Which predator adorns the coat of arms of the Solomon Islands? Coat of arms of the Solomon Islands Excerpt characterizing the Coat of Arms of the Solomon Islands

The shield is on a stylized brown image of a frigate, below which is the national motto of the Solomon Islands: " To Lead is To Serve"(translated from English " Leading means serving»).

The numerous symbols on the shield represent the four counties that existed during the British Protectorate. Eagle - Malaita District, weapons - Central District, turtles - Western District and frigates - Eastern District. These four symbols were also found on the colonial coat of arms, which also featured a lion at the top. Another colonial coat of arms features a silver turtle; The upper part of the coat of arms is painted black with eight silver points, which symbolize the eight main islands of the former colony.

An excerpt characterizing the Coat of Arms of the Solomon Islands

And she calmly continued to talk, as if not noticing either our “overflowing” emotions or the “puppy” delight of our souls that accompanied her wonderful story.
– That’s when my mother heard about Venice... My father spent hours telling her about the freedom and beauty of this city, about its palaces and canals, about secret gardens and huge libraries, about bridges and gondolas, and much, much more. And my impressionable mother, without even seeing this wonderful city, fell in love with it with all her heart... She couldn’t wait to see this city with her own eyes! And very soon her dream came true... Her father brought her to a magnificent palace, full of faithful and silent servants, from whom there was no need to hide. And, starting from that day, mom could spend hours doing her favorite thing, without fear of being misunderstood or, even worse, insulted. Her life became pleasant and secure. They were a truly happy married couple, who gave birth to a girl exactly one year later. They called her Isidora... It was me.
I was a very happy child. And, as far as I can remember, the world has always seemed beautiful to me... I grew up surrounded by warmth and affection, among kind and attentive people who loved me very much. Mom soon noticed that I had a powerful Gift, much stronger than her own. She began to teach me everything that she knew and that her grandmother taught her. And later my father also became involved in my “witch” upbringing.
I am telling you all this, dear ones, not because I want to tell you the story of my happy life, but so that you can better understand what will follow a little later... Otherwise, you will not feel all the horror and pain of what me and my family had to endure .
When I turned seventeen, rumors about me spread far beyond borders hometown, and there was no end to those wishing to hear their fate. I was very tired. No matter how gifted I was, the daily stress was exhausting, and in the evenings I literally collapsed... My father always objected to such “violence,” but my mother (she herself was once unable to fully use her gift) believed that I am in perfect order, and that I must honestly practice my talent.
Coat of arms of Solomon Islands
Approved July 7
Helmet Helmet with silver-blue burlet and mantle
Shield holders Crocodile and shark
Motto “Leading is serving”
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

The shield is on a stylized brown image of a frigate, below which is the national motto of the Solomon Islands: " To Lead is To Serve"(translated from English " Leading means serving»).

The numerous symbols on the shield represent the four counties that existed during the British Protectorate. Eagle - Malaita District, weapons - Central District, turtles - Western District and frigates - Eastern District. These four symbols were also found on the colonial coat of arms, which also featured a lion at the top. Another colonial coat of arms features a silver turtle; The upper part of the coat of arms is painted black with eight silver points, which symbolize the eight main islands of the former colony.

Not even fifty years have passed since the coat of arms of the Solomon Islands appeared. He became a symbol of the independence of this small island state, located in Pacific Ocean. Amazing exotic lands were once discovered by a Spanish navigator.

Then part of the Solomon Islands fell under the protectorate of Great Britain, and the second part was controlled by Australia and New Zealand(and under the supervision of the United Nations). It was not until the indigenous people gained independence in 1978 that they began independent travel to the future.

Coat of arms of the islands and ocean symbols

The composition is reminiscent of the traditional coats of arms and emblems of European and American states. Among the main elements of the main official symbol of the Solomon Islands are:

  • the shield is quite traditional in shape;
  • shield holders in the form of exotic animals, a crocodile and a shark;
  • a knight's helmet with a burelet crowning the composition;
  • a stylized frigate at the base of the coat of arms;
  • ribbon with the country's motto.

Elements and symbols

Despite the fact that the shield, which occupies a central place, is made in European traditions, it is filled with a variety of elements and symbols reminiscent of the location of the state, its history and natural resources.

The upper part of the shield is azure, the lower part is gold with a green St. Andrew's cross. Three birds are depicted on a blue background: a handsome eagle and on either side of him two flying frigates. These are the brightest representatives of the feathered kingdom of the Solomon Islands, symbolizing freedom and courage.

At the bottom of the shield there are silvery crossed spears, arrows and a traditional shield, the main types of weapons that served the local residents both for obtaining food and for protection from enemies. In addition, there are images of two turtles painted in chocolate color.

The theme of the most popular animals of Melanesia continues in the images of shield holders, on the left the shield is supported by a greenish-brown crocodile, accompanied by a shark standing on its tail on the right.

Besides what animals symbolize animal world Solomon Islands, they recall the four districts into which the territory was divided during British rule. The eagle is the symbol of the Malaita district, the frigates are the Eastern, the turtles are the Western, the weapons are Central District. They were present on the colonial coat of arms and are preserved on the main symbol of the independent state.

The golden coat of arms depicts a green St. Andrew's cross, which, in turn, has two intersecting silver spears, black arrows and a traditional brown shield. To the right and left of the shield image are images of a brown turtle. In the upper blue part of the shield there is an image of an eagle between two flying frigates (in natural colors).

The edges of the coat of arms are silver-blue. Above the helmet is an image of a traditional boat, above which is a stylized image of the sun. The shield holders are a green crocodile and a shark.

The shield is set on a stylized brown image of a frigate, underneath which is the national motto of the Solomon Islands: "To Lead is To Serve" (translated from in English“Leading is serving.”

The numerous symbols on the shield represent the four counties that existed during the British Protectorate. Eagle - Malaita District, weapons - Central District, turtles - Western District and frigates - Eastern District. These four symbols were also found on the colonial coat of arms, which also featured a lion at the top. Another colonial coat of arms features a silver turtle; The upper part of the coat of arms is painted black with eight silver points, which symbolize the eight main islands of the former colony.