When the holiday season begins. Holiday season. How to plan a trip and save money. General norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on annual paid leave

Summer is in full swing, and hence the holiday season. Everyone is eager to get to the beach as quickly as possible, to get their share of sunshine in order to recharge themselves with positive emotions for the whole year.

However, the ideal summer vacation is different for everyone. Some people roast under the sun on the beach, some prefer to devote the summer to their garden and its beauty, and some, even working tirelessly, do not waste a minute and prepare an active program of entertainment for the weekend, which can only be enjoyed in the summer. We decided to find out how Miass residents spend warm summer days.

Daria Demidova, nurse:

– Our first real vacation is still ahead. This year we are going on vacation to the Krasnodar region. In general, summer is an active period of life, probably for everyone. We garden, go to the beach, and walk whenever the weather permits and we have free time. I love an active change of activity in everything.

Ksenia Ustelemova, housekeeper:

- Active. We are hardly ever at home. We go out to the lakes, relax at the dacha, go out of town to visit our grandparents. On vacation, we definitely organize a program for children: attractions, zoos, parks. Soon we will go to Satka to the entertainment town on the shore of the pond - “Sonka Lagoon”. The kids are very interested there.

Nadezhda Tarasenkova, manager:

– My husband and I are supporters of active recreation. We plan our trips in advance, every weekend we enjoy the nature and beauty of the Urals.

This year we managed to go to Alushta in Crimea. We went on an interesting excursion, after which we were left with a lot of impressions. We visited the water park, and spent the remaining days enjoying the sea, nature, walking a lot, and sightseeing.

Our vacation did not end there; we continued it in our hometown of Bryansk. There we organized entertainment programs for our brother and nephew, and met with friends.

Alena Kurakina, housewife:

– I want to go on vacation to Greece to visit historical monuments and attractions. My husband wants to go to Siberia to fish in places where no one has fished before. In the meantime, we are relaxing on local lakes. With a small child it doesn’t work out differently.

Anastasia Korosteleva, housewife:

– We want to fly to Thailand, although not for the summer holidays, but for the winter holidays. While we are relaxing on the lakes, we go to the dacha and prepare barbecue. My daughter and I love visiting parks and attractions. A vivid memory is a trip to Turkey last year, we had an unforgettable experience. We flew on an airplane for the first time, rode a boat, watched sunsets, and visited hot springs. This was our first family vacation and our first trip abroad.

Yulia Burova, salesperson:

– I’ve been working all this summer, so there won’t be an opportunity to go somewhere. And so, of course, we will go to the garden, to our parents’ dacha, and organize trips to local reservoirs.

So far, the most vivid memories from a real vacation are a trip to Abkhazia in 2015, where my husband and I now want to go again.

Danila Tikunov, history and social studies teacher, MKOU “Secondary School No. 44”:

– I can talk a lot about my trips. This year I visited Ryazan and Minsk. Before the trip, I carefully studied a huge number of sites that offered accommodation, tickets for various types of transport, and more. I traveled to Ryazan by train, to Belarus and back by plane.

My most vivid memory was visiting Kolomna. The Kremlin is located there, and I love cities with historical architectural ensembles. I would like to note the indescribable atmosphere of the city. There I found a small church, a photograph of which was in a Russian language textbook. In the future, I also want to visit my mother’s small homeland – Tallinn. When I return, I don't plan to spend much time at home. I want to visit the Zyuratkul and Taganay national parks.

P.S. As the survey showed, almost all city residents plan their summer vacation in advance, even if they can’t get out of the city. Coincidence or not, Miass residents choose to vacation not abroad, but in their homeland.

The shores of Turkey are closer to the people of Miass

As one of the city’s travel agencies told us, the obvious leader in tour package sales today are tours to Turkey. Next come Spain, Cyprus, Tunisia, Crimea.

– The high demand for trips to Turkey is due to the fact that more comfortable conditions for recreation are offered there. Since most often vacationers choose family trips. In Turkey, for example, a wide range of services and entertainment is provided (animation, excursions, attractions, meals), which will already be included in the price of the tour. A large number of entertainments, both for children and adults, makes the choice of vacationers obvious,” explained Olga Goldina, tourism manager at the agency.

Unfortunately, today Russian tours are inferior in comfort to foreign resorts. And this is at relatively the same cost of tour packages.

Yulia Golitsina

Photo by Georgy Lazarev

In Russia, compulsory vacation is 28 calendar days (that is, 20 working days), and another 14 days a year are declared holidays. It turns out that, in addition to weekends, the average resident of Russia rests for 34 days (and those who have irregular working hours have the right to additional vacation - from three days). How many holidays do you have abroad? Let's talk!


This length of vacation can be counted on with a five-day working week; with a six-day vacation it lasts 30 days. And after 25 years of work in one place, it increases by another five.


The rhythm of Greek life is so leisurely and calm that Greeks are sometimes accused of laziness. However, not entirely deservedly so. They have less vacation than in many other European countries: with a five-day working week - 20 working days, with a six-day week - 24.


The length of vacation for an ordinary employee in Finland depends on the length of service. According to the law, if he works for less than one year, he earns two days of vacation for each month. After a year, the rate increases to two and a half days.


You will not be able to receive monetary compensation instead of a vacation. In Spain this is prohibited by labor law. It also prohibits transferring vacations to the next year. If you didn’t want to rest on time, that’s your problem. Days not taken off are burned out.

Great Britain

Residents of the UK know their worth and when applying for a job, they always ask not only about the salary, but also about the length of vacation in the company. The minimum paid leave is 28 working days. But there are still eight days of official holidays. The trick is that the employer has the right not to add holidays to the vacation, but to include them in it. So, some people rest 36 days a year (in addition to weekends), and others - 28. And no violation of the law!


When calculating vacation in France, it takes into account how many hours an employee works per week. Workers who choose a 39-hour workweek instead of the standard 35-hour workweek are entitled to two additional weeks of vacation.


On July 1, 2017, a new Labor Code came into force in the country. Now one part of the vacation must be at least ten working days. The remaining ten can be taken as you wish - at least one day at a time. Moreover, 20 working days is the minimum duration of vacation for those who work five days a week. Those who work six days a week have more vacation - 24 working days. For residents of Lithuania, who have extensive experience behind them, the changes will only benefit them. Now, after ten years of continuous service, an employee has an additional three working days of vacation instead of three calendar days. And for every five subsequent years - one more working day.


For each month worked, the employee is entitled to 2.08 days of vacation. In total, 25 working days accumulate in a year. Of these, five can be taken not entirely, but divided one day at a time. For example, not working on Mondays for five weeks in a row.


Despite the fact that the law sets a minimum duration of vacation, workaholic Japanese rarely adhere to it. Resting is considered bad manners. Most often, the Japanese vacation lasts five to six days. And the locals make up for their lack of sleep throughout the year. The only reason that can force the Japanese to rest is a national holiday.


In August, there is complete calm in the life of Italians. The first holidaymakers flock to the beaches in the first days of the month, and on August 15, when the national holiday of Ferragosto is celebrated, the official holiday period begins. At this time, cities literally die out. Even the factories are not working! And on the doors of shops and restaurants there is often a sign: “Closed for the duration of the holidays.”


The duration of vacation in Australia is the same as in Russia. But there are fewer holidays. Moreover, each state has its own holidays, even national ones are often celebrated on different days.


Argentina occupies a leading position in terms of the number of holidays. Moreover, if a holiday falls on a weekend, it is transferred to the next working day. Perhaps, as a sign of compensation for the large number of holidays, the country decided to make the vacation short. However, it lasts ten working days only if the length of service in one place is less than five years. After this period, the vacation increases to 15 days, after 10 years - to 20 days, and after 20 - to 25.


According to German law, each employee has the right to vacation in the amount of 20 working days in a five-day work week and 24 in a six-day work week. This is an ironclad minimum. But employers often add to this. On average, employees are given 25–29 days a year to rest. The number of holidays depends on the area. The law states that the declaration of public holidays is the responsibility of the states. The exception is German Unity Day, which falls on October 3. Eight more holidays are celebrated in all 16 states. Next - where and how. For example, residents of Bavaria celebrate the Day of St. Epiphany, Body and Blood of Christ and Reformation Day, while residents of Thuringia celebrate only Reformation Day.


Residents of the Netherlands prepare in advance not for holidays, but for funerals: every year in this country one day is set aside as a day off for the funeral of members of the royal family. If no one died, it is added to the vacation. By the way, King's Day (or Queen's Day, depending on who is on the throne at the moment) is the only holiday that is postponed if it falls on a weekend.

South Korea

Like many other Asian countries, South Korea has a culture of working long hours. But it’s not customary to rest. A short vacation is split up. A vacation of 20 working days, like in Russia, is an unthinkable luxury by Korean standards. Getting sick in South Korea is also not accepted. Due to illness, you are allowed to miss only one day a month, and even then at the expense of vacation. Sick leave is paid only if the person was in the hospital.


From January 1, 2017, the minimum duration of vacation increased from 10 to 12 days. This is the first increase since 1951. 12 days of vacation will now be received by employees who have worked for the company on a five-day working week for less than five years. With a six-day working week and less than five years of work experience, the vacation duration will be 16 days. After working in the company for five years, an employee can expect that every year his vacation will increase by one or two days.


In the first year of work here, there is no point in waiting for a vacation of more than seven working days. Then, every year, the employee is added one more day until he reaches 14. Russians can only wonder how, with such a short vacation, Singaporeans manage to take only a few days off. However, in the country of fines, very many things are indeed prohibited - officially and not so much.


During the first ten years of work, vacation is five days, then ten, and after 20 years - 15. But even such a short vacation, many Chinese refuse to earn extra money. Like the Japanese, they relax on holidays, many of which last several days.


Republic Day, Independence Day and Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday have the status of public holidays. The rest are regional. Therefore, the total number of holidays varies by state.


The length of leave depends greatly on length of service. Newbies are out of luck. They are only allowed six days to rest. After four years of work at one enterprise, the duration of vacation increases by two weeks; after five years of experience, two more days are added for every five subsequent years.


The US is one of the few countries that treats vacation as a privilege, thanks to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. It regulates the maximum number of working hours per week, overtime work, and the minimum wage, but does not mention a word about paid leave. Therefore, Americans are not legally entitled to leave. The decision on its duration and payment is made by the employers themselves. But even those Americans whose companies offer paid leave find it difficult to take it. The principle of work culture is such that people are afraid to rest, as they may be labeled as quitters. Attempts to change the situation have been made for several years, but so far they have failed.


The holiday season is in full swing. Some are already sadly remembering the days off, while others have yet to rest. How to find out how many days of vacation you are entitled to in a given situation, is it possible to “hurry up” the turn to go on vacation, what are the rules for providing vacation at your own expense? Answers to these and other hot questions about workers' rights are in the next issue of our column.

How much does it “drip” into the vacation piggy bank?

“I worked for a year and three months, I never took a vacation,” Marina, an employee of a small company, tells a typical story on one of the Internet forums. “Now I’m about to quit and want to take off my unused vacation before leaving, help me calculate: how many days am I entitled to?” Note that in practice, questions about calculating the number of vacation days arise very often. Many employees share their standard vacation and do not take full time off this year. Some find it difficult to make calculations because they have recently been hired or are under an employment contract for less than a year.

In any case, the following rules will help you navigate. We proceed from the general rule that for one year of work an employee is granted 28 calendar days of vacation (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Let us clarify: in this case, the year is not counted according to the calendar - from January 1, but from the date of your hire. At the same time, the right to vacation for the first year of work arises already 6 months after employment, unless the employer sets an even earlier period (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, after working in a new place for six months, you get the right to take a well-deserved rest for as many as 28 calendar days.

And then we think like this. Since for one full year of work - 12 months - we are entitled to 28 calendar days of paid leave, then for each subsequent month worked, rest time accumulates according to the scheme: 28 divided by 12 equals 2.33. Total: for a month of work we are entitled to 2.33 days of vacation. Just don’t get confused: this doesn’t mean that at the end of any working month (or two or three months) you can ask to take several accumulated days off. This figure is used specifically for calculations, and the specific time for going on vacation is determined based on the vacation schedule approved by the organization (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

And another note: any employee working under an employment contract has the right to vacation. Including if the contract is concluded for a period of less than a year. In these cases, the same principle applies: the number of vacation days depends on the number of months worked (see above). And if the employment contract is concluded for a period of up to two months, then a special rule applies (Article 291 of the Labor Code): vacation is calculated in working days according to the “two days per month of work” scheme.

Young mothers and part-time workers - out of turn

As we noted, according to the general rule, leave is provided to employees according to the schedule approved by the organization (in accordance with Article 123 of the Labor Code, this schedule is approved no later than two weeks before the end of each calendar year). At the same time, some categories of employees have the opportunity to “accelerate” their turn, regardless of the schedule.

True, not at any time, but in certain situations. In particular, the Labor Code provides for the following preferential norms:

- employees under 18 years of age are granted annual paid leave at any time convenient for them (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- women going on maternity leave can, if they wish, take regular annual leave immediately before maternity leave or immediately after maternity leave or after the end of parental leave (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- the husband of a woman on maternity leave has the right to take leave during the period of his wife’s maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

- an employee who officially works part-time, going on vacation at his main job, can, out of turn, take the same leave at his combined job (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

"Release at your own expense!"

As for leave at their own expense, some employees are mistaken in believing that they can take such unpaid “time off” of their own free will. In fact, according to the Labor Code, this requires the consent of the employer. But the Labor Code does not limit the duration of unpaid leave: for as long as the boss allows you to leave, you can be absent (these basic norms are enshrined in Article 128 of the Labor Code).

In addition, there are a number of “preferential” exceptions to the general rule. Namely: on the basis of the same Art. 128, the employer is obliged to provide leave without pay upon a written application from the employee if the employee belongs to any of the following categories:

- working old-age pensioners (men over 60 years of age, women over 55) - without agreement with the employer, they are entitled to up to 14 calendar days of vacation at their own expense per year;

- disabled employees (regardless of group) - up to 60 calendar days of unpaid leave per year;

- employees in whose family a child was born, as well as in the case of marriage registration and in the event of the death of a close relative - up to 5 calendar days of leave at their own expense per year for each of the circumstances.

Let us emphasize: in these cases we are talking about situations where unpaid leave is provided at the request of the employee without agreement with the employer. At the same time, this does not deprive the mentioned employees of the right to go on other vacations at their own expense with the approval of management.

Finally, one of the most frequently asked questions: is it possible to “take money” instead of taking time off? The answer is clear: it is possible, but... only in case of dismissal. According to Art. 127 of the Labor Code, upon dismissal of an employee, he is paid compensation for all unused vacation days accumulated during his work in this organization.

Anna Dobryukha

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The holiday season is in full swing. Some are already sadly remembering the days off, while others have yet to rest. How to find out how many days of vacation you are entitled to in a given situation, is it possible to “hurry up” the turn to go on vacation, what are the rules for providing vacation at your own expense? Answers to these and other hot questions about workers' rights are in the next issue of our column.