For rent in a German club. Rent an apartment in Germany or live in a house: prices, deposit, rules for renting housing. Questions to the text

Living in a rented apartment for a very long time, which can last for decades, is a normal option for Germans. Private property is very expensive in price, so thrifty Germans approach the purchase of property on credit quite thoughtfully. Yes, and besides, in Germany there are always difficulties with work, sometimes when changing jobs you need to move vast distances, so rented housing is more practical than your own and creates less hassle when moving. If you choose between an apartment, budget-conscious burghers will give preference to the second option, since an apartment is much cheaper to maintain.

What expenses exist when renting housing in Germany:

For example, renting a two-room apartment in Munich per month can cost 500 euros. But you shouldn’t be too deluded that these are all the expenses that need to be incurred. In addition to the so-called cold cost (die Kaltmiete), you need to pay extra separately for parking, as well as various additional payments, which range from 50 to 250 euros plus: garbage removal, fire insurance, utility bills (heating, water). In German, rent for an apartment/house + utilities is already called die Warmmiete or literally - hot cost.

And also a mandatory deposit (die Kaution) in the amount of one to two months of rent. This deposit will be given to the tenant if he decides to move out of the apartment without breaking or damaging anything in the apartment. But, if something is broken, then the tenant will not be paid this deposit or will be paid, but not in full.

So the amount in the end will be simply huge. It is worth considering that housing is rented unfurnished; the maximum that can be in the apartment is a simple kitchen. But you will also have to pay extra for it.

How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Germany: average cost by state

There are 16 states in Germany, between which there are differences not only in terms of housing, but also in the cost of housing in Germany, both rented and purchased.

Let's take for consideration 2-room apartments with an area of ​​50-60 square meters. The average price for renting an apartment without utilities by land will be as follows:

  • Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Bremen, Hamburg, 350-550 euros
  • Berlin 400-600 euros
  • Brandenburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thüringen 250-400 euros
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saarland, Sachsen 200-350 euros

P.S. if you want, you can find an apartment for 200-300 euros on any land! You can also find an apartment for 1000 euros =)))

Rules for renting housing:

The Germans also have strict rules for renting and moving out of housing, without knowing which you can get into a lot of trouble. Therefore, before renting a home, it is important to study all the rules. For example, you can rent an apartment or house only under a contract that stipulates absolutely all the important points, these are: cost, term, area, number of rooms, number of keys, conditions for cosmetic repairs, if necessary, the entire list of furniture and its condition, you can whether to keep animals and many other nuances. The owner of the apartment must be notified three months in advance about the end of the lease, on the first or fifteenth day. Entry is carried out only upon the transfer of the premises.

What are the most popular apartments for rent in Germany?

Large, spacious apartments of under 100 square meters, unfortunately, are not popular with the German middle class, and the middle class is the majority. Such apartments are expensive, plus utility bills are high. Such apartments are often purchased for themselves and lived in, or rented by wealthier people such as doctors, engineers, etc. Also among wealthy people, houses are in demand - renting or buying houses.

Apartments with an area of ​​no more than 60-70 sq.m. are very popular among the middle class and students. Such apartments are cheaper to rent and maintain. Students love small apartments of 40 square meters, so they figure it out much faster. Also, they like to rent rooms - this is the most budget-friendly way. But families of 4-5 people are already choosing apartments of 60-70 square meters with 2-3 rooms.

Rent an apartment in Germany for tourists:

For tourists, of course, renting out housing will be a little more expensive, because... everyone understands that people want to make money from this, especially in More Often they rent out apartments located in resort areas (mountains, sea). But if wants to rent an apartment in Germany in an ordinary city, you will have to look hard for a tenant who would agree to this. It is more profitable for a tenant to rent out an apartment for a long period of time - a year or more. And so, the price per night in an apartment will vary from 40 to 100 euros- depending on the apartment and its location. Plus, tenants require a deposit of at least 200 euros (they will give it to you later).

But there are special hostels for tourists in Germany (Jugendherberge/Hostel), which are no worse and no more expensive, and even cheaper than apartments. Usually the price is from 15 to 30 euros per night.

You can also rent a hotel room, if the tourist has money - from 50 euros per night average price in Germany.

Many offers for renting apartments/rooms for a short period of time can be found on the following websites:
  • in Russian (most likely an intermediary, so it may be more expensive than the original price):
  • You can also become a member of the youth association of hotels - club
  • Hotel offers:
  • Rent an apartment in Germany for vacation (private sector) or
  • If you want to rent an apartment in Berlin, then

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Noun, g., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? rent, what? rent, (see) what? rent, what? rent, about what? about rent 1. Lease of any premises, building, enterprise, land plot, etc. is their temporary use... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Rent of Residential Premises- English rent living accommodation is an agreement under which the owner of the property provides apartments or residential buildings for rent. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

rental of residential premises- An agreement under which the owner of the housing stock provides apartments or residential buildings to citizens and legal entities; the relationship between the tenant of the home and the owner regarding the rental. Topics... ...

Technical Translator's Guide Renting residential premises - (English lease of dwelling house) in the Russian Federation, the provision by the owners of the housing stock of an apartment or house of any size to citizens or legal entities under a lease agreement...

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RENTAL RESIDENTIAL PREMISES- an agreement under which the owner of the housing stock provides apartments or residential buildings to citizens and legal entities; relations between the tenant of the home and the owner regarding the rental... Great Accounting Dictionary

Technical Translator's Guide- (English lease of living house) in the Russian Federation, the provision by the owners of the housing stock of an apartment or house of any size to citizens or legal entities under a lease agreement. Shares of state and municipal housing stock provided under the contract... ... Large legal dictionary


TEAR THREE SKINS- 1) who treats whom cruelly, does not spare. It is implied that who l. threatens someone This means that a person or group of persons (X) vested with power, seeking something. from another person or another group of persons (Y) or wanting revenge, are ready... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

SKIN- 1) who treats whom cruelly, does not spare. It is implied that who l. threatens someone This means that a person or group of persons (X) vested with power, seeking something. from another person or another group of persons (Y) or wanting revenge, are ready... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

REMOVE SEVEN SKINS- 1) who treats whom cruelly, does not spare. It is implied that who l. threatens someone This means that a person or group of persons (X) vested with power, seeking something. from another person or another group of persons (Y) or wanting revenge, are ready... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

A story or essay about your apartment in German with translation. The German text “Meine Wohnung” is given with a translation into Russian. Read also others on our website.

Lyrics "Meine Wohnung"

Ich wohne in Moskau, Blumenstraße, 15. Unser Haus ist hoch und neu. Im Haus gibt es einen Fahrstuhl und andere Bequemlichkeiten. Im Erdgeschoß ist ein Warenhaus. Meine Familie hat eine Dreizimmerwohnung. Die Wohnung befindet sich im 5. Stock. Die Wohnung ist groß und bequem. Sie besteht aus einem Vorzimmer, einer Küche, einem Wohnzimmer, einem Schlafzimmer und einem Kinderzimmer.

Im Vorzimmer gibt es Schränke für Kleidung, ein kleines Tischchen für Taschen und einen Spiegel.

In der Wohnung gibt es ein Bad und eine Toilette.

Die Küche ist nicht groß, aber gemütlich. Sie ist mit dem Küchenmöbel eingerichtet. Hier gibt es Regale mit Blumen, die die Küche schmücken.

Das Wohnzimmer ist groß. Es hat zwei Fenster. Die Fenster sind hoch und breit. An den Fenstern hängen Gardinen. An der Wand stehen Schränke für Kleidung und Geschirr, Im Wohnzimmer gibt es viele Regale mit Büchern, das ist unsere Hausbibliothek. lm Wohnzimmer sehen wir fern und hören Musik. Besonders gemütlich ist es in der Ecke: dort stehen ein niedriges Tischchen und zwei Sessel. Im Wohnzimmer befindet sich auch der Arbeitsplatz meines älteren Bruders: ein Schreibtisch mit dem Computer. Hier steht auch ein Sofa, wo mein Bruder schläft.

Im Schlafzimmer stehen zwei Betten und ein Schrank. Das Zimmer ist nicht groß. Das Schlafzimmer hat nur, ein Fenster. Auf dem Fußboden liegt ein Teppich.

Besonders gefällt mir mein Zimmer. Ich bin schon 11 Jahre alt, kein kleiner Junge also, aber bis heute nennt man mein Zimmer das Kinderzimmer. Mein Zimmer ist relativ groß. Hier gibt es alles, was ich brauche: Schränke für Kleidung und Bücher, ein Klavier, ein Sofa, einen Schreibtisch und einen kleinen Fernseher.

Ich habe unsere Wohnung gern.


  1. das Vorzimmer - hallway
  2. ist mit dem Küchenmöbel eingerichtet - furnished with kitchen furniture
  3. das Geschirr - dishes
  4. man nennt - called
  5. relativ - relatively
  6. die Bequemlichkeiten - amenities

Fragen zum Text

  1. Wohnt der Junge?
  2. Was für eine Wohnung hat die Familie?
  3. Ist das Vorzimmer groß?
  4. Was steht im Vorzimmer?
  5. Ist die Küche gemütlich?
  6. Was schmückt die Küche?
  7. Wo sieht die Familie fern?
  8. Wo ist der Arbeitsplatz des Bruders?
  9. Wo befinden sich die Bücherregale?
  10. Wie ist das Schlafzimmer?
  11. Welches Zimmer gefällt dem Jungen besonders?
  12. Wo spielt der Junge Klavier?
  13. Was me inst du, ist die Wohnung für die Familie bequem?

Essay “My apartment”. Translation from German

I live in Moscow, on Tsvetochnaya Street, 15. Our house is tall and new. The house has an elevator and other amenities. There is a department store on the ground floor. My family has a three-room apartment. The apartment is located on the 5th floor. The apartment is large and comfortable. It consists of an entrance hall, kitchen, living room, bedroom and children's room.

In the hallway there are wardrobes, a small table for bags and a mirror.

The apartment has a bathroom and toilet.

The kitchen is not big, but cozy. It is furnished with kitchen furniture. There are shelves of flowers decorating the kitchen.

The living room is large. The room has two windows. The windows are high and wide. Curtains hang on the windows. There are cabinets for clothes and dishes on the wall, there are many shelves with books in the living room, this is our home library. In the living room we watch TV and listen to music. It’s especially cozy in the corner: there is a low table and two armchairs. The living room also has my older brother's workspace: a desk with a computer. There is also a sofa where my brother sleeps.

The bedroom has two beds and a wardrobe. The room is small. The bedroom only has a window. There is a carpet on the floor.

I especially like my room. I am already 11 years old, I am no longer a little boy, but to this day my room is called a nursery. My room is relatively large. There is everything I need here: wardrobes for clothes and books, a piano, a sofa, a desk and a small TV.

I like our apartment.

Words to text

  • das Vorzimmer - hallway
  • ist mit dem Küchenmöbel eingerichtet - furnished with kitchen furniture
  • das Geschirr - dishes
  • man nennt - called
  • relativ - relatively
  • die Bequemlichkeiten - amenities

Questions to the text

  1. Where does the boy live?
  2. What kind of apartment does the family have?
  3. Is the hallway big enough?
  4. What's in the hallway?
  5. Is the kitchen cozy?
  6. What decorates the kitchen?
  7. Where does the family watch TV?
  8. Where is your brother's workplace?
  9. Where are the bookshelves?
  10. What does the bedroom look like?
  11. Which room does the boy like best?
  12. Where is the boy playing the piano?
  13. Do you think the apartment is comfortable for a family to live in?

In order to master this topic, you need to know the basic words and be able to use them, that is, use them correctly in the right sentences and in the right places. And for this you need to do some lexical exercises, talk about this topic in the dialogue itself.

First you need to determine a list of the main words and phrases related to renting an apartment.

  • Die Anzeige – announcement,
  • die Wohnfläche – living space
  • der Zustand – state of the room
  • gefliest sein – to be tiled
  • die Einbauküche (EBK) – built-in kitchen
  • die Stadtmitte – city center
  • die U-Bahn-Fahrt – travel by metro
  • der Mietpreis – rental price
  • pro Monat – per month
  • die Nebenkosten – additional costs
  • die Kaltmiete – utilities
  • zahlen für Akk. - pay for
  • die Mühllabfuhr – waste removal
  • die Kaution – pledge
  • der Mietervertrag – rental agreement.

To consolidate and fully master this topic, it is important to complete the following tasks.

1. Using your vocabulary and topic words, given above, write interrogative sentences on behalf of the tenant who is talking with the landlord, taking into account the given answers.

Answer: Guten Tag, Herr Makarow! Ja, unsere Wohnung für die Mieten ist frei.

Answer: Unsere Wohnung hat 2 Zimmer und auch ein Bad und eine Küche. Die Wohnfläche beträgt 45 Quadratmeter.

Answer: Badezimmer und Küche sind neu, modern und gefliest.

Answer: Es gibt keine Einbauküche.

Answer: Der Boden ist mit modernem und neuem Laminat ausgestattet.

Answer: Die Fahrt mit dem U-Bahn dauert 20 Minuten.

Answer: Die Mietpreis ist 370 Euro pro Monat ohne Nebenkosten.

Answer: Und Stromkosten auch.

Answer: Für die Mühllabfuhr, die Heizung und das Wasser muss man auch zahlen.

Answer: Ihre Kaution ist drei Kaltmiete.

Answer: Ja, gut. Wir warten auf Ihnen heute Abend.

Answer: Bis dann!

2. Compose your own dialogue from these keywords. Moreover, it is necessary to correctly determine the places of the replicas that belong to the one who rents the apartment and the one who rents it out. Before starting the task, it is recommended to learn these words separately and then work with them.

Wohnung frei? Größe? Viele Interessenten. Ein kleiner Kellerraum. 2 Monatsmieten. Leider nicht möglich. Hohe Kaution? Besichtigungstermin? Ein Autoplatz in der Tiergarage. Wann möglich? Parkplatz? Address? Abschied. Abschied.

3. Compose a dialogue synonymous with the one that came out of these keywords, with only one difference: here you need to use your vocabulary as much as possible. The main task is to convey the meaning of the dialogue.

The final stage in studying this topic will be repeating the learned words after some time.

In this post we will collect all the most important information in one place and add comments.

Websites for finding an apartment in Germany

Main sites for long term rental:

Main sites for short term rental(from several days to several months):

  • V Google on request Ferienwohnung in(indicate the city).

Important: From June 1, 2015 changes were made to the law. If you are looking for an apartment based on advertisements on websites etc., you are not required to pay a broker commission (Provision). The person who comes to the real estate agency and enters into an agreement to rent or find an apartment pays, i.e. Bestellerprinzip.

Kaution - deposit for an apartment

Kaution, as a rule, is equal to 2-3 Kaltmiete (see below for what Kaltmiete is). After you move out of the apartment, it is returned to you.

If you rent an apartment in cities such as Munich, you need to expect a deposit of an average of 2,500 euros, in small cities around 1,000 euros.

What is included in the rent and what additional costs need to be taken into account

  • Kaltmiete- cold rent, the cost of the apartment without utilities;
  • Nebenkosten- utility bills (water, TV, garbage collection, etc.), without electricity;
  • Heizkosten- heating costs, sometimes written “in Nebenkosten enthalten”, i.e. already included in Nebenkosten;
  • Warmmiete- warm rent, this is Kaltmiete + Nebenkosten + Heizkosten;
  • Gesamtmiete(often coincides with Warmmiete) - Warmmiete + garage/parking (if any) + additional costs (if any);
  • Pauschalmiete- total rent, which includes everything, including electricity. Moreover, what is included in the Pauschalmiete must be clearly stated in the contract.

Apartments with Pauschalmiete are quite rare. Therefore, in addition to Gesamtmiete, it is also necessary to count on additional costs for:

  • Electricity (Strom)
  • Telephone
  • Internet

Also at the end of the year, if you spent more water and heating than planned for payments, you may be recalculated and asked to pay extra. Or, on the contrary, you spent less - you can get your money back.

Abbreviations that are often used in advertisements on websites

  • EG - Erdgeschoss- Russian first floor,
  • 1. OG - erstes Obergeschoss- Russian second floor,
  • DG - Dachgeschoss- floor under the roof
  • EBK - Einbauküche— built-in kitchen
  • TG - Tiefgarage- a garage, usually located under the house.

What documents may be required from you before signing the contract?

  • Copies of passports and copies of visas
  • Salary certificates for the last 3 months ( Gehaltsabrechnung). This certificate must be given to you monthly either at work or sent to your home by mail.
  • Schufa-Auskunft (Bonitätsauskunft) - a certificate that states whether you have had problems with banks or other financial institutions, i.e. information about your creditworthiness.
  • They may also be asked to fill out and sign. Selbstauskunft- a questionnaire in which you once again provide information about yourself, about pets, if any, where and from whom you have rented an apartment until now (some call previous Vermieter), etc.

How to get Schufa-Auskunft

This certificate can be obtained, for example, on the website itself, or through

We did it through, we had to either provide passport data or log into our Online-Banking, indicating the username and password. In the second case, it is better to change the password later.

It was worth it 25 euros, took time 3 minutes, the certificate was simply sent to the email specified in the application.

After renting an apartment

1. Register in an apartment in Bürgeramt (= Bürgerbüro).

Important: from November 1, 2015 introduced a law according to which, when registering in an apartment, you are required to provide a certificate (Bescheinigung) from the owner of the apartment containing the following information:

  • Full name and address of the apartment owner,
  • check-in and check-out date (if any),
  • apartment address,
  • Full names of new residents and, just in case, you can indicate dates of birth (they are present on some forms),
  • owner's signature.

Take with you to the Bürgeramt:

  • passport,
  • eAT and
  • Bescheinigung from the owner of the apartment.
  • Just in case, you can grab a rental agreement.

2. Come to Ausländerbehörde(= ABH = Welcome Center) with a certificate of registration received from the Bürgeramt. Or contact them in another way. The main thing is to notify that you are now living at a new address.

3. Notify everyone who is not informed by the Bürgeramt itself that you now have a new address.