What is the most expensive currency in the world now? The most expensive currencies in the world are the ruble and the dollar. Who benefits from an expensive national currency and who does not?

The economic necessity of a developed human society today is the value of money. Every country has national capital, and it is important not only within the state, but also in the world market. But only a few powers have monetary authority over the rest. Today, in various sectors of the economy, there is an increased density of international relations. And therefore business people are forced to use the most recognized and fundamental banknotes. But it should be understood that in recent years, or rather, in the last few decades, the euro and dollar cannot be called stable. When financing a business project, it is best to use more stable world money, such as Kuwaiti dinars, British pounds and others. Swiss francs and Polish zlotys can be considered favorable currencies.

So, what is the most valuable currency in the world against the Russian ruble in 2018? Which banknotes are the most valuable and expensive?

What is the most valuable currency in the world? Of course, this is the Kuwaiti dinar. Oil fields were localized in Kuwait, thanks to which the national currency of this country can be called reliable banknotes. According to long-term statistics, there is a strong position of millionaires here in the ratio of 1:15, with a total population of 3 million people. The Kuwaiti dinar took a leading position in the world market back in 1961, at that time it replaced the rupees and was worth as much as the famous pound sterling. A rapid rise in price of this currency was observed in 2006-2007. Today, for one banknote they give over 187 rubles.

What is the most valuable currency in the world? Bahraini Dinar – second place

When considering the question of what is the most expensive currency, one cannot fail to mention the Bahraini dinar. Bahrain is an Arab state, or rather, a small administrative unit - an island. The national currency of this power was created in 1965, and from the next year, until 1973, it was the main capital of the United Arab Emirates. The Bahraini dinar takes second position on our list due to the fact that this country is small, but at the same time it has a well-developed oil production and refining industry. The peculiarity of the design of the banknotes is that they depict cultural monuments and ornaments. Today one Bahraini dinar costs over 149 rubles.

Omani rial is third among leaders

What is the most expensive currency, located in third place in our ranking? This is the Omani rial. The state of Oman is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula. Initially, its main currency was Indian rupees, however, after the country switched to the Said real, which later became the Omani real, a new currency was introduced. Today, one unit of it is equal to 146 rubles and 39 kopecks.

The Jordanian dinar is the fourth currency rating

Paradoxically, it is almost impossible to explain why the Jordanian currency is in fourth place in our ranking. This country is controlled by Israel, and since 1940, it has firmly maintained its banknotes in a leading position. If we compare it with 2015, then at that time this currency was in sixth place among the most expensive. Despite the fact that the country’s economic system is not fully developed, and there is also a budget deficit, the Jordanian dinar is still one of the most expensive banknotes, and costs more than the dollar or euro, namely 79.35 rubles per unit.

Pound sterling - fifth place

The pound sterling has been the most historically stable currency since 1694. This currency did not lose its position after the American dollar, in the late forties of the twentieth century, absorbed the entire foreign exchange market. The pound sterling is distinguished by its high cost and permanence, and it can also be called an identification mark of territorial affiliation, since its design was developed creatively. The British national currency strengthened its position after the formation of the European Union. Today, the price of one pound sterling falls short of 79 rubles.

Euro – sixth place

The euro, which is the official currency of the European Union, today costs 70.17 rubles per unit. It has firmly held its position since 1999 (for non-cash payments) and since 2002 (for cash payments) in all countries that are members of the European Union. Very popular and competes with the American dollar. Many countries around the world use the euro as a reserve currency. This currency is protected from falling by the gold and foreign exchange fund.

Cayman Islands dollars – seventh place

What is the most expensive currency in the world, occupying seventh place in our ranking? These are Cayman Islands dollars that many have never heard of. Today this currency, which once replaced the Jamaican dollar, costs 68.66 rubles per unit. It is tied to the American currency, and therefore is characterized by similar spasmodic instability. It became national in 1972 after the creation of the British Monetary Board. It is one of the leading banknotes because it has localized international financial structures on the shores of Cayman. There is an offshore zone with a tourism industry that employs 100% of the population of this state.

Swiss franc – eighth place

Thanks to the stability and quality of Swiss production of chocolate, cheese and watches, the country's national banknotes are becoming increasingly stronger throughout the world. The vertical design of the banknotes is an original difference that you immediately notice. In Switzerland, the banking system is designed to ensure 100% confidentiality of information. That is why the franc is characterized by stability in the global foreign exchange market. Today it costs 60.33 rubles per unit.

American dollar – ninth place

What is the most expensive currency? This is not an American dollar. Although it is very popular and everyone on our planet knows about it. And all because with the American dollar you can pay for any product or service. Even despite the specifics of the American economy and the presence of huge public debt, this currency is still among the leaders, accounting for more than 60% of world capital. The fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate are influenced not only by the economic situation of America, but also by the financial affairs of Europe. The US dollar is closely linked to the euro. Today it costs 56.3 rubles.

Libyan dinar – tenth place

The Libyan dinar is in tenth place in our ranking. Today its price against the ruble is 42.32. One Libyan dinar is divided into 1000 dirhams, not 100.

The exchange rate of world currencies changes every year. But the first three leaders of our list have not been losing their positions to anyone for many years. Of course, banknotes are not made from , however, some specimens are quite highly valued among numismatists.

Economist. More than 15 years of experience in finance. Date: December 11, 2018. Reading time 6 min.

The Kuwaiti dinar is firmly in first place in the ranking of the most expensive currencies in the world. The cost of 1 dinar is equal to 217 rubles. This high rate is associated with large oil fields in the state and the constantly rising price of oil. Among European currencies, the British pound has the best position - for 1 pound they ask for 84.42 rubles.

Most Russians closely monitor price rates on stock exchanges. They are mainly interested in the ratio of the ruble to the dollar and the euro. However, the most expensive currency in the world is not North American, or even European. You can get acquainted with the leaders in this segment from this rating.

5th place. GBP

The apogee of the popularity of the British pound falls at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries. It was during this period that the state experienced maximum prosperity. The development of the United States economy and the corresponding rise in the dollar have reduced the value of the English currency on the international market.

The country's economy confidently occupies a leading global position. In Europe it is second only to Germany, and in the world it is in 6th position. The development and execution of public financial manipulation of the Kingdom's treasury rests with Her Majesty's Treasury. Responsibility for issuing the national currency lies with the Bank of England, which is central.

Each of the British colonies uses its own national currency, which has visual differences. However, their quotes are 1 to 1. At the same time, native British people often refuse to accept them as a unit of account.

Table 1. Quotes for the cost of 1 British pound sterling (GBR

4th place. Latvian lats

The Latvian currency has been used twice in the country. The first appeal was from 1922 to 1941, the second – from 1993 to 2013. In Soviet times, the Latvian ruble was in circulation, which was exchanged in a ratio of 1 to 200 to the ruble, that is, for 100 lats you could get about 7,000 rubles. Used until June 28, 1993.

The Latvian currency could be the “heaviest” in Europe and be in this top almost on the same level as the British pound sterling. However, history turned against him, and on January 14, 2014, the lats were withdrawn from circulation.

This happened at a time when Latvia became a member of the European Union. This was January 1, 2014, and the currency change was carried out within 2 weeks. Thus, today the Latvian lat is a non-existent currency, and the euro has become the national currency.

Table 2. Exchange rate codes for 1 Latvian lat are given as of January 2014.

3rd place. Omani real

The economy of this state, located in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, is concentrated on oil exports. The exchange rate of the national currency directly depends on stock exchange statistics. Surprisingly, Oman’s GDP per capita is only $23,870, and this is only 53rd position on the list of developed countries.

Due to the fact that the country’s reserves of “black gold” are running out, a decision was made to introduce measures that could minimize the crisis in the local economy. Every year, more and more efforts are directed towards diversifying the economy: towards the development of natural gas, metallurgy and the tourism business.

Table 3. Quotes for the cost of 1 Omani rial (OMR) against other currencies

2nd place. Bahraini Dinar

The small island kingdom in the Persian Gulf currently has the second most valuable currency in the world rankings. The secret to the stability of the country's money lies in its attachment to the American dollar. This allows us to maintain a leading position for 15 years.

The successful history of the country's economic development begins in 1932. At this time, oil fields were discovered, which, together with stable pearl production, made the Bahraini dinar one of the leaders. Currently, the production of “black gold” has decreased by almost 50%, but the shortfall is covered by significant reserves of natural gas.

Table 4. Quotes for the cost of 1 Bahraini dinar (BHD) against other currencies

1 place. Kuwaiti dinar

Today it is the most expensive currency in the world. In the monetary rating it is the most stable and freely convertible unit. Huge oil reserves make this tiny emirate a leader in its reserves.

Every year, 96% of the country's GDP increases only due to deposits. A similar amount falls on the revenue side of the state budget. According to information provided by its own experts, there are 102 billion barrels at disposal, which is equal to approximately 10% of all world reserves.

Table 5. Quotes for the cost of 1 Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) against other currencies

The population of Bahrain as of 2016 is 1.425 million people. Of these, every 15th is a ruble millionaire.

The history of mankind is the history of money, which, no matter how trivial it may sound, has ruled the world for several millennia. Modern currency systems often have only a virtual display (on electronic bank accounts) or in the form of paper bills circulated in one or another part of the world. However, the apparent ephemerality is nothing more than an illusion. Money still regularly fulfills its main role - it is the equivalent of very real material assets, services, goods and capital. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that individual currencies, as well as the countries in which they are used, have their own lifespan, over the past 100-150 years a unified financial system with its undisputed leaders and outsiders has gradually emerged in the world. Which currencies are the most expensive and stable in the world?

Kuwaiti dinar.

The currency of this microscopic Asian state has been considered the most expensive in the world for more than 50 years. And I must say, it is well deserved, because Kuwait is one of the richest oil and gas producing states. The Kuwaiti dinar came into circulation on April 1, 1961, replacing the region's previous currency, the Persian rupee. According to data presented by functionaries of international currency trading, one dinar today gives more than three American dollars. Despite the consistently strong position of its currency, in 2007 the Kuwaiti government decided to completely untie itself from the constantly weakening dollar quotes, replacing the dollar quote with the so-called currency basket.

Bahraini and Omani dinars.

As with their neighbor, these small kingdoms do not have to worry about inflation and the devaluation of their own currencies. Their guarantor is more than reliable - colossal reserves of energy resources, which, according to the most conservative estimates, will be enough for another 50-70 years of continuous production. Bahraini and Omani dinars were issued in 1965 to replace the depreciated Indian rupee, which was in circulation in Arabia in parallel with British pounds and coins of the Habsburg Empire. Today, one Bahraini or Omani dinar can be exchanged for 2.5 US dollars.


The national currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The history of British pounds goes back to the early Middle Ages. It is generally accepted that the name pound sterling itself comes from a measure of weight, namely, this is what the pound of pure silver used in exchange calculations was called. The Anglo-Saxons introduced paper money relatively recently - on May 10, 1811; before that, metal coins of various denominations were in circulation. Despite membership in the European Union, Britain is not going to give up its national currency. Despite the fact that the United Kingdom gradually lost its leadership position in the international arena of its former metropolis, the United States, by the middle of the last twentieth century, the pound sterling still remains one of the most expensive and stable currencies in the world. $100 today would get you around £64.83.

Latvian lat.

The currency unit of independent Latvia, in circulation from March 5, 1993 to January 14, 2014 (before the state joined the eurozone). At the beginning of the 21st century, the lat was considered the most expensive currency in Europe; according to financial quotes in 2013, its value exceeded the British pound sterling by as much as 11 Russian rubles! Since 2005, the lat was included in the European exchange rate mechanism and was subsequently linked exclusively to the euro.


The official currency of the European Union, uniting 27 countries. The euro appeared in non-cash payments in 1999, the first banknotes came into circulation only three years later - in 2002. It is noteworthy that of the 27 participants in this economic and political European project, only 17 participants in union relations completely replaced their national currencies. Many countries are in no hurry to get rid of their own currencies due to fear of completely losing economic freedom and cultural identity. However, in the near future, a gradual entry of other members of the union into the eurozone is expected. According to data provided by the International Monetary Fund, in 2006 the euro had the highest total value of cash, thereby surpassing its main competitor, the US dollar. The euro to dollar ratio for 2015 is 1:0.89.

On this day in 1948, a new currency was introduced in Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) - the German mark. After the transition to the euro in 2002, the mark ceased to be legal tender in Germany, but remained forever in history as a stable and “hard” currency. Inspired by today's event, we have prepared a selection of the most expensive currencies in the world. You will be surprised, but the first place in this ranking is not occupied by the US dollar or even the Swiss franc.

10. Singapore dollar

1 SGD = 0.74 USD *

Singapore dollar. Photo: valutaworld.ru

After Singapore gained independence in 1965, its currency, the Singapore dollar, existed as a currency pegged first to the British pound and then to the US dollar. However, after 20 years, the authorities let the Singapore dollar float freely. Its value soared after Singapore became the intellectual and technological center of the East. Thanks to the stable growth of Singapore's GDP, the currency of this country is very strong today.

9. Brunei dollar

1 BND = 0.74 USD

Brunei dollar. Photo: val.ru

Brunei is a small country in Southeast Asia. Situated between Malaysia and the South China Sea, it has a very high GDP per capita. Despite a slight drop in value (the peak was reached five years ago at 1 BND=0.83 USD), the Brunei dollar remains a fairly strong currency and is practically not susceptible to inflation.

8. Australian dollar

1 AUD = 0.75 USD

Australian dollar. Photo: vestifinance.ru

The Australian dollar, like the Canadian dollar, is a freely convertible commodity currency, since its exchange rate is highly dependent on prices on commodity markets. The reason is that Australia is essentially an export country. It sells gold, iron ore, oil, gas, coal and various agricultural products on foreign markets. 2015 was not the best year for the natural resources sector in Australia, which is why the value of the Australian dollar fell. But it is still among the top 10 most valuable currencies in the world.

7. US dollar

U.S. dollars. Photo: manlymenstuff.com

The American dollar, known to everyone from a young age, stably maintains its status as the main world currency. In 1973, after the conclusion of a deal between Saudi Arabia and the United States, the concept of “petrodollars” appeared. And in 1975, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries adopted the US dollar as the only currency for purchasing oil. This created a strong demand for dollars. There are many opinions that the next wave of crisis in the coming years will shake the US financial system, and therefore the dollar will collapse. However, experts are confident that the likelihood of this is very low.

6. Swiss franc

1 CHF = 1.04 USD

Swiss frank. Photo: novilist.hr

The Swiss banking system is one of the oldest and largest in the world. This made the Swiss national currency, the Swiss franc, a safe haven for international capital. The Swiss Central Bank introduced a strict peg of the franc to the euro after the country joined the monetary union. However, last year the franc was allowed to float freely, which literally over the next 10 minutes caused an unprecedented growth of the franc against all currencies of the world up to 20-30%.

5. Euro

1 EUR = 1.13 USD

The famous eurozone currency, despite many different economic and political problems, remains one of the most expensive currencies on the planet. The euro is still more expensive than the US dollar.

4. British pound

1 GBP = 1.47 USD

British pound. Photo: aoweibang.com

The pound sterling, or British pound, became a strong currency during the colonial era. Since then, it has remained one of the main units of account for savings accounts. In mid-2006, the pound became the third most widely accepted reserve currency, having enjoyed a surge in popularity in recent years.

3. Omani rial

1 OMR = 2.60 USD

Omani rial. Photo: business.vesti-ukr.com

Oman's economy is based on oil exports. Gas production, the metallurgical industry and the tourism business are also developing in the country. The average monthly salary in Oman is $4,100, and the per capita GDP in 2015 was $15,232. There is no unemployment and no homelessness in Oman. Considering all the facts, it is not surprising that the country's currency, the Omani rial, is one of the three most valuable currencies in the world.

2. Bahraini dinar

1 BHD = 2.65 USD

Bahraini dinar. Photo: mirkrasiv.ru

The strength of the Bahraini dinar depends on the country's ties with Saudi Arabia and the oil market. But he has one more trump card. Bahrain is home to an American naval base, which is critical to US influence in the region.

1. Kuwaiti dinar

1 KWD = 3.32 USD

Kuwaiti dinar. Photo: currencycenter.eu

So, the most expensive currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar. At the same time, this currency has maintained its leadership for more than a dozen years. The thing is that Kuwait enjoys the fruits of a booming economy based on oil trading.

*exchange rates as of June 21, 2016

Every year the world economy changes, and the economies of individual countries also change, so the rating of currencies in 2015 differs from this year. We present to you a list of the eight most expensive currencies in the world in 2016.

In the top, the US dollar is given the last eighth position in terms of value. But from the point of view of demand and its use as a world reserve currency, the US dollar occupies the most significant role.
The rating uses the conversion of each currency into dollars.

As a result of the deal between Saudi Arabia and the United States in 1973, the concept of “petrodollars” was born in the world. And in 1975, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries adopted the US dollar as the only currency for purchasing oil, which created a strong demand for USD.

7. Swiss franc

1 CHF = 1.02795 USD
Switzerland is a banking haven country and has a very strong economy. The Swiss franc is very popular as a primary savings currency. The average monthly salary in Switzerland is $9,374.

6. Euro

1 EUR = 1.12940 USD
The well-known currency of the Eurozone, the euro has recently been experiencing many different economic and political problems.

5. Jordanian dinar

1 JOD = 1.41283 USD
The average monthly salary in Jordan is about $2,700.

4. British pound

1 GBP = 1.44754 USD
The British pound as a currency gained its strength during the colonial era and is still one of the main units of account for savings accounts. The average monthly salary in England is $6,785.

3. Omani rial

1 OMR = 2.59963 USD
The average monthly salary of $4,100 can convince many to work in Oman.

2. Bahraini dinar

1 BHD = 2.65625 USD
Bahrain occupies a strategic position in the world that facilitates the development of international trade. With the development of the economy and industry, the economy of Bahrain has become perhaps the strongest and most stable in the region. The average monthly salary in the country is about $3,500.

1 KWD = 3.35086 USD
Kuwait's currency is the most valuable in the world, and the country benefits from a booming oil-based economy. The average salary in the country is $3,650 per month.

Below is a summary table:

Top most expensive currencies in the world

RatingCodeCurrencyPrice, $
1 KWD3.351
2 BHDBahraini Dinar2.656
3 OMROmani rial2.599
4 GBPBritish pound1.448
5 JODJordanian dinar1.412
6 EUREuro1.129
7 CHFSwiss frank1.028
8 USDU.S1.000