon. According to legend, two fateful prophecies were made from the altar of this temple. The first prophesied great conquests and glory for Alexander the Great, and the second, made several centuries later, foreshadowed the rise to power and power of the first Roman emperor, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian Augustus.
During the last millennium BC. and the first centuries after the birth of Christ, the rock temples grew and turned into a city with fortress walls, palaces and adjacent buildings. The palace of the king of the Thracian Besi tribe was probably located there. Subsequently, the Romans brought a taste for luxury and sophistication to Perperikon, and the Goths sacked and burned Perperikon in 378.
At the beginning of the 5th century. After the adoption of Christianity in the Rhodope Mountains, the rock city of Perperikon became the residence of the bishop. In the 7th-14th centuries. Perperikon became the center of a prosperous region. Battles between the Bulgarians and the Byzantines were fought for this city many times. At the end of the 14th century. The Ottoman Turks captured and destroyed the fortress, whose ruins gradually fell into oblivion.
The sacred city of Perperikon is unique from an archaeological, historical, natural and interfaith point of view; this is one of the wonders of the world. Many finds made during archaeological research at Perperikon can now be seen in the Historical Museum of the city of Kardzhali.


… Thousands of years ago, Perperikon was a massive rock. Prehistoric people chose this mountain to perform religious rites. At first they worshiped huge stones, later they learned to process them and use them for protection and shelter. Then the Thracians came here. After studying ancient maps, scientists discovered that Perperikon was called Pergamon in Thracian - the citadel on the top. The first name of the legendary Troy was also Pergamon. The earliest traces of human civilization discovered at Perperikon date from the last Neolithic periodVI-V millennia BC. Remains of Neolithic pottery were discovered in natural crevices of the cliff. .
At that time, Perperikon was not yet a settlement; religious ceremonies took place here. Perperikon became a settlement in the “Copper” era
V-IV millennium BC Exactly The origin of the pits carved into the rock and the fragments of pottery found in them date back to this time . Scientists believe that Perperikon reached its apogee of development in the Bronze Age, in particular the 18th-12th centuries. BC, during the heyday of the Mycenaean and Minoan civilizations.
Perperikon consists of four objects: the citadel, an acropolis on a hill; a palace or temple to the southeast of the acropolis and two outer cities, on the northern and southern slopes of the hill. No archaeological excavations have been carried out on the two outer cities, but examination of the landscape shows that the cities had streets and rock-cut public and religious buildings. During the reign of the Romans, in the I-IV centuries. AD, most of the houses were located at the foot of the hill, the fertile river valley was densely populated.
The top of the hill was protected by an acropolis whose walls were 8 and a half feet thick. The citadel was probably built earlier, and the Romans added and repaired it several times. The walls of the fortress are laid from solid stone blocks without the use of any binding materials. In the eastern part of the acropolis, a basilica-like structure has been preserved. Archaeological research suggests that it was a pagan temple, later converted into a Christian church by the addition of an apse. In the western part of the temple there are two stone doors. A gallery with columns leads from the walls of the church to the middle of the acropolis. Approximately 90 feet below the acropolis is a palace of amazing beauty.