Which resort in Sri Lanka is better to go to? Blue waters, sandy shores, ocean breezes - Sri Lanka on the world map in Russian. Relax in the best hotels in Asia, combining the highest service and design

The Blessed Land or Sri Lanka is located in the southeastern part of the Hindustan Peninsula. This is the land of elephants, Hinduism and, more recently, active tourism.

Previously, a significant number of Portuguese traveled to Lanka, since the island of Ceylon (previous name) belonged to them and was a colony. Now representatives of most developed countries are actively expanding. We are, of course, talking about tourist expansion, because this island really seems to be blessed by nature.

Where is?

Noted the location is clear to few, but if you say Sri Lanka - it’s there near India, then most people will understand where the island is located.

At the same time, many consider the island to be part of India, but in reality Sri Lanka is a separate social democratic republic, headed by a president who is not Indian, but his own Sri Lankan.

Certainly, Lanka and India have a lot in common in terms of culture and social structure. For example, on the island money is called rupees in the Indian style, only there they use their own Sri Lankan rupees.

The most popular languages are those (Sinhala and Tamil) which have linguistic connections with Indian linguistic culture.

These countries have a lot in common in terms of religious beliefs and cults. Indeed, in addition to the religions left over from the colonialists, the most widespread here are the eastern religions, in particular Hinduism and Buddhism.

Weather on the island

As well as in many tropical countries on the island of Sri Lanka monsoons dominate, that is, stable winds that shape the weather and change their direction with the changing of the main (winter and summer) seasons.

In Lanka, the southwest monsoon lasts from June to October, and the northeast monsoon during the rest of the year. In general, the weather is characterized high humidity and temperature. Actually, it’s not surprising, because the equator is not far away.

Throughout the year, the temperature is in the range of 25-30 degrees, in the mountains it is about 10 degrees less. Therefore, the periods are divided into dry season and rainy season.

The territory of the island is not much larger than the Moscow region, but, oddly enough, on different parts of the coast rainy seasons fall on different periods of the year, like this:

  • on the northeast coast from October to the end of December It's the rainy season;
  • on the southwest coast from May to July It's rainy season.

Thus, finding a resort with optimal conditions is not difficult. Somewhere it is always dry (during the dry season there is practically no rain) and warm.

Best resorts

Capital of the island is the city of Kotte, and the largest city is, which, by the way, is located very close to Kotte. However, this information has no significant practical use, because it is much more interesting to learn about the best Sri Lankan resorts.


The resort is about 150 kilometers from Colombo, which replete with small hotels with exquisite service. Weligama is located in a beautiful bay and attracts with its natural beauty.

Kylie Minogue wrote a song about this resort, or more precisely about the island of Taprobane, which is located in Weligama.

Besides this Weligama is a base for surfers, in particular the eastern part of the resort, where there are magnificent waves and picturesque sunsets, which we advise you to admire if possible. The western part is calmer with no waves and clear azure water.

There are many on the city streets interesting buildings colonial era, Buddhist and Catholic temples.


Perfect option for a secluded holiday on the south coast. There are relatively few tourists here, but at the same time magnificent beaches known, if not throughout the world, then throughout Asia:

  • Pallikaduva;
  • Medaketia;
  • Goyambokka;
  • Medilla.

The most popular beach is Medaketia, as it is the safest swimming area and most hotels are based near this beach.

Perhaps the most beautiful is Medilla, which pleases with clean sand and charming corals near the shore. The resort is interesting for its variety; it is quite easy to find budget apartments here; in Sri Lanka, such an option is rare.


It is worth noting this resort, which has its own airport and is considered one of the most romantic. There are magnificent beaches, palm wine and great diving at the largest diving center on the island.

Beaches and coast

Overall a beach holiday is one of the most common directions. Partying in Lanka is not so common, but relaxing on the beach is possible almost along the entire coast.

Wherever you point on the map of the island on the coast, most likely there is a good beach, and possibly resorts with hotels.

It will take a lot of time to describe each resort, although for a tourist you just need to know about the suitability of almost every Sri Lankan beach for recreation. Although, of course, it is often better to look for resorts on south coast.

Attractions and entertainment by the ocean

Sri Lanka has a long history. Travelers are attracted by the most beautiful places on the ocean coast and numerous historical and cultural monuments.

Sri Lanka excels in the presence of temples dedicated to Buddha and other places of worship. Thus, near Dambula on the Mihintale hills, the remains of ancient temples were found. These ruins are considered the beginning of the emergence of the Buddhist religion in the country.

Mount Adams known for the imprinted traces of Gautama discovered here, which even today leads to contradictions between representatives of the leading religions of the world.

Kandy area famous for the largest Botanical Garden in the East, it houses a rich collection of plants representing the tropics and the equator of the Earth. The garden is named romantically - Paradeniya.

In the state nursery of the city of Pinawalla breed elephants.

Early written monument of the Buddhist religion located in Aluvihara on the territory of a complex consisting of cave temples.

Biological reserve in Sinharaja gives tourists the opportunity to see virgin forests with a variety of amazing flora. Some of the trees are 50 meters high.

Sandbanks and picturesque lagoons combine under the shadow of Bundala National Park. About 20 thousand species of birds nest on its territory, and different species of sea turtles live and breed.

The oldest and largest Yalla Nature Reserve, which has the status of a national park. It contains representatives of different populations of the rich animal world. Tourists will see flying squirrels flashing overhead and monitor lizards basking in the sun. On the territory of the reserve you can use the services of hotels.

Kozgoda town will attract the attention of vacationers with the presence of farms where sea turtles are bred.

The city of Hikkaduwa is known as "Coral Reserve", attracting numerous lovers of the underwater world. They are attracted by the beauty of the local reefs and the huge number of ocean inhabitants.

Ratnapura town famous for the processing of precious stones. For little money, travelers have the opportunity to buy stones and have custom-made frames made.

Features of the holiday

Spending a holiday in Sri Lanka means: quiet, relaxing holiday, proximity to the warm sea and nature. There are very few such “leisurely” countries in the world, where you don’t see constant rush and bustle, where people know how to enjoy life. Slowness also applies to hotel staff other than top establishments.

Holidays on the island will appeal to both beginners and experienced tourists.

You just need to take care of safety first, in particular in terms of food and water that you can consume on the island.

Additionally, you need to consider lack of tourist infrastructure, if you want to island hop and explore Sri Lanka yourself.

If you start to wonder why Sri Lankans rest on weekdays, then the lunar calendar can give you a hint. In Sri Lanka weekends are full moons, which are intended for meditation. This is an amazing country in which the rulers care about the spiritual development of their subjects.

Sri Lanka on the world map - next video:

Few of us living in northern latitudes have wondered: what is the island of Sri Lanka, where is it located, what country is it, how to find it on the world map, what is it washed with? Many people are interested in the question - is Sri Lanka India or not? And what part of the world does Sri Lanka belong to?

In recent years, holidays on this piece of land in the middle of the vast expanses of the ocean have become increasingly popular. Tourists come here for the warm sea, sandy beaches, eternal summer, unique souvenirs, and the opportunity to see whales.

In contact with

Geographical location

Geographically, Sri Lanka is located at the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula, it can easily be found on the world map in the Indian Ocean, since the state is located in the south of Asia, then the part of the world to which it belongs is Asia. Sandy shores, with a total length of about 1300 km, are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The island has an elongated shape from south to north; it is separated from the mainland by the Polk Strait, more than five tens of kilometers wide. The southern part of the island consists of mountain terraces that move towards the center into the highlands.

Geographic coordinates of Sri Lanka - 7°45′00″ N. la., 80°46′00 e. d.

Brief information about the country

When Sri Lanka was colonized by England, Portugal and Holland in the 16th century, it was called Ceylon. Now the island is called Sri Lanka, and regarding how the official name sounds in Russian, Wikipedia answers - “Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka”.

Form of statehood – Democratic Socialist Republic. Type of government - presidential republic. The main nationality is Sinhalese. The first states appeared in the 5th century BC. The ancient inhabitants of the island traded with the Chinese, Arabs, and Romans.

From the 16th century to the mid-20th century it was a colonial possession:

  • Portuguese;
  • Dutch;
  • English.


note: Officially, the main administrative center, the seat of government, is the city of Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, founded in the 13th century as the Kotte fortress. Located between the Diyavana Oya and Kolonnava Oya riverbeds.

In fact, the economic and cultural center of the country is the city of Colombo, founded in the 7th century, presumably by Arab merchants. Initially, the city developed as a trading port.


The country has two official state languages ​​– Sinhala and Tamil. In tourist areas, residents understand English.


Residents of Russia must obtain a visa to visit. The easiest way is to fill out in advance the electronic form posted on the embassy’s website. Upon arrival, pay $35, present a valid passport, completed arrival card and receive a visa.

Note: A visa can also be issued directly upon arrival. However, this will cost more and take more time.


Ceylon is home to more than 21.5 million people. More than ¾ of the population is the titular nation - the Sinhalese, 1/6 - the Tamils. The descendants of Arabs and Austronesians, who are immigrants from, do not exceed 1/12 of the country's population.

In addition, descendants of European colonialists live here: the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British. Their number is about 1/15 of the total number of citizens.


Take note: Four world religions are officially recognized: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity.

The Sinhalese, the bulk of the population, profess Buddhism. Tamils ​​are Hindus, Islam is traditionally preached by Arabs and Austronesians. The descendants of Europeans are Catholics.

Sea and ocean

In fact, Sri Lanka is washed by the waters of two seas included in the Indian Ocean. The Palk Strait, separating Ceylon from the mainland, connects the Gulf of Mannar in the west with the Bay of Bengal in the east.

The northwestern shores are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mannar, which is part of the Laccadive Sea.

The northeastern part is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal, which by its characteristics is a sea. The bay is famous for its coastal mangrove forests, rich in unique underwater world.

The rest of the island's coastline is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean itself. The sea coast with lazy surf is perfect for a beach holiday. Fans of active recreation should choose ocean beaches with their ever-roaring waves.


The national currency of the republic is the Sri Lankan rupee. 1 US dollar costs about 153 Sri Lankan rupees. 1 Russian ruble costs approximately 2.62 rupees; a euro costs about 166 rupees.


Sri Lanka has a fairly developed ground transport infrastructure:

  • tuk-tuks are the main type of transport, and are a cross between a motorbike and a pedicabs. It is allowed to bargain on the price of the trip;
  • city ​​buses;
  • an extensive network of intercity buses, which is the most comfortable form of transport;
  • railway connections between populated areas;
  • Taxi. Developed only in tourist areas and capitals.

Car and scooter rentals are also available. Just keep in mind that:

  • the authorities do not recognize any rights other than local ones;
  • Only persons over 21 years of age are allowed to drive.

Difference in time

Moscow time is 2.5 hours behind Sri Lankan time. The time is 4.5 hours ahead of Sri Lanka, and 1.5 hours ahead of Novosibirsk. It is located in almost the same time zone as Sri Lanka: the difference is only 30 minutes.

What to bring

Since ancient times, the island has been famous for its tea plantations, spices, and pearls. The number of tea varieties is so large that it is almost impossible to taste them all.

For decades, precious stones mined from the depths of Sri Lanka have been highly valued in jewelry markets: sapphires, emeralds, almandines, opals, tourmalines, topazes.

Therefore, you should bring from your trip:

  • ceylon tea. You can buy it on plantations, in stores, and in the market. The price greatly depends on the proximity to tourist areas;
  • spices: vanilla pods, pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon sticks;

  • natural essential oils tropical plants: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, wild lemongrass, vetiver;
  • jewelry with precious stones.

Advice: When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the metal: gold and silver are exported, so no one is responsible for the quality of the metals.

The stones have a mineralogical passport, which will need to be presented when going through customs;

  • cotton clothing. For its production, Indian cotton is used, characterized by long fibers that give the fabrics softness.


The island is entirely located in the zone of humid equatorial climate with a transition to subequatorial climate. The climate on the coast is monsoon.

The high season is winter. The climate is mild. There is practically no change in seasons. Ceylon is the kingdom of eternal summer. Even in the mountains, snow never falls. There are practically no average daily temperature fluctuations.

Note: the pole of cold is Nuwara Eliya, where the average daily temperature ranges from +11° to 13°C.

Air and ocean water temperatures are always almost the same, 30°-32°C. The sea water temperature is 1–2°C lower. Night temperatures rarely drop below +25°C.

In the highlands the climate is less hot, the temperature rarely rises above +25°C. Climatic conditions are such that the local southern winter is much warmer than our northern summer.

How to get there

Direct regular flights from Colombo International Airport operate only to one Russian city - Moscow. Flight period: from June to August.

Direct charter flights are organized from other Russian cities to Colombo, information about which can be obtained from the tour operator organizing the trips.

It is convenient for residents of the Asian part of the country to fly with transfers at the following airports:

  • Beijing;
  • Seoul;

There are year-round regular direct flights with these cities. Russian airlines have tariff agreements with Asian airlines operating flights to Ceylon.

For residents of the European part, it is convenient to fly via Dubai or Doha. In addition, you can fly from Russia to Ceylon via, Mumbai, Delhi, Tashkent. These routes require 2-3 transfers.


Resort areas are located in almost all corners of the country:


In the western part of the country, the most popular resort is the fishing village of Negombo, located on the shores of the lagoon of the same name. Historically, the area is notable for its Portuguese fort, which the Dutch turned into a prison. Of interest to fans of history, cultural studies, and ethnography.

Advice: Negombo is ideal for those who love a lazy time on the beach.


The popular youth resort of Colombo, the cultural capital of the country, is located on the shores of the bay of the same name in the west of the country. Like any eastern city, Colombo lives in contrasts: poverty borders on wealth, shacks of the poor huddle next to fashionable buildings.

The cleanliness of wealthy neighborhoods is replaced by the trash of slums. Glitter and poverty, eternal celebration and eternal work, past and future - all this is intertwined on the streets of Colombo. Of interest to lovers of active recreation.


A romantic resort on the sea coast is perfect for peace and lazy relaxation. It is a quiet place with a leisurely pace under the shade of palm trees. The main type of recreation is beach. Located southwest of Colombo.


It is located on the shores of the Laccadive Sea, where the Kalu River flows into it.

Aimed at lovers of active recreation and water sports.


The city is located in the southwest and is notable for its architecture. This resort is suitable for a relaxing, secluded holiday.


Located in the west of the country. It recently acquired the status of a resort, so the flow of tourists is still small. Fans of a leisurely, measured holiday will appreciate the sandy beaches in the vicinity of the town.


A small town in the south of Sri Lanka on the shore of a bay protected from ocean waves by a coral reef. Popular among lovers of individual travel.

Take note: Unawatuna is ideal for a relaxing holiday with children.

Resort on the southern tip of the island. Quiet place away from civilization. The unique underwater world attracts diving fans.

Kogalla is famous for its boat excursions, where you can spot wild whales and dolphins.

Mirissa - the best beach

Experienced surfers come to Mirissa for the high waves. Untouched, wonderful nature and lack of economic activity create a feeling of paradise. The place is secluded and conducive to a romantic getaway. The usual resort entertainment is missing.

Surf paradise

The open ocean coast of the southern tip of the island is popular with surfers. The surf allows surfing all year round. Sandy beaches are good for beginner surfing. Experienced surfers catch waves among rocks and reefs.

Interesting to know: Hikkaduwa is the most popular beach among surfers. Beginners can take individual lessons from professional instructors or sign up for classes at surf schools.

Surfing schools also operate in Kogalle, Unawatuna, and Weligama.


Shopping is amazing in its variety and will bring true pleasure to those who love to shop.

Note: like everywhere else in the east, it is customary to bargain here. Local merchants do not like those who buy without bargaining. For them, this is one of the types of communication, a centuries-old tradition that is observed to this day. In addition, by haggling it is quite possible to reduce prices by several orders of magnitude.

While vacationing on the island, you should visit numerous jewelry factories with shopping centers. The range of jewelry shopping centers amazes with the variety and beauty of the products presented. Local jewelers can create custom jewelry with your favorite stones.

After taking a trip to the tea plantations, strolling through the spice gardens, it is worth visiting the shops. True, prices there are much higher than in small shops and markets.

At local markets you can buy exotic fruits, spices, herbs, and essential oils. In addition, here you can purchase clothes made from cotton or have them custom-tailored.

This is especially true for the countries of Southeast Asia. Even if tourists bring any plants or seeds, they can simply be confiscated at customs. To prevent this, it is recommended to refuse the purchase or issue a herbal passport. It is better to carry fruits in packed luggage, this way they will definitely not be confiscated.


Leaving a tip is voluntary. Hotel staff, guides, porters, and drivers are advised to tip a dollar.

In cafes and restaurants, tips are already included in the bill. In other cases, tourists determine the tip size themselves; the maximum amount can reach 10% of the check value.


The national cuisine of Sri Lankans is predominantly vegetarian with a lot of spices and herbs. The main food product is rice. Local cuisine originates from Indian cuisine; the Portuguese, Dutch, British, Arabs, and Chinese contributed to it.

Therefore, modern dishes are a mixture of the culinary traditions of these peoples. A spice for all occasions is curry, which is served as a side dish with boiled rice.

Hotels offer tourists the usual Europeanized menu. National dishes are served in adapted form. You can try authentic Sri Lankan dishes in restaurants frequented by locals. For most Europeans, national dishes seem very spicy; this must be kept in mind when ordering dishes.

Flora and fauna

The fauna of this corner of the planet is one of the most diverse. The island is home to many endemic species of animals, amphibians, birds, insects that are found only here - 16% of the total.

More than half of the species are threatened with extinction:

  • Indian sambar deer;
  • Sri Lankan leopard;
  • Sri Lankan elephant;
  • sloth bear.

The island is also home to more than 200 species of birds, a quarter of which are also endangered. More than half of the amphibians may also disappear forever, and more than a hundred species live here, 90% of them are endemic.

Scammers on the island

You can come across scammers everywhere: on the street, in restaurants, shops, in transport. Traders and drivers usually quote a price that is many times higher than the actual price. There is only one piece of advice: find out the cost in advance and bargain desperately.

You can also become a victim of scammers when exchanging currency; tourists are often lured by a tempting exchange rate. Therefore, it is necessary to remain vigilant, not to be fooled by tempting offers, while maintaining a critical perception. As the saying goes: free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.


Sri Lanka is a country with a thousand-year history and unique nature.

Traveling around the island, you can see architectural monuments that are cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO:

  • the ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, built three thousand years ago by Indians;
  • ancient man-made lakes;
  • the Sigiriya palace complex, located on mountain terraces;
  • Horton Place National Parks, Yala;
  • royal botanical garden;
  • legacy of the colonial period;
  • numerous ancient temples.

In fact, the whole of Ceylon is one big attraction. Nearby are the eras of Ancient India and colonization, modern buildings and ancient palaces, botanical gardens and thousand-year-old plantations.

tour cost

The cost of a week-long package tour for two with departure from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk starts from 60 thousand rubles.

Review of the best resorts and beaches in Sri Lanka: map, description, season, pros and cons. Find out where the best beach holidays are on the island!

Sri Lanka has many wonderful resorts with good beaches and well-developed infrastructure. In this review you will learn about the most popular resorts and beaches in Sri Lanka. We will tell you about a beach holiday in Sri Lanka: what is good about each resort, how to spend time on vacation and when is the best time to go on vacation.

Map of resorts and beaches of Sri Lanka

List of the best resorts in Sri Lanka

Negombo is located closer than other resorts to Colombo airport - the distance to it is about 30 km. This is very convenient for tourists who have had a long flight. The place is more famous for its fishing conditions than for beach holidays: the coastal waters abound with a large number of fish, their migration period occurs during the high tourist season. The large seafood market is one of Negombo's most famous attractions. Negombo has reefs, which makes the place popular among divers.

Beach holidays in Negombo are mediocre: the water is muddy, some areas of the shore are occupied by fishermen, where they lay out gear and dry fish. There are few umbrellas and sunbeds, as well as water activities, the only exceptions being expensive hotels.

Nevertheless, Negombo is considered one of the best resorts in Sri Lanka thanks to the convenient beaches that stretch along Lewis Place. In addition, there is an optimal choice of accommodation and many photogenic fishermen and beautiful scenery.

Negombo can be visited all year round, however it is very wet in May and October - November.

(Photo © ronsaunders47 / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Hikkaduwa is located 100 km from Colombo and is the leader in attendance. Divers, surfers, snorkelers, young people and family people come here. Water activities and a modest nightlife have made Hikkaduwa the busiest and best resort in Sri Lanka.

Here are the longest beaches in Sri Lanka and many hotels of different categories. The beaches are ideal for surfing - there is almost always a strong wave. Early in the morning, huge turtles appear near the shore; they are so accustomed to people that they take treats directly from people’s hands.

In the center of Hikkaduwa there is a coral park where you can ride a glass-bottom boat, go snorkeling, or book a boat trip. There are several Buddhist temples in Hikkaduwa, the most famous and popular among them is located on a small island. Entrance to the temples is free, excluding travel fees. Excursions to the mines where precious stones are mined and can be purchased are popular among vacationers.

A great time to holiday in Hikkaduwa is from November to April.

Wadduwa is located 35 km from Colombo. At this Sri Lankan resort you will find golden sandy beaches, coconut palms, diving centers, sailboats, surfing and other entertainment. During the dives you can see the remains of sunken ships. Tennis courts and golf courses are equipped especially for vacationers. All hotels are comfortable.

Fans of excursions will not be bored - they will be able to visit neighboring Kalutara with the Buddhist temple Gangatilaka Vihara and the fishermen's town of Hambantota, take a boat trip along the canals and capture the local beauty.

The best time for an active and beach holiday at this resort is from October to March.

(Photo © Hash Milhan / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

The village of Bentota is located south of Colombo - 65 km (2 hours drive), between the mouth of the river of the same name and the ocean. It is considered an elite and best resort in Sri Lanka, a favorite beach holiday destination for romantics and those seeking solitude.

Here are the largest number of comfortable hotels, uncrowded clean beaches and lush jungle nature, famous mangrove forests grow in this area. The resort offers a lot of entertainment for its guests - sea and river fishing, an exciting safari on the river with crocodiles, excursions to a turtle farm, yacht trips and much more. There is a center for diving enthusiasts.

The best time for a beach holiday in Bentota is from October to April.

(Photo © lola media / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The small resort village of Unawatuna is located 120 km from Colombo. Once a fishing village, this rapidly developing resort is only slightly inferior in popularity to Hikkaduwa and Bentota.

This place is especially loved by tourists who vacation on their own - the resort has many guesthouses at an affordable price. The main advantage of Unawatuna is the calm water in the ocean. The central beach is located in a bay, and coral reefs protect from strong waves, so families with children are happy to relax here.

The entire tourism infrastructure has been created. Vacationers can go diving or snorkeling; lovers of excursions can visit the neighboring resort of Galle. But this is not a place for solitude: the beaches of Unawatuna can be quite crowded.

The optimal time for vacation is from December to April. It is too rainy in May and October–November.

(Photo © iris0327 / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Due to their distance from the airport, the resorts on the northeastern coast of Sri Lanka are less popular than on the southwestern coast. Nevertheless, Trincomalee is considered one of the best resorts in Sri Lanka and the most beautiful place on the island: there is a deep-water bay discovered by Admiral Nelson. Trincomalee itself is unique in terms of architecture - there are Muslim buildings, Buddhist and Hindu temples. You can get there by night train from Colombo (9 hours travel time) or by bus (7 hours).

According to some vacationers, Trincomalee beaches are the best in all of Sri Lanka. The holiday is quiet, there is little entertainment here, the infrastructure is still under development, most hotels are inexpensive, bars and restaurants are of the same level.

The natural beauty of this place is amazing - tall palm trees and lemurs roaming free. Not far from the coast is a coral island, which is favored by divers and snorkelers; there are hot springs a few kilometers away.

It is best to plan your trip from March to August, as November-December is too rainy.

(Photo © Images of Sri Lanka - Sequential Shots / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

List of the best beaches in Sri Lanka

All the island's beaches are sandy, many of them are surrounded by coconut palms and other tropical plants. The best beaches in Sri Lanka are located on the southwest coast and are not too far from each other.

Bentota Beach

The most famous beach on the island, and according to numerous reviews from enthusiastic tourists, it is also one of the best for a beach holiday. This is where newlyweds prefer to spend their honeymoon. A wide coastal strip, palm trees, complete privacy - these are the main advantages of this place.

A wonderful place and almost complete absence of infrastructure. Since the beach is quite far from Colombo (5 hours by bus), it is visited by single tourists or those who have taken an independent trip around the island.

(Photo © That Guy,Will / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Unawatuna Beach is located in the village of the same name. The coastal strip is not as wide as in Bentota, but the calm water off the coast makes it extremely attractive. The sand is very fine and clean, part of the territory is occupied by cafes and hotels, the rest is available for swimming and water activities. There is shallow water intended for swimming with children.

Hikkaduwa Beach

The longest beach line in Sri Lanka. Orange sand and turquoise water, along the line there are numerous cafes and guesthouses. Strong waves have made this place a favorite spot for surfers, but there are relatively calm areas - near the Chaaya Tranz hotel. There are no sunbeds there, there is enough shade from palm trees, many people come there to swim with their children. Thanks to all this, Hikkaduwa Beach is considered one of the best places for a beach holiday in Sri Lanka.

The Tangalle beach complex has long been persistently included in the lists of the best beaches in Sri Lanka. This is an ideal place for a secluded holiday: you can walk a mile and not see another person. Any accommodation can be found. You can get to the place by bus from Colombo (6 hours).

(Photo © Šejba / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

It's hard to predict where and who will like it more. Sri Lanka is still an amazing island, where every place deserves special attention and admiration, so it is quite difficult to compile a list of the best resorts and beaches in Sri Lanka that claims to be objective. However, we hope that our review will help you decide on a place to stay and you will have a great time.

Introductory image source: © Dhammika Heenpella / Images of Sri Lanka / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

When choosing the best resorts in Sri Lanka for a holiday, it is worth remembering that there are several important features for tourists.

The first of them is monsoons. From May to September the country is at the mercy of rains. The second nuance concerns tourist areas. Conventionally, there are two main directions: the southwest and southeast coasts. What is the difference between them, where is the best place to relax in Sri Lanka in the summer, a description of local resorts - you will find all this below.

South of Colombo to the town of Galle there is a scattering of the best resorts on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka.


Negombo was called “little Rome”, there are so many temples in this city, decorated with beautiful stained glass windows, frescoes, sculptures and ornaments. The city is rich in other attractions, including natural ones. For example, a few kilometers from Negombo there is a famous nature reserve Muthurajawela.

The beaches deserve special mention. Unrealistically beautiful views, magical sunsets, pleasant and clean sand, and warm sea make parting with Negombo, which is inevitable for tourists, incredibly difficult.

Almost all the best hotels are located right on the coast; there are many quite comfortable and cozy guest houses. Tourists will not have problems with food. Negombo has many restaurants with plentiful and tasty food and low prices.

The only drawback may be the quiet and measured flow of life at the resort, but it will appeal to couples looking for privacy, and parents who come to relax peacefully at sea with their children.


Bentota is the pearl of the resorts on the west coast of Sri Lanka and one of the most popular places for a beach holiday. Here you can book a small guest house or a room in a hotel of a large global chain - in short, Bentota is more than open to tourists.

The best beaches are the main trump card of the resort. The long and wide coastal strip, fine and gentle sand, and warm sea water attract lovers of swimming and sunbathing here. The waves, although not as strong as, for example, in Hikkaduwa, open up space for surfers and windsurfers, and the enchanting underwater world will win the heart of any diver.

Those looking for something exotic and adventurous can visit the Water Sports Center (by the way, the largest in Sri Lanka) or go on excursions to see with their own eyes the impressive local temples and the world's largest sculpture of a seated Buddha. And that's not all, of course. The mysterious Tropical Art Nouveau Gardens, an exciting river safari, a trip to a turtle farm - and many, many more surprises await you.

Despite all of the above, Bentota is considered a quiet place where it is good to relax, being alone with yourself and feeling harmony with the world around you. Perhaps this is the secret of a good vacation at this resort in Sri Lanka.


This one is popular the resort bears the unspoken name of the capital of diving if not all of Sri Lanka, then the west coast for sure. There is a beautiful coral reef, sunken ships, and, of course, scuba diving training centers. For diving enthusiasts, this is the best holiday destination in Sri Lanka.

However, holidays in Hikkaduwa are somewhat controversial. This is a completely modern resort with a developed infrastructure - but there are no bounty-style beaches here: hotels and other buildings come so close to the water and obscure nature. Hikkaduwa has gorgeous, strong and high waves, which delights desperate surfers - but a small child will be better off in the pool here.

Hikkaduwa itself is poor in attractions, but for noisy and life-loving youth, this resort has much more freedom than in Negombo or Bentota.

The west coast of Sri Lanka offers other resorts where you can go for a beach holiday: Kalutara, Unawatuna, Wadduwa, Beruwela, Mount Lavinia, Tangalle, Galle.

East Coast

At first glance, the resorts on the east coast of Sri Lanka are not as diverse and numerous as those on the west. However, they have one common and important feature - a record low amount of rain for the country, even in the off-season. If it is better to relax in western resorts from November to April, then for a tour to the eastern ones you can also choose the “forbidden” monsoon time - from April to September.

Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay is an exotic and distinctive Sri Lankan resort. Its main feature is its incomparable flavor: small two-story hotels, picturesque sandy beaches and special customs. The overwhelming majority of the local population professes Islam, with all that implies (modest and covered women's clothing, restraint in drinking alcohol, etc.).

Although the sea off the coast is shallow and children can easily splash around in it, Arugam Bay still attracts surfers more than family tourists. The waves here can be really steep – up to 2 meters high – so the resort organizes international competitions.

An interesting feature of Arugam Bay is its seasonality. When it rains in other parts of the country, the local beaches are sunny and hot. Therefore, when deciding which Sri Lanka resort is best to choose for a summer holiday, first of all remember Arugam Bay.


Hambantota is not usually included in the list of popular resorts in Sri Lanka - it is a developing city with modest infrastructure. There are few hotels and almost all of them are located on the coast; there is a small selection of cafes and restaurants.

But these not the most attractive conditions do not stop those who want to see the incredibly beautiful ocean or outlandish Buddhist temples, or visit fruit plantations. And there are quite a few such delights in Hambantota - to the great joy of connoisseurs of exotic and at the same time cultural recreation.


Passikuda is a relatively young beach resort in Sri Lanka, but it has almost everything you might need for a vacation:

  • sunny beaches with white sand;
  • inexpensive accommodation options (guest houses, hotels);
  • calm and shallow sea near the shore, without strong waves and undercurrents;
  • a variety of leisure options (from boat trips to excursions).

The most popular recreational activities here are snorkeling and boating. You can also fly over the resort and the beach on a seaplane and see all the heavenly beauty from above. True, in order to eat, you will have to go to the hotel - there is no choice of restaurants as such. Passikuda won't spoil you with shops either - it's better to go to neighboring towns for shopping.

A feature of some local beaches is coral shoots and sharp shells that you can accidentally step on. Therefore, tourists are advised to put on special slippers in advance (both on the beach and when entering the water).

Overall, it is a captivating and magical place. Here you can escape from worries, bustle and noisy human flows. You can relax on Passikuda during a family vacation; it is also suitable for a romantic trip, and even for a tour with friends - if, of course, you don’t mind spending time in peace and quiet.

Sri Lanka is a kaleidoscope country. Otherwise, I cannot name all the magnificent opportunities that it provides to tourists and travelers of any age, gender and religion.

Preparing each trip to this seemingly small island turns for me into a new and new combination of elements of a large construction set: endless sandy beaches, history and culture of antiquity, extreme sports, romance of the ocean, travel to emerald mountain peaks and much more.

There is so much to see on the island that, as a rule, the trip is not limited to one destination. A ring is the ideal form of a route in Sri Lanka. The beginning and end are Bandaranaike Airport, and everyone chooses the points on the circle to their own taste.

My first trip to Sri Lanka was very luxurious and expensive. But the island made such an impression on me that I wanted to come back here again, so I began to look for more affordable ways to travel around Sri Lanka, take a closer look at the life and way of life of the locals, gradually turning a seemingly impossible fairy tale into reality. So over time, Sri Lanka became my second home.

The island really has a lot to offer in terms of attractions and interesting places, so I love not only traveling around it myself, but also creating routes for friends who come here.

Visa and border crossing

The popularity of Sri Lanka among independent travelers is also due to the accessibility and ease of obtaining a visa. Package tourists can also appreciate the efficiency of the officers at the airport's passport control.

The cost of a visa to Sri Lanka for Russians and CIS citizens: at the airport - 40 dollars, electronic visa - 35 dollars. It is valid for 2 entries within 30 days. This is convenient if you want to fly, for example, to the Maldives or India.

I recommend applying for an electronic visa on the ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) website - it’s cheaper and faster at the border. And if you have problems with entry, you will find out about it in advance, and not at the airport in Sri Lanka.

To apply for an e-visa, you must fill out a special form on the website.

Upon completion of registration, you will receive information that the application has been accepted, and after a few hours (up to 24 hours) you will receive confirmation that the visa has been issued.

Please note that closer to the time of arrival in Colombo, flight attendants begin to offer migration cards for registering entry into Sri Lanka. In this form you need to enter the following parameters in Latin:

  • First Name Last Name;
  • nationality;
  • passport number;
  • place of stay on the island (if you plan to travel around the island, then indicate the name and address of the first hotel on your route);
  • signature.

You can fill out a migration card on the plane and immediately go to passport control at the airport. The procedure is that you hand over the issued card and passport (it must be valid for at least 6 months after the expected end of the trip). Nobody ever asked me for a printout of an electronic visa, a tourist voucher and a return air ticket; all the necessary information is already contained in the electronic database of the Sri Lanka visa service. However, keep these documents handy just in case.

A Sri Lankan visa can be extended up to 3 months and in special cases up to six months. The Sri Lanka Department of Immigration and Emigration, where you can go through the relevant procedure, is located at 41, Ananda Rajakaruna Mawatha, Colombo.

Depending on the severity of the violation of migration laws in Sri Lanka, various fines are provided, including inclusion in the list of persons for whom entry to the island is prohibited.

How to get there

By plane

The island's main transport hub, Bandaranaike International Airport, is located near Colombo, the largest city in Sri Lanka.

How and how long to fly is the first question any traveler asks. There are no direct scheduled flights from Moscow to Colombo, but there are charters in the high season (winter). This is about an 8.5 hour flight.

The main way to get from Moscow to Sri Lanka is daily regular flights of Arab airlines that make 1 transfer:

  • Emirates - ;
  • Qatar Airways -Doha;
  • Etihad - .

Flight time including connections increases to 12-14 hours. Ticket price - from 28,000 rubles.

You can get there from other Russian cities using the low-cost airline FlyDubai, which operates flights to major Russian cities with a transfer in Dubai. For cities such as, this is the most cost-effective flight in terms of time and cost.

Airlines hold promotions and sales of tickets to Sri Lanka around March and October. During this period, the cost of the flight can be reduced by 25-35%. It is convenient to keep track of prices and discounts.

Tourist regions

The most famous resorts of Sri Lanka are located in the south (the best beach is from Tangalle to Weligama) and southwest () of the island. Eastern Sri Lanka is gaining popularity among tourists every year, attracting with its cleanliness, desert and coral reefs. Also interesting are the two central regions of the country: mountainous Sri Lanka with developed trekking routes among the green hills and the so-called “cultural triangle” - a historical area between the three ancient capitals of Ceylon (Anuradhapura, ).

Each resort has its own characteristics and offers vacationers a vibrant range of entertainment and interesting excursions.

South West Coast

Since the southwest of Sri Lanka is famous for its wide variety of beaches, I have compiled my personal rating of the best of them:

  • - a popular resort in Sri Lanka. Its beaches are preferred by newlyweds for a romantic trip or a wedding ceremony. You can find out the prices for tours to Bentota. In addition, there is a special program to support the Bentota area as an Ayurvedic resort, so there are several specialized centers here, and each hotel has its own SPA programs. On one of its beaches there is the most popular water entertainment center on the island, there is everything from fishing, surfing to water skiing, yacht trips
    The quiet lagoon of Bentota allows you to swim here all year round - this is its big advantage. And the relative proximity to the airport (115 km) makes the resort one of the most accessible on the island.
  • Beruwela- a resort with many attractions related to Islam. The main one is the ancient Kechimalai Mosque. Muslims from all over the world make pilgrimages here on religious holidays. Beruwala also has a number of large hotels with Ayurvedic SPA salons, tennis courts, golf courses, and traditional water activities on the beaches - surfing, diving, fishing. This area, as a continuation of Bentota, is also very clean, but it is cheaper. Among the minuses is the city of Beruwala itself. If you decide to go to areas where local residents live, you will be greeted by dirt and restless beggars - both children and adults.
  • Hikkaduwa- an excellent place for surfing and diving, which, although not fashionable, is adored by young people and extreme sports enthusiasts. Unlike most resorts in Sri Lanka, there are plenty of fun bars and discos. And the main attraction of Hikkaduwa is the coral reserve.
    Local seafood, which can be tasted in street restaurants, is especially popular, including with me and my friends.
  • Mount Lavinia– a resort with a centuries-old history and several large modern hotels. Currently, it is a large city adjacent to the economic center of the country, Colombo. Among the main attractions are the Dehiwela Zoo with more than 300 species of animals, as well as the huge Bolgoda Lake - the largest fresh water reservoir in Sri Lanka. The resort is aimed at tourists as much as possible: many hotels and even hostels do not accommodate Sri Lankans themselves. The main advantage of Mount Lavinia is its proximity to the airport (49 km).
  • Tangalle– one of the southern resorts of Sri Lanka, designed for lovers of solitude (!!!), endless sandy beaches. There are also excellent opportunities for diving and snorkeling.
    In this area you will find both luxury hotels and cheap guest houses. Local fishermen daily catch several types of fish and seafood, which are skillfully prepared in local restaurants.
  • - the southernmost resort of Sri Lanka. Near its beaches is the city of Matara and Cape Dondra - the extreme point relative to the equator. The beaches of Mirissa are characterized by calmness and tranquility. The few hotels in the resort are intended more for those traveling around Sri Lanka on their own; there is no infrastructure for package tourists here.
  • The resort's signature feature is a boat trip to the blue whales that spend the winter nearby. Also among the advantages of Mirissa is the ability to get there in 1.5 hours from Colombo by bus along the expressway.
  • Kalutara- a modern developing resort. It is known throughout the world for its spices, as well as the juicy tropical fruits that grow in the area. The Gangatilaka Vihara Temple is the most famous landmark of the city. This is a huge hollow stupa (the only one in Sri Lanka) that you can enter. I definitely recommend visiting this unique object of its kind. The downside of the resort is the relative proximity of the city of Kalutara itself, its noisy streets, bustle, railway, city drains that go past the beaches into the ocean. Also in Kalutara there are no shallow waters as such, so I do not recommend holidays with children.

Northeast coast

Since Sri Lanka's airport is located on the opposite side of the island, getting to the northeast is more difficult. But nevertheless, several resorts with their own unique characteristics can be distinguished here:

Central Highlands

An unforgettable contrast with beach Sri Lanka is guaranteed!

It is always very hot here during the day, and at night the temperature drops to 12 degrees, so you will need a jacket or warm sweater to travel to these parts.

Two main points of visit to the mountainous part of Sri Lanka, each of which has its own unique appearance and history, are Nuwara Eliya and Ella.

By the way, between them you can take a fascinating three-hour voyage by train among pristine eucalyptus groves and emerald tea plantations.

"Cultural Triangle"

4 of the 8 UNESCO sites of the island of Sri Lanka are located in a small area, which is formed by lines connecting the cities of Anuradhapura, Pollonaruwa and Kandy. At different times, each of them was the capital of Ceylon.

To explore the main cities of the “triangle”, it is enough to allocate 1 day. You can spend a little less time exploring Anuradhapura, but a little more time exploring Kandy. Each city has the minimum necessary tourist infrastructure: hotels, guest houses, restaurants, shops. In Kandy, of course, it is more developed, since it is the second largest city in Sri Lanka.

In addition to the above cities, the attractions of the “cultural triangle” also include, visiting which takes about 3 hours for each object. But you can set aside a separate day for them.

It is convenient to book hotels in Sri Lanka on Booking - before you can compare hotel prices. You can view offers from owners for apartments and apartments at.

Top cities

In order to know Sri Lanka from A to Z, I recommend visiting cities that will show the island from different sides:


Sri Lanka is an island in itself, but nevertheless, it has a small number of satellite islands, some of which would be interesting to include in your travel itinerary.

The names of some northwestern islands end with “thivu”, which means “island” in Tamil: Punkuduthivu, Mandaitivu. Some of the islands have retained the names of Dutch cities since the colonization of the country. For example, an island.

The most notable:

Top attractions

The peculiarity of Sri Lanka lies in the unique opportunity to combine a relaxing holiday on the ocean with an educational excursion program. The island is home to 8 UNESCO sites, as well as various historical and natural attractions. You can explore them either as part of an independent trip (cheaper and more interesting with preliminary preparation), or buy excursions from agencies and representatives of travel agencies (very expensive, but reliable and more comfortable).

  • Sigiriya- a historical complex (UNESCO heritage site), located on a high cliff in the very center of the island. King Kasapa, who came here, turned the caves of the monks into a magnificent city with a palace, temples, and outbuildings. The pearls of Sigiriya are a huge (140 by 40 meters) gallery of frescoes, as well as images of a snake and a giant lion carved into the rocks, of which only the lower part with paws has survived. Read all about Sigiriya.

  • Golden Temple- a complex of cave temples shrouded in legends, which contain a huge number of images of Buddha - frescoes, drawings, statues. The paintings on the walls tell about the main moments of the Buddha's life. Read more about the temple and its surroundings.

  • Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. A sacred place for Buddhists all over the world! Perhaps this is one of the most luxurious temples in Sri Lanka. Previously, there was a royal palace on this site, so you can see a lot of interesting things: wood carvings, gilding, paintings, religious objects and much more. I wrote in detail about the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic.


Luck or not, it’s summer all year round in Sri Lanka: daytime air temperatures range from +28 °C to +33 °C (at night +24 °C ... +26 °C). The water temperature in Sri Lanka is +27 °C ... +29 °C.

The tropical climate and monsoon winds determine the seasons on the island. There are two of them: dry and cool, wet and hot seasons. The comfort of beach holidays and swimming mainly depends on this. Otherwise, you can go to Sri Lanka at any time of the year, as there is sure to be something interesting in every period.

The northeast and southwest coasts take turns sharing the palm among visitors to Sri Lanka. In addition, tourists travel throughout the year to the excursion sites of the island, and also climb the mountains located in the central part of the country.

Conventionally, the periods of the high tourist season on the coasts can be divided according to the principle - in summer it is better to go to the northeast, and in winter - to the southwest. More detailed information by month:

The off-season in Sri Lanka is characterized by unpredictable weather - it may not be ideal, but it is quite suitable for relaxation. For example, in April is the best time to visit the mountainous part of Sri Lanka with its emerald tea plantations, but you can quite comfortably spend a few days on the beaches of the southwest coast:, Hikkaduwa,. May is a good time for an excursion holiday, visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites located on the island. An excellent addition to this route would be a holiday on the northeast coast: Trincomalee, Nilaveli, Appuveli.

The rainy season in Sri Lanka brings with it partly cloudy weather, short-term, often 2-5 minute (sometimes up to 15 minutes) heavy torrential rains. As a rule, precipitation occurs at night, but there are exceptions. In the off-season, tourists can be frightened by strong winds, as well as large waves in the ocean, which practically reduce swimming to nothing.

If you choose a hotel with a swimming pool, your stay can be quite comfortable; in addition, during the low season, housing prices drop significantly.

Swimming in the ocean during the rainy season is still possible if you choose the right beach with a lagoon or one closed by islands. This location calms the raging waves. There are similar stretches of beaches in both the southwest and northeast of Sri Lanka.

Moving around the country

Sri Lanka is a former colony of Great Britain, which is probably why traffic here is on the left.
Getting around the island by public transport (buses, trains) is very cheap. For example, a car transfer from the airport to Bentota costs 68 dollars (10,000 rupees), the same distance by 2 buses costs 2 dollars (300 rupees), by bus and then by train costs 0.85 dollars (120 rupees).


Roaming or local connection

Cellular communications and the Internet are actively developing in Sri Lanka.

The island, by analogy with Russia, has its own “big three” mobile operators - Mobitel, Dialog, Etisalat, each of which has its own travel offers for a set of international minutes, domestic calls and Internet traffic.

By purchasing a local SIM card, talking to Russia will be much cheaper than paying for roaming to domestic operators. For example, the cost of a minute for MTS is 250 rubles, and for Dialog it is 9 rubles. Calls from a hotel landline are also not cheap.

Which tariff to choose

In my experience, the most stable connection is Dialog, Etisalat. But Dialog is cheaper, so I prefer it for relaxation. The minimum tariff is 5.5 dollars (780 rupees). This is enough for calls to Russia and communication on social networks for a couple of weeks. You can play it safe and, in order to be always in touch, purchase a more expensive Dialog tariff - more minutes and Internet traffic.

If there is a need for frequent calls or remote work via the Internet, then the best option is Etisalat. A little more expensive, but the volumes of minutes and Internet traffic provided are greater.

Where to buy a SIM card

A SIM card from one of the local operators can be purchased directly at Colombo International Airport in the waiting room (immediately behind the exchangers). Representatives of the mobile operator will perform all the manipulations with your phone to activate the tariff, but you can simply buy a card and do all the operations yourself according to the instructions or with the help of English-speaking call center operators.

Similar SIM cards can be purchased at mobile phone stores in cities. Topping up your account using telephone cards is also available everywhere, which can be purchased in stores, shops, post offices and gas stations.

The areas of Colombo and the resorts in the southwestern part of the island are best covered by mobile communications. In the north and east, only large cities can boast of stable mobile communications and the Internet.


As a rule, hotels in Sri Lanka have wi-fi. In large chain hotels it is available everywhere, and in small hotels and hostels - at the reception and in common areas. Most often this service is free.

In large cities and resorts there are also Internet cafes that allow you to access the Global Network, but they look very suspicious and unsafe.

Helpful information

Service numbers: ambulance and fire - 112, police - 119

Language and communication

In total, Sri Lanka has about 22 million citizens, of which 10 million live in Colombo, the economic capital of the island.

The official languages ​​in Sri Lanka are Sinhala and Tamil, but English is actively used in government agencies and the tourism sector. At the everyday level, it is mainly city residents who speak a foreign language, but even in the outback they will try to answer you or find someone who speaks at least a little English.

In resort areas, the Russian language is becoming increasingly popular among residents involved in the tourism sector, knowledge of which allows a Sri Lankan to find a better-paid job in this industry.

10 phrases you need to know

  • Hello (may your years last) – Ayubovan;
  • Thank you – Situtius;
  • Please – Kurunakara;
  • Yes – Oh;
  • No – Epa;
  • How much does it cost - Kiyade gane;
  • Expensive – Ganan;
  • Cheap – Labayi;
  • The other is Anyt;
  • Drink – Bonava;
  • Doctor - Dostara.

Features of mentality

Among the population of the island, two nationalities can be distinguished:

  • Sinhalese (75%), who mostly profess Buddhism;
  • Tamils ​​(12%), who live mainly in the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka, their main religion is Hinduism.

Basically, religious communities live separately, forming entire districts of the city or region. From my own experience, I can note that the cleanliness and comfort of the area greatly depends on the religion professed by the local residents. Buddhism implies the formation of harmony around, so its adherents constantly wash, sweep, repair something - they attach great importance to order. This contrast is striking when driving through the country. In Muslim or Hindu areas, they don’t think so much about the existence of things, hence the garbage, and there are many times more unkempt places.

In general, Sri Lankans are very friendly and always ready to help. Of course, there are crooks, but they clearly don’t think about their karma, as the vast majority of the island’s inhabitants do. Even if they are poor now, it is very important for them to move on to the next life with a “clear conscience.”

I love local residents for their high moral principles, for their family life (good upbringing of children and respect for elders). Sometimes all this is reminiscent of our Soviet times, although European values ​​are slowly being introduced into the minds of young people, destroying traditional foundations.

It is customary for them to set a large table with a huge number of different dishes. But if a foreigner comes to the family, then they feed him first, and only then the owners themselves begin to eat.

Sri Lankans also love holidays, often visit temples, and attach great importance to rites and rituals.

Food and drink

Features of Sri Lankan cuisine

The hot and spicy food of Sri Lanka can be a big challenge. A magical phrase comes to the aid of the traveler “but spicy”, however, this does not guarantee that the food will be similar to European. This is a classic feature of the cuisines of all Asian countries.

The charm of Sri Lankan cuisine is in its simplicity. The basis of most dishes is vegetables, rice, fish, spices. This is still the same constructor, in the center of which is rice. Various curry sauces are placed around it - a mixture of ginger, turmeric, pepper, coriander, cinnamon, garlic. A lot of local dishes are prepared using coconut juice, oil, and shavings.

What do the locals eat?

As true Buddhists, Sri Lankans practically do not eat meat and very rarely consume poultry. Mostly pork, beef, and chicken dishes are prepared for tourists in resort areas and large cities. The cow is a sacred animal, but in Sri Lanka they are more tolerant when it comes to eating its meat than in neighboring India.

As for seafood, it is not always available to the average Sri Lankan, because... their prices are high by local standards. The entire catch is sold to cafes and restaurants. Typically, Sri Lankans eat small fish or umbalakadu, a fish powder that is added to sauces. But it’s simply impossible to visit here and not try lobsters and the freshest fish. For those who cook on their own, you can purchase cheaply at special fish markets. They work from 4 to 7 am.

Where to eat

In Sri Lanka you can eat on almost every corner. These are mainly street snack bars, cafes, and restaurants.

Don't be afraid to eat at street establishments. The chance of tasting stale and tasteless food is higher in cafes and restaurants. On the street, dishes are prepared before your eyes, and if there are many customers sitting in this eatery, then the food is definitely fresh, the reputation of the establishment has not been damaged in any way.

In expensive restaurants, various surprises and discrepancies may await you. Although we must admit, Colombo is home to the most upscale restaurants in Sri Lanka with amazing luxury national and European cuisine.

All fast food restaurants (KFC, MCDonalds, Burger King) are also concentrated in large cities. It should be noted that even in such establishments local dietary habits are taken into account - there are many vegetarian dishes. A full meal at your local MCDonalds will cost you $4 (Rs 600).

Prices for local food in Sri Lanka are very low.

In street eateries you can have a snack for 1-1.4 dollars (150-200 rupees). Lunch at a good restaurant in the resort area will cost 10-20 dollars (1500-2500 rupees) per person.

About drinks

  • In a hot country like Sri Lanka, you definitely need to drink a lot. Tap water can only be consumed after boiling, and it is better to always buy bottled water, which is sold everywhere and is very cheap. Must be on the bottle SLS label(Sri Lanka Standards Institute).
  • Milk is expensive here. It spoils quickly, so preservatives are often added to it. Everywhere they sell milkshakes in bags with the addition of cocoa, vanilla, etc. Pay attention to the expiration date. I advise you to buy milk in the areas of Nuwara Eliya, where many farms and large dairies are located.

  • A popular drink in Sri Lanka is coconut milk. But do not forget that this is a strong diuretic.
  • Ceylon tea is a classic drink, aromatic and strong, so locals often dilute it with milk. The surrounding environment of the island makes the usual ritual of tea drinking more elitist and unforgettable.
  • Fruit juices (mango, banana, papaya) and lassi (yogurt, fruit, sugar, ice). Fresh juice will be prepared for you right at the street kiosks. The magic words to the seller are “but ice, but sludge” (the ice is made from unknown water, and the fruit is already quite sweet).

  • Ginger beer is a soft drink similar to soft cola, but with ginger flavor and aroma.
  • Arrack – coconut vodka. Often used with Zhinzha to remove the strength. Price: about 3.5 dollars (500 rupees) per bottle. The best variety of Arak is Old Reserve, which costs about $7 (1,000 rupees).
  • The most popular types of beer in Sri Lanka: Anchor, Lion (Stout and Lager), Three Coins (similar to Belgian).

You won't find alcohol in supermarkets. It is sold in specialized Wine Stores.

Their prices are usually high, because... Sri Lanka has high import duties on alcohol. In addition, the sellers themselves make a decent markup. Alcohol and beer are sold without restrictions in hotels and restaurants.

5 dishes worth trying


The shopping you can do in Sri Lanka has a special national flavor. This is felt regardless of the place, be it a market or a shopping center.

Everywhere you can find all kinds of goods: from spices to clothing and precious stones.

What you need to know about shopping in this country

The key rule of shopping in Sri Lanka is “Bargaining is appropriate!”, because in the process you can reduce the price by up to 50% of the original price. On the other hand, the cost of souvenirs and spices can be so meager in terms of rubles that it is easier to do without haggling, but when buying precious stones, leather goods and clothing, be sure to haggle.

Fixed prices in duty-free stores, supermarkets, shopping centers.

Best cities for shopping

Shopping, similar to the classic European one, is perhaps only available in Colombo. There are a number of large shopping centers there, including well-known international brands. In resort areas, shopping usually comes down to buying souvenirs.

What to bring from this country

  • Ceylon tea (the best is from the highlands of Ella and Nuwara Eliya. I advise you not to buy the Pekoe and Orange Pekoe varieties; as well as Lipton and Dilmah);
  • souvenirs: masks, ceramics, batik, leather goods (for those who like exotic things);
  • spices (the cheapest cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, etc. in supermarkets).

Vacation with children

For a comfortable holiday with children, Sri Lanka is a completely suitable place. The beaches are calm, the people are friendly, and the crime rate throughout the country is quite low. Sri Lankans themselves love children very much and treat women with children with respect. The main thing is to try to follow the following rules:


If you take minimal precautions, your trip to Sri Lanka will be an unforgettable plus. Things to consider:

  • Try a cup of real Ceylon tea from the highlands of Nuwara Eliya.
  • Take part in the colorful procession of the Esala Perahera festival in .
  • Climb the Sigiriya rock. This is a creation of nature framed by human hands.
  • Stroll along the golden beaches of Bentota.
  • Admire the coral fish in the coastal waters.


The monetary unit of Sri Lanka is the Lankan Rupee (LKR). The change is somewhat similar to ours - 1 rupee 100 cents. Course for spring 2016:

  • 1 dollar is equal to 146 Sri Lankan rupees;
  • 1 euro - 170 rupees;
  • 1 ruble – 2.02 rupees.

For convenience, you can divide all prices by 2 - as a result, you will get the cost of goods and services in rubles.

Yes, currency on the island can be exchanged at any hotel, bank, or large shopping center, but in all my trips to Sri Lanka I have never seen a better rate than at Colombo airport.

You can find exchangers by going to the greeters' waiting area after receiving your luggage. It is impossible to miss them - the doors open, and in front of you are no less than 6 “counters”, where young people change currency at the absolutely same rate for everyone. The check that is issued when exchanging currency allows you to convert rupees back into your currency at the purchasing rate.

By the way, please note that the export of national currency from the country is prohibited, so do not forget to exchange your remaining money back into dollars or euros.

Sri Lankan money is interesting to look at. Banknotes in circulation on the island are in denominations of 10/20/50/100/500/1000/5000 rupees. On them you can see quite interesting, and most importantly, vivid images - local traditions, landmarks, animals, peacocks.

But no matter what, these are the most worn and dirty bills I have ever seen. Either the state infrequently updates the money supply, or the citizens themselves are not particularly careful with banknotes.

The basis of the banking system is the 3 largest banks of Sri Lanka: Bank of Ceylon, People's Bank, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC. Thanks to them, in large cities there will definitely be no problems with ATMs, they are here at every step. In smaller cities and in In beach resorts, these machines are concentrated, as a rule, in shopping centers or at large train stations.In addition, in chain hotels and shopping centers, credit cards of international payment systems are accepted for payment.

Friends, you often ask, so we remind you! 😉

Flights- you can compare prices from all airlines and agencies!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!