How to get from Batumi to Tbilisi. Open left menu Batumi. Bus from Tbilisi to Batumi

How to get to Georgia (Batumi) from Turkey (Ankara) and back

We came to Georgia from Turkey and initially planned to spend a couple of days in the country, using it for extremely selfish purposes, namely to obtain a new stamp at the border, which would allow us to travel around Turkey for another month. But can Georgia leave anyone indifferent and not be captivated by the kindness of the people, the aroma of khinkali and heady wine? So the planned few days in Batumi turned into a whole month of stay in the country.

We arrived in Georgia by bus from Ankara. The country greeted us cordially: quick receipt of a stamp in our passport, friendly and fluent Russian-speaking staff at the border crossing.

How to get from Turkey to Georgia by bus

The Ankara-Batumi bus leaves from the ASTI bus station at 17:30 and arrives at the border crossing around 9 am. Ticket price is 65 liras. The bus is direct, so after crossing you get on it on the Georgian side. You will need to pick up your belongings from the bus before the border crossing. If it takes a long time for you to wait for the bus or you don’t want to, you can get to Batumi by taxi or by local public bus. We did just that, choosing the second option, the driver of the bus on which we were traveling from Ankara paid for us.

Crossing the Türkiye-Georgia border in Sarpi

The transition scheme is standard: first we put a departure stamp (you need to go through the door with the inscription Departure, not paying attention to the crowd of Turks receiving some pieces of paper with stamps at the nearby window), then we follow the yellow arrows to Georgian territory. It will take quite a long time to walk.

We head to the building marked Georgia, where Georgian passport control is located. We receive an arrival stamp and that’s it, you’re in Georgia!

How to get from Georgia to Turkey by bus

You can get from Tbilisi to Turkey by bus (at least towards Ankara-Istanbul) from the Ortachala bus station. You can get here like this: get there from the street. Baratashvili by bus 55 or 71 (the journey takes about 10-15 minutes), or after reaching the Isani metro station, transfer to bus 19 (the journey takes about 5 minutes).

All buses stop downstairs at the rear of the station. We bought tickets for 10 am. There are definitely departures at 11:00 and 18:30. The journey takes a little over 20 hours. A bus ticket from Tbilisi to Ankara costs 40 dollars or 67 lari, they sold it to us for 60 lari, because... We calculated a little incorrectly and left only 120 GEL for tickets.

Crossing the Georgia-Türkiye border at Sarpi

Crossing the Georgia-Turkey border is identical to that described above, only in reverse order. The only difficulty is that you have to carry all your things with you across the border.

Visa to Georgia for Russians

For citizens of the Russian Federation, obtaining a Georgian visa to stay in Georgia is not required. At the border they simply put a stamp in the passport. You don’t need to pay anything, you don’t need to fill out any cards. The stamp is affixed for 30 days (information for 2013).

How to get from Batumi to Tbilisi and Gonio

How to get from Batumi to Gonio

The fortress is located about 10 km. from Batumi, you need to go by bus No. 16. It’s difficult to drive past, the fortress is next to the road. The entrance ticket costs 3 GEL.

How to get from Batumi to Tbilisi by train

There is no railway station in Batumi itself. It is located 5-7 km from the city in the town of Makhinjauri. Therefore, you need to watch the Makhinjauri-Tbilisi train. Tickets cost 15 GEL - reserved seat, 20 GEL - compartment, 40 GEL - SV. Departure from Makhinjauri at 22:40, arrival in Tbilisi at 7:30. You can get to the railway station by bus from the Batumi bus station on Mayakovsky Street or by other public transport (you can check with the locals, they will tell you everything).

Accommodation in Batumi (hotels, Airbnb)

In Batumi, we did not look for or book anything in advance, leaving this matter to chance, so the city met us with the need to find housing, which, contrary to expectations, took quite a lot of time. We wandered around in the rain for several hours looking for a suitable option. In all the hotels we visited, the owners or employees, as usual, repeated the same price for a room - 60 lari (1200 rubles at the time of search; see the current lari exchange rate). We somehow hoped for more humane numbers, given that April is not the season at all.

Our accommodation in Batumi and other hotels

The search ended with settlement in hotel LUX on Gorgiladze (Gorky) street. After a short bargaining, we agreed with the owner for 35 lari (instead of 40 initially announced). During the season, prices are as follows: 50-80 GEL for a regular double and 100-140 for a suite. Hot water, internet, air conditioning with heating and cooling functions are available.

Having paid for several days in advance, we set out to settle into our new home, accompanied by the owner’s invitation to go downstairs in the evening and drink chacha and chat about this and that.

In our case, the difficulties in finding a place to stay were due to the fact that we were in Batumi during the off-season, when many hotels were simply closed. In the season, there will be exactly the opposite difficulty - everything will be open, but there are more than enough people willing, therefore, in both cases, it is better to take care of finding accommodation in advance, with which good old or Hotelluk, a large search engine, can help, which compares a huge variety of hotel options (including Booking, Agoda, etc.) and provides the best offers that match the requests:

Accommodation in Batumi from Airbnb

Other housing options in Georgia are offers from private owners. There are three possible ways here: searching for private owners on the spot (they can find you themselves, for example, while we were traveling by bus from Sarpi to Batumi, a woman offered us to rent a room in her house in the private sector), searching for offers through advertisements on the Internet, or rental housing from local hosts on the Airbnb website. In my opinion, the last option is the simplest, most understandable and convenient (when we were in Georgia we didn’t know anything about this resource, but since then we have used it several times and can confidently recommend it).

What is Airbnb? This is a resource with which you can rent housing from private individuals around the world (including in Georgia). Airbnb acts as a kind of connecting link between tourists and hosts, guaranteeing the security of the transaction and its maximum simplicity.

Here are the relevant sections of the site:

By clicking on the last link, you will be taken to a section where all the accommodation options in Georgia offered on Airbnb will be collected. There you can enter in the upper left corner the name of the city you are interested in, and you will receive a selection of housing specifically for it, plus you have the opportunity to “play” with other parameters to select the options that best suit your personal needs (the picture is enlarged):

For details about the operation of the Airbnb service and the procedure for making a reservation, as well as a $20 bonus for the first booking (for unregistered users), look in the already mentioned instruction article. There are also reviews and links to specific rooms and apartments that Andryusiks and I rented.

Map with sights of Batumi

List of Batumi attractions marked on the map

  • Waterpark Batumi
  • Avenue of Heroes
  • Alphabet Tower
  • Armenian Church (Church of Holy Christ the All-Savior)
  • Batumi City Hall
  • Batumi Civil Registry Office
  • Batumi Cape
  • Dolphinarium
  • House of Justice
  • Drama Theater named after. Chavchavadze
  • Adjara Government Building
  • Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Apollo Cinema
  • Ferris wheel
  • Colonnade of Primorsky Park
  • Constitutional Court of Georgia
  • Gonio Fortress
  • Orta Jame Mosque
  • Adjara Museum
  • Hotel Radisson
  • Hotel Hilton
  • Sheraton Hotel
  • Government house
  • Restaurant "Ukrainochka"
  • Whitehouse Restaurant (upside down house)
  • Synagogue
  • Statue "Love"
  • Medea statue
  • Abashidze Street
  • Fountain
  • Art Museum
  • Color-musical fountain
  • Church of St. Nicholas
  • Church of St. Barbara
  • Miracle Park


), and then return the car to Batumi or return with it.

Road Tbilisi – Batumi

There are several areas:

Tbilisi-Khashuri, 131 km, speed 110 km/h, two lanes

Tbilisi-Khashuri highway

After Khashuri the road turns into a single-lane road with restrictions 60 km/h. Partially through populated areas.

Now they are building a highway from Kutaisi to Batumi. It is not yet on Google maps, but on maps it is drawn as a dotted line, follow the signs. So far, only some areas are ready.

Through them the speed reaches 110 km/h. When you leave the highway, you again find yourself on a road through populated areas (one lane in each direction) and railway crossings, the speed there is already average 50 km/h.

We drive slowly through the villages

In summer, when the route is busy, the journey may take longer.

On Sunday afternoon there is heavy traffic from Batumi towards Tbilisi. On Friday - from Tbilisi to Batumi.

We are going to Batumi on Sunday, and the entire flow of cars goes to Tbilisi

What to see on the road from Tbilisi to Batumi

If you travel from Tbilisi to Batumi by car, you can see these places along the way:

Buy tickets online on the official website of the Georgian railways Registration is required, but everything there is easy and intuitive.

Tickets start selling for 40 days before the trip. In summer, buy your tickets as early as possible.

We select “Internet tickets”, register, find a train for the desired date, fill in the passenger data (indicate the foreign passport number). Payment by card of any bank, they add a 2% commission

After purchase will be written booking code. There is no need to print anything. Take a photo of the ticket with the code on your phone and show it to the conductor along with your passport.

Discounts for children:

  1. Together with a passenger for free one child can go up to 5 years if he does not take up separate space. If you occupy a separate seat, then you need a child ticket
  2. Children from 5 to 9 years traveling with a child's ticket 50% discount. Have your birth certificate with you. For children 10+ needed full ticket.

There are day and night trains from Tbilisi to Batumi:

· Night №812 Stadler. Seems like a good option (helps you save a night on a hotel), but I don't recommend it. There are only seats, the backs don't recline, and the lights are on all night. There are no more regular carriages with compartments or reserved seats.

· Stadler(No. 802, 804, 806, 808) - a daytime modern two-story quiet train with seating.

In 1st class there are two seats together, in 2nd class there are three + two seats.

There is wifi in Stadler (the speed is not great, but ok for surfing). Some seats are positioned so that you ride backwards.

2nd class

There are toilets. They provide free bottles of water (in 1st grade). There are vending machines with water and chips. It's better to take food with you.

Price 30 lari($11/720 RUR)
Travel time 6.5 hours


Departure: bus station Ortachala in Tbilisi, st. Gulia, 1
Landing site coordinates: 41.67512, 44.835648

  • Daily: 9:00; 10:30; 15:00; 12:00; 15:00; 23:59; 2:00
  • Additional flight only on Fridays: 09:30


Arrives and departs from the New Bus Station Batumi: Metro Bus Terminal, st. Gogolya, 1

  • Daily: 9:00; 12:00; 15:00; 20:00; 23:59; 1:00; 2:00
  • Additional flight only on Sundays: 20:00

Check the schedule on the website for the desired date.

Ortachala station in Tbilisi

The bus follows the highway past the turns to Grigoleti, Ureki, Shekvetili, and makes a stop in Kobuleti. If you need to go not to Batumi, but to one of the villages on the coast, just ask the driver to stop and get out early.

It makes no difference which side you sit on. If you choose seats near the right window, you will be able to periodically see the sea for the last hour and a half before Batumi.

I tried the Metro Georgia bus for myself. Its main advantage, compared to the train, is more flights per day.

And in the summer, train tickets are purchased in advance. The bus is less popular, so there is a chance to buy tickets a few days before the trip.

Only guys were on the bus to Batumi

You can buy a ticket at the Metro Georgia ticket office at Ortachala station, but it’s better to buy it online in advance. When purchasing, you can choose a seat (if you have long legs, I recommend not sitting near the central doors - there is a vertical partition and little legroom).

You don’t need to print anything, just arrive at the station 10-15 minutes before departure, go to the ticket office, name your seats and get your boarding passes.

The bus made only one stop for 20 minutes; you could eat in a cafe, buy snacks and go to the toilet for 0.5 GEL.

There is enough legroom, the seats recline, there is wifi and monitors (movies in Russian, TV, music, games), they provide free water and tea and coffee. There is no toilet on the bus.

The ride is comfortable, but partly along winding roads, so if you get motion sickness, it is better to choose a train.

The seats on the bus recline

How to get to the train stations?

In Tbilisi, the metro station closest to the Ortachala station is called Isani, and it is 1.7 km from the station.

It's easier to get there by taxi. We drove from Rustaveli Avenue, paid only 4.5 GEL(less than $2).

If you go from old Tbilisi, it will be no more than 3 lari ( 1.1$ ). About.

IN Batumi You can also call a taxi from the station to your apartment or hotel. They charged us for 6 km in Batumi 7 lari. Buses also go to the center.

Minibus Tbilisi Batumi

Price: 25 lari($9 or 600 rubles)
Travel time 5-6 hours
Movement interval: every hour

Departure from Tbilisi: bus station at metro station Didube
Departure from Batumi: central bus station, st. Mayakovsky, 1. Coordinates: 41.643717, 41.650378

The minibus travels no faster than a bus or train, drivers like to smoke through the open window, there is not much room for luggage, and, accordingly, neither for legs.

This travel option from Tbilisi to Batumi is more of a last resort, when train or bus tickets are sold out or if the schedule of other transport does not suit you.

Taxi Tbilisi Batumi

If there are several of you or if you are traveling with small children, you can book a transfer on gotrip

Price per car from 81$ (5300 rubles) for a trip from Tbilisi to Batumi or from Batumi to Tbilisi.

You can add additional points to the route and stop along the way, for example, in Mtskheta, Gori and Uplistsikhe or Borjomi.

Conclusion: what is the best way to get from Tbilisi to Batumi?

Airplane– costs 6 times more than a bus, but is a little faster. If you take into account the journey to and from the airport and going through security, it takes about 3 hours.

Train Stadler(morning or evening) - a quick and convenient way. Just 5 hours in a seated carriage with wifi and a toilet, and you’re there. Disadvantages of the train: it runs only twice a day; in summer, tickets are sold out 40 days in advance.

Bus. Advantages of the bus: more or less comfortable seats, wifi, TV, travel time of 6 hours can also be considered a plus. Minus: the cabin is noisy, there is no toilet, some may get motion sickness.

Auto or taxi- no comments here, because... The car gives you the opportunity to stop in any beautiful place and complete freedom.

Green mountains and suitable travel companions to you!

Mila Demenkova

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    • Mila Demenkova


    Georgia is a small country; you can travel the length and breadth of it in one day. Its transport infrastructure is well developed. The distance from Tbilisi to Batumi is 375 km, which can be covered by road, train or plane.

    Tbilisi-Batumi by train

    Due to the terrain, Georgia's railway infrastructure is poorly developed. The longest route is the path from Tbilisi to Batumi, and it is the main one. In addition to it, there are branches to Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Rustavi, etc. Also preserved, now international, are directions to Yerevan and Baku. If all year round international trains travel only to Tbilisi, in the summer their route is extended to Batumi.

    "Batumi Central"

    Many tourists prefer to travel by rail because of the comfort. All Tbilisi-Batumi trains consist of comfortable carriages, but only with soft chairs; even on the night train there is no opportunity to lie down. This factor should be taken into account when purchasing night train tickets.

    If until the summer of 2015 Batumi trains stopped in the suburb of Makhinjauri, now passengers are served by a modern station - Batumi Central.

    Trains are distinguished by their comfort, quantity and quality of services. During the day, the following depart from Tbilisi to Batumi and back:

    • double-decker train of the Swiss company Stadler Rail AG;
    • high-speed train;
    • night Train;
    • international trains (summer).

    The Stadler high-speed train covers the almost 400-kilometer route in 5 hours. The carriages have wi-fi, the Internet speed is not that great, but it is enough for surfing and communication. The carriages are divided into comfort classes, which determines the cost of tickets.

    The carriages are quiet, as noise is absorbed. The train stops only at the intermediate stations of Ureki and Kobuleti.

    Tbilisi-Batumi - high-speed trains and night express trains are equipped with soft chairs, so passengers do not have the opportunity to lie on sofas.

    International trains run to Batumi only in summer. They are old, Soviet-era trains, so you can lie in a compartment there.

    When traveling by train, please note that it is not necessary to buy tickets for children under 5 years old, but children may be left without a seat. Children from 5 to 10 years old need to buy tickets, there is a discount. There are also discounts for students and students.

    Providing identification is required to purchase tickets. Discount tickets can also be purchased only on the basis of the appropriate document, which must be shown upon boarding.

    You can find out the Tbilisi-Batumi train schedule and ticket prices on the official website of the Georgian railway You can also buy tickets for the Tbilisi-Batumi train on the websites, Registration is required to make a purchase.

    Bus from Tbilisi to Batumi

    The next type of transport on which you can travel comfortably is the Batumi-Tbilisi bus or the return flight of the Metro transport company. This company is a partner of the European holding Metro and has been operating in Georgia since 2014.

    Passengers are offered new, comfortable buses manufactured in 2014 with 50 seats.

    All seats are equipped with personal HD monitors. Passengers can choose their own entertainment along the way, as the buses have Wi-Fi, which can be used for free.

    The buses are accompanied by qualified conductors who will not only offer drinks and treats, but also answer your questions and provide assistance along the way.

    Highly qualified and experienced drivers regularly undergo training to improve their skills, so traveling on Metro buses is not only comfortable, but also safe. On the way, the bus stops once for 20-30 minutes so that passengers can eat at a roadside restaurant and go to the toilet, since there is none on the bus.

    branded bus "Metro"

    Metro buses are noticeable: they are white with a company logo. There are no other transport companies transporting passengers by bus in Georgia, so you should not look for them.

    From Tbilisi, Metro buses depart from the Ortachala bus station, st. Gulia, 1 every 3 hours. Similarly, buses from the bus station depart to the street. Gogol 1 in Batumi. Ticket price is 30 GEL.

    Tickets can be purchased on the company’s website or by phone by contacting the operator. The Batumi-Tbilisi bus schedule and other more detailed information can be found on the web page If you don't get motion sickness when traveling on mountain roads, traveling by bus will not be exhausting.

    Minibus Tbilisi-Batumi

    A reliable budget mode of transport, which you can always use when it is impossible to get train or bus tickets, is the so-called “minibus” - private cabs in minibuses.

    The minibus is accessible because minibuses depart from many sites. Only at Tbilisi-Central (train station) there are 3 platforms from which minibuses depart. One below, on the station square, and two on the side of Tsotne Dadiani Street. Exit to the upper platforms from the hall where train tickets are sold: one on the right, the other on the left.

    There are two or three platforms from which minibuses depart for Batumi at the Didube bus station.

    Travel time if you travel by minibus is no less and no more than by train or bus.

    What to consider when traveling in minibuses.

    1. Some drivers like to smoke through the window; if you can’t stand tobacco smoke, it’s better not to get in, fortunately, there are other cars within walking distance. You can also warn the driver and he will not smoke. In the summer, minibuses leave almost every half hour, so there is practically no risk of not leaving.
    2. The minibus stops once at a road restaurant, where you can eat and go to the toilet, but the car will always stop on request.
    3. Many minibuses traveling along the Tbilisi-Batumi route or vice versa are quite comfortable, but you may also encounter old cars. Greater competition makes it possible to choose a more comfortable one.
    4. Tourists who are not accustomed to the driving style of drivers in Georgia are shocked by the driving style. New traffic rules and the adopted 100-point system for recording violations have somewhat tempered the ardor of the Schumachers, but drivers still often drive over the speed limit.

    Tbilisi-Batumi other types of transfer

    Some drivers in Georgia use online services for finding travel companions and advertise on the BlaBlaCar website and similar ones. This is not always convenient or possible.

    Air travel from Tbilisi to Batumi is also one of the popular types of crossing the country. The plane travels for about 60 minutes. Flights are operated by Service Air. Flight schedules and ticket prices vary depending on the season.

    Airplane flights are very expensive, since in addition to tickets you will also need to get to/from the airport. And they fly irregularly.

    The Viva-Georgia company is ready to offer the most comfortable, safe and convenient transfer from Tbilisi to Batumi or the return route by car. This method of travel is relatively inexpensive and comfortable, suitable for families with children and small groups (fellow travelers, relatives, friends). The advantage of a transfer is also that you can stop where you like and eat in a restaurant that inspires confidence.

    In contact with

    Upon arrival in Georgia, many strive to visit the most popular cities of the state. Among them, Batumi is especially popular. This is a city unique in its culture, architecture and recreational options. Every tourist will find something interesting and useful for themselves. Guests of the city are attracted by comfortable beaches, various excursions, and recreational tourism, which is why the question of how to get from Tbilisi to Batumi is so relevant. You can enjoy visiting the zoo, museums, fortresses, and amusement parks.

    Attracts high-quality service, gentle sun, clean white beaches and sea with clear water. Numerous attractions deserve special attention. By visiting this beautiful city, you can enjoy an aesthetic relaxation from and from practicing all possible sports.

    Due to the fact that many people begin their acquaintance with Georgia from Tbilisi, and then go to other cities, it is worth considering the question of how to get to Batumi from here. Several options will be presented to your attention, among which you can easily choose the most comfortable and fastest one. You can get from Tbilisi to Batumi in different ways - by bus, minibus, plane, taxi, train. Each option will be discussed in more detail below.

    Traveling by car

    The distance from Tbilisi to Batumi is 374 km. By car this distance can be covered in 5-6 hours. You will have to drive along a good road; there will be few settlements along the way. The slowest section is the distance between Grigoleti and Batumi. The road is narrow and runs along the coast, so the speed limit is set at 60-65 km/h. The cost of the trip will depend on the amount of gasoline and whether you use your own or a rented car. On average, 30 liters of fuel are spent, which costs 29€ - 45€.

    Train Tbilisi-Batumi

    If you want to get from Tbilisi to Batumi, how to get there is an important question. You can solve it, just buy Tbilisi-Batumi train tickets for 6€ - 8€ one way.

    The Tbilisi night and day train runs along this route. The journey will take approximately 5 hours. It is better not to take tickets for a night flight, since this route only offers seats due to the lack of compartment and reserved seat carriages, and it is not convenient to travel while sitting at night. It is better to give preference to the more comfortable daytime train Stadlier. This train to Tbilisi offers comfortable seats, wifi, power outlets and clean toilets.

    To Batumi by bus

    To get to the city by bus, you need to buy Tbilisi-Batumi tickets. Approximate travel time will be 6 hours. The bus leaves from Ortachala station to Tbilisi, on the street. Gulia, 1, and arrives in Batumi at the new Metro Bus Terminal, st. Gogol, 1.

    The bus goes through Grigoleti, Ureki, Shekvetili, and makes a 20-minute stop in Kobuleti, where you can have a snack, stretch and go to the toilet. If you want to buy yourself comfortable seats, you should take care of purchasing tickets in advance. For example, if you want to comfortably stretch your legs during the trip, you should not sit near the central doors. Due to the installed partition, there is little space for the legs. You can buy Tbilisi-Batumi tickets in summer for about 8€.

    Ride by minibus

    You can buy Tbilisi-Batumi tickets for a minibus at about the same cost as for a bus. Transport departs from the bus station near the Didube metro station. Travel time is 6-7 hours. The advantage of this option is that there is no need to purchase tickets in advance and you do not need to adjust to the schedule. Minibuses depart every hour. Naturally, you will have to be prepared for some inconveniences, since the seats are not so comfortable and there is not enough space for luggage.

    If you wish, you can buy Tbilisi-Batumi tickets for a transfer or taxi. The cost of the trip in this case will depend on the class of car and the total number of passengers. On average the price ranges from 130€ – 170€.

    Traveling by plane

    On this route, a direct flight from Georgian Airways takes approximately 40 minutes. The schedule directly depends on the season, but in any case, the flight does not operate every day. As for the cost, it is about 6 times more expensive than a bus, approximately 70 €.

    Summing up

    Batumi is the real personification of modern Georgia. These are unique beaches that are equally visited by Russian and European tourists. In nightclubs you can enjoy music from the most famous DJs on the planet, hotels offer high-quality service, and restaurants you can enjoy delicious national cuisine.

    The fastest and relatively inexpensive way to get to this resort paradise is by train. After 5 hours of comfortable seating in comfortable seats, with wifi and free water in first class, you can travel from one city to another. An equally preferable form of transport is traveling by private car or taxi. This is complete freedom and the opportunity, if necessary, to stay in any attractive place!

    The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets to Batumi, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

    Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in August prices reach an average of 20,485 rubles, and in October the cost of tickets drops to an average of 15,358 rubles. Plan your trip now!

    We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

    What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine the best time to purchase airline tickets.

    See how the price of air tickets to Batumi changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 39%. The minimum price for a flight to Batumi is 48 days before departure, approximately 17,345 rubles. The maximum price for a flight to Batumi is on the day of departure, approximately 28,997 rubles. In most cases, early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

    The cost of air tickets to Batumi does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

    According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights to Batumi is on Wednesdays, their average cost is 18,025 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Thursdays, their average cost is 19,101 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

    The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. An airline can operate several flights on one day, and they will differ in price category.

    The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket to Batumi in the morning is 21,751 rubles, and in the evening 22,773 rubles. Evaluate all conditions and choose the best offer.

    The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets to Batumi on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets to Batumi from the carrier that suits you.

    Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. The lowest prices for air tickets to Batumi are offered by FlexFlight, the highest prices are offered by Globus.