What city is Lake Issyk-Kul. What does the depth of Lake Issyk-Kul hide? Kyrgyz Lake Issyk-Kul: historical facts

One of the symbols of Kyrgyzstan is the legendary Lake Issyk-Kul. This huge lake, located high in the mountains, has crystal clear water. Its transparent blue surface stretches for many kilometers. Issyk-Kul replaces the sea for all residents of Central Asia. Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, and Uzbeks come here.

General information about Lake Issyk-Kul

To find out where Lake Issyk-Kul is located, you can use the Google map, which can even determine the coordinates of the reservoir. They are 42.26.00 s. w. 77. 11. 00 century. d. The length of Lake Issyk-Kul is 182 km, and its width reaches 58–60 km, its area is 6330 sq. km. The maximum depth of the reservoir reaches 702 meters, its height above sea level is 1608 meters.

Due to the fact that more than 50 rivers flow into the lake, and not a single one leaves it, many minerals are concentrated in it and the water here is as salty as the sea. Salinity in ppm reaches almost 6. In winter, the lake does not freeze due to its great depth and high concentration of mineral salts; the water temperature during this period does not drop below 2-3 degrees Celsius. Only in some places of the bays in especially cold winters can the water become covered with a crust of ice.

The reservoir contains a wide variety of fish. In Soviet times, several fish hatcheries operated here, which supported the population of rare and expensive varieties of fish: trout, pike perch, bream and many others. But even now fishing attracts numerous tourists to these areas.

Recreation and attractions

The reservoir has a unique pristine nature. On its shores there are alternating settlements and cities built in ancient times, with a rich history and culture, and also replete with unusual attractions. There are sanatoriums, children's camps, tourist centers and various complexes designed for relaxation and restoration of health.

North Shore

Lake Issyk-Kul is famous for its beauty, but there is much more interesting in its surroundings. For example, on the northern side there is an unusual Rukh-Ordo complex (spiritual center), the main goal of which is to prove that God is one. Upon entering, you immediately notice 5 almost identical white chapels, museum exhibits symbolizing the main world religions:

  • Islam;
  • Orthodoxy;
  • Buddhism;
  • Catholicism;
  • Judaism.

In the cities known as popular resorts, Cholpon-Ata and Bosteri, located five kilometers from each other, vacationers are provided with all the conditions necessary for complete relaxation and entertainment. For example, in the city of Boster there is a huge Ferris wheel, which allows you to easily see the entire coast of Issyk-Kul. There is also a water park and many different attractions. Cholpon-Ata is famous for its unique museums, numerous restaurants and cafes.

Not far from these cities there are mineral springs equipped with comfortable outdoor swimming pools. There are also beautiful unique gorges, where tourists go in droves every summer, where they take interesting photos, admire the surrounding landscapes and forever take with them their love for the Issyk-Kul region.

On the northern shore of the lake, the climate for recreation is more favorable, and the swimming season lasts longer than on the opposite southern coast. There are a lot of sanatoriums, as well as private boarding houses and small hotels. The beaches are sandy, sometimes with pebbles, or completely covered with clean, fine sand, so relaxing and swimming in the lake here is more convenient.

In the coming season of 2017, Lake Issyk-Kul is waiting for its admirers for a summer holiday. There is no sweltering heat here, like on the Black Sea, but the lake warms up quite well - up to 24 degrees. The water is second only to Baikal in its unique composition, purity and transparency. It’s not for nothing that these regions are called the second Switzerland.

South coast

On the southern side, the natural landscape is richer and amazes with diversity, the shores are rocky and inconvenient for swimming, but the water is much cleaner and more transparent. There are fewer vacationers, mini-hotels and boarding houses. The most visited places are Tamga and Kadzhi-Sai. There is a military sanatorium in the village of Tamga.

Few travelers know that on the southern side of the lake there is the Kyrgyz Dead Sea - Salt Lake. It is called so because of the mineral composition of the water. The lake measures about three hundred meters wide and five hundred meters long. The bottom is on average 2-3 meters deep. The water is saturated with microelements.

When plunging into the lake, vacationers experience a feeling of weightlessness, like in the Dead Sea. It is impossible to drown in such water; it literally pushes you to the surface. The properties of Salt Lake water are in no way inferior to the healing water of the Dead Sea in Israel. You can improve your health here in just a few days.

The southern side of the lake is famous for its beautiful scenery. Here is the most beautiful gorge not only on the Issyk-Kul coast, but throughout Central Asia. It is called Fairytale Valley. Wind and water have created truly amazing and unusual landscapes here, the description of which is impossible in simple human words. These are some of the most ancient mountains in Kyrgyzstan, which took thousands of years to form. The mountain folds look like pictures depicting quaint castles built of white clay. The shells found remind us that there was once an ancient sea here.

The southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul is more suitable for those who know how to appreciate the beauty of pristine nature. There are almost no sandy beaches here, in most cases they are small pebbles turning into large boulders. But the southern coast is very picturesque; the nature of Issyk-Kul itself has become its main attraction. Here you can take wonderful photos that will keep the memory of this amazing adventure for a long time.

Secrets and history of Lake Issyk-Kul

The waters of Issyk-Kul are fraught with many unsolved secrets. Over many centuries and millennia, the surface of the lake sank and rose again more than once. When Lake Issyk-Kul once again overflowed its boundaries, its waters absorbed on its way all the cities and settlements that were located in its vicinity. So many villages of ancient people found themselves at the bottom. And in them, researchers discover household items that belong not only to different time periods, but also to different cultures.

Historians explain this by the fact that trade caravans passed through this place in ancient times and the Middle Ages. Due to the fact that the Silk Road ran there, signs of almost all of humanity are found at the bottom of the lake and in its surroundings during archaeological research. In total, at the bottom of Issyk-Kul there are up to a hundred local objects, large and small, that can be identified as a settlement.

Legend of the lake

Kyrgyzstan keeps many legends about the amazing and wonderful Lake Issyk-Kul. Here is one of them, which explains the origin of the reservoir. A long time ago, in the very place where the waves of Lake Issyk-Kul splash, there stood a huge beautiful city with magnificent palaces and numerous streets and houses where ordinary people lived. But suddenly the earth began to emit tremors, and an earthquake of unprecedented strength began, which spared neither people nor buildings. Everything was destroyed, and the earth itself sank, and a depression formed in this place, which filled with water. So a deep lake appeared on the site of the city.

Several girls from this city early in the morning, shortly before the earthquake, went high into the mountains for brushwood, and that was the only reason they remained alive. They began to mourn their dead relatives and friends who were buried at the bottom of the lake. Every day they came to the shore and shed hot tears there, which flowed in streams into Lake Issyk-Kul. There were so many of them that the water in it became as bitter and salty as the tears of the girls.

Lake Issyk Kul is the second most popular large lake in the territory of the former USSR. Recreation in the region of the reservoir is currently developed mainly by the Kyrgyz and residents of neighboring countries. Many tourists from distant foreign countries have not even heard of Issyk Kul. But every year, its popularity increases. Kyrgyz, as it is often called, is a good place for a summer holiday.

Lake Issyk Kul: description, photo, video

The water area of ​​Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan is the most impressive among all high-mountain saltwater lakes. It is slightly smaller in size, but in terms of water transparency it can be compared with. The reservoir is located at a height of one and a half kilometers. The length of the lake is 180 kilometers, and its maximum width reaches 70. These dimensions are enough for it to be visible from space.

Lake Issyk Kul

According to the astronauts, the pond looks like a large blue human eye. The peculiarity of the lake is the fact that even in winter it does not freeze. Actually, this nuance contributed to the appearance of the name Issyk Kul. Translated from Kyrgyz, it means “hot lake”. The maximum depth of the lake is 668 meters, and the average is 300. The amount of salt is about 6 ppm.

The reservoir is located in a picturesque area with unearthly beauty. It is hidden among mirror-like glacial surfaces and surrounded by majestic mountain peaks. Depending on how the light falls, the lake can shimmer in dark blue and soft azure shades. The first European traveler to visit these places was Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. He compared Issyk-Kul to Lake Geneva. Przhevalsky also liked it here. If you look at Lake Issyk-Kul at least in a photo, then all questions about its impeccable beauty will immediately disappear.

Panorama of Lake Issyk Kul

Today, there are about a dozen resort settlements located on the southern and northern coasts of the reservoir. The city of Balykchy is very popular. People call it the gateway to the lake. The city has good transport accessibility and a significant number of family boarding houses and hotels. The most popular resort is Cholpon-Ata.

Where is Lake Issyk Kul located?

Lake Issyk Kul is located entirely on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, which borders Uzbekistan, China, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

It stretches between two mountain ranges:

  • Kungey Ala-Too;
  • Terskey Ala-Too.

Both are part of the Northern Tien Shan. Many travelers, including some Russians, consider this lake to be Russian. This incident is connected with the USSR, which included both Russia and Kyrgyzstan. Therefore, even after a breakup, such associations arise. The lake is part of the biosphere reserve of the same name. It was founded in 1948, and in 1991 it was included in the UNESCO Foundation. The reserve covers a 2-kilometer coastline and the entire water area of ​​the reservoir.

Coordinates of Lake Issyk Kul on the map:

  • Latitude – 42°44′44′′
  • Longitude – 77°28′33′′

How to get to Lake Issyk Kul

The most convenient way to get to the lake is from Bishkek. There is a railway station in the Kyrgyz capital, and Manas Airport is located 20 kilometers from the city. It receives flights from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk and other cities. More than 10 planes from various companies fly here every day. Direct flights from the Russian capital take about 4.5 hours.

Muscovites also have the opportunity to get to Bishkek by direct train. He travels several times a week. The train departs from the Kazansky railway station. Travel time is about 3 days. You can only get there by bus with transfers, but this is irrational and very long.

Lake Issyk Kul – how to get from the airport:

  • Bus number 153 runs from the airport to Bishkek, as well as minibuses;
  • Minibuses and buses travel from the Western Bus Station to resort towns on the coast;
  • traffic starts at 7 am, the average ticket price is 300 rubles, the journey takes approximately 4 hours.

When is the best time to visit Lake Issyk Kul?

The reservoir is located in a mountain valley, so there is a favorable microclimate around it. Meteorologists classify it as subtropical temperate marine. Winters in the region are mild and summers are not too hot. So, according to travelers’ reviews, acclimatization is not needed on Lake Issyk Kul. The coolest months are January and February. The air temperature at this time ranges from minus 5 to plus 5. Spring comes into its own almost in April, and summer begins at the end of May.

Lake Issyk Kul vacation Kyrgyzstan

Warm weather in the region lasts until early October. The hottest month is July. At this time, the average air temperature is within 17 degrees, and the maximum can reach 33 degrees. On Lake Issyk Kul, sunny weather persists for almost 300 days a year. Actually, that’s why local resorts are ready to welcome tourists all year round. The peak season is between July and August. In winter, it is best to go to Karakol with a ski resort.


On Lake Issyk Kul, tourist accommodation is scattered along the entire coastline. However, the largest number of hotels and other accommodation options are concentrated on the north side. Health tourism is very popular in the region. Sanatoriums offer their guests medical treatments, food and accommodation. The price range is quite large. A double room will cost from 3 to 10 thousand rubles per day.

Tourists who come for a regular holiday are offered apartments of various categories. So, a room in a small hotel in Cholpon-Aty will cost 1-2 thousand rubles. The price usually includes breakfast. Rooms in 2 and 3 star hotels are estimated at 4-5 thousand rubles. You can also rent a house for a whole group. The price of the issue is from 6 to 40 thousand rubles.

The reservoir is great for diving. Diving for beginners will cost 2-3 thousand rubles. The price includes filming, equipment rental and guide services. It is much more profitable to purchase things and souvenirs at the Dordoi market in the capital, and not on the lake itself. When walking in forest areas, it is not recommended to pick mushrooms; eat unknown plants and berries. It is also advisable not to buy alcohol in small shops and markets. There is a possibility of purchasing counterfeit goods.

What to see in the area

Not far from Lake Issyk Kul there is the famous Stone Garden. Good views of the pond and mountains are seen from the Ferris wheel. It is located in Cholpon-Ata. The height of the wheel is 70 meters. There is also a water park and other attractions. Extreme lovers can go surfing, go cave hiking or parachute.

The Great Silk Road ran through this area. The ruins of buildings from those times have survived to this day. Around the lake there are alpine meadows with ancient glaciers and chapels reminiscent of and belonging to different religions. Nature lovers can head to the hippodrome. Here anyone can ride horses raised at a local stud farm.

The remains of ancient sites and cities are scattered at the bottom of the reservoir. In the south of the lake there is a wild coastline, next to which there are beautiful waterfalls, no less beautiful than. Yuri Gagarin loved these places. One gorge is even named in his honor. In Tang-Tash you can see Tibetan shrines, which, according to legend, bring strength and good luck to their visitors. Horseback riding tours with catering and accommodation in tent camps are offered in the surrounding area.

Lake Issyk Kul– this is not yet a well-trodden tourist route. However, in terms of the number of attractions, it is ready to give odds to many famous resorts. There is everything you need for a holiday. Clean mountain air, warm lake waters, historical and natural monuments.

Lake Issyk-Kul is well known not only to residents of Kyrgyzstan and neighboring countries - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. This unique “lake-sea,” as the Kyrgyz call it, attracts tourists from many regions of Asia and Europe. Holidays here are good at any time of the year.

And this is not surprising - the characteristics of the lake are in many ways unique and have no analogues:

The beauty of the lake is such that the famous traveler N.M. Przhevalsky bequeathed to bury himself off the coast of Issyk-Kul, which was done. His grave is located not far from the coast, near the city of Karakol.

Legendary pond

In one of the works of Ilf and Petrov there is an episode where two unlucky journalists compose a legend about how Lake Issyk-Kul came into being. They even come up with their own translation of the name of the reservoir - “The heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal.” But in fact, translated from Kyrgyz “Issyk-Kul” means “hot lake”.

And Lake Issyk-Kul also has its own legend.

Once upon a time, a cruel and powerful khan lived in these parts. He became famous not only for his ferocity, but also for his voluptuousness. In his old age, a rumor reached him that in the family of a poor nomad there was a girl of incredible beauty, and the khan decided to take possession of her.

A girl lived at the foot of the mountains, near a stream, and every day horsemen came to her house, trying to achieve her favor, but she remained adamant. She was waiting for a mysterious rider on a white horse, whom she fell in love with when she met one day in the mountains, and promised to wait until he came and took her as his wife. And so that nothing would happen to her, the horseman left the girl his magic ring - as long as she wore it, all troubles would pass by.

But then the envoys of the old khan appeared. The girl rejected the tyrant's proposal and went to the mountains to find her lover. And suddenly she discovered that the magic ring was missing. And then the khan’s servants grabbed her and took her by force to his palace.

The domineering old man showered her with gold and silks, tried to dazzle her with unprecedented luxury and expensive gifts, but nothing helped to achieve what she wanted. Then the khan threatened to use force, and, having no other choice, the beauty threw herself out of the window into the abyss.

Issyk-Kul 2014, Parasailing parachute flight!

The moment her body touched the ground, the mountains trembled, the walls of the huge khan’s palace shook and collapsed, water gushed from the gorges, and after some time everything was flooded so that not a trace remained of the khan or his possessions. This is how Lake Issyk-Kul appeared.

Traces of ancient conquerors

Another legend is associated with the great conqueror Tamerlane. At least three times he appeared off the coast of Issyk-Kul, trying to conquer the local peoples, but each time the nomads retreated, and Tamerlane left with nothing.

During one of his campaigns, Tamerlane ordered each warrior to take a stone and throw it into a pile, and a large hill was formed. Returning from a campaign, the military leader ordered his soldiers to take a stone from the hill to compare how many soldiers died. And the second pile turned out to be much smaller than the first, which saddened Tamerlane.

In memory of these events, not far from the lake there was a pass called Santash (translated as “counted stones”).

Hello from space

There is also a more modern legend: when the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov found himself in outer space and looked at the Earth from orbit, he saw Issyk-Kul - the lake was shaped like a huge eye, and this made a stunning impression on Alexei - as if the planet was looking at you. Talking about this incident, the astronaut gave the lake the poetic nickname “Earth’s eye.” By looking at satellite images on any online map, you can really see the resemblance to an eye.

Historical and geographical information

Archaeologists claim that the formation of Issyk-Kul is about 10 million years ago. The origin of the lake is tectonic. If you look on the map of Kyrgyzstan, you can see that it is located at the following coordinates:

  • 42° 26′ 00″ north latitude;
  • 77° 11′ 00″ east longitude.

This is the northern region of the Tien Shan, between two ridges: Teskey Ala-Too and, accordingly, Kungey Ala-Too. In a large tectonic depression between them there is a lake-sea.

The length of Issyk-Kul is 178 kilometers in length and 60 kilometers in width. Thus, the area of ​​the lake’s water surface is 6236 km².

In the vicinity of Issyk-Kul there are a number of small towns and villages, most of which are equipped with services that provide a comfortable stay for tourists:

The lake-sea is located approximately 200 kilometers from the capital of Kyrgyzstan - the city of Bishkek (in the USSR it was called Frunze, it became the capital in 1936).

The nearest airports from which you can get to Issyk-Kul:

  • Almaty (Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata) - about 100 km;
  • Manas (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek) - about 200 km.

Physical, chemical, and climatic characteristics of the reservoir

The water has a salinity level of 5.9% - this is one of the key factors due to which Lake Issyk-Kul does not freeze in winter. The second important factor is depth: about 300 meters on average, and up to 600 - maximum. Due to the location of the reservoir high in the mountains (1609 meters above sea level), the sun warms the water layers very deeply.

The degree of mineralization of water in the lake is quite high - 5.8 g/liter on average. There is also a health resort with natural hot springs.

The local climate is temperate continental. Similar to the sea, but warmer and more humid. The thermal regime of the lake is considered subtropical. In summer it is moderately warm, but not hot, and in winter it is not cold. The average July temperature fluctuates around +17°C, and January frosts range from -2 to -10°C.

The temperature typical for the surface layers of water in the summer is about +24°C, which makes the holiday very comfortable. In winter, the water temperature can drop to +4°C (at a depth of more than 100 meters - to +3°C).

Precipitation falls mainly in the eastern part of Issyk-Kul, and minimally in the eastern part.

Flora and fauna

Tourists who are planning a vacation in Issyk-Kul should know that the flora in these places does not indulge in diversity and splendor: the surrounding area looks like a desert. Occasionally there are thorny bushes, sea buckthorn trees, barberry bushes, rose hips and juniper. As you approach the northwestern part of the mountains, you begin to come across coniferous trees (in addition, there are many of them in the eastern part of the lake); on the slopes you can find currants and rowan berries. Poplars are planted in large numbers along the roads around the lake.

Those who cannot imagine a vacation without fishing will be interested to know that more than 20 species of fish live here. Of these, 14 species are local, and the rest were introduced from outside. The most common are:

  • Issyk-Kul chebak;
  • trout;
  • Ottoman

We have our own shipping. The location of most of the piers is Przhevalsk and Rybachye.

Cultural recreation in the conditions of Issyk-Kul

The surrounding area of ​​the lake is a resort area favorable for tourists. Holidays here are quite varied:

  • sanatoriums;
  • boarding houses;
  • medical and health institutions;
  • areas for tourists;
  • guest houses;
  • resorts;
  • pioneer camps;
  • sports facilities.

Everyone will be able to choose a vacation to their liking, and at any time of the year - the comfortable average annual temperature of the lake allows this. On the tourist map you can find many picturesque places, and getting to them is not difficult.

You can come here with your own or a rented car, following the map. If there is no such desire, you can get there using one of the popular tourist routes:

  • on a passenger car;
  • by bus.

The following are the road routes to Issyk-Kul and back:

Bus routes (both from Kazakhstan and Russia):

All Russian buses go through Bishkek. The cost of a ticket per passenger is from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

The local boarding houses offer a wide range of services. As for prices, they may vary, but on average, accommodation and recreation costs 10-20 US dollars per day per person (excluding meals). For children, boarding houses provide large discounts (up to 100%). High-quality meals three times a day usually do not exceed $10 per day.

Video: Holidays in Issyk-Kul 2015

There are about 2,000 lakes in Kyrgyzstan, with a total area of ​​6,836 square kilometers.

Most of the lakes are alpine and lie at an altitude of 2500 to 4000 meters above sea level. The main reason for the formation of lakes is the melting of glaciers. Only 16 Kyrgyz lakes exceed an area of ​​1 square kilometer.
The word “Kul” in the Kyrgyz language means lake - Issyk-Kul, Son-Kul, Chatyr-Kul.

Height, (m)

Surface area (km squared)

Volume (million cubic meters)

Issyk Kul

Chatyr Kul

Sary Chelek


Kara Toko

Salt Lake

Lake Ala Kol

Examples of the use of the word issyk-kul in literature.

South of the lake Issyk-kul, on the territory of the Kyrgyz SSR, there are two large mountain ranges of the Tien Shan - Terskey Ala-tau and Kok-shaal-tau. Between them, on a vast highland, there are several smaller ridges Naryn-tau, At-bashi, Ak-shiyryak, Chakyr-korum, Borkoldoy, etc.

But driving in a car, spending the night in Kyrgyz yurts, photographing flocks and herds, drinking kumis and eating beshbarmak, horse racing at a sports festival, visiting the Jety-Ogus sanatorium, swimming in Issyk-Kule, acquaintance with the city of Przhevalsk - all these were not mountains in their pure form, and therefore I believe that there were only two mountain days when the now deceased old mountaineer Rudolf Pavlovich Marechek dragged me and the photojournalist Tunkel to the boundaries of the snow.

This war consisted of annual punitive campaigns, carried out by insignificant forces, and therefore did not achieve the goal set by Timur - annexation to the Dzhagatai ulus of the Tien Shan Highlands, between the lake Issyk-Kul, Kucha and Kashgar.

These include the Kyrgyz, Talas, Chatkal, Fergana, Kurama and a number of smaller ridges and their spurs, located over a wide area from west to east from Tashkent to the lake Issyk-kul and from north to south, from the Ili River valley to the Fergana Valley.

Kungei and Zailiysky ridges located north of the lake Issyk-kul, rise in the Northern Tien Shan.

North of the lake Issyk-kul, on the territory of the Kazakh SSR, there are two mountain ranges of the Northern Tien Shan, Trans-Ili Ala-Tau and Kungei.

Persia Krasnoyarsk 54, 245, 400 Irbit 406, 436 Krasnoyarsk Territory 404 Irkutsk Krasny Yar 74 Irkutsk Region 404 Kronstadt 429 Irtysh 51 Kuznetsk 239 Spain 42, 468 Kurgan 4, 61, 69, 70, 400 Issyk-Kul 137 Kushva154 Italy 58, 177, 179, 181, 187, 249, Leningrad 85, 131, 225, 226, 239, 423, 428, 437, 440, 442, 465 243, 294, 327, 392, 398 Ishim 16 Leningrad region 251 Yoshkar-Ola see

This is what it contained: LEGEND OF THE LAKE ISSYK-KUL The old Karakalpak Ukhum Bukheyev told me this legend, covered with the breath of centuries.

The Central Tien Shan includes the highest ridges of the mountain region located south of the lake Issyk-kul, as well as to the east of it all the ridges up to the Meridional inclusive.

Following Taboshary is Estonia, Issyk-Kul, Uch-Kuduk, Shevchenko, Zarafshan, Navoi, Kolyma.

He set out along the northern route, crossed the Gobi Desert, walked along the southern slopes of the Tien Shan, and circled a deep lake Issyk-Kul and so he reached Samarkand, and then, almost in the footsteps of Alexander the Great, he turned south and through the Khyber Pass and Peshawar entered India.

On the high shore of the lake Issyk-kul Przhevalsky found his last refuge.

East of the lake Issyk-Kul The highest and most inaccessible part of the entire Tien Shan is located - the Khan Tengri massif.

But migratory birds that spent the winter on Issyk-Kule, sensing the spring, sensing the imminent departure to new lands, they were already circling over the lake in large swarms, and those that had gathered in flocks were already flapping their wings in a fast, obliquely flying flight along the foot of the mountains.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

Lake Issyk-Kul

The most beautiful and largest lake in Kyrgyzstan - Lake Issyk-Kul. It is located in the northeastern part of the republic between the ridges of the Northern Tien Shan: Kungey Ala-Too (facing the sun) and Terskey Ala-Too (facing away from the sun) at an altitude of 1609 m above sea level.

Lake Issyk-Kul one of the largest mountain lakes in the world.
The lake basin, surrounded on all sides by powerful mountain ranges, remained a remote area of ​​Kyrgyzstan for a long time. Now you can get here along the road passing through the famous Boom Gorge; there are also 2 airports on the territory of the basin: Cholpon-Ata, located near the resort town, and Tamchi International Airport, which was built and opened in the summer of 2003 on the basis of a military airport.
Here are some figures about this unique place, which is attracting an increasing number of tourists: the volume of all water is 1738 km², the area of ​​the water surface is 6236 km², the length of the coastline is 688 km, the average depth is 278 m, the greatest depth is almost 2.5 times greater and equal to 668 m, length Issyk-Kul from West to East is 182 km, and from South to North - 58 km. Over the past two centuries, the level of Lake Issyk-Kulpon has been decreasing and, as a result, both the depth and length of the coastline have been reduced. According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, since 1886 it has fallen by 4 m, according to other sources, by 9 m.
Due to the great depth of the lake, the water does not have time to cool completely - the lake never freezes, except near some shores. Issyk-Kul translated from Kyrgyz means “Hot Lake”. The ancient Kyrgyz called this pearl of the country “Tuz-Kul” - “Salt Lake” for the brackish taste of the water, which was not suitable for drinking either for people or animals.

Climate of Lake Issyk-Kul

Lake Issyk-Kul refers to those formed by tectonic means and due to the orographic isolation of the basin - the climate here is peculiar, almost marine. It is softer, warmer and wetter than in other depressions of the Tien Shan, located at the same altitude. According to the thermal regime, Issyk-Kul is a subtropical lake. Here, on the shore of the lake, it is moderately warm in summer, and not cold in winter. The average air temperature in January is minus 2 - minus 10 degrees, in July - plus 17 - plus 18. The average water temperature in summer is plus 21 - plus 23, in winter - minus 3 - minus 4. The western part of the basin is arid, rain is rare, snow almost never falls out. In the western mountains bordering the lake, only 115 mm of precipitation falls, while on the eastern shore - about 600 mm. However, in recent years the amount of precipitation has increased - the impact of Global Warming is also noticeable in Kyrgyzstan.
To Lake Issyk-Kul More than 80 rivers and tributaries flow in, but not a single river carries its waters away from this azure lake, which causes the accumulation of salts (water mineralization is 5.90%). The largest rivers flowing into the lake are Tyup (103 km) and Dzhergalan (81 km), the length of the rest does not exceed 50 km. Once upon a time, the Chu River, flowing along the western edge of the basin, carried its waters into the lake.
The contrast of natural zones is varied: in the east there are steppes on dark chestnut soils, on the slopes of the mountains in the west there is a semi-desert, but in the east, at the same altitudes, especially along the Terskey Ala-Too gorges, there are dense spruce forests.

The organic world of the lake is also diverse - about 20 species of fish live here, 10 of which are acclimatized. Issyk-Kul is inhabited by: chebak, carp, marinka, osman, pike perch, bream, mirror carp, grass carp, Amur Darya and Sivan trout, whitefish and other fish.

Nature of Lake Issyk-Kul

Large vertical extent Lake Issyk-Kul, the complexity of the relief, significant fluctuations in hydrothermal parameters and other environmental factors have led to a wide variety of flora and fauna in the Issyk-Kul basin. At relatively close distances from each other there are various types of vegetation - wormwood and solanchak deserts, turf-like steppes, tall grass and alpine meadows, coniferous and deciduous forests and shrubs. The most notable representatives of shrubs on the shore of the lake are thickets of sea buckthorn, and in the alpine meadows there is yellow edelweiss, listed in the Red Book.
Woody vegetation is represented mainly by forests of Schrenk spruce. Spruce forests are distributed mainly on the northern slopes of the mountains bordering Lake Issyk-Kul. Spruce grows in separate tracts, islands, interspersed with glades, scree and rock outcrops, alternating with meadows. The mountain slopes are rich in thickets of rosehip, barberry, currant, rowan, and juniper.

In the lower reaches along the banks of rivers, in places with more moisture, willows are abundant. In the east of the valley they form deciduous forests.
The fauna of the Issyk-Kul region includes 50 species of mammals, 285 of birds, 11 of reptiles, 31 of fish, 4 of amphibians. The black-throated loon, bittern, black stork, mallard, gray duck, demoiselle crane, common gull, and blue kingfisher nest near the coastal waters of the lake and the inflowing rivers. A large number of bird species spend the winter and migrate. Typical of these are: gray heron, swans, gray goose. In the 40s, over 100 thousand waterfowl wintered here. By the end of the 60s, their number was reduced by half. Thanks to the introduction of a 2-km protective zone and a ban on gun hunting on the coast, the number of wintering birds has increased and now amounts to 70-80 thousand individuals.
The lake is home to 11 native and more than 10 acclimatized fish: osman, marinka, chebak and chebak, carp, trout, tench, bream, etc. Osman, bream, marinka, carp, carp, trout, pike perch, chebak and chebak are of commercial importance. The latter are also objects of traditional recreational fishing.

Additional information about the lake Issyk-Kul— Guides:

Feedback on how we worked during the winter season

Valeria Zhivechkova
Many thanks to Roman, for your responsiveness and help in a sensitive situation, when we were upset with our accommodation reservation and for the transfer from Tsum to the guest house. We didn’t have time to arrive, and you were already waiting for us. We were no less delighted with the Holiday guest house, Comrade Lena was a world woman, she constantly took care of us, fed us deliciously, met and saw us off.

Thanks to Anton for the transfer, he’s a mega-positive person, I wish there were more people like him! The rides on the slopes themselves were incredible moments that were imprinted for the rest of our lives, we want to come to you again and again, we are already feeling sick for Karakol and for the soulful people! Thank you again Roman, Anton and Comrade Lena! everything was wonderful!

Nervous Zhukaf

This is the second year we are celebrating New Year's Eve in Karakol) On behalf of SportKruzhka we express our official gratitude to Roman for organizing everything and everywhere - from transfers from the airport to marinating kebabs))) As always, everything goes well - the cars are never late, the drivers are always polite, Issyk-Kul - still cold) I hope not the last time.

Alexey Tsukatov

Roman, thank you! Everything was great! And now hello to all those who are looking for a simple, reliable and convenient solution to the issue of transport, if you want to go for a ride to Karakol. When planning a trip, I was afraid of sending money, not just to another city, but to another country. BUT! all fears are in vain. Everything was always on time, clear, classy, ​​ferdiperdose! Special thanks to our pilot Uncle Sasha. This adrenaline received from maneuvers on the Delica is simply unforgettable! Uncle Sasha gave a great tour. Just a generalist: both a pilot and a guide, and will tell you everything, and show you everything. I’m thinking about another trip to Karakol, but this time in the summer. Peace for everyone!

Read all reviews on our page

Lake Issykul in Kyrgyzstan

Issyk-Kul is one of the largest mountain lakes in the world. In terms of transparency, it is compared to Lake Baikal. It is drainless and is fed by more than 80 rivers and water from glaciers. The lake is located in the Tien Shan mountains, its climate is maritime, it is determined by the natural isolation of the basin in which the lake is located. Hurricanes sweep over Issyk-Kul several times a year.

The high season here lasts from June to the end of September.

Several reasons why you should visit Issyk-Kul

The lake is the pride of Kyrgyzstan; about 2 million tourists come here every year. It is located at an altitude of about 1600 meters above sea level and is famous for its extraordinary beauty. Why Issyk-Kul attracts tourists:

  • visa-free entry for citizens of 44 countries;
  • low prices for holidays;
  • for Russians - no language barrier;
  • majestic mountain landscapes;
  • healing mineral springs;
  • clean mountain air and beautiful beaches;
  • acquaintance with the culture, national cuisine and traditions of the hospitable Kyrgyz people.

The most popular resorts - cities Karakol And Cholpon-Ata, sat down Bosteri, Sary-Oh And Chok-Tal, gorges Barskoon And Jeti-Oguz. The main beaches are concentrated on the northern shore of the lake between the villages Tamchy And Korumdu.

Natural and historical attractions, well-organized tourist infrastructure, an abundance of fruits, entertainment - all this is available in the resorts of Issyk-Kul. And one more thing - it is never hot here, light breezes do not allow the temperature to rise above 30°C even in the warmest month - July. When is the best time to relax on Lake Issyk-Kul?

May is a time for a healthy holiday

May- the time when tourists who want to improve their health in mineral waters and mud begin to flock to the resorts of Issyk-Kul. On the shores of the lake there are sanatoriums and boarding houses that provide a full range of balneological services:

  • radon, pine and pearl baths;
  • mud therapy;
  • therapeutic and wellness massage.

And also - a local, completely unique way - kumiss treatment. The May weather is already pleasantly warm. During the day the temperature rises to 20°C, everything around blossoms. Only here you can admire the huge fields of blooming scarlet poppies in May.

June – opening of the season

The beginning of summer in the Issyk-Kul region coincides with the calendar; during the day the air warms up to 20-23°C, at night the temperature can drop to 7-10°C. At the beginning of the month the water is still cold - 12-19°C. From the middle June The swimming season opens.

June is not a suitable month for a beach holiday with children - the water for children remains quite cold even at the end of the month.

For other vacationers, a vacation in June has undoubted advantages - a small number of people and still low prices for housing and food. Swimming and sunbathing in June will be successfully replaced by interesting excursions, health treatments in local sanatoriums, and horseback riding in the picturesque surroundings of the lake.

July - high season

IN July Mountain meadows begin to bloom, and the air is filled with the aromas of forest and herbs. The July temperature stays at 25-29°C, the water warms up to a comfortable 24°C. The sandy beaches of the lake are filled with vacationers; there are no vacancies in sanatoriums and boarding houses.

At this time, resort life is in full swing - famous artists give concerts, entertainment venues operate at full capacity.

July is a noisy, fun time. For those who want peace, beauty and peace, it is better to reschedule the trip to the end of August or September. In addition, July marks the peak in prices for everything - accommodation, excursions and entertainment.

August is the velvet season

Until the very end of summer, the weather in Issyk-Kul remains warm, even sometimes hot (up to 36°C). The water in the lake is still suitable for swimming. people in August It’s not getting smaller, but prices continue to remain high.

To travel to Issyk-Kul at the end of summer, accommodation must be booked at least a month in advance.

The most popular activities are boat trips, fishing and, of course, visiting picturesque gorges, thermal springs, temples and historical monuments. For diving enthusiasts, there is a separate entertainment - diving to the ruins of ancient cities resting at the bottom of the lake.

August is the time for grapes, apricots, peaches and fresh vegetables, which are sold at very reasonable prices. In the evenings the lake is already cool, so it’s worth stocking up on a couple of warm clothes.

September - end of the tourist season

September- a fertile time for those who are alien to the bustle and noise, who want to admire nature alone, lie on a half-empty beach and swim in a still warm lake. The temperature in September during the day drops to 23-25°C, the evenings become even cooler, and rain may begin.

But they are not able to ruin your vacation - there are still plenty of sunny days in September. Vacation prices are approaching June prices. But August has a significant advantage - the swimming season continues and fresh fruits ripen. September is a suitable month for romantic couples seeking solitude.

This is also the time for mountain hiking. There is no sweltering heat, the weather is mostly cloudless, which allows you to admire stunning views.

Winter holidays in Issyk-Kul

in winter Hospitable Issyk-Kul opens its arms even wider to tourists. Despite the fact that not all recreation centers operate, you can be sure that the best of them will welcome you. In winter, you can relax in luxurious suites for money that in summer is only enough for a run-down double room. Prices for food and excursions are reduced significantly.

What could be better than spending the New Year holidays among the sparkling “crystal” winter nature, listening to local legends, taking a steam bath, and then diving into a clean, non-freezing lake?!

Winter activities in Issyk-Kul:

  • sledding, skiing and snowboarding;
  • winter fishing;
  • impressive photo shoots against the backdrop of mountain peaks.

They also work here in winter sanatoriums. The average air temperature in December is around -5°C, in January - around 0°C, and in February it begins to tend to positive values.