Monaco · Population. Population - Monaco Indigenous people of Monaco

Monaco, whose population is less than 38 thousand people, is, nevertheless, one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It should be said that the inhabitants of this principality do not live in poverty. The density of moneybags per square meter in Monaco is simply amazing. What do we know about this principality? Yes, there is a world famous casino there. The Grand Prix of the Formula 1 rally is also played in Monaco. It was also filmed in Hollywood Feature Film about Princess Grace Kelly, brilliantly played by actress Nicole Kidman. What else do we know about this dwarf state? We invite you to take a short virtual trip to the principality of refined luxury and bold adventures.

Where is Monaco

The name Cote d'Azur tells you something - this coast of the Gulf of Marseille in France is the place of the most luxurious holiday. Cannes, Antibes, Nice - the very name of these resorts sounds like a song. The slopes descending like an amphitheater to the Mediterranean Sea are covered with villas costing several million dollars . Movie stars and owners of interstate trading corporations settle here. And among all this splendor nestles the small Principality of Monaco. Its population is small, and its area is even more so. The state occupies only two square kilometers and is one hundred and ninety-third in the world by this indicator. The sea with The old city of Monaco is just visible. The state does not have its own water area, although in the last 20 years it has reclaimed several hectares of the coast. The principality is surrounded on all sides by France. Time in Monaco is European. In summer it lags behind Moscow by one hour, and in winter by two. The capital is Monaco.The country has a so-called dual monarchy, limited by the Constitution. The state is ruled by a prince - now it is Albert II. Despite its modest size, Monaco is represented in the UN, UNESCO, WHO, Interpol, Council of Europe and OSCE.

History of Monaco

Back in the tenth century BC, there was a Phoenician settlement on the rock where the dwarf principality is now located. Later, Greeks and Ligurians lived here. The history of the principality dates back to 1215, when the Monaco fortress was built on the rocky shore. Its population was small. Basically it was a military garrison. In the nineties of the thirteenth century, an outbreak broke out in Genoa Civil War between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. A certain Francesco Grimaldi disguised himself as a Franciscan monk and knocked on the evening of January 8, 1297, at the gates of the fortress, asking for shelter for the night. The guards were severely punished for their kindness. His accomplices, who burst in after Grimaldi, slaughtered the entire garrison. And Francesco himself founded a new princely line. For more than seven hundred years, the state has been continuously ruled by the Grimaldi family. And the state coat of arms is decorated with two Franciscan monks with swords.

Modern history of the country

It cannot be said that the independent country has never disappeared since then. political map Europe. Having passed under the Treaty of Perron in 1641 under the protectorate of France, Monaco was completely annexed by its powerful neighbor in 1789. But after the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire, the principality went to the Kingdom of Sardinia. It remained under his protectorate for half a century. In 1860, Sardinia withdrew its troops. The entire small area of ​​Monaco was again recognized as sovereign. Economic takeoff dwarf state began in 1865, when a casino opened in Monte Carlo. A customs union was concluded with France. In 1911, a constitution appeared, where for the first time the power of the prince was limited. Foreign investors such as Aristotle Onassis provided significant assistance in the development of Monaco's economy. He invested in the entertainment industry and port construction.

The most famous princess

Until the twentieth century, representatives of the princely family of Monaco entered only into strategically advantageous marriage alliances. However, times change, and so do morals. In the middle of the twentieth century, fate brought the ruling Prince Rainier III together with the American actress Grace Kelly. She came to star in Alfred Hitchcock's film To Catch a Thief. And Rainier the Third, who ascended the throne in 1949, was the most eligible bachelor at that time. The couple's wedding took place in a narrow circle on April 18, 1956. The misalliance did not cause a big scandal (after all, the twentieth century!). In addition, Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly did everything possible to make the local people love her. She learned the language and customs. But its main merit is the preservation of the sovereignty of the principality in the complex political relations of the state with France. This is the story of the film “Princess of Monaco” starring Nicole Kidman. On September 13, 1982, Grace Kelly was driving. As a result of the stroke, she lost control of the car, causing the car to fall off a cliff. Grace died in hospital the next day. Her youngest daughter, seventeen-year-old Stefania Maria Elisabeth, was also in the car. The girl suffered a serious neck fracture. At this time, the country is ruled by Grace's son, Albert II, Prince of Monaco. The population carefully preserves the memory of the “American princess.” The main hospital is named after her, and a commemorative coin was issued in her honor.

Holidays in Monaco

The area of ​​the country, as already indicated, is only two square kilometers. This is three times smaller than Moscow's Sokolniki Park. But in the last twenty years, thanks to the draining of the coast, the area of ​​Monaco has increased by almost forty hectares. A port was equipped. Monaco thus became a maritime power in the truest sense of the word. But the principality is not famous for its beach holidays. The content of these two square kilometers is much more interesting than in Sokolniki. There are four cities there: Monte Carlo, Monaco-Ville, La Condamine and Fontvieille. All significant tourist attractions are concentrated on the Saint-Antoine rock jutting out into the sea. This is the Old Town, or Monaco-Ville. Only indigenous people - Monegasques - are allowed to settle here. They are also tax exempt. The Princely Palace of Grimaldi is located in Monaco-Ville, Cathedral with the grave of Grace Kelly, the ancient Misericord chapel, Fort Antoine, wax museums, Napoleon and the Old Town, historical archive, Saint Martin's gardens. On the square in front of the residence of Albert II, a ceremony is held every day for the changing of the guard of honor by the guards. It is also interesting to visit the Oceanarium.

Monte Carlo

A description of Monaco would be incomplete without mentioning this capital, where life is dedicated to gambling and nightlife. Center for gambling and nightlife in general. The key attraction here is Europe's first ever casino. This is the gambling house "Du Monte Carlo". It can be called a gambling establishment, which appeared first in the world among phenomena of this kind. But don’t think that people are going to Monte Carlo just to try their luck. There is the famous Japanese Garden, St. Charles Church and the amazing National Doll Park. For shopping you should go to La Condamine. In this town there is a port, a park of exotic plants, the Anthropological Museum, the Great Market, the Church of the Holy Virgin, and the pedestrian street of Princess Caroline. Fontvieille is a new seaside district. There is a zoo, car museums, sea ​​vessels, numismatics and philately.

Weather in Monaco

The state is located in a subtropical climate zone. It has hot, dry summers and warm, rainy winters. The average temperature in January is +10 degrees, and in July it does not drop below +23. The best time The best time to visit the dwarf state is from May to early October. Region protected from northern winds Alps. And in summer, the heated air is refreshed by a light breeze from the sea.


As already mentioned, the principality is not a country beach holiday. For sun and sea, people go to Nice and Antibes, because life is cheaper there. Therefore, the weather in Monaco is not a predetermining factor for traveling to the country. Tourists come here to experience the world of refined luxury: to lose even a euro in the oldest casino, to watch Formula 1 races, and to visit the current residence of the prince. Prices in hotels in Monaco are quite consistent with the status of the country. There are simply no budget hotels here. Prices for a standard room start from fifteen thousand rubles per night. Restaurants are not far behind the hotels. Just one dish at Louis the Fifteenth costs about two hundred euros.

Monaco is a very small European state located on the coast Mediterranean Sea. Official name– Principality of Monaco. Its territory is less than 2 sq. km. The country has a land border with France, which surrounds it on the landward side. The capital is Monaco. The Principality includes three communes: Monte Carlo, Monaco ( Old city), Fontvieille (industrial area) and La Condamine (port, financial and business center).

Population of Monaco

Despite its small area, Monaco is home to 31.7 thousand people. The population is represented by the French (about 47%), indigenous people - Monegasques (16%), Italians (16%), English (4%), as well as Belgians, Swiss and others.

Nature in Monaco

The territory of Monaco is located on the continuation of the Maritime Alps, which protect the country from the cold north wind.

Climatic conditions

The climate in the country is subtropical, Mediterranean. Summer is hot (+24...+28°C), winter is rainy but warm (+8...+12°C). It rains mainly in autumn.


The official language of the Principality of Monaco is French. Many speak English, Italian and colloquial Monegasque.


Monaco's cuisine does not have any distinct features. Cooking is based on the traditions of Italian and French cuisine.

Currency of Monaco

Official currency unit– euro (EUR).


The time difference between Moscow and Monaco is 2 hours.


The state religion in Monaco is Catholicism: it is followed by more than 90% of the population. The rest of the population professes Protestantism, Judaism and other religions.


The following holidays are celebrated in Monaco: New Year(1st of January), National holiday(November 19), Easter (April), Labor Day (May 1), Christmas (December 25). In addition, Monaco is known throughout the world for hosting many international and European festivals (arts festival, sculpture festival, fireworks festival, music festival, circus festival), dog shows, competitions (tennis championship, swimming championship, Formula 1 racing, regatta).

Main resorts of Monaco

Thanks to the mild climate in Monaco, all conditions are created for have a nice rest. Monaco-Ville has proven itself to be the best place for relaxation. Diving, eco-tourism, balneological and SPA centers, beauty studios, healing sea ​​air, beautiful park areas, luxury hotels, stormy night life– all this is Monaco.

Among the most famous are the balneological center "Sports Club of Monte Carlo" and the health center "Jacques Dessange". Body care, massage, baths and herbal medicine - all this will allow you to relax and unwind. An entire institute is working on thalassotherapy issues in Monaco.

Sights of Monaco

Monaco is located on a flat rock outcrop. The streets of Porte-Neuve and Saint-Mortain are decorated with many ancient buildings and architectural monuments. Here you will find the princely palace of Saint-Mortain, surrounded by a picturesque garden, a library, the Botanical Museum and the Oceanographic Museum. In Fontvieille you can visit the zoo and the Animal Acclimatization Center.

The Condamine area is located on the coast and is no less beautiful. Here you can visit the hydropathic clinic. There are always many yachts moored in the small harbor, and the steep slope adorns the Modega garden. Next, the port area passes into Monte Carlo. Here are the famous Opera theatre, Museum fine arts, many casinos, St. Nicholas Fountain, Formula 1 race track and much more.

A completely small state in the south of France on the shores of the Ligurian Sea, a record holder for population density and standard of living, the location of the Formula 1 stage and the location of a popular casino.

The population of Monaco is only 36,380 people, the second largest populous country in the world, with an area of ​​2 square kilometers, while coastline 4.1 kilometers, through reclamation the land area was expanded by 20%. Monte Carlo is one big and beautiful park, located on the rocks.

The average person will need only 56 minutes to walk through the entire country, there are consulates of 66 countries, offices of 800 international companies and 50 banks, and the number of regular army in Monaco fewer in number military band, the Prince of Monaco does not call his subjects for military service.

Monaco is the smallest country in the world after the Vatican. The official language is French, the currency is the euro, there is a constitutional monarchy with Prince Albert II as head of state. Monaco is not officially part of the European Union, but takes some part in EU policies, including customs and border controls.

The local Monegasque population is a minority in Monaco, the largest population group being French 28.4%, native Monegasques 21.6%, Italians 18.7%, British 7.5%, Belgians 2.8%, Germans 2.5% , Swiss 2.5%, Americans 1.2%.

Standard of living in Monaco

According to some sources, Monaco has the most high level life on the planet, the country's economy began to grow at an unprecedented pace since the 19th century, when the first Monte Carlo casino and a railway line directly to Paris were opened here.

Monte Carlo is a high-status place that attracts with its wonderful mild climate, stunning landscapes, gentle sea, beautiful beaches, snow-white yachts of millionaires and favorable business conditions. This is the place to live for the rich, successful, and famous.

Monte Carlo is a famous tax haven; the country has no income tax on individuals, which led to the arrival of tax refugees from Europe into the country, including various celebrities there. The exception is the French living in Monaco, they pay income tax. But today Monaco has already been blacklisted by some international organizations, Monaco is in the same campaign with Andorra, Liechtenstein, Liberia and the Marshall Islands, which do not cooperate regarding the disclosure of financial information, Monaco has a relaxed policy towards money laundering.

Nevertheless, social contributions are high in Monaco, with employer contributions on wages ranging from 28% to 40%, on average 35% of accrued wages, and contributions from employees themselves 13%. It is worth noting the curious fact that life expectancy in Monaco is the highest in the world. Official language Monaco is French, the role of the Monegasque language is decreasing every decade.

GDP per capita in Monaco is 153,177 US dollars, at Kupala ability parity it is 132,571 dollars. There is practically no unemployment in Monaco, the figure is equal to the fantastic figure for the European Union of 2%, more than 48,000 workers and employees come here from neighboring France to work every day. Monaco boasts the highest number of millionaires per unit area, and also has the lowest poverty rate among the population. Monaco has the highest real estate prices in the world. Monaco depends on imports of French electricity.

Jobs and vacancies in Monaco

90% of Monaco's population is employed in the service sector, including tourist services. Tobacco products, postal services, and communications are state-owned.

Work can be found in the tourism, construction, banking, electronics, pharmaceutical and chemical industries; construction is also active in Monaco.

The main source of income for the local population is tourism and casinos; local residents are still prohibited from gambling. Monaco is now a major financial center, with foreigners holding about $100 billion in local banks. Monaco also relies on high-tech enterprises, cosmetics, and biotechnology.

Apartments and real estate in Monaco

The average cost per square meter of real estate in Monaco is $59,000; it is not difficult to calculate that a two-room apartment can cost about $6 million.

Where to live in Monaco

Administratively, Monaco is divided into old historical city Monaco Ville is on a rocky cape that goes a little into the sea, this is the so-called Rock of Monaco or just a rock.

Monte Carlo is the region where the main population and resort area live in the east and northeast of the country. The La Condamine area is in the southwest, where the port of Hercules is also located. So, you can live in Monaco in the areas of Monaco-Ville, La Condamine, Monte Carlo and Fontvieille; in recent years, the mountainous region of Moneghetti has emerged,

Safety in Monaco

Monaco is the best safe place in the world, there are security cameras at every step, there are 515 police officers for every 35,000 people

There are 10 public schools in Monaco, including 7 kindergartens and a nursery, 1 high school, 1 lyceum with technical education, the Albert Lyceum, there is a lyceum technical school at the Hôtelier de Monte Carlo, an international school, a lyceum of fine arts. The main higher education institution is the International University of Monaco, offering elite business education in English.

Entertainment and leisure in Monaco

Here I would like to note the holding of the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco stage. Every year the track is specially prepared for the stage for 6 weeks, after which it takes another 3 weeks to return the city streets to their previous state. The route is considered the most difficult and dangerous, but in its entire history there has been only one fatal accident. Monaco also hosts the Monte Carlo Rally, which has been held annually since 2012 and is also the most difficult and interesting stage.

Main thread foreign tourists comes from Italy 19%, France 18%, UK 15%, USA 13%, Germany 5%, Russian Federation 4 %.

Advantages, advantages of living in Monaco

A wonderful Mediterranean climate, magnificent beaches, a varied cultural and entertainment program all year round, including concerts of world stars, exhibitions, and sports competitions. Monaco is a great place for businessmen, there is no income tax, no wealth tax, no inheritance tax for direct heirs, International Forums are held all year round.

Monaco is close to ski and beach resorts neighboring countries, good transport links.

Education, study, schools and university

Good learning opportunities from primary school to university, children study in depth from first grade English language. Good sports facilities, such as the Rainier III Aquatic Stadium, Louis II Stadium, Monte Carlo Country Club tennis courts and golf courses.

Immigration to Monaco

In order to immigrate to Monaco and obtain a residence permit, all you need is a lot of money and the purchase of real estate. Monaco accepts everyone, anyone, as long as you have more money, in return foreigners receive the highest quality of life and tax comfort, what else is needed. So, you can study in Monaco and have your own own business or get a job in a local company, buy real estate, processing documents for a residence permit takes 4 months, then a residence permit is issued for a period of one year Permis de sejour, after another 3 years a carte de resident ordinaire is issued, after 10 years of residence a carte de resident privilegie, after which you can apply for Monegasque citizenship, but before that you can renounce your first citizenship. To open a business in Monaco, you need an authorized capital of over 150,000 euros and have your own office in Monaco. The main preference is given to families with children. If your children go to a local school, you are considered to live in Monaco. For hired employees, a work contract is provided, which is submitted to the employment service and the Monaco consulate. Students can enroll at the International University of Monaco to study management and international economics, the only drawback is that they will have to pay a lot for tuition and living costs.

Purchasing real estate in Monaco is not a guarantee of obtaining a residence permit, each applicant is considered separately, a minimum of 50,000 euros per person per year is required, cash must be in a Monaco bank, and confirmation of the legal origin of the applicant’s funds is also required.

It’s hard to find reviews from Russians about life in Monaco, there are practically no such people, life through the eyes of Russians in Monaco may soon be similar to life in Moscow, on the streets of Monaco almost every second car is a Ferrari, Lamborghini or Bentley, in fact, these are the toys of local residents You won’t be surprised, they won’t turn their heads and take pictures of the miracle cars. However, Muscovites may note that life in Monaco is slower or more provincial compared to Moscow, and some may miss the parties and events.

Cost of living in Monaco, prices in Monaco

Prices for food in Monaco are exactly the same as in France, the first French supermarket is 10 kilometers away, otherwise all residents of Monaco would go to France for groceries, ordinary clothes are cheap, and in Monaco there are not only super-elite boutiques. The cost of renting and selling apartments is high; you can rent a two-room apartment for at least 2,000 euros per month. High prices for various services, including parking, about 15 euros per day, but for those who come to the supermarket for free, the first hour in the city is also free.

Number is one of the demographic indicators. In general, the number of people in a certain population (in a region, country, etc.). The number is constantly changing due to births, deaths, and migration. Population is the initial basic indicator when analyzing the socio-economic situation in any country in the world.

25925 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2002 EURMCO33 33 0 0
25900 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2003 EURMCO33 33 0 0
25921 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2004 EURMCO33 33 0 0
25932 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2005 EURMCO34 34 0 0
25945 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2006 EURMCO34 34 0 0
26055 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2007 EURMCO35 35 0 0
25978 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2008 EURMCO36 36 0 0
26032 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2009 EURMCO36 36 0 0
25976 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2010 EURMCO37 37 0 0
26019 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2011 EURMCO37 37 0 0
25997 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2012 EURMCO38 38 0 0
56215 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO38 38 0 0
25924 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2002 EURMCO18.71 18.71 0 0
25927 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2003 EURMCO18.63 18.63 0 0
25907 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2004 EURMCO18.56 18.56 0 0
25922 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2005 EURMCO18.5 18.5 0 0
25897 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2006 EURMCO18.46 18.46 0 0
26031 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2007 EURMCO18.43 18.43 0 0
25969 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2008 EURMCO18.41 18.41 0 0
26028 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2009 EURMCO18.38 18.38 0 0
25964 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2010 EURMCO18.35 18.35 0 0
26016 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2011 EURMCO18.31 18.31 0 0
25990 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2012 EURMCO18.26 18.26 0 0
56216 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO18.2 18.2 0 0
26038 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2002 EURMCO20.55 20.55 0 0
25935 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2003 EURMCO20.57 20.57 0 0
25892 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2004 EURMCO20.67 20.67 0 0
25901 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2005 EURMCO20.86 20.86 0 0
25938 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2006 EURMCO21.18 21.18 0 0
26029 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2007 EURMCO21.6 21.6 0 0
25971 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2008 EURMCO22.08 22.08 0 0
26056 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2009 EURMCO22.58 22.58 0 0
25952 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2010 EURMCO23.03 23.03 0 0
26009 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2011 EURMCO23.45 23.45 0 0
26015 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2012 EURMCO23.82 23.82 0 0
56217 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO24.2 24.2 0 0
56226 WHS9_95PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO1.5 1.51 0 0 International data base (IDB). Washington, DC, US Census Bureau, 2014 ( � accessed 15, December 2014)

Actual Population - Monaco

Actual population as of July 1 of the year. Demographic data is taken from the latest UN Population Division reports.

Statistics: Actual Population

Middle age - Monaco

Average age population by year

2010 2012 2014
Unfortunately, no any data.

Age structure of the population - Monaco

Statistics: Actual proportion of population under 15 years of age

The share of the de facto population aged 0-14 years in the country (region) as of July 1 of the indicated years.

According to the constitution, Catholicism is official religion; at the same time, freedom of religion was proclaimed.

National composition

IN national composition(2008) predominate: the French (28.24%); followed by indigenous people - Monegasques (21.50%) and Italians (18.57%), and the British (7.50%). The remaining 24.19% of residents come from 140 nationalities.

According to the 2008 census, 144 different nationalities were identified in the Principality. The vast majority of the population has citizenship of the European Union and European countries (92.19%). It can also be noted that there has been a decrease in citizens from African countries since the last census (-16.43%), while at the same time the number of Romanians increased by 65.28% and the number of Bulgarians by 62.07% from 2000 to 2008.

Nations/years 1982 1990 2000 2008 Share in


Year 1951 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Monegasques 3004 3787 4289 4974 5863 6555 7175 7842 8346
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Monegasque 8389 8675 8837 8951 9050

Population of Monaco

1757 1792 1861 1868 1873 1878 1883 1888 1893 1898
4 230 1 192 1 200 3 443 5 741 6 049 9 108 10 864 13 001 15 102
1903 1908 1918 1928 1938 1951 1962 1968 1975 1982
15 543 19 121 15 960 24 927 23 956 20 202 21 783 23 035 25 029 27 063
1990 2000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
29 972 32 020 35 352 35 405 35 367 35 629 36 136 36 950 37 800 38 400

Age structure of the population

The largest age group in the Principality includes people aged 45 to 64 years, represents 29.35% of the population. The number of people aged 65 and over has been growing continuously since 1975. It can be noted that the share of women in the population census has been decreasing regularly for more than twenty years. However, the majority of the population is still female. Men predominate in the 0-24 years old section, while the female population is significant among those over 65 years of age.

Age and sex composition of the population of Monaco according to census data (in percentage):

Year Total 0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65 and Not specified Men
1975 25 029 12,66 10,73 25,70 27,02 23,62 0,27 841,59
1982 27 063 11,86 11,08 27,28 27,02 22,53 0,23 870,93
1990 29 972 12,32 10,25 27,70 27,14 21,94 0,65 904,80
2000 32 020 13,23 8,23 27,16 28,89 22,43 0,06 943,60
2008 31 109 12,75 8,51 23,42 29,35 23,68 2,30 947,34
  • 0-14 years - 14.8%
  • 15-64 years old - 62.4%
  • over 65 years old - 22.8%

Average age 45.5 years. Men - 43.5 years, women - 47.5 years.

Natural movement

Over the past 14 years, natural growth totals almost zero.

For 2014, the birth rate was 6.59‰, the death rate was 5.78‰, and the natural increase was 0.81%.

In 2015, there were 7.91% more births than in 2014; the growth was stronger only in 2006, when the number of births was 13.73% more than in 2005. The number of deaths in 2015 also increased by 16.22%.

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Births 235 235 213 204 232 224 233 244
Deaths 233 290 208 247 218 224 203 259
E.p 2 -55 5 -43 14 0 30 -15
Years 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Births 228 227 229 253 253 273
Deaths 220 218 249 231 222 258
E.p 8 9 -20 22 31 15

Fertility rate

1.75 children born/woman

Total fertility rate, children per 1 Monegasque woman.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
TFR 2,3 2,4 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,4 2,5
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
TFR 2,3 2,3 2,0 2,6 2,4 2,6

Infant mortality (2008)

  • 5.18 per 1000 births;
  • boys - 6 per 1000 births;
  • girls - 4.33 per 1000 births;

Lifespan (2008)

  • Total - 79.96 years
  • Men - 76.14 years
  • Women - 83.97 years

Population literacy (2003)

  • total - 99%
  • men - 99%
  • women - 99%

Religious composition

  • Christians - 86% (including Catholics - 82% and Protestants 3.5%)
  • not religious - 11.7%

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An excerpt characterizing the Population of Monaco

- And I’m telling you. So Pyotr Kirillovich will say...
“I’m telling you, it’s nonsense, the milk hasn’t dried yet, but he wants to go into military service!” Well, well, I’m telling you,” and the count, taking the papers with him, probably to read them again in the office before resting, left the room.
- Pyotr Kirillovich, well, let’s go have a smoke...
Pierre was confused and indecisive. Natasha's unusually bright and animated eyes, constantly looking at him more than affectionately, brought him into this state.
- No, I think I’ll go home...
- It’s like going home, but you wanted to spend the evening with us... And then you rarely came. And this one of mine...” the count said good-naturedly, pointing at Natasha, “is only cheerful when you’re around...”
“Yes, I forgot... I definitely need to go home... Things to do...” Pierre said hastily.
“Well, goodbye,” said the count, completely leaving the room.
- Why are you leaving? Why are you upset? Why?..” Natasha asked Pierre, looking defiantly into his eyes.
“Because I love you! - he wanted to say, but he didn’t say it, he blushed until he cried and lowered his eyes.
- Because it’s better for me to visit you less often... Because... no, I just have business.
- From what? no, tell me,” Natasha began decisively and suddenly fell silent. They both looked at each other in fear and confusion. He tried to grin, but could not: his smile expressed suffering, and he silently kissed her hand and left.
Pierre decided not to visit the Rostovs with himself anymore.

Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. They did everything as if they had not noticed anything, when he came to tea, silent and gloomy, with tear-stained eyes.
The next day the sovereign arrived. Several of the Rostov courtyards asked to go and see the Tsar. That morning Petya took a long time to get dressed, comb his hair and arrange his collars like the big ones. He frowned in front of the mirror, made gestures, shrugged his shoulders and, finally, without telling anyone, put on his cap and left the house from the back porch, trying not to be noticed. Petya decided to go straight to the place where the sovereign was and directly explain to some chamberlain (it seemed to Petya that the sovereign was always surrounded by chamberlains) that he, Count Rostov, despite his youth, wanted to serve the fatherland, that youth could not be an obstacle for devotion and that he is ready... Petya, while he was getting ready, prepared many wonderful words that he would say to the chamberlain.
Petya counted on the success of his presentation to the sovereign precisely because he was a child (Petya even thought how everyone would be surprised at his youth), and at the same time, in the design of his collars, in his hairstyle and in his sedate, slow gait, he wanted to present himself as an old man. But the further he went, the more he was amused by the people coming and going at the Kremlin, the more he forgot to observe the sedateness and slowness characteristic of adult people. Approaching the Kremlin, he already began to take care that he would not be pushed in, and resolutely, with a threatening look, put his elbows out to his sides. But at the Trinity Gate, despite all his determination, people who probably did not know for what patriotic purpose he was going to the Kremlin, pressed him so hard against the wall that he had to submit and stop until the gate with a buzzing sound under the arches the sound of carriages passing by. Near Petya stood a woman with a footman, two merchants and a retired soldier. After standing at the gate for some time, Petya, without waiting for all the carriages to pass, wanted to move on ahead of the others and began to decisively work with his elbows; but the woman standing opposite him, at whom he first pointed his elbows, angrily shouted at him:
- What, barchuk, you are pushing, you see - everyone is standing. Why climb then!
“So everyone will climb in,” said the footman and, also starting to work with his elbows, he squeezed Petya into the stinking corner of the gate.
Petya wiped the sweat that covered his face with his hands and straightened his sweat-soaked collars, which he had arranged so well at home, like the big ones.
Petya felt that he had an unpresentable appearance, and was afraid that if he presented himself like that to the chamberlains, he would not be allowed to see the sovereign. But there was no way to recover and move to another place due to the cramped conditions. One of the passing generals was an acquaintance of the Rostovs. Petya wanted to ask for his help, but thought that it would be contrary to courage. When all the carriages had passed, the crowd surged and carried Petya out to the square, which was completely occupied by people. Not only in the area, but on the slopes, on the roofs, there were people everywhere. As soon as Petya found himself in the square, he clearly heard the sounds of bells and joyful folk talk filling the entire Kremlin.
At one time the square was more spacious, but suddenly all their heads opened, everything rushed forward somewhere else. Petya was squeezed so that he could not breathe, and everyone shouted: “Hurray! Hurray! hurray! Petya stood on tiptoes, pushed, pinched, but could not see anything except the people around him.
There was one common expression of tenderness and delight on all faces. One merchant's wife, standing next to Petya, was sobbing, and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Father, angel, father! – she said, wiping away tears with her finger.
- Hooray! - they shouted from all sides. For a minute the crowd stood in one place; but then she rushed forward again.
Petya, not remembering himself, clenched his teeth and brutally rolled his eyes, rushed forward, working with his elbows and shouting “Hurray!”, as if he was ready to kill himself and everyone at that moment, but exactly the same brutal faces climbed from his sides with the same shouts of “Hurray!”
“So this is what a sovereign is! - thought Petya. “No, I can’t submit a petition to him myself, it’s too bold!” Despite this, he still desperately made his way forward, and from behind the backs of those in front he glimpsed an empty space with a passage covered with red cloth; but at that time the crowd wavered back (in front the police were pushing away those who were advancing too close to the procession; the sovereign was passing from the palace to the Assumption Cathedral), and Petya unexpectedly received such a blow to the side in the ribs and was so crushed that suddenly everything in his eyes became blurred and he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, some kind of clergyman, with a bun of graying hair back, in a worn blue cassock, probably a sexton, held him under his arm with one hand, and with the other protected him from the pressing crowd.
- The youngster was run over! - said the sexton. - Well, that’s it!.. it’s easier... crushed, crushed!
The Emperor went to the Assumption Cathedral. The crowd smoothed out again, and the sexton led Petya, pale and not breathing, to the Tsar’s cannon. Several people took pity on Petya, and suddenly the whole crowd turned to him, and a stampede began around him. Those who stood closer served him, unbuttoned his frock coat, placed a gun on the dais and reproached someone - those who crushed him.
“You can crush him to death this way.” What is this! To do murder! “Look, cordial, he’s become white as a tablecloth,” said the voices.
Petya soon came to his senses, the color returned to his face, the pain went away, and for this temporary trouble he received a place on the cannon, from which he hoped to see the sovereign who was about to return. Petya no longer thought about submitting a petition. If only he could see him, he would consider himself happy!
During the service in the Assumption Cathedral - a combined prayer service on the occasion of the arrival of the sovereign and a prayer of thanks for the conclusion of peace with the Turks - the crowd spread out; Shouting sellers of kvass, gingerbread, and poppy seeds appeared, which Petya was especially keen on, and ordinary conversations could be heard. One merchant's wife showed her torn shawl and said how expensive it was bought; another said that nowadays all silk fabrics have become expensive. The sexton, Petya’s savior, was talking with the official about who and who was serving with the Reverend today. The sexton repeated the word soborne several times, which Petya did not understand. Two young tradesmen joked with the courtyard girls gnawing nuts. All these conversations, especially jokes with girls, which had a special attraction for Petya at his age, all these conversations did not interest Petya now; ou sat on his gun dais, still worried at the thought of the sovereign and his love for him. The coincidence of the feeling of pain and fear when he was squeezed with a feeling of delight further strengthened in him the awareness of the importance of this moment.