How to choose the best seats on a plane? The best seats and cabin layout of the Airbus A321 S7 Airlines How the seats are located on the s7 plane

The Airbus A321 is the largest aircraft in the A320 family. S7 Airlines operates the A321 in a business + economy configuration.

Characteristics of A321

Seating layout in the A321 cabin:

Business class seats

Business class on the A321 has 8 seats. The seats are arranged in a 2 x 2 configuration. Any of the seats in this class will provide you with comfort during the flight. The attached photo clearly shows the interior.

Economy class seats

As in any economy class cabin, the A321 of S7 Airlines has the best seats, regular ones and seats that are best avoided during check-in.

Row 3
The best seats on the plane are located in this row. Some passengers claim that the partition between business class and the 3rd row of economy class creates discomfort during the flight.
I see only advantages in having this wall.

  • No one will lower the back of the chair in front and limit your space.
  • During the flight, you see a positive light green picture, and not someone’s hair or, conversely, the absence of it.
  • Children will not play with dolls/cars on the back of the chair in front of you, dropping toys into your coffee.
  • A queue-free toilet near you.
  • Guaranteed hot lunch and full range of drinks.

Carry-on luggage can be placed in overhead bins. If there is no free space on the shelf, give your bag to the flight attendant - he will find somewhere to place your luggage.

Rows 4-8
Regular places. Standard seat pitch. The view from the window is not blocked by the wing or engine. Those who choose an aisle seat will not be disturbed by passengers walking around the cabin or queuing for the toilet.
As practice shows, toilets at the rear of the cabin are in greater demand than at the bow.
The noise and hum of voices will literally remain behind you.

Row 9
I do not recommend choosing seats in this row for those who like to look at the landscapes during the flight. There are no window seats here. Among the additional inconveniences of being seated in seats 9B and 9E, I would include the contemplation of the outstretched legs, with or without shoes, of passengers from the 10th row who checked in in seats A and F.

Row 10

Important! Seats with extra legroom are A and F only!

The rest of the seats do not differ in parameters from the seats, for example, in the 5th row.

Row 11
The seat pitch is standard. Inconveniences can be caused by partially blocking the view from the window, the engine on the wing and increased noise from operation at some stages of the flight.

Rows 12-19
The seats in these rows are practically in the middle of the cabin. As a rule, in aircraft similar to the A321, food begins to be distributed from the nose and tail at the same time.
Passengers in center rows (12-19) may receive a limited selection of food without choice.
These rows are also not suitable for those who like seats by the “window”. All views are covered with a wing.

Row 20
The view from the window is partially obscured by the trailing edge of the wing and the engine. Additional noise may occur during takeoff and landing.

Row 22
Unique series. Practically, business class. There are two chairs and there are no people on the left or right. Just as there is no room for 22F – i.e. at the porthole. In place of this seat there may be the outstretched legs of a passenger from seat 23F.

Row 23
The seats in this row have increased legroom.

1. Depending on the tail number of the Airbus A321 at S7 Airlines, Extra Space seats may differ.
2. There are no portholes in this row!

Row 24-34
Regular seats, standard seat pitch. The closer you are to row 34, the greater the likelihood of seeing a queue for the toilet.

Row 35
The seats in the last row are traditionally the worst seats on any plane.
The seat backs in this row do not recline, which creates inconvenience on a long flight. Proximity to the most visited toilets A321.
Discomfort from slamming doors, conversations and people leaning on the backs of chairs while waiting in line to go to the toilet, etc.

To choose the best seats on the Airbus A319 of S7 Airlines, you need to take into account the seat arrangement and check-in conditions.
The airline abandoned business class on aircraft of this type and all boards were converted according to the “full economy” scheme.

What are the best seats on the plane? In the aisle, in the middle, at the window? In the bow or tail? in our article.

Characteristics of A319 seats

  • Distance between seats: from 75 to 82.5 cm
  • Seat width: from 42.5 to 45 cm

A319 interior layout

Choosing the best place

First row
Seats in the first row have increased legroom. In addition, the absence of seats in front is a plus. Personal space will not be violated by the furry backs of the chairs.

Close to the toilet room. According to flight practice, passengers tend to go to the toilet at the rear of the plane; there are usually no queues in front of the forward toilet.
Food distribution starts from the first row. The tastiest and hottest food will be yours.
You will be one of the first to leave the plane.

For more detailed information about seats in the cabin, please call the airline or the official

In total, there are 17 A320-200 units in the S7 aircraft fleet. The configuration of the aircraft includes two classes: economy and business, respectively, with a number of seats, 8 and 150.

A few words about nutrition.

The food menu on the routes is different, depending on the duration of the flight. There are even flights lasting 1 hour 40 minutes, they include both hot drinks and hot meals. But if the flight is very short (40-50 minutes), then only tea and other drinks will be offered. In business “C” the food is different, often individual. There is almost always something hot. Food service begins at 3 p.m., as a result, passengers who sit on the last p.m. may not have a choice of hot food. You'll have to be happy with what's left.

    Ask an airline employee for advice

    If possible, carefully study the diagram of the airliner you will fly on.

    Do not take seats where the seats do not recline or are limited in their ability to do so.

    Do not take places near toilets, kitchens and other technical rooms at the very end.

    1 rub. business. Places near the partition. Although there is enough free space for the legs and the partition is not so close, nevertheless, this circumstance can cause discomfort for some.

    3 r. - everything is the same as in 1 r., only the partition is located much closer, since the class of seats is economy. Tables, which are usually located in the back of the chair in front, are located in the armrest. As a result, the armrests are fixed and cannot be raised. But, a significant advantage of these seats is the fact that no one will recline the back of the chair, thereby reducing the already small space for knees.

    9 rub. The backs of the seats in this row have, at best, a limitation in reclining, and in the worst case, they do not recline at all. All because of the emergency exit located behind this row. It is not very convenient to be in a vertical position for the entire flight.

    10 rub. They have the same problem as the 9 RUR chairs. However, they have a significant advantage - the distance has been increased to 9 r. You will sit in an upright position throughout the flight, but you will be able to stretch your legs forward and get up from your seat without any problems. In such rows it is prohibited to block the approach to the emergency exit. That is, they will not be allowed to keep bags on the floor.

    11 rub. very comfortable places. The seats recline without problems, there is a lot of legroom in front - almost business class! The only point is that it is forbidden to block the approach to the emergency exit with things, bags, and so on. We also note that the emergency hatches (places F, A) are a little worse. It happens that due to the close location to the doors, the chairs are sloping or slightly narrower. In such places there is often no one of the armrests. Passengers with animals, children and disabilities, etc. should not be near emergency exits. Elderly people are also not allowed to be there. All these restrictions are made for flight safety reasons.

    26 rub. at the aisle, D,C. People will constantly walk past you on their way to the toilet. Queues may still form.

    27 rub. Worst places. Whether the chairs recline or not depends on your luck, because they can rest against the wall of the toilet (it all depends on the configuration). In addition, the proximity to the toilets means constant walking and bustle. And this is accompanied by all the sounds of a slamming door, the sound of a tank, and sometimes even unpleasant odors. There is, however, an alternative opinion - if the flight is not busy, these seats in the tail are usually free and you can sit alone on three seats at once and sleep. But maybe you won't be lucky.

A couple of general points about the seating arrangement in the Airbus A320 - their disadvantages and advantages.

1. The seats that are located next to the window have the advantage that you can look out of it during the flight (this, of course, depends on the flight time and weather). If you fly at night, this advantage does not count. Also, your neighbor will not bother you if he wants to get up. These places have one drawback - it is not very convenient to leave it yourself. Therefore, if you don’t need to go to the toilet often or you intend to sleep through the entire flight, choose seats by the window.

2. The seats located near the aisle have their own advantage - it is very easy to get up from if you need to go to the toilet.

The disadvantages are that a neighbor may be disturbed if he needs to get up. Flight attendants with trolleys and passengers who walk through the cabin to the galley and toilets can also interfere. Therefore, if you are flying with a child and, most likely, you will have to go to the toilet often. Or you yourself need to go to the restroom more often, then choose from the edge of the seat.

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Clear skies to you, as the pilots say, and a soft landing!

Along with the Boeing 737 800 airbuses, it is the basis of the fleet of the Siberian company S7. It operates 19 aircraft of this model. Narrow-body aircraft are widely used in the world to transport passengers (passanger) and cargo (cargo). The liner operates on short routes (up to 5,765 km) and carries up to 190 passengers. The high demand for the aircraft has led to the fact that, with improvements and modifications, it is still being produced to this day.

Only a small number of passengers do not care where they are seated on the plane. For almost everyone, it is important to feel like you are in an aircraft according to your personal ideas of comfort.

Interesting! C7 received its last Boeing 737 800 quite recently, in 2014, straight from the plant in Seattle.

737 800 S7 passenger compartment configuration

Each airline determines the cabin layout independently when ordering an aircraft. For the Boeing 737 800 S7, the interior layout looks like an internal space divided into two compartments with 30 rows of seats.

General characteristics:

The center aisle is wide enough in both classes to accommodate carry-on luggage.

Business Class

The Boeing 737 800 S7 uses a 2-2 layout for business class. The chairs are soft and wide with a large reclining angle. Elite class travelers use a separate toilet located in front.

The 1st row has the advantage that there is no one in front. But closer is the kitchen block, from which odors can be heard;

The 2nd row is separated by a thin partition from the economy class, and noise from the more hectic cabin can be heard.

Overall, the minor advantages and disadvantages balance each other out and all seats are considered equal in terms of comfort.

Economy class

Economy class seats are arranged in a 3-3 configuration. This means there are window, aisle and middle seats. The seats are not as comfortable and wide as in the elite class, but they provide a minimum acceptable level of comfort.

Passengers place their luggage on spacious shelves above their seats or under their seats.

Important! In the front and middle zones, the shaking of the aircraft when entering turbulence zones is not so pronounced.

Choosing the best seat on a Boeing 737 800 S7

Almost every airline customer has individual preferences regarding their window or aisle seat. Average neutral seats are more suitable for a small percentage of indifferent passengers. They are a combination of the advantages and disadvantages of aisle seats - you don't feel as much anxiety from moving in the aisle, but you have to stand up if your window seat neighbor decides to leave. Having neighbors on both sides, if they are strangers, will create some discomfort for those who do not want to talk on the road.

Advantages of window seats:

The most relaxing chair with a companion on one side only;

The opportunity to take photos of landscapes and observe them from the window of the aircraft;

Convenience of sleeping during the flight, no one will bother you with requests to get up to clear the passage;

Good lighting for reading.

The only drawback of the window space is the unpleasant sensation of disturbing fellow passengers if the passenger needs to get out.

Important: Not all window seats have a good view. You may end up with a seat near the wall of the airliner without a window at all or with a view blocked by parts of the aircraft. For rows 12 to 20, the liner wing is at the bottom. And there is no porthole near seats 9A and 9F.

Characteristics of good seats by row:

3rd row. The best economy class seats. No reclining front seats and increased personal space. The C7 company calls these seats “extra space”, which means a sign of maximum comfort in economy class. Their cost is slightly higher, or you need to have a company card above the silver level;

Important! There are no facilities for attaching bassinets. And passengers with small children will not be allowed to occupy these seats, as they may cause inconvenience to elite travelers.

13th row. Located next to the emergency exit. Advantages - more space in front. On the seats in the previous row, the backrests are fixed, making it impossible to recline the chair for those sitting in the back. Disadvantages: you cannot sit comfortably in the chair due to the hard backs; it is forbidden to put personal items under the seats. Due to safety reasons, elderly passengers, children, and disabled people cannot sit in the 13th row;

14th row. Comfortable seats due to the increased distance to the previous row. At the same time, you can sit comfortably in the chair by reclining the back. Disadvantages - a small protrusion in the wall of the liner associated with the emergency exit in seats 14A and 14F, and the absence of an armrest on them.

The general disadvantage of seats near emergency exits is that they always feel slightly cooler than the rest of the cabin.

Bad places: how not to make a mistake

According to the general conditions of accommodation on board the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, the entire tail area is considered the least comfortable. But some places have worse characteristics:

12th row. Located in front of emergency exits. In this regard, the back is rigidly fixed. If the backs of the seats in the previous row are still reclined, you won’t be able to have a good rest;

29th row. Places 29C and 29D are excessively noisy and disturbing due to the proximity of bathrooms and utility rooms.

30th row. Worst choice. It is impossible to recline the backrests of the seats in the last row. The location of toilet rooms nearby creates constant movement of passengers in this area, noise from closing and opening doors and flushing. Another neighborhood, a kitchen block, will not add peace to the flight.

Passenger reviews note that it is a little colder in the tail of the aircraft. Usually you have to think about additional insulation.

  1. It is good to study the layout of the Boeing 737 800 cabin before registering. Now there are websites where you can even go on a virtual tour on board the aircraft. Using a 3D panorama, the air traveler will see how the seats are located in reality and evaluate all the strengths and weaknesses of the selected seat.
  2. The window seats are under the letters A and F, the aisle seats are C and D, and the middle seats are B and E.
  3. Aisle seats are recommended for passengers who wish to walk undisturbed. In addition, you can get off the plane faster from here.
  4. Those occupying the seats in the front rows of the aircraft are the first to leave. The distribution of food begins with them.
  5. Online registration is available on the company's website. The sooner an airline client starts checking in, the higher the chance of choosing a suitable seat. But this can not be done from all cities. The list is presented on the S7 website. If, nevertheless, check-in is carried out from a city not specified in the list, the passenger will be changed seats at the airport.
  6. Despite the reduced overall noise level in the Boeing 737 800, even less noise is felt in the nose area.
Important: Online registration opens 30 hours before departure.

Of course, not everyone will be able to get the best seats on the plane, but if you think about it, the vast majority of seats can have their positive sides. For example, in the tail, when the plane is not fully loaded, it will be spacious and comfortable. The main principle when choosing a good seat is to do it as early as possible.

Travelers going on a flight on S7 airliners for the first time rarely think about the need to choose a seat in the cabin, which they often regret when getting on board an aircraft. If you sit in a poorly chosen seat for the duration of the flight, there is a high probability of spending your first air trip in very uncomfortable conditions.

Experienced passengers who regularly fly domestic and international flights choose the best seats on S7 aircraft, and even spare no expense in booking the most comfortable seats in the cabin. This service can be used immediately before boarding.

Today we will talk about how to choose and book the most comfortable seats on the planes of the famous Russian carrier – S7.

How to book a seat on a plane

According to the rules of S7 Airlines, the service for choosing a seat in the aircraft cabin is available to all flight passengers, but with some conditions for certain categories of citizens.

Air carrier rules for reserving seats on an S7 aircraft:

  • Business class passengers can reserve a seat free of charge at the stage of booking tickets;
  • for tourists traveling in economy class “basic” and “flexible”, this service is provided for a nominal fee - 300 rubles;
  • Passengers with minor children, disabled people, members of bonus programs and corporate groups can also choose a seat on the plane free of charge.

Where you can book seats on an S7 aircraft: at the company’s permanent office, on the official website and at the carrier’s contact center.

Select your seat online

The most convenient and reliable way to book seats in the aircraft cabin is via the Internet on the carrier’s website. The passenger needs to go to the main page of the S7 portal, find the “Check-in for flight” tab and enter his data in the form that opens, following the simple prompts.

At this stage of registration, the program will automatically allocate a seat in the cabin for the passenger. To cancel the automatically selected option, click the “Change” button. A detailed diagram will appear on the screen showing the location of seats on the plane according to the purchased tickets.

Now the passenger can choose the most suitable and comfortable seat, taking into account personal preferences, from the available options. You need to focus on the color white; already occupied places are marked in gray.

Click on the selected option and press the “Save” and “Continue” buttons. The final stage is printing out an electronic document, which will already indicate the seat reserved by the passenger in the aircraft cabin.

How much does it cost to choose a seat in S7

Air carrier S7 has approved tariffs for booking seats on the aircraft. The company divides all passenger seats into standard and Extra Space (seats of increased comfort).

The cost of booking standard seats is 300 rubles. For an Extra Space seat of increased comfort you will have to pay 1000 rubles or more, which depends on the chosen direction and duration of the flight.

When booking convenient seats on the official portal via the Internet and mobile application, the passenger is given a 10% discount on payment. There is also a 5% discount for passengers passing additional.

How to pay for seat selection with S7 miles

S7 Airlines has a loyalty program for regular customers who have the opportunity to collect for each kilometer of the flight. Having collected a certain number of miles, the passenger can use them to pay for the seat reservation service.

How many miles does a seat on an S7 plane cost:

  • for a standard passenger seat in a mid-comfort row, 1,000 miles will be deducted from your account;
  • for extra comfort seats – 2,500 miles or more, depending on the flight direction.

Miles are debited from the passenger's personal account at the time of registration of the service. You can book your seat using miles online or at the airport check-in counter.

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How to choose a comfortable seat on S7 Airlines planes

The modern fleet of the Russian carrier S7 Airlines includes several dozen aircraft of a high level of comfort, carrying out passenger transportation on domestic and international routes.

In total, the company's fleet includes 88 aircraft: 50 Airbuses, 21 Boeings and 17 Embraer models. When choosing a seat on an S7 aircraft, be sure to take into account the model of the airliner on which the flight will be carried out.

On airbuses

The S7 company has comfortable airbuses of different models: 319, 320 and 321. The first model has 144 economy class seats, the plane has 156 economy class seats and 8 business class seats, the airliner has 190 economy class seats and 8 business class seats.

The best seats on the Airbus A319:

  • in the first row there is quite a large space between the seats and the partition, convenient for accommodating passengers;
  • from rows 2 to 9 – passenger seats of average comfort class, without any special advantages or disadvantages;
  • in the 10th row, the seats have locked backrests; an emergency exit is located in this part of the aircraft;
  • 11th row – seats of increased comfort;
  • from 12 to 22 rows - standard seats;
  • Rows 23-24 are the most uncomfortable seats, located next to the toilet room.

Airbus A320 best seats on the S7 plane:

  • the first two rows are business class, where seats of a high level of comfort are installed;
  • the third row is located behind the business class partition and has a convenient location due to the large space between the wall and the seats;
  • the 9th row has seats with a locked backrest (inconvenient seats for a flight);
  • near the 10th row there is an emergency exit, which adds space between the seats, but has one significant drawback - there is no mechanism for reclining the seat back;
  • The 11th row has very comfortable seating, increased space between the seats, and a reclining function.

The most uncomfortable seats on this model Airbus are located in rows 26 and 27, behind which there is a bathroom. In addition, the seats in the last row are fixed.

A321 – best places:

  • the first two rows in the cabin are business class seats;
  • the third row has a convenient location, in front there is a business class partition, in front of it there is free space for a comfortable position during the flight;
  • rows 4 to 8 – standard passenger seats;
  • 22nd row - quite comfortable seats are located here with a large space between the seats and the absence of neighbors on the right and left sides;
  • Row 23 – has increased space between the seats, very convenient for accommodating passengers.

The most uncomfortable seats in the cabin: the last 35th row, next to the toilet room, and the 9th row - small legroom, lack of portholes for viewing panoramic views from the window during the flight.

In Boeings

S7 Airlines also flies modern medium-haul Boeing airliners on domestic and international routes. New aircraft models appeared in the fleet of the famous Russian carrier only in 2018.

Best seats in Boeing 737-800:

  • Rows 1-3 – business class seats;
  • Economy class starts from the 4th row; there is a partition in front, between it and the seat there is space for a comfortable position. Passenger seats in the 4th row are provided to holders of status cards, and are also sold for money to everyone according to the approved tariff.
  • Row 14 – comfortable seats with sufficiently large space between the seats.

The most uncomfortable seats in a Boeing from S7:

  • Row 29 – behind it there is a toilet room, the seat backs are blocked;
  • 28th row – the seats have a folding function, but due to the constant crowd of people trying to get to the toilet, traveling in these seats is not particularly comfortable;
  • Rows 12-13 – near the emergency exit, equipped with seats with a locked reclining mechanism;
  • Row 9 – there is no porthole.

In Embraer 170

S7 Airlines also launches medium-range twin-engine airliners, the Embraer 170, which have relatively compact dimensions, to transport passengers. The main distinguishing feature of these aircraft models is the absence of emergency exits.

The cabin has 20 rows of passenger seats with almost identical characteristics. Seats from rows 3 to 19 have an identical level of comfort.

The worst chairs in the aircraft of this model are located in the first two rows and on the last 20th row, behind which there is a toilet room. The main disadvantage of the 1st and 2nd rows is the inconvenient location of the folding tables on the armrests of the seats.

Embraer ERJ-170 S7 – interior layout, best seats:

Carefully study the plane layout before departure and book your flight! Such forethought will allow you to carry out your flight in the most comfortable conditions, which will have a positive effect on your mood and well-being after landing the flight at the point of arrival.