Where to go for a pregnant woman in November. Where to go on vacation when pregnant. Where and how can you go on vacation during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are forced to adjust their behavior style, and this affects the choice of place and method of rest. When going on vacation, adhere to the basic rule - the entire trip should be enjoyable and stress-free.

Doctors advise not to engage in tourism if your pregnancy is more than 30 weeks. The ideal option is the second trimester, when the expectant mother’s body has already become accustomed to the unusual state. Exemplary conditions for recreation are specialized sanatoriums for expectant mothers. It is advisable that the hospital be located near home. The condition for choosing a medical institution is clean air and a non-stimulating environment. In such establishments you will be monitored around the clock.

Mountainous areas should be excluded from your travel itinerary. At altitude the air is thin, there is not enough oxygen for two organisms. Pregnant women are sensitive to changes in time zone and climate and take a long time to get used to such changes. There is no point in taking risks when traveling long distances “from winter to summer.”

Doctors recommend not going on vacation during the peak summer holidays. Unbearable heat, hotels overcrowded, loud music everywhere. Go on vacation in the off-season - the air temperature is acceptable, there are fewer people, prices are reduced. Decide in advance how you will get from the station to the hotel. If possible, choose the hotels closest to the station, no more than 40 minutes by local transport.

A good option A trip to Europe or Asia with a short flight time of no more than three to four hours is considered. IN exotic countries You should not travel; visas require special vaccinations, which are contraindicated for pregnant women. Crimea is preferable for pregnant women than the Caucasus coast - a drier climate. There are many calm, quiet corners here. The Mediterranean Sea is also a holiday destination for pregnant women from all over Europe. You can travel to Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece all year round. In winter, temperatures reach +25°, and the markets are full of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. In Israel, you can combine relaxation with medical procedures - medicine is well developed in the country, and there are many interesting ancient places for excursions.

Women with poor health are recommended to choose a proven resort area - Transcarpathia with mineral springs, Marianske Lazne in the Czech Republic, is a famous women's resort. Book 4-5 star hotels with a massage room and specialized medical staff. Before your trip, you should visit a doctor and get advice about your upcoming trip.

Long-term periods are not advisable for pregnant women. Bus tours And sightseeing trips. During these tours, you need to spend a lot of time sitting and then walking for a long time. For transfers, a branded train is best suited. On the plane, sit in the first row. This makes it possible to freely get up and move around the cabin every half hour. But in the late stages of pregnancy they may not be allowed on the plane. Seasickness may occur on ships.

In the off-season, not all places allow you to swim in the sea. But the alternative is heated water in swimming pools. You should sunbathe before 11 and after 17 hours. Maternity consultation is a maximum of an hour away. Sea water with its mineral salts and other elements has a beneficial effect on the body, and swimming develops the necessary muscles and trains breathing. Don't overheat or overcool.

Vacationing in the country also has its advantages. Saving money, familiar surroundings, fresh air, timely medical care. Relaxation while caring for flowers and trees. Remember that it is better to go on vacation not alone, but with a loved one. The main thing is to have a good mood to spend this holiday as best as possible.

There are numerous forums on the Internet where pregnant women discuss the burning topic - where is the best place to rest, is it safe? traveling during pregnancy...

Opinions tend to differ. Some believe that you can endure nine months and not go anywhere, others believe that you can go anywhere if the pregnancy is progressing normally. The truth, as usual, is in the middle.

Traveling during pregnancy

Excessive nervousness, as well as carelessness, are bad allies, including during pregnancy. A clear plan will help cope with the increased anxiety inherent in pregnancy, because it will “sort everything out.” But keep in mind: we do not give you direct recommendations on where exactly to go on vacation or how to plan your vacation days. We do not name the exact number of excursions that are safe for a pregnant woman. We don’t create a super healthy vacation menu.

Doctor's clearance during pregnancy

Not everyone is ready to adhere to this obvious rule. Especially when the vouchers have already been purchased and you really want to relax. Then the arguments of reason are outweighed by the hope of “maybe”.

To avoid problems, you must first consult with your doctor. Even if you feel subjectively good, you may have contraindications for flights, long journeys and climate change. Long-distance vacation trips are dangerous if you had bleeding during pregnancy, if the placenta is low or there is a threat of abruption, if you have polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, preeclampsia, a uterine scar after a cesarean section, IVF pregnancy...

So you have to completely trust doctor's permission during pregnancy.

A change in familiar surroundings is a guarantee that a person will have a mental rest. This also applies to a pregnant woman. If you constantly live in the city, it would be nice to get closer to nature and spend your holidays in the country, in a holiday home, or at least sometimes take a walk in the forest. If you are a resident of a quiet small town, you should add variety and color to your life: go to Big City, where there is a lot of entertainment, or choose an excursion tour to a calm European country.

Transport during pregnancy

There are usually three options: train, plane and personal car. And each has its own characteristics.

Transport during pregnancy: airplane. The main advantage is speed. Perhaps the most difficult moments for an expectant mother are takeoff and landing, when the muscles of the uterus and the circulatory system experience additional stress. However, healthy pregnant women can easily tolerate it, especially from the 13th to 27th weeks of pregnancy (i.e., within a reasonable time frame for going on vacation).

Transport during pregnancy: automobile. The main advantage is the ability to stop whenever you wish. It is better to stop every two hours to stretch and get some air.

Transport during pregnancy: train. The realities of our railway transport everyone knows. It's a lottery: it can be stuffy, or it can blow mercilessly. It is possible that a not-so-clean citizen will be traveling with you in the compartment. The sound of wheels and shaking also sometimes cause discomfort. And all this will have to be endured for at least a day if you travel to our Russian south.

How to spend a vacation during pregnancy: listen to your desires

This point brings more specificity to the previous one. When choosing a place to relax, be guided by your own preferences. But only if they are safe for you and your unborn child! Therefore, if you want to go hiking in the mountains, you will have to postpone it. But much, as before, is quite accessible to you! If you like to relax on the beach and not go on excursions, your choice will be quite wide.

Do you prefer an educational holiday? It is worth considering the option of visiting cities where you can leisurely stroll and see the sights. Or maybe you don’t dream about distant countries at all, or warm seas? And would you like to just relax in the country? Why not! The main thing is that your vacation brings you positive emotions.

Where to relax during pregnancy

If you have already chosen the mode of transport, then this will determine where you can end up. Planes fly anywhere, but with trains and cars everything is a little more complicated. But it is not only transport that determines a place to relax. There are other options...

  • The proximity of civilization. Pregnant women can relax in cities or at a distance of no more than 30 km from settlements, where there is a hospital and an obstetrician-gynecologist. The same applies to holidays abroad: let your hotel be closer to the city, and your insurance will be designed for unexpected expenses.
  • Acclimatization. Try to choose something close in climate to the region where you live; a temperature difference of 5–7 degrees is acceptable.
  • Health safety. For example, visiting some countries requires vaccinations. They are contraindicated for you. It turns out that European countries should be your favorites.

What to take on vacation when pregnant

As they say, when you have documents and money, you can go anywhere: if you forgot something, you can buy it on the spot. But the expectant mother should not be so frivolous. For example, this applies to medications. Not only their presence, but also knowledge about them. For example, you are going to Turkey or Egypt, and there you start to have a runny nose. You are unlikely to find the usual remedies that are available in every Russian pharmacy, and you will not be able to understand local medicines. Therefore, before you go, discuss with your doctor what to put in your first aid kit in case of allergies, acute respiratory viral infections, or indigestion. You will feel much more confident knowing that you have everything at your fingertips. If you are prescribed certain medications, be sure to take them with you and take them while on vacation. An important part of your vacation wardrobe is a swimsuit. It is better for the expectant mother if the belly is closed. Often these swimsuits are made with UV protection.

And most importantly, don’t forget your exchange card and insurance policy. These documents should always be with you. After all, the exchange card contains full information about your condition.

How to spend a vacation during pregnancy: take care of yourself!

The main task of the expectant mother is to stay healthy and maintain the health of the child. Therefore, the most important thing is to take care of yourself! After all, on vacation you are surrounded by many temptations: excursions, shops, delicious food, night walks. Of course, no one demands that you lead a completely “correct” life: strictly follow a diet and go to bed at 21:00. But at least be reasonable. Listen to your body and its signals. If you are tired, find an opportunity to rest. If you want to have a snack, choose something that consists of products that you understand and is not in doubt about its freshness. If you want to admire the stars, please just let yourself sleep longer the next day and don’t go on an excursion. In general, plan your days so as not to cause overexertion. Rule #7: Be flexible! When buying a ticket, you should not immediately pay for the “excursion package”. Suddenly, one day you feel unprepared to shake on a bus and run around museums with a group of tourists. Therefore, it is better to purchase an excursion on the spot, as close as possible to the date of its conduct. In addition, it is worth discussing with the guide the possibility of rescheduling the excursion to another day if you are unwell. In general, show prudence and reasonable selfishness. But how does this fit in with the wishes of your husband or girlfriend if you went together? You can agree that they can go on some excursions on their own, while you relax in the shade of a beach umbrella or palm tree.

“Where will I go next? I want to diversify my life"With these words I pestered my husband about 18 weeks pregnant, when the toxicosis passed and my capabilities, as it seemed to me, would allow me to even go into space.

Mandatory actions when you are going on vacation while pregnant

Before dreaming of a change of scenery and scrolling through relaxation areas on the Internet, go to your doctor if your great position and health allows you to travel - go for it! From personal experience and the doctor's wishes, I advise you to go to places, in which you need fly or go no more than 4-6 hoursV, and there will be a lot of this. Of course, I'm sure you won't go somewhere when your tummy is so big that you can't see your own feet. However, even with a small belly it is difficult to endure long distances and this can even harm both you and the baby.

It’s good where we are not)) So where should we go

The most safe places for pregnant:

  • Flat terrain or with low mountains.
  • With a temperate climate, not radically different from the usual.
  • With moderate humidity.
  • With a temperature of no more than 30 Celsius and no less than -20.

Mountainous areas not entirely favorable for pregnant women, since pressure changes can negatively affect the baby and the mother, where very hot Same no comme il feut! For example, I was in Bulgaria and Crimea when I was pregnant. And the choice was right. In summer in Bulgaria, of course, it was a bit hot but I took my position into account and did not warm my tummy under the scorching sun, which I advise everyone to do. But it's great there! Nature, clear sea, soft sand, warm evenings and nicely equipped hotels!

I was in Crimea in the fall, you can’t swim, but because the mountains are not high, the pressure drop is not strong, but pine trees, nature and beautiful views! I like it. I think the same for the baby.

Rest when you still have timeeasily moving around, at the end of the second trimester it was already hard for me, and I mostly lay down, and you can lie down at home. Be sure to have it with you comfortable and versatile clothes and shoes. Choose a holiday destination with a climate not fundamentally different from yours, so as not to sit through half your vacation waiting for acclimatization. And the main advice - listen to the doctor's recommendations, since any risk in this case cannot be compared with any champagne! Health to you and your children!

    A general therapeutic sanatorium that accepts expectant mothers and mothers with babies for health improvement. Treatment is individual, after a medical examination. The price includes 4 meals a day, a swimming pool, and exercise classes. Available private beach. Children under 3 years old can stay with their mother for free.

    Three types of special programs “Sanatorium for pregnant women”, for a period of 5 to 10 days, with accommodation on site national parkElk Island" The program includes physical therapy, a visit to a salt cave, dietary nutrition, round-the-clock supervision by experienced obstetricians and gynecologists, and swimming in a mineral water pool.

    The sanatorium is located in a coniferous-deciduous forest, 25 km from Moscow. Provides medical and health services for multiple pregnancies, anemia, and placental insufficiency. There are programs to normalize hormonal levels, treat infertility, and diseases of internal organs.

    The boarding house has a new program for expectant mothers - “The Beauty of Waiting”. Vouchers are offered to women with a pregnancy period of 12 to 30 weeks. The price includes 3 meals a day, health treatments, lectures by obstetricians and gynecologists on pregnancy and childbirth. Upon arrival, a health certificate from a local gynecologist is required.

    The oldest multidisciplinary sanatorium of the Presidential Administration is located in a protected area on the banks of a river with the telling name Rozhaika. There is a treatment program “Healthy mother - healthy baby!” for women with a pregnancy period of 12 to 32 weeks.

    The sanatorium is located on the shore of the Pyalovsky reservoir and specializes in diseases of the cardiovascular system and pregnancy management. There is a phytotherapeutic room, a water and mud bath, a psychological relief room, light therapy, electrotherapy, and physiotherapy are used. For an additional fee, you can live with a child of any age.

    Founded in 1922 in a former merchant's estate, a special sanatorium for pregnant women offers a 20-day treatment course for expectant mothers. A large number of useful procedures, strict diet and daily routine, conversations with psychologists, childbirth preparation programs. The territory has a children's playground, a sauna complex, outdoor and indoor swimming pools. It is possible to live with a spouse or children.

    The sanatorium is located 80 km from Moscow, not far from the Oka River. Offers a full range of special treatment procedures, including magnetic therapy, different kinds inhalations, mud therapy, aromatherapy, intravenous laser blood irradiation, hydrotherapy, herbal tea, oxygen cocktails and much more. Pets are allowed.

    A modern complex specializing in rejuvenating and healing procedures, located on the picturesque shore of the lake. The clinic employs professional nutritionists and cosmetologists. There are many programs offered for detoxifying the body, relieving stress, normalizing weight and improving health. There is an Ayurvedic room, juice therapy, therapeutic fasting, and all types of therapeutic massage.

Many years ago, when I was on vacation on the Black Sea, my neighbors turned out to be a married couple from Donetsk: the woman was nine months pregnant. Daily sunbathing, swimming in the sea, a glass of Crimean wine at night - she did not deny herself anything. And she looked quite flourishing, considering her position. I was in a state of shock from all this: according to my feelings, she was supposed to give birth right on the beach and in the very near future. But the woman gave birth three weeks after the vacation, about which her happy husband did not fail to notify me by telegram...

Only an observing gynecologist can tell you how to make your vacation safe for both the woman and her unborn child. In the event of any complications, most likely, he will, if not prohibit, then at least recommend that you rest close to home - 50-100 kilometers away, so that you can regularly attend a consultation, and, if necessary, get an emergency medical assistance.

Africa can wait

The fact is that pregnancy itself can provoke diseases that a woman has not suffered from before: pyelonephritis, hypertension and others. A radical change in climate can only aggravate these diseases, so you should try to forget about distant countries and limit yourself to relaxing in your usual climate zone, in a sanatorium or at a seaside resort (for example, a vacation in Yalta has a beneficial effect).

The dry climate of Crimea is beneficial for pregnant women (especially those who suffer from asthma), as well as Valdai, Seliger, Black Sea coast Caucasus. During pregnancy from 26 weeks, it is better to go on vacation to the country, and in the last two weeks before giving birth, be closer to the maternity hospital.

There are destinations that are contraindicated for pregnant women - first of all, exotic countries. For example, a trip to Africa or India is fraught with infectious diseases. If there is an opportunity and you definitely want to go abroad, then it is better to choose for your holiday countries whose climatic conditions are close to usual, and go there not in the hottest months: the Baltic states, Turkey (Marmaris), France, Croatia, Finland, Spain (to for example, the resorts of Catalonia, whose climate is close to the Crimean).

High blood pressure may be a contraindication for traveling for a pregnant woman. In these cases, leaving home is not recommended, since even slight exertion increases the possibility of bleeding and can cause a miscarriage. In any case, before going on vacation, it is advisable to make sure that nothing threatens you. The doctor must issue an extract with the exact gestational age and minimal tests (general blood and urine tests), as well as recommendations. In addition, after 30 weeks of pregnancy, wherever you go, you should always have an exchange card with you.

What to do on vacation?

Rest should not be associated with heavy loads: it is worth minimizing the number of excursions and long walks, especially in the mountains. But swimming has a very beneficial effect on your well-being (it’s better to do it early in the morning or in the evening). In water, a woman feels at ease, her muscles relax. In addition, swimming is an excellent workout for the respiratory and muscular systems of the body, which helps prepare for childbirth. Do not forget that exercises in water can help correct the baby’s incorrect position - transverse or. True, some pregnant women cannot swim - for example, with hypertension. Swimming is also contraindicated in case of bleeding, polyps and erosions. Pregnant women with neurodermatitis - skin diseases that sometimes appear during pregnancy - will also have to give up swimming, including in the pool. As for the pleasures of the resort, perhaps you only need to limit yourself to the pleasure of sunbathing. This is caused by a number of serious reasons: exposure to active sun during the daytime can cause uterine bleeding; The load on the heart increases during pregnancy, and the woman runs the risk of getting sunstroke and even losing consciousness. Under the influence of the sun, varicose veins progress, and pigment spots associated with pregnancy increase. In general, during the hot months of summer, expectant mothers need to spend as little time as possible in the sun (before 11 and after 16-17 hours); during the day it is best to hide in the shade.

While on vacation, it is not recommended to experiment with unfamiliar and exotic products, as in case of poisoning, the risk of premature birth increases. The same goes for water: you only need to drink mineral water and refuse fruits and vegetables whose purity you are not sure of.

Walking is safer. During pregnancy, women should be wary not only of a specific type of transport, but also of fatigue from the road. Fatigue during a trip leads to lower back pain, cramps, and as a result, can cause premature birth. After seven months of pregnancy, it would be prudent to generally refrain from long trips on any form of transport. Traveling by plane during pregnancy is the least tiring option, but during takeoff and landing there is a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, which can cause vascular contraction and premature abruption of the placenta (for example, with low placental attachment). On an airplane, a pregnant woman is exposed to several harmful factors at once: noise, changes in atmospheric pressure, prolonged oxygen deficiency and vibration. Added to this are emotional stress, overloads during landing and takeoff, and in air pockets.

Traveling by car and bus involves a long stay in a forced position, traveling around railway– with vibration and motion sickness. If you still decide to car trip, you need to sit either in the back seat or next to the driver, not forgetting about the seat belt, so that during sudden braking you do not hit your stomach on the dashboard. Place a pillow under your lower back to make it more comfortable. In case of motion sickness, it is worth taking with you anti-motion sickness remedies, for example, validol with or without glucose, mint tablets, lemon, homeopathic lozenges. It is better to consult your doctor about taking other medications. In your first aid kit you should also have no-shpa and suppositories with papaverine, which are good for stomach pain.

So if there are no contraindications, then you can go on vacation: you shouldn’t deprive yourself of positive emotions during this time.