Ang Thong National Marine Park.


Ang Thong Marine Park is a fascinating archipelago of almost 60 islands northwest of Koh Samui.

Most of the islands are located close to each other, creating a breathtaking panorama of the entire park. All islands are different sizes and shapes. Most of them are covered with tropical forests and are named according to their geographical features, such as "Sleeping Cow Island" and "Three Pillar Island".


Ang Thong, which means "Golden Bowl", covers approximately 250 km2, and includes 50 km2 of limestone islands that rise from the sea like rugged rock cliffs and bizarre rock formations.

Ang Thong National Marine Park is a protected nature reserve consisting of more than 40 islands and is renowned for its natural beauty. All but one of the islands are uninhabited and undeveloped. This island, Ko Paluay, is inhabited by sea gypsies who still live by fishing.

Flora and fauna

The forests in this national park can be classified as dry evergreen forest, riparian forest and limestone forest. Dry evergreen forests can be seen on the largest islands such as Wuatalab, Paluay and Samsao. Coastal, lighter-colored forests can be found in small areas along beaches and coastlines. Limestone forests are located on limestone cliffs with a thin layer of soil. Plants in such forests are shorter.

Large animals do not thrive on these small islands, which are covered with only a small amount of small to medium-sized vegetation. Sixteen species of mammals such as otters, langurs, crab-eating monkeys, wild boars, gray bats, dolphins and whales can be seen on the islands.

Other inhabitants include about 54 species of birds, including the little egret, brahminy kite, wading sandpiper, eastern pied hen, cuckoo and sacred mynah. You can find 14 species of reptiles such as ground lizard, iguana, green turtle, hawksbill, python and cobra.

The waters of the national park are inhabited by butterfly fish, angelfish, parrot fish, blue-spotted stingrays, blacktip reef sharks, snappers, groupers, nudibranchs, blue swimming crabs, sea fans, eight-rayed corals, giant clams, oysters and regular corals. The park is also a breeding ground for mackerel.

Entrance fee

Entrance fee to Marine Park: 400 baht per adult, 200 baht per child under 12 years old. Thai natives pay 80 baht.

Worth a look

Ko Mae Ko (Mother Island) is a must-visit destination. You will see here an emerald lake with sea water, located in the middle of the island and surrounded on all sides by limestone rocks, connected to the sea by an underground tunnel. To reach the lake, you need to make a forty-minute climb, requiring considerable effort, but the reward is the grand view of the entire park. The climb itself passes through several staircases, wonderfully formed by the natural arrangement of karst, piercing a narrow passage in the surface of the rock. The last steps are a bit steep and you need to be careful when going down them. The whole journey up and down will take no more than 40 minutes, unless you stop to enjoy the wonderful view of the Emerald Lagoon, as the locals call this lake, hidden in the center of the island and located 20 minutes from the highest observation point.

Ang Thong Marine National Park: Google panorama:

The caves on most islands are intricately formed by piles of stones. Visit at least one for an incredible experience. The beaches are surrounded by wonderful coral reefs, perfect for swimming and diving. Hundreds of beaches in this archipelago are abandoned. Take a boat and find your own hidden beach, away from other people.

Other popular places to visit are Ko Sam Sao or "Three-Legged Island" with a large coral reef, and Wua Talab or "Sleeping Cow". It takes some effort to climb the steep hill (430 m) to reach the viewpoint, which offers magnificent views of the entire archipelago and coastline.


This is perhaps the best place to go for a walk in Thailand. The National Park manages a trail leading up the edge of the cliffs. It takes about 25-30 minutes to climb to the top and it's worth it. At the end of the climb, a breathtaking panorama of all the Ang Thong islands awaits you.

The Park Office is located on Ko Wua Talab, where there are also bungalows for overnight stays. There are two “bars” located in the park. A bar usually means a refrigerator stocked with beer.

Ang Thong Marine National Park: video

Traveling on a comfortable speedboat, you will be able to appreciate the incredible beauty of the Ang Thong Marine National Park, consisting of 42 islands. The first stop on your adventure will be the island of Wau, home to an amazingly rich world of marine life. Armed with a mask and snorkel, an unimaginable underwater world with its numerous inhabitants will open before you. Parrot fish, sea urchins, stingrays, neons, colorful corals will amaze your imagination.

Wua Talap Island

The next stop on our excursion will be the island of Vua Talap, inhabited by wild monkeys. The golden beach and untouched nature will create the atmosphere of comfort of a real Bounty paradise. You can climb to the observation deck located at an altitude of 500 meters, which offers a unique view of the Ang Thong Marine National Park with its magnificent islands. Here you will also be invited to go kayaking. (kayaking included in price), along hidden bays, rocky grottoes and wild beaches. After a delicious lunch at the island’s restaurant, you can take a breather from new impressions and emotions, relax on the beach or visit the Lotus Cave with unique stalactites and stalagmites.

Emerald Lagoon

But that is not all! The next stop on your adventure is Mahe Island, which means "Mother Island" in Thai. According to legend, an eruption from the crater of this ancient volcano formed the islands of the Ang Thong Marine National Park. Today the volcano is considered extinct, and in its crater there is Lake Talay Nai, better known as the “Emerald Lagoon”. Climbing to the observation deck, you will have a magnificent view of the lake and Ang Thong National Park. You can also go down to the foot of the lake, along convenient steps, and admire it up close.

On the island of Koh Samui there are many different tourist excursions both on the island itself, such as the blood-stirring one, and to the nearest islands. And today we are sailing to a drop-dead place - this Ang Thong National Marine Park!

One of the most basic and popular excursions on Koh Samui is a trip to the Ang Thong National Marine Park (Mu Ko Ang Thong National Park), which means “golden bowl” in Thai.

Just 35 km west of Samui - and a galaxy of paradise opens up before you: 42 islands of uninhabited jungle. Total 18 sq. km of land, the total area of ​​the protected area is 102 sq. km. On November 12, 1980, this place was declared a park to preserve the nature of the islands and the magnificent coral reefs around them - all in their natural, pristine state. Only one of the islands is inhabited by Thais (they keep the park clean and tidy) and tourists who come for 1-2 nights; all the other islands are uninhabited.

Alex Garland glorified the archipelago by writing his famous book “The Beach”. The author was inspired by the incredible landscapes of Ang Thong. Later, based on this work, a film of the same name was made about tropical beauty and the depths of the sea with Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role.

Have you read the book or watched the movie? Write in the comments.

Finding yourself in these fabulous lagoons, plunging into the clearest sea, walking along snow-white beaches, inhaling the fresh aromas of the tropics and looking into mystical caves - you yourself become the hero of a novel or film. And don’t forget about snorkeling in the kingdom of rainbow corals and bright exotic fish. More than fifty species of birds, almost 40 species of reptiles, 16 species of mammals and 5 species of amphibians - all this makes the fauna of the island incredibly rich and diverse.

If you are not very familiar with the types of marine life, then in the park you will see with your own eyes a rich encyclopedia in living embodiment - butterfly fish, angel fish, parrot fish, teniura limma stingray, sea cucumber, giant venus, oyster, Malagasy night shark, snapper, grouper, blue crab, gorgonian alcyonaria and, of course, corals of all colors and sizes.

Before sailing, each tourist had glamorous ropes tied to his hands - bright green and pink. Later we learned that this division into “pink” and “green” was done on purpose - while the “pink” ones were kayaking, the “green” ones went up to the observation deck at the same time, then changed places. Thus, the flow of tourists is distributed.

They tie glamorous ropes to our arms

Traveling on your own to these places is difficult to implement, but a local travel agency easily organized this trip for us for 1,500 baht per person [data for 2014].

The fastest, most comfortable way to get to the park is speed boat. There are no more than 20-25 people on board, the entire route will take only 45 minutes, and there will not be large crowds at the disembarkation points. Such a pleasure will cost from 1700 to 2200 baht.

Speedboat with beautiful colors, looks like a zebra

If you like big companies and prefer not to rush, this is suitable for you ferry. The journey to the park will take about two hours. But due to its size, this ship will not be able to approach the main islands. Tourists are transferred to small boats and taken to the shore. Such an excursion will cost less - from 1200 to 1600 baht per person.

On the ferry you can drink tea or coffee, eat a banana and just have fun chatting

For those who love privacy and increased comfort, you can order individual tour. A speed boat is available. But the cost of such a route will be much more expensive - 15,000 - 25,000 baht.

Well, in the end, you can get to the Marine Park on one's own. Ships depart from the pier in Nathon every day, moving slowly but strictly on schedule. Departure at 8am, arrival in Angthong at 10:30am. But you won’t be able to walk around the archipelago for a long time - the return flight is already at 14:30, which will take you to Samui by 17:30 in the evening. The cost of such a trip is 700-1000 baht. But do not forget about additional costs - you will have to get from the hotel to the pier and back on your own. In terms of total costs, such a trip can cost almost the same as an organized tour. But if you decide to stay longer in the Marine Park and live there for several days, then this travel option is very successful.

As you may have guessed (if you watched the video), we are crawling like snails on a ferry...

Photo before departure, we were one of the first to arrive and are waiting for other tourists

But don’t be discouraged and enjoy the cool views opening before us.

Enjoying cool views from the bow of the ship

It's so nice to stand on the deck with the warm sea breeze blowing across your face.

It's so nice when the warm sea breeze blows on your face

From time to time we encountered lonely fishing boats on the open sea.

Lonely fishing boat. Isn't it beautiful?

To say that these places are very beautiful is to say nothing. During our trip to Thailand, this is perhaps the most beautiful natural attraction we saw.

View of one of the uninhabited islands in the National Park

And now the first island is visible ahead, called Mae Ko, which in Thai means Mother Island.

The first island is visible, called Mae Ko.

We were transferred to a long boat and slowly sailed to the shore.

Long Thai boats "longtail". In Thai they have an almost unpronounceable name “rya hang yao”

We sailed past a ferry boat, very similar to ours, but in better condition.

We sail to the island where the famous Emerald Lake is located

Everyone looks at the other ship and thinks, “Why do we have such a bucket, but they have...”

And finally we landed on the island.

Multi-colored canoes look so beautiful on the turquoise sea

Along a high winding staircase we climbed somewhere very high.

The stairs are almost vertical, but the climb is not very difficult

This is what the whole path looks like from the height of our flying camera:

View from above of the stairs and observation deck

With each new step, the view became incredibly fantastic, I wanted to turn around again and again.

The view from the middle of the path when climbing to the observation deck

The ascent takes approximately 10-15 minutes to a height of 150 meters. At the top there is a not very large observation deck (about 15-20 sq. meters).

Everyone happily waves to our “helicopter”

It offers a very beautiful view of the park itself and the endless sea around. Stay longer to take photos.

A crowd will stand around and watch you take photos. We play the game “photo without a Chinese person in the frame”

Having reached the highest point, we saw with our own eyes the very Emerald Lake Nai or Thale Nai for which we went to these parts. The lake is 250 meters long and 200 meters wide, approximately oval in shape. Its unusualness lies in the fact that it is surrounded on all sides by rocks, but at the same time the lake is connected to the sea through natural underground tunnels.

View of Emerald Lake from the observation deck

And, of course, we launch our helicopter into the air. If you haven't looked yet video, then be sure to do this to enjoy a bird's eye view of Emerald Lake and the surrounding area.

View of the observation deck from the side of the lake where our camera flew:

View of the observation deck from the side of the lake where our camera flew

You cannot go directly to the water of the lake; you can only walk along the bridges that are located on the rocks next to the lake. Swimming is also prohibited - the guide explained this due to the presence of very rare ancient fish. From above you can clearly see all the wooden structures built right on the rocks. You can walk along all of them and enjoy a unique view of the lake.

View of wooden structures from above, we are standing at the very top

Near the underground tunnel there is another observation deck - here you can see the rich underwater life. You can easily see sea urchins and fish and even barracudas and small reef sharks at the bottom, because the lake is shallow and the water is crystal clear.

Unrealistically beautiful view of Emerald Lake

This island was once a volcano, and after it died out, a lake filled the middle of the crater. The water brightly reflects the blue sky, and due to the light of the sun it becomes emerald. A very beautiful sight.

View of Emerald Lake

During this time, a mountain of life jackets and many, many canoes had gathered below.

Which one do you want?

By the way, from above we saw how they were melted down onto land. The ship resembles a big mother, and the canoe resembles little children on a walk.

The ship resembles a big mother, and the canoe resembles little kids on a walk

We swam in a canoe along steep cliffs from island to island (the entire route is approximately 500-700 meters, 30 minutes).

Canoeing along the rocks

Periodically we landed on snow-white beaches to swim in the crystal clear water.

We landed on some beach to swim

We didn’t even have time to take a couple of shots, but we already had to swim away

We went on this trip (as well as on) not alone, but with our friends from St. Petersburg. Due to the very busy pace of the excursion, we only had time to take one photo together.

We are with our friends from St. Petersburg

Kayaking is an exciting and mesmerizing activity.

Rowing is not as easy as it seems. After 10 minutes I want to throw away the oar and attach the motor

A voyage along the most uninhabited islands with their pristine white beaches,

Uninhabited island with a small beach

mysterious caves and rocks,

I really enjoyed swimming between these natural stones.

cleanest lagoons and lakes.

Our group on the “striped canoes”

We really like kayaking, we have already rented them several times and now we had the opportunity to swim in them near Samui. And it's really great!

Be sure to try it! It's pretty fun even if you don't like swimming

At full speed, our boat overtook us with a roar.

Eh, we could use a motor like this now...

We swim to the last beach on the route. What an amazing view!

One of the last stops, the whole route took about 30 minutes

We were picked up from the last beach in that same “long sea limousine” and taken to our snail.

The same boat takes us back to the ferry

And we once again admired the beauty of the sea and nature around.

We will never cease to admire these views!

A moment later, lasting half an hour, we found ourselves on the main island of Wua TaLap (Ko Wua TaLap), located in Kha Bay. Translated from Thai as “Sleeping Cow Island”.

View from the sea to the island of Wua Talap

Tall coconut palms along the snow-white sandy line. Here, in the northeastern part of the island, in the palm thicket, the headquarters of the Marine Park is located. The small complex of buildings is the modest housing of the park staff and their official canteen. There is also a place for visitors to have a snack - there is a specially built restaurant for them.

Aerial view of Wua Talap island

Some people arrive on the island early in the morning, in which case a speedboat comes in handy.

A speedboat is perfect for those who want to arrive on the island in the morning

The attraction of this island is an observation deck on a hill from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the island,

This view opens from 200 meters, but you still have to get there...

visit to Bua Bok Cave

We didn’t have time to go to the Bua Bok cave, but we’ll go next time

or relaxing on the beach with breathtaking snorkeling and maybe even diving.

The water is the purest turquoise color, even despite the abundance of boats and tourists

Snorkeling is swimming with a mask and fins, without a long dive. Suitable for any age. The beauty that awaits you here underwater is incredible. The richest coral gardens - the variety of colors, shapes and sizes will surprise even the most spoiled. The colorful exotic fish scurrying back and forth in the sea thickets also add a fabulous quality to the underwater world. But that’s not all - if you decide to sail further away and scuba dive with instructors, then get ready to see tiger sharks, tuna, sea bass, and turtles impressively cutting through the surface.

View of Wua Talap Island from above

Most of the people lounged on the beach and swam in the sea.

Beach of Wua Talap island with beautiful coconut trees

And we, feet in hand, rushed barefoot 500 meters up the razor-sharp rocks. This hiking trail has the simple name “Pedestrian trail to the observation deck.”

Advice: Don't forget to take your shoes from the ship if you're passing by!

There are several observation platforms along the entire ascent route. The distance is quite difficult and requires some preparation. For insurance, a rope will be strung along the entire trail. At any moment you can grab hold, take a break and catch your breath. The highest observation deck is only accessible to the brave and resilient.

The first observation deck is already at an altitude of 100 meters. From here you can view the beach and several nearby islands.

The first observation deck at an altitude of 100 meters

Anyone can go up to this observation deck and enjoy a gorgeous view of the beach.

Gorgeous view of the snow-white beach

Three streams of sweat are already dripping from you, and the thought “it could go backwards” is flickering in your head.

I'm all wet and I want to go back

The road is of about the same quality with rocks, sharp stones and leaves underfoot.

This is the road in the forest, it’s convenient to hold on to the ropes

The stones are all incomprehensible shapes, this cannot be called a comfortable path

At around 200 meters there is the next observation deck. Horizons are expanding and interest is growing - but what next? The view is dazzling, but still low.

View from the observation deck at an altitude of 200 meters

At the top of the climb, be prepared to overcome a rocky section - only 50-70 meters.

When you turn back, you feel dizzy from such a height

The layered rock protrudes at an almost vertical angle - stone blades, like knives, rush upward to a height of up to half a meter.

I can't even believe we got up here

Good shoes and caution will come in handy here. And we regretted a million times that we didn’t take our flip flops.

We climbed barefoot. Don't repeat our mistakes!

I can’t even believe that we have finally reached it, and someone else is still climbing.

The reward for the hard climb is the last observation deck. Here you can straighten your shoulders and feel like a bird.


After all, the sight is incredible - the magnificence of the sea, the lush greenery of the islands and dazzlingly clean beaches.

View from the highest observation point, height 500 meters

View from the highest observation point, height 500 meters

Almost all the islands of the national park are visible. Or maybe even everything.

View from the highest observation deck, height 500 meters - you can see us a little on the observation deck

Enjoying the view from the highest observation deck, height 500 meters

The observation deck itself is small and already quite loose from the feet of numerous tourists.

View from the observation deck from the sea

We are standing there at the very top...

Who didn't watch video– turn it on right now and fly over these crazy landscapes with us.

Turn on the video (see at the beginning of the article)

We flew over this beauty and now we will show you the view even higher than 500 meters

Larger and smaller, rocky hills buried in the tropics, bizarre shapes and even characters - each island is individual and different from its neighbor.

View from the highest observation point, height 500 meters

Everywhere you look there is pure beauty.

Only our helicopter can reach the very peak of the mountain

Another beach is visible on the other side of the island

If you turn your head to the right, you will see such beauty

Just look how much greenery there is around

As it turned out later, the descent turned out to be even more difficult. There is nowhere to go, everything has already been looked at, and all that remains to endure is the pain on the balls of my feet.

It turned out to be more difficult to go down, about 1 hour

The ascent and descent took us a little less than 2 hours.

Such a forest nymph runs out. And how happy I was that we went down

The beach on this island will not leave anyone indifferent. Well, look for yourself. Just wonderful.

A funny shot was captured by our camera - the wind from the propellers was as if a hurricane had started

Aerial view of the beach of Wua Talap island

And the water at this beach has a fantastic color - from azure near the shore to emerald green in the depths.

And we just dived into this beautiful, even if not cool, water.

After such a hard climb it was very nice to take a plunge!

The water is clean and refreshing

Having explored the island from above, you can go deeper and explore it from the inside, visiting, for example, the Bua Boc cave. A short walk through the jungle - and another magnificent gift of nature awaits you: stalactites and stalagmites. The cave itself is a unique natural site due to its geological features. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to visit it - we’ll leave it until next time.

By the way, on the island you can rent a bungalow, rent a tent and stay overnight. The cost of renting a bungalow for two people per night is about 500 baht (renting a tent is about 250 baht). Just take into account that the conditions here are quite spartan, there is no hot water, and after 23:00 the electricity is turned off. But if you want to be alone with nature, this is just the place you need.

Aerial view of the beach of Wua Talap island

Of course, we didn’t stay, we need to go charge the batteries and post a couple of videos on YouTube. There is no Internet here either.

We are waiting for our boat to come for us


And now we are already rushing on the same boat to our ferry

At the end of the day we hosted gibbon flights from the deck of our snail.

We jump from the deck of the ship and compete to see who has the most splashes

While the boys were having fun, the girls were admiring the beauty around them. Some, like us, left the island, but others stayed on it to discover the beauty of the Thai night and enjoy the silence of the jungle.

Someone, like us, was leaving the island...

Everyone swam and tired and tired, but happy, we went back home to the island of Koh Samui.

Travel tips:

To make your trip to Angthong Marine National Park successful and give you an unforgettable experience and pleasure, carefully prepare and think through the route down to the smallest detail, not forgetting to take things that will make your trip comfortable and joyful.

Firstly, sunscreens and lotions - the sun is very active and the chances of getting sunburn are very high.

Secondly, comfortable clothes - light fabrics, long-sleeved sweaters and trousers will help here, several pairs of shoes - flip-flops for the beach, sneakers - for those who want to climb rocks. In the tropics, the weather is quite changeable, so that sudden rain does not take you by surprise, take an umbrella or raincoat. For a beach holiday, you will need a bedding, a swimsuit, shower gel or soap to wash off the salt after water procedures. Sunglasses to protect your eyesight.

And thirdly, do not forget to stock up on enough drinking water.

Cost of visiting Angkhthong Park:

As with all national parks in Thailand, entrance or, more precisely, entry into the Angkhthong Marine Park is paid - 400 baht for each foreign tourist. If for a trip to the archipelago you have chosen a specialized company that is licensed for such excursions and is responsible for its passengers, then you will receive a discount - 50% of the fee, that is an entrance ticket to the Marine Park will cost you only 200 baht, children under 12 years old - 100 baht. Indigenous residents of Thailand have the maximum discount - they pay only 80 baht. But it may also be that the entrance fee is already included in the tour and you won’t have to pay additionally (this is exactly what happened to us)

The excursion lasts for the whole day - approximately 8 hours. The price of the tour includes transfer from the hotel to the ferry and back, the sea voyage itself, snorkeling, lunch, kayaking and relaxation on one of the islands. For an additional fee, you can be offered a Russian-speaking guide, but in our opinion, one is not needed on this trip.

This excursion also has its prohibitions: You cannot hunt or obtain any terrestrial or underwater animals, or take anything out of the park.

A few facts about other islands of the archipelago:

Samsao Island or "Three-Legged Island"

Samsau is located directly opposite the park headquarters, based on Mae-Ko. Among its attractions: a stone bridge of natural origin, intricately curved and leading to the sea, wild beaches where you can linger a little and live in tents, wonderful coral reefs. If you have time, be sure to snorkel there and enjoy the marine nature of this place.

Thaiphlao and Wua Kantang Islands

The islands of Thai Phlaw and Wua Kantang will delight you with dazzling white beaches and a variety of corals, which you can explore by taking short swims in the clear waters.

Hiking trails

"Pedestrian trail to the observation deck" located on the island of Wua Talap in Kha Bay and has a length of 500 meters. We were just climbing it.

"Exploring nature by boat"- these are two water routes. The first one runs along the coast of Phi Island, the length of the route is 600 meters. The second one runs between the beaches of Kha Bay and Nathap Bay, the length of the journey is 2200 meters.

"Exploring nature underwater"- under this name three routes for snorkeling are combined. 200 meters off the island of Thai Phlaw, and one hundred and fifty meter routes off the island of Sam Sau and Wua Talap in Kha Bay.

Main islands:

  • Phaluai - Phaluai (พะลวย)
  • Wua-Chiu - Wua Chio (วัวจิ๋ว)
  • Wua Talap (วัวตาหลับ)
  • Mae Ko (แม่เกาะ)
  • Samsau - Samsao (สามเส้า)
  • Phai Luak (ไผ่ลวก)
  • Kha - Kha (คา)
  • Hindap (หินดับ)
  • Phi - Phi (ผี)
  • Wua Kantang (วัวกันตัง)
  • Pae Yat (แปยัด)
  • Wua-Te - Wua Te (วัวเตะ)
  • Naiphut (นายพุด)
  • Changsom (ช้างโทรม)
  • Hanuman - Hanuman (หนุมาน)
  • Thaiphlao (ท้ายเพลา)
  • Huaklong (หัวกล้อง)
  • Khonban - Khon Ban (โคนบาน)

Map of the islands of Ang Thong National Park:

Map of the islands of Ang Thong National Park

We recommend an excursion to Angthong Marine Park as a must for all tourists visiting Samui. Mysterious caves, clear lagoons, lush greenery of the tropics, snow-white paradise beaches, fabulous corals and mysterious fish will leave you with an unforgettable experience and give you incredible emotions.

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Ang Thong National Marine Park is an archipelago of 42 islands in the Gulf of Thailand, Southern Thailand. The park covers a total area of ​​102 km², of which only 18 km² is land. The park was formed on November 12, 1980. Since 2002, it has been listed as a party to the Ramsar Convention under number 1184. This convention includes wetlands of international importance as important habitat for waterfowl.

Short description

The main office of the national park, the Information Center (provides tourists with all the necessary information), a restaurant, tourist bungalows, as well as the famous observation deck, which offers panoramic views of the national park, are located on the island of Ko Wua Talap. The island of Ko Wua Talapa is notable for its Buaboke Cave and two beaches. Both beaches are located on opposite ends of the island, you can go from one to the other along a path through the jungle (approximately 30 minutes)

All islands are uninhabited and have no built buildings except for two. One of them is the already mentioned island of Ko Wua Talap, the other is Ko Paluay, where sea gypsies live, who have been fishing for centuries. The beautiful nature and snorkeling among the coastal coral gardens have made the national park a popular day trip destination from Koh Samui.


Most of the islands are steep limestone mountains about 10-400 meters above sea level; there are few flat areas. The islands are covered in tropical forests and are named after their distinctive landforms, such as Sleeping Cow Island or Three Pillars Island. Limestone islands with karst landforms rise from the sea in the form of rocks of the most bizarre shapes. There are interesting caves, hidden lagoons and sandy beaches to explore.

Flora and fauna

The forest of Ang Thong National Park can be classified into the following categories:

Evergreen forest (found on large islands such as Ko Wua Talapa, Ko Paluai and Sam Sao);
coastal forest (stretches in small strips along the beaches and mountain slopes going down to the sea);
forest on limestone (found on limestone mountains with a thin layer of soil).

Large animals do not live, since small islands are not able to feed them. There are 16 species of mammals, including otters, langurs, crab-eating monkeys, pigs, and silverbacks.

The islands of the national park are home to at least 54 species of birds, including little herons, brahminy kites, waders, hornbills, drongos, and the sacred mynah. Reptiles include lizards, iguanas, green turtles, hawksbill turtles, pythons and cobras.

5 species of amphibians: Asian frogs, tiger frogs, wrinkled frogs, grass frogs and tree frogs.

The waters of Ang Thong National Park are rich in fish resources: butterfly fish, angel fish, parrot fish, stingrays, reef sharks, groupers, sea slugs, swimming crabs, gorgonians, alcyonarians, giant clams, oysters.

How to get there

The park is most often visited from Koh Samui on small ships designed to carry 40-50 passengers. Upon arrival, you will board long-tail boats to travel to the island included in your excursion.

Speedboat tours include a smaller number of participants (maximum 25 people). They will get you to the archipelago faster, so you can spend more time in the park.

If you want to avoid the crowds and money is not a problem, the best option is to gather a group of friends and acquaintances, hire a boat and explore the islands and beaches at your own discretion. A private tour for a group of no more than 10 people will cost about 15,000 baht.

There are also boats based on the islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Tao, offering cruises to the Ang Thong islands with the option of living on board. For sailings from Koh Tao with accommodation on board contact, for cheaper accommodation options on Koh Wua Talap contact http://www.adventure-cruises .net/

As of June 2013, tours from Samui or Pha Ngan cost between 1,300 baht (including national park fee without kayaking) to 2,100 baht (park fee + kayaking). Standard tours include hotel pick-up, light breakfast, speedboat ride to the park, snorkeling, Emerald Lake Lookout, lunch either on the ferry or on Koh Wua Talap Island, where the viewpoint is located. beautiful panorama of the park. The hike to the summit, without stopping at the three lower viewpoints, takes approximately 30 minutes. Most tours visit the Visitor Center.

Please note that boats do not always drop off passengers at Ko Wua Talap main beach. In this case, you will get off at the second beach, Ko Wua Talap (at the other end of the island). If you stay on this beach, you will not be able to go up to the park's observation deck. To do this, you need to go to the other side of the island to the main beach along the path through the jungle.

Visit fee

Foreigners are charged 200 baht for access to Ang Thong National Marine Park (100 baht for children under 12 years of age). The price for Thais is 40 baht. If you visit the park as part of an organized tour, the initial access fee is usually not included in the tour price. You will have to pay additional money upon arrival at the park.

What to see

In the center of Ko Mae Island is the Emerald Lake (Thale Nai). The lake has access to the sea through an underground tunnel. There is a trail to an observation deck overlooking Emerald Lake and other small islands of the national park; the hike there and back takes about 40 minutes. Bua Bok Cave is located one kilometer from the national park office. The cave is covered with beautiful stalagmites and stalactites.

Things to do

Many islands have caves that can be visited. The coral reefs near Thaiphlao, Samsao, and Kha Bay on the island are popular snorkeling spots. There are many deserted beaches on the islands, take a kayak and visit one of them. On the island of Koh Vua Talap at an altitude of 430 m there is an observation deck from which the landscape of the islands of the archipelago and the mainland coast opens.

Where to eat

On the island of Koh Wua Talap there is a good restaurant and two bars that sell beer. By "bar" we mean a refrigerator full of beer.


Although most tourists visit Ang Thong National Marine Park on a day tour, its beauty can only be truly appreciated when you stay on the main island for 1-2 days. There are several simple bungalows for accommodation in the park. The cost is quite low: 500 baht per day. Bungalows provide minimal comfort, no hot water, electricity supply stops after 23:00. You can book accommodation on the website of the national parks of Thailand using this link. In the drop-down menu, select the name of the park and then fill out the form. Cabins can be booked 60 days before your trip.

If there are no available bungalows, you can rent a tent for two for 250 baht. Or bring your own tent and pitch it at the campground.

When to visit

The best time to visit the islands of Ang Thong National Park is from February to April. Calm seas at this time are optimal for snorkeling. In November and December, the sea in the Gulf of Thailand is often stormy. At this time, the national park is temporarily closed to the public.

Ang Thong National Park is one of the main natural attractions of the country. It includes a group of 42 islands located in the Gulf of Thailand off the coast of Koh Samui (Surat Thani province).

From one of the most popular resorts - Koh Samui - to Ang Thong 35 km by sea. This is a real wonderland, consisting of blue lagoons and green islands, mysterious caves and exotic rock shapes.

Until 1980, the archipelago was closed and protected by the Royal Thai Navy, and only then was transferred from the status of a national park. But nevertheless, warships still patrol the sea in front of the islands.

Ang Thong means “golden pool” in Thai.

The main islands of the archipelago: Paluay, Wao Jiew, Wao Talub, Mae Khao, Samsao, Phai Luak.

The islands are mainly made of limestone, rising 10-400 meters above sea level. Limestone easily changes its structure under the influence of weather, which is why most islands have bizarre shapes.

The depth of the sea here is very small - up to 10 m. Corals around the islands are not extensively developed, limited to a narrow strip and close to the shore of each island. Especially on the southern, western and north-eastern sides.

Climate of Ang Thong Park

The weather in the park is influenced by the monsoon, which creates large waves and rain. The average temperature throughout the year is approximately 27 degrees. The best time to visit the islands is between February and April. At this time the temperature is high, but the sea is calm.

Flora and fauna of Ang Thong Park

Most of the national park is open space. Land, islands - only 18% on earth. A thin layer of soil lies on top of the limestone rocks that make up the islands. The forest growing in this soil is divided into four types:

  1. Semi-evergreen forest - the main plants are Indian oak, lady's slipper orchid, and Calophyllum.
  2. Plants on the shore - tropical almond, coastal mahoe, Alexandrian laurel.
  3. Forest on limestone mountains - the main plants are spurge (genus Antiquorum Euphorbia), crinum lily.
  4. Mangrove trees - the only plant is the swamp small-leaved mangrove tree.

In general, the islands of the archipelago are densely covered with forest. It grows, among other things, on karst rocks and in shallow soils at the very top of limestone cliffs. Many trees and plants are very rare. Mangroves occupy shallow and muddy areas, growing mainly around Mae Ko Island and on the eastern side of Phaluai Island.

Rivers flowing into the Gulf of Thailand bring with them soil, parts of vegetation and other debris, making the water cloudy almost all year round. Not all inhabitants of the sea world like muddy water. Therefore, the main marine fauna of this area is represented by algae, mussels and oysters.

There are wild animals and sea animals such as spectacled langur, parrot, Loma and whales. This area is a major breeding ground for mackerel, an economically important fish. Marine animals inhabiting these reefs include:

  • Fish - butterfly,
  • sea ​​angel,
  • Scarfish,
  • Stingray - sea cat,
  • black shark,
  • Grouper
  • and Cowrie shells.

Tourism in Ang Thong

Despite the fact that the islands are a conservation area, they provide accommodation for tourists. In addition, one-day excursions are actively brought here.

It must be remembered that most of the islands are impenetrable jungles, through which it is impossible to travel as a “savage”.

Entrance fee to Ang Thong National Park is 200 Baht.

On the central island of Wua Talap you will be offered the following tourist infrastructure:

  • bungalow;
  • tent campsites.

You can even bring your own tent and rent a campsite or use the tents provided by the park administration.

There is a cafe-bar and restaurants.

Wua Talap Island

The main island is located in Kha Bay. All excursions come to this island. There is a good, clean beach here.

Visitors to the park are offered to climb a 500-meter mountain, from where a panorama of the entire archipelago opens. The view is truly stunning: the limestone islands form unusual shapes and bizarre silhouettes towering above the water.

The attraction of Wua Talap is the Bua Bok Cave. It is unique from a geological point of view, full of stalactites and stalagmites.

Island Mae Ko

The main attraction on this island is the mountain lake Thale Nai. It is a large natural reservoir lying in a bowl of karst mountains. The lake is salty, because has underwater communication with the Gulf of Thailand.

It is believed that it was formed as a result of a breakthrough of a thin layer of limestone base, which led to the filling of the depression with sea water.

Paluay Island

In all of Ang Thong, this island is the only one where there is a permanent population. And these are gypsies. Tourists are specially brought to Paluay, where they take an ethnographic excursion and are introduced to traditional life and the organization of life in a gypsy village.

How to get to Ang Thong Park

You can travel to Ang Thong by speed boat. The journey takes about 1 hour. You can sail both from Samui and from mainland Surat Thani. There is no regular boat service to Ang Thong Park, only frequent carriers.

If you are far from the archipelago:

By vehicle:

  • from Bangkok take Highway No. 35 (Thonburi-Pakthor),
  • then along Highway No. 4 in the provinces of Phetchaburi, Chumpon and Prachuab Kiri Khun,
  • along highway No. 41 to Surat Thani province.

The total distance is 644 km. In the province of Surat Thani you need to get to Don sak and from there by ferry to Koh Samui, then by speedboat to Park.

By plane: On Thai Airline Public Co, Ltd. From Bangkok you can fly to the province of Surat Thani. Price about 2000 Baht. At Bangkok Airway Co, Ltd. from Bangkok to Samui island. Price about 3200 Baht. Flights operate every day, travel time is 1 hour 15 minutes.

From Koh Samui You can rent a boat with a boatman for the whole day for $100-$150. But check right away what time the boatman’s day ends - you may think that at 24-00, and then he will announce that at 17-00.

This is a convenient option if you want to travel around the entire park on your own without being tied to anyone. Arriving at the main island of Wua Talap, you need to pay the entrance fee. The services of a group guide, if necessary, are paid additionally.

But most tourists choose organized group excursions. Moreover, they recommend an overnight excursion.