Maximum tsunami height. The largest and most destructive tsunamis in the world and how to escape from a tsunami. Tsunami: is it possible to escape?

A tsunami is a wave that moves a huge amount of water throughout its depth. It is caused by impacts on the entire water column. During a tsunami, a huge number of victims appear. And there are several reasons for their appearance. For example, during a storm only the surface layer of water begins to move, but during a tsunami the entire thickness moves. So a huge mass of water splashes onto the shore. If we talk about the speed of tsunami waves, then, even near the coast, they exceed the speed of wind waves. As practice shows, a tsunami generates several waves at once, not just one. The first wave may be small.

Our country need not worry. After all, thanks to the geographical area, we are not afraid of tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Of course, only small shocks can reach us. Sometimes we don't even notice them. But the islands are usually the first to suffer. How many lives have already been carried away along with the waves of the ocean. And to completely restore entire cities after a disaster takes years and huge amounts of money.

The most powerful earthquake occurred at 00:58 hours. Of all those registered in terms of power, it ranks second in the world - 9.3 points. It gave rise to the most powerful tsunami known. Asia and African Somalia suffered from this cataclysm. In Indonesia, 180 thousand people died, in Sri Lanka - 31 thousand, in Thailand - more than 5 thousand and others. But the total number of victims exceeded 235 thousand people.

The largest earthquake in Alaska with a magnitude of 9.2 occurred in Prince William Sound. The tsunami was caused by several waves, with the highest height being 67 meters. Due to the disaster, judging by various estimates, between 120 and 150 people died.

A tsunami was observed in 1958 on July 9. There was an earthquake north of the bay. It initiated a strong landslide on the slope located above the Lituya Bay of the mountain. This is about 300 million cubic meters of earth, ice and rocks. In general, this entire mass overwhelmed the northern part of the bay and created a large wave 52.4 meters high. Its speed was 160 km/h.

The earthquake that caused the tsunami was magnitude 6.8. In turn, the wave height was 30-50 meters. Despite all the power, the population was warned in advance, so people were evacuated from all dangerous areas.

This disaster occurred back in 1952 on November 5th. Due to a powerful earthquake, the magnitude of which was 8.3, a tsunami appeared in Pacific Ocean. It was 130 kilometers from the coast of Kamchatka. Three waves up to 15-18 meters high were observed. Various sources say that the city of Severo-Kurilsk was destroyed. There was also damage to a number of other settlements. More than 2,000 people have died, according to official data.

This is not the first time America has suffered from tsunamis and earthquakes. One of them was observed on March 9. The magnitude was 9.1. Place: Andreaniv Islands. The earthquake attracted two waves, with average wave heights of 15 and 8 meters. Because of the earthquake, among other things, the Vsevidov volcano, which is located on big island Umnak. There have been no eruptions in it for about 200 years. There are more than 300 victims of the disaster.

In the year 998, on July 17, an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred on the northwestern coast of the island. This caused a powerful underwater landslide, which generated a tsunami. As a result, about 2 thousand people died.

This disaster occurred relatively recently. Namely, in 2010. Scientists recorded tremors with a magnitude of 8.8 at 03:34 local time. Location – 115 kilometers from the central part of the country, the city of Concepcion. The center said the tremors were caused by a tsunami. Experts said that the wave height was about three meters. As for the number of victims, it numbered 100 people.

In 2007, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8 occurred on April 2. It took place in the South Pacific Ocean. Waves of several meters reached New Guinea. Fortunately, there were not many victims, only 52 people. During the evacuation, residents of the islands' capital fled the coast. They were looking for a place of salvation. Because of this, massive congestion was caused. As a local news agency later reported, the waves completely washed away four villages.

In 2004, there were two strong earthquakes 110 kilometers off the coast of the Kii Peninsula and 130 kilometers off the coast of Kochi Prefecture. Their magnitude was 6.8 and 7.3. Of course, a tsunami arose. Waves up to one meter high hit the ground. Several dozen people were injured.

Video: Top 10 largest tsunamis in the world

A tsunami is a wave moving a large amount of water throughout its depth, caused by an impact on the entire thickness of the water. Cause more
Tsunamis often cause significant casualties for several reasons:
During a storm, only the surface layer of water begins to move; during a tsunami, the entire thickness moves. And during a tsunami, much larger masses of water splash onto the shore.
The speed of tsunami waves, even near the shore, exceeds the speed of wind waves. Tsunami waves have more kinetic energy.
A tsunami, as a rule, generates not one, but several waves. The first wave, not necessarily the largest, wets the surface, reducing resistance for subsequent waves.
The strength of a tsunami can increase in the harbor - where wind waves are weakened, and therefore residential buildings can be located close to the shore.
Lack of basic knowledge among the population about possible dangers. Thus, during the 2004 tsunami, when the sea retreated from the coast, many local residents remained on the shore - out of curiosity or out of a desire to collect fish that had not managed to escape. In addition, after the first wave, many returned to their homes to assess the damage or try to find loved ones, unaware of subsequent waves.

1 Tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 Southeast Asia.

At 00:58, a powerful earthquake occurred - the second most powerful of all recorded (magnitude 9.3), which caused the most powerful tsunami of all known.

The tsunami affected Asian countries (Indonesia - 180 thousand people, Sri Lanka - 31-39 thousand people, Thailand - more than 5 thousand people, etc.) and African Somalia. The total number of deaths exceeded 235 thousand people.

2 Tsunami that occurred on March 28, 1964 Alaska, (USA).

The largest earthquake in Alaska (magnitude 9.2), which occurred in Prince William Sound, caused a tsunami of several waves, with the highest height being 67 meters. As a result of the disaster (mainly due to the tsunami), according to various estimates, from 120 to 150 people died.

3 Tsunami that occurred on July 9, 1958, Lituya Bay, (southwest Alaska, USA).

An earthquake that occurred north of the bay (on the Fairweather Fault) initiated a strong landslide on the slope of the mountain located above Lituya Bay (about 300 million cubic meters of earth, rocks and ice). All this mass overwhelmed the northern part of the bay and caused a huge wave 52.4 meters high, moving at a speed of 160 km/h.

4 Tsunami that occurred on January 09, 2005, Izu and Miyake Islands (eastern Japan)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 caused a tsunami with a wave height of 30-50 m. However, thanks to timely warning, the population was evacuated from dangerous areas.

5 Tsunami that occurred on November 5, 1952, Severo-Kurilsk (USSR).

Caused by a powerful earthquake (magnitude estimates from various sources range from 8.3 to 9), which occurred in the Pacific Ocean 130 kilometers from the coast of Kamchatka. Three waves up to 15-18 meters high (according to various sources) destroyed the city of Severo-Kurilsk and caused damage to a number of others settlements. According to official data, more than two thousand people died.

6 Tsunami that occurred on March 9, 1957 Alaska, (USA).

Caused by a magnitude 9.1 earthquake that occurred in the Andrean Islands (Alaska), which caused two waves, with average wave heights of 15 and 8 meters, respectively. In addition, as a result of the earthquake, the Vsevidov volcano, located in Umnak and which had not erupted for about 200 years, woke up. More than 300 people died in the disaster.

7 Tsunami that happened on July 17, 1998 Papua New Guinea

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake off the northwestern coast of New Guinea triggered a massive underwater landslide that generated a tsunami that killed more than 2,000 people.

8 Tsunami that happened on 02/27/2010 Concepción Chile

Tremors with a magnitude of 8.8 were recorded at 03.34 local time 115 kilometers north of the central city of Concepcion. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center reported that the tremors triggered a tsunami. Experts specify that the wave height reached almost three meters. The number of victims reached 100 people.

9 Tsunami that happened on April 2, 2007 Solomon islands(archipelago)

Caused by a magnitude 8 earthquake that occurred in the South Pacific. Waves several meters high reached New Guinea. 52 people became victims of the tsunami.

10 Tsunami that occurred on 09/06/2004 on the coast of Japan

110 km from the coast of the Kii Peninsula and 130 km from the coast of Kochi Prefecture, two strong earthquakes occurred (magnitudes up to 6.8 and 7.3, respectively), causing a tsunami with wave heights of up to one meter. Several dozen people were injured.

On December 26, 2004, one of the most powerful tsunamis in history hit southern Asia, causing catastrophic destruction. Today we remember the most powerful waves that humanity has ever encountered.

Tsunami in South Asia

On December 26, 2004, a powerful earthquake with an amplitude of 8.9 points was recorded near the island of Sumatra. The resulting wave hits the coasts of Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia. Several hundred thousand casualties (including many tourists) and hundreds of destroyed cities make this one of the most destructive and powerful tsunamis in human history.

Tsunami in Alaska

On March 28, 1964, the most devastating tsunami in the history of the Northern Hemisphere occurred, which is commonly called the “Alaska tsunami.” The tremors at its epicenter, which was Prince William Sound, reached 9.2 on the Richter scale, and their echoes were felt throughout the western part of the continent. It is difficult to imagine the horror of the residents of the coast, who, on a fine pre-Easter day, saw a huge 30-meter wall of water on the horizon. The rogue waves left tens of thousands of people in the United States and Canada homeless and wiped out many coastal cities in North America.

Tsunami off Samoa

September 2009 was fatal for many Samoans. On a hot day, when most of the islanders were closer to the saving coolness of the ocean, 15-meter waves hit them. The earthquake was incredibly strong - 8.1 on the Richter scale, and the vibrations occurred in such a way that the bulk of the water rushed deep into the island, sweeping away everything in its path. The inhabitants of the archipelago would have had absolutely no chance of salvation if the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had not managed to evacuate part of the population to elevated areas.

Tsunami off Okushiri Island

Japanese authorities are extremely attentive to preventing earthquake and tsunami threats. The Land of the Rising Sun has repeatedly suffered from destructive elements, but the government did everything possible to prevent human casualties. However, in every system there is a failure, and an example of this is the sad fate of Okushiri Island, which in a few minutes turned from a prosperous settlement into ruins. In 1993, 27-meter waves literally washed away the island, taking most of the inhabitants with it. The tremors reached a magnitude of 7.8.

Tsunami off the coast of Ecuador

In 1979, deadly waves swept across the west coast America, this time in South America. The tsunami occurred off the coast of Ecuador as a result of a 7.9 magnitude earthquake, which was later dubbed "Tomaco". This tragedy will forever remain in the memory of Ecuadorians and Colombians. About a dozen fishing villages were completely destroyed, many families were left without breadwinners, hundreds of parents mourned their dead children, and 95 people are still considered missing.

Tsunami off the island of Java

In 2006, the calm life of the island of Java was disrupted by a deadly tsunami that claimed 668 lives. The bodies of another 65 people could not be found. Seven-meter waves covered the island, leveling it to the ground resort town Pangandaran and depriving more than 6,000 people of their homes. 9,000 people needed medical attention, most of the roads and almost all the buildings on the island were destroyed.

Tsunamis have been a nightmare for island residents throughout the centuries. These multi-meter waves with enormous destructive force swept away everything in their path, leaving behind only bare earth and debris. Scientists have been keeping statistics on monstrous waves since the nineteenth century; during this period, more than a hundred tsunamis of varying power were recorded. Do you know what the biggest tsunamis in the world were?

Tsunami: what is it?

It is not surprising that the term “tsunami” was first introduced by the Japanese. They suffered from giant waves more often than anyone, because the Pacific Ocean generates the largest number of destructive waves than all other seas and oceans combined. This is due to the features of the topography of the ocean floor and high seismicity region. IN Japanese The word "tsunami" consists of two hieroglyphs meaning flood and wave. Thus, the very meaning of the phenomenon is revealed - a wave in the bay, sweeping away all life on the coast.

When was the first tsunami recorded?

Of course, people have always suffered from tsunamis. Ordinary island residents came up with their own names for rogue waves and believed that the gods of the seas were punishing people by sending destructive waves at them.

The first tsunami was officially recorded and explained at the end of the sixteenth century. This was done by the monk of the Jesuit church, Jose de Acosta, he was in Peru when a wave about twenty-five meters high hit the shore. It swept away all the settlements around in a few seconds and moved ten kilometers deep into the continent.

Tsunami: causes and consequences

Tsunamis are most often caused by earthquakes and underwater volcanic eruptions. The closer the earthquake epicenter is to the coast, the stronger the rogue wave will be. The largest tsunamis in the world that have been recorded by mankind could reach speeds of up to one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour and exceed three hundred meters in height. Such waves leave no chance of survival for any living creature caught in their path.

If we consider the nature of this phenomenon, then it can be briefly explained as the simultaneous displacement of a large amount of water masses. Eruptions or earthquakes raise the ocean floor sometimes by several meters, which causes water vibrations and forms several waves diverging from the epicenter in different directions. Initially, they do not represent something terrible and deadly, but as they approach the shore, the speed and height of the wave increases, and it turns into a tsunami.

In some cases, tsunamis are formed as a result of giant landslides. During the twentieth century, about seven percent of all gigantic waves arose for this reason.

The consequences of the destruction left behind by the world's largest tsunami are terrible: thousands of casualties and hundreds of kilometers of land filled with debris and mud. In addition, in the disaster area there is a high probability of the spread of infectious diseases due to a lack of drinking water and rotting bodies of the dead, the search for which is not always possible to organize in the shortest possible time.

Tsunami: is it possible to escape?

Unfortunately, the global warning system for a possible approaching tsunami is still imperfect. In the best case, people become aware of the danger a few minutes before the wave hits, so it is necessary to know the signs of impending trouble and the rules of survival during a cataclysm.

If you are on the sea or ocean coast, then carefully monitor earthquake reports. A shaking of the earth's crust with a magnitude of about seven on the Richter scale that occurred somewhere nearby can serve as a warning of a possible tsunami strike. The approach of a rogue wave is signaled by a sudden low tide - the ocean floor is quickly exposed for several kilometers. This is a clear sign of a tsunami. Moreover, the further the water goes, the stronger and more destructive the arriving wave will be. Animals often anticipate such natural disasters: a few hours before the cataclysm, they whine, hide, and try to go deeper into the island or mainland.

To survive a tsunami, you need to leave as soon as possible dangerous area. Do not take a lot of things with you; drinking water, food and documents will be enough. Try to move as far away from the coast as possible or climb onto the roof of a multi-story building. All floors after the ninth are considered safe.

If the wave does overtake you, then find an object that you can hold on to. According to statistics, most people die when the wave begins to return back to the ocean and carries away all the objects it comes across. Keep in mind that a tsunami almost never ends in one wave. Most often, the first one will be followed by a series of two or even three new ones.

So, when were the biggest tsunamis in the world? And how much destruction did they cause?

This disaster does not fit any of the previously described incidents on the sea coast. To date, the megatsunami in Lituya Bay has become the largest and most destructive in the world. Until now, eminent luminaries in the field of oceanology and seismology are arguing about the possibility of repeating such a nightmare.

Lituya Bay is located in Alaska and extends eleven kilometers inland, its maximum width does not exceed three kilometers. Two glaciers descend into the bay, which became the unwitting creators of a huge wave. The 1958 tsunami in Alaska was caused by an earthquake that occurred on July 9th. The power of the shocks exceeded eight points, which caused a huge landslide into the waters of the bay. Scientists estimate that thirty million cubic meters of ice and stones fell into the water in a few seconds. Parallel to the landslide, the subglacial lake sank thirty meters, from which released water masses rushed into the bay.

A huge wave rushed onto the coast and circled the bay several times. The height of the tsunami wave reached five hundred meters, the raging elements completely demolished the trees on the rocks along with the soil. This wave is currently the highest in human history. Amazing fact is that only five people died as a result of the powerful tsunami. The fact is that there are no residential settlements in the bay; at the time the wave arrived in Lituya there were only three fishing boats. One of them, along with the crew, immediately sank, and the other was lifted by a wave to its maximum height and carried out into the ocean.

Indian Ocean avalanche 2004

The 2004 Thailand tsunami shocked everyone on the planet. As a result of the destructive wave, more than two hundred thousand people died. The cause of the disaster was an earthquake in the Sumatra region on December 26, 2004. The tremors lasted no more than ten minutes and exceeded nine points on the Richter scale.

A thirty-meter wave swept with great speed throughout the Indian Ocean and went around it, stopping near Peru. Almost everyone was affected by the tsunami island states, including India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Somalia.

Having killed several hundred thousand people, the 2004 tsunami in Thailand left behind destroyed homes, hotels and several thousand local residents who died as a result of infections and poor-quality drinking water. At the moment, this tsunami is considered the largest in the twenty-first century.

Severo-Kurilsk: tsunami in the USSR

The list of “The largest tsunamis in the world” must include the wave that hit the Kuril Islands in the middle of the last century. An earthquake in the Pacific Ocean caused a twenty-meter wave. The epicenter of the earthquake with a magnitude of seven was located one hundred and thirty kilometers from the coast.

The first wave arrived in the city about an hour later, but most local residents were in shelter on higher ground away from the city. No one warned them that a tsunami was a series of waves, so all the townspeople returned to their homes after the first one. A few hours later, the second and third waves hit Severo-Kurilsk. Their height reached eighteen meters, they almost completely destroyed the city. More than two thousand people died as a result of the cataclysm.

Rogue wave in Chile

In the second half of the last century, Chileans faced a terrifying tsunami that killed more than three thousand people. The cause of the giant waves was the most powerful earthquake in the history of mankind, its magnitude exceeded nine and a half points.

A wave twenty-five meters high covered Chile fifteen minutes after the first shocks. In one day, it covered several thousand kilometers, destroying the coasts of Hawaii and Japan.

Despite the fact that humanity has been “familiar” with tsunamis for quite some time, this natural phenomenon is still one of the little studied. Scientists have not learned to predict the appearance of rogue waves, so, most likely, in the future the list of their victims will be replenished with new deaths.

Natural disasters occur on our planet quite often: fires, hurricane winds, abnormal rains, but when they talk about the occurrence of a tsunami, this danger is perceived as an apocalypse. And all because in the history of mankind there have already been tsunamis with colossal destruction and loss of life.

Before moving on to a review of the most destructive tsunami in the history of mankind, we will talk briefly about why tsunamis occur, what the signs are and the rules of behavior during this natural disaster.

So, a tsunami is a wave of enormous height and length that is formed as a result of impact on the bottom of the ocean or sea. The largest and most destructive tsunamis are formed when there is a strong impact on the bottom, for example, during an earthquake whose epicenter is quite close to the shore with a magnitude on the Richter scale of 6.5.

What are the signs to recognize the occurrence of a tsunami?

  • - an earthquake with a magnitude of more than 6.5 in the sea or ocean. On land, tremors may be felt weakly. The stronger the tremors are felt, the closer the epicenter and the greater the likelihood of a tsunami. Indeed, in 80% of cases, a tsunami is formed due to underwater earthquakes;
  • - unexpected ebb. When, for no apparent reason, the coastline goes far into the sea and the coastal bottom is exposed. The further the water moves from the shore, the stronger the wave will be;
  • - The unusual behavior of animals. For example, they begin to hide in their homes, worry, whine, and gather in groups, which was not typical for them before.

How to survive a tsunami?

Rules of conduct during a tsunami.

If you are in a seismically dangerous region and on the coast of the Pacific or Indian Ocean, then at the very first shocks and the water recedes from coastline you need to immediately go as far inland as possible, at least 3-4 km from the coastline. It is advisable to climb to some height more than 30 meters high: a hill or some large and strong concrete structure, for example a 9-story building.

Since 2004, several countries have developed tsunami warning systems. As soon as an earthquake occurs near the coast, special services, based on the strength of the earthquake and the distance from the coast, calculate the strength and destructive impact of the tsunami. A decision is immediately made to evacuate the population from dangerous areas.

When receiving a message about an impending tsunami, you should take documents, drinking water, money with you and go to a safe zone. You should not take unnecessary things, as they can constrain or cause inconvenience.

It is important to know that a tsunami is most often not one wave, but a series of waves. Therefore, after the first or second wave hits, under no circumstances should you leave the flooded area. After all, it may not be the first and second waves that are the most destructive. According to statistics, people quite often die or go missing when they try to leave a flooded area, and suddenly the water quickly begins to recede back into the ocean, taking cars, people, and trees with it. It is important to remember that the period between tsunami waves can range from 2 minutes to several hours

If suddenly you realize that the water remains and remains and you cannot hide on your hill, then you should find a suitable object in the water that could serve as a flotation device. You also need to figure out where you will be swimming before jumping into the water. You should also get rid of shoes and wet clothes so that nothing interferes or hinders movement.

It is worth saving another person when you are sure that you can handle it. A drowning person should be prompted, if you see an object nearby that can serve as a flotation device, if you decide to help yourself, then you should swim up from behind and, grabbing your hair, pull your head above the water so that the drowning person can breathe and the panic goes away. If you see a person being carried away by a stream of water, then you should first throw a rope, a stick, or any other object with which you can grab onto and pull the person out of the stream. There is no point in throwing yourself into the current, since most likely you will be carried away into the ocean.

You should leave your shelter only when local authorities somehow notify you of this, for example, a helicopter will fly with a bullhorn or by radio. Or when you see rescuers, check with them whether there will still be waves and only then should you leave your shelter.

The world's largest tsunami and its consequences

Now we will give a few statistics about which tsunamis were the strongest in the history of mankind.

In Chile in 1960, a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 9.5 occurred, the height of the waves reached 25 meters, and 1,263 people died. This natural disaster went down in the history of disasters as the “Great Chilean Earthquake.”

In December 2004 in Indian Ocean One of the strongest earthquakes occurred with a magnitude of 9 points. This powerful earthquake caused waves of monstrous force. The height of the waves reached almost 51 meters off the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

In terms of the number of victims, it was the largest and most destructive tsunami. As a result of this natural disaster, mainly Asian countries were affected: Indonesia, especially the island of Sumatra, Sri Lanka, the coast of Thailand, southern India, the island of Somalia and other countries. The total death toll is enormous - 227,898 people. This is only official data, some scientists believe that there were more than 300,000 victims, since a large number of people went missing and could have been swept into the ocean. The main reason for such a large number of victims was that people in these countries were not warned about the threat. People also died because after the first wave they returned to their homes, believing that everything was behind them. However, soon the next wave arrived from the ocean and covered the coast.

In Japan in 2014, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, with a magnitude of 9.00 and wave heights reaching 40.5 meters. It was the largest tsunami in terms of destruction, as 62 cities and villages were affected. The height and force of destruction of these waves exceeded all scientific calculations of scientists.

The next tsunami, which occurred in the Philippines, also claimed a large number of lives - 4,456 people died, the magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1, and the wave height was 8.5 meters.

Then comes the 1998 tsunami in Papua New Guinea, killing 2,183 people. The earthquake was magnitude 7, and the waves reached 15 meters.

The largest tsunami occurred in Alaska in 1958 during a landslide. A huge amount of earth rocks and ice fell into the waters of Lutuya Bay from a height of more than 1000 meters, this caused a tsunami, the height of which reached more than 500 meters off the coast! It is the Alaskan wave that is called the world's largest tsunami.

Below, watch a film about the ten most destructive tsunamis in human history.