"Sticky" Dutchman. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands stood up for the US President. Political system of the Netherlands Aren't you gay?

    Government complex Binnenhof in The Hague. In the center is the building of the Ministry of General Affairs, in the left center is the Torentje Tower, the residence of the Prime Minister. Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Netherlands. Minister President is the head of government and... ... Wikipedia

    Palace of the Grand Dukes (1572-74) in the city of Luxembourg. The rulers of Luxembourg are now wearing ... Wikipedia

    The list lists state leaders as of 1926. In the event that the leading role in the state is played by the Communist Party, both the de jure head of state, the chairman of the highest body of state power, and the de facto ... ... Wikipedia are indicated

    List of heads of state in 2000 2001 List of heads of state in 2002 List of heads of state by year Contents 1 Europe 2 Asia 3 Africa ... Wikipedia

    List of heads of state in 2001 2002 List of heads of state in 2003 List of heads of state by year Contents 1 Europe 2 Asia 3 Africa ... Wikipedia

    Includes famous politicians, rulers, statesmen who have reached the age of 90 years. Kalnyshevsky, Pyotr Ivanovich, last Koshevoy Ataman of the Zaporozhye Sich, 112 years old. Song Meiling Chinese politician, wife of Chiang Kai-shek, 106... ... Wikipedia

    The list lists state leaders as of 1963. In the event that the leading role in the state is played by the Communist Party, both the de jure head of state, the chairman of the highest body of state power, and the de facto ... ... Wikipedia are indicated

“Licking”, I admit, is not a sin. When everyone is not funny at all. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte entered into a fight with the Polish authorities for the title of “favorite partner of the United States in Europe.” It seems like an empty idea - it’s impossible to overtake Warsaw. So Pompeo praised her alone for jointly opposing Nord Stream 2. She also bought hundreds of millions worth of missiles from the Americans. Plus to the billions that she has already paid for the Patriots. She is also an outpost and “Fort Trump.” The Netherlands can counter this anti-Russian assortment only with their acrobatic resourcefulness in the case of the Boeing crash over Ukraine.

But they still have a chance. If only because, unlike Poland, which needs the United States solely for cover, Rutte himself is ready to come to the defense of the US president. It sounds anecdotal. Overseas, perhaps, they will not remember a case when the head of their superpower needed someone’s protection. But “the current American leader is different from his predecessors,” the Dutch prime minister chose the perfect ambiguity synonym for the more specific expression “out of this world.”

Trump will not pass. Holland knocks out Eurosceptics in quarter-finalsIf it weren't for the Turks, it remains to be seen how all this would have turned out for Mark Rutte. But they arrived on time, like a spoon for dinner. A few days before the elections. As they say, here's help for you - wrap it up. Wrapped up. The result is obvious.

In an interview with the El Pais newspaper, he advised his European colleagues to put aside prejudices, relax and enjoy the pleasure, which, in his opinion, will not end so soon. "Trump was elected democratically, and there is a democratic possibility that they will do so again." He was the first in Europe, despite Mueller’s “incompleteness,” to recognize in the owner of the White House not only the elected, but also the re-elected President of the United States. Moreover, he was elected and re-elected in the USA, and not in Russia.

“So stop complaining about him, we need to start working with him and take advantage of his presence, for example, in issues such as relations with China,” Rutte also “licked” Trump for Huawei. Indeed, Donald has never been so pleased in the EU. Moreover, if you consider that previously the only thing Europeans did was wash his bones. At least, this is what follows from Rutte’s call to them - to quit this matter and get down to business.

And you, Brutte. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands buried the rapprochement of EU countriesIn the view of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, the European Union is already dead, but still significant. Or still significant, but already dead. And he – Mark Rutte – is very much alive. And he has his own plans.

Why Rutte does this is not difficult to understand. You just need to look at the political calendar. In May there are elections to the European Parliament. Perhaps, as they all say themselves, this is the last and decisive battle for European values. And in his country he has his own, as he is called, “Dutch Trump.” Leader of right-wing radicals and Eurosceptics Geert Wilders. His Freedom Party won an unprecedented 13-plus percent last time. And now its popularity looks threatening for the apologists of a single and indivisible EU, to which the Prime Minister of the Netherlands considers himself.

So Rutte cleaned himself up under Trump and stuck to him tenderly in order to confuse his fellow citizens. Perhaps he will respond. And those who sympathize with Donald will decide that a real Dutch friend of the real American Trump is better than his Dutch copy.

MINSK, February 14 – Sputnik. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte admitted to reporters that he reacted very emotionally to the resignation of Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra.

The Dutch leader admitted that he was on friendly terms with the now former head of the foreign policy department.

The language did not reach Moscow

Halbe Zijlstra was forced to resign on Tuesday

“It’s very painful to admit, but there is too much mistrust. For a foreign minister, this is unacceptable. I can no longer remain in this position, so there is only one way out: resignation,” Zijlstra said.

Before heading the Dutch Foreign Ministry, Zijlstra led the faction of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy in the lower house of parliament.

In this capacity, from 2014 to 2016, he repeatedly said that he was personally present at President Putin’s dacha in 2006. Zijlstra claimed he heard the Russian leader refer to Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan as parts of “Greater Russia.”

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He later admitted that he had heard the story retold, but could not reveal the identity of the narrator for security reasons.

As a result, the day before Halbe Zijlstra’s official visit to Moscow, he paid with his political career for unsubstantiated statements.

Rutte's chair began to shake

Taking into account the fact that Zijlstra was a close ally of the Dutch prime minister, Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders initiated a vote of no confidence in the head of the cabinet.

"Confidence in the prime minister has been undermined. The constitution does not provide that the head of government must wait for publication in the Volkskrant newspaper before he informs parliament," Wilders said.

At the same time, the far-right party led by Wilders failed to achieve its goal. According to the results of the vote on Tuesday evening, 43 members of the Dutch parliament supported the vote of no confidence, while 101 parliamentarians voted against.

Who is now in charge of the Dutch Foreign Ministry?

Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Sigrid Kaag has been appointed interim acting head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Previously, she worked in UN structures, and received her education in American University in Cairo. Kaag speaks excellent Arabic and is a very experienced and knowledgeable politician on the international agenda.

Kaag is a member of the Democracy 66 party, which is part of the ruling coalition.

For her work as the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, she was awarded the Peace Prize by the Carnegie Endowment.

What really happened at Putin's dacha

After the scandal that broke out around Zijlstra, the identity of the mysterious narrator became known. The source of the story was ex-Shell director Jeroen van der Veer.

The former head of the oil company confirmed that he was indeed at Putin’s dacha in 2006. However, according to de Veer, his words were distorted, and as a result, Putin’s speech was misinterpreted.

In his speech, Putin said that the “historical Great Russia” was much more. Zijlstra understood this as the desire of the Russian president to influence the territories that were part of “Greater Russia.”

Jeroen van der Veer noted in a conversation with reporters that he would not interpret Vladimir Putin’s words in an aggressive manner.

“Human rights”, “freedom of religion”, “consensus” and many other truly democratic values ​​acquire the most concentrated meaning in the Netherlands. The development of democracy in the Netherlands has always been half a step ahead of Europe. Back in 1848, a revolutionary act was committed - according to the new Constitution, the executive power of the monarch was largely delegated to the cabinet of ministers, legislative powers were transferred to a bicameral parliament even earlier - in 1815. The Netherlands became the first constitutional monarchy to abandon absolutism. Willem II, who sat on the throne at the beginning of the 19th century, taught a lesson in self-denial from power for the good of his people. The lesson was learned by later monarchs and parliamentarians.

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands

On April 30, 2013, Queen's Day, Queen Beatrix officially handed over the throne to Willem-Alexander, her son. Prior to this, for more than 123 years since 1890 (over three dynasties), the royal throne of the Netherlands continuously belonged only to women. At the moment, Willem-Alexander is the youngest among the crowned heads of Europe. The Dutch reacted quite kindly to the appearance of a new ruler. The power of the monarch in the Netherlands is nominal; the king performs primarily representative functions. The heir to the Dutch throne is the first daughter of King Willem-Alexander - Princess Katharina-Amalia.

The powers of the King of the Netherlands include:

Appointment of the head of parliament (he becomes the leader of the party that won the majority of votes in the elections);
. proclamation of the speech from the throne, which determines the vector of development of political life in Holland for the coming years;
. approval of bills;
. consultations with the Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials on economic and cultural issues;
. representative functions on the world stage.

Parliament, cabinet and prime minister

Legislative power in the Netherlands belongs to the States General(bicameral parliament) and, to a much lesser extent, the government. The first or upper house of parliament consists of 75 members and is elected by proportional representation by the provincial parliaments for a term of six years.

The second chamber, consisting of 150 deputies, is directly elected for a term of four years. The second chamber is more significant; its powers include approving bills and amending the constitution. The First Chamber ratifies bills passed by the Second Chamber. Any bill must be approved by both houses, after which it is confirmed by the Queen.

The executive branch of the Netherlands is under the authority of the cabinet of ministers. The Prime Minister forms the government based on a parliamentary majority. Almost no party had a majority of votes in parliament, for this reason the government is formed on the basis of coalition agreements.

The Prime Minister coordinates the work of the government, is responsible for defense capabilities, and performs representative functions. The government of the Netherlands consists of 16 ministers who control the implementation of bills and the activities of municipal and provincial authorities. The current Prime Minister of the Netherlands is the leader of the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy - Mark Rutte.

The Supreme Boards of the Netherlands include the Council of State, the Court of Audit and the National Ombudsman (who controls the interaction between government bodies and citizens of the state).

Party diversity

The diversity of Dutch views is represented by many political parties. The low electoral threshold makes it possible for many parties to gain seats in parliament. The main parties in the Netherlands are Christian Democratic Appeal, Labor Party, Socialist Party, Party for Freedom and Democracy. A distinctive feature of the Dutch party system is its high level of consensus.

Dutch democracy provided the citizens of the country with tulips and windmills highest level life. The Netherlands is the liberal democratic flagship of the European Union.

He almost became a piano teacher.

Ah, it was like this... Even at school, Mark had great ambitions, he wanted to become an accompanist. And although the boy played music quite well, his dream of a conservatory and a brilliant career as a pianist did not come true. No outstanding talent was noticed, so Rutte went to university to study history. Not a bad start to a career, with the prospect of becoming prime minister :)

The Prime Minister is still a teacher.

No matter what is happening in the country or in the world - every Thursday, the Dutch Prime Minister stands in front of the class. True, he does not teach music lessons, but teaches teenagers, in one of the secondary schools, the subject of sociology. Including explaining who the Prime Minister of the Netherlands is: “Ha ha, it’s me!” :))) After the school bell, he jumps into the car and drives to his main duty station.

Oh, the king is naked!

Several years ago, while still a simple member, Rutte gave an interview to the women's magazine VIVA. It was then that he mentioned that he preferred to walk around the house in whatever clothes his mother gave birth to. We must pay tribute to the prime minister’s natural modesty: he is not an exhibitionist, and the curtains in the house are closed. However, the government information service did not like the admission of such a seemingly innocent activity.

Style icon.

In 2013, according to the American magazine Vanity Fair, the Dutch Prime Minister was one of the three most stylish leaders of world powers in terms of his dressing style. Oh, did you notice his hippy clear glasses? Still that fashionista. By the way, this is a Danish brand Lindberg, no less than 450 euros per piece. In general, it is not surprising that many people find Rutte attractive.

Aren't you gay?

Why doesn't Rutte have a family or at least a regular relationship? This question has occupied the Dutch for many years. Stylish, handsome, with a decent income and the ability to play the piano - all the prerequisites to be successful with women. Or in men. As Rutte himself says: someday he will have a wife and children, but now he just has no time for anything else except politics. The only thing that is known about his preferences is that a woman who leads a healthy lifestyle, similar to TV presenter Sophie Hilbrand, can take a place in his heart. Who knows, maybe someday this will happen...

Be yourself

Minister-President of the Netherlands Mark Rutte cannot boast of an expensive villa, fashionable gadgets and glamorous parties. Despite his high position, he lives in a small apartment, paying off his mortgage. He drives a used car and makes government calls from an old Nokia cell phone. The years spent as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands did not change his character and habits at all.