How to correctly write a claim for a flight delay. Sample complaint to the airline. Compensation for moral damages in case of flight delay

Sample complaint from a Tourist to the Airline regarding flight delay




caused by flight delay

200__, I fully paid and purchased air ticket(s) for flight No. ____ on route ___________. for which I paid __________ (______________) rubles. Thus, in accordance with clause 2 of Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1. Article 105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 44 of the General Rules air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees (introduced by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82), I entered into an agreement with your company for the air transportation of passenger(s).

Flight No. ____ was scheduled to depart at __ hours __ minutes local time ___ _____ 200__. This fact is confirmed by the issued air ticket(s).

200__ the flight did not take off. It was delayed until ____hours ___minutes ___ _____ 200__. This fact is confirmed by the mark of the airline/airport of destination on the form(s) of the air ticket(s).

Having paid in full the cost of services under the air transportation contract, I have fulfilled my obligations to your airline in good faith. However, your company, in violation of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992 On the Protection of Consumer Rights, did not fulfill its obligations regarding the term of the contract.

In case of any delay in flight departure, the air carrier, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 99. of the General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees, is obliged to organize a strictly defined set of services for passengers free of charge, which your company did not provide. Since the flight departure delay was more than __________ hours, I had to pay at my own expense: services for storing my luggage - ___________ rubles; long-distance telephone call to inform my family about the flight delay - _______ rubles; long-distance telephone call to inform the travel agency about the delay flight and forced change of stay on vacation - _______ rubles purchase of soft drinks - _____________ rubles lunch in a restaurant - ______ rubles taxi travel from the airport to the hotel and back - _________ rubles hotel accommodation - ____________ rubles purchase of medicines for headaches and to lower blood pressure - ____________ rubles. Thus, due to the flight delay, I suffered direct losses in the amount of _____________ rubles.

Option #1.

Option #2.

Based on Articles 4, 15 and 29 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

In addition, I will ask the court, on the basis of Article 13 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to recover from your company compensation for moral damage caused to me, which was caused to me by a flight delay due to the fault of your company. Considering the consequences of the physical and moral suffering caused to me, I value them at __________ rubles.

In case of refusal to fulfill my legal demands, when considering my claim in court, I will ask the court to collect a fine from your company to the state in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 13 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights for failure to comply with the voluntary procedure for satisfying consumer demands.


1. Copy of the air ticket.

Sample claim, complaint to the airline

To the head of the airline

from Ivanov Peter Vasilievich

Passport series __ No. ___, issued by _),

residing at:

If we take into account the actual period of delay (specify in hours and minutes), the airline is in violation of the relevant requirements of clause 92 of the Federal Aviation Rules General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as FAP), did not provide information to flight passengers about the delay or cancellation of the flight and the reasons for the delay/cancellation of the flight (this information must be communicated visually and/or acoustically).

organization of luggage storage).

Taking into account the above circumstances, I

Option 1.

Option 2.

I demand compensation for the expenses that I spent on hot meals while waiting for the departure of the flight, expenses for hotel accommodation and luggage storage, which is confirmed (indicate documents confirming expenses - receipts, etc.).

I also believe that as a result of culpable inaction on the part of the airline and the violation of my rights as a consumer, I was caused moral damage in the amount of _____, the right to compensation for which I have on the basis of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 On the protection of consumer rights.

Signature, date

Note: If the claim cannot be served on the authorized representative of the carrier, you should send it to the address of the airline's location (listed in the Register of Operator Licenses posted on the official website of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviation)

Sample complaint from a tourist to the airline due to flight delay


on payment of fines and compensation for damages,

caused by flight delay

“___” _____ 200__ I paid in full and purchased air ticket(s) for flight No. ____ on route ___________. for which I paid __________ (______________) rubles. Thus, in accordance with clause 2 of Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1. Article 105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and clause 44 of the General Rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees (introduced by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82) I entered into an agreement with your company for the air transportation of passengers ( ov). Flight No. ____ was scheduled to depart at __ hours __ minutes local time “___” _____ 200__. This fact is confirmed by the issued air ticket(s).

“___” _____ 200__ flight did not take off. It was delayed until ____hours ___minutes "___" _____ 200__. This fact is confirmed by the mark of the airline/airport of destination on the form(s) of the air ticket(s).

In accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, for delay in delivering a passenger to the destination, the carrier must pay a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage established by federal law for each hour of delay, but not more than fifty percent of the carriage charge, which in my case is ______________ (_____________) rubles.

In case of any delay in flight departure, the air carrier, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 99. of the General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees, is obliged to organize a strictly defined set of services for passengers free of charge, which your company did not provide. Since the flight departure delay was more than __________ hours, I had to pay at my own expense: services for storing my luggage - ___________ rubles; long-distance telephone call to inform my family about the flight delay - _______ rubles; long-distance telephone call to inform the travel agency about the delay flight and forced change in the length of stay on vacation - _______ rubles purchase of soft drinks - _____________ rubles lunch in a restaurant - ______ rubles taxi travel from the airport to the hotel and back - _________ rubles hotel accommodation - ____________ rubles purchase of medicines for headaches and to lower blood pressure - ____________ rubles. Thus, due to the flight delay, I suffered direct losses in the amount of _____________ rubles. Option No. 1.

In addition, due to the delay in delivering me to the vacation spot, I also suffered the following direct losses: due to a reduction in the time of stay at the hotel by ___________ days - __________ rubles, cancellation of a paid excursion, which I could not take advantage of due to a delay in delivery - __________ rubles , and that in the amount of ____________ rubles. Option No. 2.

In addition, due to the delay in delivering me to my destination, I was unable to use pre-purchased transportation from ____________ to my place of residence, while my direct losses after returning previously purchased travel tickets and purchasing new ones amounted to __________ rubles.

1. Pay me voluntarily, in accordance with the notice of limitation of liability for delays in the delivery of passengers contained in my air ticket, a late fee in the amount of ____________ rubles.

2. Compensate for direct losses caused to me due to the flight delay in the amount of ___________ rubles.

If my legal demands are not satisfied, I will be forced to go to court with a statement of claim for forced collection of fines and damages.

In addition, I will ask the court, on the basis of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to recover from your company compensation for moral damage caused to me, which was caused to me by a flight delay due to the fault of your company. Considering the consequences of the physical and moral suffering caused to me, I value them at __________ rubles. In case of refusal to comply with my legal demands, when considering my claim in court, I will ask the court to collect a fine from your company to the state in accordance with paragraph

6 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” for failure to comply with the voluntary procedure for satisfying consumer requirements.


1. Copy of the air ticket.

2. A copy of the invoice for storing luggage.

3. A copy of the bill for long-distance telephone calls.

4. A copy of the cash receipt for the purchase of soft drinks.

5. A copy of the bill for lunch at the restaurant.

6. A copy of the taxi fare invoice.

7. A copy of the hotel bill.


To the head of the airline

(according to the name on the ticket)

residing at:

(specify the exact address residence)


I, Petr Vasilyevich Ivanov, have entered into an air transportation agreement with your airline, this is confirmed by a ticket (including electronic) series___ number_____, for flight ________ on route _______________ with departure date ________________.

However, to date, your airline has not fulfilled its obligations to transport me as a passenger from (specify the point of departure and destination) or has delayed it, thus, your company has violated the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 103 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

If we take into account the actual period of delay (indicate in hours and minutes), the airline is in violation of the relevant requirements of clause 92 of the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, Consignees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (hereinafter referred to as the FAP), did not provide information to flight passengers about the delay or cancellation of the flight and the reasons for the delay/cancellation of the flight (this information must be communicated visually and/or acoustically).

In addition, in violation of the requirements of clause 99 of the FAP, I was not provided with free provision of services, the provision of which for the carrier in the above conditions (due to delay/cancellation of the flight) is a corresponding obligation (hereinafter, the types of services not provided are indicated depending on the actual circumstances):

  • provision of mother and child rooms to a passenger with a child under seven years of age
  • two phone calls or two emails when waiting more than two hours for a flight to depart
  • provision of refreshments when waiting for flight departure for more than two hours
  • provision of hot meals when waiting for a flight departure for more than four hours and then every six hours - during the day and every eight hours - at night
  • hotel accommodation when waiting for a flight departure for more than eight hours - during the day and more than six hours - at night
  • delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee
  • organization of luggage storage.
  • Taking into account the above circumstances, I.

    Option 1.

    Based on clause 2 of Art. 795 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation I refuse transportation due to the flight delay, and therefore I ask you to return the carriage fee to me, i.e. the amount of money paid for the ticket.

    Subject to the relevant provisions of Art. 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to return the money within seven days.

    If the airline evades this obligation, I reserve the right additionally on the basis of Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to demand payment of interest for the use of my funds due to their unlawful withholding.

    Option 2.

    I demand compensation for the expenses that I spent on hot meals while waiting for the departure of the flight, expenses for hotel accommodation and luggage storage, which is confirmed (indicate documents confirming expenses - receipts, etc.).

    I also believe that as a result of culpable inaction on the part of the airline and the violation of my rights as a consumer, I was caused moral damage in the amount of _____, the right to compensation for which I have on the basis of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights”.

    Taking into account the above, the amount of my claims is _________ rubles.

    Signature, date

    Note: If the claim cannot be served on the authorized representative of the carrier, you should send it to the address of the airline's location (listed in the Register of Operator Licenses posted on the official website of the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviation).

    Your flight has been delayed or cancelled. What to do?

    Your suitcases are packed and while waiting for a speedy departure, you are suddenly informed that the flight is delayed or postponed. Time is running out, the vacation is almost ruined, the mood is at zero. What can you do? Little depends on you in these situations. But don't be discouraged...

    In this regard, it is worth noting that regular flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft schedule, and charter flights are operated in accordance with the charter flight plan (schedule). In both cases, the carrier bears the same responsibility in the event of a change in the aircraft schedule, and must take all possible measures to inform passengers and shippers with whom the contract has been concluded about the change in the specified schedule in any available way. Therefore, it is in your interests to leave information about your contacts when concluding relevant contracts or purchasing tickets.

    In addition, at the airport, the carrier or service organization is obliged to provide passengers with visual and acoustic information, in particular: about the time of departure and arrival of the aircraft about the place, the start and end time of check-in for the flight about the place, the start and end time of passengers boarding about flight delays or cancellations and the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight, etc. If the information is missing, feel free to ask for it from airline representatives or the airport administration.

    In all cases of delay or cancellation of a flight, as well as changes in the transportation route due to the carrier’s fault due to adverse weather conditions, technical or other reasons, you are required to provide the services listed below, without charging additional fees:

  • provision of mother and child rooms to a passenger with a child under seven years of age
  • two phone calls or two emails when waiting more than two hours for a flight to depart
  • provision of refreshments when waiting for flight departure for more than two hours
  • provision of hot meals when waiting for a flight departure for more than four hours and then every six hours - during the day and every eight hours - at night
  • hotel accommodation when waiting for a flight departure for more than eight hours - during the day and more than six hours - at night
  • delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee
  • organization of luggage storage.
  • If the carrier refuses to perform the above services, we recommend that you perform the following actions:

  • require the airport administration or a representative of the carrier to issue a certificate confirming the circumstances of the delay or cancellation of the flight indicating the actual departure time, or to put a mark on the ticket, boarding pass, or, as a last resort, draw up a corresponding act together with other passengers (at least 2 people), indicating their contact details
  • keep all receipts when paying for food, hotels and taxis from your own funds, for subsequent confirmation of your expenses
  • prepare a claim against the airline for compensation for damage caused to you, attaching copies of the necessary documents, receipts, checks, certificates, copies of hotel reservations or vouchers for tours and excursions
  • send the claim to the legal address of the air carrier no later than six months from the date of the occurrence of the event that served as the basis for its presentation. Further, the carrier is obliged to consider it within thirty days from the date of receipt of the claim and notify you in writing of the satisfaction or rejection of the claim
  • If the pre-trial settlement of the dispute is refused, you have the right to file a claim in court. Claims are brought against the carrier at the location of the carrier. You can also contact territorial organizations for the protection of consumer rights and the departments of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • In addition to reimbursement of expenses for tickets, vouchers and excursions, you can demand compensation for moral damage if you prove that the fact of delay or cancellation of the flight, as well as the failure to fulfill the duties assigned to the carrier if it was his fault, caused you physical and mental suffering. The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage.

    If you miss a connecting flight with one airline, you will be put on the next flight, with an additional charge for seating in the cabin increased comfort The passenger is not charged. You are required to return the difference if you paid for a luxury cabin and fly in a cabin with a lower level of comfort. The exception is when you are traveling on flights different airlines. Then you will have to buy a ticket for the desired flight at your own expense. However, the airline whose flight is delayed is required to refund the cost of the ticket, so be sure to keep a copy of the ticket you purchased.

    If air tickets are included in the total cost of the tour package, and also if your trip has been shortened due to a delay or flight cancellation, you have the right to demand a refund from the tour operator for paid but unused days and excursions. To do this, you must initially submit a claim to the tour operator in writing within 20 days from the date of expiration of the concluded contract. The claim is subject to consideration within 10 days from the date of receipt by the tour operator. If after the expiration of the established period you are refused or not answered at all, you can go to court.

    Refund of the carriage charge is made by the carrier or, on his behalf, by an authorized agent at the place of payment for the carriage, as well as at the points provided for by the carrier’s rules. If the transportation was not completed on any section, then the entire amount paid for the transportation is returned, and if part of the transportation is completed, the amount for the unfulfilled part of the transportation is returned.

    You also have the right to demand from the carrier payment of a fine for flight delay in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage for each hour of delay, but not more than fifty percent of the carriage charge. But only if the carrier does not prove that the delay occurred due to:

  • force majeure (extraordinary and unpreventable circumstances, in particular, natural disasters, military operations, epidemics, prohibitive measures of government bodies, violation of obligations on the part of the debtor's counterparties, lack of goods on the market necessary for fulfillment, lack of necessary funds from the debtor)
  • eliminating an aircraft malfunction that threatens the life or health of aircraft passengers
  • other circumstances beyond the control of the carrier.
  • The carrier has the right to cancel or delay the flight indicated on the ticket, change the type of aircraft, change the route of transportation only if required by flight safety and/or aviation security conditions, as well as at the request of government bodies in accordance with their competence.

    In addition to the above, it is worth noting that a similar responsibility rests with the carrier when operating international flights.

    Have a safe and comfortable flight!

    catalogue of articles

    To the manager_______________________________________________

    (indicate the name of the airline and its location address)


    (full full name, registration address and telephone number)


    on compensation for losses caused by flight delays

    “___” _____ 20__ I fully paid and purchased air ticket(s) for flight No. ____ on route ___________, for which I paid __________ (______________) rubles. Thus, in accordance with clause 2 of Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1. Article 105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and clause 44 of the General Rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees (introduced by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82) I entered into an agreement with your company for the air transportation of passengers ( ov).

    Flight No. ____ was scheduled to depart at __ hours __ minutes local time “___” _____ 20__. This fact is confirmed by the issued air ticket(s).

    “___” _____ 20__ flight did not take off. It was postponed until ____hours ___minutes "___" _____ 20__. This fact is confirmed by the mark of the airline/airport of destination on the form(s) of the air ticket(s).

    Having paid in full the cost of services under the air transportation contract, I have fulfilled my obligations to your airline in good faith. However, your company, in violation of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” did not fulfill its obligations regarding the term of the contract.

    In accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, for delay in delivering a passenger to the destination, the carrier must pay a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage established by federal law for each hour of delay, but not more than fifty percent of the carriage charge, which in my case is ______________ (_____________) rubles.

    In the event of any delay in flight departure, the air carrier, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 99 of the General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and the requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, and consignees, is obliged to organize a strictly defined set of services for passengers free of charge, which your company did not provide. Since the flight departure delay was more than __________ hours, I had to pay at my own expense:

    Services for storing my luggage - ___________ rubles

    Long-distance telephone conversation to inform family about a flight delay - _______ rubles

    Long-distance telephone conversation to inform a travel agency about a flight delay and a forced change in the length of stay on vacation - _______ rubles

    Purchase of soft drinks – _____________ rubles

    Lunch at a restaurant - ______ rubles

    Taxi travel from the airport to the hotel and back - _________ rubles

    Hotel accommodation - ____________ rubles

    Purchasing medications for headaches and to lower blood pressure - ____________ rubles.

    Thus, due to the flight delay, I suffered direct losses in the amount of _____________ rubles.

    In addition, due to the delay in delivering me to the vacation spot, I also suffered the following direct losses: due to a reduction in the time of stay at the hotel by ___________ days - __________ rubles, cancellation of a paid excursion, which I could not take advantage of due to a delay in delivery - __________ rubles , and that in the amount of ____________ rubles.

    In addition, due to the delay in delivering me to my destination, I was unable to use pre-purchased transportation from ____________ to my place of residence, while my direct losses after returning previously purchased travel tickets and purchasing new ones amounted to __________ rubles.

    Based on Articles 4, 15 and 29 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Article 120 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

    1. Pay me voluntarily, in accordance with the notice of limitation of liability for delays in the delivery of passengers contained in my air ticket, a late fee in the amount of ____________ rubles.

    2. Compensate for direct losses caused to me due to the flight delay in the amount of ___________ rubles.

    If my legal demands are not satisfied, I will be forced to go to court with a statement of claim for forced collection of fines and damages.

    In addition, I will ask the court, on the basis of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, to recover from your company compensation for moral damage caused to me, which was caused to me by a flight delay due to the fault of your company. Considering the consequences of the physical and moral suffering caused to me, I value them at __________ rubles.

    In case of refusal to fulfill my legal demands, when considering my claim in court, I will ask the court to collect a fine from your company to the state in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” for failure to comply with the voluntary procedure for satisfying consumer demands.


    1. Copy of the air ticket.

    2. A copy of the invoice for storing luggage.

    3. A copy of the bill for long-distance telephone calls.

    4. A copy of the cash receipt for the purchase of soft drinks.

    5. A copy of the bill for lunch at the restaurant.

    6. A copy of the taxi fare invoice.

    7. A copy of the hotel bill.

    What should a sample claim for compensation for flight delay look like and where can I get it?
    This article explains what financial compensation for flight delay is and how you can get it. After all, rescheduling or canceling flights has become commonplace. And passengers are forced to get nervous, reschedule appointments or lose precious vacation time.

    But many people do not even realize that in such situations, they have the right to various compensations and the provision of free services. In the European Union, passengers who find themselves in such a situation can receive 600 euros, depending on the waiting time for departure. In Russia, everything is somewhat different, but, nevertheless, compensation is still due.

    To find out in what cases the liability of air carriers arises and passengers come into their rights, you need to consider the various situations that arise when aircraft flights are delayed.

    Information about what is needed to ensure that financial compensation for a flight delay is paid, and what services can help do this as quickly as possible will be useful.

    A huge number of people fly to EU countries. Some have an established business there, for others it is their place of residence. A lot of tourists who dream of “seeing the world” fly to Europe. They all need to know that the resolution of the Council of the European Union gives them the right, in the event of a flight delay of more than 3 hours, or its complete cancellation, to receive compensation from the air carrier. These rules apply not only to European carriers in EU countries, but also in all countries of the world. That is, this means that clients from post-Soviet countries flying from European Union countries are entitled to financial compensation for flight delays. According to the Montreal Convention, which regulates relations between air carriers and passengers, the amount of compensation for being behind schedule by more than 3 hours can range from 200 to 600 euros.

    An important point is the reason that is the basis for receiving compensation.

    There are many reasons for a flight delay, and not all of them qualify you for compensation for inconvenience. According to EU regulation, financial payments are due to passengers only when the airline is found guilty of delaying the flight. For example, an airplane breakdown or minor technical problems are the company’s fault.

    Reasons such as terrorist attacks or strikes, tornadoes and hurricanes are considered force majeure. And, since the airline cannot resist such circumstances, this is not considered the carrier’s fault. This means that compensation will not be paid to passengers who are behind schedule for these reasons.

    The amount of compensation is influenced by two factors: the time of forced stay at the airport and the flight distance. If the flight, for example, is delayed by three hours or more, and the flight distance is less than 1,500 kilometers, then the amount of compensation will be 250 euros. Postponing a flight by 4 hours or more, and with a flight range of more than 3,500 kilometers, implies payments in the amount of 600 euros.

    Regardless of whether compensation is due or not, all passengers must be provided with drink, food and overnight accommodation if required. The provision of these services does not exempt from payment of monetary compensation.

    The time frame for applying for compensation is different in each country. It all depends on where the air carrier is registered, from which country it flies, if the company does not belong to EU countries. For example, in Spain you can apply for compensation within two years. But in England, the terms have been increased to 6 years from the date of the incident.

    How to deal with this?

    To get help in obtaining compensation for a flight delay, the first thing you need to do is write a statement of claim to the air carrier. At the airport, at the check-in point for the flight, you need to ask the employee to put a note about the flight delay on the boarding pass and take a certificate stating that the flight was rescheduled, indicating the time it was behind schedule. The more different evidence of a flight delay, the better. You can even take a photo of the board where it is written about the delay of a specific flight.

    Each company has its own rules for writing a statement, so before writing a request, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the air carrier. You can submit an application online or by contacting the company in person. A sample claim for compensation for flight delay should be on the official website of any airline. According to this sample, you need to fill out a document indicating the amount of compensation, under what circumstances the flight was delayed, that is, the reasons for the delay in departure. As a rule, the answer should come within a maximum of 3 months.

    There are cases when an air carrier ignores passengers' claims or refuses to pay compensation. In this case, evidence will be needed that it was the fault of the airline that the malfunction occurred. Such situations happen quite a lot, and previous experience can provide significant assistance in obtaining compensation for flight delays for injured passengers. It is necessary to study these situations in order to act legally competently in the future. That is, if requests to the airline remain unattended, or the requirements are constantly refused to be fulfilled, the court remains. All papers confirming that the incident “took place”, all the airline’s refusals to comply with passengers’ demands must be attached to the application to the court of the city where the company’s main office is located.

    If the airline does not belong to a country that is a member of the European Union, then the lawsuit must be filed with the representative office of the air carrier in the country at whose airport the flight was delayed.

    If passengers cannot deal with legal cases themselves, then it is better for them to contact special companies that provide assistance in obtaining compensation for flight delays. There are a lot of them. Among them there are famous ones with a high reputation who will take on the legal battle. But, it should be remembered that when using the services of intermediary companies, compensation can be received no earlier than six months later.

    What to expect from Europe?

    The European Organization for the Protection of Air Passengers' Rights explains the situation with flight delays. That is, how the process of refunding money for the extra time that passengers spent at the airport should take place.

    The first and main condition is that people must arrive at the point indicated on the ticket with a delay of at least 3 hours. This can be any flight of a European carrier, both direct and connecting. The main thing is that from this moment, passengers enter into their rights to receive compensation for flight delays. It is only necessary to actually record the delay of the plane. The company will be obliged to reimburse passengers for all expenses incurred by them. Not only residents of EU countries, but also citizens of any other countries have the right to file a claim for compensation.

    The EU Council Resolution obliges air carriers to pay air passengers the amounts of compensation that they are entitled to upon settlement. The delay time from the flight schedule and the distance are taken into account. That is, based on this document, you can receive compensation from 250 to 600 euros if the delay occurred from 3 hours, and the flight range was from 1500 to 3500 kilometers. In fact, if the passenger arrived at his destination more than 4 hours late, and the distance was more than 3,500 km, then receiving 600 euros is guaranteed by law. If the flight delay was less than four hours, the amount of compensation will be half as much.

    If a flight is rescheduled, tourists may be offered another flight to the same destination and arrive there a little later than planned. In this case, the airline will have to pay passengers 50% of the calculated amounts.

    Many services that can be found on the Internet specifically deal with these issues. On their websites you can find a lot of detailed information, a sample claim for compensation for flight delays, and a list of documents that will be needed when applying for monetary compensation. Customers will only need to fill out the form and contact the airline. But even this can be done for them by specially hired responsible persons.

    According to experienced people, we can only talk about compensation for flight delays with regard to European airlines. Compared to them, Russian carriers look, to put it mildly, “unrespectable.”

    Russia also has an Air Code and “General Rules” for air transportation, which are required to regulate the relationship between domestic airlines and passengers. According to these documents, for flight delays, each passenger must be reimbursed 25% of the minimum wage per hour behind schedule. And if suddenly there was a flight delay of 9 hours, the compensation should be significant. And then comes the moment of truth, which will quickly bring joyful passengers to their senses. It turns out that compensation for flight delays will be calculated not according to the minimum wage, but according to a completely different one. There are several of them in Russia, for all occasions, the main thing is not to overpay.

    Maybe the crying of disadvantaged air passengers had an effect, maybe the impunity of air carriers, which has reached the point of absurdity, had an effect, but starting from 2017, payments should change a little, turning their “face” towards passengers of domestic airlines.

    For example, if we consider chartered flight, then the passenger will have to write a claim to the travel company where he purchased the ticket. By the way, each travel company has its own sample claim for compensation for flight delay. The travel agency will send this claim to the airline, where the question will be decided whether it is necessary to pay in this case, or whether the passenger is not entitled to payment. If compensation is denied, you can go to court. Here comes a moment when everything depends on the mood of the passenger. Experienced “fighters for justice” argue that if it was not possible to reach an amicable agreement with the company, then it is better to simply forget about what happened. Because even if you manage to win in court, the amount of compensation will be such an unpleasant surprise that you will be left with bitter disappointment.

    Compensation in Russia is calculated taking into account lost night time

    Therefore, if a passenger spent the whole day at the airport and the flight was delayed by 9 hours, the compensation will be negligible. It is not worth the wasted time or wasted nerves. You shouldn’t even think about any compensation for moral damage. It is better to be patient and try to treat the flight delay as an adventure. It’s a pity, but those who are right are not always appreciated.

    But passengers should also understand that there are situations when the carrier does not fulfill its obligations due to a number of reasons, called force majeure. There can be no talk of any payments here. But if someone decides to achieve the truth by any means, then it would be useful to know what documents will be needed to submit an application.

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    1. Air ticket, with the necessary notes on the time of flight delay;
    2. Checks and receipts for those unplanned expenses made during the flight delay;
    3. A freely written letter describing the incident, with all the details, claims and demands.

    These documents must be sent to the airline's head office. It is better to make several copies of all documents. This may come in handy later. After all, it is not always possible to achieve the truth the first time. For further submission of documents, for example, to court, copies of documents may be needed. And you also need to remember that all trials are paid. Not all airlines abandon passengers who find themselves in an unpleasant situation with a flight delay to their fate. Many clearly fulfill their obligations without any requests. Therefore, if you find yourself in some kind of situation with a flight, you can and should always hope for compensation. In most cases, air carriers, valuing their reputation, do not allow various litigations in the courts, but try to resolve all issues with passengers on the spot.


    — The carrier is not responsible if passengers and luggage were delivered to their destination with a delay that was not due to its fault.
    — The company is responsible for all losses incurred by passengers during the flight delay.
    — If there is a flight delay of 9 hours, compensation must be calculated in accordance with current legislation. Plus, citizens must be provided with hot food, drinks and a place to stay if this happens at night.

    Traveling by plane has long been commonplace. It's convenient and saves a lot of time and effort. Behind a short time you can find yourself in any country in the world. Many passengers do not even consider other modes of transport for travel. This does not surprise anyone, because air transport has a lot of advantages and positive aspects. Therefore, the number of passengers increases every year.

    Despite all the positive qualities, air transportation also has problems. For example, a flight delay. And, unfortunately, recently such situations have begun to arise more and more often. Of course, in the first place is the cause of the malfunction on board the aircraft. It is difficult to argue with the fact that an airplane is a machine of complex design. Any little thing can cause a breakdown, which leads to a flight delay. After all, you can’t stop a plane in the air to make repairs. But the occurrence of such a situation is entirely the fault of the airline.

    Another common reason for flight delays is poor weather conditions. Naturally, the weather is an unpredictable thing, and an accurate forecast is very rare. Therefore, flights are often delayed until the weather clears up. There's nothing you can do about it. But a different situation arises if one company postponed the flight due to weather, while the other is calmly transporting passengers. People, not understanding the situation, why some can fly and others cannot, begin to be indignant. But there are some nuances here.

    Each aircraft is individual, each has its own operating conditions. And therefore, in bad weather conditions one plane feels great, but for another it is a natural disaster. Taking care of passengers, some flights are deliberately delayed until the weather stabilizes. But this reason for the flight delay is the fault of the air carrier.

    Any malfunction of the aircraft is a circumstance leading to flight delays. And in more complex cases, to their cancellation. Air carriers do not like such situations because they damage their reputation. After all, no passenger wants to fly on faulty aircraft, exposing themselves to danger.

    Sometimes there is a delay in departure due to a malfunction of the service personnel. It took a long time to clean the cabin of the plane, or slowly unload the luggage. In a word, human factor may play a role and influence the occurrence of a situation that will lead to a minor flight delay. As a rule, this does not make passengers nervous. Everyone understands this.

    If the flight delay lasts more than two hours, passengers have the right to financial compensation.

    How to act

    The flight is delayed, and there is no announcement about the reasons for the delay and the time of delay of the flight; you must immediately contact the airport employee at the counter where check-in took place. Passengers will not hear a clear answer to the question posed, but they must have a special mark on their ticket indicating the time of the flight delay. This is the basis for compensation.

    If a flight is delayed from 30 minutes to two hours, passengers must be provided with maximum comfort at the airport. For those with children under 7 years old, all amenities and hygiene items must be provided.

    Staying an extra 2-4 hours must ensure provision of communication, both telephone and electronic. People should be offered tea and other drinks.

    If the flight is delayed for 6 hours or more, people must be provided with hot food and a place to stay comfortably at night. People should not sleep in an airport lounge.

    All these services, including hotel accommodation and round trip transfers, must be paid for by the airline.


    Whether the flight was delayed due to weather conditions or due to aircraft breakdown, this is the fault of the air carrier, and passengers have the right to receive a partial refund of the fare. But it should not exceed 50%. Therefore, when claiming compensation, passengers should take this into account. If passengers were forced to incur additional expenses during their forced stay at the airport, for some reason, the company will have to reimburse them. In this case, the passenger must keep all receipts and receipts confirming this, otherwise there will be no refund.

    A special case

    Cases often arise when passengers fly on vacation, and the cost of their ticket is included in the price of the trip. In this case, passengers can make a claim, including all days of missed rest. This must be done as quickly as possible, since after 20 days, the application will not be considered.

    Another case is when the airline makes a connecting flight. When the first plane is delayed, it becomes clear that passengers no longer have time to catch the second one. Therefore, due to the delay of the airliner, the passenger must be placed on the second plane free of charge, providing him with maximum comfort. There is a rule that if a late passenger was flying in economy class on the first plane, and on the second plane there is a free seat only in business class, then he must be given this seat. If comfort, on the contrary, has decreased, the difference must be paid.

    All types of compensation are processed by submitting an application with requirements. It must be accompanied by all documents proving the flight delay and unforeseen expenses. Airline administrations try to resolve all situations as quickly as possible, without scandals.

    There are also companies that not only refuse to pay compensation, but also do not provide the required services. Here you can directly submit documents to the court, attaching all checks and receipts. The process, of course, is long and costly, but the courts are always loyal to passengers of delayed flights. If passengers demand only what they are entitled to by right, then they win the case in court.

    Having considered different cases, I would like to advise you to have at least a little money and hygiene products, especially with small children. To avoid getting into a difficult situation in case of flight delay.

    Many passengers give their comments about the work of domestic airlines. Most often they are positive. For example, in connection with compensation payments, good review Rossiya Airlines has. In the current situation, when a plane with fewer seats was available for the flight due to a malfunction on the other side, not all passengers were able to fly on time. For AK Russia, compensation for the flight delay was not even disputed by the carrier. The flight was delayed by 16 hours. All passengers were provided with hotel accommodations. The restaurant served breakfast and lunch. The passengers wrote a full claim form to the airline, where they described everything: the reason, their requirements. It was considered by the commission, where a decision was made due to the fact that due to the fault of AK Russia, the flight delay was due to compensation should be paid. As a result, people received both compensation and additional bonuses in the form of vouchers for flights by this company. In this situation, when in Rossiya Airlines there is a flight delay, compensation and all services provided to passengers by the airline service are regulated fulfillment of the requirements of the internal document of Rossiya Airlines. It is worth noting that passengers are always pleased to do business with airlines such as Rossiya Airlines. After all, the company’s attitude to its obligations is at a high level.

    The main thing is that passengers need to learn to be mutually polite. You need to remember the rules of conduct on board an airplane. Sometimes a flight delay occurs due to the fault of passengers. It may happen that the company also wants to receive compensation.

    All rules and regulations apply to both charter and regular flights. If a flight is delayed, the rights of passengers remain unchanged, as do the obligations of air carriers. Quality service is the main thing.


    It's a shame that not everyone knows about their rights as air passengers. If you had to sit at the airport for an extra 3 hours, losing your mood, precious hours of vacation, along with this comes the right to receive compensation for your inconvenience, missed excursions or disrupted deals. And many charge decent sums of money for the late arrival of the plane. Unless, of course, the cause of the incident is force majeure.

    Even if the plane took off with a delay of less than three hours, but the passenger ended up at the destination later due to transfers, and the delay was more than three hours, then there is no need to be lazy in writing an application to the airline for payment of compensation. In some EU countries, the statute of limitations for compensation is 6 years.

    There are companies that do not want to be held responsible for what is happening. But not everyone is like that. Therefore, it is worth writing a statement. Moreover, from this year the amount of compensation will increase significantly. And in the situation with a European company, the amount looks very impressive. European citizens, unlike people living in the post-Soviet space, never miss the opportunity to demand monetary compensation for any violation of their rights. Therefore, I would like to believe that our compatriots will also learn to defend their rights in accordance with the law. Miracles happen. The main thing is that there will be no flight delays!

    Cancellation of domestic and international flights is a very common situation today, and therefore everyone needs to know how to file an airline claim for a flight delay. Even experienced travelers are often unaware of the possibility of receiving compensation payments in the event of a late flight departure. In order to minimize certain inconveniences and expenses incurred, you should approach the preparation of this document responsibly - first of all, you need to determine the terms and conditions for filing a claim against the air transportation company.

    What services are provided in case of flight delay

    Why don’t Russian citizens try to return part of the money spent on a ticket, or demand free housing or food? The passivity of passengers is due to ignorance, because in order to defend their legal rights, you must at least have special legal knowledge in this area.

    Not every person who finds himself in a similar situation in another city or country will be able to act promptly and competently. Having the necessary information will allow all travelers to properly build a dialogue with airline representatives so that material and moral damage caused to an individual is compensated.

    Flight delay is usually understood as all types of suspensions in the air transportation of passengers during the departure of an aircraft or en route. The delay can be caused by a variety of factors - unfavorable weather conditions, company disorganization, worker strikes, force majeure.

    If your flight is delayed, then you have the right to count on timely notification and the provision of a number of free services at the expense of the air carrier. Airline representatives undertake to take all measures to ensure that citizens have a normal life during the waiting period.

    Many travelers wonder: what can they count on if the flight was unexpectedly canceled two or three days before departure?

    As practice shows, with a message about the cancellation or long delay of an aircraft departure, the airline offers the following options for solving the problem:

    1. According to paragraph 227 of the Air Transportation Charter, a full refund of the ticket price may be made due to involuntary refusal. However, here it is worth remembering the peculiarities of connecting flights - if your trip involved only one transfer, then you will be refunded the costs for the entire route, and when purchasing two separate air tickets, you can count on compensation for only the first leg of the journey.
    2. The most common option is to provide the passenger with the opportunity to purchase a ticket for an alternative flight. This may be a flight of another company or a different class, but it is prohibited to change the point of arrival and inflate the initial cost of the air ticket.

    However, the most common cases are when a flight is canceled or delayed several hours before departure. This usually happens due to unfavorable weather conditions, an emergency situation in the country of destination, or the fault of the air carrier.

    Whatever the reason, company employees are obliged to inform you why and on what grounds the flight is delayed. This follows from the “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees” (clause seventy-three).

    In some cases, the airline may arrange a flight at its own expense, replacing it with a flight from another carrier or on another board. And remember that the company does not absolve itself of responsibility for flight cancellations, and its employees must try in every possible way to eliminate the inconvenience while waiting for a replacement. It is also worth noting that when flying within the Schengen zone (with a local airline), you have the right to count on compensation payments.

    Does a passenger have the right to refuse a flight if the flight is delayed?

    Over the past few years, careful developments have been carried out in the field of aviation. In particular, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has been involved in regulating the rights of citizens in the event of flight cancellations or delays. Thus, any individual can refuse air transportation if the flight was delayed for an indefinite period of time (the refusal is classified as forced). In accordance with Article One Hundred and Eight of the Air Code, a passenger can count on full compensation for the cost of a ticket if a flight is cancelled.

    To prove the forced nature of the incident, the traveler must adhere to the following instructions:

    1. Initially, you need to contact a representative of the airline whose services you used. The employee is required to make a special mark on the ticket (forced refusal). This is only the first step, according to which a claim is filed against the airline for flight cancellation.
    2. If the company is not ready for a peaceful resolution of the dispute, then we recommend obtaining other evidence - photographing the board, interviewing fellow travelers, so that if something happens, they can confirm the time of the flight delay (and its reason).
    3. According to common practice, individuals will be able to receive compensation for the cost of a ticket only in court - if a claim is filed in a timely and correct manner in the name of the airline.

    The first thing you should start with if you decide to file a claim with the airline for a flight delay or cancellation is the deadline for sending this document.

    Completing the application will not take you much time, especially for international flights. You can compose an appeal while on vacation and send it by email. And remember, the deadline for filing a claim with the air carrier for international flights is seven days, and for domestic flights - six months (Article one hundred twenty-six of the Air Code of the Russian Federation). If you are late in submitting the letter, then all your further efforts to return the funds will be in vain.

    Compensation for rescheduling a flight depending on timing and distance

    This aspect can be divided into three categories depending on the country of departure ( Russian Federation, Schengen visa countries and the United States of America).

    Compensation for flight delays in each of these directions will be paid as follows:

    1. Russian airlines are required to pay the passenger three percent of the ticket price for each hour of waiting, unless the existence of an emergency or force majeure is proven, as well as a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage for each hour of flight delay. The legislation of our country does not say anything about additional compensation in case of flight cancellation, however, you can count on an alternative flight at the expense of the company or a refund of the entire amount of air tickets.
    2. In a number European countries The amount of the refund depends on the flight delay time and flight distance (more detailed information shown in the diagram below). If the flight was canceled two weeks before departure, then you are not entitled to compensation.
    3. American airlines, according to current legislation, are not required to provide passengers with free meals and telephone calls in the event of a flight delay or cancellation. Ticket refunds are also not provided for by air travel rules. The only thing you can count on is an alternative flight and assistance in paperwork. Refunds cash is possible if the passenger did not get on the flight due to the so-called overbooking.

    Please note: Section 99 of the Federal Aviation Regulations specifies the procedure by which any air transportation company must compensate or minimize the personal inconvenience of passengers caused by a flight delay or cancellation.

    If your flight is delayed by more than two hours, you are entitled to two phone calls or emails, as well as access to free drinks and a lounge for children under seven years of age.

    It's also worth noting that if your flight is delayed by more than four hours, you can receive free hot food and drink. Passengers must be fed every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night. If your flight takes place at night, and it was delayed for various reasons beyond the control of the air transportation company, then you have the right to request accommodation in an airport hotel or transfer to your overnight accommodation and back. Interestingly, Russian legislation prohibits placing passengers in such a situation together with strangers.

    Rules for filing, claims, its preparation and possible requirements of passengers

    Recently, cases of litigation regarding unfair operation of airlines have become more frequent. Any passenger can file a claim with the airline for a flight delay, but when filing a claim, he must take into account some nuances. Firstly, the air transportation code clearly establishes the procedure for this procedure. Secondly, the legislation of individual countries may not recognize certain norms, which in turn does not require following only one complaint template.

    The sample flight delay claim must include the main provisions. This is what the first part of the document looks like:

    1. Name of the legal entity (organization engaged in the transportation of passengers). The airline's address may also be required to submit the claim and subsequently review it.
    2. Personal information of the applicant (full name, mobile phone, place of residence, e-mail).

    If you are just planning to file a petition with the court in order to receive compensation payments, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the claim against the airline for a flight delay in advance (a sample can be found in the public domain on the Internet). But there are cases when the document should be in hand within an hour or two after the incident. Then the main thing will be to indicate the main points in the application and study the deadlines for submitting the paper to the authorized structures. And remember that the document must be drawn up in an official style indicating the personal data of the individual.

    Additional information in a flight delay claim includes:

    • the fact of existence of an agreement on the provision of air transportation services (this also includes a copy of the ticket, which will indicate the flight number and departure time);
    • confirmation of a flight delay (that is, an airport photo board indicating the departure time).

    The most important aspect of a flight delay claim is identifying the direct and indirect costs incurred by passengers on a particular flight. Each specific case must be studied individually in accordance with the established claims procedure. Most often, material damage is taken into account due to the loss of an air ticket or if it needs to be replaced in a timely manner at the expense of an individual (business trip, medical treatment in another country). Due to the delay, the tourist may have problems with checking into the hotel and a number of additional, pre-paid services.

    If the passenger was forced to buy new ticket(by plane, train or bus), then he has the legal right to claim damages.

    The cost of moving is automatically included in the damages. Lawyers include the traveler's expenses for various types of services (food, accommodation, communications) that were not provided to him by the airline as additional damages. Let's give a simple example: in case of a connecting flight and its departure time is missed, the air transportation line undertakes to take care of the person's accommodation and meals. Such obligations include ensuring the safety of personal belongings, as well as the right to notify family members about what happened (telephone calls and Internet connection are paid by the airline).

    Compensation for moral damages in case of flight delay

    The amount of compensation in case of delay in departure of the aircraft is based on the Russian law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” - this applies to Aeroflot flights. This regulatory act allows individuals to recover not only the material losses incurred, but also to compensate for moral damage if the moral or physical suffering of a passenger due to being late for an important meeting or business meeting is proven. It is worth noting that this criterion is especially important for travelers with serious illnesses, in which prolonged stress (waiting for a flight in uncomfortable conditions) can lead to irreparable consequences.

    The issue of identifying moral suffering in legal practice is considered one of the most problematic. Thus, an example of compensation for moral damages by an airline could be a situation where a passenger was late for the funeral of a relative or close friend due to a flight delay or cancellation. When filing a claim, you must indicate the extent of the damage, state the essence of the complaint and attach photocopies of evidence (as well as all necessary documentation).

    However, it is worth remembering the features of this procedure:

    1. Russian legislation does not have provisions regulating the amount of compensation for moral damage, so the amount of payments is set at the request of the victim.
    2. Compensation for moral damage requires proof of the air carrier's guilt; this is not always easy to achieve (after all, flight delays often occur due to force majeure situations).
    3. If the degree of moral suffering is insignificant, the passenger can file a petition for punitive damages in the name of the airline.

    The application must indicate the current payment details of the individual for the transfer of compensation. Consideration of a claim takes from several days to a month. The claim procedure for charters deserves special attention - the document is sent to the tour operator who organized the specific flight.

    Filing a claim with an airline in the event of a flight delay or cancellation does not require any special legal knowledge or skills. In most cases, such cases are resolved in favor of passengers, as a result of which they are compensated for losses incurred and possible moral damage. Therefore, do not be afraid to defend your rights and if the plane’s departure time is violated, immediately contact an air transportation employee.